Release history =============== .. currentmodule:: trio .. towncrier release notes start Trio 0.26.2 (2024-08-08) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Remove remaining ``hash`` usage and fix test configuration issue that prevented it from being caught. (`#3053 `__) Trio 0.26.1 (2024-08-05) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Switched ``attrs`` usage off of ``hash``, which is now deprecated. (`#3053 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Use PyPI's Trusted Publishers to make releases. (`#2980 `__) Trio 0.26.0 (2024-07-05) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Added an interactive interpreter ``python -m trio``. This makes it easier to try things and experiment with trio in the a Python repl. Use the ``await`` keyword without needing to call ```` .. code-block:: console $ python -m trio Trio 0.21.0+dev, Python 3.10.6 Use "await" directly instead of "". Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>> import trio >>> await trio.sleep(1); print("hi") # prints after one second hi See :ref:`interactive debugging` for further detail. (`#2972 `__) - :class:`trio.testing.RaisesGroup` can now catch an unwrapped exception with ``unwrapped=True``. This means that the behaviour of :ref:`except* ` can be fully replicated in combination with ``flatten_subgroups=True`` (formerly ``strict=False``). (`#2989 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fixed a bug where :class:`trio.testing.RaisesGroup(..., strict=False) ` would check the number of exceptions in the raised `ExceptionGroup` before flattening subgroups, leading to incorrectly failed matches. It now properly supports end (``$``) regex markers in the ``match`` message, by no longer including " (x sub-exceptions)" in the string it matches against. (`#2989 `__) Deprecations and removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Deprecated ``strict`` parameter from :class:`trio.testing.RaisesGroup`, previous functionality of ``strict=False`` is now in ``flatten_subgroups=True``. (`#2989 `__) Trio 0.25.1 (2024-05-16) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix crash when importing trio in embedded Python on Windows, and other installs that remove docstrings. (`#2987 `__) Trio 0.25.0 (2024-03-17) ------------------------ Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The :ref:`strict_exception_groups ` parameter now defaults to `True` in `` and `trio.lowlevel.start_guest_run`. `trio.open_nursery` still defaults to the same value as was specified in ``/`trio.lowlevel.start_guest_run`, but if you didn't specify it there then all subsequent calls to `trio.open_nursery` will change. This is unfortunately very tricky to change with a deprecation period, as raising a `DeprecationWarning` whenever :ref:`strict_exception_groups ` is not specified would raise a lot of unnecessary warnings. Notable side effects of changing code to run with ``strict_exception_groups==True`` * If an iterator raises `StopAsyncIteration` or `StopIteration` inside a nursery, then python will not recognize wrapped instances of those for stopping iteration. * `trio.run_process` is now documented that it can raise an `ExceptionGroup`. It previously could do this in very rare circumstances, but with :ref:`strict_exception_groups ` set to `True` it will now do so whenever exceptions occur in ``deliver_cancel`` or with problems communicating with the subprocess. * Errors in opening the process is now done outside the internal nursery, so if code previously ran with ``strict_exception_groups=True`` there are cases now where an `ExceptionGroup` is *no longer* added. * `trio.TrioInternalError` ``.__cause__`` might be wrapped in one or more `ExceptionGroups ` (`#2786 `__) Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add `trio.testing.wait_all_threads_completed`, which blocks until no threads are running tasks. This is intended to be used in the same way as `trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked`. (`#2937 `__) - :class:`Path` is now a subclass of :class:`pathlib.PurePath`, allowing it to interoperate with other standard :mod:`pathlib` types. Instantiating :class:`Path` now returns a concrete platform-specific subclass, one of :class:`PosixPath` or :class:`WindowsPath`, matching the behavior of :class:`pathlib.Path`. (`#2959 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - The pthread functions are now correctly found on systems using vanilla versions of musl libc. (`#2939 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - use the regular readme for the PyPI long_description (`#2866 `__) Trio 0.24.0 (2024-01-10) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - New helper classes: :class:`~.testing.RaisesGroup` and :class:`~.testing.Matcher`. In preparation for changing the default of ``strict_exception_groups`` to `True`, we're introducing a set of helper classes that can be used in place of `pytest.raises `_ in tests, to check for an expected `ExceptionGroup`. These are provisional, and only planned to be supplied until there's a good solution in ``pytest``. See (`#2785 `__) Deprecations and removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``MultiError`` has been fully removed, and all relevant trio functions now raise ExceptionGroups instead. This should not affect end users that have transitioned to using ``except*`` or catching ExceptionGroup/BaseExceptionGroup. (`#2891 `__) Trio 0.23.2 (2023-12-14) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - `TypeVarTuple `_ is now used to fully type :meth:`nursery.start_soon() `, :func:``, :func:`trio.to_thread.run_sync`, and other similar functions accepting ``(func, *args)``. This means type checkers will be able to verify types are used correctly. :meth:`nursery.start() ` is not fully typed yet however. (`#2881 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Make pyright recognize :func:`open_memory_channel` as generic. (`#2873 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Moved the metadata into :pep:`621`-compliant :file:`pyproject.toml`. (`#2860 `__) - do not depend on exceptiongroup pre-release (`#2861 `__) - Move .coveragerc into pyproject.toml (`#2867 `__) Trio 0.23.1 (2023-11-04) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Don't crash on import in Anaconda interpreters. (`#2855 `__) Trio 0.23.0 (2023-11-03) ------------------------ Headline features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Add type hints. (`#543 `__) Features ~~~~~~~~ - When exiting a nursery block, the parent task always waits for child tasks to exit. This wait cannot be cancelled. However, previously, if you tried to cancel it, it *would* inject a `Cancelled` exception, even though it wasn't cancelled. Most users probably never noticed either way, but injecting a `Cancelled` here is not really useful, and in some rare cases caused confusion or problems, so Trio no longer does that. (`#1457 `__) - If called from a thread spawned by `trio.to_thread.run_sync`, `` and `trio.from_thread.run_sync` now reuse the task and cancellation status of the host task; this means that context variables and cancel scopes naturally propagate 'through' threads spawned by Trio. You can also use `trio.from_thread.check_cancelled` to efficiently check for cancellation without reentering the Trio thread. (`#2392 `__) - :func:`trio.lowlevel.start_guest_run` now does a bit more setup of the guest run before it returns to its caller, so that the caller can immediately make calls to :func:`trio.current_time`, :func:`trio.lowlevel.spawn_system_task`, :func:`trio.lowlevel.current_trio_token`, etc. (`#2696 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - When a starting function raises before calling :func:`trio.TaskStatus.started`, :func:`trio.Nursery.start` will no longer wrap the exception in an undocumented :exc:`ExceptionGroup`. Previously, :func:`trio.Nursery.start` would incorrectly raise an :exc:`ExceptionGroup` containing it when using ``, strict_exception_groups=True)``. (`#2611 `__) Deprecations and removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - To better reflect the underlying thread handling semantics, the keyword argument for `trio.to_thread.run_sync` that was previously called ``cancellable`` is now named ``abandon_on_cancel``. It still does the same thing -- allow the thread to be abandoned if the call to `trio.to_thread.run_sync` is cancelled -- but since we now have other ways to propagate a cancellation without abandoning the thread, "cancellable" has become somewhat of a misnomer. The old ``cancellable`` name is now deprecated. (`#2841 `__) - Deprecated support for ``math.inf`` for the ``backlog`` argument in ``open_tcp_listeners``, making its docstring correct in the fact that only ``TypeError`` is raised if invalid arguments are passed. (`#2842 `__) Removals without deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Drop support for Python3.7 and PyPy3.7/3.8. (`#2668 `__) - Removed special ``MultiError`` traceback handling for IPython. As of `version 8.15 `_ `ExceptionGroup` is handled natively. (`#2702 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Trio now indicates its presence to `sniffio` using the ``sniffio.thread_local`` interface that is preferred since sniffio v1.3.0. This should be less likely than the previous approach to cause :func:`sniffio.current_async_library` to return incorrect results due to unintended inheritance of contextvars. (`#2700 `__) - On windows, if SIO_BASE_HANDLE failed and SIO_BSP_HANDLE_POLL didn't return a different socket, runtime error will now raise from the OSError that indicated the issue so that in the event it does happen it might help with debugging. (`#2807 `__) Trio 0.22.2 (2023-07-13) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix ``PermissionError`` when importing `trio` due to trying to access ``pthread``. (`#2688 `__) Trio 0.22.1 (2023-07-02) ------------------------ Breaking changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Timeout functions now raise `ValueError` if passed `math.nan`. This includes `trio.sleep`, `trio.sleep_until`, `trio.move_on_at`, `trio.move_on_after`, `trio.fail_at` and `trio.fail_after`. (`#2493 `__) Features ~~~~~~~~ - Added support for naming threads created with `trio.to_thread.run_sync`, requires pthreads so is only available on POSIX platforms with glibc installed. (`#1148 `__) - `trio.socket.socket` now prints the address it tried to connect to upon failure. (`#1810 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fixed a crash that can occur when running Trio within an embedded Python interpreter, by handling the `TypeError` that is raised when trying to (re-)install a C signal handler. (`#2333 `__) - Fix :func:`sniffio.current_async_library` when Trio tasks are spawned from a non-Trio context (such as when using trio-asyncio). Previously, a regular Trio task would inherit the non-Trio library name, and spawning a system task would cause the non-Trio caller to start thinking it was Trio. (`#2462 `__) - Issued a new release as in the git tag for 0.22.0, ``trio.__version__`` is incorrectly set to 0.21.0+dev. (`#2485 `__) Improved documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Documented that :obj:`Nursery.start_soon` does not guarantee task ordering. (`#970 `__) Trio 0.22.0 (2022-09-28) ------------------------ Headline features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``MultiError`` has been deprecated in favor of the standard :exc:`BaseExceptionGroup` (introduced in :pep:`654`). On Python versions below 3.11, this exception and its derivative :exc:`ExceptionGroup` are provided by the backport_. Trio still raises ``MultiError``, but it has been refactored into a subclass of :exc:`BaseExceptionGroup` which users should catch instead of ``MultiError``. Uses of the ``MultiError.filter()`` class method should be replaced with :meth:`BaseExceptionGroup.split`. Uses of the ``MultiError.catch()`` class method should be replaced with either ``except*`` clauses (on Python 3.11+) or the ``exceptiongroup.catch()`` context manager provided by the backport_. See the :ref:`updated documentation ` for details. (`#2211 `__) .. _backport: Features ~~~~~~~~ - Added support for `Datagram TLS `__, for secure communication over UDP. Currently requires `PyOpenSSL `__. (`#2010 `__) Trio 0.21.0 (2022-06-07) ---------------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Trio now supports Python 3.11. (`#2270 `__, `#2318 `__, `#2319 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove support for Python 3.6. (`#2210 `__) Trio 0.20.0 (2022-02-21) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - You can now conveniently spawn a child process in a background task and interact it with on the fly using ``process = await nursery.start(run_process, ...)``. See `run_process` for more details. We recommend most users switch to this new API. Also note that: - ``trio.open_process`` has been deprecated in favor of `trio.lowlevel.open_process`, - The ``aclose`` method on `Process` has been deprecated along with ``async with process_obj``. (`#1104 `__) - Now context variables set with `contextvars` are preserved when running functions in a worker thread with `trio.to_thread.run_sync`, or when running functions from the worker thread in the parent Trio thread with ``, and `trio.from_thread.run_sync`. This is done by automatically copying the `contextvars` context. `trio.lowlevel.spawn_system_task` now also receives an optional ``context`` argument. (`#2160 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Trio now avoids creating cyclic garbage when a ``MultiError`` is generated and filtered, including invisibly within the cancellation system. This means errors raised through nurseries and cancel scopes should result in less GC latency. (`#2063 `__) - Trio now deterministically cleans up file descriptors that were opened before subprocess creation fails. Previously, they would remain open until the next run of the garbage collector. (`#2193 `__) - Add compatibility with OpenSSL 3.0 on newer Python and PyPy versions by working around ``SSLEOFError`` not being raised properly. (`#2203 `__) - Fix a bug that could cause `Process.wait` to hang on Linux systems using pidfds, if another task were to access `Process.returncode` after the process exited but before ``wait`` woke up (`#2209 `__) Trio 0.19.0 (2021-06-15) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Trio now supports Python 3.10. (`#1921 `__) - Use slots for :class:`~.lowlevel.Task` which should make them slightly smaller and faster. (`#1927 `__) - Make :class:`~.Event` more lightweight by using less objects (about 2 rather than 5, including a nested ParkingLot and attribute dicts) and simpler structures (set rather than OrderedDict). This may benefit applications that create a large number of event instances, such as with the "replace event object on every set()" idiom. (`#1948 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - The event loop now holds on to references of coroutine frames for only the minimum necessary period of time. (`#1864 `__) - The :class:`~.lowlevel.TrioToken` class can now be used as a target of a weak reference. (`#1924 `__) Trio 0.18.0 (2021-01-11) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add synchronous ``.close()`` methods and context manager (``with x``) support for `.MemorySendChannel` and `.MemoryReceiveChannel`. (`#1797 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Previously, on Windows, Trio programs using thousands of sockets at the same time could trigger extreme slowdowns in the Windows kernel. Now, Trio works around this issue, so you should be able to use as many sockets as you want. (`#1280 `__) - :func:`` no longer crashes the Trio run if it is executed after the system nursery has been closed but before the run has finished. Calls made at this time will now raise `trio.RunFinishedError`. This fixes a regression introduced in Trio 0.17.0. The window in question is only one scheduler tick long in most cases, but may be longer if async generators need to be cleaned up. (`#1738 `__) - Fix a crash in pypy-3.7 (`#1765 `__) - Trio now avoids creating cyclic garbage as often. This should have a minimal impact on most programs, but can slightly reduce how often the cycle collector GC runs on CPython, which can reduce