contract; use std::{ asset_id::AssetId, block::timestamp, bytes::Bytes, call_frames::msg_asset_id, constants::{ ZERO_B256, }, context::msg_amount, hash::{ Hash, keccak256, sha256, }, revert::revert, storage::{ storage_map::StorageMap, storage_vec::*, }, }; use pyth_interface::{ data_structures::{ batch_attestation_update::*, data_source::*, governance_instruction::*, governance_payload::*, price::*, update_type::UpdateType, wormhole_light::*, }, errors::{ PythError, WormholeError, }, events::{ ConstructedEvent, ContractUpgradedEvent, DataSourcesSetEvent, FeeSetEvent, GovernanceDataSourceSetEvent, NewGuardianSetEvent, UpdatedPriceFeedsEvent, ValidPeriodSetEvent, }, pyth_merkle_proof::validate_proof, PythCore, PythInfo, PythInit, utils::total_fee, WormholeGuardians, }; use sway_libs::ownership::*; use standards::src5::{SRC5, State}; const GUARDIAN_SET_EXPIRATION_TIME_SECONDS: u64 = 86400; // 24 hours in seconds configurable { DEPLOYER: Identity = Identity::Address(Address::from(ZERO_B256)), } storage { // | | // --+-- PYTH STATE --+-- // | | // (chainId, emitterAddress) => isValid; takes advantage of // constant-time mapping lookup for VM verification is_valid_data_source: StorageMap = StorageMap {}, // Mapping of cached price information // priceId => PriceInfo latest_price_feed: StorageMap = StorageMap {}, // Fee required for each update single_update_fee: u64 = 0, // For tracking all active emitter/chain ID pairs valid_data_sources: StorageVec = StorageVec {}, /// Maximum acceptable time period before price is considered to be stale. /// This includes attestation delay, block time, and potential clock drift /// between the source/target chains. valid_time_period_seconds: u64 = 0, /// Governance data source. VAA messages from this source can change this contract /// state. e.g., upgrade the contract, change the valid data sources, and more. governance_data_source: DataSource = DataSource { chain_id: 0u16, emitter_address: ZERO_B256, }, /// Index of the governance data source, increased each time the governance data source changes. governance_data_source_index: u32 = 0, /// Sequence number of the last executed governance message. Any governance message /// with a lower or equal sequence number will be discarded. This prevents double-execution, /// and also makes sure that messages are executed in the right order. last_executed_governance_sequence: u64 = 0, /// Chain ID of the contract chain_id: u16 = 0, /// | | /// --+-- WORMHOLE STATE --+-- /// | | /// Mapping of consumed governance actions wormhole_consumed_governance_actions: StorageMap = StorageMap {}, /// Mapping of guardian_set_index => guardian set wormhole_guardian_sets: StorageMap = StorageMap {}, /// Current active guardian set index wormhole_guardian_set_index: u32 = 0, /// Using Ethereum's Wormhole governance wormhole_governance_data_source: DataSource = DataSource { chain_id: 0u16, emitter_address: ZERO_B256, }, /// | | /// --+-- GOVERNANCE STATE --+-- /// | | current_implementation: Identity = Identity::Address(Address::from(ZERO_B256)), } impl SRC5 for Contract { #[storage(read)] fn owner() -> State { _owner() } } impl PythCore for Contract { #[storage(read)] fn ema_price(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { ema_price_no_older_than(valid_time_period(), price_feed_id) } #[storage(read)] fn ema_price_no_older_than(time_period: u64, price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { ema_price_no_older_than(time_period, price_feed_id) } #[storage(read)] fn ema_price_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { ema_price_unsafe(price_feed_id) } #[storage(read), payable] fn parse_price_feed_updates( max_publish_time: u64, min_publish_time: u64, target_price_feed_ids: Vec, update_data: Vec, ) -> Vec { require( msg_asset_id() == AssetId::base(), PythError::FeesCanOnlyBePaidInTheBaseAsset, ); let required_fee = update_fee(update_data); require(msg_amount() >= required_fee, PythError::InsufficientFee); let mut