""" This script will install Poetry and its dependencies in isolation from the rest of the system. It does, in order: - Downloads the latest stable (or pre-release) version of poetry. - Downloads all its dependencies in the poetry/_vendor directory. - Copies it and all extra files in $POETRY_HOME. - Updates the PATH in a system-specific way. There will be a `poetry` script that will be installed in $POETRY_HOME/bin which will act as the poetry command but is slightly different in the sense that it will use the current Python installation. What this means is that one Poetry installation can serve for multiple Python versions. """ import argparse import hashlib import json import os import platform import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import tempfile from contextlib import closing from contextlib import contextmanager from functools import cmp_to_key from gzip import GzipFile from io import UnsupportedOperation from io import open try: from urllib.error import HTTPError from urllib.request import Request from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import HTTPError from urllib2 import Request from urllib2 import urlopen try: input = raw_input except NameError: pass try: try: import winreg except ImportError: import _winreg as winreg except ImportError: winreg = None try: u = unicode except NameError: u = str SHELL = os.getenv("SHELL", "") WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith("win") or (sys.platform == "cli" and os.name == "nt") FOREGROUND_COLORS = { "black": 30, "red": 31, "green": 32, "yellow": 33, "blue": 34, "magenta": 35, "cyan": 36, "white": 37, } BACKGROUND_COLORS = { "black": 40, "red": 41, "green": 42, "yellow": 43, "blue": 44, "magenta": 45, "cyan": 46, "white": 47, } OPTIONS = {"bold": 1, "underscore": 4, "blink": 5, "reverse": 7, "conceal": 8} def style(fg, bg, options): codes = [] if fg: codes.append(FOREGROUND_COLORS[fg]) if bg: codes.append(BACKGROUND_COLORS[bg]) if options: if not isinstance(options, (list, tuple)): options = [options] for option in options: codes.append(OPTIONS[option]) return "\033[{}m".format(";".join(map(str, codes))) STYLES = { "info": style("green", None, None), "comment": style("yellow", None, None), "error": style("red", None, None), "warning": style("yellow", None, None), "deprecation": style("magenta", None, None), } def is_decorated(): if platform.system().lower() == "windows": return ( os.getenv("ANSICON") is not None or os.getenv("ConEmuANSI") == "ON" or os.getenv("Term") == "xterm" ) if not hasattr(sys.stdout, "fileno"): return False try: return os.isatty(sys.stdout.fileno()) except UnsupportedOperation: return False def is_interactive(): if not hasattr(sys.stdin, "fileno"): return False try: return os.isatty(sys.stdin.fileno()) except UnsupportedOperation: return False def colorize(style, text): if not is_decorated(): return text return "{}{}\033[0m".format(STYLES[style], text) @contextmanager def temporary_directory(*args, **kwargs): try: from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory except ImportError: name = tempfile.mkdtemp(*args, **kwargs) yield name shutil.rmtree(name) else: with TemporaryDirectory(*args, **kwargs) as name: yield name def string_to_bool(value): value = value.lower() return value in {"true", "1", "y", "yes"} def expanduser(path): """ Expand ~ and ~user constructions. Includes a workaround for http://bugs.python.org/issue14768 """ expanded = os.path.expanduser(path) if path.startswith("~/") and expanded.startswith("//"): expanded = expanded[1:] return expanded HOME = expanduser("~") POETRY_HOME = os.environ.get("POETRY_HOME") or os.path.join(HOME, ".poetry") POETRY_BIN = os.path.join(POETRY_HOME, "bin") POETRY_ENV = os.path.join(POETRY_HOME, "env") POETRY_LIB = os.path.join(POETRY_HOME, "lib") POETRY_LIB_BACKUP = os.path.join(POETRY_HOME, "lib-backup") BIN = """# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import glob import sys import os lib = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.path.realpath(__file__), "../..", "lib")) vendors = os.path.join(lib, "poetry", "_vendor") current_vendors = os.path.join( vendors, "py{}".format(".".join(str(v) for v in sys.version_info[:2])) ) sys.path.insert(0, lib) sys.path.insert(0, current_vendors) if __name__ == "__main__": from poetry.console import main main() """ BAT = u('@echo off\r\n{python_executable} "{poetry_bin}" %*\r\n') PRE_MESSAGE = """# Welcome to {poetry}! This will download and install the latest version of {poetry}, a dependency and package