.. currentmodule:: psycopg .. index:: single: Release notes single: News ``psycopg`` release notes ========================= Future releases --------------- Psycopg 3.2 (unreleased) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Add support for integer, floating point, boolean `NumPy scalar types`__ (:ticket:`#332`). - Add `!timeout` and `!stop_after` parameters to `Connection.notifies()` (:ticket:`340`). - Add :ref:`raw-query-cursors` to execute queries using placeholders in PostgreSQL format (`$1`, `$2`...) (:ticket:`#560`). - Add `psycopg.capabilities` object to :ref:`inspect the libpq capabilities ` (:ticket:`#772`). - Add `~rows.scalar_row` to return scalar values from a query (:ticket:`#723`). - Prepared statements are now :ref:`compatible with PgBouncer `. (:ticket:`#589`). - Add `~Connection.set_autocommit()` on sync connections, and similar transaction control methods available on the async connections. - Add support for libpq functions to close prepared statements and portals introduced in libpq v17 (:ticket:`#603`). - Add support for libpq encrypted and non-blocking query cancellation functions introduced in libpq v17 (:ticket:`#754`). - The `!context` parameter of `sql` objects `~sql.Composable.as_string()` and `~sql.Composable.as_bytes()` methods is now optional (:ticket:`#716`). - Disable receiving more than one result on the same cursor in pipeline mode, to iterate through `~Cursor.nextset()`. The behaviour was different than in non-pipeline mode and not totally reliable (:ticket:`#604`). The `Cursor` now only preserves the results set of the last `~Cursor.execute()`, consistently with non-pipeline mode. - Add `~Connection.cancel_safe()` for encrypted and non-blocking cancellation If possible, use such method internally upon `KeyboardInterrupt` and `Copy` termination (:ticket:`#754`). - Add support for libpq function to retrieve results in chunks introduced in libpq v17 (:ticket:`#793`). .. __: https://numpy.org/doc/stable/reference/arrays.scalars.html#built-in-scalar-types Psycopg 3.1.19 (unreleased) ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix unaligned access undefined behaviour in C extension (:ticket:`#734`). - Fix excessive stripping of error message prefixes (:ticket:`#752`). - Allow to specify the ``connect_timeout`` connection parameter as float (:ticket:`#796`). Current release --------------- Psycopg 3.1.18 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix possible deadlock on pipeline exit (:ticket:`#685`). - Fix overflow loading large intervals in C module (:ticket:`#719`). - Fix compatibility with musl libc distributions affected by `CPython issue #65821`__ (:ticket:`#725`). .. __: https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/65821 Psycopg 3.1.17 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix multiple connection attempts when a host name resolve to multiple IP addresses (:ticket:`#699`). - Use `typing.Self` as a more correct return value annotation of context managers and other self-returning methods (see :ticket:`#708`). Psycopg 3.1.16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix empty ports handling in async multiple connection attempts (:ticket:`#703`). Psycopg 3.1.15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix use of ``service`` in connection string (regression in 3.1.13, :ticket:`#694`). - Fix async connection to hosts resolving to multiple IP addresses (regression in 3.1.13, :ticket:`#695`). - Respect the :envvar:`PGCONNECT_TIMEOUT` environment variable to determine the connection timeout. Psycopg 3.1.14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix :ref:`interaction with gevent ` (:ticket:`#527`). - Add support for PyPy (:ticket:`#686`). .. _gevent: https://www.gevent.org/ Psycopg 3.1.13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Raise `DataError` instead of whatever internal failure trying to dump a `~datetime.time` object with with a `!tzinfo` specified as `~zoneinfo.ZoneInfo` (ambiguous offset, see :ticket:`#652`). - Handle gracefully EINTR on signals instead of raising `InterruptedError`, consistently with :pep:`475` guideline (:ticket:`#667`). - Fix