'u.*, g.g_id, g.g_user_title, g.g_moderator', 'FROM' => 'users AS u', 'JOINS' => array( array( 'LEFT JOIN' => 'groups AS g', 'ON' => 'g.g_id=u.group_id' ) ), 'WHERE' => 'u.id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_qr_get_user_info')) ? eval($hook) : null; $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $user = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($result); if (!$user) message($lang_common['Bad request']); if ($action == 'change_pass') { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_selected')) ? eval($hook) : null; // User pressed the cancel button if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id), $lang_common['Cancel redirect']); if (isset($_GET['key'])) { $key = $_GET['key']; // If the user is already logged in we shouldn't be here :) if (!$forum_user['is_guest']) message($lang_profile['Pass logout']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_supplied')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($key == '' || $key != $user['activate_key']) message(sprintf($lang_profile['Pass key bad'], ''.forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']).'')); else { if (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; $new_password1 = forum_trim($_POST['req_new_password1']); $new_password2 = ($forum_config['o_mask_passwords'] == '1') ? forum_trim($_POST['req_new_password2']) : $new_password1; if (utf8_strlen($new_password1) < 4) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Pass too short']; else if ($new_password1 != $new_password2) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Pass not match']; // Did everything go according to plan? if (empty($errors)) { $new_password_hash = forum_hash($new_password1, $user['salt']); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'password=\''.$new_password_hash.'\', activate_key=NULL', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_qr_update_password')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['Pass updated']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['index']), $lang_profile['Pass updated']); } } // Is this users own profile $forum_page['own_profile'] = ($forum_user['id'] == $id) ? true : false; // Setup form $forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = $forum_page['fld_count'] = 0; $forum_page['form_action'] = forum_link($forum_url['change_password_key'], array($id, $key)); // Setup breadcrumbs $forum_page['crumbs'] = array( array($forum_config['o_board_title'], forum_link($forum_url['index'])), array(sprintf($lang_profile['Users profile'], $user['username'], $lang_profile['Section about']), forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id)), ($forum_page['own_profile']) ? $lang_profile['Change your password'] : sprintf($lang_profile['Change user password'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])) ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_pre_header_load')) ? eval($hook) : null; define('FORUM_PAGE', 'profile-changepass'); require FORUM_ROOT.'header.php'; // START SUBST - ob_start(); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_output_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

'.$cur_error.''; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_key_pre_errors')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

', $tpl_temp, $tpl_main); ob_end_clean(); // END SUBST - require FORUM_ROOT.'footer.php'; } } // Make sure we are allowed to change this user's password if ($forum_user['id'] != $id && $forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && ($forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' || $forum_user['g_mod_edit_users'] == '0' || $forum_user['g_mod_change_passwords'] == '0' || $user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1')) message($lang_common['No permission']); if (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_normal_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; $old_password = isset($_POST['req_old_password']) ? forum_trim($_POST['req_old_password']) : ''; $new_password1 = forum_trim($_POST['req_new_password1']); $new_password2 = ($forum_config['o_mask_passwords'] == '1') ? forum_trim($_POST['req_new_password2']) : $new_password1; if (utf8_strlen($new_password1) < 4) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Pass too short']; else if ($new_password1 != $new_password2) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Pass not match']; $authorized = false; if (!empty($user['password'])) { $old_password_hash = forum_hash($old_password, $user['salt']); if (($user['password'] == $old_password_hash) || $forum_user['is_admmod']) $authorized = true; } if (!$authorized) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Wrong old password']; // Did everything go according to plan? if (empty($errors)) { $new_password_hash = forum_hash($new_password1, $user['salt']); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'password=\''.$new_password_hash.'\'', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_normal_qr_update_password')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); if ($forum_user['id'] == $id) { $cookie_data = @explode('|', base64_decode($_COOKIE[$cookie_name])); $expire = ($cookie_data[2] > time() + $forum_config['o_timeout_visit']) ? time() + 1209600 : time() + $forum_config['o_timeout_visit']; forum_setcookie($cookie_name, base64_encode($forum_user['id'].'|'.$new_password_hash.'|'.$expire.'|'.sha1($user['salt'].$new_password_hash.forum_hash($expire, $user['salt']))), $expire); } // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['Pass updated redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_normal_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id), $lang_profile['Pass updated redirect']); } } // Is this users own profile $forum_page['own_profile'] = ($forum_user['id'] == $id) ? true : false; // Setup form $forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = $forum_page['fld_count'] = 0; $forum_page['form_action'] = forum_link($forum_url['change_password'], $id); $forum_page['hidden_fields'] = array( 'form_sent' => '', 'csrf_token' => '' ); // Setup breadcrumbs $forum_page['crumbs'] = array( array($forum_config['o_board_title'], forum_link($forum_url['index'])), array(sprintf($lang_profile['Users profile'], $user['username']), forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id)), ($forum_page['own_profile']) ? $lang_profile['Change your password'] : sprintf($lang_profile['Change user password'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])) ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_normal_pre_header_load')) ? eval($hook) : null; define('FORUM_PAGE', 'profile-changepass'); require FORUM_ROOT.'header.php'; // START SUBST - ob_start(); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_normal_output_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

