== Changelog ==
= 7.2.6 (2025-02-16) =
- Fixed a PHP Error triggered when the "%s Star | %s Stars" text is missing the placeholder tags in the Settings > Strings page.
= 7.2.5 (2025-02-12) =
- Fixed a XSS vulnerability in the review form.
= 7.2.4 (2025-02-11) =
- Fixed a PHP notice that could be triggered when other plugins use the gettext_default filter hook incorrectly.
- Fixed a PHP notice that could be triggered when other plugins use the the_editor filter hook incorrectly.
- Fixed mimetype checking for some server configurations.
- Fixed the "Delete data on uninstall" setting.
- Fixed the documentation for the `glsr_get_ratings` function.
- Fixed the `glsr_update_review` function to allow updating assigned_terms.
- Fixed the form signature validator when hooks are used to modify the request before a review is created.
- Fixed the Friendlycaptcha validator.
- Fixed the number of stars in the rating field when an invalid text translation is used.
- Fixed the Settings defaults fallback.
- Fixed the Site Reviews > Tools page from throwing an error when the WordPress Site Health > Info page crashes (this can happen on a misconfigured server or a server which runs out of available processes).
= 7.2.3 (2024-10-31) =
- Fixed broken HTML in FAQ documentation.
- Fixed compatibility with the User Activity Log plugin.
- Fixed validation of plugin settings which prevented some addon settings from saving correctly.
= 7.2.2 (2024-10-25) =
- Fixed form validation to catch manually modified hidden fields
= 7.2.1 (2024-10-24) =
- Added global color support to the Elementor widgets.
- Added [Prosopo Procaptcha](https://prosopo.io/) integration.
- Added [Ultimate Member](https://ultimatemember.com/) integration.
- Added support for Range fields ([Review Forms](https://niftyplugins.com/plugins/site-reviews-forms/) addon required).
- Added support for responsive custom fields ([Review Forms](https://niftyplugins.com/plugins/site-reviews-forms/) addon required).
- Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce block themes.
- Fixed license key masking when an addon is deactivated.
- Fixed responsive setting fields.
- Fixed WooCommerce product rating counts when using the Import Product Reviews tool to revert a product ratings migration.
= 7.1.1 (2024-09-27) =
- Fixed the review count in pagination and the rating summary when multiple post assignments are used
= 7.1.0 (2024-09-26) =
- Added "Resend Verification Email" button to reviews.
- Added the previous major version to the Rollback tool (i.e. you can now rollback from v7 to v6).
- Updated the addon update checker to use the WordPress update hooks.
- Updated the review exporter to support images (Review Images addon required) and custom fields (Review Forms addon required).
- Updated the review importer to support images (Review Images addon required), custom fields (Review Forms addon required), and skip already imported reviews.
- Fixed compatibility with the Enfold theme's duplicate post feature.
- Fixed multilingual taxonomy integration.
- Fixed some visual inconsistancies in the admin.
- Fixed the review count in the dashboard widget.
= 7.0.18 (2024-08-16) =
- Fixed a potential PHP error when normalizing rating arrays
= 7.0.17 (2024-08-11) =
- Fixed a PHP deprecated notice
- Fixed metabox styling
- Fixed the Custom ID option in Rating Summary block
= 7.0.16 (2024-07-16) =
- Fixed Elementor widget style settings
= 7.0.15 (2024-07-09) =
- Fixed aria-label usage on star ratings (fixes Google PageSpeed report errors)
- Fixed mime_type check of CSV files
= 7.0.14 (2024-07-08) =
- Fixed Assigned Users metabox value when the user's display name is empty
- Fixed Author metabox value when the author is anonymous
= 7.0.13 (2024-07-06) =
- Fixed autoload of settings
- Fixed Date fields
- Fixed Initials avatars with Cyrillic letters
- Fixed WooCommerce rating styles
- Improved mimetype check for uploaded files
= 7.0.12 (2024-06-23) =
- Updated the maximum supported WooCommerce version
= 7.0.11 (2024-06-07) =
- Fixed average rating and ranking values of assigned posts/terms/users when a review's rating is changed
- Fixed CSS for custom rating star images
- Fixed CSV import when file contains malformed UTF-8 characters
- Fixed execution order of the "site-reviews/review/responded" hook
- Fixed FlyingPress compatibility
- Fixed page scroll when expanding excerpts of long reviews
- Fixed "verified owner" value when importing WooCommerce Product reviews
= 7.0.10 (2024-05-13) =
- Fixed the "Contact Form 7" plugin style
= 7.0.9 (2024-05-10) =
- Fixed addon activation
- Fixed class option in review forms
- Fixed "Optimise Your Database Tables" tool
= 7.0.8 (2024-05-07) =
- Fixed role capabilities for Review Forms and Review Themes addons
= 7.0.7 (2024-05-06) =
- Fixed filter hooks for custom fields
= 7.0.6 (2024-05-05) =
- Fixed compatibility with [FacetWP](https://facetwp.com/) debug mode
= 7.0.5 (2024-05-04) =
- Fixed database permission error
- Fixed Hard Reset migration button
- Fixed list of available rollback plugin versions
- Fixed Pixel avatar generation
- Fixed rollback tool
- Fixed settings migration
- Queued plugin migration instead of running it immediately. Hopefully this will fix the update issues people are experiencing.
