Caffe2 - C++ API
A deep learning, cross platform ML framework
1 #include "caffe2/operators/layer_norm_op.h"
3 namespace caffe2 {
5 namespace {
6 template <typename T>
7 using EigenMatrixMapRowMajor = Eigen::Map<
8  Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>>;
10 template <typename T>
11 using ConstEigenMatrixMapRowMajor = Eigen::Map<
12  const Eigen::Matrix<T, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::Dynamic, Eigen::RowMajor>>;
13 } // namespace
15 template <>
16 template <>
17 bool LayerNormOp<CPUContext>::DoRunWithType<float>() {
18  const auto& input = Input(0);
19  auto* output = Output(0);
20  auto* mean = Output(1);
21  auto* stdev = Output(2);
23  CAFFE_ENFORCE_GE(input.dims().size(), 2, "LayerNorm requires input dim >= 2");
25  const auto canonical_axis = input.canonical_axis_index(axis_);
26  const int left = input.size_to_dim(canonical_axis);
27  const int right = input.size_from_dim(canonical_axis);
29  output->ResizeLike(input);
30  std::vector<TIndex> stats_dims(
31  input.dims().begin(), input.dims().begin() + canonical_axis);
32  stats_dims.push_back(1);
33  mean->Resize(stats_dims);
34  stdev->Resize(stats_dims);
36  auto input_map = ConstEigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
37  input.template data<float>(), left, right);
38  auto mean_map = EigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
39  mean->template mutable_data<float>(), left, 1);
40  auto stdev_map = EigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
41  stdev->template mutable_data<float>(), left, 1);
42  auto output_map = EigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
43  output->template mutable_data<float>(), left, right);
45  auto sqr = [](float f) { return f * f; };
46  auto add_ep = [this](float f) { return f + epsilon_; };
47  auto fsqrt = [](float f) { return std::sqrt(f); };
48  // Calculate row-wise statistics
49  mean_map = input_map.rowwise().mean();
50  stdev_map =
51  (input_map.unaryExpr(sqr).rowwise().mean() - mean_map.unaryExpr(sqr))
52  .unaryExpr(add_ep)
53  .unaryExpr(fsqrt);
54  output_map = (input_map - mean_map.replicate(1, right))
55  .cwiseQuotient(stdev_map.replicate(1, right));
57  return true;
58 }
60 REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR(LayerNorm, LayerNormOp<CPUContext>);
62 template <>
63 template <>
64 bool LayerNormGradientOp<CPUContext>::DoRunWithType<float>() {
65  const auto& dout = Input(0);
66  const auto& norm_outputs = Input(1);
67  const auto& means = Input(2);
68  const auto& stdev = Input(3);
69  const auto& norm_inputs = Input(4);
70  auto* ginput = Output(0);
72  const auto canonical_axis = norm_inputs.canonical_axis_index(axis_);
73  const int left = norm_inputs.size_to_dim(canonical_axis);
74  const int right = norm_inputs.size_from_dim(canonical_axis);
76  ginput->ResizeLike(norm_inputs);
78  auto dout_map = ConstEigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
79  dout.template data<float>(), left, right);
80  auto means_map =
81  ConstEigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(means.template data<float>(), left, 1);
82  auto stdev_map =
83  ConstEigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(stdev.template data<float>(), left, 1);
84  auto norm_inputs_map = ConstEigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
85  norm_inputs.template data<float>(), left, right);
86  auto ginput_map = EigenMatrixMapRowMajor<float>(
87  ginput->template mutable_data<float>(), left, right);
89  // Helper functors
90  auto sqr = [](float f) { return f * f; };
91  auto recip = [](float f) { return 1.0f / f; };
92  auto neg_recip = [](float f) { return -1.0f / f; };
94  // Gradients - output block
95  // -1 / (stdev + epsilon)^2 * \sum_j^D x_ij - mean * dout
96  // First part: -1 / (stdev + epsilon)^2
97  auto dstdev_end_0 = stdev_map.unaryExpr(sqr).unaryExpr(neg_recip);
98  // Second part: \sum_j^D x_ij - mean * dout
99  auto dstdev_end_1 = (norm_inputs_map - means_map.replicate(1, right))
