/** * Copyright (c) 2011-2018 by Andrew Mustun. All rights reserved. * * This file is part of the QCAD project. * * QCAD is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * QCAD is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with QCAD. */ include("scripts/Modify/Modify.js"); include("scripts/ShapeAlgorithms.js"); function BreakOut(guiAction) { Modify.call(this, guiAction); this.entity = undefined; this.pos = undefined; this.removeSegment = true; this.extend = false; this.setUiOptions("BreakOut.ui"); } BreakOut.prototype = new Modify(); BreakOut.State = { ChoosingEntity : 0 }; BreakOut.prototype.beginEvent = function() { Modify.prototype.beginEvent.call(this); this.setState(BreakOut.State.ChoosingEntity); }; BreakOut.prototype.setState = function(state) { Modify.prototype.setState.call(this, state); this.setCrosshairCursor(); var appWin = RMainWindowQt.getMainWindow(); switch (this.state) { case BreakOut.State.ChoosingEntity: this.entity = undefined; this.shape = undefined; this.getDocumentInterface().setClickMode(RAction.PickEntity); var tr; if (RSpline.hasProxy() && RPolyline.hasProxy()) { tr = qsTr("Choose line, arc, circle, ellipse, spline or polyline segment"); } else { tr = qsTr("Choose line, arc, circle or ellipse segment"); } this.setLeftMouseTip(tr); this.setCommandPrompt(tr); this.setRightMouseTip(EAction.trCancel); break; } }; BreakOut.prototype.escapeEvent = function() { switch (this.state) { case BreakOut.State.ChoosingEntity: EAction.prototype.escapeEvent.call(this); break; } }; BreakOut.prototype.pickEntity = function(event, preview) { var di = this.getDocumentInterface(); var doc = this.getDocument(); var entityId = this.getEntityId(event, preview); var entity = doc.queryEntity(entityId); var pos = event.getModelPosition(); if (isNull(entity)) { this.entity = undefined; return; } switch (this.state) { case BreakOut.State.ChoosingEntity: var cond = isLineBasedEntity(entity) || isArcEntity(entity) || isCircleEntity(entity) || isEllipseEntity(entity) || (RSpline.hasProxy() && isSplineEntity(entity)) || (RPolyline.hasProxy() && isPolylineEntity(entity)); if (!cond) { if (!preview) { if (RSpline.hasProxy() && RPolyline.hasProxy()) { EAction.warnNotLineArcCircleEllipseSplinePolyline(); } else { EAction.warnNotLineArcCircleEllipse(); } } break; } if (!EAction.assertEditable(entity, preview)) { break; } this.entity = entity; this.pos = pos; if (preview) { this.updatePreview(); } else { var op = this.getOperation(false); if (!isNull(op)) { di.applyOperation(op); } } break; } }; BreakOut.prototype.getOperation = function(preview) { if (isNull(this.pos) || isNull(this.entity)) { return undefined; } if (preview) { // no preview of operation: return; } var op = new RAddObjectsOperation(); op.setText(this.getToolTitle()); BreakOut.breakOut(op, this.entity, this.pos, this.extend, this.removeSegment); return op; }; BreakOut.prototype.getHighlightedEntities = function() { var ret = []; if (isEntity(this.entity)) { ret.push(this.entity.getId()); } return ret; }; BreakOut.prototype.getAuxPreview = function() { // if (!isValidVector(this.cutPos)) { // return undefined; // } // var ret = []; // var view = EAction.getGraphicsView(); // var overlap = view.mapDistanceFromView(25); // var line = new RLine(this.cutPos, this.pos); // var points = line.getPointsWithDistanceToEnd(-overlap); // line = new RLine(points[0], points[1]); // ret.push(line); // return ret; }; BreakOut.prototype.slotRemoveSegmentChanged = function(value) { this.removeSegment = value; }; /** * Breaks out the segment closest to pos from the given entity. * * \param op RAddObjectsOperation * \param entity REntity * \param pos RVector * \param extend True to extend to closesd intersections instead. * \param removeSegment True to remove (delete) broken out segment. * * \return True on success or false otherwise. */ BreakOut.breakOut = function(op, entity, pos, extend, removeSegment) { var doc = entity.getDocument(); var shape = entity.getClosestShape(pos); var otherShapes = ShapeAlgorithms.getIntersectingShapes(doc, entity.getId(), shape, extend); var newSegments = ShapeAlgorithms.autoSplit(shape, otherShapes, pos, extend); if (isNull(newSegments)) { return false; } var e; if (isNull(newSegments[0]) && isNull(newSegments[1])) { if (!extend && removeSegment) { // delete entity completely: op.deleteObject(entity); } } else { // replace circle with arc: if (isCircleEntity(entity)) { op.deleteObject(entity); if (!isNull(newSegments[2])) { if (extend || !removeSegment) { e = shapeToEntity(doc, newSegments[2]); if (!isNull(e)) { e.copyAttributesFrom(getPtr(entity)); op.addObject(e, false); } } } } // change existing entity into segment if we keep the segment, // otherwise delete existing entity else { if (removeSegment && !extend) { // delete entity completely: op.deleteObject(entity); } else { //modifyEntity(op, entity.data(), newSegments[2]); if (!isNull(newSegments[2])) { modifyEntity(op, entity.clone(), newSegments[2]); } } } } if (!extend) { if (!BreakOut.drop(newSegments[0])) { if (isXLineShape(newSegments[0]) || isRayShape(newSegments[0]) || newSegments[0].getLength()>RS.PointTolerance) { e = shapeToEntity(entity.getDocument(), newSegments[0]); if (!isNull(e)) { e.copyAttributesFrom(getPtr(entity)); op.addObject(e, false); } } } if (!BreakOut.drop(newSegments[1])) { if (isXLineShape(newSegments[1]) || isRayShape(newSegments[1]) || newSegments[1].getLength()>RS.PointTolerance) { e = shapeToEntity(entity.getDocument(), newSegments[1]); if (!isNull(e)) { e.copyAttributesFrom(getPtr(entity)); op.addObject(e, false); } } } } return true; }; BreakOut.drop = function(shape) { if (isNull(shape)) { return true; } if (isLineShape(shape) || isArcShape(shape)) { if (shape.getLength()<=RS.PointTolerance) { // drop zero length segments: return true; } } return false; };