= 7.0.0 (2024-05-03) =
- ✨ Added the Review Actions addon
- 🚨 Requires all installed addons to be updated!
- 🚨 Requires at least PHP v7.4
- 🚨 Requires at least WordPress v6.1
- 🚨 Moved CSS variables from `:root {}` to `body {}`.
- Added an example CSV file that can be downloaded on the Import Reviews tool
- Added [Avada](https://avada.com/) Fusion Builder Elements
- Added Dashboard widget
- Added exponential-backoff strategy to API calls
- Added IP address detection tool settings
- Added [JetWooBuilder](https://crocoblock.com/plugins/jetwoobuilder/) integration
- Added Migrate Product Ratings to the Import Roduct Reviews tool (allows third-party plugins to filter products by rating)
- Added Reviews metabox to WooCommerce product pages
- Added [SEOPress](https://wordpress.org/plugins/wp-seopress/) integration
- Added style controls to Elementor widgets
- Added support for conditional fields in review forms (Review Forms addon required)
- Added support for multilingual categories
- Added support for SQLite databases
- Fixed bulk-delete of scheduled actions
- Fixed compatibility with the Cookie Cracker plugin
- Fixed Discord notifications for reviews with more than 2000 characters
- Fixed display of rating stars in review revisions
- Fixed Divi button style
- Fixed excerpts in cases when the PHP Intl extension is misconfigured
- Fixed pinned reviews when the WooCommerce integration is enabled
- Fixed review dates from converting the date to the site's timezone
- Fixed {review_link} notification tag
- Fixed SQL error when filtering reviews by "No author"
- Fixed validation message setting with WPML/Polylang
- Fixed [WooRewards](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woorewards/) integration
- Removed the email and IP address values from the review in javascript responses
- Removed the Site Reviews widgets from the Legacy Widget block
- Updated Action Scheduler to v3.7.4
- Updated plugin documentation
= 6.11.8 (2024-03-10) =
- Fixed license key sanitization
- Fixed WooRewards integration
= 6.11.7 (2024-03-09) =
- Fixed a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability caused by users saving malicious javascript text to their first/last/display name in their WordPress user profile.
- Fixed a Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability which allowed authenticated admin users to insert javascript into review content.
- Fixed a race-time vulnerability from single-packet attacks (this should improve spam protection)
- Fixed the "new item" labels for the Site Reviews post_type and taxonomy
- Fixed unicode support for names in reviews
= 6.11.4 (2023-11-02) =
- Fixed localized rating values.
- Fixed quick/bulk editing of WooCommerce Products from automatically disabling reviews support.
- Fixed review responses disappearing when editing reviews on the frontend with the Review Authors addon.
- Fixed notifications from triggering when a review is auto-saved as a draft.
- Fixed notifications from triggering when reviews are imported.
- Fixed WordPress 6.4 compatibility.
= 6.11.3 (2023-10-20) =
- Fixed cache plugin integrations
= 6.11.0 (2023-10-20) =
- Added a flyout help menu on Site Reviews pages in the WordPress Admin.
- Added a "Request Verification" setting
- Added support for the [NitroPack](https://wordpress.org/plugins/nitropack/) cache plugin
- Added tag buttons to notification message setting
- Added the ability to approve a review directly from a Discord, Email, or Slack notification
- Changed number of scheduled actions to 50 per page
- Fixed conversion (HTML to plain text) of links in notifications
- Fixed importing of saved strings with the Import Settings tool
- Removed the ability to manually verify reviews from the WordPress Admin (use the "Request Verification" setting instead!). To re-enable manual verification of reviews use the "site-reviews/verification/enabled" filter hook.
