{ "cells": [ { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "81e0620e", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Last updated: 15 Feb 2023\n", "\n", "# 👋 PyCaret Anomaly Detection Tutorial\n", "\n", "PyCaret is an open-source, low-code machine learning library in Python that automates machine learning workflows. It is an end-to-end machine learning and model management tool that exponentially speeds up the experiment cycle and makes you more productive.\n", "\n", "Compared with the other open-source machine learning libraries, PyCaret is an alternate low-code library that can be used to replace hundreds of lines of code with a few lines only. This makes experiments exponentially fast and efficient. PyCaret is essentially a Python wrapper around several machine learning libraries and frameworks, such as scikit-learn, XGBoost, LightGBM, CatBoost, spaCy, Optuna, Hyperopt, Ray, and a few more.\n", "\n", "The design and simplicity of PyCaret are inspired by the emerging role of citizen data scientists, a term first used by Gartner. Citizen Data Scientists are power users who can perform both simple and moderately sophisticated analytical tasks that would previously have required more technical expertise.\n" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "8116e19d", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# 💻 Installation\n", "\n", "PyCaret is tested and supported on the following 64-bit systems:\n", "- Python 3.7 – 3.10\n", "- Python 3.9 for Ubuntu only\n", "- Ubuntu 16.04 or later\n", "- Windows 7 or later\n", "\n", "You can install PyCaret with Python's pip package manager:\n", "\n", "`pip install pycaret`\n", "\n", "PyCaret's default installation will not install all the extra dependencies automatically. For that you will have to install the full version:\n", "\n", "`pip install pycaret[full]`\n", "\n", "or depending on your use-case you may install one of the following variant:\n", "\n", "- `pip install pycaret[analysis]`\n", "- `pip install pycaret[models]`\n", "- `pip install pycaret[tuner]`\n", "- `pip install pycaret[mlops]`\n", "- `pip install pycaret[parallel]`\n", "- `pip install pycaret[test]`" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 44, "id": "d7142a33", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "'3.0.0'" ] }, "execution_count": 44, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# check installed version\n", "import pycaret\n", "pycaret.__version__" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "fb66e98d", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# 🚀 Quick start" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "00347d44", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "PyCaret’s Anomaly Detection Module is an unsupervised machine learning module that is used for identifying rare items, events, or observations that raise suspicions by differing significantly from the majority of the data. \n", "\n", "Typically, the anomalous items will translate to some kind of problems such as bank fraud, a structural defect, medical problems, or errors. \n", "\n", "PyCaret's Anomaly Detection module provides several pre-processing features to prepare the data for modeling through the `setup` function. It has over 10 ready-to-use algorithms and few plots to analyze the performance of trained models. \n", "\n", "A typical workflow in PyCaret's unsupervised module consist of following 6 steps in this order:\n", "\n", "**Setup** ➡️ **Create Model** ➡️ **Assign Labels** ➡️ **Analyze Model** ➡️ **Prediction** ➡️ **Save Model**" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 45, "id": "956dfdab", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 \\\n", "0 0.263995 0.764929 0.138424 0.935242 0.605867 0.518790 0.912225 \n", "1 0.546092 0.653975 0.065575 0.227772 0.845269 0.837066 0.272379 \n", "2 0.336714 0.538842 0.192801 0.553563 0.074515 0.332993 0.365792 \n", "3 0.092108 0.995017 0.014465 0.176371 0.241530 0.514724 0.562208 \n", "4 0.325261 0.805968 0.957033 0.331665 0.307923 0.355315 0.501899 \n", "\n", " Col8 Col9 Col10 \n", "0 0.608234 0.723782 0.733591 \n", "1 0.331679 0.429297 0.367422 \n", "2 0.861309 0.899017 0.088600 \n", "3 0.158963 0.073715 0.208463 \n", "4 0.558449 0.885169 0.182754 " ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# loading sample dataset from pycaret dataset module\n", "from pycaret.datasets import get_data\n", "data = get_data('anomaly')" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "c00f6a4a", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Setup\n", "This function initializes the training environment and creates the transformation pipeline. The setup function must be called before executing any other function. It takes one mandatory parameter only: data. All the other parameters are optional." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 46, "id": "97f2c6c6", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0Session id123
1Original data shape(1000, 10)
2Transformed data shape(1000, 10)
3Numeric features10
5Imputation typesimple
6Numeric imputationmean
7Categorical imputationmode
8CPU Jobs-1
9Use GPUFalse
10Log ExperimentFalse
11Experiment Nameanomaly-default-name
\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# import pycaret anomaly and init setup\n", "from pycaret.anomaly import *\n", "s = setup(data, session_id = 123)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "3c583864", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Once the setup has been successfully executed it shows the information grid containing experiment level information. \n", "\n", "- **Session id:** A pseudo-random number distributed as a seed in all functions for later reproducibility. If no `session_id` is passed, a random number is automatically generated that is distributed to all functions.
\n", "
\n", "- **Original data shape:** Shape of the original data prior to any transformations.
\n", "
\n", "- **Transformed data shape:** Shape of data after transformations
\n", "
\n", "- **Numeric features :** The number of features considered as numerical.
\n", "
\n", "- **Categorical features :** The number of features considered as categorical.
" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "ada19398", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "PyCaret has two set of API's that you can work with. (1) Functional (as seen above) and (2) Object Oriented API.\n", "\n", "With Object Oriented API instead of executing functions directly you will import a class and execute methods of class." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 47, "id": "32ee91c9", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# import AnomalyExperiment and init the class\n", "from pycaret.anomaly import AnomalyExperiment\n", "exp = AnomalyExperiment()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 48, "id": "3ead9fb5", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "pycaret.anomaly.oop.AnomalyExperiment" ] }, "execution_count": 48, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# check the type of exp\n", "type(exp)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 49, "id": "f05b8590", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0Session id123
1Original data shape(1000, 10)
2Transformed data shape(1000, 10)
3Numeric features10
5Imputation typesimple
6Numeric imputationmean
7Categorical imputationmode
8CPU Jobs-1
9Use GPUFalse
10Log ExperimentFalse
11Experiment Nameanomaly-default-name
\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 49, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# init setup on exp\n", "exp.setup(data, session_id = 123)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "77213120", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "You can use any of the two method i.e. Functional or OOP and even switch back and forth between two set of API's. The choice of method will not impact the results and has been tested for consistency." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "5de1eab6", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Create Model\n", "\n", "This function trains an unsupervised anomaly detection model. All the available models can be accessed using the models function." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 50, "id": "65a19df4", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Processing: 0%| | 0/3 [00:00\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
abodAngle-base Outlier Detectionpyod.models.abod.ABOD
clusterClustering-Based Local Outlierpyod.models.cblof.CBLOF
cofConnectivity-Based Local Outlierpycaret.internal.patches.pyod.COFPatched
iforestIsolation Forestpyod.models.iforest.IForest
histogramHistogram-based Outlier Detectionpyod.models.hbos.HBOS
knnK-Nearest Neighbors Detectorpyod.models.knn.KNN
lofLocal Outlier Factorpyod.models.lof.LOF
svmOne-class SVM detectorpyod.models.ocsvm.OCSVM
pcaPrincipal Component Analysispyod.models.pca.PCA
mcdMinimum Covariance Determinantpyod.models.mcd.MCD
sodSubspace Outlier Detectionpycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SODPatched
sosStochastic Outlier Selectionpycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SOSPatched
\n", "" ], "text/plain": [ " Name \\\n", "ID \n", "abod Angle-base Outlier Detection \n", "cluster Clustering-Based Local Outlier \n", "cof Connectivity-Based Local Outlier \n", "iforest Isolation Forest \n", "histogram Histogram-based Outlier Detection \n", "knn K-Nearest Neighbors Detector \n", "lof Local Outlier Factor \n", "svm One-class SVM detector \n", "pca Principal Component Analysis \n", "mcd Minimum Covariance Determinant \n", "sod Subspace Outlier Detection \n", "sos Stochastic Outlier Selection \n", "\n", " Reference \n", "ID \n", "abod pyod.models.abod.ABOD \n", "cluster pyod.models.cblof.CBLOF \n", "cof pycaret.internal.patches.pyod.COFPatched \n", "iforest pyod.models.iforest.IForest \n", "histogram pyod.models.hbos.HBOS \n", "knn pyod.models.knn.KNN \n", "lof pyod.models.lof.LOF \n", "svm pyod.models.ocsvm.OCSVM \n", "pca pyod.models.pca.PCA \n", "mcd pyod.models.mcd.MCD \n", "sod pycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SODPatched \n", "sos pycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SOSPatched " ] }, "execution_count": 51, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# to check all the available models\n", "models()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "8aad62df", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Assign Model\n", "This function assigns anomaly labels to the training data, given a trained model." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 52, "id": "f1e54158", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "

1000 rows × 12 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 \\\n", "0 0.263995 0.764929 0.138424 0.935242 0.605867 0.518790 0.912225 \n", "1 0.546092 0.653975 0.065575 0.227772 0.845269 0.837066 0.272379 \n", "2 0.336714 0.538842 0.192801 0.553563 0.074515 0.332993 0.365792 \n", "3 0.092108 0.995017 0.014465 0.176371 0.241530 0.514724 0.562208 \n", "4 0.325261 0.805968 0.957033 0.331665 0.307923 0.355315 0.501899 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.305055 0.656837 0.331665 0.822525 0.907127 0.882276 0.855732 \n", "996 0.812627 0.864258 0.616604 0.167966 0.811223 0.938071 0.418462 \n", "997 0.250967 0.138627 0.919703 0.461234 0.886555 0.869888 0.800908 \n", "998 0.502436 0.936820 0.580062 0.540773 0.151995 0.059452 0.225220 \n", "999 0.457991 0.017755 0.714113 0.125992 0.063316 0.154739 0.922974 \n", "\n", " Col8 Col9 Col10 Anomaly Anomaly_Score \n", "0 0.608234 0.723782 0.733591 0 -0.035865 \n", "1 0.331679 0.429297 0.367422 0 -0.084927 \n", "2 0.861309 0.899017 0.088600 1 0.025356 \n", "3 0.158963 0.073715 0.208463 1 0.042415 \n", "4 0.558449 0.885169 0.182754 0 -0.023408 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.584786 0.808640 0.242762 0 -0.083981 \n", "996 0.472306 0.348347 0.671129 0 -0.075839 \n", "997 0.530324 0.779433 0.234952 0 -0.052903 \n", "998 0.242755 0.279385 0.538755 0 -0.075104 \n", "999 0.692299 0.816777 0.307592 0 -0.008665 \n", "\n", "[1000 rows x 12 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 52, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "iforest_anomalies = assign_model(iforest)\n", "iforest_anomalies" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "6a77ec0c", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Analyze Model" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "595ea108", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "You can use the `plot_model` function to analyzes the performance of a trained model on the test set. It may require re-training the model in certain cases." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 53, "id": "0ec7fad6", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "customdata": [ [ 0.26399535 ], [ 0.54609233 ], [ 0.33671412 ], [ 0.09210783 ], [ 0.32526118 ], [ 0.21246485 ], [ 0.25856572 ], [ 0.86923677 ], [ 0.19707796 ], [ 0.29298452 ], [ 0.8217832 ], [ 0.79662293 ], [ 0.045577012 ], [ 0.61366034 ], [ 0.95074457 ], [ 0.33634633 ], [ 0.034440666 ], [ 0.74154425 ], [ 0.18443266 ], [ 0.66451496 ], [ 0.16282485 ], [ 0.72983843 ], [ 0.62837386 ], [ 0.05788366 ], [ 0.44553483 ], [ 0.80183697 ], [ 0.27709612 ], [ 0.22863401 ], [ 0.8348607 ], [ 0.6697665 ], [ 0.5325273 ], [ 0.17045908 ], [ 0.5102885 ], [ 0.977562 ], [ 0.24977599 ], [ 0.9755007 ], [ 0.6137017 ], [ 0.16742036 ], [ 0.5374725 ], [ 0.37989914 ], [ 0.6338973 ], [ 0.6339604 ], [ 0.5499747 ], [ 0.17817299 ], [ 0.85563815 ], [ 0.3217967 ], [ 0.8174905 ], [ 0.25487942 ], [ 0.3441405 ], [ 0.8061457 ], [ 0.27708167 ], [ 0.5443285 ], [ 0.07708393 ], [ 0.27308145 ], [ 0.39087734 ], [ 0.3496214 ], [ 0.21454975 ], [ 0.20607522 ], [ 0.86462 ], [ 0.9817088 ], [ 0.33482966 ], [ 0.6483871 ], [ 0.09364356 ], [ 0.8378027 ], [ 0.76034397 ], [ 0.2914042 ], [ 0.3413454 ], [ 0.7611125 ], [ 0.5418998 ], [ 0.6841766 ], [ 0.9835356 ], [ 0.52081245 ], [ 0.32822773 ], [ 0.09715794 ], [ 0.8760886 ], [ 0.8702145 ], [ 0.656087 ], [ 0.3067915 ], [ 0.48126733 ], [ 0.25955918 ], [ 0.32612365 ], [ 0.93056804 ], [ 0.6583894 ], [ 0.6899923 ], [ 0.31578112 ], [ 0.5669051 ], [ 0.63752663 ], [ 0.6875407 ], [ 0.3243006 ], [ 0.5927049 ], [ 0.74025315 ], [ 0.5940329 ], [ 0.59645295 ], [ 0.2776808 ], [ 0.25832966 ], [ 0.14246087 ], [ 0.43553346 ], [ 0.70249903 ], [ 0.58897537 ], [ 0.6533044 ], [ 0.3369685 ], [ 0.6312447 ], [ 0.7353008 ], [ 0.050390366 ], [ 0.06426492 ], [ 0.6653595 ], [ 0.91783524 ], [ 0.4465101 ], [ 0.6619382 ], [ 0.43935984 ], [ 0.6875724 ], [ 0.36346224 ], [ 0.6542622 ], [ 0.57855356 ], [ 0.065927945 ], [ 0.55014855 ], [ 0.13918282 ], [ 0.08000463 ], [ 0.27822837 ], [ 0.5601243 ], [ 0.53639865 ], [ 0.4265319 ], [ 0.78910977 ], [ 0.7429005 ], [ 0.90169257 ], [ 0.6503374 ], [ 0.11405731 ], [ 0.26081258 ], [ 0.43991232 ], [ 0.9644093 ], [ 0.18440141 ], [ 0.34514543 ], [ 0.17589459 ], [ 0.31251445 ], [ 0.6741319 ], [ 0.32825044 ], [ 0.5982311 ], [ 0.09259882 ], [ 0.49791652 ], [ 0.41977653 ], [ 0.3121767 ], [ 0.9378571 ], [ 0.049030963 ], [ 0.47610453 ], [ 0.44739753 ], [ 0.29580605 ], [ 0.737364 ], [ 0.6258963 ], [ 0.40881342 ], [ 0.43751115 ], [ 0.69135135 ], [ 0.9355553 ], [ 0.43784666 ], [ 0.07221772 ], [ 0.67636067 ], [ 0.468884 ], [ 0.5438206 ], [ 0.65552264 ], [ 0.69352895 ], [ 0.108878314 ], [ 0.28546375 ], [ 0 ], [ 0.7064955 ], [ 0.27353063 ], [ 0.29232028 ], [ 0.6739843 ], [ 0.12612183 ], [ 0.9467075 ], [ 0.9363389 ], [ 0.85375535 ], [ 0.7060714 ], [ 0.6936822 ], [ 0.5085279 ], [ 0.34717038 ], [ 0.70415425 ], [ 0.6587301 ], [ 0.15584156 ], [ 0.31108543 ], [ 0.28113535 ], [ 0.0945878 ], [ 0.683261 ], [ 0.90772927 ], [ 0.29151267 ], [ 0.7527345 ], [ 0.93482965 ], [ 0.07141396 ], [ 0.5948963 ], [ 0.40467203 ], [ 0.1383762 ], [ 0.7473385 ], [ 0.5308825 ], [ 0.2826496 ], [ 0.69933575 ], [ 0.05611125 ], [ 0.855235 ], [ 0.07789513 ], [ 0.8916496 ], [ 0.3867423 ], [ 0.27113158 ], [ 0.95888895 ], [ 0.08512087 ], [ 0.52690226 ], [ 0.066577785 ], [ 0.8415067 ], [ 0.2553421 ], [ 0.060545772 ], [ 0.07338587 ], [ 0.18749373 ], [ 0.8583657 ], [ 0.09064035 ], [ 0.7097252 ], [ 0.6313006 ], [ 0.24750447 ], [ 0.8228436 ], [ 0.37347677 ], [ 0.6255386 ], [ 0.2929517 ], [ 0.29973033 ], [ 0.25121406 ], [ 0.34448054 ], [ 0.29306477 ], [ 0.7628032 ], [ 0.7384708 ], [ 0.67488325 ], [ 0.7191516 ], [ 0.13098022 ], [ 0.51132804 ], [ 0.04492903 ], [ 0.56091446 ], [ 0.74404067 ], [ 0.26696163 ], [ 0.64423186 ], [ 0.038113352 ], [ 0.0571553 ], [ 0.34139246 ], [ 0.72046363 ], [ 0.40287822 ], [ 0.63514894 ], [ 0.32072946 ], [ 0.091209695 ], [ 0.23414609 ], [ 0.8902211 ], [ 0.6021709 ], [ 0.63365203 ], [ 0.80624086 ], [ 0.7397312 ], [ 0.46523127 ], [ 0.7321109 ], [ 0.3738743 ], [ 0.5015879 ], [ 0.115383156 ], [ 0.7319466 ], [ 0.41829872 ], [ 0.062259592 ], [ 0.3914964 ], [ 0.3598493 ], [ 0.24523562 ], [ 0.6100283 ], [ 0.43540362 ], [ 0.43430966 ], [ 0.52376336 ], [ 0.17118786 ], [ 0.1877343 ], [ 0.94501466 ], [ 0.027851097 ], [ 0.68445706 ], [ 0.17801453 ], [ 0.6434279 ], [ 0.59588355 ], [ 0.3723617 ], [ 0.58610356 ], [ 0.27165884 ], [ 0.5995111 ], [ 0.46836308 ], [ 0.31451556 ], [ 0.21893726 ], [ 0.25471658 ], [ 0.25612816 ], [ 0.60225976 ], [ 0.13438107 ], [ 0.5138874 ], [ 0.62424165 ], [ 0.16025186 ], [ 0.5807081 ], [ 0.27054048 ], [ 0.83291996 ], [ 0.93032134 ], [ 0.7191579 ], [ 0.88672006 ], [ 0.09879228 ], [ 0.7871743 ], [ 0.3655924 ], [ 0.7195762 ], [ 0.8058956 ], [ 0.75557834 ], [ 0.5260059 ], [ 0.68880427 ], [ 0.2211153 ], [ 0.73936945 ], [ 0.40844023 ], [ 0.34892654 ], [ 0.43371376 ], [ 0.5964966 ], [ 0.6942953 ], [ 0.709031 ], [ 0.867653 ], [ 0.89332545 ], [ 0.7460209 ], [ 0.5382844 ], [ 0.8922193 ], [ 0.9351758 ], [ 0.2605277 ], [ 0.95678043 ], [ 0.20493248 ], [ 0.68773335 ], [ 0.32906362 ], [ 0.6321498 ], [ 0.4637445 ], [ 0.69885963 ], [ 0.38544658 ], [ 0.47997537 ], [ 0.7322791 ], [ 0.3813543 ], [ 0.459326 ], [ 0.25740144 ], [ 0.6650148 ], [ 0.103399545 ], [ 0.42528442 ], [ 0.94352907 ], [ 0.5947502 ], [ 0.5437768 ], [ 0.18203989 ], [ 0.23584208 ], [ 0.58598447 ], [ 0.7620132 ], [ 0.6849829 ], [ 0.6769369 ], [ 0.29018497 ], [ 0.48106822 ], [ 0.49276602 ], [ 0.22185624 ], [ 0.053875998 ], [ 0.08275115 ], [ 0.38536623 ], [ 0.70251393 ], [ 0.9155316 ], [ 0.082087435 ], [ 0.25128037 ], [ 0.41672182 ], [ 0.27703267 ], [ 0.5795398 ], [ 0.5693635 ], [ 0.13339971 ], [ 0.26504546 ], [ 0.9365719 ], [ 0.25261855 ], [ 0.054033082 ], [ 0.8024814 ], [ 0.5281977 ], [ 0.9515026 ], [ 0.57212114 ], [ 0.7529382 ], [ 0.14385754 ], [ 0.5134846 ], [ 0.3133224 ], [ 0.68779737 ], [ 0.37705985 ], [ 0.34822613 ], [ 0.6776328 ], [ 0.24138752 ], [ 0.8506502 ], [ 0.2203481 ], [ 0.47644547 ], [ 0.690324 ], [ 0.36469594 ], [ 0.6492492 ], [ 0.9437019 ], [ 0.529646 ], [ 0.299097 ], [ 0.96696246 ], [ 0.27200523 ], [ 0.31416145 ], [ 0.752021 ], [ 0.22188245 ], [ 0.7203327 ], [ 0.37920478 ], [ 0.60168654 ], [ 0.58293265 ], [ 0.95080984 ], [ 0.5883014 ], [ 0.8808872 ], [ 0.4678577 ], [ 0.8799022 ], [ 0.619844 ], [ 0.35900256 ], [ 0.29151127 ], [ 0.6941571 ], [ 0.72796035 ], [ 0.6177039 ], [ 0.39581257 ], [ 0.5831728 ], [ 0.7103324 ], [ 0.2537537 ], [ 0.04941223 ], [ 0.7283787 ], [ 0.4324329 ], [ 0.58612347 ], [ 0.052342374 ], [ 0.053483903 ], [ 0.5187294 ], [ 0.9330402 ], [ 0.7035543 ], [ 0.2689899 ], [ 0.73300695 ], [ 0.44435248 ], [ 0.58339465 ], [ 0.87117267 ], [ 0.42876709 ], [ 0.30046085 ], [ 0.95332944 ], [ 0.60644394 ], [ 0.9098681 ], [ 0.71489644 ], [ 0.4973495 ], [ 0.8530975 ], [ 0.72180414 ], [ 0.30346733 ], [ 0.6644851 ], [ 0.27978063 ], [ 0.5694817 ], [ 0.6286289 ], [ 0.088368125 ], [ 0.7335673 ], [ 0.5374368 ], [ 0.6385937 ], [ 0.95472693 ], [ 0.6322023 ], [ 0.64213467 ], [ 0.7446531 ], [ 0.115714006 ], [ 0.48625007 ], [ 0.44035614 ], [ 0.08272289 ], [ 0.511591 ], [ 0.39462754 ], [ 0.224394 ], [ 0.62692755 ], [ 0.29025406 ], [ 0.77900803 ], [ 0.8661058 ], [ 0.87332606 ], [ 0.49548915 ], [ 0.5942977 ], [ 0.91820157 ], [ 0.57704276 ], [ 0.01946767 ], [ 0.6702983 ], [ 0.54659534 ], [ 0.59166515 ], [ 0.4215582 ], [ 0.68560857 ], [ 0.34030303 ], [ 0.67562675 ], [ 0.31906736 ], [ 0.38849968 ], [ 0.7069496 ], [ 0.5594095 ], [ 0.6876635 ], [ 0.70880455 ], [ 0.6818881 ], [ 0.42253512 ], [ 0.3200046 ], [ 0.6582814 ], [ 0.63415486 ], [ 0.777332 ], [ 0.8126772 ], [ 0.0742808 ], [ 0.39600217 ], [ 0.054933913 ], [ 0.82505894 ], [ 0.382642 ], [ 0.8687298 ], [ 0.58804333 ], [ 0.89155155 ], [ 0.10920046 ], [ 0.6476828 ], [ 0.7243425 ], [ 0.07016304 ], [ 0.28088206 ], [ 0.03911326 ], [ 0.5796416 ], [ 0.6390009 ], [ 0.2817459 ], [ 0.6478577 ], [ 0.6479058 ], [ 0.87522626 ], [ 0.5676033 ], [ 0.2629406 ], [ 0.26802605 ], [ 0.40519133 ], [ 0.47996545 ], [ 0.33552402 ], [ 0.77716535 ], [ 0.42548797 ], [ 0.23798612 ], [ 0.14252298 ], [ 0.72417647 ], [ 0.23469894 ], [ 0.07818228 ], [ 0.8559902 ], [ 0.27025175 ], [ 0.43551785 ], [ 0.7626975 ], [ 0.46448725 ], [ 0.39611268 ], [ 0.37638092 ], [ 0.29459468 ], [ 0.6944921 ], [ 0.6227679 ], [ 0.84755975 ], [ 0.30146307 ], [ 0.9129378 ], [ 0.50001717 ], [ 0.90258795 ], [ 0.30451795 ], [ 0.29916567 ], [ 0.09201409 ], [ 0.4885489 ], [ 0.66466445 ], [ 0.26534954 ], [ 0.723657 ], [ 0.14926238 ], [ 0.04577339 ], [ 0.6966106 ], [ 0.42181486 ], [ 0.7338458 ], [ 0.41879538 ], [ 0.6774435 ], [ 0.2612836 ], [ 0.26852778 ], [ 0.54432225 ], [ 0.43163204 ], [ 0.9810181 ], [ 0.21498072 ], [ 0.39473 ], [ 0.12222494 ], [ 0.29749689 ], [ 0.37490442 ], [ 0.6869877 ], [ 0.3885492 ], [ 0.039296072 ], [ 0.73553425 ], [ 0.3792949 ], [ 0.7321234 ], [ 0.33922145 ], [ 0.6594506 ], [ 0.054838642 ], [ 0.6401121 ], [ 0.3071417 ], [ 0.3966119 ], [ 0.42043915 ], [ 0.24171497 ], [ 0.06589315 ], [ 0.9105219 ], [ 0.6971631 ], [ 0.072559856 ], [ 0.81825095 ], [ 0.3118888 ], [ 0.9616446 ], [ 0.81632555 ], [ 0.14647302 ], [ 0.5487539 ], [ 0.9461581 ], [ 0.29399273 ], [ 0.33147964 ], [ 0.90622 ], [ 0.5255404 ], [ 0.83301413 ], [ 0.5148498 ], [ 0.57460904 ], [ 0.46871185 ], [ 0.71002775 ], [ 0.64597327 ], [ 0.22979441 ], [ 0.5517834 ], [ 0.05582299 ], [ 0.33175093 ], [ 0.7155202 ], [ 0.58392435 ], [ 0.3069577 ], [ 0.7914782 ], [ 0.16423663 ], [ 0.06571122 ], [ 0.94899315 ], [ 0.08042383 ], [ 0.052495427 ], [ 0.5663461 ], [ 0.3630266 ], [ 0.60544217 ], [ 0.6308506 ], [ 0.065791234 ], [ 0.28681707 ], [ 0.68546283 ], [ 0.2608537 ], [ 0.6591224 ], [ 0.44317392 ], [ 0.602064 ], [ 0.06036691 ], [ 0.78190315 ], [ 0.51457983 ], [ 0.4838862 ], [ 0.6002138 ], [ 0.49736404 ], [ 0.41114524 ], [ 0.11699917 ], [ 0.34189013 ], [ 0.74695086 ], [ 0.39629275 ], [ 0.62214386 ], [ 0.33527115 ], [ 0.14025714 ], [ 0.08162068 ], [ 0.06983757 ], [ 0.46894002 ], [ 0.9908574 ], [ 0.8966168 ], [ 0.25531057 ], [ 0.22464527 ], [ 0.01991825 ], [ 0.29648042 ], [ 0.155459 ], [ 0.57791674 ], [ 0.95630306 ], [ 0.8134644 ], [ 0.5296758 ], [ 0.28767136 ], [ 0.48039135 ], [ 0.2810448 ], [ 0.63319653 ], [ 0.09332538 ], [ 0.284474 ], [ 0.052223776 ], [ 0.051129386 ], [ 0.9674056 ], [ 0.040045727 ], [ 0.9085829 ], [ 0.6621174 ], [ 0.4247032 ], [ 0.7220781 ], [ 0.6661933 ], [ 0.5096812 ], [ 0.7513536 ], [ 0.27907312 ], [ 0.074927 ], [ 0.91635954 ], [ 0.31040326 ], [ 0.71660405 ], [ 0.4855871 ], [ 0.3060752 ], [ 0.4775582 ], [ 0.71192396 ], [ 0.066348635 ], [ 0.27453935 ], [ 0.31082252 ], [ 0.47607312 ], [ 0.18679556 ], [ 0.26654208 ], [ 0.07023114 ], [ 0.26951927 ], [ 0.8000047 ], [ 0.27363366 ], [ 0.14647919 ], [ 0.37831897 ], [ 0.37384906 ], [ 0.24217084 ], [ 0.2497965 ], [ 0.06659119 ], [ 0.3729568 ], [ 0.5018123 ], [ 0.31309775 ], [ 0.8802022 ], [ 0.5198189 ], [ 0.36413875 ], [ 0.4926829 ], [ 0.28573266 ], [ 0.89011496 ], [ 0.31641957 ], [ 0.26866353 ], [ 0.77197593 ], [ 0.968889 ], [ 0.08033438 ], [ 0.7368282 ], [ 0.30055806 ], [ 0.9179504 ], [ 0.46581504 ], [ 0.05403668 ], [ 0.96315014 ], [ 0.0896535 ], [ 0.7076932 ], [ 0.636416 ], [ 0.5395211 ], [ 0.11475716 ], [ 0.3573124 ], [ 0.67639834 ], [ 0.4348284 ], [ 0.032326385 ], [ 0.7113656 ], [ 0.18748651 ], [ 0.052789655 ], [ 0.5058636 ], [ 0.9274319 ], [ 0.68098426 ], [ 0.8828222 ], [ 0.49570546 ], [ 0.5962404 ], [ 0.3206107 ], [ 0.3413685 ], [ 0.1596818 ], [ 0.31813368 ], [ 0.83930105 ], [ 0.06435925 ], [ 0.47021663 ], [ 0.77625227 ], [ 0.6358434 ], [ 0.62510544 ], [ 0.52959067 ], [ 0.98690015 ], [ 0.078585684 ], [ 0.23328426 ], [ 0.36333096 ], [ 0.716717 ], [ 0.37588978 ], [ 0.2233169 ], [ 0.29934397 ], [ 0.5385958 ], [ 0.73029715 ], [ 0.6603308 ], [ 0.435296 ], [ 0.3264943 ], [ 0.8544027 ], [ 0.57349384 ], [ 0.75778615 ], [ 0.7047432 ], [ 0.2815756 ], [ 0.6719682 ], [ 0.313726 ], [ 0.36433828 ], [ 0.3682164 ], [ 0.3862952 ], [ 0.6559719 ], [ 0.56602526 ], [ 0.4249991 ], [ 0.09011037 ], [ 0.77235055 ], [ 0.33104727 ], [ 0.27371618 ], [ 0.23877569 ], [ 0.37307978 ], [ 0.33118588 ], [ 0.25613454 ], [ 0.6783732 ], [ 0.43463835 ], [ 0.65466833 ], [ 0.98668104 ], [ 0.3715205 ], [ 0.40835962 ], [ 0.40932366 ], [ 0.28341207 ], [ 0.39524654 ], [ 0.010984428 ], [ 0.30601388 ], [ 0.26619482 ], [ 0.29931852 ], [ 0.31829396 ], [ 0.7428259 ], [ 0.09766433 ], [ 0.07966694 ], [ 0.6132588 ], [ 0.9944307 ], [ 0.5688351 ], [ 0.7080345 ], [ 0.3705927 ], [ 0.66986734 ], [ 0.6512956 ], [ 0.46253157 ], [ 0.7196256 ], [ 0.4537725 ], [ 0.39486393 ], [ 0.32397482 ], [ 0.14645472 ], [ 0.77906704 ], [ 0.4018289 ], [ 0.6014796 ], [ 0.856423 ], [ 0.56524295 ], [ 0.3012251 ], [ 0.28210816 ], [ 0.594378 ], [ 0.7053124 ], [ 0.54086965 ], [ 0.31924957 ], [ 0.36176613 ], [ 0.6250007 ], [ 0.3162874 ], [ 0.04723902 ], [ 0.8011822 ], [ 0.5084744 ], [ 0.8178934 ], [ 0.3992356 ], [ 0.974052 ], [ 0.7224153 ], [ 0.039564762 ], [ 0.90868413 ], [ 0.47301012 ], [ 0.71804965 ], [ 0.76347905 ], [ 0.64759654 ], [ 0.89499736 ], [ 0.2228259 ], [ 0.35901225 ], [ 0.9449102 ], [ 0.29787782 ], [ 0.172518 ], [ 0.55658627 ], [ 0.8764817 ], [ 0.48667786 ], [ 0.45949674 ], [ 0.47412637 ], [ 0.7010114 ], [ 0.3375974 ], [ 0.5375789 ], [ 0.96699244 ], [ 0.056849547 ], [ 0.23324907 ], [ 0.3800547 ], [ 0.6029294 ], [ 0.303848 ], [ 0.17019455 ], [ 0.97216856 ], [ 0.33216894 ], [ 0.6887287 ], [ 0.1107734 ], [ 0.27335206 ], [ 0.5729397 ], [ 0.49145707 ], [ 0.28139 ], [ 0.82169724 ], [ 0.67497766 ], [ 0.58513457 ], [ 0.71059614 ], [ 0.04048879 ], [ 0.5680543 ], [ 0.32175294 ], [ 0.61185026 ], [ 0.9260969 ], [ 0.6183474 ], [ 0.6676298 ], [ 0.39773348 ], [ 0.2908755 ], [ 0.5943751 ], [ 0.50825524 ], [ 0.33857137 ], [ 0.43230236 ], [ 0.30222198 ], [ 0.8761982 ], [ 0.080204494 ], [ 0.09233353 ], [ 0.09365645 ], [ 0.6084524 ], [ 0.7326546 ], [ 0.94415885 ], [ 0.2674231 ], [ 0.7311242 ], [ 0.6613085 ], [ 0.38776627 ], [ 0.9625853 ], [ 0.32206705 ], [ 0.63408107 ], [ 0.47534502 ], [ 0.353559 ], [ 0.8859363 ], [ 0.8767981 ], [ 0.22158106 ], [ 0.39436245 ], [ 0.80503565 ], [ 0.45289847 ], [ 0.59252053 ], [ 0.7610264 ], [ 0.24504903 ], [ 0.37213936 ], [ 0.68105483 ], [ 0.74714315 ], [ 0.92073953 ], [ 0.09720795 ], [ 0.699303 ], [ 0.721647 ], [ 0.5353561 ], [ 0.7382938 ], [ 0.70646757 ], [ 0.6739506 ], [ 0.7112123 ], [ 0.30255872 ], [ 0.080097854 ], [ 0.70701087 ], [ 0.51224864 ], [ 0.6596275 ], [ 0.6575597 ], [ 0.10064561 ], [ 0.9266536 ], [ 0.89287937 ], [ 0.8391575 ], [ 0.89095974 ], [ 0.55675447 ], [ 0.96036196 ], [ 0.6310379 ], [ 0.029838065 ], [ 0.27884334 ], [ 0.9261577 ], [ 0.55150425 ], [ 0.48594236 ], [ 0.4372347 ], [ 0.25231802 ], [ 0.515467 ], [ 0.43725228 ], [ 0.4937242 ], [ 0.83324724 ], [ 0.31752148 ], [ 0.28623456 ], [ 0.72683394 ], [ 0.49566704 ], [ 0.028645255 ], [ 0.31967193 ], [ 0.6743446 ], [ 0.76603717 ], [ 0.6545699 ], [ 0.7565144 ], [ 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1.514784, -3.1232562, 0.4283607, -1.308111, -0.3143508, -1.7740146, -4.1696014, -0.83777905, -2.754601, -4.832758, -0.475791, 5.191074, -1.3853692, 5.0041246, 3.2045057, 5.3878913, -0.74178374, -0.7349452, 1.2467186, -4.0839734, 1.2219743, -0.008692332, -5.10462, -5.553164, 5.6001844, 4.3598585, 0.41822195, -6.156948, 1.3104807, -2.895825, 0.45839757, -1.7656509, 3.3834965, -1.9952849, 6.490584, 2.9284656, 5.5070863, -3.10463, 1.8555607, -2.0817974, 5.5482183, 1.5934641, -3.3328497, -4.1436877, 5.690208, -4.4003725, 5.246174, 3.3459918, -2.3311088, -0.924451, 4.6852884, 1.5874729, 6.8034782, 0.3771653, 0.5040376, 1.0483401, -1.144477, -1.605164, -2.5233765, -1.5626189, -1.3812902, -2.320056, 1.9346088, 3.2132885, 2.9003184, -4.076779, 1.5807884, -2.163914, -3.857974, -2.1798344, 2.1792786, 4.7193727, 1.4918361, 1.1582993, -5.445991, -1.4618875, -2.8395832, 0.17354088, -2.014626, -5.0449443, -0.61711115, -4.6240225, 5.9635468, -5.862725, -0.16258517, 0.086074665, 0.2507986, -4.5716214, -3.3607545, 2.003641, -2.3395207, 2.7320075, -1.6579814, 0.8718102, 1.1569148, -3.7400522, 2.151214, -4.7445283, -0.75730217, -3.7426715, 2.881498, 2.9929893, -1.3384283, -4.227359, 3.9016192, -3.421424, -0.7646159, 5.4918847, -6.1021132, -1.2138278, -2.796194, -4.843327, 5.2768373, -0.47071162, -3.770217, 2.6565661, -2.492319, -1.6236625, -2.9036045, 3.0065944, -0.9392557, -3.031648, -2.8177423, 0.6692023, 4.4415956, 0.5916023, 0.2852103, -1.2247875, -5.4507594, 2.4388924, 0.68332845, 1.4392154, 2.2213483, -3.9227502, 2.8604002, -1.9100084, 3.9860406, 3.3268063, 2.9234421, 4.308322, -1.0473232, 1.7926966, -1.2242343, 