.. bpo: 35746 .. date: 2019-01-15-18-16-05 .. nonce: nMSd0j .. release date: 2019-02-16 .. section: Security [CVE-2019-5010] Fix a NULL pointer deref in ssl module. The cert parser did not handle CRL distribution points with empty DP or URI correctly. A malicious or buggy certificate can result into segfault. Vulnerability (TALOS-2018-0758) reported by Colin Read and Nicolas Edet of Cisco. .. .. bpo: 16039 .. date: 2018-12-11-16-00-57 .. nonce: PCj2n4 .. section: Security CVE-2013-1752: Change use of ``readline()`` in :class:`imaplib.IMAP4_SSL` to limit line length. .. .. bpo: 28043 .. date: 2018-11-20-16-50-03 .. nonce: qOoOqW .. section: Security SSLContext has improved default settings: OP_NO_SSLv2, OP_NO_SSLv3, OP_NO_COMPRESSION, OP_CIPHER_SERVER_PREFERENCE, OP_SINGLE_DH_USE, OP_SINGLE_ECDH_USE and HIGH ciphers without MD5. .. .. bpo: 34791 .. date: 2018-09-24-18-49-25 .. nonce: 78GmIG .. section: Security The xml.sax and xml.dom.domreg no longer use environment variables to override parser implementations when sys.flags.ignore_environment is set by -E or -I arguments. .. .. bpo: 34623 .. date: 2018-09-10-16-05-39 .. nonce: Ua9jMv .. section: Security CVE-2018-14647: The C accelerated _elementtree module now initializes hash randomization salt from _Py_HashSecret instead of libexpat's default CSPRNG. .. .. bpo: 34540 .. date: 2018-08-28-22-11-54 .. nonce: gfQ0TM .. section: Security When ``shutil.make_archive`` falls back to the external ``zip`` problem, it uses :mod:`subprocess` to invoke it rather than :mod:`distutils.spawn`. This closes a possible shell injection vector. .. .. bpo: 34405 .. date: 2018-08-15-12-14-03 .. nonce: R4IZGw .. section: Security Updated to OpenSSL 1.0.2p for Windows builds. .. .. bpo: 35552 .. date: 2018-12-21-13-29-30 .. nonce: 1DzQQc .. section: Core and Builtins Format character ``%s`` in :c:func:`PyString_FromFormat` no longer read memory past the limit if *precision* is specified. .. .. bpo: 35504 .. date: 2018-12-15-14-01-45 .. nonce: JtKczP .. section: Core and Builtins Fix segfaults and :exc:`SystemError`\ s when deleting certain attributes. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 35368 .. date: 2018-11-30-17-50-28 .. nonce: DNaDao .. section: Core and Builtins :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` is now also thread-safe in debug mode. .. .. bpo: 35214 .. date: 2018-11-13-17-20-18 .. nonce: AH2F87 .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed an out of bounds memory access when parsing a truncated unicode escape sequence at the end of a string such as ``u'\N'``. It would read one byte beyond the end of the memory allocation. .. .. bpo: 34974 .. date: 2018-10-13-22-24-19 .. nonce: 7LgTc2 .. section: Core and Builtins The :class:`bytearray` constructor no longer convert unexpected exceptions (e.g. :exc:`MemoryError` and :exc:`KeyboardInterrupt`) to :exc:`TypeError`. .. .. bpo: 22851 .. date: 2018-09-17-04-41-42 .. nonce: 0hsJPh .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a segfault when accessing ``generator.gi_frame.f_restricted`` when the generator is exhausted. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 18560 .. date: 2018-08-23-21-32-27 .. nonce: 5q_c1C .. section: Core and Builtins Fix potential NULL pointer dereference in sum(). .. .. bpo: 34400 .. date: 2018-08-14-03-52-43 .. nonce: AJD0bz .. section: Core and Builtins Fix undefined behavior in parsetok.c. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 25083 .. date: 2018-07-25-22-47-19 .. nonce: HT_hXh .. section: Core and Builtins Adding I/O error checking when reading .py files and aborting importing on error. .. .. bpo: 25943 .. date: 2018-07-18-23-40-32 .. nonce: Zgf99y .. section: Core and Builtins Fix potential heap corruption in the :mod:`bsddb` module. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 34068 .. date: 2018-07-14-08-58-46 .. nonce: 9xfM55 .. section: Core and Builtins In :meth:`io.IOBase.close`, ensure that the :attr:`~io.IOBase.closed` attribute is not set with a live exception. Patch by Zackery Spytz and Serhiy Storchaka. .. .. bpo: 34080 .. date: 2018-07-10-11-24-16 .. nonce: 8t7PtO .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed a memory leak in the compiler when it raised some uncommon errors during tokenizing. .. .. bpo: 33956 .. date: 2018-06-25-20-42-44 .. nonce: 1qoTwD .. section: Core and Builtins Update vendored Expat library copy to version 2.2.5. .. .. bpo: 30654 .. date: 2018-05-28-12-28-53 .. nonce: 9fDJye .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed reset of the SIGINT handler to SIG_DFL on interpreter shutdown even when there was a custom handler set previously. Patch by Philipp Kerling. .. .. bpo: 33645 .. date: 2018-05-25-18-20-04 .. nonce: GYGIPH .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed an "unknown parsing error" on parsing the "<>" operator when run Python with both options ``-3`` and ``-We``. .. .. bpo: 33622 .. date: 2018-05-23-20-46-14 .. nonce: xPucO9 .. section: Core and Builtins Fixed a leak when the garbage collector fails to add an object with the ``__del__`` method or referenced by it into the :data:`gc.garbage` list. :c:func:`PyGC_Collect` can now be called when an exception is set and preserves it. .. .. bpo: 33391 .. date: 2018-05-02-08-36-03 .. nonce: z4a7rb .. section: Core and Builtins Fix a leak in set_symmetric_difference(). .. .. bpo: 25750 .. date: 2018-03-14-21-42-17 .. nonce: lxgkQz .. section: Core and Builtins Fix rare Python crash due to bad refcounting in ``type_getattro()`` if a descriptor deletes itself from the class. Patch by Jeroen Demeyer. .. .. bpo: 25862 .. date: 2017-10-07-10-13-15 .. nonce: FPYBA5 .. section: Core and Builtins Fix assertion failures in the ``tell()`` method of ``io.TextIOWrapper``. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 8765 .. date: 2018-12-12-09-59-41 .. nonce: IFupT2 .. section: Library The write() method of buffered and unbuffered binary streams in the io module emits now a DeprecationWarning in Py3k mode for unicode argument. .. .. bpo: 35052 .. date: 2018-12-10-09-48-27 .. nonce: xE1ymg .. section: Library Fix xml.dom.minidom cloneNode() on a document with an entity: pass the correct arguments to the user data handler of an entity. .. .. bpo: 10496 .. date: 2018-12-05-17-42-49 .. nonce: laV_IE .. section: Library :func:`~distutils.utils.check_environ` of :mod:`distutils.utils` now catchs :exc:`KeyError` on calling :func:`pwd.getpwuid`: don't create the ``HOME`` environment variable in this case. .. .. bpo: 10496 .. date: 2018-12-05-13-37-39 .. nonce: VH-1Lp .. section: Library :func:`posixpath.expanduser` now returns the input *path* unchanged if the ``HOME`` environment variable is not set and the current user has no home directory (if the current user identifier doesn't exist in the password database). This change fix the :mod:`site` module if the current user doesn't exist in the password database (if the user has no home directory). .. .. bpo: 24746 .. date: 2018-11-22-15-22-56 .. nonce: eSLKBE .. section: Library Avoid stripping trailing whitespace in doctest fancy diff. Orignial patch by R. David Murray & Jairo Trad. Enhanced by Sanyam Khurana. .. .. bpo: 35277 .. date: 2018-11-19-07-22-04 .. nonce: dsD-2E .. section: Library Update ensurepip to install pip 18.1 and setuptools 40.6.2. .. .. bpo: 35062 .. date: 2018-10-29-23-09-24 .. nonce: dQS1ng .. section: Library Fix incorrect parsing of :class:`_io.IncrementalNewlineDecoder`'s *translate* argument. .. .. bpo: 35079 .. date: 2018-10-26-22-53-16 .. nonce: Tm5jvF .. section: Library Improve difflib.SequenceManager.get_matching_blocks doc by adding 'non- overlapping' and changing '!