Release history =============== .. currentmodule:: async_generator .. towncrier release notes start Async_Generator 1.10 (2018-07-31) --------------------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add support for PEP 525-style finalization hooks via ``set_asyncgen_hooks()`` and ``get_asyncgen_hooks()`` functions. On Python 3.6+, these are aliases for the versions in ``sys``; on Python 3.5, they're work-alike implementations. And, ``@async_generator`` generators now call these hooks at the appropriate times. (`#15 `__) Fixes ~~~~~ - Package now properly includes license files. (`#11 `__) 1.9 (2018-01-19) ---------------- * Add :func:`asynccontextmanager` * When a partially-exhausted ``async_generator`` is garbage collected, the warning printed now includes the generator's name to help you track it down. * Move under the auspices of the Trio project. This includes a license change from MIT → dual MIT+Apache2, and various changes to internal organization to match Trio project standard. 1.8 (2017-06-17) ---------------- * Implement PEP 479: if a ``StopAsyncIteration`` leaks out of an async generator body, wrap it into a ``RuntimeError``. * If an async generator was instantiated but never iterated, then we used to issue a spurious "RuntimeWarning: coroutine '...' was never awaited" warning. This is now fixed. * Add PyPy3 to our test matrix. * 100% test coverage. 1.7 (2017-05-13) ---------------- * Fix a subtle bug where if you wrapped an async generator using ``functools.wraps``, then ``isasyncgenfunction`` would return True for the wrapper. This isn't how ``inspect.isasyncgenfunction`` works, and it broke ``sphinxcontrib_trio``. 1.6 (2017-02-17) ---------------- * Add support for async generator introspection attributes ``ag_running``, ``ag_code``, ``ag_frame``. * Attempting to re-enter a running async_generator now raises ``ValueError``, just like for native async generators. * 100% test coverage. 1.5 (2017-01-15) ---------------- * Remove (temporarily?) the hacks that let ``yield_`` and ``yield_from_`` work with native async generators. It turns out that due to obscure linking issues this was causing the library to be entirely broken on Python 3.6 on Windows (but not Linux or MacOS). It's probably fixable, but needs some fiddling with ctypes to get the refcounting right, and I couldn't figure it out in the time I had available to spend. So in this version, everything that worked before still works with ``@async_generator``-style generators, but uniformly, on all platforms, ``yield_`` and ``yield_from_`` now do *not* work inside native-style async generators. * Now running CI testing on Windows as well as Linux. * 100% test coverage. 1.4 (2016-12-05) ---------------- * Allow ``await yield_()`` as an shorthand for ``await yield_(None)`` (thanks to Alex Grönholm for the suggestion+patch). * Small cleanups to and test infrastructure. * 100% test coverage (now including branch coverage!) 1.3 (2016-11-24) ---------------- * Added ``isasyncgen`` and ``isasyncgenfunction``. * On 3.6+, register our async generators with ````. * 100% test coverage. 1.2 (2016-11-14) ---------------- * Rewrote ``yield from`` support; now has much more accurate handling of edge cases. * ``yield_from_`` now works inside CPython 3.6's native async generators. * Added ``aclosing`` context manager; it's pretty trivial, but if we're going to recommend it be used everywhere then it seems polite to include it. * 100% test coverage. 1.1 (2016-11-06) ---------------- * Support for ``asend``\/``athrow``\/``aclose`` * Support for ``yield from`` * Add a ``__del__`` method that complains about improperly cleaned up async generators. * Adapt to `the change in Python 3.5.2 `_ where ``__aiter__`` should now be a regular method instead of an async method. * Adapt to Python 3.5.2's pickiness about iterating over already-exhausted coroutines. * 100% test coverage. 1.0 (2016-07-03) ---------------- * Fixes a very nasty and hard-to-hit bug where ``await yield_(...)`` calls could escape out to the top-level coroutine runner and get lost, if the last trap out to the coroutine runner before the ``await yield_(...)`` caused an exception to be injected. * Infinitesimally more efficient due to re-using internal ``ANextIter`` objects instead of recreating them on each call to ``__anext__``. * 100% test coverage. 0.0.1 (2016-05-31) ------------------ Initial release.