type: scanner scanner_name: openscap image_name: registry.access.redhat.com/rhel7/openscap default_scan: cve custom_args: ['-v', '/etc/oscapd:/etc/oscapd:ro'] scans: [ { name: cve, args: ['oscapd-evaluate', 'scan', '--no-standard-compliance', '--targets', 'chroots-in-dir:///scanin', '--output', '/scanout', '-j1'], description: "Performs a CVE scan based on Red Hat relesead CVE OVAL. !WARNING! This CVE is built into container image and it might be out-of-date. Change config.ini to configure the scanner to fetch latest CVE data"}, { name: standards_compliance, args: ['oscapd-evaluate', 'scan', '--targets', 'chroots-in-dir:///scanin', '--output', '/scanout', '--no-cve-scan', '-j1'], description: "!DEPRECATED! Performs scan with Standard Profile, as present in SCAP Security Guide shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux" }, { name: configuration_compliance, args: ['oscapd-evaluate', 'scan', '--targets', 'chroots-in-dir:///scanin', '--output', '/scanout', '--no-cve-scan', '-j1'], description: "Performs a configuration compliance scan according to selected profile from SCAP Security Guide shipped in Red Hat Enterprise Linux." } ]