output_price_feeds: Vec = Vec::with_capacity(target_price_feed_ids.len()); let mut i = 0; while i < update_data.len() { let data = update_data.get(i).unwrap(); match UpdateType::determine_type(data) { UpdateType::Accumulator(accumulator_update) => { let (mut offset, digest, number_of_updates, encoded) = accumulator_update.verify_and_parse( current_guardian_set_index(), storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, storage .is_valid_data_source, ); let mut i_2 = 0; while i_2 < number_of_updates { let (new_offset, price_feed) = PriceFeed::extract_from_merkle_proof(digest, encoded, offset); offset = new_offset; if == false { i_2 += 1; continue; } if price_feed.price.publish_time >= min_publish_time && price_feed.price.publish_time <= max_publish_time { // check if output_price_feeds already contains a PriceFeed with, if so continue as we only want 1 // output PriceFeed per target ID if { i_2 += 1; continue; } output_price_feeds.push(price_feed) } i_2 += 1; } require(offset == encoded.len(), PythError::InvalidUpdateDataLength); }, UpdateType::BatchAttestation(batch_attestation_update) => { let vm = WormholeVM::parse_and_verify_pyth_vm( current_guardian_set_index(), batch_attestation_update .data, storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, storage .is_valid_data_source, ); let (mut attestation_index, number_of_attestations, attestation_size) = parse_and_verify_batch_attestation_header(vm.payload); let attestation_size_u16 = attestation_size.as_u64(); let mut i_2: u16 = 0; while i_2 < number_of_attestations { let (_, slice) = vm.payload.split_at(attestation_index + 32); let (price_feed_id, _) = slice.split_at(32); let price_feed_id: PriceFeedId = price_feed_id.into(); if price_feed_id.is_target(target_price_feed_ids) == false { attestation_index += attestation_size_u16; i_2 += 1; continue; } let price_feed = PriceFeed::parse_attestation(attestation_size, vm.payload, attestation_index); if price_feed.price.publish_time >= min_publish_time && price_feed.price.publish_time <= max_publish_time { // check if output_price_feeds already contains a PriceFeed with, if so continue; // as we only want 1 output PriceFeed per target ID if { attestation_index += attestation_size_u16; i_2 += 1; continue; } output_price_feeds.push(price_feed) } attestation_index += attestation_size_u16; i_2 += 1; } } } i += 1; } require( target_price_feed_ids .len() == output_price_feeds .len(), PythError::PriceFeedNotFoundWithinRange, ); output_price_feeds } #[storage(read)] fn price(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { price_no_older_than(valid_time_period(), price_feed_id) } #[storage(read)] fn price_no_older_than(time_period: u64, price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { price_no_older_than(time_period, price_feed_id) } #[storage(read)] fn price_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { price_unsafe(price_feed_id) } #[storage(read)] fn update_fee(update_data: Vec) -> u64 { update_fee(update_data) } #[storage(read, write), payable] fn update_price_feeds(update_data: Vec) { update_price_feeds(update_data) } #[storage(read, write), payable] fn update_price_feeds_if_necessary( price_feed_ids: Vec, publish_times: Vec, update_data: Vec, ) { require( price_feed_ids .len() == publish_times .len(), PythError::LengthOfPriceFeedIdsAndPublishTimesMustMatch, ); let mut i = 0; while i < price_feed_ids.len() { if latest_publish_time(price_feed_ids.get(i).unwrap()) < publish_times.get(i).unwrap() { update_price_feeds(update_data); return; } i += 1; } } #[storage(read)] fn valid_time_period() -> u64 { valid_time_period() } } /// PythCore Private Functions /// #[storage(read)] fn ema_price_no_older_than(time_period: u64, price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { let price = ema_price_unsafe(price_feed_id); let current_time = timestamp(); require( current_time - price.publish_time <= time_period, PythError::OutdatedPrice, ); price } #[storage(read)] fn