#+TITLE: org-notes-style #+OPTIONS: toc:2 num:nil #+OPTIONS: html-scripts:nil #+SETUPFILE: setupfile.org * Introduction =org-notes-style= is a light CSS theme for [[http://orgmode.org/][Org mode]]. It provides a stylesheet to style your exported HTML documents. This HTML page is styled with =org-notes-style= from its [[https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ptpt/org-notes-style/master/index.org][org source file]]. Check more examples at [[https://taopeng.me/org-notes-style/examples.html][here]]. ** Features - Pure HTML5 and CSS3 - Responsive web design * Installation ** Requirements It requires Org mode of version =8.2.5h= or above. To install the latest Org mode in Emacs 24, please refer to http://orgmode.org/elpa.html ** Configuration Add following settings to your org documents. #+INCLUDE: setupfile.org src org-mode A better option is to save all the settings in a single org file (let's say =~/org/notes-style.org=), and then include this file in your org documents: #+BEGIN_SRC org-mode #+SETUPFILE: ~/org/notes-style.org #+END_SRC * Development =org-notes-style= is develped based on the [[http://compass-style.org/][Compass]] framework. To setup the development environment: #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE $ git clone git@github.com:ptpt/org-notes-style.git $ cd org-notes-style $ compass watch #+END_EXAMPLE