manager for Python. It will add the `poetry` command to {poetry}'s bin directory, located at: {poetry_home_bin} {platform_msg} You can uninstall at any time by executing this script with the --uninstall option, and these changes will be reverted. """ PRE_UNINSTALL_MESSAGE = """# We are sorry to see you go! This will uninstall {poetry}. It will remove the `poetry` command from {poetry}'s bin directory, located at: {poetry_home_bin} This will also remove {poetry} from your system's PATH. """ PRE_MESSAGE_UNIX = """This path will then be added to your `PATH` environment variable by modifying the profile file{plural} located at: {rcfiles}""" PRE_MESSAGE_FISH = """This path will then be added to your `PATH` environment variable by modifying the `fish_user_paths` universal variable.""" PRE_MESSAGE_WINDOWS = """This path will then be added to your `PATH` environment variable by modifying the `HKEY_CURRENT_USER/Environment/PATH` registry key.""" PRE_MESSAGE_NO_MODIFY_PATH = """This path needs to be in your `PATH` environment variable, but will not be added automatically.""" POST_MESSAGE_UNIX = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! To get started you need {poetry}'s bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) in your `PATH` environment variable. Next time you log in this will be done automatically. To configure your current shell run `source {poetry_home_env}` """ POST_MESSAGE_FISH = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! {poetry}'s bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) has been added to your `PATH` environment variable by modifying the `fish_user_paths` universal variable. """ POST_MESSAGE_WINDOWS = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! To get started you need Poetry's bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) in your `PATH` environment variable. Future applications will automatically have the correct environment, but you may need to restart your current shell. """ POST_MESSAGE_UNIX_NO_MODIFY_PATH = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! To get started you need {poetry}'s bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) in your `PATH` environment variable. To configure your current shell run `source {poetry_home_env}` """ POST_MESSAGE_FISH_NO_MODIFY_PATH = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! To get started you need {poetry}'s bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) in your `PATH` environment variable, which you can add by running the following command: set -U fish_user_paths {poetry_home_bin} $fish_user_paths """ POST_MESSAGE_WINDOWS_NO_MODIFY_PATH = """{poetry} ({version}) is installed now. Great! To get started you need Poetry's bin directory ({poetry_home_bin}) in your `PATH` environment variable. This has not been done automatically. """ class Installer: CURRENT_PYTHON = sys.executable CURRENT_PYTHON_VERSION = sys.version_info[:2] METADATA_URL = "https://pypi.org/pypi/poetry/json" VERSION_REGEX = re.compile( r"v?(\d+)(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?(?:\.(\d+))?" "(" "[._-]?" r"(?:(stable|beta|b|rc|RC|alpha|a|patch|pl|p)((?:[.-]?\d+)*)?)?" "([.-]?dev)?" ")?" r"(?:\+[^\s]+)?" ) REPOSITORY_URL = "https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry" BASE_URL = REPOSITORY_URL + "/releases/download/" FALLBACK_BASE_URL = "https://github.com/sdispater/poetry/releases/download/" def __init__( self, version=None, preview=False, force=False, modify_path=True, accept_all=False, file=None, base_url=BASE_URL, ): self._version = version self._preview = preview self._force = force self._modify_path = modify_path self._accept_all = accept_all self._offline_file = file self._base_url = base_url def allows_prereleases(self): return self._preview def run(self): version, current_version = self.get_version() if version is None: return 1 self.customize_install() self.display_pre_message() self.ensure_home() try: self.install( version, upgrade=current_version is not None, file=self._offline_file ) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: print(colorize("error", "An error has occurred: {}".format(str(e)))) print(e.output.decode()) return e.returncode self.display_post_message(version) return 0 def uninstall(self): self.display_pre_uninstall_message() if not self.customize_uninstall(): return self.remove_home() self.remove_from_path() def get_version(self): current_version = None if os.path.exists(POETRY_LIB): with open( os.path.join(POETRY_LIB, "poetry", "__version__.py"), encoding="utf-8" ) as f: version_content = f.read() current_version_re = re.match( '(?ms).