latency spikes. (`#1770 `__) Deprecations and removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove deprecated ``max_refill_bytes`` from :class:`SSLStream`. (`#959 `__) - Remove the deprecated ``tiebreaker`` argument to `trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked`. (`#1558 `__) - Remove the deprecated ``trio.hazmat`` module. (`#1722 `__) - Stop allowing subclassing public classes. This behavior was deprecated in 0.15.0. (`#1726 `__) Trio 0.17.0 (2020-09-15) ------------------------ Headline features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Trio now supports automatic :ref:`async generator finalization `, so more async generators will work even if you don't wrap them in ``async with async_generator.aclosing():`` blocks. Please see the documentation for important caveats; in particular, yielding within a nursery or cancel scope remains unsupported. (`#265 `__) Features ~~~~~~~~ - `trio.open_tcp_stream` has a new ``local_address=`` keyword argument that can be used on machines with multiple IP addresses to control which IP is used for the outgoing connection. (`#275 `__) - If you pass a raw IP address into ``sendto``, it no longer spends any time trying to resolve the hostname. If you're using UDP, this should substantially reduce your per-packet overhead. (`#1595 `__) - `trio.lowlevel.checkpoint` is now much faster. (`#1613 `__) - We switched to a new, lower-overhead data structure to track upcoming timeouts, which should make your programs faster. (`#1629 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - On macOS and BSDs, explicitly close our wakeup socketpair when we're done with it. (`#1621 `__) - Trio can now be imported when `sys.excepthook` is a `functools.partial` instance, which might occur in a ``pytest-qt`` test function. (`#1630 `__) - The thread cache didn't release its reference to the previous job. (`#1638 `__) - On Windows, Trio now works around the buggy behavior of certain Layered Service Providers (system components that can intercept network activity) that are built on top of a commercially available library called Komodia Redirector. This benefits users of products such as Astrill VPN and Qustodio parental controls. Previously, Trio would crash on startup when run on a system where such a product was installed. (`#1659 `__) Deprecations and removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove ``wait_socket_*``, ``notify_socket_closing``, ``notify_fd_closing``, ``run_sync_in_worker_thread`` and ``current_default_worker_thread_limiter``. They were deprecated in 0.12.0. (`#1596 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - When using :ref:`instruments `, you now only "pay for what you use": if there are no instruments installed that override a particular hook such as :meth:``, then Trio doesn't waste any effort on checking its instruments when the event corresponding to that hook occurs. Previously, installing any instrument would incur all the instrumentation overhead, even for hooks no one was interested in. (`#1340 `__) Trio 0.16.0 (2020-06-10) ------------------------ Headline features ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - If you want to use Trio, but are stuck with some other event loop like Qt or PyGame, then good news: now you can have both. For details, see: :ref:`guest-mode`. (`#399 `__) Features ~~~~~~~~ - To speed up `trio.to_thread.run_sync`, Trio now caches and reuses worker threads. And in case you have some exotic use case where you need to spawn threads manually, but want to take advantage of Trio's cache, you can do that using the new `trio.lowlevel.start_thread_soon`. (`#6 `__) - Tasks spawned with `nursery.start() ` aren't treated as direct children of their nursery until they call ``task_status.started()``. This is visible through the task tree introspection attributes such as `Task.parent_nursery `. Sometimes, though, you want to know where the task is going to wind up, even if it hasn't finished initializing yet. To support this, we added a new attribute `Task.eventual_parent_nursery `. For a task spawned with :meth:`~trio.Nursery.start` that hasn't yet called ``started()``, this is the nursery that the task was nominally started in, where it will be running once it finishes starting up. In all other cases, it is ``None``. (`#1558 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Added a helpful error message if an async function is passed to `trio.to_thread.run_sync`. (`#1573 `__) Deprecations and removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove ``BlockingTrioPortal``: it was deprecated in 0.12.0. (`#1574 `__) - The ``tiebreaker`` argument to `trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked` has been deprecated. This is a highly obscure feature that was probably never used by anyone except `trio.testing.MockClock`, and `~trio.testing.MockClock` doesn't need it anymore. (`#1587 `__) - Remove the deprecated ``trio.ssl`` and ``trio.subprocess`` modules. (`#1594 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - We refactored `trio.testing.MockClock` so that it no longer needs to run an internal task to manage autojumping. This should be mostly invisible to users, but there is one semantic change: the interaction between `trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked` and the autojump clock was fixed. Now, the autojump will always wait until after all `~trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked` calls have finished before firing, instead of it depending on which threshold values you passed. (`#1587 `__) Trio 0.15.1 (2020-05-22) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix documentation build. (This must be a new release tag to get readthedocs "stable" to include the changes from 0.15.0.) - Added a helpful error message if an async function is passed to `trio.from_thread.run_sync` or a sync function to ``. (`#1244 `__) Trio 0.15.0 (2020-05-19) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Previously, when `trio.run_process` was cancelled, it always killed the subprocess immediately. Now, on Unix, it first gives the process a chance to clean up by sending ``SIGTERM``, and only escalates to ``SIGKILL`` if the process is still running after 5 seconds. But if you prefer the old behavior, or want to adjust the timeout, then don't worry: you can now pass a custom ``deliver_cancel=`` argument to define your own process killing policy. (`#1104 `__) - It turns out that creating a subprocess can block the parent process for a surprisingly long time. So ``trio.open_process`` now uses a worker thread to avoid blocking the event loop. (`#1109 `__) - We've added FreeBSD to the list of platforms we support and test on. (`#1118 `__) - On Linux kernels v5.3 or newer, `trio.Process.wait` now uses `the pidfd API `__ to track child processes. This shouldn't have any user-visible change, but it makes working with subprocesses faster and use less memory. (`#1241 `__) - The `trio.Process.returncode` attribute is now automatically updated as needed, instead of only when you call `~trio.Process.poll` or `~trio.Process.wait`. Also, ``repr(process_object)`` now always contains up-to-date information about the process status. (`#1315 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - On Ubuntu systems, the system Python includes a custom unhandled-exception hook to perform `crash reporting `__. Unfortunately, Trio wants to use the same hook to print nice ``MultiError`` tracebacks, causing a conflict. Previously, Trio would detect the conflict, print a warning, and you just wouldn't get nice ``MultiError`` tracebacks. Now, Trio has gotten clever enough to integrate its hook with Ubuntu's, so the two systems should Just Work together. (`#1065 `__) - Fixed an over-strict test that caused failures on Alpine Linux. Started testing against Alpine in CI. (`#1499 `__) - Calling `open_signal_receiver` with no arguments used to succeed without listening for any signals. This was confusing, so now it raises TypeError instead. (`#1526 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove support for Python 3.5. (`#75 `__) - It turns out that everyone got confused by the name ``trio.hazmat``. So that name has been deprecated, and the new name is :mod:`trio.lowlevel`. (`#476 `__) - Most of the public classes that Trio exports – like `trio.Lock`, `trio.SocketStream`, and so on – weren't designed with subclassing in mind. And we've noticed that some users were trying to subclass them anyway, and ending up with fragile code that we're likely to accidentally break in the future, or else be stuck unable to make changes for fear of breaking subclasses. There are also some classes that were explicitly designed to be subclassed, like the ones in ````. Subclassing these is still supported. However, for all other classes, attempts to subclass will now raise a deprecation warning, and in the future will raise an error. If this causes problems for you, feel free to drop by our `chat room `__ or file a bug, to discuss alternatives or make a case for why some particular class should be designed to support subclassing. (`#1044 `__) - If you want to create a `trio.Process` object, you now have to call ``trio.open_process``; calling ``trio.Process()`` directly was deprecated in v0.12.0 and has now been removed. (`#1109 `__) - Remove ``clear`` method on `trio.Event`: it was deprecated in 0.12.0. (`#1498 `__) Trio 0.14.0 (2020-04-27) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - If you're using Trio's low-level interfaces like `trio.hazmat.wait_readable ` or similar, and then you close a socket or file descriptor, you're supposed to call `trio.hazmat.notify_closing ` first so Trio can clean up properly. But what if you forget? In the past, Trio would tend to either deadlock or explode spectacularly. Now, it's much more robust to this situation, and should generally survive. (But note that "survive" is not the same as "give you the results you were expecting", so you should still call `~trio.lowlevel.notify_closing` when appropriate. This is about harm reduction and making it easier to debug this kind of mistake, not something you should rely on.) If you're using higher-level interfaces outside of the `trio.hazmat ` module, then you don't need to worry about any of this; those interfaces already take care of calling `~trio.lowlevel.notify_closing` for you. (`#1272 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - A bug related to the following methods has been introduced in version 0.12.0: - `trio.Path.iterdir` - `trio.Path.glob` - `trio.Path.rglob` The iteration of the blocking generators produced by pathlib was performed in the trio thread. With this fix, the previous behavior is restored: the blocking generators are converted into lists in a thread dedicated to blocking IO calls. (`#1308 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Deprecate Python 3.5 (`#1408 `__) - Remove ``trio.open_cancel_scope`` which was deprecated in 0.11.0. (`#1458 `__) Trio 0.13.0 (2019-11-02) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - On Windows, the `IOCP subsystem `__ is generally the best way to implement async I/O operations – but it's historically been weak at providing ``select``\-style readiness notifications, like `trio.hazmat.wait_readable ` and `~trio.lowlevel.wait_writable`. We aren't willing to give those up, so previously Trio's Windows backend used a hybrid of ``select`` + IOCP. This was complex, slow, and had `limited scalability `__. Fortunately, we found a way to implement ``wait_*`` with IOCP, so Trio's Windows backend has been completely rewritten, and now uses IOCP exclusively. As a user, the only difference you should notice is that Trio should now be faster on Windows, and can handle many more sockets. This also simplified the code internally, which should allow for more improvements in the future. However, this is somewhat experimental, so if you use Windows then please keep an eye out and let us know if you run into any problems! (`#52 `__) - Use slots for memory channel state and statistics which should make memory channels slightly smaller and faster. (`#1195 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - OpenSSL has a bug in its handling of TLS 1.3 session tickets that can cause deadlocks or data loss in some rare edge cases. These edge cases most frequently happen during tests. (Upstream bug reports: `openssl/openssl#7948 `__, `openssl/openssl#7967 `__.) `trio.SSLStream` now works around this issue, so you don't have to worry about it. (`#819 `__) - Trio now uses `signal.set_wakeup_fd` on all platforms. This is mostly an internal refactoring with no user-visible effect, but in theory it should fix a few extremely-rare race conditions on Unix that could have caused signal delivery to be delayed. (`#109 `__) - Trio no longer crashes when an async function is implemented in C or Cython and then passed directly to `` or ``nursery.start_soon``. (`#550 `__, `#1191 `__) - When a Trio task makes improper use of a non-Trio async library, Trio now causes an exception to be raised within the task at the point of the error, rather than abandoning the task and raising an error in its parent. This improves debuggability and resolves the `TrioInternalError` that would sometimes result from the old strategy. (`#552 `__) - In 0.12.0 we deprecated ``trio.run_sync_in_worker_thread`` in favor of `trio.to_thread.run_sync`. But, the deprecation message listed the wrong name for the replacement. The message now gives the correct name. (`#810 `__) - Fix regression introduced with cancellation changes in 0.12.0, where a `trio.CancelScope` which isn't cancelled could catch a propagating `trio.Cancelled` exception if shielding were changed while the cancellation was propagating. (`#1175 `__) - Fix a crash that could happen when using ``MockClock`` with autojump enabled and a non-zero rate. (`#1190 `__) - If you nest >1000 cancel scopes within each other, Trio now handles that gracefully instead of crashing with a ``RecursionError``. (`#1235 `__) - Fixed the hash behavior of `trio.Path` to match `pathlib.Path`. Previously `trio.Path`'s hash was inherited from `object` instead of from `pathlib.PurePath`. Thus, hashing two `trio.Path`\'s or a `trio.Path` and a `pathlib.Path` with the same underlying path would yield different results. (`#1259 `__) Trio 0.12.1 (2019-08-01) ------------------------ Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - In v0.12.0, we accidentally moved ``BlockingTrioPortal`` from ``trio`` to ``trio.hazmat``. It's now been restored to its proper position. (It's still deprecated though, and will issue a warning if you use it.) (`#1167 `__) Trio 0.12.0 (2019-07-31) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - If you have a `` object, you can now use ``async for data in stream: ...`` instead of calling ``. Each iteration gives an arbitrary sized chunk of bytes. And the best part is, the loop automatically exits when you reach EOF, so you don't have to check for it yourself anymore. Relatedly, you no longer need to pick a magic buffer size value before calling ``; you can ``await stream.receive_some()`` with no arguments, and the stream will automatically pick a reasonable size for you. (`#959 `__) - Threading interfaces have been reworked: ``run_sync_in_worker_thread`` is now `trio.to_thread.run_sync`, and instead of ``BlockingTrioPortal``, use `` and `trio.from_thread.run_sync`. What's neat about this is that these cooperate, so if you're in a thread created by `to_thread.run_sync`, it remembers which Trio created it, and you can call ``trio.from_thread.