Changelog ========= 1.6.0 (UNRELEASED) ------------------ 1.5.0 (2022-01-07) ------------------ * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** Removed support for Python 2.7 and Python 3.5. * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** We no longer distribute ``manylinux1`` wheels. * Added ``manylinux2014``, ``manylinux_2_24``, ``musllinux``, and macOS ``universal2`` wheels (the latter supports macOS ``arm64``). * Update ``libsodium`` to 1.0.18-stable (July 25, 2021 release). * Add inline type hints. 1.4.0 (2020-05-25) ------------------ * Update ``libsodium`` to 1.0.18. * **BACKWARDS INCOMPATIBLE:** We no longer distribute 32-bit ``manylinux1`` wheels. Continuing to produce them was a maintenance burden. * Added support for Python 3.8, and removed support for Python 3.4. * Add low level bindings for extracting the seed and the public key from crypto_sign_ed25519 secret key * Add low level bindings for deterministic random generation. * Add ``wheel`` and ``setuptools`` setup_requirements in ```` (#485) * Fix checks on very slow builders (#481, #495) * Add low-level bindings to ed25519 arithmetic functions * Update low-level blake2b state implementation * Fix wrong short-input behavior of SealedBox.decrypt() (#517) * Raise CryptPrefixError exception instead of InvalidkeyError when trying to check a password against a verifier stored in a unknown format (#519) * Add support for minimal builds of libsodium. Trying to call functions not available in a minimal build will raise an UnavailableError exception. To compile a minimal build of the bundled libsodium, set the SODIUM_INSTALL_MINIMAL environment variable to any non-empty string (e.g. ``SODIUM_INSTALL_MINIMAL=1``) for setup. 1.3.0 2018-09-26 ---------------- * Added support for Python 3.7. * Update ``libsodium`` to 1.0.16. * Run and test all code examples in PyNaCl docs through sphinx's doctest builder. * Add low-level bindings for chacha20-poly1305 AEAD constructions. * Add low-level bindings for the chacha20-poly1305 secretstream constructions. * Add low-level bindings for ed25519ph pre-hashed signing construction. * Add low-level bindings for constant-time increment and addition on fixed-precision big integers represented as little-endian byte sequences. * Add low-level bindings for the ISO/IEC 7816-4 compatible padding API. * Add low-level bindings for libsodium's crypto_kx... key exchange construction. * Set hypothesis deadline to None in tests/ to avoid incorrect test failures on slower processor architectures. GitHub issue #370 1.2.1 - 2017-12-04 ------------------ * Update hypothesis minimum allowed version. * Infrastructure: add proper configuration for readthedocs builder runtime environment. 1.2.0 - 2017-11-01 ------------------ * Update ``libsodium`` to 1.0.15. * Infrastructure: add jenkins support for automatic build of ``manylinux1`` binary wheels * Added support for ``SealedBox`` construction. * Added support for ``argon2i`` and ``argon2id`` password hashing constructs and restructured high-level password hashing implementation to expose the same interface for all hashers. * Added support for 128 bit ``siphashx24`` variant of ``siphash24``. * Added support for ``from_seed`` APIs for X25519 key pair generation. * Dropped support for Python 3.3. 1.1.2 - 2017-03-31 ------------------ * reorder link time library search path when using bundled libsodium 1.1.1 - 2017-03-15 ------------------ * Fixed a circular import bug in ``nacl.utils``. 1.1.0 - 2017-03-14 ------------------ * Dropped support for Python 2.6. * Added ``shared_key()`` method on ``Box``. * You can now pass ``None`` to ``nonce`` when encrypting with ``Box`` or ``SecretBox`` and it will automatically generate a random nonce. * Added support for ``siphash24``. * Added support for ``blake2b``. * Added support for ``scrypt``. * Update ``libsodium`` to 1.0.11. * Default to the bundled ``libsodium`` when compiling. * All raised exceptions are defined mixing-in ``nacl.exceptions.CryptoError`` 1.0.1 - 2016-01-24 ------------------ * Fix an issue with absolute paths that prevented the creation of wheels. 1.0 - 2016-01-23 ---------------- * PyNaCl has been ported to use the new APIs available in cffi 1.0+. Due to this change we no longer support PyPy releases older than 2.6. * Python 3.2 support has been dropped. * Functions to convert between Ed25519 and Curve25519 keys have been added. 0.3.0 - 2015-03-04 ------------------ * The low-level API (`nacl.c.*`) has been changed to match the upstream NaCl C/C++ conventions (as well as those of other NaCl bindings). The order of arguments and return values has changed significantly. To avoid silent failures, `nacl.c` has been removed, and replaced with `nacl.bindings` (with the new argument ordering). If you have code which calls these functions (e.g. `nacl.c.crypto_box_keypair()`), you must review the new docstrings and update your code/imports to match the new conventions.