ema_price_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { let price_feed = storage.latest_price_feed.get(price_feed_id).try_read(); require(price_feed.is_some(), PythError::PriceFeedNotFound); price_feed.unwrap().ema_price } #[storage(read)] fn price_no_older_than(time_period: u64, price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { let price = price_unsafe(price_feed_id); let current_time = timestamp(); // Mimicking saturating subtraction to avoid underflow let time_difference = if current_time > price.publish_time { current_time - price.publish_time } else { 0 }; require(time_difference <= time_period, PythError::OutdatedPrice); price } #[storage(read)] fn price_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> Price { let price_feed = storage.latest_price_feed.get(price_feed_id).try_read(); require(price_feed.is_some(), PythError::PriceFeedNotFound); price_feed.unwrap().price } #[storage(read)] fn update_fee(update_data: Vec) -> u64 { let mut total_number_of_updates = 0; let mut i = 0; while i < update_data.len() { let data = update_data.get(i).unwrap(); match UpdateType::determine_type(data) { UpdateType::Accumulator(accumulator_update) => { let proof_size_offset = accumulator_update.verify(); total_number_of_updates += accumulator_update.total_updates(proof_size_offset); }, UpdateType::BatchAttestation => { total_number_of_updates += 1; }, } i += 1; } total_fee(total_number_of_updates, storage.single_update_fee) } #[storage(read, write), payable] fn update_price_feeds(update_data: Vec) { require( msg_asset_id() == AssetId::base(), PythError::FeesCanOnlyBePaidInTheBaseAsset, ); let mut total_number_of_updates = 0; // let mut updated_price_feeds: Vec = Vec::new(); // TODO: requires append for Vec let mut i = 0; while i < update_data.len() { let data = update_data.get(i).unwrap(); match UpdateType::determine_type(data) { UpdateType::Accumulator(accumulator_update) => { let (number_of_updates, _updated_ids) = accumulator_update.update_price_feeds( current_guardian_set_index(), storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, storage .latest_price_feed, storage .is_valid_data_source, ); // updated_price_feeds.append(updated_ids); // TODO: requires append for Vec total_number_of_updates += number_of_updates; }, UpdateType::BatchAttestation(batch_attestation_update) => { let _updated_ids = batch_attestation_update.update_price_feeds( current_guardian_set_index(), storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, storage .latest_price_feed, storage .is_valid_data_source, ); // updated_price_feeds.append(updated_ids); // TODO: requires append for Vec total_number_of_updates += 1; }, } i += 1; } let required_fee = total_fee(total_number_of_updates, storage.single_update_fee); require(msg_amount() >= required_fee, PythError::InsufficientFee); // log(UpdatedPriceFeedsEvent { // TODO: requires append for Vec // updated_price_feeds, // }) } #[storage(read)] fn valid_time_period() -> u64 { } #[storage(read)] fn governance_data_source() -> DataSource { } #[storage(write)] fn set_governance_data_source(data_source: DataSource) { storage.governance_data_source.write(data_source); } #[storage(read)] fn governance_data_source_index() -> u32 { } #[storage(write)] fn set_governance_data_source_index(index: u32) { storage.governance_data_source_index.write(index); } #[storage(read)] fn last_executed_governance_sequence() -> u64 { } #[storage(write)] fn set_last_executed_governance_sequence(sequence: u64) { storage.last_executed_governance_sequence.write(sequence); } #[storage(read)] fn chain_id() -> u16 { } #[storage(read)] fn current_implementation() -> Identity { } impl PythInit for Contract { #[storage(read, write)] fn constructor( data_sources: Vec, governance_data_source: DataSource, wormhole_governance_data_source: DataSource, single_update_fee: u64, valid_time_period_seconds: u64, wormhole_guardian_set_addresses: Vec, wormhole_guardian_set_index: u32, chain_id: u16, ) { // This function