*`` directly without having to pass around a ``BlockingTrioPortal`` object everywhere. (`#810 `__) - We cleaned up the distinction between the "abstract channel interface" and the "memory channel" concrete implementation. `` and `` have been slimmed down, `trio.MemorySendChannel` and `trio.MemoryReceiveChannel` are now public types that can be used in type hints, and there's a new `` interface for future bidirectional channels. (`#719 `__) - Add :func:`trio.run_process` as a high-level helper for running a process and waiting for it to finish, like the standard :func:`` does. (`#822 `__) - On Linux, when wrapping a bare file descriptor in a Trio socket object, Trio now auto-detects the correct ``family``, ``type``, and ``protocol``. This is useful, for example, when implementing `systemd socket activation `__. (`#251 `__) - Trio sockets have a new method `~trio.socket.SocketType.is_readable` that allows you to check whether a socket is readable. This is useful for HTTP/1.1 clients. (`#760 `__) - We no longer use runtime code generation to dispatch core functions like `current_time`. Static analysis tools like mypy and pylint should now be able to recognize and analyze all of Trio's top-level functions (though some class attributes are still dynamic... we're working on it). (`#805 `__) - Add `trio.hazmat.FdStream ` for wrapping a Unix file descriptor as a ``. (`#829 `__) - Trio now gives a reasonable traceback and error message in most cases when its invariants surrounding cancel scope nesting have been violated. (One common source of such violations is an async generator that yields within a cancel scope.) The previous behavior was an inscrutable chain of TrioInternalErrors. (`#882 `__) - ``MultiError`` now defines its ``exceptions`` attribute in ``__init__()`` to better support linters and code autocompletion. (`#1066 `__) - Use ``__slots__`` in more places internally, which should make Trio slightly faster. (`#984 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Destructor methods (``__del__``) are now protected against ``KeyboardInterrupt``. (`#676 `__) - The :class:`trio.Path` methods :meth:`~trio.Path.glob` and :meth:`~trio.Path.rglob` now return iterables of :class:`trio.Path` (not :class:`pathlib.Path`). (`#917 `__) - Inspecting the :attr:`~trio.CancelScope.cancel_called` attribute of a not-yet-exited cancel scope whose deadline is in the past now always returns ``True``, like you might expect. (Previously it would return ``False`` for not-yet-entered cancel scopes, and for active cancel scopes until the first checkpoint after their deadline expiry.) (`#958 `__) - The :class:`trio.Path` classmethods, :meth:`~trio.Path.home` and :meth:`~trio.Path.cwd`, are now async functions. Previously, a bug in the forwarding logic meant :meth:`~trio.Path.cwd` was synchronous and :meth:`~trio.Path.home` didn't work at all. (`#960 `__) - An exception encapsulated within a ``MultiError`` doesn't need to be hashable anymore. .. note:: This is only supported if you are running python >= 3.6.4. You can refer to `this github PR `_ for details. (`#1005 `__) Improved Documentation ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - To help any user reading through Trio's function implementations, start using public names (not _core) whenever possible. (`#1017 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The ``clear`` method on `trio.Event` has been deprecated. (`#637 `__) - ``BlockingTrioPortal`` has been deprecated in favor of the new `trio.from_thread`. (`#810 `__) - ``run_sync_in_worker_thread`` is deprecated in favor of `trio.to_thread.run_sync`. (`#810 `__) - ``current_default_worker_thread_limiter`` is deprecated in favor of `trio.to_thread.current_default_thread_limiter`. (`#810 `__) - Give up on trying to have different low-level waiting APIs on Unix and Windows. All platforms now have `trio.hazmat.wait_readable `, `trio.hazmat.wait_writable `, and `trio.hazmat.notify_closing `. The old platform-specific synonyms ``wait_socket_*``, ``notify_socket_closing``, and ``notify_fd_closing`` have been deprecated. (`#878 `__) - It turns out that it's better to treat subprocess spawning as an async operation. Therefore, direct construction of `Process` objects has been deprecated. Use ``trio.open_process`` instead. (`#1109 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - The plumbing of Trio's cancellation system has been substantially overhauled to improve performance and ease future planned improvements. Notably, there is no longer any internal concept of a "cancel stack", and checkpoints now take constant time regardless of the cancel scope nesting depth. (`#58 `__) - We've slightly relaxed our definition of which Trio operations act as :ref:`checkpoints `. A Trio async function that exits by throwing an exception is no longer guaranteed to execute a checkpoint; it might or might not. The rules are unchanged for async functions that don't exit with an exception, async iterators, and async context managers. :func:`trio.testing.assert_checkpoints` has been updated to reflect the new behavior: if its ``with`` block exits with an exception, no assertion is made. (`#474 `__) - Calling ``str`` on a :exc:`trio.Cancelled` exception object returns "Cancelled" instead of an empty string. (`#674 `__) - Change the default timeout in :func:`trio.open_tcp_stream` to 0.250 seconds, for consistency with RFC 8305. (`#762 `__) - On win32 we no longer set SO_EXCLUSIVEADDRUSE when binding a socket in :exc:`trio.open_tcp_listeners`. (`#928 `__) - Any attempt to inherit from `CancelScope` or `Nursery` now raises `TypeError`. (Trio has never been able to safely support subclassing here; this change just makes it more obvious.) Also exposed as public classes for type-checking, etc. (`#1021 `__) Trio 0.11.0 (2019-02-09) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add support for "unbound cancel scopes": you can now construct a :class:`trio.CancelScope` without entering its context, e.g., so you can pass it to another task which will use it to wrap some work that you want to be able to cancel from afar. (`#607 `__) - The test suite now passes with openssl v1.1.1. Unfortunately this required temporarily disabling TLS v1.3 during tests; see openssl bugs `#7948 `__ and `#7967 `__. We believe TLS v1.3 should work in most real use cases, but will be monitoring the situation. (`#817 `__) - Add :attr:`trio.Process.stdio`, which is a :class:`~trio.StapledStream` of :attr:`~trio.Process.stdin` and :attr:`~trio.Process.stdout` if both of those are available, and ``None`` otherwise. This is intended to make it more ergonomic to speak a back-and-forth protocol with a subprocess. (`#862 `__) - :class:`trio.Process` on POSIX systems no longer accepts the error-prone combination of ``shell=False`` with a ``command`` that's a single string, or ``shell=True`` with a ``command`` that's a sequence of strings. These forms are accepted by the underlying :class:`subprocess.Popen` constructor but don't do what most users expect. Also, added an explanation of :ref:`quoting ` to the documentation. (`#863 `__) - Added an internal mechanism for pytest-trio's `Hypothesis `__ integration to make the task scheduler reproducible and avoid flaky tests. (`#890 `__) - :class:``, :class:``, :class:``, and :func:`~trio.open_memory_channel` can now be referenced using a generic type parameter (the type of object sent over the channel or produced by the listener) using PEP 484 syntax: ``[bytes]``, ``[trio.SocketStream]``, ``trio.open_memory_channel[MyMessage](5)``, etc. The added type information does not change the runtime semantics, but permits better integration with external static type checkers. (`#908 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fixed several bugs in the new Unix subprocess pipe support, where (a) operations on a closed pipe could accidentally affect another unrelated pipe due to internal file-descriptor reuse, (b) in very rare circumstances, two tasks calling ``send_all`` on the same pipe at the same time could end up with intermingled data instead of a :exc:`BusyResourceError`. (`#661 `__) - Stop :func:`trio.open_tcp_listeners` from crashing on systems that have disabled IPv6. (`#853 `__) - Fixed support for multiple tasks calling :meth:`trio.Process.wait` simultaneously; on kqueue platforms it would previously raise an exception. (`#854 `__) - :exc:`trio.Cancelled` exceptions now always propagate until they reach the outermost unshielded cancelled scope, even if more cancellations occur or shielding is changed between when the :exc:`~trio.Cancelled` is delivered and when it is caught. (`#860 `__) - If you have a :class:`SocketStream` that's already been closed, then ``await socket_stream.send_all(b"")`` will now correctly raise :exc:`ClosedResourceError`. (`#874 `__) - Simplified the Windows subprocess pipe ``send_all`` code, and in the process fixed a