*__version__ = "(.+)".*', version_content ) if not current_version_re: print( colorize( "warning", "Unable to get the current Poetry version. Assuming None", ) ) else: current_version = current_version_re.group(1) # Skip retrieving online release versions if install file is specified if self._offline_file is not None: if current_version is not None and not self._force: print("There is a version of Poetry already installed.") return None, current_version return "from an offline file", current_version print(colorize("info", "Retrieving Poetry metadata")) metadata = json.loads(self._get(self.METADATA_URL).decode()) def _compare_versions(x, y): mx = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(x) my = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(y) vx = tuple(int(p) for p in mx.groups()[:3]) + (mx.group(5),) vy = tuple(int(p) for p in my.groups()[:3]) + (my.group(5),) if vx < vy: return -1 elif vx > vy: return 1 return 0 print("") releases = sorted( metadata["releases"].keys(), key=cmp_to_key(_compare_versions) ) if self._version and self._version not in releases: print(colorize("error", "Version {} does not exist.".format(self._version))) return None, None def _is_supported(x): mx = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(x) vx = tuple(int(p) for p in mx.groups()[:3]) + (mx.group(5),) return vx < (1, 2, 0) print( colorize( "deprecation", "This installer is deprecated, and scheduled for removal from the" " Poetry repository on or after January 1, 2023.\nSee" " https://github.com/python-poetry/poetry/issues/6377 for" " details.\n\nYou should migrate to https://install.python-poetry.org" " instead, which supports all versions of Poetry, and allows for `self" " update` of versions 1.1.7 or newer.\nInstructions are available at" " https://python-poetry.org/docs/#installation.\n", ) ) if not os.environ.get("GET_POETRY_IGNORE_DEPRECATION") and not self._version: print( colorize( "deprecation", "Without an explicit version, this installer will attempt to" " install the latest version of Poetry.\nThis installer cannot" " install Poetry 1.2.0a1 or newer (and installs will be unable to" " `self update` to 1.2.0a1 or newer).\n\nTo continue to use this" " deprecated installer, you must specify an explicit version with" " --version or POETRY_VERSION=.\nAlternatively," " if you wish to force this deprecated installer to use the latest" " installable release, set GET_POETRY_IGNORE_DEPRECATION=1.\n", ) ) version = self._version if not version: for release in reversed(releases): m = self.VERSION_REGEX.match(release) if m.group(5) and not self.allows_prereleases(): continue if not os.environ.get("GET_POETRY_IGNORE_DEPRECATION"): version = release break else: if _is_supported(release): print( colorize( "warning", "Version {release} will be installed as it is the" " latest version supported by this installer.\n\nThis" " is not the latest version of Poetry! If you wish to" " install the latest version, you must move to the new" " installer as described above!\n".format( release=release ), ) ) version = release break else: print( colorize( "warning", "Version {release} is available but is not supported by" " this installer!".format(release=release), ) ) if not _is_supported(version): print( colorize( "error", "Version {version} is not supported by this installer! Please" " specify a version prior to 1.2.0a1 to continue!".format( version=version ), ) ) return None, None current_version = None if os.path.exists(POETRY_LIB): with open( os.path.join(POETRY_LIB, "poetry", "__version__.py"), encoding="utf-8" ) as f: version_content = f.read() current_version_re = re.match( '(?ms).*__version__ = "(.+)".*', version_content ) if not current_version_re: print( colorize( "warning", "Unable to get the current Poetry version. Assuming None", ) ) else: current_version = current_version_re.group(1) if current_version == version and not self._force: print("Latest version already installed.") return None, current_version return version, current_version def customize_install(self): if not self._accept_all: print("Before we start, please answer the following questions.") print("You may simply press the Enter key to leave unchanged.") modify_path = input("Modify PATH variable? ([y]/n) ") or "y" if modify_path.lower() in {"n", "no"}: self._modify_path = False print("") def customize_uninstall(self): if not self._accept_all: print() uninstall = ( input("Are you sure you want to uninstall