CHANGELOG ========= v. 0.1.0 -------- *21 Aug 2018* - **additions** - added the following enums: `Status`, `Plugged`, `Health` - added the following methods to `BatteryState` data class: - `fun status(): Status { ... }` - `fun plugged(): Plugged { ... }` - `fun health(): Health { ... }` - added `@JvmStatic` annotation to `fun observe(context: Context): Flowable` method in `RxBattery` class in order to call static method from Java modules without need to explicitly call `Companion` object - added KotlinX to sample Kotlin app - added project logo created by @Yasujizr - **updates** - fixed typo in const val in `RxBattery` class - **API-breaking change**: In `BatteryState` data class, renamed variable `status` to `statusCode`, `plugged` to `pluggedCode` and `health` to `healthCode` - **removals** - **API-breaking change**: Removed `RxBatteryFactory` class v. 0.0.1 -------- *17 Aug 2018* The first release of the library.