#!/usr/bin/env bash #https://github.com/BonusCloud/BonusCloud-Node/issues #Author qinghon https://github.com/qinghon OS="" OS_CODENAME="" PG="" ARCH="" VDIS="" CRI=docker BASE_DIR="/opt/bcloud" NODE_INFO="$BASE_DIR/node.db" SSL_CA="$BASE_DIR/ca.crt" SSL_CRT="$BASE_DIR/client.crt" SSL_KEY="$BASE_DIR/client.key" DEVMODEL=$(cat /proc/device-tree/model 2>/dev/null |tr -d '\0') DEFAULT_LINK=$(ip route list|grep 'default'|head -n 1|awk '{print $5}') if [[ -n $DEFAULT_LINK ]]; then DEFAULT_MACADDR=$(ip link show "${DEFAULT_LINK}"|grep 'ether'|awk '{print $2}') DEFAULT_GW=$(ip route list|grep 'default'|head -n 1|awk '{print $3}') DEFAULT_SUBNET=$(ip addr show "${DEFAULT_LINK}"|grep 'inet '|awk '{print $2}') DEFAULT_HOSTIP=$(echo "${DEFAULT_SUBNET}"|awk -F/ '{print $1}') fi SET_LINK="" MACADDR="" TMP="tmp" mkdir -p $TMP LOG_FILE="ins.log" K8S_LOW="1.12.3" DOC_LOW="1.11.1" DOC_HIG="20.12.12" support_os=( centos debian fedora raspbian ubuntu manjarolinux manjaro ) mirror_pods_node=( "https://bxc-node.s3.cn-east-2.jdcloud-oss.com" "https://bonuscloud.coding.net/p/BonusCloud-Node/d/BonusCloud-Node/git/raw/master/img-modules" "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BonusCloud/BonusCloud-Node/master/img-modules" ) mirror_pods_git=( "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/BonusCloud/BonusCloud-Node/master" "https://bonuscloud.coding.net/p/BonusCloud-Node/d/BonusCloud-Node/git/raw/master" ) echoerr(){ printf "\033[1;31m$1\033[0m";} echoinfo(){ printf "\033[1;32m$1\033[0m";} echowarn(){ printf "\033[1;33m$1\033[0m";} echo-(){ local columns columns=$(stty size 2>/dev/null|awk '{print $2}') columns=${columns:-80} yes "-"|sed "${columns}q"|tr -d '\n' printf "\n" } log(){ timeOut="[$(date '+%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')]" case $1 in "[error]" ) echo "${timeOut} $1 $2" >>$LOG_FILE echoerr "${timeOut} $1 $2\n" ;; "[info]" ) echo "${timeOut} $1 $2" >>$LOG_FILE [[ "${DISPLAYINFO}" == "1" ]]&&echoinfo "${timeOut} $1 $2\n" ;; "[warn]" ) echo "${timeOut} $1 $2" >>$LOG_FILE echowarn "${timeOut} $1 $2\n" ;; esac } run_command(){ #log '[info]' "$1" $1 return $? } sysArch(){ ARCH=$(uname -m) if [[ "$ARCH" == "i686" ]] || [[ "$ARCH" == "i386" ]]; then VDIS="32" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "x86_64" ]] ; then VDIS="amd64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"armv7"* ]] || [[ "$ARCH" == "armv6l" ]]; then VDIS="arm" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"armv8"* ]] || [[ "$ARCH" == "aarch64" ]]; then VDIS="arm64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mips64le"* ]]; then VDIS="mips64le" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mips64"* ]]; then VDIS="mips64" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mipsle"* ]]; then VDIS="mipsle" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"mips"* ]]; then VDIS="mips" elif [[ "$ARCH" == *"s390x"* ]]; then VDIS="s390x" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "ppc64le" ]]; then VDIS="ppc64le" elif [[ "$ARCH" == "ppc64" ]]; then VDIS="ppc64" fi return 0 } sys_osname(){ if which lsb_release >/dev/null 2>&1; then OS=$(lsb_release -is|tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') OS_CODENAME=$(lsb_release -cs|tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]') return fi source /etc/os-release case $ID in ubuntu ) OS="ubuntu" OS_CODENAME=$UBUNTU_CODENAME ;; debian ) OS="debian" if [[ $VERSION_CODENAME != "" ]]; then OS_CODENAME=$VERSION_CODENAME else OS_CODENAME=$(echo "$VERSION"|sed -e 's/(//g' -e 's/)//g'|awk '{print $2}') fi ;; raspbian ) OS="raspbian" OS_CODENAME=$(echo "$VERSION"|sed -e 's/(//g' -e 's/)//g'|awk '{print $2}') ;; centos ) OS="centos" ;; * ) OS="$ID" esac } run_as_root(){ # 检测是否有root权限 if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then return 0 fi if which sudo >/dev/null 2>&1; then echoerr "Please run as sudo:\nsudo bash $0 $1\n" exit 1 else echoerr "Please run as root user!\n" exit 2 fi } _check_pg(){ # Detection package manager if which apt >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then # echoinfo "Find apt\n" PG="apt" elif which yum >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then # echoinfo "Find yum\n" PG="yum" elif which pacman>/dev/null 2>&1 ; then # log "[info]" "Find pacman" PG="pacman" else log "[error]" "\"apt\" or \"yum\" or \"pacman\" ,not found ,exit " exit 1 fi } _check_exec(){ which "$1" >/dev/null 2>&1 return $? } _install_pg(){ [[ -z $PG ]] &&_check_pg case ${PG} in apt ) $PG install -y "$1";; yum ) $PG install -y "$1" ;; pacman ) $PG --needed --noconfirm -S "$1" esac if [[ -n "$2" ]]; then _install_pg $2 fi if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then case ${PG} in apt ) $PG update&& _install_pg "$1" apt-transport-https ;; yum ) $PG makecache&& _install_pg "$1" ;; esac fi } env_check(){ # 检查环境 # Check if the system supports sys_osname echo "$OS" if ! echo "${support_os[@]}"|grep -w "$OS" &>/dev/null ; then log "[error]" "This system is not supported by docker, exit" exit 1 else log "[info]" "system : $OS ;Package manager $PG" fi ! _check_exec curl &&_install_pg curl ! _check_exec wget &&_install_pg wget ! _check_exec lspci &&_install_pg pciutils } down(){ # 根据设置的源下载文件,错误时切换源 local LINK=$1 if [[ ${LINK:0:1} == "/" ]]; then LINK=${LINK:1} fi for link in "${mirror_pods_node[@]}"; do if wget -T 10 "${link}/$LINK" -O "$2" ; then break else continue fi log "[error]" "Download ${link}/$1 failed" done return 1 } down_git(){ # 根据设置的源下载文件,错误时切换源 local LINK=$1 if [[ ${LINK:0:1} == "/" ]]; then LINK=${LINK:1} fi for link in "${mirror_pods_git[@]}"; do if wget -T 10 "${link}/$LINK" -O "$2" ; then break else continue fi log "[error]" "Download ${link}/$1 failed" done return 1 } # 版本大小对比函数 function version_ge() { test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -rV | head -n 1)" == "$1"; } function version_le() { test "$(echo "$@" | tr " " "\n" | sort -V | head -n 1)" == "$1"; } check_doc(){ # 检查docker 安装状态和版本 local retd local doc_v retd=$(which docker>/dev/null;echo $?) if [ "${retd}" -ne 0 ]; then log "[info]" "docker not found" return 1 fi doc_v=$(docker version --format "{{.Server.Version}}") if version_ge "${doc_v}" "${DOC_LOW}" && version_le "${doc_v}" "${DOC_HIG}" ; then log "[info]" "dockerd version ${doc_v} above ${DOC_LOW} and below ${DOC_HIG}" return 0 elif version_ge "${doc_v}" "${DOC_HIG}" ;then log "[warn]" "docker installed. but docker version ${doc_v} not testing" return 2 else return 3 fi } check_k8s(){ # 检查k8s安装状态和版本 local reta local retl local k8s_adm local k8s_let reta=$(which kubeadm>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?) retl=$(which kubelet>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?) if [ "${reta}" -ne 0 ] || [ "${retl}" -ne 0 ] ; then log "[info]" "k8s not found" return 1 else k8s_adm=$(kubeadm version -o short|grep -o '[0-9\.]