Poetry? (y/[n]) ") or "n" ) if uninstall.lower() not in {"y", "yes"}: return False print("") return True def ensure_home(self): """ Ensures that $POETRY_HOME exists or create it. """ if not os.path.exists(POETRY_HOME): os.mkdir(POETRY_HOME, 0o755) def remove_home(self): """ Removes $POETRY_HOME. """ if not os.path.exists(POETRY_HOME): return shutil.rmtree(POETRY_HOME) def install(self, version, upgrade=False, file=None): """ Installs Poetry in $POETRY_HOME. """ if file is not None: print("Attempting to install from file: " + colorize("info", file)) else: print("Installing version: " + colorize("info", version)) self.make_lib(version) self.make_bin() self.make_env() self.update_path() return 0 def make_lib(self, version): """ Packs everything into a single lib/ directory. """ if os.path.exists(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP): shutil.rmtree(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP) # Backup the current installation if os.path.exists(POETRY_LIB): shutil.copytree(POETRY_LIB, POETRY_LIB_BACKUP) shutil.rmtree(POETRY_LIB) try: self._make_lib(version) except Exception: if not os.path.exists(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP): raise shutil.copytree(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP, POETRY_LIB) shutil.rmtree(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP) raise finally: if os.path.exists(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP): shutil.rmtree(POETRY_LIB_BACKUP) def _make_lib(self, version): # Check if an offline installer file has been specified if self._offline_file is not None: try: self.extract_lib(self._offline_file) return except Exception: raise RuntimeError("Could not install from offline file.") # We get the payload from the remote host platform = sys.platform if platform == "linux2": platform = "linux" url = self._base_url + "{}/".format(version) name = "poetry-{}-{}.tar.gz".format(version, platform) checksum = "poetry-{}-{}.sha256sum".format(version, platform) try: r = urlopen(url + "{}".format(checksum)) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: raise RuntimeError("Could not find {} file".format(checksum)) raise checksum = r.read().decode() try: r = urlopen(url + "{}".format(name)) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: raise RuntimeError("Could not find {} file".format(name)) raise meta = r.info() size = int(meta["Content-Length"]) current = 0 block_size = 8192 print( " - Downloading {} ({:.2f}MB)".format( colorize("comment", name), size / 1024 / 1024 ) ) sha = hashlib.sha256() with temporary_directory(prefix="poetry-installer-") as dir_: tar = os.path.join(dir_, name) with open(tar, "wb") as f: while True: buffer = r.read(block_size) if not buffer: break current += len(buffer) f.write(buffer) sha.update(buffer) # Checking hashes if checksum != sha.hexdigest(): raise RuntimeError( "Hashes for {} do not match: {} != {}".format( name, checksum, sha.hexdigest() ) ) self.extract_lib(tar) def extract_lib(self, filename): gz = GzipFile(filename, mode="rb") try: with tarfile.TarFile(filename, fileobj=gz, format=tarfile.PAX_FORMAT) as f: f.extractall(POETRY_LIB) finally: gz.close() def _which_python(self): """Decides which python executable we'll embed in the launcher script.""" allowed_executables = ["python3", "python"] if WINDOWS: allowed_executables += ["py.exe -3", "py.exe -2"] # \d in regex ensures we can convert to int later version_matcher = re.compile(r"^Python (?P\d+)\.(?P\d+)\..+$") fallback = None for executable in allowed_executables: try: raw_version = subprocess.check_output( executable + " --version", stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, shell=True ).decode("utf-8") except subprocess.CalledProcessError: continue match = version_matcher.match(raw_version.strip()) if match: return executable if fallback is None: # keep this one as the fallback; it was the first valid executable we # found. fallback = executable if fallback is None: raise RuntimeError( "No python executable found in shell environment. Tried: " + str(allowed_executables) ) return fallback def make_bin(self): if not os.path.exists(POETRY_BIN): os.mkdir(POETRY_BIN, 0o755) python_executable = self._which_python() if WINDOWS: with open(os.path.join(POETRY_BIN, "poetry.bat"), "w") as f: f.write( u( BAT.format( python_executable=python_executable, poetry_bin=os.path.join(POETRY_BIN, "poetry").replace( os.environ["USERPROFILE"], "%USERPROFILE%" ), ) ) ) with open(os.path.join(POETRY_BIN, "poetry"), "w", encoding="utf-8") as f: if WINDOWS: python_executable = "python" f.write(u("#!