[ { "id": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "type": "tab", "label": "PID controller with PWM", "disabled": false, "info": "**Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) contoller with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)**\n\nA **Proportional Integral Derivative** controller (**PID** controller or three term controller) is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control. A PID controller continuously calculates an error value e(t) as the difference between a desired setpoint (SP) and a measured process variable (PV) and applies a correction based on proportional, integral, and derivative terms (denoted P, I, and D respectively) which give the controller its name.\n\n**Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)** is an on / off action that differs from an on / off differential by changing the length of the “on” time based on how much the actual temperature differs from the desired.\n\n" }, { "id": "3b2f276d.f78af8", "type": "PID", "z": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "name": "", "setpoint": "28", "pb": 1, "ti": "600", "td": "100", "integral_default": 0.5, "smooth_factor": 3, "max_interval": 600, "enable": 1, "disabled_op": 0, "x": 270, "y": 140, "wires": [ [ "f11a669f.1b4a68" ] ] }, { "id": "f11a669f.1b4a68", "type": "timeprop", "z": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "name": "PWM", "cycleTime": 600, "deadTime": 0, "triggerPeriod": 10, "invert": false, "x": 410, "y": 140, "wires": [ [ "3e2f4ba3.477c64" ] ] }, { "id": "ff792971.0d01d8", "type": "realknx-in", "z": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "name": "Current temp", "controller": "", "itemname": "", "passthru": false, "booleanoutput": false, "outputatstartup": false, "x": 110, "y": 140, "wires": [ [ "3b2f276d.f78af8" ] ] }, { "id": "3e2f4ba3.477c64", "type": "realknx-out", "z": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "name": "Heater", "controller": "", "itemname": "", "topic": "", "payload": "", "booleaninput": true, "x": 550, "y": 140, "wires": [] }, { "id": "9a0e8e53.4c2ad", "type": "comment", "z": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "name": "PID controller with PWM for control of real world processes (heating a hot tub e.g.).", "info": "**Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) contoller with Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)**\n\nA **Proportional Integral Derivative** controller (**PID** controller or three term controller) is a control loop feedback mechanism widely used in industrial control systems and a variety of other applications requiring continuously modulated control. A PID controller continuously calculates an error value e(t) as the difference between a desired setpoint (SP) and a measured process variable (PV) and applies a correction based on proportional, integral, and derivative terms (denoted P, I, and D respectively) which give the controller its name.\n\n**Pulse Width Modulation (PWM)** is an on / off action that differs from an on / off differential by changing the length of the “on” time based on how much the actual temperature differs from the desired.\n\n", "x": 330, "y": 100, "wires": [] }, { "id": "5c973c07.c32e74", "type": "comment", "z": "568124f3.9b5b4c", "name": "This flow is untested, if you test and find it useful, please give send feedback to: dev.proknx@gmail.com", "info": "", "x": 390, "y": 60, "wires": [] } ]