=' to '<'. .. .. bpo: 35017 .. date: 2018-10-26-00-11-21 .. nonce: 6Ez4Cv .. section: Library :meth:`socketserver.BaseServer.serve_forever` now exits immediately if it's :meth:`~socketserver.BaseServer.shutdown` method is called while it is polling for new events. .. .. bpo: 34794 .. date: 2018-10-21-14-53-19 .. nonce: yt3R4- .. section: Library Fixed a leak in Tkinter when pass the Python wrapper around Tcl_Obj back to Tcl/Tk. .. .. bpo: 23420 .. date: 2018-10-17-11-00-00 .. nonce: Lq74Uu .. section: Library Verify the value for the parameter '-s' of the cProfile CLI. Patch by Robert Kuska .. .. bpo: 16965 .. date: 2018-10-12-20-30-42 .. nonce: xo5LAr .. section: Library The :term:`2to3` :2to3fixer:`execfile` fixer now opens the file with mode ``'rb'``. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 34936 .. date: 2018-10-08-21-05-11 .. nonce: 3tRqdq .. section: Library Fix ``TclError`` in ``tkinter.Spinbox.selection_element()``. Patch by Juliette Monsel. .. .. bpo: 34866 .. date: 2018-10-03-11-07-28 .. nonce: ML6KpJ .. section: Library Adding ``max_num_fields`` to ``cgi.FieldStorage`` to make DOS attacks harder by limiting the number of ``MiniFieldStorage`` objects created by ``FieldStorage``. .. .. bpo: 34738 .. date: 2018-09-19-16-51-04 .. nonce: Pr3-iG .. section: Library ZIP files created by :mod:`distutils` will now include entries for directories. .. .. bpo: 34652 .. date: 2018-09-12-14-46-51 .. nonce: Rt1m1b .. section: Library Ensure :func:`os.lchmod` is never defined on Linux. .. .. bpo: 34625 .. date: 2018-09-10-17-46-51 .. nonce: D2YfDz .. section: Library Update vendorized expat library version to 2.2.6. .. .. bpo: 34610 .. date: 2018-09-08-12-57-07 .. nonce: wmoP5j .. section: Library Fixed iterator of :class:`multiprocessing.managers.DictProxy`. .. .. bpo: 34530 .. date: 2018-09-03-23-23-32 .. nonce: h_Xsu7 .. section: Library ``distutils.spawn.find_executable()`` now falls back on :data:`os.defpath` if the ``PATH`` environment variable is not set. .. .. bpo: 34472 .. date: 2018-08-23-09-25-08 .. nonce: cGyYrO .. section: Library Improved compatibility for streamed files in :mod:`zipfile`. Previously an optional signature was not being written and certain ZIP applications were not supported. Patch by Silas Sewell. .. .. bpo: 6700 .. date: 2018-08-22-17-43-52 .. nonce: hp7C4B .. section: Library Fix inspect.getsourcelines for module level frames/tracebacks. Patch by Vladimir Matveev. .. .. bpo: 31715 .. date: 2018-08-15-16-22-30 .. nonce: Iw8jS8 .. section: Library Associate ``.mjs`` file extension with ``application/javascript`` MIME Type. .. .. bpo: 32947 .. date: 2018-08-14-08-57-01 .. nonce: mqStVW .. section: Library Add OP_ENABLE_MIDDLEBOX_COMPAT and test workaround for TLSv1.3 for future compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1. .. .. bpo: 34341 .. date: 2018-08-06-11-01-18 .. nonce: E0b9p2 .. section: Library Appending to the ZIP archive with the ZIP64 extension no longer grows the size of extra fields of existing entries. .. .. bpo: 34052 .. date: 2018-07-24-16-37-40 .. nonce: VbbFAE .. section: Library :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.create_aggregate`, :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.create_function`, :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.set_authorizer`, :meth:`sqlite3.Connection.set_progress_handler` methods