= 6.10.6 (2023-09-04) =
- Fixed a PHP error triggered when checking compatibility with the OptimizePress v2 plugin
= 6.10.5 (2023-09-02) =
- Fixed compatibility with the OptimizePress v2 plugin
= 6.10.4 (2023-08-31) =
- Fixed compatibility with the WooCommerce Tab Manager plugin
= 6.10.3 (2023-08-29) =
- Fixed a [Broken Access Control vulnerability]() which allowed reviews to be assigned to private or protected pages
- Fixed RankMath integration to only support rich-snippet-enabled schema types
- Fixed schema detection on private Elementor pages
= 6.10.2 (2023-08-18) =
- Fixed and simplified Schema plugin integrations
- Fixed compatibility with the WooCommerce Blocks plugin
- Fixed compatibility with the WooCommerce [High-Performance Order Storage](https://woocommerce.com/document/high-performance-order-storage/)
- Updated Action Scheduler to v3.6.2
= 6.10.1 (2023-08-09) =
- Fixed compatibility with WooCommerce v8.0
= 6.10.0 (2023-08-05) =
- Added integration with [myCRED](https://mycred.me/)
- Added listtable filter for Accepted Terms (All Reviews admin page)
- Added options to override the Site Reviews shortcode settings for a WooCommerce product (find the options in the "product data" metabox)
- Added priority option for categories
- Changed the console log level for validation errors from Warning to Info
- Fixed Bulk Edit from removing author assignments
- Fixed excerpt fallback when PHP Intl extension is disabled
- Fixed honeypot field IDs
- Fixed Migrate Plugin tool (force-running plugin migration will fix orphaned foreign constraints related to old database table prefixes)
- Fixed registration of assignment meta keys
- Fixed Ultimate Member avatar compatibility
- Updated API documentation
= 6.9.5 (2023-06-14) =
- Fixed plugin migration (force-running all migrations should now fix database issues related to foreign constraints)
- Fixed WPEngine detection in System Info
- Updated documentation
= 6.9.4 (2023-05-30) =
- Fixed unicode support for author name in reviews
= 6.9.3 (2023-05-26) =
- Fixed compatibility with WordPress v5.8 and v5.9
= 6.9.2 (2023-05-22) =
- Fixed "read more" links in exceprts
= 6.9.1 (2023-05-22) =
- Fixed `{review_assigned_links}` template tag in email notifications
= 6.9.0 (2023-05-21) =
- Added support for field descriptions (Review Forms addon required)
- Deprecated the "site-reviews/slack/compose" hook (use the "site-reviews/slack/notification" hook instead)
- Fixed a PHP error caused by a bug in several third-party migration plugins
- Fixed excerpt character split
- Fixed paragraph spacing in reviews
- Fixed review caching
- Fixed settings sanitization
- Fixed styled SELECT elements
- Updated Action Scheduler to v3.6.0
- Updated the Date sanitizer to allow a date format
- Updated the Slack integration to use block composition
= 6.8.1 (2023-04-27) =
- Added Assigned Links to Discord notifications
- Fixed Discord notification avatar and username (i.e. Site Reviews now uses the values configured in the Discord Webhook)
= 6.8.0 (2023-04-26) =
- Added "Send to Discord channel" notification setting
- Fixed name initials when reviewer's name is empty
= 6.7.7 (2023-04-21) =
- Fixed Divi plugin style button icon position
= 6.7.6 (2023-04-20) =
- Added support for the upcoming Site Reviews Premium plugin.
- Fixed excerpt compatibility with HTML tags (well...sort of: HTML tag pairs (i.e. ...) are now counted as a single word regardless of the number of words inside the tag)
- Fixed link attributes in review responses
- Fixed System Info permissions
- Fixed the reCAPTCHA v3 Threshold setting
= 6.7.5 (2023-04-01) =
- Fixed FAQ code example for sorting a Query Loop block by rating
= 6.7.4 (2023-03-29) =
- Fixed deactivation notice for retired addons
- Fixed support for PHP versions that are missing the iconv extension
- Fixed the Assigned Users "profile_id" value to support the WordPress author page
= 6.7.3 (2023-03-23) =
- Fixed compatibility with avatar plugins (change the Fallback Avatar setting to "None")
= 6.7.2 (2023-03-22) =
- Fixed Unicode support in review name field
= 6.7.1 (2023-03-21) =
- Fixed a [Stored XSS vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-6-7-1-admin-stored-xss-vulnerability) related to settings sanitization
= 6.7.0 (2023-03-17) =
- Added support for the Review Authors addon
- Fixed broken addon links
- Fixed memory issue with modals
- Renamed the "site-reviews/review/saved" hook to "site-reviews/review/updated"
- Updated documentation on customising stars
= 6.6.2 (2023-03-12) =
- Fixed id attribute in setting fields
- Fixed initials avatar image when name is empty or numerical
- Fixed [Loyalty Program for WooCommerce](https://advancedcouponsplugin.com/woocommerce-loyalty-program/) from assigning points for unapproved reviews
- Fixed Tinymce shortcode popup in Classic Editor
- Fixed [WooCommerce Loyalty Points and Rewards](https://www.flycart.org/products/wordpress/wployalty) from assigning points for unapproved reviews
- Fixed [WooRewards](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woorewards/) from assigning points for unapproved reviews
= 6.6.1 (2023-03-11) =
- Fixed AJAX pagination
= 6.6.0 (2023-03-10) =
- Added integration with [WooCommerce Loyalty Points and Rewards](https://www.flycart.org/products/wordpress/wployalty)
- Fixed a [Broken Access Control vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-6-5-0-broken-access-control-vulnerability) which allowed any logged-in user to clear the Site Reviews > Tools > Console.