1.1772021, -2.2088664, 1.8534886, 5.2754817, 1.3780308, 0.5422202, -2.14641, 1.7223057, 1.9368047, 1.3360205, 1.2257106, 1.0858393, -2.9684129, 2.8978457, -1.5379983, 0.9046188, 3.0144472, -2.220081, -4.8723936, -1.4195647, -2.3836644, 2.2576628, 4.2603965, -2.389897, -1.8745421, 6.2459025, -1.433372, -3.598911, 5.9190135, -1.061934, -3.7850022, -4.653168, -1.9744054, 5.95484, 6.644127, 4.6628184, -0.14227794, -3.2007582, -3.9662173, -0.32215405, -2.7392118, 1.8664438, -4.34639, 5.412429, 3.5543656, -5.5134816, -4.4315386, -1.358733, -1.4717404, -1.3459486, -2.9183102, 0.22689983, -3.786614, -5.1945934, 0.94264525, 0.2719585, -4.034166, 1.8980289, -0.6687259, -2.385674, 0.024598673, -0.3507962, 5.111262, 3.0886111, -2.060818, 2.8501675, 1.8859069, 1.539838, -2.0340095, 2.994048, 5.3696194, 0.9636565, -1.5170302, 6.834465, -0.6782299, 1.6984855, -0.83186674, 5.704482, 3.648646, 2.638872, -5.0065174, -3.996128, 4.3590226, -3.9472518, 4.651959, 0.6546288, -1.9354295, 0.9268796, 2.7133353, 3.3802257, 1.2912573, -1.705999, 3.5844805, -2.7962954, 0.5324566, 0.3498666, 4.5243497, -0.6586494, -1.4517322, -2.8626866, 2.6481488, 2.7194252, -0.34441614, 7.433391, -3.5625272, -3.1910427, 0.7777101, 2.9245534, 6.8028054, 1.3273126, -3.4377797, 0.42532456, 4.3961096, 3.0403237, 0.83539623, -0.32335016, -1.5443397, 0.6526949, -1.2309026, -1.2801628, -4.9481235, -0.87866837, -1.5211118, 1.1985687, -1.8080077, -0.7171764, 1.7798947, 4.0889497, -3.6389928, 0.24581671, 0.22840887, 4.254682, 3.82118, 1.0025996, 1.5144483, -0.9859724, 1.2506242, -3.1779025, -4.325493, -2.6579401, 2.7540486, 0.22037771, 0.7251453, 2.0409796, -3.118433, 3.0472221, 1.3637029, -1.5276521, -5.5684752, 1.8966199, -2.1969132, -0.48261353, 0.7156765, -1.5377904, -1.3018306, 0.59235334, 0.57875115, 0.3857019, -1.7237821, -2.3950238, -1.5195476, -3.1720092, -5.52502, 0.5661415, 3.8392892, -4.126337, -0.6252021, -2.0293775, 1.9768099, 0.05469258, 2.8049998, 0.19632791, -1.4952445, -0.99575424, 1.079668, 3.2544968, -2.7829432, 1.2161247, 0.70371014 ], "y": [ -1.2090617, 4.4076147, -11.443384, -8.668653, -16.630785, -7.7198906, 9.180052, -16.386538, -2.0744042, 11.459276, -17.24743, -13.643687, -8.844589, -9.310882, -9.774994, -18.831707, -8.890719, 12.373922, -10.206687, -12.5440035, -7.013606, -1.713608, -10.692585, -1.4180146, -9.942742, -3.8875825, -12.799306, 2.9439902, -6.4236493, -14.264564, 0.7518025, 2.638737, -4.7924194, -9.553419, 4.0954046, -1.5955353, -2.213693, 3.0240703, -2.7029948, -9.710296, 12.860492, -12.4443, 9.36179, -8.956256, -11.849704, -19.51821, -11.357245, -1.5043554, -13.4062, 13.443906, -14.890654, -8.538155, 5.2360544, -19.357168, -7.904692, 2.3398871, 3.7942786, 2.663378, -10.146533, -13.261872, -0.13537353, 9.247212, -19.932327, -12.540185, 13.320245, -11.32131, 15.829567, 11.498298, -13.434762, -12.034081, -17.563213, -12.594141, -1.3239957, -11.247752, 7.521129, 3.532776, -15.722678, -16.058922, 10.049718, 8.513253, 8.374847, 2.6556742, -14.47612, 8.073669, 6.881815, 2.5646484, 9.308021, 11.016897, 3.9398518, -0.0315998, 1.4232053, -14.991117, 7.7592998, 10.42917, 3.3810763, -19.150003, 9.839414, 4.428446, 5.416205, -15.464486, -2.2373798, 12.728805, 4.285689, 7.3009634, -20.398396, 9.294086, 8.429434, 8.380964, 7.8291335, -15.118063, 1.7020335, -3.0682416, -15.220404, 5.9850225, -15.371594, 3.940174, 7.3933034, 10.657407, -9.548617, 7.2920284, 4.819206, 3.1120095, 6.6429734, 11.898592, 5.051829, 4.9423933, 2.4838831, -10.330524, 6.6563444, 5.264543, 1.4958162, 9.199019, -14.494089, 6.156373, 11.794113, 3.2779202, -13.607115, -12.016288, 4.356699, 3.165026, -12.373297, 0.10513807, 6.8061433, -15.604669, 7.9969454, 9.222318, -14.681776, 14.14552, 4.1708794, 5.3995447, 0.655827, 4.9350505, 0.93955344, 7.540089, -1.7547, 9.877232, 13.814828, 11.519367, 7.508415, -9.849542, 7.197663, 4.1115484, 4.8697968, 10.541437, -9.849655, 11.382625, -11.911739, -15.139179, -12.4491415, 6.601216, 8.834887, 3.2973857, -10.8662195, -13.285519, 1.8959354, 12.042547, -8.75634, -12.417107, 3.643052, -11.391418, 3.336163, -13.961142, 3.6760435, -15.92234, -15.238562, 8.625097, -13.156666, 2.3459976, 7.529925, 4.406723, 13.475821, -16.185102, -15.793414, -14.103392, 9.565996, 7.5322256, 6.088973, 7.685672, -3.3251882, 4.2931037, 1.1167349, 4.1886725, 4.008055, -15.336984, -12.91463, 2.583779, 9.305915, 1.2566487, -13.716786, 2.9327009, 2.5024076, -14.838124, -15.819231, 2.4751906, 2.883716, 4.382051, 3.5503109, -17.119328, -18.660536, 1.405181, -13.038173, 7.5270452, -15.245977, 9.146866, 11.356147, 8.06481, 10.454725, 8.859339, 11.569198, -13.066972, 7.95931, 8.082726, -11.878243, -11.776917, 6.8191447, 7.840386, 1.627525, 4.576343, -10.568782, -11.277451, 1.5945723, 4.7679276, -11.033943, 8.999028, -14.396827, 12.02674, 6.063365, 7.9162803, 10.472137, -11.891046, 4.979194, 2.5689754, -12.091486, 4.1185446, 8.93311, -0.6620971, 0.80389756, 10.8184805, -13.699586, 7.389185, -11.515601, 3.8855252, -15.05166, 3.742951, 5.542694, 8.749285, -13.465311, 8.100352, 7.583361, 7.0376554, 7.91998, 4.331532, 2.7790382, -10.619486, -9.288171, 7.609364, -17.954952, -16.330956, 8.196536, 7.4415536, 10.596816, -10.700295, 8.946379, 1.9054315, -15.024112, 7.095596, 10.484406, 7.1833243, 10.493981, -3.46726, 0.017642459, 6.2761383, 8.097187, 7.960228, 8.005775, -13.067909, -13.538149, 9.319939, 6.2869806, -0.258752, 1.7622201, 10.7150755, -16.438433, -14.270567, -12.439838, 5.496809, 5.9109945, 4.931174, 12.909681, -15.200155, -14.457169, 14.033238, -13.861334, -11.120554, 5.561842, -0.049917072, 6.453147, 7.7311482, 6.572586, 4.268343, 2.565087, 3.757592, -12.310338, 3.6408966, 6.4628468, 0.16614065, -12.916982, -14.48823, -12.032875, -12.115688, 8.227574, -17.563704, 6.175985, 9.605451, 11.379227, -14.7011175, 5.4443374, 3.4715567, -13.281521, -16.116533, 2.821108, 9.838957, -9.504017, 7.7931423, -15.57576, -13.115666, 5.405799, 11.706904, -10.411173, -17.926003, 2.1726565, 3.321999, 6.7496185, 4.5303993, 10.474161, 10.367103, 5.247811, 6.487637, -18.972166, -1.9571912, 4.2083697, 5.8999267, 2.4293103, 12.360549, -11.784824, 5.1485076, -17.28482, 10.0164175, 11.119433, 8.992088, 10.78713, 1.9002723, -16.245481, -12.342982, -12.2009115, 11.830146, 6.9414744, -12.075016, 4.247201, -0.086672366, -11.451835, 3.3912249, 6.054171, 11.070059, 5.1800065, 10.456401, 7.8319354, 6.631439, 3.6112692, -2.1013963, 11.409222, 9.77122, 2.327457, 5.1542563, 6.508665, 4.348799, 9.364688, -14.119879, -1.086704, 7.0492706, 6.9174066, 10.721889, 14.270806, 2.7431598, -15.545663, 7.8113146, -13.377318, 2.909177, -9.735885, 5.2075634, 7.92638, 1.1856952, -19.890306, 5.744515, 6.386575, 8.732005, 12.176355, 6.170942, -14.256246, -13.460893, -2.2884111, 7.3849225, 7.812988, 2.9515874, -13.177443, 11.643803, 8.35111, -12.455156, -1.5007428, -15.626272, 3.4630408, 8.516486, 8.545182, -11.860532, -17.399431, 4.377805, 9.730742, -15.492335, 8.460282, -13.463006, 9.190756, 9.507739, -14.137258, -17.875206, 4.8438582, -9.632434, -16.894144, 8.166098, -11.696547, -15.184729, 11.003474, -14.237641, 11.74183, 5.6635494, -15.045193, 2.856952, 0.8974138, -13.014802, 9.542902, 10.795383, 5.477434, -14.46509, 9.033437, 10.552998, 0.21328585, 1.648444, 7.6461797, -17.509935, 11.658837, -12.740208, 5.8138, 9.228416, 9.3065195, 4.624272, 11.789751, 10.087315, 7.1078405, -11.263316, 1.6952538, 7.702296, 11.734245, 9.616681, -12.438006, -16.40932, 7.801305, -16.980597, 3.1422422, -1.5262997, 2.433492, -11.8465805, 6.5797677, -13.681106, -10.964417, -16.451149, -11.675329, -14.649404, 5.9351068, -11.218052, 7.0113163, -0.07019502, 4.655892, 2.4772341, -0.1244632, 3.601972, -1.2990865, -11.761988, 8.96578, 10.5246105, -1.6885192, -13.665686, -16.650122, 11.0931425, 6.33488, -15.768837, 9.906191, 9.763628, 6.317431, 9.450677, 2.0755196, 6.062463, -2.7320364, -14.661768, -12.461782, -12.20149, -19.177906, 7.216973, -1.0489215, 10.779776, 1.8864273, 0.4925316, 4.3583136, -16.387362, -10.519081, 10.26053, -12.815934, -13.835001, 3.9771383, -16.258593, 1.1398531, 7.1088543, 2.0144694, -11.944312, 7.881193, 3.1977036, 11.752533, -12.299249, 8.996416, -12.048921, -14.194607, 9.257986, 8.787555, 3.1595552, -15.181981, 7.51556, 7.46092, 4.647847, -9.980483, 6.015163, -13.783794, -0.80761343, -18.139997, -19.000462, 8.036258, -15.224073, 9.51742, 10.138194, 12.4219265, 2.5516717, -16.112553, -14.692658, -0.8129241, -13.902568, -15.601823, -18.294716, 2.5900717, -16.152037, 6.7509212, 10.651031, 1.6821147, 4.5800734, -2.2851508, 5.452902, -12.39242, 6.4210825, 12.705965, 9.547293, 0.49945772, 10.925494, 10.583032, -17.128855, 10.552117, 10.764239, -0.2821913, -15.665055, 0.47659913, 6.3751307, -13.752442, -16.00072, -11.909609, -17.21045, -10.946793, 1.8291246, -13.378882, 8.913289, -12.685251, 4.3421383, -15.059682, -18.460358, 8.054621, 2.3448522, -12.403135, 0.5969263, -1.6480533, 2.0122585, 10.803866, 9.031212, 2.2912128, 3.4510682, 5.9408746, 0.82908314, 1.4529582, 6.3079963, 5.474628, 1.9062102, -12.100891, -17.607271, 7.6910276, -16.398752, 3.4541283, 10.614721, 3.0958788, 7.139568, 8.509718, -14.50696, -0.37663147, 1.0526272, 2.365399, 1.8141556, -15.019187, 0.70045215, -12.6185465, 2.9215314, 7.466977, 0.32667923, -17.28857, 5.7485175, -12.306505, 4.703587, -16.792173, 2.7312822, 10.385999, 12.711094, 3.044423, -12.440863, 12.635623, 3.4225218, -15.165128, 2.218538, 5.649327, -15.417732, -16.859213, 5.859849, 0.23030777, -0.35324195, -12.184775, 1.7577811, -10.9747925, 5.7271895, 7.9434085, 13.213471, 2.487277, 9.880525, 6.465018, 3.5575385, -9.7668295, 9.553998, 2.5248811, -13.648117, -12.480344, 6.3754096, -11.901131, 10.127509, 3.4739182, -10.715352, 8.745771, 12.991448, 8.92268, 12.189655, -15.754575, -15.659742, -8.347968, -13.612415, -19.317352, 3.205559, -15.493639, -9.495573, -0.64118284, 7.78447, 8.34701, -12.741452, 2.3332696, 8.846819, -9.345584, -6.397391, 7.1971264, 3.008952, -15.535084, -16.407452, 0.76701766, -9.749923, -10.034977, 11.969527, 7.3948307, -4.0742188, 7.1630454, -9.7318535, -7.625323, -19.776905, 7.1658797, 8.006022, -10.306483, 6.97751, 2.2823036, -8.453327, -0.3330802, -4.865624, -14.521578, -8.91118, -11.1071415, -9.1172285, 2.7715542, -16.635843, 3.06927, 4.4820256, 0.52737117, -15.51081, 3.045868, 7.8117943, 9.466539, -13.311067, 4.8912463, 2.5018702, 2.4873414, -11.806327, -1.2558945, 9.131374, 5.827892, -14.114015, -12.8598385, -17.454178, 4.3301196, -15.604936, 3.6367753, 9.551353, 11.118998, -12.877442, 8.356039, 4.006784, -16.15741, 10.548429, -16.02656, 6.3783083, 9.878602, 12.841004, -0.34605777, 9.455965, 7.864796, -16.529205, 7.4876237, -16.970474, 8.134659, 1.7150697, 0.64976025, 7.8636007, 0.5193338, 11.172121, 3.4768105, 2.295477, 8.343766, 0.23804207, 4.4852457, 8.48516, 3.2149904, 1.0062662, 8.361997, -16.974466, 5.2554965, -10.328167, 10.173531, 7.5250363, -15.75309, 5.4980226, -13.440017, 5.715247, 9.281854, 2.6511157, 10.23692, -12.080794, 5.3239, 14.650727, 4.9898663, 3.6822937, 1.9552245, 4.209818, -11.989533, 12.150554, 9.439037, 4.268975, -13.0823145, 10.743367, -14.871425, -10.803247, 6.5429664, -2.800821, 2.8639243, -11.692731, 5.028849, -16.67575, -8.785629, -12.130078, -15.359685, -10.799278, 10.038999, 2.5974007, 6.3201942, 9.624676, -13.190722, 8.396543, 2.398223, -16.77918, 4.6571355, -0.49786884, -18.854715, -11.019211, -12.953959, -11.796699, -17.550808, -15.85716, -14.819766, 8.210891, 4.8214984, 7.0345125, -11.817219, 8.676805, 8.898502, -11.345954, 4.4572167, 5.3914666, 1.693324, 5.250472, -10.001063, -1.5067248, 7.8701243, 4.719035, 2.8250897, 6.6469007, 1.4274249, -12.647994, 8.5526905, -13.106973, -1.9827821, 7.6264095, -1.4237972, 5.5747685, 5.9564805, -12.15325, 10.679105, 7.7216873, -12.478186, 0.0040107425, -15.951883, 9.081318, 9.338037, 2.2626686, 5.0371704, 10.230771, 6.3355374, 4.70526, 1.1255245, -12.334762, 0.37678388, 5.142399, 9.9513855, -12.656903, -14.490363, -15.001658, 0.3350229, 7.289781, 0.049131226, -10.489169, -15.179511, -14.686042, -12.402793, 9.85161, -15.387509, 2.7334292, 3.6877813, 11.969382, 1.8001288, 3.5018046, 7.0945377, 4.389637, 10.614974, -17.312489, 6.319853, -15.171495, -13.810897, 2.0445855, -12.195068, 9.149205, 10.404468, 10.456841, 7.6817374, 7.817872, -13.4007845, -16.729914, 0.8307051, 5.936843, -12.944632, -15.72941, -1.8471717, -14.57287, 6.1289954, 6.6851635, 6.5173926, 0.2517094, 5.009736, 0.98690146, 6.1245747, 6.9201546, -17.618906, 7.844817, 8.893469, -16.898209, -14.081485, -14.87105, 10.038932, -12.665964, 3.5981486, -15.593118, -13.262052, 2.04233, 9.725382, -11.053303, 6.344449, -13.766012, 6.838658, 3.6905792, 7.5273576, 5.8326325, 2.2272227, 3.316455, -16.449919, -12.151984, 6.005837, 12.166891, -15.3990345, -13.709574, -10.787309, 3.42585, 10.770499, 7.5495515, -11.826936, 8.917286, 1.9217967, 11.258037, 8.12939, 7.3964715, -12.657259, 6.4065213, -17.839746, 4.937828, 3.2587292, -16.397396, 7.365069, 9.608771, 8.412706, -17.624163, 2.9439826, -10.472667, -12.525839, -2.34179, 9.301676, 9.126289, -17.563416, 11.188281, 4.4550247, -13.593029, -14.125425, -17.3734, -9.976372, 6.0322304, 5.729851, -12.780947, -14.388986, 1.777666, 8.645919, 9.619336, -11.813176, -17.128448 ], "z": [ -7.138369, 10.72059, -8.418662, 8.2792015, -8.9883375, 5.343394, 6.494067, 8.508329, 0.5816055, -8.886749, 9.797785, -2.8815413, 12.684539, -6.8610997, -1.4255729, 2.6816616, 12.662062, -2.6796422, -8.365085, -1.06105, 4.988536, -12.342491, -6.6242156, 0.52881414, 2.7926223, -12.881217, -1.8203628, -1.713156, -1.9935912, 3.2853067, -1.1479034, 9.655339, -9.08612, 0.46249178, -1.7833545, -12.714684, 3.0346906, -2.0082061, -10.216263, 5.503155, 3.1290865, 1.2070446, 2.143293, 0.8425568, -0.5674173, 2.9050126, -0.21638228, 0.5435096, -2.558492, 4.866609, 12.38733, -8.23812, -2.5851219, 2.983141, 6.1959805, 9.5916605, 11.4439745, 5.659212, 0.8356744, -4.1357384, 4.3994803, 0.8354065, -0.1489994, 1.8227706, 1.0407293, -0.4643835, 4.156172, -2.769226, -2.6084971, 5.9207273, 1.370147, 7.003462, -8.810305, 10.743289, -13.002037, -10.765917, -4.0703483, 2.2372572, -15.376945, -12.3968725, -12.006685, -12.4594345, -5.087689, 0.9055751, 7.0352983, 7.600432, 4.8291187, 7.879045, 1.5715657, -12.370664, -13.313046, 9.709909, 1.9829524, 7.8000445, 8.486573, 0.081746444, -3.3409724, 6.184259, -2.1198585, -3.8208358, -9.666675, 5.0525923, 5.7241693, -3.099457, 1.1380714, -6.2626047, 0.69340724, 7.7762485, -12.126964, 2.4793568, -12.654034, -11.557408, 11.399345, -10.537361, -7.754756, -13.554357, 10.449367, 7.9279485, 9.233305, -2.3912525, -13.745752, 0.6325761, 8.797056, 2.269381, -0.01045864, 8.568085, 