raises TypeError when unhashable objects are passed as callable. These methods now don't pass such objects to SQLite API. Previous behavior could lead to segfaults. Patch by Sergey Fedoseev. .. .. bpo: 34019 .. date: 2018-07-02-05-59-11 .. nonce: ZXJIife .. section: Library webbrowser: Correct the arguments passed to Opera Browser when opening a new URL using the ``webbrowser`` module. Patch by Bumsik Kim. .. .. bpo: 33974 .. date: 2018-06-28-14-56-44 .. nonce: SA8nNP .. section: Library Fixed passing lists and tuples of strings containing special characters ``"``, ``\``, ``{``, ``}`` and ``\n`` as options to :mod:`~tkinter.ttk` widgets. .. .. bpo: 26544 .. date: 2018-06-13-20-33-29 .. nonce: hQ1oMt .. section: Library Fixed implementation of :func:`platform.libc_ver`. It almost always returned version '2.9' for glibc. .. .. bpo: 33767 .. date: 2018-06-03-22-41-59 .. nonce: 2e82g3 .. section: Library The concatenation (``+``) and repetition (``*``) sequence operations now raise :exc:`TypeError` instead of :exc:`SystemError` when performed on :class:`mmap.mmap` objects. Patch by Zackery Spytz. .. .. bpo: 11874 .. date: 2018-05-23-00-26-27 .. nonce: glK5iP .. section: Library Use a better regex when breaking usage into wrappable parts. Avoids bogus assertion errors from custom metavar strings. .. .. bpo: 33570 .. date: 2018-05-18-21-50-47 .. nonce: 7CZy4t .. section: Library Change TLS 1.3 cipher suite settings for compatibility with OpenSSL 1.1.1-pre6 and newer. OpenSSL 1.1.1 will have TLS 1.3 cipers enabled by default. .. .. bpo: 33542 .. date: 2018-05-16-09-30-27 .. nonce: idNAcs .. section: Library Prevent ``uuid.get_node`` from using a DUID instead of a MAC on Windows. Patch by Zvi Effron .. .. bpo: 33096 .. date: 2018-05-08-08-03-34 .. nonce: 0hsFhL .. section: Library Removed unintentionally backported from Python 3 Tkinter files. .. .. bpo: 20087 .. date: 2018-05-05-18-02-24 .. nonce: lJrvXL .. section: Library Updated alias mapping with glibc 2.27 supported locales. .. .. bpo: 33422 .. date: 2018-05-05-09-53-05 .. nonce: 4FtQ0q .. section: Library Fix trailing quotation marks getting deleted when looking up byte/string literals on pydoc. Patch by Andrés Delfino. .. .. bpo: 33336 .. date: 2018-04-27-22-18-38 .. nonce: T8rxn0 .. section: Library ``imaplib`` now allows ``MOVE`` command in ``IMAP4.uid()`` (RFC 6851: IMAP MOVE Extension) and potentially as a name of supported method of ``IMAP4`` object. .. .. bpo: 33359 .. date: 2018-04-25-22-41-04 .. nonce: Nr4CzK .. section: Library Fix running ``python -m curses.has_key``. .. .. bpo: 33131 .. date: 2018-04-20-10-43-17 .. nonce: L2E977 .. section: Library Upgrade bundled version of pip to 10.0.1. .. .. bpo: 33308 .. date: 2018-04-18-19-12-25 .. nonce: fW75xi .. section: Library Fixed a crash in the :mod:`parser` module when converting an ST object to a tree of tuples or lists with ``line_info=False`` and ``col_info=True``. .. .. bpo: 33256 .. date: 2018-04-10-20-57-14 .. nonce: ndHkqu .. section: Library Fix display of ```` call in the html produced by ``cgitb.html()``. Patch by Stéphane Blondon. .. .. bpo: 32861 .. date: 2018-04-02-20-44-54 .. nonce: HeBjzN .. section: Library The urllib.robotparser's ``__str__`` representation now includes wildcard entries and the "Crawl-delay" and "Request-rate" fields. Patch by Michael Lazar. .. .. bpo: 33038 .. date: 2018-03-10-20-14-36 .. nonce: yA6CP5 .. section: Library gzip.GzipFile no longer produces an AttributeError exception when used with a file object with a non-string name attribute. Patch by Bo Bayles. .. .. bpo: 32857 .. date: 2018-02-16-14-37-14 .. nonce: -XljAx .. section: Library In :mod:`tkinter`, ``after_cancel(None)`` now