- Fixed a [Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-6-5-1-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability) which allowed a logged-in user (with the edit_posts capability) to insert malicious javascript code into a block attribute when adding it to a page.
- Fixed a [Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-6-5-1-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability-2) which allowed a logged-in user (with the edit_posts capability) to insert malicious javascript code into a shortcode attribute when adding it to a page.
- Fixed compatibility with [Perfect Brands for WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/perfect-woocommerce-brands/)
= 6.5.1 (2023-02-23) =
- Fixed copy/pasting of shortcode examples from the Shortcodes documentation
- Updated Shortcodes documentation
= 6.5.0 (2023-02-21) =
- Added date and status options to the Export Reviews tool
- Added new "Single Review" block to display a single review
- Added new "Single Review" Elementor widget to display a single review
- Added new "Single Review" widget to display a single review
- Added new [site_review] shortcode to display a single review
- Fixed ability to press Enter when writing a response to a review using the inline editor on the All Reviews admin page
- Fixed button loading in the review form
- Fixed compatibility with Multilingual plugins (you should now be able to translate addons)
- Fixed compatibility with Object Cache plugins (you should now be able to save the settings if you weren't able to before)
- Fixed compatibility with WordPress Multisite
- Fixed HTML entities from breaking translations in the Strings settings
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecation notices
- Fixed PHP errors when changing the maximum rating with an unsupported filter hook
- Fixed support for rendering reviews with custom fields (Review Forms addon) and themes (Review Themes addon) using the helper functions
- Fixed the visibility of the Import Product Reviews tool
- Improved sanitization of form values and helper function arguments
- Improved the System Info report
- Renamed the "site-reviews/rest-api/reviews/properties" hook to "site-reviews/rest-api/reviews/schema/properties"
- Renamed the "site-reviews/rest-api/summary/properties" hook to "site-reviews/rest-api/summary/schema/properties"
- Updated Action Scheduler to v3.5.4
= 6.4.1 (2022-12-28) =
- Fixed assignment meta key registration
= 6.4.0 (2022-12-27) =
- Added Action Scheduler information to System Info
- Added assignment meta keys (_glsr_average, _glsr_ranking, _glsr_reviews) to the WP REST API
- Added compatibility with [Loyalty Program for WooCommerce](https://advancedcouponsplugin.com/woocommerce-loyalty-program/)
- Added compatibility with [WooRewards](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woorewards/)
- Added FAQ documentation which explains how to sort a Query Loop block by average rating, ranking, or number of reviews.
- Added GamiPress integration
- Added Import Product Reviews tool (for WooCommerce Product reviews)
- Added WooCommerce integration
- Fixed a [CSV Injection vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-6-2-0-unauth-csv-injection-vulnerability) which allowed malicious users to include formula values in reviews when exporting them to a CSV file.
- Fixed an issue causing a timeout when running plugin migrations
- Fixed compatibility with optimisation plugins which do not observe loading order of inline scripts
- Fixed compatibility with other reCAPTCHA plugins
- Fixed database table PRIMARY indexes on websites running MariaDB
- Fixed localization of the Summary rating number
- Fixed summary rating number to display in decimal format and using the website locale
- Fixed the console logging, it now uses the saved log level
- Fixed translatable strings
- Removed the GamiPress Reviews addon, it's now fully integrated into Site Reviews
- Removed the Woocommerce Reviews addon, it's now fully integrated into Site Reviews
= 6.2.0 (2022-11-04) =
- Added a setting to detect and prevent duplicate review submissions from the same person.
- Added support for the [Swift Performance](https://swiftperformance.io/) plugin
- Disabled notifications when importing reviews
- Fixed date sanitizer
- Fixed localization for the captcha integrations
- Fixed migrations that update plugin settings
- Fixed PHP warning when excerpts are generated
- Fixed premium notice displaying for licensed users
- Fixed size of button loading animation
- Fixed support for GMT dates when importing reviews
- Fixed the hCaptcha integration, it no longer tries to submit the review after solving the captcha unless the submit button was previously clicked.
- Fixed the reCAPTCHA integrations
- Fixed the Rollback Plugin tool
= 6.1.2 (2022-10-16) =
- Added a notice when integrating with "Schema and Structured Data plugin" to load schema markup in the footer
- Fixed a possible issue with saving addon licenses (hopefully!)
