/* * Code to power the Particle Photon connected to a thermal printer. * Waits for a HTTP POST request then adds to to a queue to prints it on the * thermal printer * * Project details at * prototypingcorner.io/projects/wunderlist-task-printer * * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2016 Prototyping Corner * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. */ // Include some libraies for thermal printer managment #include "Adafruit_Thermal/Adafruit_Thermal.h" // Configure Pins #define BUZZER 0 // Piezo Buzzer #define PWRLED 3 // Power Status LED #define HBLED 2 // Heart Beat LED #define STATLED 1 // Thermal Printer Status LED #define BTN 4 // Input Button pin // Define Printer in Adafruit Thermal printer Library (for sending commands) Adafruit_Thermal printer; // Misc. Variables to use globaly in code const int printerBAUD = 19200; // Printer Baud rate, see test page (9600 / 19200) const String sepLine = "________________________________"; // 32 hypens to create boarder line const int charactersPerLine = 16; // Characters that fit on one line of thermal paper const int maxBodyLength = 255; const String boxChar = "[]"; // Character to display at begining of task print mode (printTask) // Array to store values in const int bufferSize = 50; String store[bufferSize]; int currentBuffPos = 0; void setup() { // Configure Pins pinMode(BUZZER, OUTPUT); pinMode(PWRLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(HBLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(STATLED, OUTPUT); pinMode(BTN, INPUT_PULLUP); switchPWR(); // Indicate System is Starting by turning on PWRLED initPrinter(); // Initiate Thermal Printer // Initialize Particle Functions Particle.function("header", printHeading); // For printing large Headers Particle.function("body", printBody); // Normal text Particle.function("task", printTask); // Printing Lists or Tasks - Includes boxChar [] at beginging of print } void loop() { HB(); // Change Heart Beat to indicate system is responding delay(50); // Add small delay for HB // Check Button for press if(digitalRead(BTN) == LOW) printBuffer(); } // Print content of Buffer to thermal printer void printBuffer() { switchStat(); for(int i = 0; i < currentBuffPos + 1; i++) { fastPrint(store[i]); } clearBuffer(); switchStat(); } // Particle Functions // For printing large headings int printHeading(String input) { // Set Status LED to indicate Proccessing state switchStat(); fastPrint(sepLine); // Print Seperator Line at header //feed(2); // Set Text to HEADING resetText(); printer.setSize('L'); printer.justify('C'); fastPrint(shorten(charactersPerLine, input)); resetText(); // Set Status LED to indicate end of proccessing state switchStat(); return 1; } // Adds input to buffer int printTask(String input) { // Initiate Printing switchStat(); // Store value in buffer String toStore = "[] " + input; store[currentBuffPos] = toStore; currentBuffPos++; switchStat(); // Change Status indicator return 1; } void clearBuffer() { for(int i = 0; i < bufferSize; i++) { store[i] = ""; } currentBuffPos = 0; } // For printing ordinary text int printBody(String input) { // Set Status LED to indicate Proccessing state switchStat(); resetText(); fastPrint(shorten(maxBodyLength, input)); // Print Shortend input value fastPrint(sepLine); // Print Seperator Line // Set Status LED to indicate end of proccessing state switchStat(); return 1; } // shorten function. Accepts input length (int) and input string (String) String shorten(int length, String inputString) { String outputString = ""; int inputSize = inputString.length(); // Get length of String in characters // if length of String exceeds threshold if(inputSize > length) { char buffer[inputSize]; inputString.toCharArray(buffer, inputSize); // Convert input string to char array for(int i = 0; i < (length - 3); i++) { outputString += buffer[i]; } outputString += "..."; // Trailing dots } else { outputString = inputString; } return outputString; // Return formated String } // Power LED state switcher bool pwrState = false; // State of PWRLED void switchPWR() { if(pwrState) { pwrState = false; digitalWrite(PWRLED, HIGH); } else { pwrState = true; digitalWrite(PWRLED, LOW); } } // Status LED state switcher bool statState = false; void switchStat() { if(statState) { statState = false; digitalWrite(STATLED, HIGH); } else { statState = true; digitalWrite(STATLED, LOW); } } // Heartbeat LED changer (switch state of HBLED to indicate software is responding) bool heartState = false; void HB() { if(heartState) { heartState = false; digitalWrite(HBLED, HIGH); } else { heartState = true; digitalWrite(HBLED, LOW); } } // Thermal Printer Methods // Directly send string to thermal printer (Serial1) void fastPrint(String toPrint) { Serial1.println(toPrint); } // fastPrint overload to add feed at end of print void fastPrint(String toPrint, bool feedAtEnd) { fastPrint(toPrint); feed(2); } // Print Empty Paper (Feed) void feed(int amount) { for(int i = 0; i < amount; i++) { fastPrint(" "); // Send blank lines to printer } } // Initiate Printer void initPrinter() { switchStat(); // Turn on status LED while setting up printer Serial1.begin(printerBAUD); // Setup Serial1 - RX/TX pins (Serial is USB) printer.begin(&Serial1); // Configure printer in Adafruit Thermal library switchStat(); // Turn off status LED (will turn on again in printerDefault method) printerDefault(); // Restore printer to defaults char printDensity = 15; char printBreakTime = 15; Serial1.write(27); Serial1.write(55); Serial1.write(7); Serial1.write(200); // Heat time Serial1.write(255); // Heat interval Serial1.write(30); Serial1.write(35); int printSettings = (printDensity<<4) | printBreakTime; Serial1.write(printSettings); } // Set printer to default config void printerDefault() { // Turn on status LED while preforming actions on thermal printer switchStat(); printer.setDefault(); switchStat(); } // Reset Text Styles void resetText() { switchStat(); // Switch Status LED // Reset all text styles on printer printer.inverseOff(); printer.justify('L'); printer.doubleHeightOff(); printer.underlineOff(); printer.setSize('S'); switchStat(); // Switch Status LED } // END OF CODE