param ( $url = "" ) function Find-Proxy() { if ((Test-Path Env:HTTP_PROXY) -Or (Test-Path Env:HTTPS_PROXY)) { return $true } Else { return $false } } function Get-Proxy() { if (Test-Path Env:HTTP_PROXY) { return $Env:HTTP_PROXY } ElseIf (Test-Path Env:HTTPS_PROXY) { return $Env:HTTPS_PROXY } } function Get-File { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $Url, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [String] $SaveToLocation ) $command = (Get-Command Invoke-WebRequest -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) if($command -ne $null) { if (Find-Proxy) { $proxy = Get-Proxy Write-Host "Proxy detected" Write-Host "Using proxy address $proxy" Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -OutFile $SaveToLocation -Proxy $proxy } else { Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $Url -OutFile $SaveToLocation } } else { $client = (New-Object Net.WebClient) $client.UseDefaultCredentials = $true if (Find-Proxy) { $proxy = Get-Proxy Write-Host "Proxy detected" Write-Host "Using proxy address $proxy" $webproxy = new-object System.Net.WebProxy $webproxy.Address = $proxy $client.proxy = $webproxy } $client.DownloadFile($Url, $SaveToLocation) } } function Install-PsGet { param ( [string] # URL to the respository to download PSGet from $url ) $ModulePaths = @($env:PSModulePath -split ';') # $PsGetDestinationModulePath is mostly needed for testing purposes, if ((Test-Path -Path Variable:PsGetDestinationModulePath) -and $PsGetDestinationModulePath) { $Destination = $PsGetDestinationModulePath if ($ModulePaths -notcontains $Destination) { Write-Warning 'PsGet install destination is not included in the PSModulePath environment variable' } } else { $ExpectedUserModulePath = Join-Path -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath('MyDocuments')) -ChildPath WindowsPowerShell\Modules $Destination = $ModulePaths | Where-Object { $_ -eq $ExpectedUserModulePath } if (-not $Destination) { $Destination = $ModulePaths | Select-Object -Index 0 } } New-Item -Path ($Destination + "\PsGet\") -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null Write-Host ('Downloading PsGet from {0}' -f $url) Get-File -Url $url -SaveToLocation "$Destination\PsGet\PsGet.psm1" $executionPolicy = (Get-ExecutionPolicy) $executionRestricted = ($executionPolicy -eq "Restricted") if ($executionRestricted) { Write-Warning @" Your execution policy is $executionPolicy, this means you will not be able import or use any scripts including modules. To fix this change your execution policy to something like RemoteSigned. PS> Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned For more information execute: PS> Get-Help about_execution_policies "@ } if (!$executionRestricted) { # ensure PsGet is imported from the location it was just installed to Import-Module -Name $Destination\PsGet } Write-Host "PsGet is installed and ready to use" -Foreground Green Write-Host @" USAGE: PS> import-module PsGet PS> install-module PsUrl For more details: get-help install-module Or visit "@ } Install-PsGet -Url $url