- Fixed Schema Pro integration
- Improved documentaton
= 6.1.1 (2022-10-12) =
- Fixed admin page header on mobile devices
- Fixed links in welcome notice for new users
- Fixed plugin notices
= 6.1.0 (2022-10-11) =
- Added [Cloudflare Turnstile](https://blog.cloudflare.com/turnstile-private-captcha-alternative/) captcha support
- Added [RankMath Pro](https://rankmath.com/) integration with the Site Reviews schema
- Added [Schema and Structured Data for WP](https://structured-data-for-wp.com/) integration with the Site Reviews schema
- Added [Schema Pro](https://wpschema.com/) integration with the Site Reviews schema
- Fixed compatibility with the [hCaptcha](https://wordpress.org/plugins/hcaptcha-for-forms-and-more/) plugin
- Refreshed the design of the admin pages
- Removed the redirect to welcome page on activation
- Removed third-party notices from the Site Reviews admin pages
- Updated the documentation
- Updated the "Welcome to Site Reviews" page
= 6.0.7 (2022-09-26) =
- Updated the Upgrade Guide (please make sure to read this if you updated from Site Reviews v5 or lower. You can find the Upgrade guide on the Help page.)
= 6.0.6 (2022-09-25) =
- Fixed integration with Polylang's String Translations
- Fixed the Reset Permissions tool
- Fixed the Slack integration [@andersk](https://github.com/andersk)
- Updated the [Action Scheduler](https://github.com/woocommerce/action-scheduler/) library to v3.5.2
= 6.0.5 (2022-09-16) =
- Fixed CSS loading on pages which do not load the Gutenberg button and search CSS
- Fixed plugin migration to run immediately when the database version needs updating
= 6.0.4 (2022-09-15) =
- Fixed a PHP 7.2 syntax error
- Fixed addon activation routines
- Fixed autoloading for Php80 polyfill
- Fixed footer notice placement
= 6.0.1 (2022-09-15) =
- Fixed notice placement
= 6.0.0 (2022-09-14) =
- 🚨 Requires at least PHP v7.2
- 🚨 Requires at least WordPress v5.8
- 🚨 Changed the Divi plugin style to use the Divi Gallery pagination style for review pagination
- 🚨 Changed the review title tag from
to . If you need to change it back, please see the FAQ help page.
- 🚨 Changed the strings "← Previous" and "Next →" to "Previous" and "Next". If you have customised these strings in the settings, please update them.
- 🚨 Removed support for Internet Explorer
- 🚨 Removed support for PHP 5.6, 7.0, and 7.1
- 🚨 Removed the Polyfill.io script (since it was used for IE support)
- 🚨 Removed the "site-reviews/after/submission" javascript event (if you were using this event, please see the Upgrade guide)
- 🚨 Rewrote the button and pagination loading animations. If you are using a custom Site Reviews pagination template in your child theme, please remove the `{{ loader }}` template tag.
- Added a deactivation feedback dialog
- Added a "Limit Reviews For" setting which allows you to set a time-limit (in days) for Review Limits
- Added ability to mark reviews as "Verified"
- Added ability to search reviews by ID on the All Reviews admin page
- Added automatic conversion of UTF-16/UTF-32 encoded CSV files when importing reviews
- Added custom capabilities for review categories
- Added experimental filter hooks to combine css and javascript files when using addons (see Help > Hooks)
- Added migration and nonce support for LiteSpeed Cache (flushes the cache after migration)
- Added migration support for WP Rocket (flushes the cache after migration)
- Added support for the Bluehost "Endurance Page Cache" must-use plugin
- Added the Bootstrap v5 plugin style
- Added the Elementor Pro plugin style
- Added the `rating_field` option to the Summary block and Elementor widget
- Added the `reviews_id` option to the Review Form, this allows you to display submitted reviews immediately without reloading the page.
- Enabled SSL verification on all requests (this can be disabled with the WordPress [https_ssl_verify](http://developer.wordpress.org/reference/hooks/https_ssl_verify/) filter hook)
- Fixed compatibility with [Yoast Duplicate Post](https://wordpress.org/plugins/duplicate-post/)
- Fixed invalid "deprecated" entries which were being added to the Console on some websites
- Fixed last name initials when there is only a first name
- Fixed permissions for plugin pages
- Fixed plugin redirection when bulk activating multiple plugins
- Fixed primary keys on custom database pivot tables
- Fixed review importing to skip empty CSV rows without throwing an error
- Fixed review migration of Site Reviews v4 reviews
- Fixed the blocks in the Customizer widget panel
- Fixed the Elementor integration which broke some other Elementor widgets
- Fixed the `glsr_create_review` function to bypass the "Require Approval" setting
- Fixed the star rating field for some themes
- Fixed the Version value in the System Info
- Fixed the WPML integration
- Optimised the javascript file sizes
- Renamed the "Submissions" settings page to "Forms"
- Rewrote the frontend style to use CSS variables, this should make CSS tweaks easier to write.