100  .cwiseProduct(dout_map)
101  .rowwise()
102  .sum();
103  auto dstdev_end = dstdev_end_0.cwiseProduct(dstdev_end_1);
104  // \sum_j^D -dout * 1/(std+epsilon)
105  auto dmean_end = stdev_map.unaryExpr(neg_recip)
106  .replicate(1, right)
107  .cwiseProduct(dout_map)
108  .rowwise()
109  .sum();
110  // 1.0 / (stdev + epsilon) * dout
111  auto dx_end =
112  stdev_map.unaryExpr(recip).replicate(1, right).cwiseProduct(dout_map);
114  // Gradients - standard deviation block
115  // -1.0*(mean / stdev) * dstdev_end
116  auto dmean_stdev = stdev_map.unaryExpr(neg_recip)
117  .cwiseProduct(means_map)
118  .replicate(1, right)
119  .cwiseProduct(dstdev_end);
120  // (mean / (D*stdev)) * dstdev
121  auto dx_stdev = (1.0f / right) *
122  norm_inputs_map.cwiseQuotient(stdev_map.replicate(1, right))
123  .cwiseProduct(dstdev_end.replicate(1, right));
125  // Gradients - mean block
126  auto dmean = dmean_end + dmean_stdev;
127  auto dx_mean = (1.0f / right) * dmean.replicate(1, right);
129  ginput_map = dx_end + dx_stdev + dx_mean;
131  return true;
132 }
134 OPERATOR_SCHEMA(LayerNormGradient).NumInputs(5).NumOutputs(1);
136 REGISTER_CPU_OPERATOR(LayerNormGradient, LayerNormGradientOp<CPUContext>);
138 namespace {
140 class GetLayerNormGradient : public GradientMakerBase {
141  using GradientMakerBase::GradientMakerBase;
142  vector<OperatorDef> GetGradientDefs() override {
143  return SingleGradientDef(
144  "LayerNormGradient",
145  "",
146  vector<string>{GO(0), O(0), O(1), O(2), I(0)},
147  vector<string>{GI(0)});
148  }
149 };
151 } // namespace
153 REGISTER_GRADIENT(LayerNorm, GetLayerNormGradient);
156  .NumInputs(1)
157  .NumOutputs(3)
158  .TensorInferenceFunction([](const OperatorDef& def,
159  const vector<TensorShape>& in) {
160  vector<TensorShape> out(3);
161  auto input_dims_long = GetDimsVector(in[0]);
162  std::vector<int> input_dims(
163  input_dims_long.begin(), input_dims_long.end());
164  out[0] = CreateTensorShape(input_dims, TensorProto::FLOAT);
166  ArgumentHelper helper(def);
168  auto axis = helper.GetSingleArgument<int32_t>("axis", 1);
169  const auto canonical_axis =
170  canonical_axis_index_(axis, in[0].dims().size());
171  std::vector<int> stat_dims(
172  input_dims.begin(), input_dims.begin() + canonical_axis);
173  stat_dims.push_back(1);
174  out[1] = CreateTensorShape(stat_dims, TensorProto::FLOAT);
175  out[2] = CreateTensorShape(stat_dims, TensorProto::FLOAT);
176  return out;
177  })
178  .SetDoc(R"DOC(
179 Computes layer normalization as described in
180 Given an input vector x \in [a_0, a_1, ...,a_{k-1}, a_k, ..., a_{n-1}],
181 this op treats dimensions a_k through a_{n-1} as feature vectors. For each
182 feature vector, the op contains the mean and standard deviation. Then,
183 it returns the normalized values (with respect to the feature vector).
185 Note that this op does not contain the scale an bias terms described in the
186 paper. Simply follow this op with an FC op to add those. Concretely, this op
187 implements:
189 h = \frac{1}{\sigma}(a - \mu)
190 where \mu = \frac{1}{H}\sum_{i=1}^{H} a_i
191 and \sigma = \sqrt{\frac{1}{H}\sum_{i=1}^{H}(a_i - \mu)^2}
192 where H is the number of hidden units (i.e. product of dimensions from 'axis'
193 to the end.)
194 )DOC")
195  .Arg(
196  "axis",
197  "(int) default to 1; Describes axis of the inputs. Defaults to one "
198  "because the 0th axis most likely describes the batch size")
199  .Arg(
200  "epsilon",
201  "(float) default to 0.001. Small value to be added to the stdev when"
202  " dividing out by that value. This prevents division by zero.")
203  .Input(
204  0,
205  "input",
206  "Input tensor which layer normalization will be applied to")
207  .Output(0, "output", "Normalized values")
208  .Output(1, "mean", "Mean values for each feature vector")
209  .Output(2, "stddev", "Standard deviations for each feature vector");
211 } // namespace caffe2
A global dictionary that holds information about what Caffe2 modules have been loaded in the current ...