7.555066, 7.6588316, 7.2679296, 8.142556, -0.57444805, -3.2520409, 11.8902645, 6.3269243, 6.323899, -8.48885, -6.9083967, 10.906093, 7.5496364, 2.8873842, 10.7844095, -13.916218, -3.0705738, -6.270227, -3.3273294, -8.759206, 7.5180383, 4.8423214, 8.788473, 0.60367197, -13.045537, -12.679556, 2.078066, -3.4149632, -11.104062, -3.1278052, 2.8368032, 3.3916326, -14.46091, 8.667422, 8.996235, -0.5269681, -16.23199, -14.96611, 7.227415, 4.87931, 11.0678, 2.0811572, -4.173972, -0.68014437, 0.35669085, 6.1445456, 4.444525, -7.960893, 1.6165091, 6.7626963, 5.341317, -7.672502, 9.154802, 9.374806, 3.2126098, 4.855571, 10.812509, 4.805804, 2.9040558, 10.00801, 1.2046013, -0.94254637, -10.119219, -12.875433, 4.8664994, -6.9972963, 10.164672, -8.407953, 11.424097, 7.0969486, 3.8007958, 8.485045, -9.20063, 0.6026169, 0.37083906, 1.8913336, 7.1663413, -4.905592, -8.089076, 9.716703, -12.741816, 0.46008116, 5.817672, 6.760899, 1.7614936, 0.90813833, 1.0650427, -13.879531, 0.75670165, 1.8461643, 6.975988, 2.6456227, 1.4930878, 2.7002914, -8.6830635, 6.7704844, -4.760106, -12.921455, 10.159466, -12.725109, 0.8606249, -10.3283825, 6.105997, 1.3248435, 7.429839, 2.1205633, 9.568937, 10.406583, -3.1792102, 6.340447, 5.458066, -11.942764, 7.4438167, -8.618281, 0.8229215, 6.8570786, -6.0471888, 8.16672, 6.1191635, 9.078841, -9.84044, -16.967659, 0.35331723, -6.696438, -3.8220956, 2.3774283, 6.6831155, -0.62996674, -6.8862157, -0.37003627, -9.188681, 8.225813, 0.9742174, -3.4224908, -6.998879, -1.6100887, -8.155754, 2.649757, -4.3550806, 8.199224, 10.840916, 10.780785, -12.179786, 7.3136992, 6.18804, 9.964404, -10.708748, -7.0357676, 7.492643, -0.03527022, 0.1264638, -7.0193467, 6.761924, -9.842999, 1.487664, -6.671944, -9.056338, -7.9111476, -7.069307, 8.948758, -0.43856278, 6.935333, 8.746053, -8.629757, -13.571826, 5.947916, 0.4798251, 9.02065, 1.1114436, 11.321826, 6.9161553, -15.450283, 1.640895, -8.81009, 8.004766, 9.1262865, 2.4254534, 6.8013062, 4.9671135, -15.053915, 5.9651265, -14.92752, 3.099027, 3.2236924, 2.9335463, 4.9028587, 3.8813689, -8.134745, 2.9295564, -9.045163, -0.6067112, 8.136226, -15.341374, 8.00716, 7.879807, -12.653027, 8.150991, 5.6244802, -14.939126, -11.60757, 9.79879, 10.244129, -2.7634268, 6.1033, 10.931872, 1.224714, -0.6713439, -4.79511, 7.5518026, -3.8940346, 7.8076982, -8.114789, 1.5200244, 0.014837129, -8.723391, -10.329408, 9.511003, -3.0355349, 8.4949045, -3.7548869, 6.389135, 5.1154165, 8.14272, 1.8091327, 1.3516095, -10.093556, -3.8581405, 9.614681, -0.45569545, -10.303376, -0.96477246, 6.277642, 0.32924026, -13.043139, 9.388851, 6.010111, -3.0841985, 2.3690603, 8.458901, -16.32129, 3.3047087, 10.545382, 8.243635, 8.017775, 2.4772706, 0.8410776, -5.1377077, -1.8721268, 8.131638, 1.0245956, -14.3873, 5.7179317, 8.571223, -13.58775, 8.813262, 1.1384927, -12.492551, -13.013968, 8.957339, -3.0492969, 0.21252422, 0.5953999, 1.2657777, -11.532819, 1.1509, -4.0073175, -11.948914, -12.186572, -2.941367, 9.727402, -6.428563, 6.019957, -10.7743025, -9.638555, -2.0994961, 2.6748352, 5.073721, 10.390241, 6.885181, 10.312436, -5.248397, -0.09259437, 9.645418, 9.091421, 9.488352, -12.725307, 2.309839, -15.686428, 5.5775194, 2.1404245, 6.8075466, 8.590748, 10.602571, -3.417073, -11.707989, 3.239232, 6.8385663, 8.725776, -3.765404, 7.442121, 7.499121, 5.6042595, -8.466456, -3.6697989, -13.343635, 8.516143, 0.59825945, 5.8441567, 0.59455496, 2.7425299, -3.0591753, -4.690864, -12.739409, -7.6637406, -7.107055, -15.770954, -7.857566, -3.0014799, 0.90573937, 5.8771343, 2.9649947, -0.9707136, -5.6872444, 5.663074, 1.8695602, -6.7151384, 1.6819887, -15.571631, 10.507005, 7.6945863, -0.038722474, -6.8422503, -15.17158, -14.062867, 9.46491, -6.338324, 3.133173, -11.932734, 0.7735361, -13.274097, -11.685442, 4.4744883, 5.261592, -4.826632, -13.592765, -3.9401724, 4.2336216, -10.174957, 0.8834435, 10.988346, 7.032862, 4.33998, -6.9838085, 8.949128, 2.706131, 1.5489864, 4.27755, -2.6663547, 10.005117, -3.6717942, 5.3828897, -7.8915563, -8.484356, -9.522997, -16.288015, 10.867823, 2.7037618, 1.7895101, -5.6917644, 6.7812304, 9.2826605, 9.516577, -1.8073746, -11.505732, 7.676787, -1.0046498, -12.55529, 1.6512091, -7.911688, -8.878855, -14.868633, 4.882497, -8.119055, 4.2162123, -7.5896544, 3.646102, 5.290714, 0.62789774, -14.826561, -1.6998649, -3.8652108, -15.079721, 1.2757274, 6.313811, -10.429165, -3.2982278, 0.63963956, -2.274408, 0.7984931, 11.474453, -6.7861547, 9.2222805, 1.1409085, -9.425073, 5.708935, 2.5549364, 10.397908, 2.5074186, 9.964918, 3.137065, 11.213521, -4.5850616, -4.756982, 7.5943947, 3.7887065, 7.387726, 9.527226, 8.593372, 5.591617, 12.499946, -7.6351495, 7.7641015, 6.2204847, -8.547363, -1.9244119, -8.9561615, -5.883777, -14.387484, -0.42239246, 4.329031, 10.001834, -13.09887, 10.484204, -0.33548176, -3.5584638, 1.7564642, 0.20999284, 7.867386, -1.4065756, -12.853064, 4.0143566, -0.59229046, 6.4008985, 8.858764, -7.888571, 9.718801, 7.358543, 1.588648, 10.259134, 2.2310536, 8.832038, 8.561925, -8.269227, -14.779618, -11.0291605, -15.544697, -2.5021782, 8.522653, 3.027035, -12.568438, -9.516259, -0.19290254, 10.8520975, 3.1485457, 3.4934986, 0.7066654, -0.91387445, 6.8358226, 3.1238308, -3.2677195, 7.7761497, 1.3256469, 4.79912, -3.3660164, 10.372641, 0.22688648, 4.0452905, 7.7242746, 6.684145, 7.719367, 9.7004595, -0.027460104, -2.2656312, 6.857898, 1.34718, -12.483541, -10.13447, -9.437427, -10.9913025, 0.42170152, 2.98987, 1.9216899, -0.5515068, -9.451088, -2.2464561, -2.3746161, -4.203569, 0.58984244, -2.4738023, 6.2942805, 9.319725, -7.859403, 0.7502331, -12.427721, -3.1689284, 8.505424, -15.0159445, -4.1688433, -12.207805, -4.962609, -4.33529, -2.0108192, 10.098498, 4.1448565, -8.143415, 6.9391804, 7.4258785, -13.65916, 0.006887071, -17.00759, -5.30284, -8.99016, -0.1476437, -11.242424, 0.85773444, 4.094037, 1.7103893, 11.257296, 6.722016, 6.083847, -4.345459, -8.382763, 0.30554366, 2.5849972, 3.185327, -1.5614731, 0.51668596, -8.23895, 7.4635396, 5.665921, 10.878499, 6.5531335, 8.477191, 5.909222, 3.2048395, -9.698934, -3.7250195, -2.1018126, 7.323464, -1.2790614, 8.002996, 11.404606, 6.8739, 6.202577, -3.9733076, 2.2333844, -9.392247, 4.6352754, -5.2649255, 6.319302, -7.7209764, 4.197979, 9.738362, 2.7354274, 4.542878, 3.155347, 1.979269, 4.525353, 11.664161, 10.25179, -12.944498, -12.6853485, -15.577736, 0.72266924, 2.6572344, -10.650349, -6.8591104, -1.9923705, -8.693355, 9.327856, 9.414999, -1.016369, -3.256822, 1.0926304, 0.15607086, 2.835591, -0.7562099, -12.921802, -7.7320576, 8.015135, 5.182877, 3.6399226, -7.698093, 2.6399078, -8.369675, 12.1747675, 5.712464, -8.224424, 2.913898, -9.038773, 5.210174, 10.765528, 8.23882, 5.114993, 2.0366704, -4.479881, -2.2820044, -3.4542985, 0.95730793, 9.72108, -13.434304, -15.7740555, -15.193333, 1.4136328, 1.208535, -10.152053, -9.175657, 2.1550152, -10.963348, -15.417235, -14.0860405, 11.265777, -7.2210927, 2.8639674, 9.81539, -5.612859, 8.779887, 11.383958, 1.3250545, -7.9475865, -12.25086, -1.4739854, 0.6140204, 4.8844857, 4.137968, -3.8240178, 0.36555755, 8.264714, -8.775431, 10.2345705, 10.3558035, -6.269204, 8.126134, -7.2564073, -12.044379, -6.5647745, -1.1418946, 7.4776764, -10.993242, 1.2068955, 0.67445177, 2.716777, -14.944219, -9.912016, -12.7503, 10.06007, 6.520412, -12.984291, -16.908592, 3.2585888, -1.997938, 7.730104, -14.016302, -12.194898, 7.3551, -11.198974, 1.6197048, -14.78156, 11.412096, 11.098964, -0.28492555, -6.0681853, -14.018929, 4.3548393, 0.7106117, 0.21792397, 1.1621363, 10.139894, -8.796619, 5.536001, -1.6338779, 4.774854, 11.060231, 2.2444532, -4.8743305, 2.932449, -14.891778, -11.699562, 7.05214, -5.5157685, 5.7582855, 6.092459, 4.7825108, 8.299134, 7.988192, -7.913835, -15.758005, 6.1757107, 4.5519323, -3.5511086, 10.925111, -13.458558, -12.987764, 1.7046229, 4.215781, -12.9747305, -0.04321932, 2.4533598, -7.414984, 6.2064824, -4.5287423, -7.5181518, 7.4631853, -1.2683214, -13.715104, -3.1254122, 8.49047, 6.558635, 8.200985, 9.6493435, 7.854619, -14.130699, -13.077075, -0.1760608, 9.85028, -10.159495, -2.4711254, -13.659306, 1.1690881, 6.4416156, 2.9733753, 12.407988, -13.639338, 1.4892752, -10.666861, -12.568829, -0.13190824, -13.889477, 5.9527006, 10.6800375, 8.551881, -12.363709, 6.974455, -13.187901, 6.132828, -1.7285138, 4.943502, -13.6937, 8.7205925, 0.18705066, -2.852972, 2.453201, -6.7051406, -6.7809668, -14.077066, -17.700277, -9.634405, 7.0010786, 6.196349, 11.3861475, -10.180151, 1.2578926, -8.675345, 1.3826036, -5.170121, 3.4900663, -3.3838847, -9.750955, 3.9356065, -12.155414, -9.093553, 7.180178, 0.7878999, 0.6126108, 6.505703, -1.4348038, 0.413289, 5.903976, -15.167287, -5.3452992, 7.0710087, 9.055439, -2.9575222, -13.360953, 4.50002, 0.21152458, 1.9647704, -13.375633, 2.0526047, -7.8895655, -6.0690155, 8.701747, 11.885784, 10.609104, -10.162182, 11.849869, -2.2908096, -10.46907, 7.079007, -13.722214, 10.086673, -6.7716117, 1.7958988, 6.7307467, -7.4633193, -0.5676661, 4.407249, 3.994424, 6.7885895, -3.6784468, -3.1465507, -6.7756944, 9.237434, 8.468755, -4.5793595, -0.760574, -15.144155, 10.419334, -15.857976, 0.35318, -16.278225, -13.414666, 6.8077216, 10.298583, -6.47948, 0.18475243, 6.276509, 9.039503, 0.45169646, 6.822708, 11.444516, 2.2397888, 2.331223, 1.8235366, 10.881107, 2.9719918, -7.674168, -15.346626, -8.345879, 4.144035, 8.327059, -13.901325, 1.2184949, -0.8039423, 1.186285, -15.621269, -8.658105, -7.947297, -10.6301985, 7.810186, 8.550994, 0.9468055, -2.0428693, 7.6227727, 1.143014, -9.860477, -15.337276, 9.076271, 1.7715515, 2.7268515, 2.0701106, 6.630474, 9.251925, -4.169868, 8.017108, -14.6707, -17.34351, -6.6354346, 1.38766, -7.4967957, -2.3118863, -13.657223, 6.0630136, -4.399604 ] } ], "layout": { "coloraxis": { 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}, "ternary": { "aaxis": { "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "" }, "baxis": { "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "" }, "bgcolor": "#E5ECF6", "caxis": { "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "" } }, "title": { "x": 0.05 }, "xaxis": { "automargin": true, "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "", "title": { "standoff": 15 }, "zerolinecolor": "white", "zerolinewidth": 2 }, "yaxis": { "automargin": true, "gridcolor": "white", "linecolor": "white", "ticks": "", "title": { "standoff": 15 }, "zerolinecolor": "white", "zerolinewidth": 2 } } }, "title": { "text": "3d TSNE Plot for Outliers" }, "width": 900 } }, "text/html": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# tsne plot anomalies\n", "plot_model(iforest, plot = 'tsne')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 54, "id": "da718984", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# check docstring to see available plots \n", "# help(plot_model)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "99e64e65", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "An alternate to `plot_model` function is `evaluate_model`. It can only be used in Notebook since it uses ipywidget." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 87, "id": "c75f07a8", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "9404175a4d9b485db9c968fd33da83d2", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "interactive(children=(ToggleButtons(description='Plot Type:', icons=('',), options=(('Pipeline Plot', 'pipelin…" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "evaluate_model(iforest)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "954cbeff", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Prediction\n", "The `predict_model` function returns `Anomaly` and `Anomaly_Score` label as a new column in the input dataframe. This step may or may not be needed depending on the use-case. Some times clustering models are trained for analysis purpose only and the interest of user is only in assigned labels on the training dataset, that can be done using `assign_model` function. `predict_model` is only useful when you want to obtain cluster labels on unseen data (i.e. data that was not used during training the model)." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 56, "id": "87c1a007", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "

1000 rows × 12 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 \\\n", "0 0.263995 0.764929 0.138424 0.935242 0.605867 0.518790 0.912225 \n", "1 0.546092 0.653975 0.065575 0.227772 0.845269 0.837066 0.272379 \n", "2 0.336714 0.538842 0.192801 0.553563 0.074515 0.332993 0.365792 \n", "3 0.092108 0.995017 0.014465 0.176371 0.241530 0.514724 0.562208 \n", "4 0.325261 0.805968 0.957033 0.331665 0.307923 0.355315 0.501899 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.305055 0.656837 0.331665 0.822525 0.907127 0.882276 0.855732 \n", "996 0.812627 0.864258 0.616604 0.167966 0.811223 0.938071 0.418462 \n", "997 0.250967 0.138627 0.919703 0.461234 0.886555 0.869888 0.800908 \n", "998 0.502436 0.936820 0.580062 0.540773 0.151995 0.059452 0.225220 \n", "999 0.457991 0.017755 0.714113 0.125992 0.063316 0.154739 0.922974 \n", "\n", " Col8 Col9 Col10 Anomaly Anomaly_Score \n", "0 0.608234 0.723782 0.733591 0 -0.035865 \n", "1 0.331679 0.429297 0.367422 0 -0.084927 \n", "2 0.861309 0.899017 0.088600 1 0.025356 \n", "3 0.158963 0.073715 0.208463 1 0.042415 \n", "4 0.558449 0.885169 0.182754 0 -0.023408 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.584786 0.808640 0.242762 0 -0.083981 \n", "996 0.472306 0.348347 0.671129 0 -0.075839 \n", "997 0.530324 0.779433 0.234952 0 -0.052903 \n", "998 0.242755 0.279385 0.538755 0 -0.075104 \n", "999 0.692299 0.816777 0.307592 0 -0.008665 \n", "\n", "[1000 rows x 12 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 56, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# predict on test set\n", "iforest_pred = predict_model(iforest, data=data)\n", "iforest_pred" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "d4baf825", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "The same function works for predicting the labels on unseen dataset. Let's create a copy of original data and drop the `Class variable`. We can then use the new data frame without labels for scoring." ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "e4384735", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## Save Model" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "cd63f053", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Finally, you can save the entire pipeline on disk for later use, using pycaret's `save_model` function." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 57, "id": "4181de41", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Transformation Pipeline and Model Successfully Saved\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "(Pipeline(memory=FastMemory(location=C:\\Users\\owner\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\joblib),\n", " steps=[('numerical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4',\n", " 'Col5', 'Col6', 'Col7', 'Col8',\n", " 'Col9', 'Col10'],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer())),\n", " ('categorical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=[],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'))),\n", " ('trained_model',\n", " IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05,\n", " max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1,\n", " random_state=123, verbose=0))]),\n", " 'iforest_pipeline.pkl')" ] }, "execution_count": 57, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# save pipeline\n", "save_model(iforest, 'iforest_pipeline')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 58, "id": "40ed5152", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Transformation Pipeline and Model Successfully Loaded\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