- Rewrote the review modals to support the new review image galleries ([Review Images](https://niftyplugins.com/plugins/site-reviews-images/) addon required)
- Submit and load more buttons now make use of the WordPress Block button classes by default
- Updated the Bootstrap plugin styles to Bootstrap v5
= 5.25.1 (2022-07-15) =
- Fixed submit button when captcha is disabled
= 5.25.0 (2022-07-15) =
- Added a `data-pinned` attribute to pinned reviews (this allows you to target pinned reviews with custom CSS)
- Added FriendlyCaptcha integration
- Added hCaptcha integration
- Added reCAPTCHA v3 integration
- Fixed block errors in Customizer Widgets
- Fixed bulk-edit and quick-edit (i.e. Respond) layout
- Fixed review submission response with invalid CAPTCHA keys
= 5.24.3 (2022-06-29) =
- Fixed missing values in Review Details metabox
= 5.24.2 (2022-06-21) =
- Fixed excerpts when using Elementor
- Fixed reCAPTCHA when using Elementor
= 5.24.1 (2022-05-26) =
- Fixed expanding excerpts (for real this time)
= 5.24.0 (2022-05-26) =
- Added the ability to use post types in the assigned_posts option allowing you to display all reviews for a specific post type.
- Fixed compatibility with Divi Dynamic CSS
- Fixed expanding excerpts
= 5.23.6 (2022-04-14) =
- Fixed Export Tool
- Fixed functionality of the assigned_posts option when use with the reviews and summary shortcodes: If the assigned_posts value is invalid, no reviews should be returned
= 5.23.5 (2022-04-13) =
- Fixed PHP error when importing reviews
= 5.23.4 (2022-04-12) =
- Fixed compatibility with Oxygen Builder
- Fixed terms toggle when it's not required in the settings
= 5.23.3 (2022-04-10) =
- Reverted build tool used to generate javascript files (as it seems to be causing problems with Divi and Oxygen Builder)
= 5.23.2 (2022-04-10) =
- Fixed admin notices
- Fixed AJAX pagination of filtered reviews (only applies if using the Review Filters addon)
- Fixed detection of broken Avatar URLs on local development websites
= 5.23.0 (2022-04-09) =
- Added an "Export Reviews" tool
- Fixed Rollback feature compatibility with other plugins which use the WordPress Upgrader
- Fixed PHP 5.6 compatibility
- Fixed the filter labels on the All Reviews page, they are now translatable
- Fixed the star rating control when editing a review
- Fixed validation for fields which are empty and not required
- Fixed WordPress admin theme support
- Optimised frontend javascript
= 5.22.2 (2022-03-29) =
- Fixed updating of reviews with custom checkbox and toggle fields.
= 5.22.1 (2022-03-26) =
- Fixed custom translated strings
- Fixed loading indication on load more button
= 5.22.0 (2022-03-25) =
- Added a debug option to the shortcodes
- Added "Getting Started" videos to the Help page
- Added the ability to rollback Site Reviews to a previous version
- Fixed compatibility with the WP Fastest Cache plugin (to clear the current page cache when a review is submitted)
- Fixed expanding excerpts when using loadmore pagination
- Fixed performance on websites with thousands of users
- Fixed submit button loading indicator on Firefox
- Fixed the "Heads up! WPForms has detected an issue..." notice when using the WPForms plugin style
- Updated the FAQ Help page
= 5.21.4 (2022-02-25) =
- Fixed author filter when website has lots of users (the user query is restricted to the first 50 users, this is only a temporary fix until a more complete solution is ready)
- Fixed a compatibility issue with PHP v5.6
= 5.21.3 (2022-02-22) =
- Improved rendering of ratings on the All Reviews admin page
- Fixed compatibility for PHP v5.6 - v7.0
= 5.21.2 (2022-02-19) =
- Fixed addon license validation when plugins required by the addon are not installed or inactive
- Fixed the Elementor integration when using the Review Filters addon
= 5.21.0 (2022-02-18) =
- Added a basic GamiPress integration to award points when someone writes or receives a review. For more advanced GamiPress events, use the new [GamiPress Reviews](https://niftyplugins.com/plugins/site-reviews-gamipress/) addon.
- Added the [GamiPress Reviews](https://niftyplugins.com/plugins/site-reviews-gamipress/) addon!
