# run only on system tests? This will break interactions with junit test reports but fix automated screenshot posting if ENV['TASK'] == "rails test:system" message "@#{github.pr_author} Thank you for your pull request! I'm here to help with some tips and recommendations. Please take a look at the list provided and help us review and accept your contribution! And **don't be discouraged if you see errors** -- we're here to help." message "Your pull request is on the `master` branch. Please [make a separate feature branch](https://publiclab.org/wiki/contributing-to-public-lab-software#A+sample+git+workflow)) with a descriptive name like `new-blog-design` while making PRs in the future." if github.branch_for_head == 'master' unless git.commits.any? { |c| c.message =~ /#[\d]+/ } || github.pr_body =~ /#[\d]+/ message "This pull request doesn't link to a issue number. Please refer to the issue it fixes (if any) in the body of your PR, in the format: `Fixes #123`." end if git.added_files.include?("Gemfile.lock") && !git.added_files.include?("Gemfile") warn "You have added your `Gemfile.lock` file -- which is most likely not necessary, since you have not changed the Gemfile. Please [remove your changes to this file](https://stackoverflow.com/questions/215718/reset-or-revert-a-specific-file-to-a-specific-revision-using-git) to leave it as it was, thank you! If you really do mean to add Gemfile.lock, just leave a note explaining why. Thanks!" end if git.added_files.any? { |files| files.start_with? "db/migrate/" } && !git.added_files.include?("schema.rb.example") warn "New migrations added. Please update `schema.rb.example` by overwriting it with a copy of the up-to-date `db/schema.rb`. Also, be aware to preserve the MySQL-specific conditions for full-text indices." end if git.commits.any? { |c| c.message =~ /^Merge branch 'master'/ } warn "It looks like you merged from master in this pull request. Please [rebase](https://help.github.com/articles/about-git-rebase/) to get rid of the merge commits -- you may want to [rewind the master branch and rebase](https://publiclab.org/wiki/contributing-to-public-lab-software#Rewinding+the+master+branch) instead of merging in from master, which can cause problems when accepting new code!" end can_merge = github.pr_json["mergeable"] warn("This pull request cannot be merged yet due to merge conflicts. Please resolve them -- probably by [rebasing](https://help.github.com/articles/about-git-rebase/) -- and ask for help (in the comments, or [in the chatroom](https://gitter.im/publiclab/publiclab) if you get into trouble!.", sticky: false) unless can_merge if github.pr_body.include?("* [ ]") && !github.pr_title.include?("[WIP]") message "It looks like you haven't marked all the checkboxes. Help us review and accept your suggested changes by going through the steps one by one. If it is still a 'Work in progress', please include '[WIP]' in the title." end message "Pull Request is marked as Work in Progress" if github.pr_title.include? "[WIP]" begin junit.parse "output.xml" junit.failures.collect(&:nodes).flatten.each do |failure| failure.nodes.each do |f| f.match(/(test[a-z_\/]+.rb):([0-9]+)/) do |match| source_path = match[1] line = match[2] if !source_path.nil? && !line.nil? f = f.gsub(source_path + ':' + line, "#{source_path}:#{line}") end fail("There was a test failure at: #{f}") end end end junit.errors.collect(&:nodes).flatten.each do |error| error.nodes.each do |f| f.match(/(test[a-z_\/]+.rb):([0-9]+)/) do |match| source_path = match[1] line = match[2] if !source_path.nil? && !line.nil? f = f.gsub(source_path + ':' + line, "#{source_path}:#{line}") .gsub('`', "'") # remove ` as these cause Markdown formatting end fail("There was a test error at: #{f}") end end end rescue => ex warn "There was an error with Danger bot's Junit parsing: #{ex.message}" message ex.inspect # view the entire error output in the log end # Store screenshots in Google Cloud require "google/cloud/storage" storage = Google::Cloud::Storage.anonymous # don't rely on a key credential bucket = storage.bucket "plots2-screenshots" Encoding.default_external = 'UTF-8' images = [] Dir.glob('tmp/screenshots/*') do |item| file = bucket.create_file item, github.pr_json["number"].to_s + "-" + item.split('/').last images << "


" end screenshots = "
Screenshots :camera_flash: (click to expand)" + images.join + "
" screenshots += "

Learn about automated screenshots

" markdown(screenshots) end