support for connection strings with multiple hosts/ports and for the ``load_balance_hosts`` connection parameter (:ticket:`#674`). - Fix memory leak receiving notifications in Python implementation (:ticket:`#679`). Psycopg 3.1.12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix possible hanging if a connection is closed while querying (:ticket:`#608`). - Fix memory leak when `~register_*()` functions are called repeatedly (:ticket:`#647`). - Release Python 3.12 binary packages. Psycopg 3.1.11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Avoid caching the parsing results of large queries to avoid excessive memory usage (:ticket:`#628`). - Fix integer overflow in C/binary extension with OID > 2^31 (:ticket:`#630`). - Fix loading of intervals with days and months or years (:ticket:`#643`). - Work around excessive CPU usage on Windows (reported in :ticket:`#645`). - Fix building on Solaris and derivatives (:ticket:`#632`). - Fix possible lack of critical section guard in async `~AsyncCursor.executemany()`. - Fix missing pipeline fetch in async `~AsyncCursor.scroll()`. - Build binary packages with libpq 15.4, which allows group-readable permissions on the SSL certificate on the client (:ticket:`#528`). Psycopg 3.1.10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Allow JSON dumpers to dump `bytes` directly instead of `str`, for better compatibility with libraries like orjson and msgspec (:ticket:`#569`) - Fix prepared statement cache validation when exiting pipeline mode (or `~Cursor.executemany()`) in case an error occurred within the pipeline (:ticket:`#585`). - Fix `connect()` to avoid "leaking" an open `~pq.PGconn` attached to the `OperationalError` in case of connection failure. `Error.pgconn` is now a shallow copy of the real libpq connection, and the latter is closed before the exception propagates (:ticket:`#565`). - Fix possible (ignored) exception on objects deletion (:ticket:`#591`). - Don't clobber a Python exception raised during COPY FROM with the resulting `!QueryCanceled` raised as a consequence (:ticket:`#593`). - Fix resetting `Connection.read_only` and `~Connection.deferrable` to their default value using `!None` (:ticket:`#612`). - Add support for Python 3.12. Psycopg 3.1.9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix `TypeInfo.fetch()` using a connection in `!sql_ascii` encoding (:ticket:`#503`). - Fix "filedescriptor out of range" using a large number of files open in Python implementation (:ticket:`#532`). - Allow JSON dumpers to be registered on `!dict` or any other object, as was possible in psycopg2 (:ticket:`#541`). - Fix canceling running queries on process interruption in async connections (:ticket:`#543`). - Fix loading ROW values with different types in the same query using the binary protocol (:ticket:`#545`). - Fix dumping recursive composite types (:ticket:`#547`). Psycopg 3.1.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Don't pollute server logs when types looked for by `TypeInfo.fetch()` are not found (:ticket:`#473`). - Set `Cursor.rowcount` to the number of rows of each result set from `~Cursor.executemany()` when called with `!returning=True` (:ticket:`#479`). - Fix `TypeInfo.fetch()` when used with `ClientCursor` (:ticket:`#484`). Psycopg 3.1.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix server-side cursors using row factories (:ticket:`#464`). Psycopg 3.1.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix `cursor.copy()` with cursors using row factories (:ticket:`#460`). Psycopg 3.1.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix array loading slowness compared to psycopg2 (:ticket:`#359`). - Improve performance around network communication (:ticket:`#414`). - Return `!bytes` instead of `!memoryview` from `pq.Encoding` methods (:ticket:`#422`). - Fix `Cursor.rownumber` to return `!None` when the result has no row to fetch (:ticket:`#437`). - Avoid error in Pyright caused by aliasing `!TypeAlias` (:ticket:`#439`). - Fix `Copy.set_types()` used with `varchar` and `name` types (:ticket:`#452`). - Improve performance using :ref:`row-factories` (:ticket:`#457`). Psycopg 3.1.