/usr/bin/env {}\n".format(python_executable))) f.write(u(BIN)) if not WINDOWS: # Making the file executable st = os.stat(os.path.join(POETRY_BIN, "poetry")) os.chmod(os.path.join(POETRY_BIN, "poetry"), st.st_mode | stat.S_IEXEC) def make_env(self): if WINDOWS: return with open(os.path.join(POETRY_HOME, "env"), "w") as f: f.write(u(self.get_export_string())) def update_path(self): """ Tries to update the $PATH automatically. """ if not self._modify_path: return if "fish" in SHELL: return self.add_to_fish_path() if WINDOWS: return self.add_to_windows_path() # Updating any profile we can on UNIX systems export_string = self.get_export_string() addition = "\n{}\n".format(export_string) profiles = self.get_unix_profiles() for profile in profiles: if not os.path.exists(profile): continue with open(profile, "r") as f: content = f.read() if addition not in content: with open(profile, "a") as f: f.write(u(addition)) def add_to_fish_path(self): """ Ensure POETRY_BIN directory is on Fish shell $PATH """ current_path = os.environ.get("PATH", None) if current_path is None: print( colorize( "warning", "\nUnable to get the PATH value. It will not be updated" " automatically.", ) ) self._modify_path = False return if POETRY_BIN not in current_path: fish_user_paths = subprocess.check_output( ["fish", "-c", "echo $fish_user_paths"] ).decode("utf-8") if POETRY_BIN not in fish_user_paths: cmd = "set -U fish_user_paths {} $fish_user_paths".format(POETRY_BIN) set_fish_user_path = ["fish", "-c", "{}".format(cmd)] subprocess.check_output(set_fish_user_path) else: print( colorize( "warning", "\nPATH already contains {} and thus was not modified.".format( POETRY_BIN ), ) ) def add_to_windows_path(self): try: old_path = self.get_windows_path_var() except WindowsError: old_path = None if old_path is None: print( colorize( "warning", "Unable to get the PATH value. It will not be updated" " automatically", ) ) self._modify_path = False return new_path = POETRY_BIN if POETRY_BIN in old_path: old_path = old_path.replace(POETRY_BIN + ";", "") if old_path: new_path += ";" new_path += old_path self.set_windows_path_var(new_path) def get_windows_path_var(self): with winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) as root: with winreg.OpenKey(root, "Environment", 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as key: path, _ = winreg.QueryValueEx(key, "PATH") return path def set_windows_path_var(self, value): import ctypes with winreg.ConnectRegistry(None, winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER) as root: with winreg.OpenKey(root, "Environment", 0, winreg.KEY_ALL_ACCESS) as key: winreg.SetValueEx(key, "PATH", 0, winreg.REG_EXPAND_SZ, value) # Tell other processes to update their environment HWND_BROADCAST = 0xFFFF WM_SETTINGCHANGE = 0x1A SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG = 0x0002 result = ctypes.c_long() SendMessageTimeoutW = ctypes.windll.user32.SendMessageTimeoutW SendMessageTimeoutW( HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, "Environment", SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, 5000, ctypes.byref(result), ) def remove_from_path(self): if "fish" in SHELL: return self.remove_from_fish_path() elif WINDOWS: return self.remove_from_windows_path() return self.remove_from_unix_path() def remove_from_fish_path(self): fish_user_paths = subprocess.check_output( ["fish", "-c", "echo $fish_user_paths"] ).decode("utf-8") if POETRY_BIN in fish_user_paths: cmd = "set -U fish_user_paths (string match -v {} $fish_user_paths)".format( POETRY_BIN ) set_fish_user_path = ["fish", "-c", "{}".format(cmd)] subprocess.check_output(set_fish_user_path) def remove_from_windows_path(self): path = self.get_windows_path_var() poetry_path = POETRY_BIN if poetry_path in path: path = path.replace(POETRY_BIN + ";", "") if poetry_path in path: path = path.replace(POETRY_BIN, "") self.set_windows_path_var(path) def remove_from_unix_path(self): # Updating any profile we can on UNIX systems export_string = self.get_export_string() addition = "{}\n".format(export_string) profiles = self.get_unix_profiles() for profile in profiles: if not os.path.exists(profile): continue with open(profile, "r") as f: content = f.readlines() if addition not in content: continue new_content = [] for line in content: if line == addition: if new_content and not new_content[-1].strip(): new_content = new_content[:-1] continue new_content.append(line) with open(profile, "w") as f: f.writelines(new_content) def get_export_string(self): path = POETRY_BIN.