sets the passed identity as the initial owner. initialize_ownership(DEPLOYER); // This function ensures that the sender is the owner. only_owner(); require(data_sources.len() > 0, PythError::InvalidDataSourcesLength); let mut i = 0; while i < data_sources.len() { let data_source = data_sources.get(i).unwrap(); storage.is_valid_data_source.insert(data_source, true); storage.valid_data_sources.push(data_source); i += 1; } storage .latest_price_feed .write(StorageMap:: {}); storage .valid_time_period_seconds .write(valid_time_period_seconds); storage.single_update_fee.write(single_update_fee); let guardian_length: u8 = wormhole_guardian_set_addresses.len().try_as_u8().unwrap(); let mut new_guardian_set = StorageGuardianSet::new( 0, StorageKey::>::new( sha256(("guardian_set_keys", wormhole_guardian_set_index)), 0, ZERO_B256, ), ); let mut i: u8 = 0; while i < guardian_length { let key: b256 = wormhole_guardian_set_addresses.get(i.as_u64()).unwrap(); new_guardian_set.keys.push(key); i += 1; } storage .wormhole_guardian_set_index .write(wormhole_guardian_set_index); storage .wormhole_guardian_sets .insert(wormhole_guardian_set_index, new_guardian_set); storage.governance_data_source.write(governance_data_source); storage .wormhole_governance_data_source .write(wormhole_governance_data_source); storage.governance_data_source_index.write(0); storage .wormhole_consumed_governance_actions .write(StorageMap:: {}); storage.chain_id.write(chain_id); storage.last_executed_governance_sequence.write(0); storage .current_implementation .write(Identity::Address(Address::from(ZERO_B256))); // This function revokes ownership of the current owner and disallows any new owners. renounce_ownership(); log(ConstructedEvent { guardian_set_index: wormhole_guardian_set_index, }) } } impl PythInfo for Contract { #[storage(read)] fn valid_data_sources() -> Vec { storage.valid_data_sources.load_vec() } #[storage(read)] fn latest_publish_time(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> u64 { latest_publish_time(price_feed_id) } #[storage(read)] fn price_feed_exists(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> bool { match storage.latest_price_feed.get(price_feed_id).try_read() { Some(_) => true, None => false, } } #[storage(read)] fn price_feed_unsafe(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> PriceFeed { let price_feed = storage.latest_price_feed.get(price_feed_id).try_read(); require(price_feed.is_some(), PythError::PriceFeedNotFound); price_feed.unwrap() } #[storage(read)] fn single_update_fee() -> u64 { } #[storage(read)] fn is_valid_data_source(data_source: DataSource) -> bool { data_source.is_valid_data_source(storage.is_valid_data_source) } #[storage(read)] fn last_executed_governance_sequence() -> u64 { last_executed_governance_sequence() } #[storage(read)] fn chain_id() -> u16 { chain_id() } } /// PythInfo Private Functions /// #[storage(read)] fn latest_publish_time(price_feed_id: PriceFeedId) -> u64 { match storage.latest_price_feed.get(price_feed_id).try_read() { Some(price_feed) => price_feed.price.publish_time, None => 0, } } impl WormholeGuardians for Contract { #[storage(read)] fn current_guardian_set_index() -> u32 { current_guardian_set_index() } #[storage(read)] fn current_wormhole_provider() -> DataSource { current_wormhole_provider() } #[storage(read)] fn guardian_set(index: u32) -> GuardianSet { let stored_guardian_set = storage.wormhole_guardian_sets.get(index).try_read(); require( stored_guardian_set .is_some(), PythError::GuardianSetNotFound, ); GuardianSet::from_stored(stored_guardian_set.unwrap()) } #[storage(read)] fn governance_action_is_consumed(governance_action_hash: b256) -> bool { governance_action_is_consumed(governance_action_hash) } #[storage(read, write)] fn submit_new_guardian_set(encoded_vm: Bytes) { submit_new_guardian_set(encoded_vm) } } /// WormholeGuardians Private Functions /// #[storage(read)] fn current_guardian_set_index() -> u32 { } #[storage(read)] fn