*') k8s_let=$(kubelet --version|grep -o '[0-9\.]*') if version_ge "${k8s_adm}" "${K8S_LOW}" ; then log "[info]" "kubeadm version ok" else log "[info]" "kubeadm version fail" return 1 fi if version_ge "${k8s_let}" "${K8S_LOW}" ; then log "[info]" "kubelet version ok" else log "[info]" "kubelet version fail" return 1 fi return 0 fi } check_info(){ # 检测node.db文件是否有信息 local res if [ ! -s ${NODE_INFO} ]; then touch ${NODE_INFO} else res=$(grep -q -e '@' -e '-' ${NODE_INFO}; echo $? ) if [ "${res}" -ne 0 ]; then log "[info]" "${NODE_INFO} file not found bcode or mail,need empty file " rm ${NODE_INFO} touch ${NODE_INFO} else log "[info]" "${NODE_INFO} file have bcode or mail,skip" fi fi } _docker_apt(){ # Install docker with APT # apt 安装docker apt install gnupg2 -y curl -fsSL "https://download.docker.com/linux/$OS/gpg" | apt-key add - if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echoerr "add source public key failed ,check you network\n添加docker源公钥失败,检查您的网络配置,必要时请将download.docker.com加入代理\n" return 2 fi echo "deb https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/docker-ce/linux/$OS $OS_CODENAME stable" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list apt update # 遍历版本号,安装不能超过限制的版本 for line in $(apt-cache madison docker-ce|awk '{print $3}') ; do if version_le "$(echo "$line" |grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){2}[0-9]+')" "$DOC_HIG" ; then apt-mark unhold docker-ce apt install -y --allow-downgrades docker-ce="$line" break fi done apt-mark hold docker-ce } _docker_yum(){ yum install -y yum-utils yum-config-manager --add-repo https://mirrors.aliyun.com/docker-ce/linux/centos/docker-ce.repo yum makecache for line in $(yum list docker-ce --showduplicates|grep 'docker-ce'|awk '{print $2}'|sort -r) ; do if version_le "$(echo "$line" |grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){2}[0-9]+')" "$DOC_HIG" ; then yum remove -y docer-ce docker-ce-cli if echo "$line"|grep -q ':' ; then line=$(echo "$line"|awk -F: '{print $2}') fi yum install -y docker-ce-"$line" break fi done } _docker_static(){ curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/docker/docker/master/contrib/check-config.sh > ${TMP}/check-config.sh if bash ${TMP}/check-config.sh ;then log "[error]" "You linux kernel not support runing docker;exit " return 1 fi wget -O ${TMP}/docker-18.06.3-ce.tgz "https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/docker-ce/linux/static/stable/${ARCH}/docker-18.06.3-ce.tgz" tar -xvf ${TMP}/docker-18.06.3-ce.tgz cp ${TMP}/docker/* /usr/bin/ groupadd docker --gid 999 --system printf "[Unit] Description=Docker Socket for the API PartOf=docker.service [Socket] ListenStream=/var/run/docker.sock SocketMode=0660 SocketUser=root SocketGroup=docker [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target "|sed 's/ //g' >/lib/systemd/system/docker.socket printf "[Unit] Description=Docker Application Container Engine Documentation=https://docs.docker.com BindsTo=containerd.service After=network-online.target firewalld.service containerd.service Wants=network-online.target Requires=docker.socket [Service] Type=notify ExecStart=/usr/bin/dockerd -H fd:// ExecReload=/bin/kill -s HUP \$MAINPID TimeoutSec=0 RestartSec=2 Restart=always StartLimitBurst=3 StartLimitInterval=60s LimitNOFILE=infinity LimitNPROC=infinity LimitCORE=infinity TasksMax=infinity Delegate=yes KillMode=process [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target "|sed 's/ //g' >/lib/systemd/system/docker.service systemctl enable docker.socket &&systemctl start docker.socket } ins_docker(){ # 安装docker local ret check_doc ret=$? if [[ ${ret} -eq 0 || ${ret} -eq 2 ]] ; then log "[info]" "docker was found! skiped" return 0 fi env_check case $PG in apt ) _docker_apt ;; yum ) _docker_yum ;; pacman ) $PG --needed --noconfirm -S docker ethtool ;; * ) _docker_static ;; # * ) log "[error]" "package manager ${PG} not support "; return 1 ;; esac [ -n "${USER}" ] && usermod -aG docker "${USER}" systemctl enable docker.socket &&systemctl start docker.socket systemctl enable docker.service systemctl start docker.service check_doc ret=$? if [[ ${ret} -eq 1 || ${ret} -eq 2 ]] ; then log "[error]" "docker install fail,please check ${PG} environment" exit 1 else log "[info]" "${PG} install -y docker-ce-$line " systemctl enable docker &&systemctl start docker fi } ins_podman(){ env_check case $PG in apt ) apt install -y podman ;; pacman ) $PG --needed --noconfirm -S podman ;; * ) log "[error]" "package manager ${PG} not support podman"; return 1 ;; esac if ! cat /etc/containers/registries.conf | grep -v '^#'|grep -q 'docker.io' ; then echo 'unqualified-search-registries=["docker.io"]' >> /etc/containers/registries.conf fi if [[ -s /lib/systemd/system/podman-restart.service ]] ; then systemctl enable podman-restart.service return 0 fi mkdir -p /usr/local/bin printf '#!/bin/bash podman ps -a|grep -v CON|cut -d " " -f1|while read line; do if [[ $(podman inspect -f "{{ .HostConfig.RestartPolicy.Name }}" $line ) == "always" ]] ;then podman start $line fi done\n'| sed 's/ //g' > /usr/local/bin/podman-restart.sh chmod +x /usr/local/bin/podman-restart.sh if ! grep -q 'podman-restart' /etc/rc.local ; then sed -i "/exit/i\/usr/local/bin/podman-restart.sh" /etc/rc.local fi } jq_yum_ins(){ # 安装EPEL仓库就为了装个jq,可恶 wget -O $TMP/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm http://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm rpm -ivh $TMP/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpm yum install -y jq } ins_jq(){ # 安装jq json文件分析工具 if which jq>/dev/null 2>&1; then return fi _check_pg case $PG in apt ) $PG install -y jq ;; yum ) jq_yum_ins ;; pacman ) $PG -S jq ;; esac if ! which jq>/dev/null 2>&1; then echoerr "jq install fail,please check you package sources and try \`$PG install jq -y\`\n" fi } init(){ # 初始化目录/文件 printf "">$LOG_FILE if ! systemctl enable ntp >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then timedatectl set-ntp true else systemctl start ntp fi