raises a :exc:`ValueError` instead of canceling the first scheduled function. Patch by Cheryl Sabella. .. .. bpo: 32502 .. date: 2018-01-20-17-15-34 .. nonce: OXJfn7 .. section: Library uuid.uuid1 no longer raises an exception if a 64-bit hardware address is encountered. .. .. bpo: 31608 .. date: 2017-10-29-10-37-55 .. nonce: wkp8Nw .. section: Library Raise a ``TypeError`` instead of crashing if a ``collections.deque`` subclass returns a non-deque from ``__new__``. Patch by Oren Milman. .. .. bpo: 16865 .. date: 2017-09-29-16-40-38 .. nonce: l-f6I_ .. section: Library Support arrays >=2GiB in :mod:`ctypes`. Patch by Segev Finer. .. .. bpo: 29456 .. date: 2017-08-24-17-55-39 .. nonce: XaB3MP .. section: Library Fix bugs in hangul normalization: u1176, u11a7 and u11c3 .. .. bpo: 35035 .. date: 2018-10-21-02-20-36 .. nonce: 4zBObK .. section: Documentation Rename documentation for :mod:`email.utils` to ``email.utils.rst``. .. .. bpo: 34967 .. date: 2018-10-13-07-39-57 .. nonce: E40tFP .. section: Documentation Use app.add_object_type() instead of the deprecated Sphinx function app.description_unit() .. .. bpo: 13407 .. date: 2018-09-29-13-40-06 .. nonce: BRI-_D .. section: Documentation Add a note to :mod:`bz2` and :mod:`tarfile` stating that handling of multi-stream bzip2 files is not supported. .. .. bpo: 33503 .. date: 2018-05-14-20-08-58 .. nonce: Wvt0qg .. section: Documentation Fix broken pypi link .. .. bpo: 34279 .. date: 2018-12-12-18-20-18 .. nonce: DhKcuP .. section: Tests :func:`test.support.run_unittest` no longer raise :exc:`TestDidNotRun` if the test result contains skipped tests. The exception is now only raised if no test have been run and no test have been skipped. .. .. bpo: 34279 .. date: 2018-10-27-13-41-55 .. nonce: v0Xqxe .. section: Tests regrtest issue a warning when no tests have been executed in a particular test file. Also, a new final result state is issued if no test have been executed across all test files. Patch by Pablo Galindo. .. .. bpo: 34661 .. date: 2018-09-13-09-53-15 .. nonce: bdTamP .. section: Tests Fix test_shutil if unzip doesn't support -t. .. .. bpo: 34542 .. date: 2018-08-29-16-30-52 .. nonce: 9stVAW .. section: Tests Use 3072 RSA keys and SHA-256 signature for test certs and keys. .. .. bpo: 34391 .. date: 2018-08-16-18-48-47 .. nonce: ouNfxC .. section: Tests Fix ftplib test for TLS 1.3 by reading from data socket. .. .. bpo: 34399 .. date: 2018-08-14-10-47-44 .. nonce: D_jd1G .. section: Tests Update all RSA keys and DH params to use at least 2048 bits. .. .. bpo: 33901 .. date: 2018-06-19-14-04-21 .. nonce: OFW1Sr .. section: Tests Fix test_gdbm on macOS with gdbm 1.15: add a larger value to make sure that the file size changes. .. .. bpo: 33873 .. date: 2018-06-16-01-37-31 .. nonce: d86vab .. section: Tests Fix a bug in ``regrtest`` that caused an extra test to run if --huntrleaks/-R was used. Exit with error in case that invalid parameters are specified to --huntrleaks/-R (at least one warmup run and one repetition must be used). .. .. bpo: 29512 .. date: 2018-05-30-00-39-57 .. nonce: EHrDzs .. section: Tests Rename Lib/test/bisect.py to Lib/test/bisect_cmd.py. The old name was in conflict with Lib/bisect.py, causing test failures, depending how tests were run. .. .. bpo: 32962 .. date: 2018-05-10-16-59-15 .. nonce: S-rcIN .. section: Tests Fixed test_gdb when Python is compiled with flags -mcet -fcf-protection -O0. .. .. bpo: 33354 .. date: 2018-04-26-22-39-17 .. nonce: g35-44 .. section: Tests Skip ``test_ssl.test_load_dh_params`` when Python filesystem encoding cannot encode the provided path. .. .. bpo: 19417 .. date: 2018-01-08-13-33-47 .. nonce: 2asoXy .. section: Tests