- Added "profile_id" as an accepted value in the "assigned_users" shortcode option
- Fixed CSS used in form validation
- Fixed validation of custom checkbox fields
= 5.20.4 (2022-02-11) =
- Added option to change the console logging level (find it on the Console page)
- Added the "site-reviews/scheduler/per-page" hook to change the number of entries displayed per page in the Scheduler
- Fixed logging when the form referer is empty (only log the submitted request, not the review object)
- Fixed visibility of conditional avatar settings
= 5.20.3 (2022-02-01) =
- Added ability to autodetect the CSV delimeter when importing reviews
- Fixed a bug which allowed spam reviews to bypass validation
- Fixed licensing for outdated addons
= 5.20.2 (2022-01-29) =
- Fixed the search on the Strings settings page
= 5.20.1 (2022-01-27) =
- Fixed admin notices
= 5.20.0 (2022-01-26) =
- Added an "Author" filter to the All Reviews table
- Added hooks to override custom field sanitizers (for the Review Forms addon)
- Added Twenty Twenty-Two plugin style
- Fixed a security issue with AJAX requests @patchstackapp
- Fixed compatibility with Object Caching plugins (i.e. Docket Cache)
- Fixed compatibility with review pagination and the Review Images addon lightbox
- Fixed schema in review snippets when reviews have an anonymous author
- Fixed the category filter visibility in the All Reviews table
- Fixed the status option in the glsr_get_reviews() function, it will no longer return trashed reviews
- Fixed the updater for inactive addons
- Updated the polyfill.io script version
= 5.19.1 (2022-01-08) =
- Added loading spinner when changing review status on the All Reviews page
- Fixed the default Schema title and description on archive pages, it will now use the archive title and description if one exists.
= 5.19.0 (2021-12-30) =
- Added `author_id` column to "Import Third Party Reviews" tool
- Added settings to customise the login and register URLs
- Fixed API usage when creating reviews using string values for the assigned_posts (i.e. post_type:slug), assigned_terms (i.e. slug), and assigned_users (i.e. username) parameters
- Fixed approve/unapprove actions on the All Reviews page which was removing the post_author ID of reviews
- Fixed importing reviews with unknown authors
- Fixed the "hide" option when using AJAX pagination
- Fixed the loading indicator (spinner) on the submit button of the review form
= 5.18.1 (2021-12-19) =
- Added "author_id" as an accepted value in the "assigned_users" shortcode option
- Fixed FAQ documentation for redirects
= 5.18.0 (2021-12-16) =
- Added "Load more" pagination
- Added Polylang and WPML translation support for the Notification Template setting and the Custom Text settings
- Fixed compatibility with the SiteGround Optimizer plugin
- Fixed pagination when using browser history
- Renamed the "Translations" settings page to "Strings"
= 5.17.8 (2021-11-24) =
- Fixed compatibility with Ultimate Member user avatars
= 5.17.7 (2021-11-23) =
- Added the "site-reviews/review/request" hook
= 5.17.6 (2021-11-17) =
- Fixed the Approve/Unapprove links on the All Reviews page
- Fixed PHP error when php_uname() is disabled (used when detecting the webhosting on the System Info page)
= 5.17.5 (2021-11-16) =
- Added setting to add a custom fallback avatar image
= 5.17.4 (2021-11-15) =
- Fixed addon updater
- Fixed compatibility with GamiPress plugin
- Fixed deactivation notices on WordPress settings pages
= 5.17.3 (2021-11-15) =
- Fixed an [Unauthenticated Stored XSS vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-5-17-2-unauthenticated-stored-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability) on the Console page (the console wasn't escaping HTML correctly when displaying logged errors)
= 5.17.2 (2021-11-11) =
- Fixed the hidden review content when viewing a review in a modal
= 5.17.1 (2021-11-10) =
- Fixed addon links
= 5.17.0 (2021-11-10) =
- Added the "Review Notifications" addon!
- Added a setting to restrict the "Require Approval" setting to a minimum rating
- Added Accepted Terms field to privacy export (using the review creation date as the value if the terms were accepted)
- Added [Action Scheduler](https://actionscheduler.org/) which allows plugin migrations and review notifications to be queued and dispatched automatically.
- Added support for additional date formats and columns in the "Import Third Party Reviews" tool
- Fixed HTML sanitization in review values
- Fixed importing of IP Addresses in the "Import Third Party Reviews" tool
- Fixed importing to skip empty CSV rows
- Fixed non-ajax pagination when paginated URLs are disabled in the settings
- Fixed potential page collisions with other plugins due to a WordPress bug
- Fixed the removal of foreign key constraints in database tables when plugin is deactivated
- Fixed the "terms" field value to be false by default
- Renamed the "email-notification.php" template file to "notification.php". If you are using this template file in your theme, please rename it.
- Updated the "Common Problems and Solutions" documentation
= 5.16.2 (2021-10-06) =
- Fixed Initials Avatars
- Fixed Pixel Avatars
= 5.16.1 (2021-10-04) =
- Fixed compatibility with for Review Themes v1.0.0-beta4
= 5.16.0 (2021-10-03) =
- Added "No category", "No assigned post", and "No assigned term" options to the filters on the All Reviews admin page.