mkdir -p /etc/cni/net.d mkdir -p $BASE_DIR/{scripts,nodeapi,compute} env_check check_info } _lvm_ins(){ case $PG in apt ) apt install -y lvm2;; yum ) yum install -y lvm2;; esac } _k8s_ins_yum(){ printf " [kubernetes] name=Kubernetes baseurl=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/yum/repos/kubernetes-el7-$(uname -m)/ enabled=1 gpgcheck=1 repo_gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/yum/doc/yum-key.gpg https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/yum/doc/rpm-package-key.gpg "|sed 's/ //g'> /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo setenforce 0 yum install -y kubelet-1.12.3 kubeadm-1.12.3 kubectl-1.12.3 kubernetes-cni-0.6.0 yum --exclude kubelet kubeadm kubernetes-cni systemctl stop firewalld && systemctl disable firewalld systemctl enable kubelet && systemctl start kubelet } _k8s_ins_apt(){ curl -L https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/apt/doc/apt-key.gpg | apt-key add - echo "deb https://mirrors.aliyun.com/kubernetes/apt/ kubernetes-xenial main"|tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list log "[info]" "installing k8s" apt update apt-mark unhold kubelet kubeadm kubernetes-cni apt install -y --allow-downgrades kubeadm=1.12.3-00 kubelet=1.12.3-00 kubectl=1.12.3-00 kubernetes-cni=0.6.0-00 apt-mark hold kubelet kubeadm kubernetes-cni } _k8s_ins_static(){ sysArch export CNI_VERSION="v0.6.0" mkdir -p /opt/cni/bin wget -O- "https://github.com/containernetworking/plugins/releases/download/${CNI_VERSION}/cni-plugins-${VDIS}-${CNI_VERSION}.tgz" | tar -C /opt/cni/bin -xz export CRICTL_VERSION="v1.13.0" wget -O- "https://github.com/kubernetes-incubator/cri-tools/releases/download/${CRICTL_VERSION}/crictl-${CRICTL_VERSION}-linux-${VDIS}.tar.gz" | tar -C /usr/bin -xz RELEASE="v1.12.3" cd /usr/bin curl -L --remote-name-all https://storage.googleapis.com/kubernetes-release/release/${RELEASE}/bin/linux/${VDIS}/{kubeadm,kubelet} chmod +x {kubeadm,kubelet} cd - printf "[Unit] Description=kubelet: The Kubernetes Node Agent Documentation=http://kubernetes.io/docs/ [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/kubelet Restart=always StartLimitInterval=0 RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target " |sed 's/ //g' >/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d printf " # Note: This dropin only works with kubeadm and kubelet v1.11+ [Service] Environment=\"KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS=--bootstrap-kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/bootstrap-kubelet.conf --kubeconfig=/etc/kubernetes/kubelet.conf\" Environment=\"KUBELET_CONFIG_ARGS=--config=/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml\" # This is a file that \"kubeadm init\" and \"kubeadm join\" generates at runtime, populating the KUBELET_KUBEADM_ARGS variable dynamically EnvironmentFile=-/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env # This is a file that the user can use for overrides of the kubelet args as a last resort. Preferably, the user should use # the .NodeRegistration.KubeletExtraArgs object in the configuration files instead. KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS should be sourced from this file. EnvironmentFile=-/etc/default/kubelet ExecStart= ExecStart=/usr/bin/kubelet \$KUBELET_KUBECONFIG_ARGS \$KUBELET_CONFIG_ARGS \$KUBELET_KUBEADM_ARGS \$KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS "|sed 's/ //g' >/etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf systemctl enable kubelet && systemctl start kubelet } pull_docker_image(){ ins_docker case $VDIS in arm ) pause_TAG="arm32-3.1" ; proxy_name="kube-proxy-arm" ;; arm64 ) pause_TAG="arm-3.1" ; proxy_name="kube-proxy-arm64" ;; amd64 ) pause_TAG="3.1" ; proxy_name="kube-proxy" ;; esac docker pull registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/bxc_k8s_gcr_io/pause:$pause_TAG docker pull registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/bxc_k8s_gcr_io/$proxy_name:v1.12.3 docker tag registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/bxc_k8s_gcr_io/pause:$pause_TAG k8s.gcr.io/pause:3.1 docker tag registry.cn-beijing.aliyuncs.com/bxc_k8s_gcr_io/$proxy_name:v1.12.3 k8s.gcr.io/kube-proxy:v1.12.3 } ins_k8s(){ swapoff -a sed -i 's/\([a-z/\\\.]\+swap\.\+\)/#\1/g' /etc/fstab if ! grep -q '^swapoff' /etc/rc.local ; then sed -i "/exit/i\swapoff -a #bxc script" /etc/rc.local fi systemctl stop armbian-zram-config.service&&systemctl disable armbian-zram-config.service if ! check_k8s ; then init case $PG in apt ) _k8s_ins_apt ;; yum ) _k8s_ins_yum ;; * ) _k8s_ins_static ;; esac if ! check_k8s ; then log "[error]" "k8s install fail!" exit 1 fi else log "[info]" " k8s was found! skip" fi _lvm_ins pull_docker_image printf "vm.swappiness = 0 net.ipv6.conf.default.forwarding = 1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables = 1 net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables = 1 net.ipv6.conf.tun0.mtu = 1280 net.ipv4.tcp_congestion_control = bbr net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1 "|sed 's/ //g'>/etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf modprobe br_netfilter printf "\ntcp_bbr\n">>/etc/modules sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf 2>/dev/null log "[info]" "k8s install over" } k8s_remove(){ kubeadm reset -f case $PG in yum ) $PG remove -y kubeadm kubelet kubectl ;; apt ) $PG remove -y kubeadm kubelet kubectl --allow-change-held-packages ;; esac rm -rf /etc/sysctl.d/k8s.conf } ins_conf(){ printf '{"name": "mynet", "cniVersion": "0.3.0", "plugins": [ {"type": "bridge", "bridge": "cni0", "ipMasq": true, "isGateway": true, "ipam": {"type": "host-local","subnet": "","routes": [{"dst": ""}]} }, {"type": "portmap","capabilities": {"portMappings": true}} ]}' > "$BASE_DIR/compute/10-mynet.conflist" printf '{"cniVersion": "0.3.0","type": "loopback"}' > "$BASE_DIR/compute/99-loopback.conf" } _set_node_systemd(){ # 指定网卡启动node local INSERT_STR local DON_SET_DISK if [[ -z "${SET_LINK}" ]]; then INSERT_STR="" else INSERT_STR="--intf ${SET_LINK}" fi # 启动时不设置硬盘 if [[ ${_DON_SET_DISK} -eq 1 ]]; then DON_SET_DISK="--devoff" fi printf " [Unit] Description=bxc node app After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/opt/bcloud/nodeapi/node --alsologtostderr ${DON_SET_DISK} ${INSERT_STR} Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target "|sed 's/ //g' >/lib/systemd/system/bxc-node.service } node_ins(){ mkdir -p $BASE_DIR/{scripts,nodeapi,compute} # 安装node组件 # 区分kernel版本下载文件 # kel_v=$(uname -r|grep -E -o '([0-9]+\.){2}[0-9]') # if version_ge "$kel_v" "5.0.0" ; then # Rlink="5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud" # fi # 下载文件列表 [[ ! -f $TMP/info.txt ]]&&down "info.txt" "$TMP/info.txt" if [ ! -s "$TMP/info.txt" ]; then log "[error]" "wget \"info.txt\" -O $TMP/info.txt" return 1 fi # 遍历文件列表下载文件 for line in $(grep "$ARCH" $TMP/info.txt) do git_file_name=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{print $1}') git_md5_val=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{print $2}') file_path=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{print $3}') mod=$(echo "$line" | awk -F: '{print $4}') local_md5_val=$([ -x "$file_path" ] && md5sum "$file_path" | awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$local_md5_val"x == "$git_md5_val"x ]]; then log "[info]" "local file $file_path version equal git file version,skip" continue fi tmp_md5=$([ -f "$file_path" ] &&md5sum "$TMP/$git_file_name"| awk '{print $1}') if [[ ! -f $TMP/$git_file_name || "$tmp_md5" != "$git_md5_val" ]] ;then down "$Rlink/$git_file_name" "$TMP/$git_file_name" else log "[info]" "local file $TMP/$git_file_name md5sum equal remote md5sum " fi download_md5=$(md5sum $TMP/"$git_file_name" | awk '{print $1}') if [ "$download_md5"x != "$git_md5_val"x ];then log "[error]" " download file $TMP/$git_file_name md5 $download_md5 different from git md5 $git_md5_val" continue fi log "[info]" " $TMP/$git_file_name download success." cp -fv $TMP/"$git_file_name" "$file_path" 2> /dev/null chmod "$mod" "$file_path" > /dev/null if [[ -x "$file_path" ]]; then rm -v "$TMP/$git_file_name" fi done rm -v "$TMP/info.txt" _set_node_systemd systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable bxc-node systemctl start bxc-node sleep 1 #检验是否启动成功 isactive=$(curl -fsSL http://localhost:9017/version>/dev/null; echo $?) if [ "${isactive}" -ne 0 ];then log "[error]" " node start faild, rollback and restart" systemctl restart bxc-node else log "[info]" " node start success." fi } node_remove(){ # 清除上面安装的node组件 systemctl stop bxc-node systemctl disable bxc-node rm -rvf /lib/systemd/system/bxc-node.service rm -rvf /opt/bcloud/nodeapi/node } bxc-network_ins(){ # 安装网络插件,用与连接到bxc网络 ret_4=$(apt list libcurl4 2>/dev/null|grep -q installed;echo $?) if [[ ${ret_4} -eq 0 ]]; then log "[info]" "Install libcurl4 library bxc-network" down "bxc-network_$ARCH" "${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network" chmod +x ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network fi ret_3=$(apt list libcurl3 2>/dev/null|grep -q installed;echo $?) if [[ ${ret_3} -eq 0 ]]; then log "[info]" "Install libcurl3 library bxc-network" down "5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud/bxc-network_$ARCH" "${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network" chmod +x ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network fi apt install -y liblzo2-2 libjson-c3 ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network |grep libraries printf "[Unit] Description=bxc network daemon After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/opt/bcloud/bxc-network Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target "|sed 's/ //g'>/lib/systemd/system/bxc-network.service systemctl enable bxc-network&&systemctl start bxc-network } bxc-network_run(){ # 检验是否运行 [ ! -s ${SSL_KEY} ] && log "[info]" "${SSL_KEY} file not found"&&return 1 ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network sleep 3 ret=$(ip link show tun0 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [[ ${ret} -ne 0 ]]; then log "[error]" "tun0 interface not found,try start " ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network sleep 3 ret=$(ip link show tun0 >/dev/null;echo $?) if [[ ${ret} -ne 0 ]]; then log "[error]" "bxc-network start fail ,error info :$(${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network)" fi else log "[info]" "bxc-network start success" fi } goproxy_ins(){ # 安装goproxy本地代理程序 if which proxy>/dev/null 2>&1; then return 0 fi LAST_VERSION=$(curl --silent "https://api.github.com/repos/snail007/goproxy/releases/latest" | grep -Po '"tag_name": "\K.*?(?=")') BASE_URl="https://github.com/snail007/goproxy/releases/download/${LAST_VERSION}" case $ARCH in x86_64 ) [ ! -s ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ] &&wget "${BASE_URl}/proxy-linux-amd64.tar.gz" -O ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ;; arm64 ) [ ! -s ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ] &&wget "${BASE_URl}/proxy-linux-arm64-v8.tar.gz" -O ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ;; arm ) [ ! -s ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ] &&wget "${BASE_URl}/proxy-linux-arm-v7.tar.gz" -O ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ;; esac [ ! -s ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz ] &&echoerr "Download proxy failed"&&return 1 mkdir -p ${TMP}/goproxy/ tar -xf ${TMP}/proxy-linux.tar.gz -C ${TMP}/goproxy/ cp -f ${TMP}/goproxy/proxy /usr/bin/ chmod +x /usr/bin/proxy if [ ! -e /etc/proxy ]; then mkdir /etc/proxy cp -f ${TMP}/goproxy/blocked /etc/proxy/ cp -f ${TMP}/goproxy/direct /etc/proxy/ fi rm -rf ${TMP}/goproxy/ mkdir -p /var/log/goproxy printf "[Unit] Description=bxc network proxy http After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/proxy http -p [::]:8901 --log /var/log/goproxy/http_proxy.log Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target \n"|sed 's/ //g'>/lib/systemd/system/bxc-goproxy-http.service printf "[Unit] Description=bxc network proxy socks After=network.