current_wormhole_provider() -> DataSource { } #[storage(read)] fn governance_action_is_consumed(governance_action_hash: b256) -> bool { match storage.wormhole_consumed_governance_actions.get(governance_action_hash).try_read() { Some(bool_) => bool_, None => false, } } #[storage(read, write)] fn submit_new_guardian_set(encoded_vm: Bytes) { let vm: WormholeVM = WormholeVM::parse_and_verify_wormhole_vm( current_guardian_set_index(), encoded_vm, storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, ); require( vm.guardian_set_index == current_guardian_set_index(), WormholeError::NotSignedByCurrentGuardianSet, ); let current_wormhole_provider: DataSource = current_wormhole_provider(); require( vm.emitter_chain_id == current_wormhole_provider .chain_id, WormholeError::InvalidGovernanceChain, ); require( vm.emitter_address == current_wormhole_provider .emitter_address, WormholeError::InvalidGovernanceContract, ); require( governance_action_is_consumed(vm.governance_action_hash) == false, WormholeError::GovernanceActionAlreadyConsumed, ); let current_guardian_set_index: u32 = current_guardian_set_index(); let upgrade: GuardianSetUpgrade = GuardianSetUpgrade::parse_encoded_upgrade(current_guardian_set_index, vm.payload); storage .wormhole_consumed_governance_actions .insert(vm.governance_action_hash, true); // Set expiry if current GuardianSet exists let current_guardian_set = storage.wormhole_guardian_sets.get(current_guardian_set_index).try_read(); if current_guardian_set.is_some() { let mut current_guardian_set = current_guardian_set.unwrap(); current_guardian_set.expiration_time = timestamp() + GUARDIAN_SET_EXPIRATION_TIME_SECONDS; storage .wormhole_guardian_sets .insert(current_guardian_set_index, current_guardian_set); } storage .wormhole_guardian_sets .insert(upgrade.new_guardian_set_index, upgrade.new_guardian_set); storage .wormhole_guardian_set_index .write(upgrade.new_guardian_set_index); log(NewGuardianSetEvent { governance_action_hash: vm.governance_action_hash, new_guardian_set_index: upgrade.new_guardian_set_index, }) } /// Transfer the governance data source to a new value with sanity checks to ensure the new governance data source can manage the contract. #[storage(read, write)] fn authorize_governance_data_source_transfer( payload: AuthorizeGovernanceDataSourceTransferPayload, ) { let old_governance_data_source = governance_data_source(); // Parse and verify the VAA contained in the payload to ensure it's valid and can manage the contract let vm: WormholeVM = WormholeVM::parse_and_verify_wormhole_vm( current_guardian_set_index(), payload .claim_vaa, storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, ); let gi = GovernanceInstruction::parse_governance_instruction(vm.payload); require( gi.target_chain_id == chain_id() || gi.target_chain_id == 0, PythError::InvalidGovernanceTarget, ); require( match gi.action { GovernanceAction::RequestGovernanceDataSourceTransfer => true, _ => false, }, PythError::InvalidGovernanceMessage, ); let claim_payload = GovernanceInstruction::parse_request_governance_data_source_transfer_payload(gi.payload); require( governance_data_source_index() < claim_payload .governance_data_source_index, PythError::OldGovernanceMessage, ); set_governance_data_source_index(claim_payload.governance_data_source_index); let new_governance_data_source = DataSource { chain_id: vm.emitter_chain_id, emitter_address: vm.emitter_address, }; set_governance_data_source(new_governance_data_source); // Setting the last executed governance to the claimVaa sequence to avoid using older sequences. set_last_executed_governance_sequence(vm.sequence); log(GovernanceDataSourceSetEvent { old_data_source: old_governance_data_source, new_data_source: new_governance_data_source, initial_sequence: vm.sequence, }); } #[storage(read, write)] fn set_data_sources(payload: SetDataSourcesPayload) { let old_data_sources = storage.valid_data_sources.load_vec(); let mut i = 0; while i < old_data_sources.len() { let