'.$cur_error.''; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_pass_normal_pre_errors')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

', $tpl_temp, $tpl_main); ob_end_clean(); // END SUBST - require FORUM_ROOT.'footer.php'; } else if ($action == 'change_email') { // Make sure we are allowed to change this user's e-mail if ($forum_user['id'] != $id && $forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && ($forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' || $forum_user['g_mod_edit_users'] == '0' || $user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1')) message($lang_common['No permission']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_selected')) ? eval($hook) : null; // User pressed the cancel button if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id), $lang_common['Cancel redirect']); if (isset($_GET['key'])) { $key = $_GET['key']; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_key_supplied')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($key == '' || $key != $user['activate_key']) message(sprintf($lang_profile['E-mail key bad'], ''.forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']).'')); else { $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'email=activate_string, activate_string=NULL, activate_key=NULL', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_key_qr_update_email')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); message($lang_profile['E-mail updated']); } } else if (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; if (forum_hash($_POST['req_password'], $forum_user['salt']) !== $forum_user['password']) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Wrong password']; if (!defined('FORUM_EMAIL_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) require FORUM_ROOT.'include/email.php'; // Validate the email-address $new_email = strtolower(forum_trim($_POST['req_new_email'])); if (!is_valid_email($new_email)) $errors[] = $lang_common['Invalid e-mail']; // Check if it's a banned e-mail address if (is_banned_email($new_email)) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_banned_email')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($forum_config['p_allow_banned_email'] == '0') $errors[] = $lang_profile['Banned e-mail']; else if ($forum_config['o_mailing_list'] != '') { $mail_subject = 'Alert - Banned e-mail detected'; $mail_message = 'User \''.$forum_user['username'].'\' changed to banned e-mail address: '.$new_email."\n\n".'User profile: '.forum_link($forum_url['user'], $id)."\n\n".'-- '."\n".'Forum Mailer'."\n".'(Do not reply to this message)'; forum_mail($forum_config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message); } } // Check if someone else already has registered with that e-mail address $query = array( 'SELECT' => 'u.id, u.username', 'FROM' => 'users AS u', 'WHERE' => 'u.email=\''.$forum_db->escape($new_email).'\'' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_qr_check_email_dupe')) ? eval($hook) : null; $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $dupe_list = array(); while ($cur_dupe = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($result)) { $dupe_list[] = $cur_dupe['username']; } if (!empty($dupe_list)) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_dupe_email')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($forum_config['p_allow_dupe_email'] == '0') $errors[] = $lang_profile['Dupe e-mail']; else if (($forum_config['o_mailing_list'] != '') && empty($errors)) { $mail_subject = 'Alert - Duplicate e-mail detected'; $mail_message = 'User \''.$forum_user['username'].'\' changed to an e-mail address that also belongs to: '.implode(', ', $dupe_list)."\n\n".'User profile: '.forum_link($forum_url['user'], $id)."\n\n".'-- '."\n".'Forum Mailer'."\n".'(Do not reply to this message)'; forum_mail($forum_config['o_mailing_list'], $mail_subject, $mail_message); } } // Did everything go according to plan? if (empty($errors)) { if ($forum_config['o_regs_verify'] != '1') { // We have no confirmed e-mail so we change e-mail right now $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'email=\''.$forum_db->escape($new_email).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_key_qr_update_email')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id), $lang_profile['E-mail updated redirect']); } // We have a confirmed e-mail so we going to send an activation link $new_email_key = random_key(8, true); // Save new e-mail and activation key $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'activate_string=\''.$forum_db->escape($new_email).'\', activate_key=\''.$new_email_key.'\'', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_qr_update_email_activation')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // Load the "activate e-mail" template $mail_tpl = forum_trim(file_get_contents(FORUM_ROOT.'lang/'.$forum_user['language'].'/mail_templates/activate_email.tpl')); // The first row contains the subject $first_crlf = strpos($mail_tpl, "\n"); $mail_subject = forum_trim(substr($mail_tpl, 8, $first_crlf-8)); $mail_message = forum_trim(substr($mail_tpl, $first_crlf)); $mail_message = str_replace('', $forum_user['username'], $mail_message); $mail_message = str_replace('', $base_url.'/', $mail_message); $mail_message = str_replace('', str_replace('&', '&', forum_link($forum_url['change_email_key'], array($id, $new_email_key))), $mail_message); $mail_message = str_replace('', sprintf($lang_common['Forum mailer'], $forum_config['o_board_title']), $mail_message); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_pre_activation_email_sent')) ? eval($hook) : null; forum_mail($new_email, $mail_subject, $mail_message); message(sprintf($lang_profile['Activate e-mail sent'], ''.forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']).'')); } } // Is this users own profile $forum_page['own_profile'] = ($forum_user['id'] == $id) ? true : false; // Setup form $forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = $forum_page['fld_count'] = 0; $forum_page['form_action'] = forum_link($forum_url['change_email'], $id); $forum_page['hidden_fields'] = array( 'form_sent' => '', 'csrf_token' => '' ); // Setup form information $forum_page['frm_info'] = '

'.$lang_profile['E-mail info'].'