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/proxy socks -p [::]:8902 --log /var/log/goproxy/socks_proxy.log Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target \n"|sed 's/ //g' >/lib/systemd/system/bxc-goproxy-socks.service systemctl enable bxc-goproxy-http &&systemctl start bxc-goproxy-http systemctl enable bxc-goproxy-socks &&systemctl start bxc-goproxy-socks sleep 2 } goproxy_remove(){ systemctl disable bxc-goproxy-http &&systemctl stop bxc-goproxy-http systemctl disable bxc-goproxy-socks &&systemctl stop bxc-goproxy-socks rm -rf /lib/systemd/system/bxc-goproxy-* 2>/dev/null rm -rf /usr/bin/proxy /etc/goproxy /var/log/goproxy 2>/dev/null } goproxy_check(){ if ! pgrep "proxy" >/dev/null ; then log "[error]" "goproxy not runing" fi ret_s=$(curl -x 'socks5://localhost:8902' https://www.baidu.com -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null;echo $?) ret_h=$(curl -x "localhost:8901" https://www.baidu.com -o /dev/null 2>/dev/null;echo $?) if [[ ${ret_s} -ne 0 ]]; then log "[error]" "goproxy socks not run!" return 1 fi if [[ ${ret_h} -ne 0 ]]; then log "[error]" "goproxy http not run!" return 2 fi return 0 } teleport_ins(){ echo "Would you like to install teleprot for remote debugging by developers? " echo "If not, the program has problems, you need to solve all the problems you encounter " echo "您是否愿意安装teleport ,供开发人员远程调试." echo "如果否,程序出了问题,您需要自己解决所有遇到的问题,默认YES" read -r -p "[Default YES/N]:" choose case $choose in N|n|no|NO ) return ;; * ) curl -fSL https://teleport.s3.cn-north-1.jdcloud-oss.com/teleport.sh |bash ;; esac } teleport_remove(){ rm -vf /opt/bcloud/teleport systemctl disable teleport systemctl stop teleport rm -vf /lib/systemd/system/teleport.service 2>&1 rm -vf /etc/systemd/system/teleport.service 2>&1 } iostat_ins(){ case $PG in apt ) apt update&&apt install sysstat -y ;; yum ) yum install sysstat -y ;; esac } smarttool_ins(){ if which smartctl >/dev/null 2>&1; then return fi case $PG in apt|yum ) $PG install smartmontools -y ;; pacman ) $PG --needed --noconfirm -S smartmontools ;; esac } read_bcode_input(){ # 交互输入bcode echoinfo "Input bcode:";read -r bcode echoinfo "Input email:";read -r email if [[ -z "${bcode}" ]] || [[ -z "${email}" ]]; then echowarn "Please Input bcode and email. You can try \"bash $0 -b\" to bound\n" return 1 fi read_bcode=$(echo "${bcode}"|grep -E -o "[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){2}[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}") if [[ -z "${read_bcode}" ]]; then echoerr "bcode input error\n" return 2 fi return 0 } bound(){ # 命令行绑定 local bcode="" local email="" [ -s /opt/bcloud/node.db ]&&log "[info]" "${NODE_INFO} exits ,skip" && return 0 if ! read_bcode_input ; then return 1 fi echoinfo "bcode:${bcode} email:${email}\n" curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"bcode\":\"${bcode}\",\"email\":\"${email}\"}" http://localhost:9017/bound if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then log "[error]" "bound failed" return 1 fi # printf "\ncurl -H \"Content-Type: application/json\" -d \"{\"bcode\":\"${bcode}\",\"email\":\"${email}\"}\" http://localhost:9017/bound\n" return 0 } only_ins_network_base(){ init [ ! -s ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network ]&&bxc-network_ins [ ! -s ${BASE_DIR}/nodeapi/node ]&&node_ins goproxy_ins goproxy_check echoinfo "bound now?(现在绑定?)[Y/N]:";read -r choose case ${choose} in n|N ) return ;; y|Y ) bound&&systemctl stop bxc-node ;; * ) bound&&systemctl stop bxc-node ;; esac } only_net_check_network(){ echoinfo "Testing network... \n" network_result=$($CRI run --rm -it --net=bxc1 "$image_name" \ /bin/sh -c "curl -m 3 -fs baidu.com -o /dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1";echo $?) if [[ $network_result -ne 0 ]]; then echoerr "This bridge network can not connect network,curl return $network_result\n" read -r -e -p "Delete this network?:" -i "Y" -t 5 choose choose=${choose:-"Y"} case $choose in Y|y ) $CRI network rm bxc1 &&echoerr "\nDelete success\n";; * ) echoerr "\nCancel!\n";; esac return 1 else echoinfo "network seting success!\n" return 0 fi } only_net_set_promisc(){ # 开启网卡混杂模式,还需外部配合 local LINK="$1" if [[ -z "$LINK" ]]; then return 1 fi ip link set "${LINK}" promisc on # 持久化 if [[ ! -s /etc/rc.local ]] ;then echo -e '#!/bin/bash\nexit 0'>/etc/rc.local chmod 755 /etc/rc.local systemctl enable rc-local.service systemctl enable rc.local.service 2>/dev/null fi if ! grep -q "${LINK} promisc" /etc/rc.local ; then sed -i "/exit/i\ip link set ${LINK} promisc on" /etc/rc.local fi #add pppoe support if [[ $_SET_PPPOE -eq 1 ]]; then if grep -q 'ppp' /etc/modules-load.d/bxc-net.conf 2>/dev/null; then return 0 fi echo pppoe >> /etc/modules printf "tun\nppp-compress-18\nppp_mppe\nppp_deflate\nppp_async\npppoatm\nppp_generic\n">/etc/modules-load.d/bxc-net.conf echoinfo "We need reboot,after reboot you should run this command again\n" echoinfo "需要重启,重启之后你需要再次运行此命令\n" read -r -p "reboot now?(现在重启吗)[Y|n]" choose case $choose in y|Y ) reboot ;; esac fi } only_ins_network_del_net(){ $CRI network rm bxc1 && { echoinfo "Delete success\n" ;} || echoerr "Delete error\n" } only_ins_network_podman_dhcp(){ printf "%s\n" '[Unit] Description=DHCP Client for CNI [Socket] ListenStream=%t/cni/dhcp.sock SocketMode=0600 [Install] WantedBy=sockets.target'| sed 's/ //g' > /usr/lib/systemd/system/io.podman.dhcp.socket printf "[Unit] Description=DHCP Client CNI Service Requires=io.podman.dhcp.socket After=io.podman.dhcp.socket [Service] Type=simple ExecStart=/usr/lib/cni/dhcp daemon TimeoutStopSec=30 KillMode=process [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target Also=io.podman.dhcp.socket\n"| sed 's/ //g' > /usr/lib/systemd/system/io.podman.dhcp.service systemctl --now enable io.podman.dhcp.socket } only_net_set_bridge(){ # 设置macvlan桥接网络 bxc_network_bridge_id=$($CRI network ls -f name=bxc --format "{{.ID}}:{{.Name}}"|grep -E 'bxc-macvlan|bxc1'|awk -F: '{print $1}') if [[ -n "${bxc_network_bridge_id}" ]]; then return 0 fi LINK=$DEFAULT_LINK if [[ -n "${SET_LINK}" ]]; then LINK=${SET_LINK} fi if echo "$LINK"|grep -q "wlan"; then echoerr "THE Wireless Interface $LINK can not use macvlan;exit\n" return 1 fi if [[ -z "${LINK}" ]]; then echoerr "NET Interface not found" return 2 fi LINK_GW=$(ip route list|grep 'default'|grep "$LINK"|awk '{print $3}') LINK_SUBNET=$(ip addr show "${LINK}"|grep 'inet '|awk '{print $2}') LINK_HOSTIP=$(echo "${LINK_SUBNET}"|awk -F/ '{print $1}') only_net_set_promisc "$LINK" if [ $CRI == "docker" ]; then echoinfo "Set ip range(设置IP范围):\n";read -r -e -i "${LINK_SUBNET}" SET_RANGE else SET_RANGE=$LINK_SUBNET fi local NET_CMD local AUX if [[ $CRI == "podman" ]]; then only_ins_network_podman_dhcp AUX="" else AUX=--aux-address=$(hostname)=${LINK_HOSTIP} fi NET_CMD="$CRI network create -d macvlan --subnet=${LINK_SUBNET} \ --gateway=${LINK_GW} ${AUX} \ --ip-range=${SET_RANGE} \ -o parent=${LINK} -o macvlan_mode=bridge bxc1" echo "$NET_CMD" #创建macvlan 网络 run_command "${NET_CMD}" echoinfo "Config sure? [Y/n]:\n";read -r -e -i "Y" SURE_NET case "$SURE_NET" in N|n ) only_ins_network_del_net ;return 4 ;; esac if [[ $_SET_PPPOE -eq 1 ]]; then return 0 fi # 检验网卡通不通 if ! only_net_check_network ; then return 3 fi return 0; } generate_mac_addr(){ # 随机生成mac random_mac_addr=$(od /dev/urandom -w4 -tx1 -An|sed -e 's/ //' -e 's/ /:/g'|head -n 1) if [[ -z $mac_head ]]; then local mac_head_tmp mac_head_tmp=$(od /dev/urandom -w2 -tx1 -An|sed -e 's/ //' -e 's/ /:/g'|head -n 1) while grep -qE '^(.