       "         steps=[('numerical_imputer',\n",
       "                 TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4',\n",
       "                                             'Col5', 'Col6', 'Col7', 'Col8',\n",
       "                                             'Col9', 'Col10'],\n",
       "                                    transformer=SimpleImputer())),\n",
       "                ('categorical_imputer',\n",
       "                 TransformerWrapper(include=[],\n",
       "                                    transformer=SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'))),\n",
       "                ('trained_model',\n",
       "                 IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05,\n",
       "    max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1,\n",
       "    random_state=123, verbose=0))])
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" ], "text/plain": [ "Pipeline(memory=FastMemory(location=C:\\Users\\owner\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\joblib),\n", " steps=[('numerical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4',\n", " 'Col5', 'Col6', 'Col7', 'Col8',\n", " 'Col9', 'Col10'],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer())),\n", " ('categorical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=[],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'))),\n", " ('trained_model',\n", " IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05,\n", " max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1,\n", " random_state=123, verbose=0))])" ] }, "execution_count": 58, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# load pipeline\n", "loaded_iforest_pipeline = load_model('iforest_pipeline')\n", "loaded_iforest_pipeline" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "b2c7d62e", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "# 👇 Detailed function-by-function overview" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "e05937f5", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Setup\n", "This function initializes the training environment and creates the transformation pipeline. The setup function must be called before executing any other function. It takes one mandatory parameter only: data. All the other parameters are optional." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 59, "id": "24e503be", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0Session id123
1Original data shape(1000, 10)
2Transformed data shape(1000, 10)
3Numeric features10
5Imputation typesimple
6Numeric imputationmean
7Categorical imputationmode
8CPU Jobs-1
9Use GPUFalse
10Log ExperimentFalse
11Experiment Nameanomaly-default-name
\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "s = setup(data, session_id = 123)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "924d198b", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "To access all the variables created by the setup function such as transformed dataset, random_state, etc. you can use `get_config` method." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 60, "id": "76128b08", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "{'USI',\n", " 'X',\n", " 'X_train',\n", " 'X_train_transformed',\n", " 'X_transformed',\n", " '_available_plots',\n", " '_ml_usecase',\n", " 'data',\n", " 'dataset',\n", " 'dataset_transformed',\n", " 'exp_id',\n", " 'exp_name_log',\n", " 'gpu_n_jobs_param',\n", " 'gpu_param',\n", " 'html_param',\n", " 'idx',\n", " 'is_multiclass',\n", " 'log_plots_param',\n", " 'logging_param',\n", " 'memory',\n", " 'n_jobs_param',\n", " 'pipeline',\n", " 'seed',\n", " 'train',\n", " 'train_transformed',\n", " 'variable_and_property_keys',\n", " 'variables'}" ] }, "execution_count": 60, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# check all available config\n", "get_config()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 61, "id": "dbc43292", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "

1000 rows × 10 columns

\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 \\\n", "0 0.263995 0.764929 0.138424 0.935242 0.605867 0.518790 0.912225 \n", "1 0.546092 0.653975 0.065575 0.227772 0.845269 0.837066 0.272379 \n", "2 0.336714 0.538842 0.192801 0.553563 0.074515 0.332993 0.365792 \n", "3 0.092108 0.995017 0.014465 0.176371 0.241530 0.514724 0.562208 \n", "4 0.325261 0.805968 0.957033 0.331665 0.307923 0.355315 0.501899 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.305055 0.656837 0.331665 0.822525 0.907127 0.882276 0.855732 \n", "996 0.812627 0.864258 0.616604 0.167966 0.811223 0.938071 0.418462 \n", "997 0.250967 0.138627 0.919703 0.461234 0.886555 0.869888 0.800908 \n", "998 0.502436 0.936820 0.580062 0.540773 0.151995 0.059452 0.225220 \n", "999 0.457991 0.017755 0.714113 0.125992 0.063316 0.154739 0.922974 \n", "\n", " Col8 Col9 Col10 \n", "0 0.608234 0.723782 0.733591 \n", "1 0.331679 0.429297 0.367422 \n", "2 0.861309 0.899017 0.088600 \n", "3 0.158963 0.073715 0.208463 \n", "4 0.558449 0.885169 0.182754 \n", ".. ... ... ... \n", "995 0.584786 0.808640 0.242762 \n", "996 0.472306 0.348347 0.671129 \n", "997 0.530324 0.779433 0.234952 \n", "998 0.242755 0.279385 0.538755 \n", "999 0.692299 0.816777 0.307592 \n", "\n", "[1000 rows x 10 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 61, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# lets access X_train_transformed\n", "get_config('X_train_transformed')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 62, "id": "ef9cd061", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "The current seed is: 123\n", "The new seed is: 786\n" ] } ], "source": [ "# another example: let's access seed\n", "print(\"The current seed is: {}\".format(get_config('seed')))\n", "\n", "# now lets change it using set_config\n", "set_config('seed', 786)\n", "print(\"The new seed is: {}\".format(get_config('seed')))" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "7afbe41d", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "All the preprocessing configurations and experiment settings/parameters are passed into the `setup` function. To see all available parameters, check the docstring:" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 63, "id": "2885a14f", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# help(setup)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 64, "id": "34ae0fce", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0Session id123
1Original data shape(1000, 10)
2Transformed data shape(1000, 10)
3Numeric features10
5Imputation typesimple
6Numeric imputationmean
7Categorical imputationmode
8CPU Jobs-1
9Use GPUFalse
10Log ExperimentFalse
11Experiment Nameanomaly-default-name
\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# init setup with bin_numeric_feature\n", "\n", "s = setup(data, session_id = 123,\n", " bin_numeric_features=['Col1'])" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 65, "id": "04204ae7", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 65, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# lets check the X_train_transformed to see effect of params passed\n", "get_config('X_train_transformed')['Col1'].hist()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "d28a3e4e", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "Notice that `Col1` originally was a numeric feature with a continious distribution. After transformation it is now converted into categorical feature. We can also access non-transformed values using `get_config` and then compare the differences." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 66, "id": "68cc1c63", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "execution_count": 66, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" }, { "data": { "image/png": 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"text/plain": [ "
" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "get_config('X_train')['Col1'].hist()" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "9e6c47cb", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Experiment Logging\n", "PyCaret integrates with many different type of experiment loggers (default = 'mlflow'). To turn on experiment tracking in PyCaret you can set `log_experiment` and `experiment_name` parameter. It will automatically track all the metrics, hyperparameters, and artifacts based on the defined logger." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 67, "id": "1af63fd0", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# from pycaret.anomaly import *\n", "# s = setup(data, session_id = 123, log_experiment='mlflow', experiment_name='anomaly_project')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 68, "id": "42cd6120", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# train iforest\n", "# iforest = create_model('iforest')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 69, "id": "adc82ce5", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# start mlflow server on localhost:5000\n", "# !mlflow ui" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "a06f9df7", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "By default PyCaret uses `MLFlow` logger that can be changed using `log_experiment` parameter. Following loggers are available:\n", " \n", " - mlflow\n", " - wandb\n", " - comet_ml\n", " - dagshub\n", " \n", "Other logging related parameters that you may find useful are:\n", "\n", "- experiment_custom_tags\n", "- log_plots\n", "- log_data\n", "- log_profile\n", "\n", "For more information check out the docstring of the `setup` function." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 70, "id": "2f8b6aa1", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# help(setup)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "6ce0b555", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Create Model\n", "This function trains an unsupervised anomaly detection model. All the available models can be accessed using the models function." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 71, "id": "837cebfa", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "
\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
abodAngle-base Outlier Detectionpyod.models.abod.ABOD
clusterClustering-Based Local Outlierpyod.models.cblof.CBLOF
cofConnectivity-Based Local Outlierpycaret.internal.patches.pyod.COFPatched
iforestIsolation Forestpyod.models.iforest.IForest
histogramHistogram-based Outlier Detectionpyod.models.hbos.HBOS
knnK-Nearest Neighbors Detectorpyod.models.knn.KNN
lofLocal Outlier Factorpyod.models.lof.LOF
svmOne-class SVM detectorpyod.models.ocsvm.OCSVM
pcaPrincipal Component Analysispyod.models.pca.PCA
mcdMinimum Covariance Determinantpyod.models.mcd.MCD
sodSubspace Outlier Detectionpycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SODPatched
sosStochastic Outlier Selectionpycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SOSPatched
\n", "
" ], "text/plain": [ " Name \\\n", "ID \n", "abod Angle-base Outlier Detection \n", "cluster Clustering-Based Local Outlier \n", "cof Connectivity-Based Local Outlier \n", "iforest Isolation Forest \n", "histogram Histogram-based Outlier Detection \n", "knn K-Nearest Neighbors Detector \n", "lof Local Outlier Factor \n", "svm One-class SVM detector \n", "pca Principal Component Analysis \n", "mcd Minimum Covariance Determinant \n", "sod Subspace Outlier Detection \n", "sos Stochastic Outlier Selection \n", "\n", " Reference \n", "ID \n", "abod pyod.models.abod.ABOD \n", "cluster pyod.models.cblof.CBLOF \n", "cof pycaret.internal.patches.pyod.COFPatched \n", "iforest pyod.models.iforest.IForest \n", "histogram pyod.models.hbos.HBOS \n", "knn pyod.models.knn.KNN \n", "lof pyod.models.lof.LOF \n", "svm pyod.models.ocsvm.OCSVM \n", "pca pyod.models.pca.PCA \n", "mcd pyod.models.mcd.MCD \n", "sod pycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SODPatched \n", "sos pycaret.internal.patches.pyod.SOSPatched " ] }, "execution_count": 71, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# check all the available models\n", "models()" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 72, "id": "16641cab", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Processing: 0%| | 0/3 [00:00" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.jupyter.widget-view+json": { "model_id": "", "version_major": 2, "version_minor": 0 }, "text/plain": [ "Processing: 0%| | 0/3 [00:00\n", "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
\n", "

1000 rows × 12 columns