'; // Setup breadcrumbs $forum_page['crumbs'] = array( array($forum_config['o_board_title'], forum_link($forum_url['index'])), array(sprintf($lang_profile['Users profile'], $user['username'], $lang_profile['Section about']), forum_link($forum_url['profile_about'], $id)), ($forum_page['own_profile']) ? $lang_profile['Change your e-mail'] : sprintf($lang_profile['Change user e-mail'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])) ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_pre_header_load')) ? eval($hook) : null; define('FORUM_PAGE', 'profile-changemail'); require FORUM_ROOT.'header.php'; // START SUBST - ob_start(); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_normal_output_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

'.$cur_error.''; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_email_pre_errors')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

', $tpl_temp, $tpl_main); ob_end_clean(); // END SUBST - require FORUM_ROOT.'footer.php'; } else if ($action == 'delete_user' || isset($_POST['delete_user_comply']) || isset($_POST['cancel'])) { // User pressed the cancel button if (isset($_POST['cancel'])) redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_admin'], $id), $lang_common['Cancel redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_user_selected')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN) message($lang_common['No permission']); if ($user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN) message($lang_profile['Cannot delete admin']); if (isset($_POST['delete_user_comply'])) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_user_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; delete_user($id, isset($_POST['delete_posts'])); // Remove cache file with forum stats if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) { require FORUM_ROOT.'include/cache.php'; } clean_stats_cache(); // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['User delete redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_user_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['index']), $lang_profile['User delete redirect']); } // Setup form $forum_page['group_count'] = $forum_page['item_count'] = $forum_page['fld_count'] = 0; $forum_page['form_action'] = forum_link($forum_url['delete_user'], $id); // Setup form information $forum_page['frm_info'] = array( '
  • '.$lang_profile['Delete warning'].'
  • ', '
  • '.$lang_profile['Delete posts info'].'
  • ' ); // Setup breadcrumbs $forum_page['crumbs'] = array( array($forum_config['o_board_title'], forum_link($forum_url['index'])), array(sprintf($lang_profile['Users profile'], $user['username'], $lang_profile['Section admin']), forum_link($forum_url['profile_admin'], $id)), $lang_profile['Delete user'] ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_user_pre_header_load')) ? eval($hook) : null; define('FORUM_PAGE', 'dialogue'); require FORUM_ROOT.'header.php'; // START SUBST - ob_start(); ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_user_output_start')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

    ', $tpl_temp, $tpl_main); ob_end_clean(); // END SUBST - require FORUM_ROOT.'footer.php'; } else if ($action == 'delete_avatar') { // Make sure we are allowed to delete this user's avatar if ($forum_user['id'] != $id && $forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && ($forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' || $forum_user['g_mod_edit_users'] == '0' || $user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1')) message($lang_common['No permission']); // We validate the CSRF token. If it's set in POST and we're at this point, the token is valid. // If it's in GET, we need to make sure it's valid. if (!isset($_POST['csrf_token']) && (!isset($_GET['csrf_token']) || $_GET['csrf_token'] !== generate_form_token('delete_avatar'.$id.$forum_user['id']))) csrf_confirm_form(); ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_avatar_selected')) ? eval($hook) : null; delete_avatar($id); // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['Avatar deleted redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_delete_avatar_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_avatar'], $id), $lang_profile['Avatar deleted redirect']); } else if (isset($_POST['update_group_membership'])) { if ($forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN) message($lang_common['No permission']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_group_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; $new_group_id = intval($_POST['group_id']); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'group_id='.$new_group_id, 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_group_qr_update_group')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $query = array( 'SELECT' => 'g.g_moderator', 'FROM' => 'groups AS g', 'WHERE' => 'g.g_id='.