[13579bdf])' <<< "$mac_head_tmp" ; do mac_head_tmp=$(od /dev/urandom -w2 -tx1 -An|sed -e 's/ //' -e 's/ /:/g'|head -n 1) done echoinfo "Set mac address:\n";read -r -e -i "${mac_head_tmp}:${random_mac_addr}" mac_addr else echoinfo "Set mac address:\n";read -r -e -i "${mac_head}:${random_mac_addr}" mac_addr fi check_mac_addr=$(echo "${mac_addr}"|grep -E -o '([0-9A-Fa-f]{2}:){5}[0-9A-Fa-f]{2}') if [[ -z "${check_mac_addr}" ]]; then echowarn "Input mac address type fail, " mac_addr=$(od /dev/urandom -w6 -tx1 -An|sed -e 's/ //' -e 's/ /:/g'|head -n 1) echoinfo "Generate a mac address: $mac_addr\n" fi } only_ins_network_docker_run(){ bcode="$1" email="$2" mac_import="$3" local mac_addr #local mac_head="$mac_head" # 获取或生成mac if [[ -n $mac_import ]] ;then mac_addr="$mac_import" else generate_mac_addr fi mac_head_tmp=$(echo "$mac_addr"|awk -F: '{print $1,$2}'|sed 's/ /:/g') # -H 选项 设置静态IP if [[ $_SET_IP_ADDRESS -eq 1 ]]; then local set_ipaddress local ipaddress echoinfo "Set ip address:\n" ;read -r ipaddress set_ipaddress="--ip=${ipaddress}" else set_ipaddress='' fi # 设置宽带拨号 if [[ $_SET_PPPOE -eq 1 ]] ;then read -r -p "pppoe username:" -e -i "$pppoe_user" pppoe_user read -r -p "pppoe password:" -e -i "$pppoe_passwd" pppoe_passwd if [[ -n $pppoe_user && -n $pppoe_passwd ]]; then ppp_account="-e PPPOE_NAME=$pppoe_user -e PPPOE_PASSWD=$pppoe_passwd " else echoerr "set error\n" return 1 fi fi if [[ $_NEED_PUBIP -eq 1 ]]; then local need_pubip=" -e NEED_PUBIP=1" fi local network_name if $CRI network ls -f name=bxc --format "{{.Name}}"|grep -q 'bxc1'; then network_name="--net=bxc1" else network_name="--net=bxc-macvlan" fi command="$CRI run -d --restart=always $network_name $set_ipaddress --mac-address=$mac_addr \ --sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.disable_ipv6=0 --device /dev/net/tun --device /dev/ppp --cap-add=NET_ADMIN \ -e bcode=${bcode} -e email=${email} ${ppp_account} ${need_pubip} --name=bxc-${bcode} \ -v bxc_data_${bcode}:/opt/bcloud \ ${image_name}" # 运行命令 con_id=$(run_command "$command") if [[ -z $con_id ]]; then return 2 fi echo "${con_id}" sleep 3 # 检测绑定成功与否 fail_log=$($CRI logs "${con_id}" 2>&1 |grep 'bonud fail'|head -n 1) if [[ -n "${fail_log}" ]]; then echoerr "bound fail\n${fail_log}\n" $CRI stop "${con_id}" $CRI rm "${con_id}" return 3 fi # 检测是否为mac问题导致不能running,并清除 create_status=$($CRI container inspect "${con_id}" --format "{{.State.Status}}") if [[ "$create_status" == "created" ]]; then echowarn "Delete can not run container\n" $CRI container rm "${con_id}" return 4 else # 运行成功时,修改自身脚本定义的mac头为可用头 if [[ -z $mac_head ]]; then mac_head="$mac_head_tmp" sed -i "s/local mac_head=\"\"/local mac_head=\"${mac_head_tmp}\"/g" "$0" fi fi echo- } _get_ip_mainland(){ geoip=$(curl -4 -fsSL "https://api.ip.sb/geoip") country=$(echo "$geoip"|jq '.country') if [[ "${country}" == "China" ]]; then return 0 else return 1 fi } _only_net_get_image(){ # 保证为最新镜像 case $VDIS in amd64 ) image_name="qinghon/bxc-net:amd64" ;; arm64 ) image_name="qinghon/bxc-net:arm64" ;; * ) echoerr "No support $VDIS\n";return 4 ;; esac if [[ $_DON_DOWN_IMAGE -eq 0 ]]; then echoinfo "Downloading $image_name ...\n" $CRI pull "${image_name}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then image_name="registry.cn-hangzhou.aliyuncs.com/bonuscloud/bxc-net:$VDIS" $CRI pull "${image_name}" fi else echowarn "Skip $image_name download\n" fi if ! $CRI image inspect ${image_name} > /dev/null; then echoerr "pull failed,exit!,you can try: $CRI pull ${image_name}\n" return 1 fi } only_ins_network_docker_openwrt(){ case $CRI in docker ) ins_docker;; podman ) ins_podman;; esac ins_jq local image_name="" local mac_head="" local pppoe_user local pppoe_passwd if ! _only_net_get_image ; then return 1 fi if ! only_net_set_bridge ; then return 4 fi echoinfo "Input bcode:";read -r bcode echoinfo "Input email:";read -r email if [[ -z "${bcode}" ]] || [[ -z "${email}" ]]; then echowarn "Please Input bcode and email. You can try \"bash $0 -b\" to bound\n" return 2 fi if [[ ${#bcode} -le 3 && ${bcode} -le 100 ]]; then json=$(curl -fsSL "https://console.bonuscloud.work/api/bcode/getBcodeForOther/?email=${email}") # 输入为数字时,获取用户账户里的bcode,区分海内外 if ! _get_ip_mainland ; then all_bcode_length=$(echo "${json}"|jq '.ret.mainland|length') bcode_list=$(echo "${json}"|jq '.ret.mainland') else all_bcode_length=$(echo "${json}"|jq '.ret.non_mainland|length') bcode_list=$(echo "${json}"|jq '.ret.non_mainland') fi read_all_bcode=$(echo "${bcode_list}"|jq -r '.[]|.bcode') if [[ $bcode -ge $all_bcode_length ]]; then len=$all_bcode_length else len=$bcode fi if [[ -z ${read_all_bcode} ]]; then echoerr "not found bcode in ${email}\n" fi else # 直接输入bcode时 read_bcode=$(echo "${bcode}"|grep -E -o "[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){2}[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}") if [[ -z "${read_bcode}" ]]; then echowarn "bcode input error\n" return 3 else read_all_bcode="${read_bcode}" len=1 fi fi # 遍历bcode,启动容器 for i in $(echo "${read_all_bcode}"|head -n "$len") ; do echoinfo "bcode: $i\n" only_ins_network_docker_run "${i}" "${email}" done } only_ins_network_vps(){ ins_docker local bcode local email local image_name if ! _only_net_get_image ; then return 1 fi if ! read_bcode_input ;then echoerr "bcode input error(bcode输入错误)\n" return 3 fi docker network create bxc1 if ! only_net_set_bridge ; then return 4 fi only_ins_network_docker_run "${bcode}" "$email" } only_ins_network_choose_plan(){ echoinfo "choose plan:\n" echoinfo "\t1) run as base progress,only one(只运行基础进程,兼容性差,内存低,单开)\n" echoinfo "\t2) run openwrt as docker, many (运行在docker里,兼容性好,内存占用高,可多开)\n" echoinfo "\t3) run as VPS, only one (VPS专用,只能起一个)\n" echoinfo "\t4) Delete the created network (删除创建的网络)\n" echoinfo "CHOOSE [1|2|3|4]:" read -r CHOOSE case $CHOOSE in 1 ) only_ins_network_base;; 2 ) only_ins_network_docker_openwrt ;; 3 ) only_ins_network_vps ;; 4 ) only_ins_network_del_net ;; * ) echowarn "\nno choose(未选择)\n";; esac } only_net_cert_export(){ Datas=$(docker volume ls --format "{{.Name}}"|grep 'bxc_data_') [[ -z "$Datas" ]]&&echoerr "not found