\n", "" ], "text/plain": [ " Col1 Col2 Col3 Col4 Col5 Col6 Col7 \\\n", "0 0.263995 0.764929 0.138424 0.935242 0.605867 0.518790 0.912225 \n", "1 0.546092 0.653975 0.065575 0.227772 0.845269 0.837066 0.272379 \n", "2 0.336714 0.538842 0.192801 0.553563 0.074515 0.332993 0.365792 \n", "3 0.092108 0.995017 0.014465 0.176371 0.241530 0.514724 0.562208 \n", "4 0.325261 0.805968 0.957033 0.331665 0.307923 0.355315 0.501899 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.305055 0.656837 0.331665 0.822525 0.907127 0.882276 0.855732 \n", "996 0.812627 0.864258 0.616604 0.167966 0.811223 0.938071 0.418462 \n", "997 0.250967 0.138627 0.919703 0.461234 0.886555 0.869888 0.800908 \n", "998 0.502436 0.936820 0.580062 0.540773 0.151995 0.059452 0.225220 \n", "999 0.457991 0.017755 0.714113 0.125992 0.063316 0.154739 0.922974 \n", "\n", " Col8 Col9 Col10 Anomaly Anomaly_Score \n", "0 0.608234 0.723782 0.733591 0 -0.024763 \n", "1 0.331679 0.429297 0.367422 0 -0.083637 \n", "2 0.861309 0.899017 0.088600 1 0.021481 \n", "3 0.158963 0.073715 0.208463 1 0.044031 \n", "4 0.558449 0.885169 0.182754 0 -0.026150 \n", ".. ... ... ... ... ... \n", "995 0.584786 0.808640 0.242762 0 -0.076718 \n", "996 0.472306 0.348347 0.671129 0 -0.059275 \n", "997 0.530324 0.779433 0.234952 0 -0.058574 \n", "998 0.242755 0.279385 0.538755 0 -0.089169 \n", "999 0.692299 0.816777 0.307592 0 -0.008304 \n", "\n", "[1000 rows x 12 columns]" ] }, "execution_count": 76, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "iforest_results = assign_model(iforest)\n", "iforest_results" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 77, "id": "385bd688", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# help(assign_model)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "2dc8e294", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Plot Model" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 78, "id": "952b6f24", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" }, { "data": { "application/vnd.plotly.v1+json": { "config": { "plotlyServerURL": "https://plot.ly" }, "data": [ { "customdata": [ [ 0.26399535 ], [ 0.54609233 ], [ 0.33671412 ], [ 0.09210783 ], [ 0.32526118 ], [ 0.21246485 ], [ 0.25856572 ], [ 0.86923677 ], [ 0.19707796 ], [ 0.29298452 ], [ 0.8217832 ], [ 0.79662293 ], [ 0.045577012 ], [ 0.61366034 ], [ 0.95074457 ], [ 0.33634633 ], [ 0.034440666 ], [ 0.74154425 ], [ 0.18443266 ], [ 0.66451496 ], [ 0.16282485 ], [ 0.72983843 ], [ 0.62837386 ], [ 0.05788366 ], [ 0.44553483 ], [ 0.80183697 ], [ 0.27709612 ], [ 0.22863401 ], [ 0.8348607 ], [ 0.6697665 ], [ 0.5325273 ], [ 0.17045908 ], [ 0.5102885 ], [ 0.977562 ], [ 0.24977599 ], [ 0.9755007 ], [ 0.6137017 ], [ 0.16742036 ], [ 0.5374725 ], [ 0.37989914 ], [ 0.6338973 ], [ 0.6339604 ], [ 0.5499747 ], [ 0.17817299 ], [ 0.85563815 ], [ 0.3217967 ], [ 0.8174905 ], [ 0.25487942 ], [ 0.3441405 ], [ 0.8061457 ], [ 0.27708167 ], [ 0.5443285 ], [ 0.07708393 ], [ 0.27308145 ], [ 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0.46523127 ], [ 0.7321109 ], [ 0.3738743 ], [ 0.5015879 ], [ 0.115383156 ], [ 0.7319466 ], [ 0.41829872 ], [ 0.062259592 ], [ 0.3914964 ], [ 0.3598493 ], [ 0.24523562 ], [ 0.6100283 ], [ 0.43540362 ], [ 0.43430966 ], [ 0.52376336 ], [ 0.17118786 ], [ 0.1877343 ], [ 0.94501466 ], [ 0.027851097 ], [ 0.68445706 ], [ 0.17801453 ], [ 0.6434279 ], [ 0.59588355 ], [ 0.3723617 ], [ 0.58610356 ], [ 0.27165884 ], [ 0.5995111 ], [ 0.46836308 ], [ 0.31451556 ], [ 0.21893726 ], [ 0.25471658 ], [ 0.25612816 ], [ 0.60225976 ], [ 0.13438107 ], [ 0.5138874 ], [ 0.62424165 ], [ 0.16025186 ], [ 0.5807081 ], [ 0.27054048 ], [ 0.83291996 ], [ 0.93032134 ], [ 0.7191579 ], [ 0.88672006 ], [ 0.09879228 ], [ 0.7871743 ], [ 0.3655924 ], [ 0.7195762 ], [ 0.8058956 ], [ 0.75557834 ], [ 0.5260059 ], [ 0.68880427 ], [ 0.2211153 ], [ 0.73936945 ], [ 0.40844023 ], [ 0.34892654 ], [ 0.43371376 ], [ 0.5964966 ], [ 0.6942953 ], [ 0.709031 ], [ 0.867653 ], [ 0.89332545 ], [ 0.7460209 ], [ 0.5382844 ], [ 0.8922193 ], [ 0.9351758 ], [ 0.2605277 ], [ 0.95678043 ], [ 0.20493248 ], [ 0.68773335 ], [ 0.32906362 ], [ 0.6321498 ], [ 0.4637445 ], [ 0.69885963 ], [ 0.38544658 ], [ 0.47997537 ], [ 0.7322791 ], [ 0.3813543 ], [ 0.459326 ], [ 0.25740144 ], [ 0.6650148 ], [ 0.103399545 ], [ 0.42528442 ], [ 0.94352907 ], [ 0.5947502 ], [ 0.5437768 ], [ 0.18203989 ], [ 0.23584208 ], [ 0.58598447 ], [ 0.7620132 ], [ 0.6849829 ], [ 0.6769369 ], [ 0.29018497 ], [ 0.48106822 ], [ 0.49276602 ], [ 0.22185624 ], [ 0.053875998 ], [ 0.08275115 ], [ 0.38536623 ], [ 0.70251393 ], [ 0.9155316 ], [ 0.082087435 ], [ 0.25128037 ], [ 0.41672182 ], [ 0.27703267 ], [ 0.5795398 ], [ 0.5693635 ], [ 0.13339971 ], [ 0.26504546 ], [ 0.9365719 ], [ 0.25261855 ], [ 0.054033082 ], [ 0.8024814 ], [ 0.5281977 ], [ 0.9515026 ], [ 0.57212114 ], [ 0.7529382 ], [ 0.14385754 ], [ 0.5134846 ], [ 0.3133224 ], [ 0.68779737 ], [ 0.37705985 ], [ 0.34822613 ], [ 0.6776328 ], [ 0.24138752 ], [ 0.8506502 ], [ 0.2203481 ], [ 0.47644547 ], [ 0.690324 ], [ 0.36469594 ], [ 0.6492492 ], [ 0.9437019 ], [ 0.529646 ], [ 0.299097 ], [ 0.96696246 ], [ 0.27200523 ], [ 0.31416145 ], [ 0.752021 ], [ 0.22188245 ], [ 0.7203327 ], [ 0.37920478 ], [ 0.60168654 ], [ 0.58293265 ], [ 0.95080984 ], [ 0.5883014 ], [ 0.8808872 ], [ 0.4678577 ], [ 0.8799022 ], [ 0.619844 ], [ 0.35900256 ], [ 0.29151127 ], [ 0.6941571 ], [ 0.72796035 ], [ 0.6177039 ], [ 0.39581257 ], [ 0.5831728 ], [ 0.7103324 ], [ 0.2537537 ], [ 0.04941223 ], [ 0.7283787 ], [ 0.4324329 ], [ 0.58612347 ], [ 0.052342374 ], [ 0.053483903 ], [ 0.5187294 ], [ 0.9330402 ], [ 0.7035543 ], [ 0.2689899 ], [ 0.73300695 ], [ 0.44435248 ], [ 0.58339465 ], [ 0.87117267 ], [ 0.42876709 ], [ 0.30046085 ], [ 0.95332944 ], [ 0.60644394 ], [ 0.9098681 ], [ 0.71489644 ], [ 0.4973495 ], [ 0.8530975 ], [ 0.72180414 ], [ 0.30346733 ], [ 0.6644851 ], [ 0.27978063 ], [ 0.5694817 ], [ 0.6286289 ], [ 0.088368125 ], [ 0.7335673 ], [ 0.5374368 ], [ 0.6385937 ], [ 0.95472693 ], [ 0.6322023 ], [ 0.64213467 ], [ 0.7446531 ], [ 0.115714006 ], [ 0.48625007 ], [ 0.44035614 ], [ 0.08272289 ], [ 0.511591 ], [ 0.39462754 ], [ 0.224394 ], [ 0.62692755 ], [ 0.29025406 ], [ 0.77900803 ], [ 0.8661058 ], [ 0.87332606 ], [ 0.49548915 ], [ 0.5942977 ], [ 0.91820157 ], [ 0.57704276 ], [ 0.01946767 ], [ 0.6702983 ], [ 0.54659534 ], [ 0.59166515 ], [ 0.4215582 ], [ 0.68560857 ], [ 0.34030303 ], [ 0.67562675 ], [ 0.31906736 ], [ 0.38849968 ], [ 0.7069496 ], [ 0.5594095 ], [ 0.6876635 ], [ 0.70880455 ], [ 0.6818881 ], [ 0.42253512 ], [ 0.3200046 ], [ 0.6582814 ], [ 0.63415486 ], [ 0.777332 ], [ 0.8126772 ], [ 0.0742808 ], [ 0.39600217 ], [ 0.054933913 ], [ 0.82505894 ], [ 0.382642 ], [ 0.8687298 ], [ 0.58804333 ], [ 0.89155155 ], [ 0.10920046 ], [ 0.6476828 ], [ 0.7243425 ], [ 0.07016304 ], [ 0.28088206 ], [ 0.03911326 ], [ 0.5796416 ], [ 0.6390009 ], [ 0.2817459 ], [ 0.6478577 ], [ 0.6479058 ], [ 0.87522626 ], [ 0.5676033 ], [ 0.2629406 ], [ 0.26802605 ], [ 0.40519133 ], [ 0.47996545 ], [ 0.33552402 ], [ 0.77716535 ], [ 0.42548797 ], [ 0.23798612 ], [ 0.14252298 ], [ 0.72417647 ], [ 0.23469894 ], [ 0.07818228 ], [ 0.8559902 ], [ 0.27025175 ], [ 0.43551785 ], [ 0.7626975 ], [ 0.46448725 ], [ 0.39611268 ], [ 0.37638092 ], [ 0.29459468 ], [ 0.6944921 ], [ 0.6227679 ], [ 0.84755975 ], [ 0.30146307 ], [ 0.9129378 ], [ 0.50001717 ], [ 0.90258795 ], [ 0.30451795 ], [ 0.29916567 ], [ 0.09201409 ], [ 0.4885489 ], [ 0.66466445 ], [ 0.26534954 ], [ 0.723657 ], [ 0.14926238 ], [ 0.04577339 ], [ 0.6966106 ], [ 0.42181486 ], [ 0.7338458 ], [ 0.41879538 ], [ 0.6774435 ], [ 0.2612836 ], [ 0.26852778 ], [ 0.54432225 ], [ 0.43163204 ], [ 0.9810181 ], [ 0.21498072 ], [ 0.39473 ], [ 0.12222494 ], [ 0.29749689 ], [ 0.37490442 ], [ 0.6869877 ], [ 0.3885492 ], [ 0.039296072 ], [ 0.73553425 ], [ 0.3792949 ], [ 0.7321234 ], [ 0.33922145 ], [ 0.6594506 ], [ 0.054838642 ], [ 0.6401121 ], [ 0.3071417 ], [ 0.3966119 ], [ 0.42043915 ], [ 0.24171497 ], [ 0.06589315 ], [ 0.9105219 ], [ 0.6971631 ], [ 0.072559856 ], [ 0.81825095 ], [ 0.3118888 ], [ 0.9616446 ], [ 0.81632555 ], [ 0.14647302 ], [ 0.5487539 ], [ 0.9461581 ], [ 0.29399273 ], [ 0.33147964 ], [ 0.90622 ], [ 0.5255404 ], [ 0.83301413 ], [ 0.5148498 ], [ 0.57460904 ], [ 0.46871185 ], [ 0.71002775 ], [ 0.64597327 ], [ 0.22979441 ], [ 0.5517834 ], [ 0.05582299 ], [ 0.33175093 ], [ 0.7155202 ], [ 0.58392435 ], [ 0.3069577 ], [ 0.7914782 ], [ 0.16423663 ], [ 0.06571122 ], [ 0.94899315 ], [ 0.08042383 ], [ 0.052495427 ], [ 0.5663461 ], [ 0.3630266 ], [ 0.60544217 ], [ 0.6308506 ], [ 0.065791234 ], [ 0.28681707 ], [ 0.68546283 ], [ 0.2608537 ], [ 0.6591224 ], [ 0.44317392 ], [ 0.602064 ], [ 0.06036691 ], [ 0.78190315 ], [ 0.51457983 ], [ 0.4838862 ], [ 0.6002138 ], [ 0.49736404 ], [ 0.41114524 ], [ 0.11699917 ], [ 0.34189013 ], [ 0.74695086 ], [ 0.39629275 ], [ 0.62214386 ], [ 0.33527115 ], [ 0.14025714 ], [ 0.08162068 ], [ 0.06983757 ], [ 0.46894002 ], [ 0.9908574 ], [ 0.8966168 ], [ 0.25531057 ], [ 0.22464527 ], [ 0.01991825 ], [ 0.29648042 ], [ 0.155459 ], [ 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0.05403668 ], [ 0.96315014 ], [ 0.0896535 ], [ 0.7076932 ], [ 0.636416 ], [ 0.5395211 ], [ 0.11475716 ], [ 0.3573124 ], [ 0.67639834 ], [ 0.4348284 ], [ 0.032326385 ], [ 0.7113656 ], [ 0.18748651 ], [ 0.052789655 ], [ 0.5058636 ], [ 0.9274319 ], [ 0.68098426 ], [ 0.8828222 ], [ 0.49570546 ], [ 0.5962404 ], [ 0.3206107 ], [ 0.3413685 ], [ 0.1596818 ], [ 0.31813368 ], [ 0.83930105 ], [ 0.06435925 ], [ 0.47021663 ], [ 0.77625227 ], [ 0.6358434 ], [ 0.62510544 ], [ 0.52959067 ], [ 0.98690015 ], [ 0.078585684 ], [ 0.23328426 ], [ 0.36333096 ], [ 0.716717 ], [ 0.37588978 ], [ 0.2233169 ], [ 0.29934397 ], [ 0.5385958 ], [ 0.73029715 ], [ 0.6603308 ], [ 0.435296 ], [ 0.3264943 ], [ 0.8544027 ], [ 0.57349384 ], [ 0.75778615 ], [ 0.7047432 ], [ 0.2815756 ], [ 0.6719682 ], [ 0.313726 ], [ 0.36433828 ], [ 0.3682164 ], [ 0.3862952 ], [ 0.6559719 ], [ 0.56602526 ], [ 0.4249991 ], [ 0.09011037 ], [ 0.77235055 ], [ 0.33104727 ], [ 0.27371618 ], [ 0.23877569 ], [ 0.37307978 ], [ 0.33118588 ], [ 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-0.9398553, -0.29650554, 6.585211, -14.042766, -7.569021, 11.7727, 2.30308, -6.566438, -10.868103, 14.258773, -1.0979136, 7.4882684, -8.456667, -8.0538025, -12.879219, 14.995688, -6.2815495, 6.379267, -11.819046, -7.4416866, -0.15714148, -8.1849375, -8.51345, 6.060783, -13.825836, -3.849234, 9.333985, 5.353977, 6.4705253, 12.812402, 7.8956304, 14.846837, -5.4292164, 11.866552, -0.86004627, -2.3881452, 8.68557, 7.442868, -10.096609, -2.1923835, 14.459437, -8.96385, 10.215673, 10.925927, 2.9638333, 7.024292, 7.2383432, 11.023252, 5.157807, -6.455504, -7.12784, -4.435131, -5.8423147, -6.681747, -10.298941, 3.2913191, 12.925453, 15.203183, 5.8591394, 1.8195244, 2.537312, 6.7514386, -7.7948833, 7.156456, 13.601034, -11.596854, 1.5266714, -7.291646, -2.1284745, -13.516867, -7.311407, -4.503802, -6.604307, 2.897324, 6.1477838, 4.965983, -5.1255546, -4.2206306, -5.604208, -7.951966, 8.962586, -6.44148, 4.1830087, -5.8728023, 5.7460356, -8.617005, -7.151679, 9.034666, 14.432184, 0.78520364, 7.7724156, -0.76909244, 4.087546, -9.011741, 4.46617, -2.0566075, -0.37674987, -6.492923, 6.711814, -3.4691274, 4.111808, -9.648796, -6.09283, -3.5101826, -9.481536, -0.18902692, 11.758916, 11.292743, -0.009373029, 11.969561, -0.86617905, -3.2270794, -5.4185295, -1.9149039, -3.5606725, -9.957462, -0.8824856, -10.844734, 4.0063257, -2.3214483, -3.7017653, -4.1097546, 7.1622143, 9.663036, 7.38564, 5.96952, 9.427335, 3.39908, -6.320833, 0.6109898, 9.288559, -2.7221081, -4.502277, 10.6369, 8.47644, 1.7950794, 7.3231816, -7.7236867, -10.038621, 10.319048, -14.8110075, -7.188269, 13.109032, -5.363196, -2.2830734, -7.8856573, -8.977516, -3.3866367, 6.9851875, -15.076039, 6.4159274, -9.153567, -3.9622986, 0.8105833, 10.830704, -0.5799716, -2.1599479, -2.7241125, -4.636165, 11.175993, 12.016007, -5.1346216, -7.057061, 9.582809, 2.9626245, -2.347008, 8.05573, -9.181127, 3.7796767, 14.044356, -14.568207, -3.9494731, 8.151198, -4.184957, 5.413963, -0.39573348, 6.3341527, 11.048425, 11.610353, 3.920318, 4.745674, -5.0814366, 7.3538756, -6.211381, -0.84575367, -5.9410086, 6.7154946, 12.885648, -15.2354, -7.8910356, 4.1362867, 6.253523, 7.1582613, -7.64499, -6.7990627, 6.771702, -1.2782263, -0.7479011, -4.7028484, -2.5211973, 9.380013, 16.19835, -8.230388, -2.4296412, -6.111615, 13.925637, 14.447627, -5.792068, 8.42289, 10.083451, 0.7594789, 7.6361465, -11.712054, 0.93314934, 8.8737335, 3.4309957, 12.867957, 8.035217, -7.2253904, 2.7905428, 7.724728, 8.806195, -0.23228066, 6.4344993, -10.464413, -2.5234718, 6.142035, -14.076413, -6.1132708, 9.820829, -2.3646193, -2.3311412, -15.125788, -1.2981545, -2.7329044, 7.215221, 15.478022, -4.8410397, -8.112369, -7.2119474, -6.817357, -4.490848, -4.6594944, 5.588067, -2.682086, 13.741921, -3.4091647, -14.009508, 6.215018, 6.7967453, -6.987844, 6.542748, -5.024412, -9.687599, -13.840449, -2.8241062, -12.959044, -11.032322, -0.67186666, 7.4069686, 0.41928694, -3.6374187, -7.2016807, 10.87764, -2.4551632, 14.167995, 0.9736908, -7.1932955, 1.6163439, -7.3952265, 5.779548, -8.3141365, -1.05933, 3.8707697, -4.010778, -7.648774, -14.952293, 12.702276, 5.762194, 12.682803, 3.5455186, 6.145045, -13.95503, -11.76669, -11.129163, -8.545363, -6.1399665, -2.7024763, 14.192486, 9.087832, -12.473084, 6.256433, -12.967948, -4.963967, -9.88859, -6.5143504, -5.3504133, 9.257657, -5.2644734, 10.273883, 1.1051288, -12.744064, 10.387431, -11.567236, -9.48559, -8.677761, -8.135434, -9.214203, -2.6108077, -7.2976956, -0.17084262, 1.8857169, -4.166559, 8.196517, 11.315217, -6.2562156, -6.2284775, 13.976322, -2.9785235, -6.746819, 11.495076, -0.95643395, -0.04605606, -11.649336, 9.511193, 7.1255713, -1.966852, -12.104049, 8.447183, -10.887135, 15.594024, -5.9026346, 11.742724, -14.088978, 11.632023, 11.5766, 11.401536, 11.072711, -12.032978, 11.206371, -1.5938662, 15.118666, -6.9482965, -4.11382, 6.7053013, -2.4769976, 14.019823, -6.2842236, 8.377628, 13.950196, 1.3521266, -4.890768, -8.604906, -0.57074624, 6.1275206, -6.6847677, -0.18467452, -6.8571343, -9.016216, -13.214145, 3.7767744, -1.938987, -1.6087799, -11.864959, 8.926818, 4.0211506, -7.406142, -9.422226, 1.9037961, -10.184403, -14.762973, -2.544981, -5.17695, 8.898753, -9.133312, -3.5110009, 4.251484, 15.19487, 10.571063, -7.8823347, 12.7603035, -6.280075, -11.320661, -6.8465924, 7.6072626, 2.5140572, 3.3187149, -4.51929, -3.7887971, -6.9892654, 8.59755, 10.24131, 4.515715, 8.055236, 11.570877, 12.0318575, -4.249416, 1.503974, 4.3132796, -4.0772023, 6.625605, -4.3440495, -6.8301597, 1.54673, 1.169575, 10.635799, 2.7310297, 6.6306133, 8.167777, 11.043685, 9.745981, 0.07936807, -8.153852, -1.0458684, -9.781821, 8.028448, 12.335126, 10.057377, 7.1093717, 12.439664, 8.514837, 14.153084, -0.22699131, -2.2183914, 6.429549, -6.804859, 7.1322107, -7.004258, -7.27865, 8.003937, 14.111926, -9.117053, 7.0250425, 8.052194, 8.680653, 14.676101, 1.6795148, -9.303255, -12.61576, 5.5597196, -10.132957, -6.5118604, 3.8775866, 13.88843, 7.3238072, 4.4508247, -3.2605028, -0.17493646, -2.2738593, 11.375425, 6.7211785, -13.192607, 1.5898349, 6.958939, -0.7964327, -10.640395, -7.540783, 16.108929, 11.872514, -2.4005718, 4.5423875, -3.2755668, 11.807652, 10.336494, 4.3905954, 14.524724, -9.361771, -6.040162, -2.8939116, -7.2140174, 9.8602915, -5.736617, -3.3356924, -8.218197, -10.439869, -4.7584734, 