$new_group_id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_group_qr_check_new_group_mod')) ? eval($hook) : null; $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $new_group_mod = $forum_db->result($result); // If the user was a moderator or an administrator (and no longer is), we remove him/her from the moderator list in all forums if (($user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1') && $new_group_id != FORUM_ADMIN && $new_group_mod != '1') clean_forum_moderators(); // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['Group membership redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_group_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_admin'], $id), $lang_profile['Group membership redirect']); } else if (isset($_POST['update_forums'])) { if ($forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN) message($lang_common['No permission']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_forum_moderators_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; $moderator_in = (isset($_POST['moderator_in'])) ? array_keys($_POST['moderator_in']) : array(); // Loop through all forums $query = array( 'SELECT' => 'f.id, f.moderators', 'FROM' => 'forums AS f' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_forum_moderators_qr_get_all_forum_mods')) ? eval($hook) : null; $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); while ($cur_forum = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($result)) { $cur_moderators = ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '') ? unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']) : array(); // If the user should have moderator access (and he/she doesn't already have it) if (in_array($cur_forum['id'], $moderator_in) && !in_array($id, $cur_moderators)) { $cur_moderators[$user['username']] = $id; ksort($cur_moderators); } // If the user shouldn't have moderator access (and he/she already has it) else if (!in_array($cur_forum['id'], $moderator_in) && in_array($id, $cur_moderators)) unset($cur_moderators[$user['username']]); $cur_moderators = (!empty($cur_moderators)) ? '\''.$forum_db->escape(serialize($cur_moderators)).'\'' : 'NULL'; $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'forums', 'SET' => 'moderators='.$cur_moderators, 'WHERE' => 'id='.$cur_forum['id'] ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_forum_moderators_qr_update_forum_moderators')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); } // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['Moderate forums redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_forum_moderators_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_admin'], $id), $lang_profile['Moderate forums redirect']); } else if (isset($_POST['ban'])) { if ($forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && ($forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' || $forum_user['g_mod_ban_users'] == '0')) message($lang_common['No permission']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_ban_user_selected')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['admin_bans']).'&add_ban='.$id, $lang_profile['Ban redirect']); } else if (isset($_POST['form_sent'])) { // Make sure we are allowed to edit this user's profile if ($forum_user['id'] != $id && $forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && ($forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' || $forum_user['g_mod_edit_users'] == '0' || $user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1')) message($lang_common['No permission']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_form_submitted')) ? eval($hook) : null; // Extract allowed elements from $_POST['form'] function extract_elements($allowed_elements) { $form = array(); foreach ($_POST['form'] as $key => $value) { if (in_array($key, $allowed_elements)) $form[$key] = $value; } return $form; } $username_updated = false; // Validate input depending on section switch ($section) { case 'identity': { $form = extract_elements(array('realname', 'url', 'location', 'jabber', 'icq', 'msn', 'aim', 'yahoo', 'facebook', 'twitter', 'linkedin', 'skype')); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_identity_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($forum_user['is_admmod']) { // Are we allowed to change usernames? if ($forum_user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || ($forum_user['g_moderator'] == '1' && $forum_user['g_mod_rename_users'] == '1')) { $form['username'] = forum_trim($_POST['req_username']); $old_username = forum_trim($_POST['old_username']); // Validate the new username $errors = array_merge($errors, validate_username($form['username'], $id)); if ($form['username'] != $old_username) $username_updated = true; } // We only allow administrators to update the post count if ($forum_user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN) $form['num_posts'] = intval($_POST['num_posts']); } if ($forum_user['is_admmod']) { if (!defined('FORUM_EMAIL_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) require FORUM_ROOT.'include/email.php'; // Validate the email-address $form['email'] = strtolower(forum_trim($_POST['req_email'])); if (!is_valid_email($form['email'])) $errors[] = $lang_common['Invalid e-mail']; } if ($forum_user['is_admmod']) $form['admin_note'] = forum_trim($_POST['admin_note']); if ($forum_user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN) $form['title'] = forum_trim($_POST['title']); else if ($forum_user['g_set_title'] == '1') { $form['title'] = forum_trim($_POST['title']); if ($form['title'] != '') { // A list of words that the title may not contain // If the language is English, there will be some duplicates, but it's not the end of the world $forbidden = array('Member', 'Moderator', 'Administrator', 'Banned', 'Guest', $lang_common['Member'], $lang_common['Moderator'], $lang_common['Administrator'], $lang_common['Banned'], $lang_common['Guest']); if (in_array($form['title'], $forbidden)) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Forbidden title']; } } // Add http:// if the URL doesn't contain it or https:// already if ($form['url'] != '' && strpos(strtolower($form['url']), 'http://') !== 0 && strpos(strtolower($form['url']), 'https://') !== 0) $form['url'] = 'http://'.$form['url']; //check Facebook for validity if (strpos($form['facebook'], 'http://') === 0 || strpos($form['facebook'], 'https://') === 0) if (!preg_match('#https?://(www\.)