Fortify Highlighter ==== Syntax Highlighter for Fortify Rulepacks and NST files INSTALL ==== 1. Install [Sublime Package Control]( 1. Open command palette `ctrl-shift-p` then `Install Package` 1. Search for `Fortify Highlighter` 1. Enjoy :) FEATURES ==== * Highlights: ** Fortify Rulepacks ** Structural Language ** Definition Blocks ** NST files NOTES ==== * The Syntax files are improved for [Cobalt2 Theme]( * If Sytax is not automatically enabled, use command palette `ctrl-shift-p` then `Set Syntax: Fortify xxxx` CONTRIBUTE ==== Submit patches to the .JSON-tmLanguage files, not the xml files which are generated from them. Build `tmLanguage`files with `AAAPackageDev`(install with package control, set Build System to `Convert To` in `Tools` and generate PList files). When submitting patches, please submit a sample code to exercise the syntax highlight.