#!/usr/bin/env python # Copyright (C) 2021 Sean D'Epagnier # # This Program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. import sys, os from flask import Flask, render_template, session, request, Markup from flask_socketio import SocketIO, Namespace, emit, join_room, leave_room, \ close_room, rooms, disconnect from engineio.payload import Payload Payload.max_decode_packets = 500 from pypilot.client import pypilotClient from pypilot import pyjson sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))) import tinypilot config = {'port': 8000, 'language': 'default'} configfilename = os.getenv('HOME')+'/.pypilot/web.conf' try: file = open(configfilename, 'r') config.update(pyjson.loads(file.readline())) file.close() except: print('failed to read config', configfilename) def write_config(): try: file = open(configfilename, 'w') file.write(pyjson.dumps(config) + '\n') file.close() except: print('failed to write config') if len(sys.argv) > 1: pypilot_web_port=int(sys.argv[1]) else: pypilot_web_port = config['port'] print('using port', pypilot_web_port) # Set this variable to 'threading', 'eventlet' or 'gevent' to test the # different async modes, or leave it set to None for the application to choose # the best option based on installed packages. async_mode = None app = Flask(__name__) app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = 'secret!' socketio = SocketIO(app, async_mode=async_mode, cors_allowed_origins="*") try: from flask_babel import Babel, gettext babel = Babel(app) LANGUAGES = os.listdir(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/translations') @babel.localeselector def get_locale(): if 'language' in config: language = config['language'] else: language = 'default' if language == 'default' or not language in LANGUAGES: return request.accept_languages.best_match(LANGUAGES) return language except Exception as e: print('failed to import flask_babel, translations not possible!!', e) def _(x): return x app.jinja_env.globals.update(_=_) babel = None @app.route('/logs') def logs(): log_links = '' try: logdirs = os.listdir('/var/log') for name in logdirs: if os.path.exists(os.path.join('/var/log', name, 'current')): log_links+='
'+name+''; except Exception as e: print('failed to enumerate log directory', e) return render_template('logs.html', async_mode=socketio.async_mode, log_links=Markup(log_links)) @app.route('/log/') def log(name): log = '' try: f = open('/var/log/' + name + '/current') log = f.read() f.close() except Exception as e: log = _('failed to read log file') + ' "' + name + '": ' + str(e) r = app.make_response(log) r.mimetype = 'text/plain' return r @app.route('/wifi', methods=['GET', 'POST']) def wifi(): networking = '/home/tc/.pypilot/networking.txt' wifi = {'mode': 'Master', 'ssid': 'pypilot', 'key': '', 'client_ssid': 'openplotter', 'client_key': '12345678', 'client_address': ''} try: f = open(networking, 'r') while True: l = f.readline() if not l: break try: name, value = l.split('=') wifi[name] = value.rstrip() except Exception as e: print('failed to parse line in networking.txt', l) f.close() except: pass if request.method == 'POST': try: for name in request.form: wifi[name] = str(request.form[name]) f = open(networking, 'w') for name in wifi: f.write(name+'='+wifi[name]+'\n') f.close() os.system('/opt/networking.sh') except Exception as e: print('exception!', e) try: leases = '' leases += '' DNSMASQ_LEASES_FILE = "/var/lib/misc/dnsmasq.leases" f = open(DNSMASQ_LEASES_FILE) for line in f: elements = line.split() if len(elements) == 5: if elements[3] == "*": continue from datetime import datetime ts = int(elements[0]) if ts: ts = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts).strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') else: ts = 'Never' leases += '' leases += '' leases += '' leases += '' leases += '' leases += '' leases += '
IP AddressMac AddressNameLease ends on
' + elements[2] + '' + elements[1] + '' + elements[3] + '' + ts + '
' except Exception as e: print('lease fail', e) leases = '' if not 'Master' in wifi['mode']: leases = '' return render_template('wifi.html', async_mode=socketio.async_mode, wifi=Markup(wifi), leases=Markup(leases)) @app.route('/calibrationplot') def calibrationplot(): return render_template('calibrationplot.html', async_mode=socketio.async_mode,pypilot_web_port=pypilot_web_port) @app.route('/client') def client(): return render_template('client.html', async_mode=socketio.async_mode,pypilot_web_port=pypilot_web_port) translations = [] static = False with open(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)) + '/pypilot_web.pot') as f: for line in f: if line.startswith('#: static'): static = True elif len(line.strip()) == 0: static = False elif static and line.startswith('msgid'): s = line[7:-2] if s: translations.append(s) @app.route('/') def index(): return render_template('index.html', async_mode=socketio.async_mode, pypilot_web_port=pypilot_web_port, tinypilot=tinypilot.tinypilot, translations=translations, language=config['language'], languages=Markup(LANGUAGES)) class pypilotWeb(Namespace): def __init__(self, name): super(Namespace, self).__init__(name) socketio.start_background_task(target=self.background_thread) self.clients = {} def background_thread(self): print('processing clients') x = 0 while True: socketio.sleep(.25) sys.stdout.flush() # update log sids = list(self.clients) for sid in sids: if not sid in self.clients: print('client was removed') continue # was removed client = self.clients[sid] values = client.list_values() if values: socketio.emit('pypilot_values', pyjson.dumps(values), room=sid) if not client.connection: socketio.emit('pypilot_disconnect', room=sid) msgs = client.receive() if msgs: # convert back to json (format is nicer) #print('msgs', msgs, sid) socketio.emit('pypilot', pyjson.dumps(msgs), room=sid) def on_pypilot(self, message): #print('message', message) self.clients[request.sid].send(message + '\n') def on_ping(self): emit('pong') def on_connect(self): print('Client connected', request.sid) client = pypilotClient() self.clients[request.sid] = client def on_disconnect(self): print('Client disconnected', request.sid) client = self.clients[request.sid] client.disconnect() del self.clients[request.sid] def on_language(self, language): config['language'] = language write_config() socketio.on_namespace(pypilotWeb('')) def main(): import os path = os.path.dirname(__file__) os.chdir(os.path.abspath(path)) port = pypilot_web_port while True: try: socketio.run(app, debug=False, host='', port=port) break except PermissionError as e: print('failed to run socket io on port', port, e) port += 8000 - 80 print('trying port', port) if __name__ == '__main__': main()