?facebook.com/.+?#', $form['facebook'])) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad Facebook']; //check Twitter for validity if (strpos($form['twitter'], 'http://') === 0 || strpos($form['twitter'], 'https://') === 0) if (!preg_match('#https?://twitter.com/.+?#', $form['twitter'])) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad Twitter']; //check LinkedIn for validity if (strpos($form['linkedin'], 'http://') === 0 || strpos($form['linkedin'], 'https://') === 0) if (!preg_match('#https?://(www\.)?linkedin.com/.+?#', $form['linkedin'])) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad LinkedIn']; // Add http:// if the LinkedIn doesn't contain it or https:// already if ($form['linkedin'] != '' && strpos(strtolower($form['linkedin']), 'http://') !== 0 && strpos(strtolower($form['linkedin']), 'https://') !== 0) $form['linkedin'] = 'http://'.$form['linkedin']; // If the ICQ UIN contains anything other than digits it's invalid if ($form['icq'] != '' && !ctype_digit($form['icq'])) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad ICQ']; break; } case 'settings': { $form = extract_elements(array('dst', 'timezone', 'language', 'email_setting', 'notify_with_post', 'auto_notify', 'time_format', 'date_format', 'disp_topics', 'disp_posts', 'show_smilies', 'show_img', 'show_img_sig', 'show_avatars', 'show_sig', 'style')); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_settings_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; $form['dst'] = (isset($form['dst'])) ? 1 : 0; $form['time_format'] = (isset($form['time_format'])) ? intval($form['time_format']) : 0; $form['date_format'] = (isset($form['date_format'])) ? intval($form['date_format']) : 0; $form['timezone'] = (isset($form['timezone'])) ? floatval($form['timezone']) : $forum_config['o_default_timezone']; // Validate timezone if (($form['timezone'] > 14.0) || ($form['timezone'] < -12.0)) { message($lang_common['Bad request']); } $form['email_setting'] = intval($form['email_setting']); if ($form['email_setting'] < 0 || $form['email_setting'] > 2) $form['email_setting'] = 1; if ($forum_config['o_subscriptions'] == '1') { if (!isset($form['notify_with_post']) || $form['notify_with_post'] != '1') $form['notify_with_post'] = '0'; if (!isset($form['auto_notify']) || $form['auto_notify'] != '1') $form['auto_notify'] = '0'; } // Make sure we got a valid language string if (isset($form['language'])) { $form['language'] = preg_replace('#[\.\\\/]#', '', $form['language']); if (!file_exists(FORUM_ROOT.'lang/'.$form['language'].'/common.php')) message($lang_common['Bad request']); } if ($form['disp_topics'] != '' && intval($form['disp_topics']) < 3) $form['disp_topics'] = 3; if ($form['disp_topics'] != '' && intval($form['disp_topics']) > 75) $form['disp_topics'] = 75; if ($form['disp_posts'] != '' && intval($form['disp_posts']) < 3) $form['disp_posts'] = 3; if ($form['disp_posts'] != '' && intval($form['disp_posts']) > 75) $form['disp_posts'] = 75; if (!isset($form['show_smilies']) || $form['show_smilies'] != '1') $form['show_smilies'] = '0'; if (!isset($form['show_img']) || $form['show_img'] != '1') $form['show_img'] = '0'; if (!isset($form['show_img_sig']) || $form['show_img_sig'] != '1') $form['show_img_sig'] = '0'; if (!isset($form['show_avatars']) || $form['show_avatars'] != '1') $form['show_avatars'] = '0'; if (!isset($form['show_sig']) || $form['show_sig'] != '1') $form['show_sig'] = '0'; // Make sure we got a valid style string if (isset($form['style'])) { $form['style'] = preg_replace('#[\.\\\/]#', '', $form['style']); if (!file_exists(FORUM_ROOT.'style/'.$form['style'].'/'.$form['style'].'.php')) message($lang_common['Bad request']); } break; } case 'signature': { if ($forum_config['o_signatures'] == '0') message($lang_profile['Signatures disabled']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_signature_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; // Clean up signature from POST $form['signature'] = forum_linebreaks(forum_trim($_POST['signature'])); // Validate signature if (utf8_strlen($form['signature']) > $forum_config['p_sig_length']) $errors[] = sprintf($lang_profile['Sig too long'], forum_number_format($forum_config['p_sig_length']), forum_number_format(utf8_strlen($form['signature']) - $forum_config['p_sig_length'])); if (substr_count($form['signature'], "\n") > ($forum_config['p_sig_lines'] - 1)) $errors[] = sprintf($lang_profile['Sig too many lines'], forum_number_format($forum_config['p_sig_lines'])); if ($form['signature'] != '' && $forum_config['p_sig_all_caps'] == '0' && check_is_all_caps($form['signature']) && !$forum_user['is_admmod']) $form['signature'] = utf8_ucwords(utf8_strtolower($form['signature'])); // Validate BBCode syntax if ($forum_config['p_sig_bbcode'] == '1' || $forum_config['o_make_links'] == '1') { if (!defined('FORUM_PARSER_LOADED')) require FORUM_ROOT.'include/parser.php'; $form['signature'] = preparse_bbcode($form['signature'], $errors, true); } break; } case 'avatar': { if ($forum_config['o_avatars'] == '0') message($lang_profile['Avatars disabled']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; if (!isset($_FILES['req_file'])) { $errors[] = $lang_profile['No file']; break; } else $uploaded_file = $_FILES['req_file']; // Make sure the upload went smooth if (isset($uploaded_file['error']) && empty($errors)) { switch ($uploaded_file['error']) { case 1: // UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE case 2: // UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE $errors[] = $lang_profile['Too large ini']; break; case 3: // UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL $errors[] = $lang_profile['Partial