@base . @prefix rdfs: . @prefix rdf: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix owl: . @prefix skos: . # FoLiA Set Definitions use SKOS: # - Sets corresponds to Collections (skos:Collection) # - Classes corresponds to Concepts (skos:Concept) # - IDs for both sets and classes anotation attribute is mandatory # set type (non-SKOS) <#open> a owl:DataTypeProperty ; a rdf:Property ; #for non-OWL aware applications skos:definition "Open set definition. Classes may refer to anything. Otherwise, the set is closed." ; rdfs:domain skos:Collection . rdfs:range xsd:boolean . <#empty> a owl:DataTypeProperty ; a rdf:Property ;#for non-OWL aware applications skos:definition "Empty set definition. The set itself takes no classes, it may however still define subsets." ; rdfs:domain skos:Collection . rdfs:range xsd:boolean . #non-SKOS: <#sequenceNumber> a owl:DataTypeProperty ; a rdf:Property ; #for non-OWL aware applications skos:definition "The sequence number determines an explicit ordering of classes for presentational purposes, alphabetic ordering should be assumed if no sequence numbers are present" ; rdfs:domain skos:Collection ; rdfs:target xsd:integer . #Constraints (non-SKOS) <#Constraint> a owl:Class ; a rdf:Resource ; rdfs:label "A named constraint, containing one or more constrain properies" . <#constraintType> a owl:DataTypeProperty ; a rdf:Property ; #for non-OWL aware applications rdfs:label "Constraint Type, can be set to any, all or none" ; rdfs:domain <#Constraint> ; rdfs:range xsd:string . <#constrain> a rdf:Property , owl:ObjectProperty ; rdfs:label "A constrain relation" ; rdfs:domain [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( skos:Concept skos:Collection <#Constraint> ) ] ; rdfs:range [ rdf:type owl:Class ; owl:unionOf ( skos:Concept skos:Collection <#Constraint> ) ] .