--- title: "Personal website revamped" layout: default category: Etc tags: [site] published: true disqus: petersolymos promote: false --- It all started with my site based on the [SinglePaged](https://github.com/t413/SinglePaged) theme broken by the [Jekyll 3.0 update on GitHub pages](https://github.com/blog/2100-github-pages-now-faster-and-simpler-with-jekyll-3-0). Although [Karthik Raman](https://github.com/karthikraman) sent a nice [pull request](https://github.com/psolymos/psolymos.github.io/issues/1) with a fix, I opted to revamp my site instead of fixing the old theme. I really liked the old theme, but there were several reasons for the change: * Single paged theme made it hard to see in [Google analytics](www.google.com/analytics) who is looking what on the site, because seemingly everyone looked at `index.html`. * After a while, I wanted real blog and subpages, and I felt more comfortable tweaking [Bootstrap](http://getbootstrap.com)/[Bootswatch](http://bootswatch.com/) based themes after having spent some time last summer setting up [DataCloning.org](http://datacloning.org) and [species.abmi.ca](http://species.abmi.ca). * I also had a [web-update repo](https://github.com/psolymos/web-update) in the works, so transitioning was really easy (although migrating content and fine tuning took 3 days). So here is the result. Let me know if you have comments, suggestions. Hopefully the [Disqus](https://disqus.com/) widget loads properly below.