volumes,exit\n"&&return 1 echoinfo "Find $(echo "${Datas}"|grep -c '') volume \n" ABSOLUTE_PATH=$(pwd) for data in $Datas ; do echoinfo "backuping \t$data\n" docker run --rm -it -v "$data:/opt/bcloud" -v "$ABSOLUTE_PATH/$TMP":/backup qinghon/bxc-net:$VDIS \ /bin/sh -c "[ -s /opt/bcloud/ca.crt ] &&tar -cpf \"/backup/$data.tar\" $NODE_INFO $SSL_CA $SSL_CRT $SSL_KEY 2>/dev/null" [[ ! -s "$ABSOLUTE_PATH/$TMP/$data.tar" ]]&&echoerr "not file in\t$data\n"&&docker volume rm "$data" done echoinfo "backup all over!files in $ABSOLUTE_PATH/$TMP\n" } only_net_cert_import_run(){ # 根据导入的证书启动容器 local FILEs bcode_ email_ mac_addr_ image_name FILEs=$(find . -name 'bxc_data_*.tar') [[ -z "$FILEs" ]]&&echoerr "not found certificate file,exit"&&return 1 if ! _only_net_get_image ; then return 1 fi echoinfo "Find $(echo "${FILEs}"|grep -c '') file\n" for i in $FILEs ;do info=$(tar -xf "$i" opt/bcloud/node.db -O 2>/dev/null) if [[ -z $info ]]; then echoerr "not found bcode from $i\n" continue fi bcode_=$(echo "$info"|jq -r '.bcode') if docker inspect "bxc-$bcode_">/dev/null 2>&1; then echoinfo "container $bcode_ already exists\n" continue fi email_=$(echo "$info"|jq -r '.email') mac_addr_=$(echo "$info"|jq -r '.mac_address') only_ins_network_docker_run "$bcode_" "$email_" "$mac_addr_" done } only_net_cert_import(){ # 从tar文件导入证书 local FILEs FILEs=$(find . -name 'bxc_data_*.tar') [[ -z "$FILEs" ]]&&echoerr "not found certificate file,exit"&&return 1 echoinfo "Find $(echo "${FILEs}"|grep -c '') file\n" ABSOLUTE_PATH=$(pwd) for i in $FILEs; do DIR=$(dirname "$i") DIR="${ABSOLUTE_PATH}${DIR:1}" filename=$(basename "$i") bcode=$(echo "$i"|grep -E -o "[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{8}-([0-9a-f]{4}-){2}[0-9a-f]{4}-[0-9a-f]{12}") if docker volume inspect "bxc_data_$bcode" >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then echoinfo "certificate $bcode already exists \n" continue fi [[ -z $bcode ]]&& echoerr "can not get bcode for $i" && continue echoinfo "importing\t$bcode ...\n" docker create -v "bxc_data_$bcode":/opt/bcloud --name "bxc_date_tmp_$bcode" qinghon/bxc-net:$VDIS true 1>/dev/null docker run --rm --volumes-from="bxc_date_tmp_$bcode" \ -v "$DIR":/backup qinghon/bxc-net:$VDIS tar xf "/backup/$filename" -C / docker rm "bxc_date_tmp_$bcode" 1>/dev/null set +x done # 手动选择是否现在启动 read -r -e -p "Run it now?:" -i "Y" choose case $choose in Y|y ) only_net_cert_import_run ;; esac } only_net_remove(){ IDs=$(docker ps -a --filter="ancestor=qinghon/bxc-net:$VDIS" --format "{{.ID}}") docker container stop "$IDs" docker container rm "$IDs" docker network rm bxc-macvlan echowarn "清除证书?[Y/N]";read -e -r -i "N" choose case $choose in Y|y ) docker volume rm "$(docker volume ls --format="{{.Name}}"|grep bxc_data)" ;; esac goproxy_remove } ins_kernel(){ if [[ "${DEVMODEL}" != "Phicomm N1" ]]; then echo "this device not Phicomm N1 exit" return 1 fi down_git "/aarch64/res/N1_kernel/md5sum" "$TMP/md5sum" down_git "/aarch64/res/N1_kernel/System.map-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1.xz" "$TMP/System.map-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1.xz" down_git "/aarch64/res/N1_kernel/vmlinuz-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1.xz" "$TMP/vmlinuz-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1.xz" down_git "/aarch64/res/N1_kernel/modules.tar.xz" "$TMP/modules.tar.xz" down_git "/aarch64/res/N1_kernel/N1.dtb" "$TMP/N1.dtb" echo "verifty file md5..." while read line; do file_name=$(echo "${line}" |awk '{print $2}') git_md5=$(echo "${line}" |awk '{print $1}') local_md5=$(md5sum "$TMP/$file_name"|awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$git_md5" != "$local_md5" ]]; then down_git "/aarch64/res/N1_kernel/$file_name" "$TMP/$file_name" local_md5=$(md5sum "$TMP/$file_name"|awk '{print $1}') if [[ "$git_md5" != "$local_md5" ]]; then echo "download $TMP/$file_name failed,md5 check fail" fi fi done <$TMP/md5sum xz -d -c $TMP/System.map-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1.xz > $TMP/System.map-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1 xz -d -c $TMP/vmlinuz-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1.xz > $TMP/zImage echo "backup old kernel to $TMP/kernel_bak/" mkdir -p $TMP/kernel_bak cp /boot/zImage $TMP/kernel_bak/ cp /boot/vmlinuz* $TMP/kernel_bak/ cp /boot/System.map-* $TMP/kernel_bak/ echo "installing new kernel" cp $TMP/zImage /boot/zImage cp /boot/zImage /boot/vmlinuz-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1 cp $TMP/System.map-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1 /boot/System.map-5.0.0-aml-N1-BonusCloud-1-1 tar -Jxf $TMP/modules.tar.xz -C /lib/modules/ res=$(grep -q 'N1.dtb' /boot/uEnv.ini;echo $?) if [[ ${res} -ne 0 ]]; then cp $TMP/N1.dtb /boot/N1.dtb sed -i -e 's/dtb_name/#dtb_name/g' -e '/N1.dtb$/'d /boot/uEnv.ini sed -i '1i\dtb_name=\/N1.dtb' /boot/uEnv.ini fi echo "接下来会重启,准备好了吗?给你10秒,CTRL-C 停止" sync sleep 10 reboot } _select_interface(){ if [[ -n $0 ]]; then SET_LINK=$1 fi MACADDR=$(ip link show "${SET_LINK}"|grep 'ether'|awk '{print $2}') if [[ -z "${MACADDR}" ]]; then log "[error]" "Get interface ${SET_LINK} mac address get error" SET_LINK="" fi } set_interfaces_name(){ echo -e "手动修改网卡名称为ethx方法 https://jianpengzhang.github.io/2017/04/18/2017041801/" read -r -p "是否自动修改网卡名称为ethx,可能会失联,默认否 yes/n:" CHOSE case ${CHOSE} in yes ) sed -i 's/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/#GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=/' /etc/default/grub sed -i '/^GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" #script/d' /etc/default/grub sed -i '/GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=""/a\GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=0" #script' /etc/default/grub update-grub2 echo -e '# The primary network interface\nallow-hotplug eth0\niface eth0 inet dhcp' >/etc/network/interfaces echo "接下来会重启,准备好了吗?给你10秒,CTRL-C 停止" sync sleep 10 reboot ;; * ) return ;; esac } _show_info(){ Status="$1" num=$2 con_ID="$3" have_tun0=$4 ip_addr="$5" mac_addr="$6" if [[ "$Status" != "running" || $have_tun0 -ne 0 ]]; then echoerr "${num} ${Status}\ttun0 not create\t$con_ID\t\t${mac_addr}\t\n" else echoinfo "${num} ${Status}\t\ttun0 run\t${ip_addr}\t${mac_addr}\n" fi } only_net_show(){ # 显示单网络任务的所有容器 ins_jq IDs=$($CRI ps -a --filter="ancestor=bxc-net:$VDIS" --format "{{.ID}}") echoerr "num Status\ttun0 Status\tcontainer ID\t\tMAC\n" echoinfo "num Status\t\ttun0 Status\tIP\t\tMAC address\n" echo- local LFS_tmp=$LFS LFS=\n IDs_arr=($IDs) LFS=$LFS_tmp run_num=0 fail_num=0 for i in $IDs; do con_info=$($CRI container inspect "$i") Status=$(echo "$con_info"|jq -r '.