# Enable SYSLOG in printer Another issue with SYSLOG is configuration. You need munually enable sending metrics in printers GUI - step by step bellow. And you need to run specific gcode file, that specifies SYSLOG server. With M330 and M334 g-code you can configure your SYSLOG server and there are two ways how to get needed g-code. I've created ![config.gcode](examples/syslog/config.gcode) containing everything needed. **You just need to change IP address and you can change port. however while testing I had issues with numerous text editors and printer was very picky.** I was successful with `nano` and basic `echo` command in terminal. However you can as well activate additional metrics that can be found here ![config_full.gcode](examples/syslog/config_full.gcode). If you enable additional metrics then you need to run your configuration gcode after rebooting the printer. Second way is to add these two lines in to start of g-code with PrusaSlicer. Don't forget to change IP address and port! `10008` is default that I used but use whatever you want but you need also change that value in configuration. ``` M330 SYSLOG M334 10008 ``` For logs you can use `M340`. ``` M340 10007 ``` Or you can combine both and you'll get ``` M330 SYSLOG M334 10008 M340 10007 ``` After loading gcode on to flash drive you can enable the metrics in printer. Open `Settings` ![syslog0](readme/syslog/screenshot_0.jpg) Navigate to `Network` ![syslog1](readme/syslog/screenshot_1.jpg) Find `Metrics & Log` ![syslog2](readme/syslog/screenshot_2.jpg) Now click on `Allow` - Confirm and change value to `Any Host`. Next switch on `Enabled Stored at Startup` ![syslog3](readme/syslog/screenshot_3.jpg) ![syslog4](readme/syslog/screenshot_4.jpg) ![syslog5](readme/syslog/screenshot_5.jpg) Now run your configuration gcode we created before ![syslog6](readme/syslog/screenshot_6.jpg) ![syslog7](readme/syslog/screenshot_7.jpg) Navigate back to `Metrics & Log` and find `Current Configuration` - click on `Metrics Host` and store it as Host ![syslog8](readme/syslog/screenshot_8.jpg) ![syslog9](readme/syslog/screenshot_9.jpg) Click on `Metrics Port` and store it as Metrics Port ![syslog10](readme/syslog/screenshot_10.jpg) ![syslog11](readme/syslog/screenshot_11.jpg) After configuration it should look like this. Only IP address should be different. And if different port was choosen then also port. ![syslog12](readme/syslog/screenshot_12.jpg)