upload']; break; case 4: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE $errors[] = $lang_profile['No file']; break; case 6: // UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR $errors[] = $lang_profile['No tmp directory']; break; default: // No error occured, but was something actually uploaded? if ($uploaded_file['size'] == 0) $errors[] = $lang_profile['No file']; break; } } if (is_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name']) && empty($errors)) { // First check simple by size and mime type $allowed_mime_types = array('image/gif', 'image/jpeg', 'image/pjpeg', 'image/png', 'image/x-png'); $allowed_types = array(IMAGETYPE_JPEG, IMAGETYPE_PNG, IMAGETYPE_GIF); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_allowed_types')) ? eval($hook) : null; if (!in_array($uploaded_file['type'], $allowed_mime_types)) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad type']; else { // Make sure the file isn't too big if ($uploaded_file['size'] > $forum_config['o_avatars_size']) $errors[] = sprintf($lang_profile['Too large'], forum_number_format($forum_config['o_avatars_size'])); } if (empty($errors)) { $avatar_tmp_file = $forum_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.'.tmp'; // Move the file to the avatar directory. We do this before checking the width/height to circumvent open_basedir restrictions. if (!@move_uploaded_file($uploaded_file['tmp_name'], $avatar_tmp_file)) $errors[] = sprintf($lang_profile['Move failed'], ''.forum_htmlencode($forum_config['o_admin_email']).''); if (empty($errors)) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_modify_size')) ? eval($hook) : null; // Now check the width, height, type list($width, $height, $type,) = @/**/getimagesize($avatar_tmp_file); if (empty($width) || empty($height) || $width > $forum_config['o_avatars_width'] || $height > $forum_config['o_avatars_height']) { @unlink($avatar_tmp_file); $errors[] = sprintf($lang_profile['Too wide or high'], $forum_config['o_avatars_width'], $forum_config['o_avatars_height']); } else if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF && $uploaded_file['type'] != 'image/gif') // Prevent dodgy uploads { @unlink($avatar_tmp_file); $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad type']; } // Determine type $extension = null; $avatar_type = FORUM_AVATAR_NONE; if ($type == IMAGETYPE_GIF) { $extension = '.gif'; $avatar_type = FORUM_AVATAR_GIF; } else if ($type == IMAGETYPE_JPEG) { $extension = '.jpg'; $avatar_type = FORUM_AVATAR_JPG; } else if ($type == IMAGETYPE_PNG) { $extension = '.png'; $avatar_type = FORUM_AVATAR_PNG; } ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_determine_extension')) ? eval($hook) : null; // Check type from getimagesize type format if (!in_array($avatar_type, $allowed_types) || empty($extension)) { @unlink($avatar_tmp_file); $errors[] = $lang_profile['Bad type']; } ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_validate_file')) ? eval($hook) : null; if (empty($errors)) { // Delete any old avatars delete_avatar($id); // Put the new avatar in its place @rename($avatar_tmp_file, $forum_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.$extension); @chmod($forum_config['o_avatars_dir'].'/'.$id.$extension, 0644); // Avatar $avatar_width = (intval($width) > 0) ? intval($width) : 0; $avatar_height = (intval($height) > 0) ? intval($height) : 0; // Save to DB $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => 'avatar=\''.$avatar_type.'\', avatar_height=\''.$avatar_height.'\', avatar_width=\''.$avatar_width.'\'', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_qr_update_avatar')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // Update avatar info $user['avatar'] = $avatar_type; $user['avatar_width'] = $width; $user['avatar_height'] = $height; } } } } else if (empty($errors)) $errors[] = $lang_profile['Unknown failure']; break; } default: { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_new_section_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; break; } } $skip_db_update_sections = array('avatar'); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_pre_database_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; // All sections apart from avatar potentially affect the database if (!in_array($section, $skip_db_update_sections) && empty($errors)) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_database_validation')) ? eval($hook) : null; // Singlequotes around non-empty values and NULL for empty values $new_values = array(); foreach ($form as $key => $input) { $value = ($input !== '') ? '\''.$forum_db->escape($input).'\'' : 'NULL'; $new_values[] = $key.'='.$value; } // Make sure we have something to update if (empty($new_values)) message($lang_common['Bad request']); // Run the update $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'users', 'SET' => implode(',', $new_values), 'WHERE' => 'id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_user')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // If we changed the username we have to update some stuff if ($username_updated) { ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_username_changed')) ? eval($hook) : null; $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'posts', 'SET' => 'poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($form['username']).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'poster_id='.$id ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_posts_poster')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'topics', 'SET' => 'poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($form['username']).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($old_username).'