Add test_bdb.py. .. .. bpo: 35139 .. date: 2018-11-01-15-01-23 .. nonce: XZTttb .. section: Build Fix a compiler error when statically linking `pyexpat` in `Modules/Setup`. .. .. bpo: 34710 .. date: 2018-09-17-13-56-12 .. nonce: ARqIAK .. section: Build Fixed SSL module build with OpenSSL & pedantic CFLAGS. .. .. bpo: 33015 .. date: 2018-08-24-09-48-25 .. nonce: s21y74 .. section: Build Fix an undefined behaviour in the pthread implementation of :c:func:`PyThread_start_new_thread`: add a function wrapper to always return ``NULL``. .. .. bpo: 30345 .. date: 2018-06-15-18-18-16 .. nonce: j-xRE1 .. section: Build Add -g to LDFLAGS when compiling with LTO to get debug symbols. .. .. bpo: 35401 .. date: 2018-12-10-15-01-13 .. nonce: 9L1onG .. section: Windows Updates Windows build to OpenSSL 1.0.2q .. .. bpo: 34603 .. date: 2018-09-13-08-29-04 .. nonce: 2AB7sc .. section: Windows Fix returning structs from functions produced by MSVC .. .. bpo: 33711 .. date: 2018-06-24-12-09-23 .. nonce: LpO0s1 .. section: Windows Fixed licence generation error when building the installer. .. .. bpo: 15663 .. date: 2018-12-11-02-50-35 .. nonce: 6tnyd2 .. section: macOS The macOS 10.6+ installer now provides a private copy of Tcl/Tk 8.6, like the 10.9+ installer does. .. .. bpo: 35401 .. date: 2018-12-10-02-37-11 .. nonce: sFhD5z .. section: macOS Update macOS installer to use OpenSSL 1.0.2q. .. .. bpo: 34405 .. date: 2018-09-11-08-47-50 .. nonce: f1-fT5 .. section: macOS Update to OpenSSL 1.0.2p for macOS installer builds. .. .. bpo: 34275 .. date: 2018-08-02-22-16-42 .. nonce: Iu0d7t .. section: IDLE Make IDLE calltips always visible on Mac. Some MacOS-tk combinations need .update_idletasks(). Patch by Kevin Walzer. .. .. bpo: 34120 .. date: 2018-08-01-23-25-38 .. nonce: HgsIz- .. section: IDLE Fix unresponsiveness after closing certain windows and dialogs. .. .. bpo: 33856 .. date: 2018-06-16-21-54-45 .. nonce: TH8WHU .. section: IDLE Add "help" in the welcome message of IDLE .. .. bpo: 31500 .. date: 2017-09-18-10-43-03 .. nonce: Y_YDxA .. section: IDLE Default fonts now are scaled on HiDPI displays. .. .. bpo: 34989 .. date: 2018-10-15-13-22-28 .. nonce: hU4fra .. section: Tools/Demos python-gdb.py now handles errors on computing the line number of a Python frame. .. .. bpo: 34500 .. date: 2018-08-25-17-13-24 .. nonce: Edz41x .. section: Tools/Demos Fix 2 ResourceWarning in difflib.py. Patch by Mickaël Schoentgen. .. .. bpo: 29367 .. date: 2018-06-15-23-07-50 .. nonce: 52w9Uq .. section: Tools/Demos python-gdb.py now supports also method-wrapper (wrapperobject) objects. .. .. bpo: 32962 .. date: 2018-06-14-16-23-07 .. nonce: Q3Dwns .. section: Tools/Demos python-gdb now catchs ``UnicodeDecodeError`` exceptions when calling ``string()``. .. .. bpo: 32962 .. date: 2018-06-14-16-16-53 .. nonce: 2YfdwI .. section: Tools/Demos python-gdb now catchs ValueError on read_var(): when Python has no debug symbols for example. .. .. bpo: 33817 .. date: 2019-01-11-11-16-36 .. nonce: qyYxjw .. section: C API Fixed :c:func:`_PyString_Resize` and :c:func:`_PyUnicode_Resize` for empty strings. This fixed also :c:func:`PyString_FromFormat` and :c:func:`PyUnicode_FromFormat` when they return an empty string (e.g. ``PyString_FromFormat("%s", "")``). .. .. bpo: 34229 .. date: 2018-07-26-12-24-29 .. nonce: SupCZK .. section: C API Check start and stop of slice object to be long when they are not int in :c:func:`PySlice_GetIndices`. .. .. bpo: 23927 .. date: 2018-07-09-11-39-54 .. nonce: pDFkxb .. section: C API Fixed :exc:`SystemError` in :c:func:`PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords` when the ``w*`` format unit is used for optional parameter.