```markdown Dear [REVIEWER-Name], Hi, this is [EDITOR-Name]. [FRIENDLY BANTER]. I'm writing to ask if you have time to review a package for pyOpenSci. pyOpenSci has an open peer review of open source Python packages that support science. Accepted packages become a part of our pyOpenSci ecosystem of vetted community-adopted tools. Our review process is similar to that of open journals however it focuses on ensuring high quality packaging approaches that are inline with community adopted Python standards. The package, [PACKAGE] by [AUTHOR(S)], does [FUNCTION]. You can find it on GitHub here: [REPO LINK]. We conduct our open review process via GitHub as well, here: [ONBOARDING ISSUE] If you accept, note that we ask reviewers to complete reviews in three weeks (We’ve found it takes a similar amount of time to review a package as an academic paper.). Our [reviewers guide](https://www.pyopensci.org/software-peer-review/how-to/reviewer-guide.html) details what we look for in a package review, and includes links to example reviews. We also include a reviewer template on that page that you can use to guide your review. Our Python packaging standards are detailed in our [packaging guide](https://www.pyopensci.org/python-package-guide). If you have time, please have a look at the package first, to make sure that you do not have a conflict of interest with the package authors. If you have questions or feedback, feel free to ask me. {IF APPLICABLE: The authors have also chosen to jointly submit their package to the Journal of Open Source Software, so this package includes a short `paper.md` manuscript describing the software that we ask you include in your review.} Are you able to review? If you can not, I welcome any suggestions that you have for other reviewers. If I don't hear from you within a week, I will assume that you are unable to review this package at this time. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, [EDITOR] ```