7.7218423, -0.7885603, 6.404819, -3.0466883, 10.829449, 9.8588915, -2.4369032, 10.542151, -13.809775, -7.9322524, -5.247663, -7.1820765, -0.4181077, -4.466116, 2.9329262, 7.5670977, -6.9533386, -9.047602, -7.2031426, 10.747027, 9.681047, 0.86640686, 7.896065, -9.22426, -2.5831387, 11.510931, 4.416621, -11.377491, 9.695914, -5.5956388, -7.963787, 11.250733, -4.5627637, 4.799092, -5.114046, 3.3193316, -7.2157965, -3.784252, 11.743477, 4.437632, -7.4961114, 5.4800572, 4.7810316, 11.09518, 7.4144073, -0.72009665, -4.7259765, 7.758892, -4.945017, 8.350398, -5.0539145, -6.4413047, -9.703279, -13.178418, 1.1482593, 3.7185261, -2.5822675, 10.615618, 8.162085, 5.242802, 14.413152, -6.689663, 12.487374, 6.9802303, -6.5751686, 10.883362, -8.262356, -8.946784, 6.8497806, 8.078631, -3.020642, -0.6040742, -6.468712, 5.729243, 6.6043863, 11.074691, -2.9076047, -0.9775861, -6.7181754, -14.439579, -0.74057126, 2.8887746, -7.4810057, 8.516838, 4.1544633, 4.899028, 6.001785, 12.284019, -9.831654, 1.0503147, -3.5269523, -2.0188975, 1.1782821, -12.064638, -6.5360765, -9.666375, -5.3157005, -6.481667, -4.3103256, -10.280668, -0.7339007, -8.263395, 8.531684, -5.4412518, -0.21057698, -0.9216073, -4.1596375, 9.768638, -8.299238, -6.687013, -4.333013, -8.419701, 15.090348, 7.981858, 5.553617, -4.578169, -8.199029, 10.81825, 8.040791, 0.52076787, 1.8539029, -3.6038523, -6.4421244, 10.785822, 14.352495, -2.075537, -3.3163931, 11.913564, -3.7183158, -7.1140604, 4.895957, -1.8305982, -3.8778174, -6.309002, 5.738923, -9.982596, -14.748553, 10.347224, -3.0321877, 8.869959, -6.4334154, -5.761137, -0.39843854, -1.1792244, -8.40074, -2.3086455, 9.0604315, -6.1085725, 10.571251, 4.391175, -6.8980126, -4.300124, 5.911028, -10.577468, -1.6395575, 12.797407, 7.111289, 5.911704, 6.841922, -8.515828, 7.416895, 9.270042, -7.3543844, 7.648634, -13.310606, -2.3232102, -1.2219604, 7.4751515, -13.614782, 13.213727, 7.415556, -2.2966475, -2.4382646, -2.8003023, 1.0490582, -0.612251, -7.7466087, -10.686264, -9.041812, 10.752936, -0.442704, 7.4888153, -7.954296, 6.9943566, -1.9384302, -0.3874723 ], "y": [ -0.7195036, -13.761105, -1.5757904, 2.8694236, -3.7040188, 2.4751143, -5.14229, -1.7045045, 4.190738, -5.967212, -1.786555, -2.1515396, 3.0166738, 12.22769, -4.045666, 0.3489602, 2.8432064, 13.053199, 3.619171, 10.29673, 4.254343, 14.051987, 11.9257765, 4.27722, -7.2711835, -7.201557, -0.92457074, -3.3629663, -0.28470427, 8.319559, -10.934867, 3.61508, -10.483588, -3.5607746, -3.4130938, -7.27341, 10.434801, 6.2721925, -10.028733, 2.4350278, 12.899396, 9.993668, -14.032133, 4.010625, -2.7188485, 0.62185514, -3.449648, -0.71517414, -0.7923326, -7.058664, 2.5284998, -10.829327, 7.230139, 0.4707507, 2.1496387, -4.058819, -4.6425576, -1.5238107, -2.8654544, -2.8170288, -2.426111, 12.060141, 5.336232, -2.9036045, 11.433403, -0.83947086, -6.2583175, 12.718543, -7.623182, 12.6017, -0.085140646, -3.9353118, -3.5574248, 2.7118175, -4.645109, -5.9767976, 10.8169985, 1.3336245, -11.716172, -6.547852, -6.2877426, -5.4234605, 10.591266, 13.77956, -3.3854594, -11.815828, 13.607961, 12.688045, -1.2457013, -10.484835, 12.990984, -6.1661882, 13.747891, -4.956484, -3.6405807, 4.7954855, -14.9169655, 16.836575, -13.186007, 10.74828, -2.7109773, 11.865523, 16.26845, 7.9042025, 3.9429677, 11.497527, -6.56141, -12.27374, 11.66466, -4.1789656, 14.839751, -3.5587032, 10.898055, -11.885451, 4.6267014, -12.6427355, 5.0168834, 6.4453115, 2.6398818, -13.40472, -12.966656, -12.249845, 17.23968, 11.739179, -7.445048, 16.655958, 4.0753427, 3.2382514, -13.033032, -9.09494, 3.9363275, -4.170287, 3.6374402, -3.664163, 12.324217, -2.1614125, 11.427139, 4.163779, -12.204985, -10.900719, 1.9578115, -6.3566074, 7.5417504, -7.2511687, -14.197057, -5.4105024, 10.853199, 11.402302, -12.762154, -12.05018, 15.168165, -5.191015, -11.994268, 8.059953, 13.745893, -15.125748, -14.549635, 12.318094, 11.326845, 2.0917015, -6.0176864, 5.634084, 12.189229, -6.671916, 2.7390428, 12.103915, 3.2968664, -1.2513224, -2.3894348, -6.9901743, 11.8069515, 17.081963, -6.262045, -2.127379, 16.414886, 11.948861, 2.8927472, -2.3136983, -1.5325019, 4.4855103, 16.184916, -1.5198766, -2.6265335, 8.556836, -0.74121094, 5.3033404, 10.490885, -2.4706583, 9.30966, 13.409703, -15.742534, -2.6791968, 10.949937, 4.4681015, -8.976617, 5.204786, -7.062032, -1.4376464, -3.0060523, -7.300329, 4.673866, -11.413015, 5.1833067, -1.3825313, -1.6272486, 3.4849787, 8.232255, 4.4024644, -1.9233294, 4.8769083, 15.604748, 10.71315, 1.2437925, -5.007054, -1.2705001, 15.819519, -1.8617309, 1.614035, 1.5405527, -0.4661281, -1.3372926, 15.39543, 10.654274, 11.351264, 13.974374, 8.431335, -14.469934, 8.872478, -15.521468, 10.514657, -4.8988986, 13.444232, 4.0302253, 4.185973, -4.016647, 15.556787, -1.6820004, 13.808103, 3.2951462, 3.303661, -1.1373069, -8.351103, 12.549892, 13.542163, -1.773253, 13.447635, -12.532951, 10.833196, -6.3744526, -7.2638993, 7.153596, 17.410814, -3.659274, 5.740207, -5.0320373, -0.8220498, -1.5143036, 12.725288, -8.255294, -14.038486, -6.562386, 6.030199, 5.005709, -7.3166294, 7.2677803, 13.911297, 4.4658933, 14.768174, 11.501322, -1.3654922, -11.886054, -3.8501532, 14.398711, -6.363234, 2.3874, -4.8050838, 0.10536686, -2.6649199, 16.143187, 9.298257, -14.68304, 12.496366, 9.520186, -10.822475, -2.3895369, -8.750683, -5.660509, 15.5138855, -8.889021, 7.1355453, 15.253531, -2.3861861, 11.948615, -8.465346, 13.687201, -6.393284, 11.296664, -6.2974005, 13.729095, -9.907151, -2.0428088, -15.068723, 8.720188, 10.0831375, 11.412081, -3.8865013, -8.091913, 12.48203, -15.953651, -0.66693026, -1.015309, -6.880066, -1.0652329, -2.9225953, 14.766625, -2.0070288, 13.688706, -13.992829, 11.509362, -3.4848042, -11.95476, 12.9558735, 3.619713, -11.339173, -5.4257703, 13.611571, 4.874804, -5.2167134, -2.062551, -4.675346, -14.960901, 4.624627, -3.8843381, -14.442739, 12.642284, 11.115994, 16.345297, -2.0426693, -5.1541457, -7.3921914, -1.8426375, 9.862489, 2.6209087, -5.319219, 9.682245, -1.730061, 5.4802713, -7.071816, -4.988746, 0.73198396, -11.484241, -10.884884, 8.630638, -3.5953367, -5.620986, -5.171656, 6.5353413, -8.545161, -7.8360744, -7.077203, -12.6650715, 16.412947, 6.5970325, -15.679712, 3.3282728, 11.999135, 0.91686475, -4.9355526, 12.835825, -1.8440397, -5.204542, -1.1910307, -7.4263425, 11.629925, 3.5136771, 11.347587, -4.4263067, -4.361447, -3.8716552, -6.0394754, 2.1386323, -1.4543133, 12.356117, -4.2171493, 16.791842, -4.0956173, 11.846493, -12.576355, -7.987315, -9.928056, -6.125304, -14.840485, -5.49291, 13.283024, -3.8743546, -3.6613562, 11.315402, 10.226552, 13.38313, -6.050042, -13.062051, 14.371971, -6.788444, 3.4492278, 8.873815, -14.756177, -6.999079, 5.357949, 1.4786344, -13.469616, -8.983681, 14.837317, 2.489134, 11.899205, -12.954737, -13.755214, -8.020467, -13.07315, 3.2963653, -1.6727376, 14.1283245, -7.0610614, 15.377155, -12.4886055, -2.4567058, 12.727257, -4.7294817, 11.555389, -2.6935618, -7.341119, 14.218485, 5.9970703, 13.4341, -3.8630702, 10.064064, -6.802642, 12.555478, 10.837015, 11.73896, 3.9362104, -13.095246, -12.2123785, 4.2572994, -7.696756, -2.2569711, 1.1358407, 8.91616, -4.975716, 11.736426, -2.4580574, -5.802149, -6.959219, -14.812391, -3.7784927, -6.925349, 4.3729362, 16.12208, -6.9509254, -11.897263, -11.525736, 17.03845, -2.5178666, 13.392981, -5.241392, -1.1786718, 13.098179, -12.168669, 8.917183, 12.156479, 11.91891, -13.202757, -5.5924287, 13.62276, 13.302751, 11.125077, -8.9606905, 4.933926, 1.3233546, 7.1678033, -9.040993, -6.8734035, -6.2185526, -4.110376, -1.7361547, 5.259687, 9.949547, 16.79903, 7.643403, -1.7167829, 3.069743, -13.229097, 11.423481, 0.4360797, 8.992988, 12.478741, -0.83222795, -13.276374, 1.40937, -4.261151, -10.701045, -12.343844, -2.9881935, 13.794245, -12.55993, -2.4692628, 3.3040423, 10.725557, -6.5748935, 7.7418914, -1.3421069, -2.86008, -15.126121, 17.331793, -6.7430415, -6.216492, -5.7969136, -4.64267, 10.496554, 17.538336, -8.3290825, -4.2472305, -1.1682495, -7.5810256, -2.0048416, 1.6249806, -5.6059394, 8.2459955, -15.296592, 16.807938, -2.4976485, 16.230947, 5.075152, 2.1345716, 13.261127, -6.7918215, 9.718461, -13.566376, 10.09718, -1.9470115, -1.4577074, -10.9837675, -5.6427236, -8.941697, -1.3683381, -6.820244, 2.9894989, -5.3777466, 3.0288103, 10.859722, -4.893655, 8.039716, 13.938919, -1.6876973, 11.306012, -4.5437503, 15.230855, 1.8834294, 11.226357, 2.4646263, -0.69508517, -7.678226, 1.8147321, 7.162919, -1.1792097, 12.570684, 8.615251, -6.4241724, -2.6017506, -1.8329628, -1.7308993, 7.253874, -6.6160235, -1.2182976, 0.548711, -1.721527, -0.43353966, -13.5811, -8.93262, -10.47731, -13.262371, -9.884147, 12.560127, 11.737077, -3.0724397, -15.730357, 8.016055, -2.4370089, 11.274736, -15.525389, 0.99760616, -6.9278407, 7.36883, 5.838712, -1.0998545, 4.550718, 7.439626, -4.2919974, 1.5872093, 11.847625, 9.916885, 3.2892208, -2.1732724, 10.30234, -5.5377192, 12.072331, -12.330676, 9.458309, 4.833361, 12.773937, -11.770372, -7.8588886, 14.905443, -10.774593, -10.540664, 9.140442, -5.7992167, 15.655358, -0.87369365, 13.884279, -2.3861506, 6.586617, 7.094358, 7.34917, -11.404598, -2.2771869, -0.2206833, -5.702884, -3.136068, 5.3170753, -5.1751194, 6.6106706, -12.311341, -3.8044245, -1.252539, -10.2001915, -2.0073218, -11.515459, -1.8807076, 11.571128, 5.2611694, -1.6400884, 4.5957627, 5.186472, -6.1874895, 4.4113145, -3.6561167, 12.44885, -11.827874, 11.072061, 13.694267, -14.402411, 11.57551, -1.1307209, 3.374727, -7.7692256, -2.774833, 10.623882, -10.814861, -2.503896, -4.3020124, 8.768238, 7.064067, -1.2048239, -1.3115386, -5.2294655, 5.146737, 2.5529563, 5.135022, -1.4234052, -7.485307, -0.30968156, 9.967766, -4.6475706, -2.1662893, 1.6531792, -5.5511928, 4.4388895, 1.0286545, -4.4408584, -3.773396, -2.4001212, -14.547141, -1.7366248, -6.182553, -5.1366405, -7.415911, -5.7816973, -7.2379403, 11.024904, -0.8813241, 3.6895788, 10.071269, 2.0755897, -7.012221, -7.073682, 2.0932946, -6.4625793, 8.588842, 11.818811, 11.2673, -11.972849, 8.813407, -3.6180727, 11.231739, -13.219817, 3.9475887, 10.276096, 3.938336, 6.378128, -7.9235106, -3.785187, 11.931746, -7.0418577, -11.269826, 11.469838, -3.6527727, 2.4715924, 5.586867, -4.200417, -5.537549, 3.6122565, -15.75315, 16.972977, 12.012638, 16.881752, -10.533522, -2.144934, 2.2269242, 4.187585, 1.7880831, 15.591016, -1.7448158, -2.2101488, -3.0957308, -12.271106, 11.626662, 14.356802, -13.218061, -5.974293, -1.1697863, -11.481839, 14.696847, 14.048743, -0.12121557, 13.279192, -6.4115205, -5.8503437, 1.2241489, -3.160048, 8.8550205, -13.034684, -7.397973, 4.6121564, 14.082616, -6.744513, -2.2380817, -6.501564, -2.8269212, 0.5549095, -6.361996, 8.26696, -13.184844, 11.746252, -7.824501, -1.8179338, -15.167861, -14.873508, -2.2591317, -3.9977465, 5.467263, -6.5042253, -2.5343819, -1.5492418, -4.670631, 13.519654, 7.117906, 5.7235203, 15.235109, -3.79523, -10.194286, 13.967632, -5.0738635, 17.02542, 15.102899, -12.886577, 8.569023, -13.235869, 2.0264711, -7.1652746, 7.7513127, 8.747269, -3.6758146, 10.719731, -3.7953913, -15.431393, -2.375, -5.9633675, -6.93673, 12.885803, -16.357214, -2.2894607, -1.7013638, 17.07837, -1.0546143, 3.478391, -7.2223964, -14.106579, -8.843423, 2.1298852, -4.9708185, 11.130357, 1.879644, -3.7928493, -9.577486, 16.931765, 11.657628, 16.348778, -0.5120877, 0.6761004, 3.4029286, -1.0149362, -3.1464686, 9.091078, -11.332074, -7.3543935, -15.273028, -6.0066004, -12.768853, 12.773829, 1.0724726, -10.844628, -6.4347, 4.984958, 0.11749962, -3.3546917, 12.455449, -1.8654317, 5.4580097, -1.8592592, -4.736913, 13.256757, 7.8395667, 3.144015, -12.334493, -14.401328, 1.1641154, -8.913912, 12.92467, -11.588068, 14.065863, 1.9834069, -10.815602, -5.256843, 13.45865, -7.716532, 17.484589, 16.462221, 2.60701, -6.870625, -8.170785, -9.967628, -6.5077252, -12.9592705, -5.6231675, -8.121313, 4.1603575, 6.018457, 8.309328, 12.089503, 15.327991, -2.4607198, -5.1582117, 13.724514, 14.4221525, -4.885563, -5.591058, -3.6589677, 15.130521, -10.421629, -2.0111213, -5.7225237, -4.2217045, -5.1396337, 2.9198248, -1.533867, -7.0310445, -10.732209, 12.814209, -1.3640939, -0.16402762, 10.851274, 8.881176, -2.2961318, 9.56247, 8.673637, 14.406313, -11.181923, 12.332746, 16.544796, 18.096582, 15.515273, -3.167257, 7.4106927, 9.120914, -12.870784, 10.386155, 10.842834, 3.674223, -2.3774302, -4.2129784, -7.4545064, -6.2556067, -13.077458, -4.565151, 11.246953, 5.1045256, -2.3076205, -9.106906, -6.306609, -7.0914607, -10.320129, 3.9030712, -13.158707, -12.562786, -12.086538, -5.2452536, -3.1474912, -2.0453718, 14.058303, -11.964006, 5.312468, -4.0159764, 14.051101, 9.041141, 10.1493225, 11.013405, -15.005402, -1.5706769, -1.4895217, -1.0060661, 12.195739, -2.0464857, -12.120915, 1.7242469, 11.71625, 10.748367, -13.27501, -12.281481, 16.21827, 4.1897864, 7.095323, -1.5591846, -0.51642156, 3.5942929, -12.355952, -7.8839707, -6.9801993, -5.0726533, 2.189816, -12.542374, 14.207112, -6.574574, -2.6180646, 10.997062, -10.566811, -15.415407, 14.984863, -4.695193, 11.349682, -3.8604925, 0.92473596, 13.131488, -1.6468147, 5.139273, -6.321753, 13.143009, -8.746934, 0.53524464, 5.876853, -5.5758953, -7.796263, -2.7658336, 8.922063, -5.7037177, 0.7825869, -13.696236, -12.874716, -1.2130338, 11.803242, -7.6263785, 2.5312715, -3.7920415, -3.7502277, -1.6228381, -6.651171, -2.1490874, -8.227634, -7.0149145, -4.318438, -7.5935364 ], "z": [ -0.6778939, 9.522507, 4.9733334, 4.9322276, 6.4547048, 5.899972, -4.8682275, -11.616978, 4.9425874, -0.15716842, -9.720082, -11.963264, 1.776408, -4.005077, -9.672139, 11.052746, 1.7968252, -5.625581, 2.8527625, -7.05958, 6.544992, 0.3097223, -4.550441, 5.2925963, 8.323713, -9.216674, 5.591324, -4.058735, -11.263734, -8.420795, 5.814404, 8.795383, 5.206295, -10.854805, -8.054063, -9.514926, -6.6767764, 6.383104, 2.886707, 6.748306, -1.4797246, -6.5916195, 6.178933, 7.299729, -9.365716, 11.310364, -9.700296, -5.4893703, 5.4066772, -15.863608, 10.6435, 0.013791796, 8.1131115, 11.32279, 6.6529007, 0.89987606, 0.20048821, -4.6505284, -10.54264, -8.9256, -6.1713943, -3.3600156, 2.3443503, -11.0266695, -0.44052178, 3.8799398, -7.341564, -5.0198402, 4.3587904, -7.677646, -10.142594, 9.535962, -0.7192399, 3.6205, -12.586781, -11.116811, -6.156228, 8.59198, 3.2063117, -2.1711867, -2.5252078, -10.519309, -4.7071967, -2.8516083, -3.6253638, 9.304563, -2.6989062, -5.6684823, -5.9784727, 1.1815956, 1.7684053, 10.421645, -1.1404464, -4.2065034, -1.4179285, 1.7276518, 5.025105, -3.8362315, 5.5967917, -5.9706683, 0.19544536, -3.4354222, -3.799747, 8.242893, 2.2470207, 1.7654684, -13.6265545, 