# Changelog ## v2.0.0 (2024-01-10) #### :boom: Breaking Change * [#167](https://github.com/adopted-ember-addons/ember-inputmask/pull/167) Drop support for node 16 ([@RobbieTheWagner](https://github.com/RobbieTheWagner)) #### Committers: 1 - Robbie Wagner ([@RobbieTheWagner](https://github.com/RobbieTheWagner)) ## v1.0.0 (2024-01-10) #### :boom: Breaking Change * [#166](https://github.com/adopted-ember-addons/ember-inputmask/pull/166) Drop support for node < 16, ember-cli-update to 4.12 ([@RobbieTheWagner](https://github.com/RobbieTheWagner)) #### :house: Internal * [#165](https://github.com/adopted-ember-addons/ember-inputmask/pull/165) Add rwjblue release-it setup ([@RobbieTheWagner](https://github.com/RobbieTheWagner)) #### Committers: 1 - Robbie Wagner ([@RobbieTheWagner](https://github.com/RobbieTheWagner)) ## 0.11.0 - [UPGRADE] Bump Inputmask.js to 5.0.1 ### Breaking Changes! #### Currency Change Inputmask.js no longer defaults to USD for currency mask. You will now need to provide the prefix explicitally. See https://github.com/RobinHerbots/Inputmask/issues/2066 ```hbs ``` #### @value and @update required It used to be possible to use an inputmask component without passing in a `@value` or `@update` args. This is no longer the case. If you happen to not be passing these args in, you will need to do so for the component to work. #### Inputmask no longer a global If you were relying on `Inputmask` to exist as a global it no longer does. You'll need to import it like so: `import Inputmask from 'inputmask';` ## 0.10.4 - [ENHANCEMENT] Thanks to @juanazam for removing computed set deprecation warning ## 0.10.3 - [ENHANCEMENT] Thanks to @jrock2004 for updating docs to Octane syntax ## 0.10.2 - [UPGRADE] Remove computed property setter deprecation warning ## 0.10.1 - [UPGRADE] Use Yarn for travis build - [UPGRADE] Use builtin `import` for inputmask dependencies instead of ember-cli-node-assets ## 0.10.0 - [UPGRADE] Upgrade Ember to 3.17 - [UPGRADE] Bump Inputmask.js to 4.0.9 ### Breaking Changes! Changes lowest supported Ember version to 3.12 Removes non `one-way-` versions of inputmask components ## 0.9.3 - [BUG] Clean integers during send update ## 0.9.1 - [BUG] Fix addon doc styling ## 0.9.0 - [UPGRADE] Upgrade to Ember 3.6 ## 0.8.5 - [BUG] Fix IE11 issues because of Object.assign ## 0.8.4 - [ENHANCEMENT] Show placeholder example for currency mask in docs ## 0.8.3 - [ENHANCEMENT] Update Readme - [ENHANCEMENT] Add page title ## 0.8.2 - [ENHANCEMENT] Addon Docs ## 0.8.1 - [BUG] Fix issue where phone extensions file was no longer in Inputmask.js ## 0.8.0 - [UPGRADE] Upgrade to Ember 3.3 ## 0.7.2 - [UPGRADE] Upgrade Babel to 6.16.10 ## 0.7.1 - [BUG] Sync input display value with passed in value if modified during `update` ## 0.7.0 - [UPGRADE] Upgrade to inputmask.js@4 ## 0.6.8 - [BUG] Fix broken fastboot build ## 0.6.7 - [UPGRADE] Use `notifyPropertyChange` instead of `propertyDidChange` ## 0.6.6 - [BUG] Fix error thrown when keyup action methods aren't passed in - [DOCUMENTATION] Fix typo ## 0.6.5 - [BUG] Fix inability to add classes to one way input masks ## 0.6.4 - Remove ember-one-way-controls as a dependency since it's deprecated - [BUG] Fix failing Travis build ## 0.6.3 - [BUG] Fix American Express Formatting ## 0.6. - [BUG] Fix issue where `options` were being clobbered ## 0.6.1 - Make `Inputmask` importable ## 0.6.0 - [DEPRECATION] Add deprecation warnings to all non-one-way input masks - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-zip-code-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-ssn-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-email-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-phone-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-date-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-currency-mask component ## 0.5.1 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-credit-card-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Allow one-way-input-mask to dynamically change mask and options ## 0.5.0 - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-input-mask component - [ENHANCEMENT] Add one-way-number-mask component