theoretical bug where closing a pipe at just the wrong time could produce errors or cause data to be redirected to the wrong pipe. (`#883 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Deprecate ``trio.open_cancel_scope`` in favor of :class:`trio.CancelScope`, which more clearly reflects that creating a cancel scope is just an ordinary object construction and does not need to be immediately paired with entering it. (`#607 `__) - The submodules ``trio.ssl`` and ``trio.subprocess`` are now deprecated. Their nontrivial contents (:class:`~trio.Process`, :class:`~trio.SSLStream`, and :class:`~trio.SSLListener`) have been moved to the main :mod:`trio` namespace. For the numerous constants, exceptions, and other helpers that were previously reexported from the standard :mod:`ssl` and :mod:`subprocess` modules, you should now use those modules directly. (`#852 `__) - Remove all the APIs deprecated in 0.9.0 or earlier (``trio.Queue``, ``trio.catch_signals()``, ``trio.BrokenStreamError``, and ``trio.ResourceBusyError``), except for ``trio.hazmat.UnboundedQueue``, which stays for now since it is used by the obscure lowlevel functions ``monitor_completion_queue()`` and ``monitor_kevent()``. (`#918 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Entering a cancel scope whose deadline is in the past now immediately cancels it, so :exc:`~trio.Cancelled` will be raised by the first checkpoint in the cancel scope rather than the second one. This also affects constructs like ``with trio.move_on_after(0):``. (`#320 `__) Trio 0.10.0 (2019-01-07) ------------------------ Features ~~~~~~~~ - Initial :ref:`subprocess support `. Add :class:`trio.subprocess.Process `, an async wrapper around the stdlib :class:`subprocess.Popen` class, which permits spawning subprocesses and communicating with them over standard Trio streams. ``trio.subprocess`` also reexports all the stdlib :mod:`subprocess` exceptions and constants for convenience. (`#4 `__) - You can now create an unbounded :class:`CapacityLimiter` by initializing with `math.inf` (`#618 `__) - New :mod:`trio.hazmat ` features to allow cleanly switching live coroutine objects between Trio and other coroutine runners. Frankly, we're not even sure this is a good idea, but we want to `try it out in trio-asyncio `__, so here we are. For details see :ref:`live-coroutine-handoff`. (`#649 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fixed a race condition on macOS, where Trio's TCP listener would crash if an incoming TCP connection was closed before the listener had a chance to accept it. (`#609 `__) - :func:`trio.open_tcp_stream` has been refactored to clean up unsuccessful connection attempts more reliably. (`#809 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Remove the APIs deprecated in 0.5.0. (``ClosedStreamError``, ``ClosedListenerError``, ``Result``) (`#812 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - There are a number of methods on :class:`trio.ssl.SSLStream ` that report information about the negotiated TLS connection, like ``selected_alpn_protocol``, and thus cannot succeed until after the handshake has been performed. Previously, we returned None from these methods, like the stdlib :mod:`ssl` module does, but this is confusing, because that can also be a valid return value. Now we raise :exc:`trio.ssl.NeedHandshakeError ` instead. (`#735 `__) Trio 0.9.0 (2018-10-12) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - New and improved APIs for inter-task communication: :class:``, :class:``, and :func:`trio.open_memory_channel` (which replaces ``trio.Queue``). This interface uses separate "sender" and "receiver" objects, for consistency with other communication interfaces like :class:``. Also, the two objects can now be closed individually, making it much easier to gracefully shut down a channel. Also, check out the nifty ``clone`` API to make it easy to manage shutdown in multiple-producer/multiple-consumer scenarios. Also, the API has been written to allow for future channel implementations that send objects across process boundaries. Also, it supports unbounded buffering if you really need it. Also, help I can't stop writing also. See :ref:`channels` for more details. (`#497 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``trio.Queue`` and ``trio.hazmat.UnboundedQueue`` have been deprecated, in favor of :func:`trio.open_memory_channel`. (`#497 `__) Trio 0.8.0 (2018-10-01) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Trio's default internal clock is now based on :func:`time.perf_counter` instead of :func:`time.monotonic`. This makes time-keeping more precise on Windows, and has no effect on other platforms. (`#33 `__) - Reworked :mod:`trio`, :mod:`trio.testing`, and :mod:`trio.socket` namespace construction, making them more understandable by static analysis tools. This should improve tab completion in editors, reduce false positives from pylint, and is a first step towards providing type hints. (`#542 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``ResourceBusyError`` is now a deprecated alias for the new :exc:`BusyResourceError`, and ``BrokenStreamError`` is a deprecated alias for the new :exc:`BrokenResourceError`. (`#620 `__) Trio 0.7.0 (2018-09-03) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - The length of typical exception traces coming from Trio has been greatly reduced. This was done by eliminating many of the exception frames related to details of the implementation. For examples, see the `blog post `__. (`#56 `__) - New and improved signal catching API: :func:`open_signal_receiver`. (`#354 `__) - The low level ``trio.hazmat.wait_socket_readable``, ``wait_socket_writable``, and ``notify_socket_close`` now work on bare socket descriptors, instead of requiring a :func:`socket.socket` object. (`#400 `__) - If you're using :func:`trio.hazmat.wait_task_rescheduled ` and other low-level routines to implement a new sleeping primitive, you can now use the new :data:`trio.hazmat.Task.custom_sleep_data ` attribute to pass arbitrary data between the sleeping task, abort function, and waking task. (`#616 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Prevent crashes when used with Sentry (raven-python). (`#599 `__) - The nursery context manager was rewritten to avoid use of ``@asynccontextmanager`` and ``@async_generator``. This reduces extraneous frames in exception traces and addresses bugs regarding `StopIteration` and `StopAsyncIteration` exceptions not propagating correctly. (`#612 `__) - Updates the formatting of exception messages raised by :func:`trio.open_tcp_stream` to correctly handle a hostname passed in as bytes, by converting the hostname to a string. (`#633 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``trio.catch_signals`` has been deprecated in favor of :func:`open_signal_receiver`. The main differences are: it takes \*-args now to specify the list of signals (so ``open_signal_receiver(SIGINT)`` instead of ``catch_signals({SIGINT})``), and, the async iterator now yields individual signals, instead of "batches" (`#354 `__) - Remove all the APIs deprecated in 0.3.0 and 0.4.0. (`#623 `__) Trio 0.6.0 (2018-08-13) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add :func:`trio.hazmat.WaitForSingleObject ` async function to await Windows handles. (`#233 `__) - The `sniffio `__ library can now detect when Trio is running. (`#572 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Make trio.socket._SocketType.connect *always* close the socket on cancellation (`#247 `__) - Fix a memory leak in :class:`trio.CapacityLimiter`, that could occur when ``acquire`` or ``acquire_on_behalf_of`` was cancelled. (`#548 `__) - Some version of macOS have a buggy ``getaddrinfo`` that was causing spurious test failures; we now detect those systems and skip the relevant test when found. (`#580 `__) - Prevent crashes when used with Sentry (raven-python). (`#599 `__) Trio 0.5.0 (2018-07-20) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Suppose one task is blocked trying to use a resource – for example, reading from a socket – and while it's doing this, another task closes the resource. Previously, this produced undefined