\'' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_topics_poster')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'topics', 'SET' => 'last_poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($form['username']).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'last_poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($old_username).'\'' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_topics_last_poster')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'forums', 'SET' => 'last_poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($form['username']).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'last_poster=\''.$forum_db->escape($old_username).'\'' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_forums_last_poster')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'online', 'SET' => 'ident=\''.$forum_db->escape($form['username']).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'ident=\''.$forum_db->escape($old_username).'\'' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_online_ident')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'posts', 'SET' => 'edited_by=\''.$forum_db->escape($form['username']).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'edited_by=\''.$forum_db->escape($old_username).'\'' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_posts_edited_by')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); // If the user is a moderator or an administrator we have to update the moderator lists and bans cache if ($user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1') { $query = array( 'SELECT' => 'f.id, f.moderators', 'FROM' => 'forums AS f' ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_get_all_forum_mods')) ? eval($hook) : null; $result = $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); while ($cur_forum = $forum_db->fetch_assoc($result)) { $cur_moderators = ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '') ? unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']) : array(); if (in_array($id, $cur_moderators)) { unset($cur_moderators[$old_username]); $cur_moderators[$form['username']] = $id; ksort($cur_moderators); $query = array( 'UPDATE' => 'forums', 'SET' => 'moderators=\''.$forum_db->escape(serialize($cur_moderators)).'\'', 'WHERE' => 'id='.$cur_forum['id'] ); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_qr_update_forum_moderators')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_db->query_build($query) or error(__FILE__, __LINE__); } } // Regenerate the bans cache if (!defined('FORUM_CACHE_FUNCTIONS_LOADED')) require FORUM_ROOT.'include/cache.php'; generate_bans_cache(); } } // Add flash message $forum_flash->add_info($lang_profile['Profile redirect']); ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_pre_redirect')) ? eval($hook) : null; redirect(forum_link($forum_url['profile_'.$section], $id), $lang_profile['Profile redirect']); } } ($hook = get_hook('pf_new_action')) ? eval($hook) : null; if ($user['signature'] != '') { if (!defined('FORUM_PARSER_LOADED')) require FORUM_ROOT.'include/parser.php'; $parsed_signature = parse_signature($user['signature']); } // View or edit? if ($forum_user['id'] != $id && $forum_user['g_id'] != FORUM_ADMIN && ($forum_user['g_moderator'] != '1' || $forum_user['g_mod_edit_users'] == '0' || $user['g_id'] == FORUM_ADMIN || $user['g_moderator'] == '1')) { // Setup user identification $forum_page['user_ident'] = array(); ($hook = get_hook('pf_view_details_selected')) ? eval($hook) : null; $forum_page['user_ident']['username'] = '
  • '.forum_htmlencode($user['username']).'
  • '; if ($forum_config['o_avatars'] == '1') { $forum_page['avatar_markup'] = generate_avatar_markup($id, $user['avatar'], $user['avatar_width'], $user['avatar_height'], $user['username'], TRUE); if (!empty($forum_page['avatar_markup'])) $forum_page['user_ident']['avatar'] = '
  • '.$forum_page['avatar_markup'].'
  • '; } $forum_page['user_ident']['usertitle'] = '
  • '.get_title($user).'
  • '; // Setup user information $forum_page['user_info'] = array(); if ($user['realname'] !='') $forum_page['user_info']['realname'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Realname'].': '.forum_htmlencode(($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') ? censor_words($user['realname']) : $user['realname']).'
  • '; if ($user['location'] !='') $forum_page['user_info']['location'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['From'].': '.forum_htmlencode(($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') ? censor_words($user['location']) : $user['location']).'
  • '; $forum_page['user_info']['registered'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Registered'].': '.format_time($user['registered'], 1).'
  • '; $forum_page['user_info']['lastpost'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Last post'].': '.format_time($user['last_post']).'
  • '; if ($forum_config['o_show_post_count'] == '1' || $forum_user['is_admmod']) $forum_page['user_info']['posts'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Posts'].': '.forum_number_format($user['num_posts']).'
  • '; // Setup user address $forum_page['user_contact'] = array(); if ($user['email_setting'] == '0' && !$forum_user['is_guest'] && $forum_user['g_send_email'] == '1') $forum_page['user_contact']['email'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['E-mail'].':
  • '; if ($user['email_setting'] != '2' && !$forum_user['is_guest'] && $forum_user['g_send_email'] == '1') $forum_page['user_contact']['forum-mail'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['E-mail'].': '.$lang_profile['Send forum e-mail'].'
