@rem --------------------------------------------------------------------------- @rem Script that installs OS-level prerequisites for pywbem on native Windows @rem @rem Prerequisite commands for running this script: @rem python (This script uses the active Python environment, virtual Python @rem environments are supported) @rem pip>=8.0.0 (with support for download subcommand, is installed by makefile) @rem choco (Chocolatey package manager, from https://chocolatey.org) @rem tar @rem chmod @setlocal enableextensions @echo off set errorlevel= set myname=pywbem_os_setup.bat :: Bit size of the Python env. if defined PYTHON_ARCH goto arch_defined python -c "import struct; print('@set PYTHON_ARCH=%%s' %% (struct.Struct('P').size * 8))" >tmp_arch.bat call tmp_arch.bat del tmp_arch.bat :arch_defined :: Python version python -c "import sys; print('@set PYTHON_M_VERSION=%%s' %% sys.version_info[0])" >tmp_vers.bat call tmp_vers.bat del tmp_vers.bat echo %myname%: Current Python is: Version %PYTHON_M_VERSION%, %PYTHON_ARCH%-bit if "%1"=="" goto do_install if "%1"=="install" goto do_install if "%1"=="develop" goto do_develop echo Usage: pywbem_os_setup.bat [develop / install] goto end :do_install echo %myname%: echo %myname%: ================================================================ echo %myname%: echo %myname%: Starting with pywbem 1.0.0, the installation of pywbem does not echo %myname%: need any OS-level prerequisite packages anymore, and therefore echo %myname%: no longer needs to run the pywbem_os_setup.bat script. Because echo %myname%: this script cannot determine the version of pywbem, it will echo %myname%: install the prerequisites needed for pywbem before 1.0.0. echo %myname%: echo %myname%: ================================================================ echo %myname%: echo %myname%: Installing OS-level prerequisite packages for install on platform Windows_native ... if not exist tmp_pywbem_os_setup mkdir tmp_pywbem_os_setup pushd tmp_pywbem_os_setup if not %PYTHON_M_VERSION%==2 goto install_no_py2 where swig >nul if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo %myname%: Swig is already installed ... showing details echo where swig where swig echo swig -version swig -version echo %myname%: Swig is already installed ... skipping goto done_swig ) echo %myname%: Installing Swig ... :: The following installation of swig installs swig but without generating :: the swig.exe shim file (using GenShim). :: See GenShim issue https://github.com/chocolatey/shimgen/issues/43 :: Therefore, we install swig in appveyor.yml in order to create the swig.exe :: shim file. :: We install it here again for users of pywbem. :: TODO: Remove the circumvention once it works in pywbem_os_setup.bat. :: swig 4.0.2 (at least when used with M2Crypto) is missing the swig.swg file, :: so we stay with 4.0.1. set _CMD=choco install -y swig --version 4.0.1 :: The following test ensures that this script still works when downloaded standalone. if exist ..\tools\retry.bat set _CMD=..\tools\retry.bat %_CMD% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" echo %myname%: Warning: choco returned rc=%_RC% set _CMD=where swig echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 echo %myname%: Done installing Swig :done_swig where curl >nul if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo %myname%: Curl is already installed ... showing details echo where curl where curl echo curl --version curl --version echo %myname%: Curl is already installed ... skipping goto done_curl ) echo %myname%: Installing Curl ... set _CMD=choco install -y curl :: The following test ensures that this script still works when downloaded standalone. if exist ..\tools\retry.bat set _CMD=..\tools\retry.bat %_CMD% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" echo %myname%: Warning: choco returned rc=%_RC% set _CMD=where curl echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 echo %myname%: Done installing Curl :done_curl where grep >nul if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo %myname%: Grep is already installed ... showing details echo where grep where grep echo grep --version grep --version echo %myname%: Grep is already installed ... skipping goto done_grep ) echo %myname%: Installing Grep ... set _CMD=choco install -y grep :: The following test ensures that this script still works when downloaded standalone. if exist ..\tools\retry.bat set _CMD=..\tools\retry.bat %_CMD% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" echo %myname%: Warning: choco returned rc=%_RC% set _CMD=where grep echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 echo %myname%: Done installing Grep :done_grep echo %myname%: Installing Win32OpenSSL ... :: The version of Win32OpenSSL to be downloaded. :: Note that the Win32OpenSSL project at https://slproweb.com/ removes :: the previously available version when a new version is released. Whenever :: that happens, this version here must be updated. set _WIN32OPENSSL_VERSION_UNDERSCORED=1_1_1i set _WIN32OPENSSL_VERSION_DASHED=1-1-1i :: The bit size of Win32OpenSSL must match the bit size of the Python env. set _WIN32OPENSSL_BITSIZE=%PYTHON_ARCH% set _WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME=Win%_WIN32OPENSSL_BITSIZE%OpenSSL-%_WIN32OPENSSL_VERSION_UNDERSCORED% set _WIN32OPENSSL_INSTALL_DIR=C:\OpenSSL-%_WIN32OPENSSL_VERSION_DASHED%-Win%_WIN32OPENSSL_BITSIZE% if exist %_WIN32OPENSSL_INSTALL_DIR% ( echo %myname%: %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME% is already installed in %_WIN32OPENSSL_INSTALL_DIR% ... skipping goto done_winopenssl ) if exist %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe ( echo %myname%: %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME% has already been downloaded - using it. goto install_winopenssl ) set _CMD=curl -o %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe -sSL https://slproweb.com/download/%_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe --retry 3 --retry-connrefused --retry-delay 10 echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 :: If the web site does not know the file, it returns an HTML page showing an :: error, and curl succeeds downloading that HTML page. :: Note: The desired regexp would be "^", but grep 3.0 on Appveyor does :: not support "^" and the Windows command shell has difficulties with :: the angle brackets in "". set _CMD=grep ".html." %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if "%_RC%"=="0" ( echo %myname%: Error: The %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe file does not exist on https://slproweb.com. echo %myname%: The https://slproweb.com web site says: type %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe echo %myname%: End of https://slproweb.com web site echo %myname%: The most likely reason for this is that a new version of WinOpenSSL has been released. echo %myname%: You can deal with this as follows: echo %myname%: - Go to https://slproweb.com - Products - Win32/Win64 OpenSSL echo %myname%: - Download the latest fix version of %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe into the current directory. echo %myname%: That is the version with the same numeric version but a different fix letter. echo %myname%: - Re-run the pywbem_os_setup.bat script echo %myname%: Please also open an issue on https://github.com/pywbem/pywbem/issues rm %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe set _RC=1 goto error1 ) :install_winopenssl :: Downloaded files may not have the execution right. rem TODO: Find a way to set RX with the built-in icacls to remove dependency on chmod rem set _CMD=icacls %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe /grant "*S-1-1-0":F set _CMD=chmod 755 %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 echo %myname%: ACL permissions of %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe: icacls %_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe :: The installer has a GUI which is suppressed by /silent /verysilent set _CMD=%_WIN32OPENSSL_BASENAME%.exe /silent /verysilent /suppressmsgboxes /dir="%_WIN32OPENSSL_INSTALL_DIR%" echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 echo %myname%: Done installing Win32OpenSSL :done_winopenssl pip show M2Crypto >nul 2>nul if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo %myname%: Python package M2Crypto is already installed ... skipping goto done_m2crypto ) set _M2CRYPTO_VERSION=0.31.0 echo %myname%: Installing Python package M2Crypto version %_M2CRYPTO_VERSION% ... set _CMD=pip download M2Crypto==%_M2CRYPTO_VERSION% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 set _CMD=tar -xz -f M2Crypto-%_M2CRYPTO_VERSION%.tar.gz echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 pushd M2Crypto-%_M2CRYPTO_VERSION% set _CMD=python setup.py build --openssl=%_WIN32OPENSSL_INSTALL_DIR% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error2 set _CMD=python setup.py bdist_wheel echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error2 echo %myname%: Files in dist: dir dist if %PYTHON_ARCH%==32 ( set _ARCH_SUFFIX=win32 ) else ( set _ARCH_SUFFIX=win_amd64 ) for %%i in (dist\M2Crypto-%_M2CRYPTO_VERSION%-*.whl) do set _M2CRYPTO_WHEEL=%%i echo %myname%: File path of wheel archive: echo %_M2CRYPTO_WHEEL% set _CMD=pip install %_M2CRYPTO_WHEEL% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error2 popd echo %myname%: Done installing Python package M2Crypto :done_m2crypto :install_no_py2 popd goto end :do_develop echo %myname%: Installing OS-level prerequisite packages for develop on platform Windows_native ... where xmllint >nul if %errorlevel%==0 ( echo %myname%: xmllint is already installed ... showing details echo where xmllint where xmllint echo xmllint --version xmllint --version echo %myname%: xmllint is already installed ... skipping goto done_xmllint ) echo %myname%: Installing xmllint ... set _CMD=choco install -y xsltproc :: The following test ensures that this script still works when downloaded standalone. if exist tools\retry.bat set _CMD=tools\retry.bat %_CMD% echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" echo %myname%: Warning: choco returned rc=%_RC% set _CMD=where xmllint echo %_CMD% call %_CMD% set _RC=%errorlevel% if not "%_RC%"=="0" goto error1 echo %myname%: Done installing xmllint :done_xmllint goto end :error2 popd :error1 popd :error echo %myname%: Error: Command returned rc=%_RC% exit /b %_RC% :end rmdir /q /s tmp_pywbem_os_setup endlocal exit /b 0