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Include :ref:`error classes ` defined in PostgreSQL 15. - Add support for Python 3.11 (:ticket:`#305`). - Build binary packages with libpq from PostgreSQL 15.0. Psycopg 3.1.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Restore the state of the connection if `Cursor.stream()` is terminated prematurely (:ticket:`#382`). - Fix regression introduced in 3.1 with different named tuples mangling rules for non-ascii attribute names (:ticket:`#386`). - Fix handling of queries with escaped percent signs (``%%``) in `ClientCursor` (:ticket:`#399`). - Fix possible duplicated BEGIN statements emitted in pipeline mode (:ticket:`#401`). Psycopg 3.1.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix handling of certain invalid time zones causing problems on Windows (:ticket:`#371`). - Fix segfault occurring when a loader fails initialization (:ticket:`#372`). - Fix invalid SAVEPOINT issued when entering `Connection.transaction()` within a pipeline using an implicit transaction (:ticket:`#374`). - Fix queries with repeated named parameters in `ClientCursor` (:ticket:`#378`). - Distribute macOS arm64 (Apple M1) binary packages (:ticket:`#344`). Psycopg 3.1.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Work around broken Homebrew installation of the libpq in a non-standard path (:ticket:`#364`) - Fix possible "unrecognized service" error in async connection when no port is specified (:ticket:`#366`). Psycopg 3.1 ----------- - Add :ref:`Pipeline mode ` (:ticket:`#74`). - Add :ref:`client-side-binding-cursors` (:ticket:`#101`). - Add `CockroachDB `__ support in `psycopg.crdb` (:ticket:`#313`). - Add :ref:`Two-Phase Commit ` support (:ticket:`#72`). - Add :ref:`adapt-enum` (:ticket:`#274`). - Add ``returning`` parameter to `~Cursor.executemany()` to retrieve query results (:ticket:`#164`). - `~Cursor.executemany()` performance improved by using batch mode internally (:ticket:`#145`). - Add parameters to `~Cursor.copy()`. - Add :ref:`COPY Writer objects `. - Resolve domain names asynchronously in `AsyncConnection.connect()` (:ticket:`#259`). - Add `pq.PGconn.trace()` and related trace functions (:ticket:`#167`). - Add ``prepare_threshold`` parameter to `Connection` init (:ticket:`#200`). - Add ``cursor_factory`` parameter to `Connection` init. - Add `Error.pgconn` and `Error.pgresult` attributes (:ticket:`#242`). - Restrict queries to be `~typing.LiteralString` as per :pep:`675` (:ticket:`#323`). - Add explicit type cast to values converted by `sql.Literal` (:ticket:`#205`). - Drop support for Python 3.6. Psycopg 3.0.17 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix segfaults on fork on some Linux systems using `ctypes` implementation (:ticket:`#300`). - Load bytea as bytes, not memoryview, using `ctypes` implementation. Psycopg 3.0.16 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix missing `~Cursor.rowcount` after SHOW (:ticket:`#343`). - Add scripts to build macOS arm64 packages (:ticket:`#162`). Psycopg 3.0.15 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix wrong escaping of unprintable chars in COPY (nonetheless correctly interpreted by PostgreSQL). - Restore the connection to usable state after an error in `~Cursor.stream()`. - Raise `DataError` instead of `OverflowError` loading binary intervals out-of-range. - Distribute ``manylinux2014`` wheel packages (:ticket:`#124`). Psycopg 3.0.14 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Raise `DataError` dumping arrays of mixed types (:ticket:`#301`). - Fix handling of incorrect server results, with blank sqlstate (:ticket:`#303`). - Fix bad Float4 conversion on ppc64le/musllinux (:ticket:`#304`). Psycopg 3.0.13 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix `Cursor.stream()` slowness (:ticket:`#286`). - Fix oid for lists of integers, which might cause the server choosing bad plans (:ticket:`#293`). - Make `Connection.cancel()` on a closed connection a no-op instead of an error. Psycopg 3.0.12 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Allow `bytearray`/`memoryview` data too as `Copy.write()` input (:ticket:`#254`). - Fix dumping `~enum.IntEnum` in text mode, Python implementation. Psycopg 3.0.11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix `DataError` loading arrays with dimensions information (:ticket:`#253`). - Fix hanging during COPY in case of memory error (:ticket:`#255`). - Fix error propagation from COPY worker thread (mentioned in :ticket:`#255`). Psycopg 3.0.10 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Leave the connection in working state after interrupting a query with Ctrl-C (:ticket:`#231`). - Fix `Cursor.description` after a COPY ... TO STDOUT operation (:ticket:`#235`). - Fix building on FreeBSD and likely other BSD flavours (:ticket:`#241`). Psycopg 3.0.9 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Set `Error.sqlstate` when an unknown code is received (:ticket:`#225`). - Add the `!tzdata` package as a dependency on Windows in order to handle time zones (:ticket:`#223`). Psycopg 3.0.8 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Decode connection errors in the ``client_encoding`` specified in the connection string, if available (:ticket:`#194`). - Fix possible warnings in objects deletion on interpreter shutdown (:ticket:`#198`). - Don't leave connections in ACTIVE state in case of error during COPY ... TO STDOUT (:ticket:`#203`). Psycopg 3.0.7 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix crash in `~Cursor.executemany()` with no input sequence (:ticket:`#179`). - Fix wrong `~Cursor.rowcount` after an `~Cursor.executemany()` returning no rows (:ticket:`#178`). Psycopg 3.0.6 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Allow to use `Cursor.description` if the connection is closed (:ticket:`#172`). - Don't raise exceptions on `ServerCursor.close()` if the connection is closed (:ticket:`#173`). - Fail on `Connection.cursor()` if the connection is closed (:ticket:`#174`). - Raise `ProgrammingError` if out-of-order exit from transaction contexts is detected (:tickets:`#176, #177`). - Add `!CHECK_STANDBY` value to `~pq.ConnStatus` enum. Psycopg 3.0.5 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix possible "Too many open files" OS error, reported on macOS but possible on other platforms too (:ticket:`#158`). - Don't clobber exceptions if a transaction block exit with error and rollback fails (:ticket:`#165`). Psycopg 3.0.4 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Allow to use the module with strict strings comparison (:ticket:`#147`). - Fix segfault on Python 3.6 running in ``-W error`` mode, related to `!backport.zoneinfo` `ticket #109 `__. - Build binary package with libpq versions not affected by `CVE-2021-23222 `__ (:ticket:`#149`). Psycopg 3.0.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Release musllinux binary packages, compatible with Alpine Linux (:ticket:`#141`). - Reduce size of binary package by stripping debug symbols (:ticket:`#142`). - Include typing information in the `!psycopg_binary` package. Psycopg 3.0.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix type hint for `sql.SQL.join()` (:ticket:`#127`). - Fix type hint for `Connection.notifies()` (:ticket:`#128`). - Fix call to `MultiRange.__setitem__()` with a non-iterable value and a slice, now raising a `TypeError` (:ticket:`#129`). - Fix disable cursors methods after close() (:ticket:`#125`). Psycopg 3.0.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - Fix use of the wrong dumper reusing cursors with the same query but different parameter types (:ticket:`#112`). Psycopg 3.0 ----------- First stable release. Changed from 3.0b1: - Add :ref:`adapt-shapely` (:ticket:`#80`). - Add :ref:`adapt-multirange` (:ticket:`#75`). - Add `pq.__build_version__` constant. - Don't use the extended protocol with COPY, (:tickets:`#78, #82`). - Add ``context`` parameter to `~Connection.connect()` (:ticket:`#83`). - Fix selection of dumper by oid after `~Copy.set_types()`. - Drop `!Connection.client_encoding`. Use `ConnectionInfo.encoding` to read it, and a :sql:`SET` statement to change it. - Add binary packages for Python 3.10 (:ticket:`#103`). Psycopg 3.0b1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ - First public release on PyPI.