Releasing Guidelines ==================== In order to release new version of the library, we need to perform the following operations: - create new release issue on GitHub - prepare release notes and put them to the issue - checkout to the `master` branch - bump library version (`VERSION_NAME` and `VERSION_CODE`) in `` file - commit and push the changes - run command: `./gradlew uploadArchives` - go to the website - log in to Sonatype - go to "Staging Repositories" and sort by last "Updated" date and time - close and release artifact - copy `library/build/docs/javadoc` directory - checkout to `gh-pages` branch - remove old JavaDoc and paste new, generated JavaDoc there - commit and push changes - wait for the Maven Sync (up to 48 hours) - when sync is done, checkout to the `master` branch - update `` file with new release version, current date and release notes - bump library version in "Download" section in `` file - create new tagged GitHub release with name the same as `VERSION_NAME` from `` and release notes