behavior. Now, closing a resource causes pending operations on that resource to terminate immediately with a :exc:`ClosedResourceError`. ``ClosedStreamError`` and ``ClosedListenerError`` are now aliases for :exc:`ClosedResourceError`, and deprecated. For this to work, Trio needs to know when a resource has been closed. To facilitate this, new functions have been added: ``trio.hazmat.notify_fd_close`` and ``trio.hazmat.notify_socket_close``. If you're using Trio's built-in wrappers like :class:`~trio.SocketStream` or :mod:`trio.socket`, then you don't need to worry about this, but if you're using the low-level functions like :func:`trio.hazmat.wait_readable `, you should make sure to call these functions at appropriate times. (`#36 `__) - Tasks created by :func:`~trio.lowlevel.spawn_system_task` now no longer inherit the creator's :mod:`contextvars` context, instead using one created at :func:``. (`#289 `__) - Add support for ``trio.Queue`` with ``capacity=0``. Queue's implementation is also faster now. (`#473 `__) - Switch to using standalone `Outcome `__ library for Result objects. (`#494 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - ``trio.hazmat.Result``, ``trio.hazmat.Value`` and ``trio.hazmat.Error`` have been replaced by the equivalent classes in the `Outcome `__ library. Trio 0.4.0 (2018-04-10) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - Add unix client socket support. (`#401 `__) - Add support for :mod:`contextvars` (see :ref:`task-local storage `), and add :class:`trio.hazmat.RunVar ` as a similar API for run-local variables. Deprecate ``trio.TaskLocal`` and ``trio.hazmat.RunLocal`` in favor of these new APIs. (`#420 `__) - Add :func:`trio.hazmat.current_root_task ` to get the root task. (`#452 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fix KeyboardInterrupt handling when threading state has been modified by a 3rd-party library. (`#461 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Attempting to explicitly raise :exc:`trio.Cancelled` will cause a :exc:`RuntimeError`. :meth:`cancel_scope.cancel() ` should be used instead. (`#342 `__) Miscellaneous internal changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Simplify implementation of primitive traps like :func:`~trio.lowlevel.wait_task_rescheduled` (`#395 `__) Trio 0.3.0 (2017-12-28) ----------------------- Features ~~~~~~~~ - **Simplified nurseries**: In Trio, the rule used to be that "parenting is a full time job", meaning that after a task opened a nursery and spawned some children into it, it had to immediately block in ``__aexit__`` to supervise the new children, or else exception propagation wouldn't work. Also there was some elaborate machinery to let you replace this supervision logic with your own custom supervision logic. Thanks to new advances in task-rearing technology, **parenting is no longer a full time job!** Now the supervision happens automatically in the background, and essentially the body of a ``async with trio.open_nursery()`` block acts just like a task running inside the nursery. This is important: it makes it possible for libraries to abstract over nursery creation. For example, if you have a Websocket library that needs to run a background task to handle Websocket pings, you can now do that with ``async with open_websocket(...) as ws: ...``, and that can run a task in the background without your users having to worry about parenting it. And don't worry, you can still make custom supervisors; it turned out all that spiffy machinery was actually redundant and didn't provide much value. (`#136 `__) - Trio socket methods like ``bind`` and ``connect`` no longer require "pre-resolved" numeric addresses; you can now pass regular hostnames and Trio will implicitly resolve them for you. (`#377 `__) Bugfixes ~~~~~~~~ - Fixed some corner cases in Trio socket method implicit name resolution to better match stdlib behavior. Example: ``sock.bind(("", port))`` now binds to the wildcard address instead of raising an error. (`#277 `__) Deprecations and Removals ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - Removed everything that was deprecated in 0.2.0; see the 0.2.0 release notes below for details. - As was foretold in the v0.2.0 release notes, the ``bind`` method on Trio sockets is now async. Please update your calls or – better yet – switch to our shiny new high-level networking API, like :func:`serve_tcp`. (`#241 `__) - The ``resolve_local_address`` and ``resolve_remote_address`` methods on Trio sockets have been deprecated; these are unnecessary now that you can just pass your hostnames directly to the socket methods you want to use. (`#377 `__) Trio 0.2.0 (2017-12-06) ----------------------- Trio 0.2.0 contains changes from 14 contributors, and brings major new features and bug fixes, as well as a number of deprecations and a very small number of backwards incompatible changes. We anticipate that these should be easy to adapt to, but make sure to read about them below, and if you're using Trio then remember to `read and subscribe to issue #1 `__. Highlights ~~~~~~~~~~ * Added a comprehensive API for async filesystem I/O: see :ref:`async-file-io` (`gh-20 `__) * The new nursery :meth:`~Nursery.start` method makes it easy to perform controlled start-up of long-running tasks. For example, given an appropriate ``http_server_on_random_open_port`` function, you could write: .. code-block:: python port = await nursery.start(http_server_on_random_open_port) and this would start the server running in the background in the nursery, and then give you back the random port it selected – but not until it had finished initializing and was ready to accept requests! * Added a :ref:`new abstract API for byte streams `, and :mod:`trio.testing` gained helpers for creating fake streams for :ref:`testing your protocol implementation ` and checking that your custom stream implementation :ref:`follows the stream contract `. * If you're currently using :mod:`trio.socket` then you should :ref:`switch to using our new high-level networking API instead `. It takes care of many tiresome details, it's fully integrated with the abstract stream API, and it provides niceties like a state-of-the-art `Happy Eyeballs implementation `__ in :func:`open_tcp_stream` and server helpers that integrate with ``nursery.start``. * We've also added comprehensive support for SSL/TLS encryption, including SNI (both client and server side), STARTTLS, renegotiation during full-duplex usage (subject to OpenSSL limitations), and applying encryption to arbitrary :class:``\s, which allows for interesting applications like `TLS-over-TLS `__. See: :func:`trio.open_ssl_over_tcp_stream`, :func:`trio.serve_ssl_over_tcp`, :func:`trio.open_ssl_over_tcp_listeners`, and ``trio.ssl``. Interesting fact: the test suite for ``trio.ssl`` has so far found bugs in CPython's ssl module, PyPy's ssl module, PyOpenSSL, and OpenSSL. (``trio.ssl`` doesn't use PyOpenSSL.) Trio's test suite is fairly thorough. * You know thread-local storage? Well, Trio now has an equivalent: :ref:`task-local storage `. There's also the related, but more obscure, run-local storage; see :class:`~trio.lowlevel.RunLocal`. (`#2 `__) * Added a new :ref:`guide to for contributors `. Breaking changes and deprecations ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Trio is a young and ambitious project, but it also aims to become a stable, production-quality foundation for async I/O in Python. Therefore, our approach for now is to provide deprecation warnings where-ever possible, but on a fairly aggressive cycle as we push towards stability. If you use Trio you should `read and subscribe to issue #1 `__. We'd also welcome feedback on how this approach is working, whether our deprecation warnings could be more helpful, or anything else. The tl;dr is: stop using ``socket.bind`` if you can, and then fix everything your test suite warns you about. Upcoming breaking changes without warnings (i.e., stuff that works in 0.2.0, but won't work in 0.3.0): * In the next release, the ``bind`` method on Trio socket objects will become async (`#241 `__). Unfortunately, there's no good way to provide a warning here. We