  • '; if ($user['url'] != '') { $url_source = $user['url']; // IDNA url handling if (defined('FORUM_SUPPORT_PCRE_UNICODE') && defined('FORUM_ENABLE_IDNA')) { // Load the IDNA class for international url handling require_once FORUM_ROOT.'include/idna/idna_convert.class.php'; $idn = new idna_convert(); $idn->set_parameter('encoding', 'utf8'); $idn->set_parameter('strict', false); if (preg_match('!^(https?|ftp|news){1}'.preg_quote('://xn--', '!').'!', $url_source)) { $user['url'] = $idn->decode($url_source); } else { $url_source = $idn->encode($url_source); } } if ($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') $user['url'] = censor_words($user['url']); $url_source = forum_htmlencode($url_source); $user['url'] = forum_htmlencode($user['url']); $forum_page['url'] = ''.$user['url'].''; $forum_page['user_contact']['website'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Website'].': '.$forum_page['url'].'
  • '; } // Facebook if ($user['facebook'] != '') { if ($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') { $user['facebook'] = censor_words($user['facebook']); } $facebook_url = ((strpos($user['facebook'], 'http://') === 0) || (strpos($user['facebook'], 'https://') === 0)) ? forum_htmlencode($user['facebook']) : forum_htmlencode('https://www.facebook.com/'.$user['facebook']) ; $forum_page['facebook'] = ''.$facebook_url.''; $forum_page['user_contact']['facebook'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Facebook'].': '.$forum_page['facebook'].'
  • '; } // Twitter if ($user['twitter'] != '') { if ($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') { $user['twitter'] = censor_words($user['twitter']); } $twitter_url = ((strpos($user['twitter'], 'http://') === 0) || (strpos($user['twitter'], 'https://') === 0)) ? forum_htmlencode($user['twitter']) : forum_htmlencode('https://twitter.com/'.$user['twitter']) ; $forum_page['twitter'] = ''.$twitter_url.''; $forum_page['user_contact']['twitter'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Twitter'].': '.$forum_page['twitter'].'
  • '; } // LinkedIn if ($user['linkedin'] != '') { if ($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') { $user['linkedin'] = censor_words($user['linkedin']); } $linkedin_url = forum_htmlencode($user['linkedin']); $forum_page['linkedin'] = ''.$linkedin_url.''; $forum_page['user_contact']['linkedin'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['LinkedIn'].': '.$forum_page['linkedin'].'
  • '; } if ($user['jabber'] !='') $forum_page['user_contact']['jabber'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Jabber'].': '.forum_htmlencode(($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') ? censor_words($user['jabber']) : $user['jabber']).'
  • '; if ($user['icq'] !='') $forum_page['user_contact']['icq'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['ICQ'].': '.forum_htmlencode($user['icq']).'
  • '; if ($user['msn'] !='') $forum_page['user_contact']['msn'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['MSN'].': '.forum_htmlencode(($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') ? censor_words($user['msn']) : $user['msn']).'
  • '; if ($user['aim'] !='') $forum_page['user_contact']['aim'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['AOL IM'].': '.forum_htmlencode(($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') ? censor_words($user['aim']) : $user['aim']).'
  • '; if ($user['yahoo'] !='') $forum_page['user_contact']['yahoo'] = '
  • '.$lang_profile['Yahoo'].': '.forum_htmlencode(($forum_config['o_censoring'] == '1') ? censor_words($user['yahoo']) : $user['yahoo']).'
  • '; // Setup signature demo if ($forum_config['o_signatures'] == '1' && isset($parsed_signature)) $forum_page['sig_demo'] = $parsed_signature; // Setup search links if ($forum_user['g_search'] == '1') { $forum_page['user_activity'] = array(); $forum_page['user_activity']['search_posts'] = '
  • '.sprintf($lang_profile['View user posts'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])).'
  • '; $forum_page['user_activity']['search_topics'] = '
  • '.sprintf($lang_profile['View user topics'], forum_htmlencode($user['username'])).'
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    '.$cur_error.''; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_identity_pre_errors')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

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    '.$cur_error.''; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_avatar_pre_errors')) ? eval($hook) : null; ?>

    '.$lang_profile['Delete avatar info'].'' : $lang_profile['No avatar info'] ?>

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    '."\n"; echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t".'
    '."\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".''.$cur_forum['cat_name'].':'."\n"; $cur_category = $cur_forum['cid']; } $moderators = ($cur_forum['moderators'] != '') ? unserialize($cur_forum['moderators']) : array(); echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t".'
    '."\n"; ($hook = get_hook('pf_change_details_admin_forum_loop_end')) ? eval($hook) : null; } if ($cur_category) echo "\t\t\t\t\t\t".'
    '."\n"; ?>
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