data_source = old_data_sources.get(i).unwrap(); storage.is_valid_data_source.insert(data_source, false); i += 1; } // Clear the current list of valid data sources storage.valid_data_sources.clear(); i = 0; // Add new data sources from the payload and mark them as valid while i < payload.data_sources.len() { let data_source = payload.data_sources.get(i).unwrap(); storage.valid_data_sources.push(data_source); storage.is_valid_data_source.insert(data_source, true); i += 1; } // Emit an event with the old and new data sources log(DataSourcesSetEvent { old_data_sources: old_data_sources, new_data_sources: storage.valid_data_sources.load_vec(), }); } #[storage(read, write)] fn set_fee(payload: SetFeePayload) { let old_fee =; storage.single_update_fee.write(payload.new_fee); log(FeeSetEvent { old_fee, new_fee: payload.new_fee, }); } #[storage(read, write)] fn set_valid_period(payload: SetValidPeriodPayload) { let old_valid_period =; storage .valid_time_period_seconds .write(payload.new_valid_period); log(ValidPeriodSetEvent { old_valid_period, new_valid_period: payload.new_valid_period, }); } abi PythGovernance { #[storage(read)] fn governance_data_source() -> DataSource; #[storage(read, write)] fn execute_governance_instruction(encoded_vm: Bytes); } impl PythGovernance for Contract { #[storage(read)] fn governance_data_source() -> DataSource { governance_data_source() } #[storage(read, write)] fn execute_governance_instruction(encoded_vm: Bytes) { execute_governance_instruction(encoded_vm) } } #[storage(read, write)] fn execute_governance_instruction(encoded_vm: Bytes) { let vm = verify_governance_vm(encoded_vm); // Log so that the WormholeVM struct will show up in the ABI and can be used in the tests log(vm); let gi = GovernanceInstruction::parse_governance_instruction(vm.payload); // Log so that the GovernanceInstruction struct will show up in the ABI and can be used in the tests log(gi); require( gi.target_chain_id == chain_id() || gi.target_chain_id == 0, PythError::InvalidGovernanceTarget, ); match gi.action { GovernanceAction::UpgradeContract => { require(gi.target_chain_id != 0, PythError::InvalidGovernanceTarget); // TODO: implement upgrade_upgradeable_contract(uc) when Fuel releases the upgrade standard library; log("Upgrade functionality not implemented"); revert(0u64); }, GovernanceAction::AuthorizeGovernanceDataSourceTransfer => { let agdst = GovernanceInstruction::parse_authorize_governance_data_source_transfer_payload(gi.payload); log(agdst); authorize_governance_data_source_transfer(agdst); }, GovernanceAction::SetDataSources => { let sdsp = GovernanceInstruction::parse_set_data_sources_payload(gi.payload); log(sdsp); set_data_sources(sdsp); }, GovernanceAction::SetFee => { let sf = GovernanceInstruction::parse_set_fee_payload(gi.payload); log(sf); set_fee(sf); }, GovernanceAction::SetValidPeriod => { let svp = GovernanceInstruction::parse_set_valid_period_payload(gi.payload); log(svp); set_valid_period(svp); }, GovernanceAction::RequestGovernanceDataSourceTransfer => { // RequestGovernanceDataSourceTransfer can be only part of AuthorizeGovernanceDataSourceTransfer message // The `revert` function only accepts u64, so as // a workaround we use require. require(false, PythError::InvalidGovernanceMessage); }, _ => { // The `revert` function only accepts u64, so as // a workaround we use require. require(false, PythError::InvalidGovernanceMessage); } } } #[storage(read, write)] fn verify_governance_vm(encoded_vm: Bytes) -> WormholeVM { let vm: WormholeVM = WormholeVM::parse_and_verify_wormhole_vm( current_guardian_set_index(), encoded_vm, storage .wormhole_guardian_sets, ); require( storage .governance_data_source .read() .is_valid_governance_data_source(vm.emitter_chain_id, vm.emitter_address), PythError::InvalidGovernanceDataSource, ); require( vm.sequence > last_executed_governance_sequence(), PythError::OldGovernanceMessage, ); set_last_executed_governance_sequence(vm.sequence); vm }