recommend switching to the new highlevel networking APIs like :func:`serve_tcp`, which will insulate you from this change. Breaking changes (i.e., stuff that could theoretically break a program that worked on 0.1.0): * :mod:`trio.socket` no longer attempts to normalize or modernize socket options across different platforms. The high-level networking API now handles that, freeing :mod:`trio.socket` to focus on giving you raw, unadulterated BSD sockets. * When a socket ``sendall`` call was cancelled, it used to attach some metadata to the exception reporting how much data was actually sent. It no longer does this, because in common configurations like an :class:`~trio.SSLStream` wrapped around a :class:`~trio.SocketStream` it becomes ambiguous which "level" the partial metadata applies to, leading to confusion and bugs. There is no longer any way to tell how much data was sent after a ``sendall`` is cancelled. * The :func:`trio.socket.getprotobyname` function is now async, like it should have been all along. I doubt anyone will ever use it, but that's no reason not to get the details right. * The :mod:`trio.socket` functions ``getservbyport``, ``getservbyname``, and ``getfqdn`` have been removed, because they were obscure, buggy, and obsolete. Use :func:`~trio.socket.getaddrinfo` instead. Upcoming breaking changes with warnings (i.e., stuff that in 0.2.0 *will* work but will print loud complaints, and that won't work in 0.3.0): * For consistency with the new ``start`` method, the nursery ``spawn`` method is being renamed to ``start_soon`` (`#284 `__) * ``trio.socket.sendall`` is deprecated; use ``trio.open_tcp_stream`` and ``SocketStream.send_all`` instead (`#291 `__) * Trio now consistently uses ``run`` for functions that take and run an async function (like :func:``!), and ``run_sync`` for functions that take and run a synchronous function. As part of this: * ``run_in_worker_thread`` is becoming ``run_sync_in_worker_thread`` * We took the opportunity to refactor ``run_in_trio_thread`` and ``await_in_trio_thread`` into the new class ``trio.BlockingTrioPortal`` * The hazmat function ``current_call_soon_thread_and_signal_safe`` is being replaced by :class:`trio.hazmat.TrioToken ` See `#68 `__ for details. * ``trio.Queue``\'s ``join`` and ``task_done`` methods are deprecated without replacement (`#321 `__) * Trio 0.1.0 provided a set of built-in mechanisms for waiting for and tracking the result of individual tasks. We haven't yet found any cases where using this actually led to simpler code, though, and this feature is blocking useful improvements, so the following are being deprecated without replacement: * ``nursery.zombies`` * ``nursery.monitor`` * ``nursery.reap`` * ``nursery.reap_and_unwrap`` * ``task.result`` * ``task.add_monitor`` * ``task.discard_monitor`` * ``task.wait`` This also lets us move a number of lower-level features out of the main :mod:`trio` namespace and into :mod:`trio.hazmat `: * ``trio.Task`` → :class:`trio.hazmat.Task ` * ``trio.current_task`` → :func:`trio.hazmat.current_task ` * ``trio.Result`` → ``trio.hazmat.Result`` * ``trio.Value`` → ``trio.hazmat.Value`` * ``trio.Error`` → ``trio.hazmat.Error`` * ``trio.UnboundedQueue`` → ``trio.hazmat.UnboundedQueue`` In addition, several introspection attributes are being renamed: * ``nursery.children`` → ``nursery.child_tasks`` * ``task.parent_task`` → use ``task.parent_nursery.parent_task`` instead See `#136 `__ for more details. * To consolidate introspection functionality in :mod:`trio.hazmat `, the following functions are moving: * ``trio.current_clock`` → :func:`trio.hazmat.current_clock ` * ``trio.current_statistics`` → :func:`trio.hazmat.current_statistics ` See `#317 `__ for more details. * It was decided that 0.1.0's "yield point" terminology was confusing; we now use :ref:`"checkpoint" ` instead. As part of this, the following functions in :mod:`trio.hazmat ` are changing names: * ``yield_briefly`` → :func:`~trio.hazmat.checkpoint ` * ``yield_briefly_no_cancel`` → :func:`~trio.lowlevel.cancel_shielded_checkpoint` * ``yield_if_cancelled`` → :func:`~trio.lowlevel.checkpoint_if_cancelled` * ``yield_indefinitely`` → :func:`~trio.lowlevel.wait_task_rescheduled` In addition, the following functions in :mod:`trio.testing` are changing names: * ``assert_yields`` → :func:`~trio.testing.assert_checkpoints` * ``assert_no_yields`` → :func:`~trio.testing.assert_no_checkpoints` See `#157 `__ for more details. * ``trio.format_exception`` is deprecated; use :func:`traceback.format_exception` instead (`#347 `__). * ``trio.current_instruments`` is deprecated. For adding or removing instrumentation at run-time, see :func:`trio.hazmat.add_instrument ` and :func:`trio.hazmat.remove_instrument ` (`#257 `__) Unfortunately, a limitation in PyPy3 5.8 breaks our deprecation handling for some renames. (Attempting to use the old names will give an unhelpful error instead of a helpful warning.) This does not affect CPython, or PyPy3 5.9+. Other changes ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * ``run_sync_in_worker_thread`` now has a :ref:`robust mechanism for applying capacity limits to the number of concurrent threads ` (`#10 `__, `#57 `__, `#156 `__) * New support for tests to cleanly hook hostname lookup and socket operations: see :ref:`virtual-network-hooks`. In addition, ``trio.socket.SocketType`` is now an empty abstract base class, with the actual socket class made private. This shouldn't effect anyone, since the only thing you could directly use it for in the first place was ``isinstance`` checks, and those still work (`#170 `__) * New class :class:`StrictFIFOLock` * New exception ``ResourceBusyError`` * The :class:`trio.hazmat.ParkingLot ` class (which is used to implement many of Trio's synchronization primitives) was rewritten to be simpler and faster (`#272 `__, `#287 `__) * It's generally true that if you're using Trio you have to use Trio functions, if you're using asyncio you have to use asyncio functions, and so forth. (See the discussion of the "async sandwich" in the Trio tutorial for more details.) So for example, this isn't going to work: .. code-block:: python async def main(): # asyncio here await asyncio.sleep(1) # trio here Trio now reliably detects if you accidentally do something like this, and gives a helpful error message. * Trio now also has special error messages for several other common errors, like doing ```` (should be ````). * :mod:`trio.socket` now handles non-ascii domain names using the modern IDNA 2008 standard instead of the obsolete IDNA 2003 standard (`#11 `__) * When an :class:`` raises an unexpected error, we now route it through the :mod:`logging` module instead of printing it directly to stderr. Normally this produces exactly the same effect, but this way it's more configurable. (`#306 `__) * Fixed a minor race condition in IOCP thread shutdown on Windows (`#81 `__) * Control-C handling on Windows now uses :func:`signal.set_wakeup_fd` and should be more reliable (`#42 `__) * :func:`` takes a new keyword argument ``restrict_keyboard_interrupt_to_checkpoints`` * New attributes allow more detailed introspection of the task tree: ``nursery.child_tasks``, ``Task.child_nurseries``, ``nursery.parent_task``, ``Task.parent_nursery`` * :func:`trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked` now takes a ``tiebreaker=`` argument. The main use is to allow :class:`~trio.testing.MockClock`\'s auto-jump functionality to avoid interfering with direct use of :func:`~trio.testing.wait_all_tasks_blocked` in the same test. * ``MultiError.catch()`` now correctly preserves ``__context__``, despite Python's best attempts to stop us (`#165 `__) * It is now possible to take weakrefs to :class:`Lock` and many other classes (`#331 `__) * Fix ``sock.accept()`` for IPv6 sockets (`#164 `__) * PyCharm (and hopefully other IDEs) can now offer better completions for the :mod:`trio` and :mod:`trio.hazmat ` modules (`#314 `__) * Trio now uses `yapf `__ to standardize formatting across the source tree, so we never have to think about whitespace again. * Many documentation improvements Trio 0.1.0 (2017-03-10) ----------------------- * Initial release.