import re from os.path import isfile from os import WIFSTOPPED, getuid, system from shutil import copyfile from socket import gethostname class sharefolder: def __init__(self): self.ok = '\033[92m' #GREEN self.progess = "\033[034m" = '\033[31m' #RED self.reset = '\033[0m' #RESET COLOR self.__path__ = '/usr/local/bin/' # check root or not if not getuid() == 0: print(f'{}[E]{self.reset} This script must be run as root!') elif getuid() == 0: print(f"{self.ok}[ OK ]{self.reset} Start installation ..") self.install() def __bashrc__(self): # open bashrc and read | write echo_command = f"alias sharefolder='python3 {self.__path__}'" with open('/root/.bashrc', 'r+') as bashrc_write: if echo_command in bashrc_write.close() return True elif echo_command not in bashrc_write.write(echo_command) bashrc_write.close() return False def __steps__(self): # check if isfile(self.__path__) and self.__bashrc__() is True: print(f"{self.ok}[ OK ]{self.reset} The program is already installed :)") elif not isfile(self.__path__) and self.__bashrc__() is False: self.__ad__ ="/(.*?)", self.__path__).group(1) print(f"{self.progess}[ INSTALL ]{self.reset} Copying File in System ... -> /{self.__ad__}") copyfile('./', self.__path__) print(f"{self.progess}[ INSTALL ]{self.reset} Set command in the system -> /root/.bashrc") self.__bashrc__() print(f"{self.ok}[ OK ]{self.reset} The program was successfully installed :)") print(f"{self.progess}[ OK ]{self.reset} Restart you terminal") def install(self): self.__steps__() sharefolder()