/** * Copyright (c) 2011-2013 by Andrew Mustun. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the QCAD project. * * QCAD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * QCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with QCAD. */ include("../Line.js"); include("scripts/Snap/RestrictAngleLength/RestrictAngleLength.js"); /** * \class Line2P * \brief Line from two points or sequence of lines. * \ingroup ecma_draw_line */ function Line2P(guiAction) { Line.call(this, guiAction); // list of points drawn: this.pointList = []; // index of point that was drawn last, used for tool undo / redo: this.pointListIndex = -1; // list of entities drawn: this.entityIdList = []; this.point1 = undefined; this.point2 = undefined; this.setUiOptions(["../Line.ui", "Line2P.ui"]); } Line2P.prototype = new Line(); Line2P.State = { SettingFirstPoint : 0, SettingNextPoint : 1 }; Line2P.prototype.beginEvent = function() { Line.prototype.beginEvent.call(this); this.setState(Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint); this.updateButtonStates(); }; Line2P.prototype.setState = function(state) { Line.prototype.setState.call(this, state); this.getDocumentInterface().setClickMode(RAction.PickCoordinate); this.setCrosshairCursor(); var appWin = RMainWindowQt.getMainWindow(); switch (this.state) { case Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint: var trFirstPoint = qsTr("First point"); this.setCommandPrompt(trFirstPoint); this.setLeftMouseTip(trFirstPoint); this.setRightMouseTip(EAction.trCancel); this.pointList = []; this.pointListIndex = -1; this.entityIdList = []; break; case Line2P.State.SettingNextPoint: var trNextPoint = qsTr("Next point"); this.setCommandPrompt(trNextPoint); this.setLeftMouseTip(trNextPoint); this.setRightMouseTip(qsTr("Done")); break; } EAction.showSnapTools(); }; Line2P.prototype.showUiOptions = function(resume, restoreFromSettings) { Draw.prototype.showUiOptions.call(this, resume, restoreFromSettings); var optionsToolBar = EAction.getOptionsToolBar(); var w = optionsToolBar.findChild("Restrict"); var guiAction = RGuiAction.getByScriptFile("scripts/Snap/RestrictAngleLength/RestrictAngleLength.js"); w.setDefaultAction(guiAction); this.updateButtonStates(); }; Line2P.prototype.escapeEvent = function() { switch (this.state) { case Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint: EAction.prototype.escapeEvent.call(this); return; case Line2P.State.SettingNextPoint: this.setState(Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint); this.updateButtonStates(); break; } }; Line2P.prototype.keyPressEvent = function(event) { var di = this.getDocumentInterface(); if ((event.key() === Qt.Key_Enter.valueOf()) || (event.key() === Qt.Key_Return.valueOf())) { if (this.state === Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint) { this.point1 = di.getLastPosition(); di.setRelativeZero(this.point1); this.setState(Line2P.State.SettingNextPoint); di.clearPreview(); di.previewOperation(this.getOperation(true)); } else { EAction.prototype.keyPressEvent(event); } } else { EAction.prototype.keyPressEvent(event); } }; Line2P.prototype.pickCoordinate = function(event, preview) { var di = this.getDocumentInterface(); switch (this.state) { case Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint: if (!preview) { this.point1 = event.getModelPosition(); this.pointList.splice(0, 0, this.point1); this.pointListIndex = 0; di.setRelativeZero(this.point1); this.setState(Line2P.State.SettingNextPoint); } break; case Line2P.State.SettingNextPoint: this.point2 = event.getModelPosition(); var op = this.getOperation(preview); if (preview) { this.updatePreview(); } else { if (!isNull(op)) { if (!this.isRayOrXLine()) { this.pointListIndex++; } var doc = this.getDocument(); var trans = di.applyOperation(op); var id = this.getLineEntityId(trans); if (!this.isRayOrXLine()) { this.pointList.splice(this.pointListIndex, 0, this.point2); this.entityIdList.splice(this.pointListIndex-1, 0, id); di.setRelativeZero(this.point2); this.point1 = this.point2; } // qDebug("this.pointList: ", this.pointList); // qDebug("this.entityIdList: ", this.entityIdList); // qDebug("this.pointListIndex: ", this.pointListIndex); } } break; } if (!preview) { this.updateButtonStates(); } }; Line2P.prototype.getOperation = function(preview) { if (!isVector(this.point1) || !isVector(this.point2)) { return undefined; } var e = this.createLineEntity(this.getDocument(), this.point1, this.point2); return new RAddObjectOperation(e); }; Line2P.prototype.slotClose = function() { if (this.isRayOrXLine()) { return; } if (this.pointList.length >= 3) { this.point2 = this.pointList[0]; this.getDocumentInterface().applyOperation(this.getOperation(false)); this.pointList.push(this.point2); var di = this.getDocumentInterface(); di.setRelativeZero(this.point2); this.setState(Line2P.State.SettingFirstPoint); } this.updateButtonStates(); }; Line2P.prototype.slotUndo = function() { if (this.isRayOrXLine()) { return; } if (this.pointListIndex > 0) { var di = this.getDocumentInterface(); var doc = this.getDocument(); this.pointListIndex--; this.point1 = this.pointList[this.pointListIndex]; di.setRelativeZero(this.point1); var id = this.entityIdList[this.pointListIndex]; var entity = doc.queryEntity(id); di.applyOperation(new RDeleteObjectOperation(entity)); di.clearPreview(); di.previewOperation(this.getOperation(true)); // qDebug("undone: this.pointListIndex: ", this.pointListIndex); // qDebug("undone: this.pointList: ", this.pointList); // qDebug("undone: this.entityIdList: ", this.entityIdList); } this.updateButtonStates(); }; Line2P.prototype.slotRedo = function() { if (this.isRayOrXLine()) { return; } if (this.pointListIndex < this.pointList.length-1) { var di = this.getDocumentInterface(); var doc = this.getDocument(); this.pointListIndex++; this.point1 = this.pointList[this.pointListIndex]; di.setRelativeZero(this.point1); var e = this.createLineEntity(doc, this.pointList[this.pointListIndex-1], this.pointList[this.pointListIndex]); var trans = di.applyOperation(new RAddObjectOperation(e)); var id = this.getLineEntityId(trans); this.entityIdList[this.pointListIndex-1] = id; di.clearPreview(); di.previewOperation(this.getOperation(true)); // qDebug("redone: this.pointListIndex: ", this.pointListIndex); // qDebug("redone: this.pointList: ", this.pointList); // qDebug("redone: this.entityIdList: ", this.entityIdList); } this.updateButtonStates(); }; Line2P.prototype.updateButtonStates = function() { var optionsToolBar = EAction.getOptionsToolBar(); var w = optionsToolBar.findChild("Undo"); if (!isNull(w)) { if (this.pointListIndex > 0 && !this.isRayOrXLine()) { w.enabled = true; } else { w.enabled = false; } } w = optionsToolBar.findChild("Redo"); if (!isNull(w)) { //qDebug("this.pointList: ", this.pointList); //qDebug("this.pointListIndex: ", this.pointListIndex); //qDebug("this.entityIdList.length: ", this.entityIdList.length); if (this.pointListIndex >= 0 && this.pointListIndex < this.entityIdList.length && !this.isRayOrXLine()) { w.enabled = true; } else { w.enabled = false; } } w = optionsToolBar.findChild("Close"); if (!isNull(w)) { if (this.pointList.length > 2 && !this.isRayOrXLine()) { w.enabled = true; } else { w.enabled = false; } } }; Line2P.prototype.getLineEntityId = function(trans) { var objIds = trans.getAffectedObjects(); for (var i=0; i