9.342165, 5.1676555, 8.258974, 2.792966, 0.10818083, -10.4918785, 2.5974905, 0.42238224, 1.5350869, 8.835699, 9.369537, 8.984336, 5.7298875, 1.6894741, 7.1246676, -5.8715615, -1.9694223, -11.455505, -5.0450926, 7.794817, 7.5887823, 8.363319, -12.217494, 6.783906, -4.97335, 2.6988802, -3.757612, -3.8302062, -2.2107725, -4.8683615, 4.0674973, 9.200547, 7.844817, 9.426218, -10.853322, 7.7752614, 5.0900097, 5.8577943, -2.5128055, -9.118159, -4.017746, 9.458845, 6.4230614, 2.3973854, -11.420369, 8.804948, 7.126452, 0.4860633, 5.4764767, 4.733427, -2.0254786, 3.1417193, 3.489752, -2.3057747, 7.487191, 2.5972154, -0.65257883, 7.5573306, -2.9952757, 3.7222247, -10.802514, -8.417437, -12.166945, -1.5207834, -3.3711424, 8.562404, 6.155554, -1.711384, -4.6706247, 2.9924572, 6.514182, -2.3703213, 4.173671, -1.7566769, -8.908525, -1.7287868, -9.223776, -11.243859, 8.602881, -8.704979, -7.166437, 6.6828446, 3.6152844, 6.414278, 6.654745, -10.547722, 1.0147487, -14.256959, 9.937066, -12.274437, -4.053802, 0.5777711, -11.2229, 6.693069, 7.2238355, 7.6934576, -10.449571, 5.99955, 8.589699, 4.9879227, 6.613067, -8.99169, 8.796495, -1.8856822, -8.998467, 7.2990723, -10.665102, -6.4100733, -2.058007, -2.947398, 9.476295, 8.479423, -4.3085713, 5.7166266, -4.9712973, -5.03145, 5.0888495, -3.6085086, 5.174886, 5.4119544, 6.0141478, 7.784161, -10.196312, -3.7821486, -1.1197381, 3.8356254, 4.2243514, -3.817674, -4.9706492, -2.781629, 3.9027076, 7.577025, 0.5509527, -6.3090305, -12.536861, -6.1391883, -5.361153, -10.804342, -3.6678007, 3.6538057, 3.8205314, -4.1667953, 5.585593, 5.828203, -2.5520785, 9.55227, 7.409955, -3.680452, -4.489997, -1.2296628, -4.747709, 8.253174, 6.5207644, 6.12102, 6.4299626, 1.0323888, -11.628104, 6.2718606, -5.488782, 3.561004, -3.6354065, 4.8302093, -3.8102484, 9.340887, -2.0391939, 3.0831873, 6.227574, 7.905313, -6.077839, 8.571906, 6.6835666, -5.5764694, 6.8952312, 5.909186, -5.9856396, 6.632526, 1.7933207, 6.829161, -13.326382, -14.962678, -5.265683, -15.067447, 5.405389, 1.8835452, -4.057062, -1.9586837, -13.725063, -2.8456004, 9.239617, -8.572406, -0.747356, -1.6006948, 2.7033768, -1.149989, 7.0279317, -7.337738, -7.917775, -7.6226063, -11.425633, -12.38753, 3.2453384, 6.8075504, -11.260359, -11.071455, -5.607681, -8.659176, 5.690199, -1.3471795, -0.5597257, -2.0712159, 7.8517585, 3.74241, -2.0552666, 9.280208, 3.265649, 8.278207, 8.190951, -0.53279084, 1.432529, 3.446468, 10.466051, -8.750855, 9.567938, 8.375755, 2.6259441, -6.4787173, 4.81498, -5.646155, -6.2490835, -5.1126575, -2.5552986, 8.042936, 7.255686, -2.430766, 5.9151, 4.415574, -7.1206613, -9.410179, -9.523084, 8.901528, -4.096971, 9.218443, 9.914969, 7.1547775, 2.1277614, 7.8916016, -1.9102346, -14.98688, -2.9021122, 7.174483, -11.979204, 7.182809, -10.431238, 9.500568, -4.3401275, 7.609217, 6.4166975, 8.422415, 2.528849, 7.526006, -1.8473898, -4.328297, -4.2342744, -13.91197, -6.2739377, 5.040848, -7.7602725, 8.19122, -1.4653318, -12.163206, 9.3080225, -1.7962135, -10.368265, 8.487122, -3.7534895, 4.703014, -1.2470219, -5.2098413, -4.362177, -1.7149506, 5.9842887, -11.566186, 1.4667548, -14.802453, 4.852297, -10.216935, 4.2908516, -4.187733, -1.8687457, 1.728206, -7.701146, 0.7230882, -3.6484494, 5.849266, -0.7524088, -5.8182054, 8.874993, -8.842775, 8.416142, 6.453466, 7.282888, 3.1733196, 10.032237, -13.628215, 2.2102277, 8.390098, 3.2982898, 8.894279, 5.9614086, -14.915856, 8.453703, 9.6930275, -9.590161, 1.1465057, -12.931721, -4.9304276, 8.814458, -8.594362, -4.3271537, -3.9440935, -7.7371197, -0.48286498, 5.658322, 3.418867, 8.82695, -2.9153128, 9.8981285, -6.4399805, -12.155097, -4.555716, -5.4135404, 5.014962, 1.3019114, 4.0601363, 3.2530944, 0.9252921, 5.9451656, -5.653196, 7.6143603, -7.4142838, -6.1220946, -5.822188, -9.858871, -14.376927, 4.979171, 6.2372947, -11.634142, 10.538773, 7.9253697, -0.13100915, 5.5348516, 3.1435962, 2.606831, -5.658265, 7.2327194, -2.6073976, -2.1376479, -4.9810677, 2.1209962, 2.5590076, -8.082138, -3.220135, -6.116363, 1.9385985, -3.6035972, -2.5789607, 3.3697474, -1.5605884, -14.481069, 9.700084, 7.8369775, 6.4007125, -13.391997, -4.375228, -14.307251, 8.628946, -9.199064, 8.865505, -5.7048087, -2.6737633, 5.582426, -2.02291, 0.92912376, 3.1590478, -10.788541, 8.202238, -6.770822, -6.0775943, -10.08624, 9.575679, 8.77728, -6.195751, 1.0052308, 9.24842, -4.06266, 1.3352356, 7.33493, -0.64898986, 0.6668252, 3.9657948, -4.814038, 5.217294, -8.762442, 6.795271, 7.415336, -4.668871, 7.7585573, -0.8716945, -6.0748043, -7.8792486, 3.6512194, -2.0785897, -12.063569, -0.030095981, -10.536822, 8.906256, -8.812943, 8.937089, -2.9658248, 5.6136093, 7.1389375, -1.4852859, -0.19779234, -3.6828291, 3.9739788, 3.683917, -3.0109975, 9.787148, -8.859656, 10.00054, -5.1563263, -1.775469, -3.77212, 8.959873, 9.648379, -13.664438, -2.232836, -3.8299596, 4.090971, -3.0650096, 8.514179, -8.528643, -2.9526517, 7.430128, 2.0554528, 6.3990197, 3.2199948, -6.172781, -4.105173, 2.8994825, 4.478628, 9.536518, -4.331134, 5.81678, 8.332727, 8.609978, -9.234891, -3.5321543, 4.335946, -15.332186, -3.9398687, -10.360284, -8.927325, 6.3014402, 10.095398, -11.519097, 9.765256, -2.8438618, -10.729445, 8.185047, -15.215779, 1.9217823, 1.6091754, 1.6369622, 3.9800391, -7.36247, -3.1236866, 6.841683, 5.130456, -0.706632, -1.7688843, 7.742836, 7.7000837, -14.092477, 8.053326, 6.2568464, -11.425652, 8.531983, 7.263782, 9.756251, 7.4868946, -7.499558, -6.0103483, 3.9779966, -5.92499, -9.540339, -3.9334552, -8.584289, 9.321183, -9.251329, 2.2881784, -3.7366185, 8.348036, 8.675199, 1.8283627, 2.0194728, 1.8522323, 5.9299297, -6.0068264, -0.96378934, -5.9728913, -1.9173535, -0.44083926, 7.7333455, 8.018146, 6.140449, 6.6195083, -8.685471, -10.518844, -2.522962, 7.1370525, 7.5121865, -1.7548943, 5.810117, 9.903901, -12.530382, -10.322574, 1.0623852, -1.6409582, 0.8695502, -4.639386, -10.692117, 8.961932, 5.8803954, 8.46303, 9.643035, -10.740009, 2.2120671, -11.524784, -6.579519, 2.6499546, -6.895368, 3.0607252, 5.443322, -2.7947912, 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" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# tsne plot of anomalies\n", "plot_model(iforest, plot = 'tsne')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 79, "id": "54389270", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# umap plot of anomalies (you need to install umap library for this separately)\n", "# plot_model(iforest, plot = 'umap')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 80, "id": "54b09b8e", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# help(plot_model)" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "ed00202c", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Deploy Model\n", "This function deploys the entire ML pipeline on the cloud.\n", "\n", "**AWS:** When deploying model on AWS S3, environment variables must be configured using the command-line interface. To configure AWS environment variables, type `aws configure` in terminal. The following information is required which can be generated using the Identity and Access Management (IAM) portal of your amazon console account:\n", "\n", "- AWS Access Key ID\n", "- AWS Secret Key Access\n", "- Default Region Name (can be seen under Global settings on your AWS console)\n", "- Default output format (must be left blank)\n", "\n", "**GCP:** To deploy a model on Google Cloud Platform ('gcp'), the project must be created using the command-line or GCP console. Once the project is created, you must create a service account and download the service account key as a JSON file to set environment variables in your local environment. Learn more about it: https://cloud.google.com/docs/authentication/production\n", "\n", "**Azure:** To deploy a model on Microsoft Azure ('azure'), environment variables for the connection string must be set in your local environment. Go to settings of storage account on Azure portal to access the connection string required.\n", "AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING (required as environment variable)\n", "Learn more about it: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/storage/blobs/storage-quickstart-blobs-python?toc=%2Fpython%2Fazure%2FTOC.json" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 81, "id": "40b20a18", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# deploy model on aws s3\n", "# deploy_model(iforest, model_name = 'my_first_platform_on_aws',\n", "# platform = 'aws', authentication = {'bucket' : 'pycaret-test'})" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 82, "id": "9e236516", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# load model from aws s3\n", "# loaded_from_aws = load_model(model_name = 'my_first_platform_on_aws', platform = 'aws',\n", "# authentication = {'bucket' : 'pycaret-test'})\n", "\n", "# loaded_from_aws" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "e169ae86", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Save / Load Model\n", "This function saves the transformation pipeline and a trained model object into the current working directory as a pickle file for later use." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 83, "id": "bc5cf24a", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Transformation Pipeline and Model Successfully Saved\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/plain": [ "(Pipeline(memory=FastMemory(location=C:\\Users\\owner\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\joblib),\n", " steps=[('numerical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4',\n", " 'Col5', 'Col6', 'Col7', 'Col8',\n", " 'Col9', 'Col10'],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer())),\n", " ('categorical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=[],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'))),\n", " ('bin_numeric_features',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1'],\n", " transformer=KBinsDiscretizer(encode='ordinal',\n", " strategy='kmeans'))),\n", " ('trained_model',\n", " IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05,\n", " max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1,\n", " random_state=123, verbose=0))]),\n", " 'my_first_model.pkl')" ] }, "execution_count": 83, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# save model\n", "save_model(iforest, 'my_first_model')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 84, "id": "e8478d34", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "name": "stdout", "output_type": "stream", "text": [ "Transformation Pipeline and Model Successfully Loaded\n" ] }, { "data": { "text/html": [ "
       "         steps=[('numerical_imputer',\n",
       "                 TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4',\n",
       "                                             'Col5', 'Col6', 'Col7', 'Col8',\n",
       "                                             'Col9', 'Col10'],\n",
       "                                    transformer=SimpleImputer())),\n",
       "                ('categorical_imputer',\n",
       "                 TransformerWrapper(include=[],\n",
       "                                    transformer=SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'))),\n",
       "                ('bin_numeric_features',\n",
       "                 TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1'],\n",
       "                                    transformer=KBinsDiscretizer(encode='ordinal',\n",
       "                                                                 strategy='kmeans'))),\n",
       "                ('trained_model',\n",
       "                 IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05,\n",
       "    max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1,\n",
       "    random_state=123, verbose=0))])
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with nbviewer.org.
" ], "text/plain": [ "Pipeline(memory=FastMemory(location=C:\\Users\\owner\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\joblib),\n", " steps=[('numerical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1', 'Col2', 'Col3', 'Col4',\n", " 'Col5', 'Col6', 'Col7', 'Col8',\n", " 'Col9', 'Col10'],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer())),\n", " ('categorical_imputer',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=[],\n", " transformer=SimpleImputer(strategy='most_frequent'))),\n", " ('bin_numeric_features',\n", " TransformerWrapper(include=['Col1'],\n", " transformer=KBinsDiscretizer(encode='ordinal',\n", " strategy='kmeans'))),\n", " ('trained_model',\n", " IForest(behaviour='new', bootstrap=False, contamination=0.05,\n", " max_features=1.0, max_samples='auto', n_estimators=100, n_jobs=-1,\n", " random_state=123, verbose=0))])" ] }, "execution_count": 84, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "execute_result" } ], "source": [ "# load model\n", "loaded_from_disk = load_model('my_first_model')\n", "loaded_from_disk" ] }, { "cell_type": "markdown", "id": "de5eee8c", "metadata": {}, "source": [ "## ✅ Save / Load Experiment\n", "This function saves all the experiment variables on disk, allowing to later resume without rerunning the setup function." ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 85, "id": "6a3c61b6", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [ "# save experiment\n", "save_experiment('my_experiment')" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": 86, "id": "83252c09", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [ { "data": { "text/html": [ "\n", "\n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", " \n", "
0Session id123
1Original data shape(1000, 10)
2Transformed data shape(1000, 10)
3Numeric features10
5Imputation typesimple
6Numeric imputationmean
7Categorical imputationmode
8CPU Jobs-1
9Use GPUFalse
10Log ExperimentFalse
11Experiment Nameanomaly-default-name
\n" ], "text/plain": [ "" ] }, "metadata": {}, "output_type": "display_data" } ], "source": [ "# load experiment from disk\n", "exp_from_disk = load_experiment('my_experiment', data=data)" ] }, { "cell_type": "code", "execution_count": null, "id": "ac030246", "metadata": {}, "outputs": [], "source": [] } ], "metadata": { "kernelspec": { "display_name": "pycaretrc5", "language": "python", "name": "pycaretrc5" }, "language_info": { "codemirror_mode": { "name": "ipython", "version": 3 }, "file_extension": ".py", "mimetype": "text/x-python", "name": "python", "nbconvert_exporter": "python", "pygments_lexer": "ipython3", "version": "3.8.15" } }, "nbformat": 4, "nbformat_minor": 5 }