- Added a "Fallback Avatar" setting
- Added a locally generated Initials Avatar option in the "Fallback Avatar" setting
- Added a locally generated Pixel Avatar option in the "Fallback Avatar" setting
- Added API and shortcode support for slugs in the `assigned_posts` parameter; these should be entered in the format of `post_type:slug`.
- Added API support for usernames in the `assigned_users` parameter.
- Fixed compatibility with WP Rocket (purges the cache of the page the review was submitted on)
- Added custom ServerSideRender functionality to allow post-render events in Gutenberg blocks
- Fixed Elementor widget icons
- Fixed loading of modal HTML
- Fixed text on the Translations settings page with instructions for the "Loco Translate" plugin.
= 5.15.0 (2021-09-28) =
- Added link for Premium members to download the beta version of the Review Themes addon
- Fixed compatibility with the beta version of the Review Themes addon
- Fixed missing translation strings
- Updated star-ratings.js library
= 5.14.1 (2021-09-24) =
- Fixed compatibility error with Gutenberg in WordPress 5.7 and earlier
= 5.14.0 (2021-09-23) =
- Changed permission defaults for admin pages
- Fixed ability to remove plugin hooks
- Fixed addon settings link on Plugins page
- Fixed API permission check for categories
- Fixed Elementor widgets
- Fixed HTML entities in Console output
- Fixed invalid reviews being created from non-review post types
- Fixed loading indicator on translations search input
- Fixed locked review status indicators
- Fixed permission check for approve/unapprove actions
- Fixed Response column value after a response is given
- Fixed review limit assignment settings
- Fixed widget compatibility with WordPress 5.8
- Fixed widgets in Customizer
- Improved tooltips
- Removed the "Trustalyze Confidence System" addon (the service has been discontinued).
= 5.13.2 (2021-08-08) =
- Fixed database queries to correctly handle multiple assignment values
- Fixed Terms toggle on RTL websites
= 5.13.1 (2021-08-02) =
- Fixed an [Authenticated Stored XSS vulnerability](https://patchstack.com/database/vulnerability/site-reviews/wordpress-site-reviews-plugin-5-13-0-authenticated-stored-cross-site-scripting-xss-vulnerability) which allowed an admin user to add a malicious value when editing a review from the WordPress admin.
- Fixed the terms toggle which broke due to the multi-checkbox fix in a previous update
= 5.13.0 (2021-08-01) =
- Added the $review->author() method on review objects which returns the author name as defined in the settings
- Added the "site-reviews/avatar/attributes" hook which allows you to modify the attributes on the avatar
- Fixed Custom field multi-checkboxes
- Internal changes to support the upcoming Review Themes addon
- Renamed the "site-reviews/review/response" hook to "site-reviews/review/responded" (see the related FAQ section)
- Updated the "Common Problems and Solutions"
- Updated the "FAQ"
= 5.12.9 (2021-07-21) =
- Fixed relative dates to use the GMT date of the review
= 5.12.8 (2021-07-12) =
- Fixed PHP warning introduced in v5.12.7
= 5.12.7 (2021-07-12) =
- Improved the error message when saving addon licenses to make it more descriptive and helpful.
- Removed the "Discover Premium" button for licensed addon users
= 5.12.6 (2021-07-07) =
- Fixed invalid schema output on the [site_reviews] shortcode when there are no reviews
- Fixed the Assigned Posts filter on the All Reviews page
= 5.12.5 (2021-07-01) =
- Fixed the plugin migration which sets the custom role capabilities in cases where the default WordPress roles have been renamed or removed
= 5.12.4 (2021-07-01) =
- Fixed the filters on the "All Reviews" admin page
= 5.12.3 (2021-07-01) =
- Added a `data-rating` attribute to the review ratings
= 5.12.2 (2021-06-12) =
- Fixed the Bulk Edit actions
= 5.12.1 (2021-06-12) =
- Fixed the "respond_to_*" capabilities, users can now respond to reviews if they are the author of one of the assigned posts
= 5.12.0 (2021-06-07) =
- Added the "rating_field" shortcode option which allows you to use a custom rating field with the summary
- Added the "Repair Review Relations" tool
- Fixed "loose assignment" database queries
= 5.11.1 (2021-06-03) =
- Fixed pagination
= 5.11.0 (2021-06-02) =
- Added a REST API (see the provided documentation to learn how to use it)
- Added custom capabilities for responding to reviews (`respond_to_site-review` and `respond_to_others_site-review`)
- Added filters for categories, assigned posts, and assigned users on the "All Reviews" admin page (enable them in the "Screen Options" on the top-right of the page)
- Added native Elementor widgets
- Added support for