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME") export_string = 'export PATH="{}:$PATH"'.format(path) return export_string def get_unix_profiles(self): profiles = [os.path.join(HOME, ".profile")] if "zsh" in SHELL: zdotdir = os.getenv("ZDOTDIR", HOME) profiles.append(os.path.join(zdotdir, ".zshrc")) bash_profile = os.path.join(HOME, ".bash_profile") if os.path.exists(bash_profile): profiles.append(bash_profile) return profiles def display_pre_message(self): if WINDOWS: home = POETRY_BIN.replace(os.getenv("USERPROFILE", ""), "%USERPROFILE%") else: home = POETRY_BIN.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME") kwargs = { "poetry": colorize("info", "Poetry"), "poetry_home_bin": colorize("comment", home), } if not self._modify_path: kwargs["platform_msg"] = PRE_MESSAGE_NO_MODIFY_PATH else: if "fish" in SHELL: kwargs["platform_msg"] = PRE_MESSAGE_FISH elif WINDOWS: kwargs["platform_msg"] = PRE_MESSAGE_WINDOWS else: profiles = [ colorize("comment", p.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME")) for p in self.get_unix_profiles() ] kwargs["platform_msg"] = PRE_MESSAGE_UNIX.format( rcfiles="\n".join(profiles), plural="s" if len(profiles) > 1 else "" ) print(PRE_MESSAGE.format(**kwargs)) def display_pre_uninstall_message(self): home_bin = POETRY_BIN if WINDOWS: home_bin = home_bin.replace(os.getenv("USERPROFILE", ""), "%USERPROFILE%") else: home_bin = home_bin.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME") kwargs = { "poetry": colorize("info", "Poetry"), "poetry_home_bin": colorize("comment", home_bin), } print(PRE_UNINSTALL_MESSAGE.format(**kwargs)) def display_post_message(self, version): print("") kwargs = { "poetry": colorize("info", "Poetry"), "version": colorize("comment", version), } if WINDOWS: message = POST_MESSAGE_WINDOWS if not self._modify_path: message = POST_MESSAGE_WINDOWS_NO_MODIFY_PATH poetry_home_bin = POETRY_BIN.replace( os.getenv("USERPROFILE", ""), "%USERPROFILE%" ) elif "fish" in SHELL: message = POST_MESSAGE_FISH if not self._modify_path: message = POST_MESSAGE_FISH_NO_MODIFY_PATH poetry_home_bin = POETRY_BIN.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME") else: message = POST_MESSAGE_UNIX if not self._modify_path: message = POST_MESSAGE_UNIX_NO_MODIFY_PATH poetry_home_bin = POETRY_BIN.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME") kwargs["poetry_home_env"] = colorize( "comment", POETRY_ENV.replace(os.getenv("HOME", ""), "$HOME") ) kwargs["poetry_home_bin"] = colorize("comment", poetry_home_bin) print(message.format(**kwargs)) def call(self, *args): return subprocess.check_output(args, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) def _get(self, url): request = Request(url, headers={"User-Agent": "Python Poetry"}) with closing(urlopen(request)) as r: return r.read() def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Installs the latest (or given) version of poetry" ) parser.add_argument( "-p", "--preview", help="install preview version", dest="preview", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument("--version", help="install named version", dest="version") parser.add_argument( "-f", "--force", help="install on top of existing version", dest="force", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--no-modify-path", help="do not modify $PATH", dest="no_modify_path", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "-y", "--yes", help="accept all prompts", dest="accept_all", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--uninstall", help="uninstall poetry", dest="uninstall", action="store_true", default=False, ) parser.add_argument( "--file", dest="file", action="store", help=( "Install from a local file instead of fetching the latest version " "of Poetry available online." ), ) args = parser.parse_args() base_url = Installer.BASE_URL if args.file is None: try: urlopen(Installer.REPOSITORY_URL) except HTTPError as e: if e.code == 404: base_url = Installer.FALLBACK_BASE_URL else: raise installer = Installer( version=args.version or os.getenv("POETRY_VERSION"), preview=args.preview or string_to_bool(os.getenv("POETRY_PREVIEW", "0")), force=args.force, modify_path=not args.no_modify_path, accept_all=args.accept_all or string_to_bool(os.getenv("POETRY_ACCEPT", "0")) or not is_interactive(), file=args.file, base_url=base_url, ) if args.uninstall or string_to_bool(os.getenv("POETRY_UNINSTALL", "0")): return installer.uninstall() return installer.run() if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())