About the C Qeo Factory

In order to create readers and writers you need a Qeo Factory object. This Qeo Factory encapsulates your application's connection to a given Qeo Realm. The API functions for creating readers and writers all take a qeo_factory_t pointer as their first argument.

Creating the Qeo Factory

Creation of the entity factory is done by a call to qeo_factory_create().

C Application Boilerplate Code

The code snippet below shows what is required for C applications. 

#include <qeo/api.h>

int main(int argc, const char **argv)
    qeo_factory_t *qeo;

    /* create a factory */
    qeo = qeo_factory_create();
    if (NULL == qeo) {
        /* error handling */
        return 1;
    /* create some readers/writers */
    /* use those readers/writers */
    /* close the readers/writers when done */
    /* close the factory */
    return 0;