var noble = require("noble"); var express = require('express'); var app = express(); // The recent readings, an array of structures, each with temp, humidity, and timestamp. var recentReadings = []; // Bluetooth var devTypeID = "ebdd49acb2e740eb55f5d0ab"; var plugService = "a22bd383" + devTypeID; var plugChars = { "top": "a22b0090" + devTypeID, "bottom": "a22b0095" + devTypeID }; var plugServices = [plugService]; var plugCharacteristics = Object.keys(plugChars).map(k => plugChars[k]); var plugAPI = {}; var readPlug = (plug, cb) => {, data) => { cb(data[0] !== 0); }); }; var writePlug = (plug, val, cb) => { plug.write(Buffer.from([val ? 1 : 0]), true, (err) => { cb(); }); }; var togglePlug = (plug) => { readPlug(plug, currentVal => writePlug(plug, !currentVal, () => {})); }; var plugDiscovered = plugDevice => { noble.stopScanning(); plugDevice.once("connect", () => { console.log("Connected to the plug through Bluetooth"); plugDevice.discoverSomeServicesAndCharacteristics(plugServices, plugCharacteristics, (err, services, charObjs) => { Object.keys(plugChars).map((plugName) => { plugAPI[plugName] = charObjs.filter(c => c.uuid === plugChars[plugName])[0]; }); console.log("APIs: " + Object.keys(plugAPI)); // Update every minute even if there are no new readings setInterval(update, 60*1000); }); // plugDevice.discoverSoServicesAndCharacteristics }); // plugDevice.once("connect") plugDevice.connect(); }; // recentReadings manipulation // Get the maximum between two numbers var max = (a, b) => a > b ? a : b; // Get the maximum temperature and humidity var getMax = (arr) => { return arr.reduce((a,b) => { return {temp: max(a.temp, b.temp), humidity: max(a.humidity, b.humidity)}; }, {temp:0, humidity: 0}); // End of arr.reduce }; // End of getMax declaration // Remove old (>10 minutes) readings var removeOld = () => { recentReadings = recentReadings.filter(a => a.time >*60*1000); }; // The actual analysis var update = () => { var fanPlug =; var heaterPlug = plugAPI.bottom; removeOld(); // No point in updates until we have the plugs if (fanPlug === undefined || heaterPlug === undefined) return; var maxValues = getMax(recentReadings); // Desired states, off by default var fanPlugState = false; var heaterPlugState = false; // Try to reduce the temperature using the fan if (maxValues.temp < 80 && maxValues.temp > 50) fanPlugState = true; // Try to dry the hay using the heater if (maxValues.temp < 50 && maxValues.humidity > 20) heaterPlugState = true; // Show what is happening console.log(`Update. Maximums: ${JSON.stringify(maxValues)}, fan: ${fanPlugState}, heater: ${heaterPlugState}`); // Write the states writePlug(fanPlug, fanPlugState, () => {}); writePlug(heaterPlug, heaterPlugState, () => {}); }; // Debugging information app.get("/readings", (req, res) => { res.send(recentReadings); }); app.get("/max", (req, res) => { res.send(getMax(recentReadings)); }); app.get("/plugs", (req, res) => { readPlug(, topState => { readPlug(plugAPI.bottom, bottomState => { res.send(`top plug: ${topState}, bottom plug: ${bottomState}`); }); // readPlug bottom }) // readPlug top }); // app.get("/plugs" // Process readings app.get("/:cpu/:temp/:humidity", (req, res) => { res.send("Hello, world"); // Just to respond with something recentReadings.push({ temp: parseInt(req.params.temp), humidity: parseInt(req.params.humidity), time: }); console.log(`${req.params.cpu} reports ${req.params.temp} C and ${req.params.humidity}%`); update(); }); noble.startScanning(plugServices); noble.on("stateChange", state => console.log("Bluetooth state is now " + state)); noble.on("discover", plugDiscovered); // Start the web server. Listen to all IP addresses app.listen(80, '', () => {console.log("Web server started")});