[]|.State.Status') if [[ "$Status" != "running" ]]; then fail_num=$(($fail_num+1)) _show_info "$Status" "$fail_num" "$i" "1" "" "" continue fi have_tun0=$($CRI exec -it "$i" /bin/sh -c 'ip addr show dev tun0 >/dev/null 2>&1' 2>/dev/null;echo $?) network_name=$(echo "$con_info"|jq -r '.[]|.NetworkSettings.Networks|to_entries|.[]|.key') if [[ "$network_name" == "bxc1" ]]; then ip_addr=$(echo "$con_info"|jq -r '.[]|.NetworkSettings.Networks.bxc1.IPAddress') mac_addr=$(echo "$con_info"|jq -r '.[]|.NetworkSettings.Networks.bxc1.MacAddress') else ip_addr=$(echo "$con_info"|jq -r '.[]|.NetworkSettings.Networks."bxc-macvlan".IPAddress') mac_addr=$(echo "$con_info"|jq -r '.[]|.NetworkSettings.Networks."bxc-macvlan".MacAddress') fi if [[ $have_tun0 -ne 0 ]] ; then fail_num=$(($fail_num+1)) _show_info "$Status" "$fail_num" "$i" "$have_tun0" "$ip_addr" "$mac_addr" continue fi run_num=$(($run_num+1)) _show_info "$Status" "$run_num" "$i" "$have_tun0" "$ip_addr" "$mac_addr" done echo- echoinfo "${run_num} running\t\t" echoerr "${fail_num} not running\t\t" echoinfo "${#IDs_arr[@]} Total\n" } mg(){ echoins(){ case $1 in "1" ) echoerr "not install\t" ;; "0" ) echoinfo "installed\t";; esac } echorun(){ case $1 in "1" ) echoerr "not running\t" ;; "0" ) echoinfo "running\t\t";; esac } # network check network_docker=$(docker images --format "{{.Repository}}" 2>/dev/null|grep -q bxc-net;echo $?) network_file_have=$([[ -s ${BASE_DIR}/bxc-network || "${network_docker}" -eq 0 ]];echo $?) network_progress=$(pgrep bxc-network>/dev/null;echo $?) [[ ${network_progress} -eq 0 ]] &&network_con_id=$(docker ps --filter="ancestor=qinghon/bxc-net:$VDIS" --format "{{.ID}}"|head -n 1) tun0exits=$(ip link show tun0 >/dev/null 2>&1 ;echo $?) [[ ${network_file_have} -eq 0 ]] &&tun0exits=$(ip link show tun0 >/dev/null 2>&1 ;echo $?) [[ ${network_docker} -eq 0 && -n "${network_con_id}" ]] &&tun0exits=$(docker exec -i "${network_con_id}" /bin/sh -c "ip link show dev tun0>/dev/null 2>&1;echo $?") [[ $network_file_have -ne 0 && -z "${network_con_id}" ]] &&tun0exits=1 goproxy_progress=$(goproxy_check >/dev/null 2>&1 ;echo $?) [[ -n "${network_con_id}" ]] &&goproxy_progress=$(docker exec -i "${network_con_id}" /bin/sh -c "pgrep bxc-worker>/dev/null;echo $?") # node check node_progress=$(pgrep node>/dev/null;echo $?) node_file=$([ -s ${BASE_DIR}/nodeapi/node ];echo $?) [ "${node_progress}" -eq 0 ]&&node_version=$(curl -fsS localhost:9017/version|grep -E -o 'v[0-9]\.[0-9]\.[0-9]') # k8s check k8s_file=$(check_k8s >/dev/null;echo $?) k8s_progress=$(pgrep kubelet>/dev/null;echo $?) [[ $k8s_file -eq 0 ]] &&k8s_version=$(kubelet --version|awk '{print $2}') #docker check doc_che_ret=$(check_doc2 >/dev/null 2>&1 ;echo $?) [[ ${doc_che_ret} -ne 1 ]]&& doc_v=$(docker version --format "{{.Server.Version}}" 2>/dev/null) [[ ${doc_che_ret} -ne 1 ]]&& doc_ps_num=$(docker ps 2>/dev/null|wc -l) #output echowarn "\nbxc-network:\n" echo -e -n "|install?\t|running?\t|connect?\t|proxy aleady?\n" [ "${network_file_have}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echoins "1";}||echoins "0" [ "${network_progress}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echorun "1";}||echorun "0" [ "${tun0exits}" -ne 0 ] && { echoerr "tun0 not create\t";} || echoinfo "tun0 run!\t" [ "${goproxy_progress}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echorun "1";}||echorun "0" echowarn "\nbxc-node:\n" echo -e -n "|install?\t|running?\t|version\n" [ "${node_file}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echoins "1";}||echoins "0" [ "${node_progress}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echorun "1";}||echorun "0" [ "${node_progress}" -eq 0 ]&&echoinfo "${node_version}" echowarn "\nk8s:\n" [ "${k8s_file}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echoins "1";}||echoins "0" [ "${k8s_progress}" -ne 0 ]&&{ echorun "1";}||echorun "0" [[ -n $k8s_version ]] &&echoinfo "${k8s_version}\t" echowarn "\ndocker:\n" [[ ${doc_che_ret} -eq 1 ]] && { echoins "1";}||echoins "0" [[ -n ${doc_v} ]] &&echoinfo "$doc_v\t\t" [[ ${doc_che_ret} -eq 1 ]] || echoinfo "${doc_ps_num}" echowarn "\n\nProgress: " lvm_have=$(lvs 2>/dev/null|grep -q 'BonusVolGroup';echo $?) [[ ${lvm_have} -eq 0 ]] && { echorun "0";}|| echorun "1" echowarn "Available space: " free_space=$(vgdisplay | grep 'Free PE / Size' | awk '{print $7,$8}' | sed 's/\iB//g') echoinfo "${free_space}B\n" #任务显示 declare -A dict # 任务类型字典 dict=([iqiyi]="A" [yunduan]="B" [65542v]="C" [65541v]="D" [65540v]="F" [65546v]="G" [65539v]="H") [[ ${lvm_have} -eq 0 ]] &&lvs_info=$(lvs 2>/dev/null|grep BonusVolGroup|grep bonusvol) local TYPE lvm_size lvlist lvm_num # 修正B任务字典后,将按照首字母倒序改为按第四个字母倒序来避免B任务在A任务前面不符合顺序 [[ ${lvm_have} -eq 0 ]] &&lvlist=$(echo "$lvs_info"|awk '{print $1}'|sed -r 's#bonusvol([A-Za-z0-9]+)[0-9]{2}#\1#g'|sort -ru -k 1.4) [[ ${lvm_have} -eq 0 ]] &&echowarn "\t\t Used\t\t Avail\t\t Use%%\n" for lv in $lvlist; do TYPE=${dict[$lv]} lvm_num=$(echo "$lvs_info"|awk '{print $1}'|grep -c "$lv") lvm_size=$(echo "$lvs_info"|grep "$lv"|awk '{print $4}'|head -n 1|sed 's/\.00g//g') echoinfo "${TYPE}-${lvm_num}-${lvm_size}\n" echo -e "$(df -h |grep "bonusvol$lv" | awk '{print " ├──\t\t", $3, "\t\t", $4, "\t\t\033[1;32m", $5,"\033[0m"}')" done } show_disk_info(){ smarttool_ins echowarn "Power by: " echoinfo "smartctl " printf "(https://www.smartmontools.org) & " echoinfo "404404 " printf "(https://github.com/404404) \n" local T1 T2 type for sd in $(ls /dev/*|grep -E '((sd)|(vd)|(hd))[a-z]$'); do for type_tmp in sat scsi nvme ata usbcypress usbjmicron usbprolific usbsunplus marvell areca 3ware hpt megaraid aacraid cciss; do # echo $type_tmp ret=$(smartctl -d $type_tmp --all $sd >/dev/null;echo $?) # echo $ret # ret=$(($ret & 8)) if [[ $ret -eq 4 || $ret -eq 0 ]]; then type=$type_tmp break fi done echowarn "\nDisk: " echoinfo "$sd\t Type: $type\t" smarttemp=$(smartctl -d $type -a "$sd" | grep 194) T1=$(echo "$smarttemp" | awk '{print $10}') T2=$(echo "$smarttemp" | awk '{print $11, $12}') echowarn "Temperature: " echoinfo "${T1}°C" printf " ${T2}\n" echowarn "SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: " smartctl -d $type -H "$sd" | grep 'SMART overall-health self-assessment test result' | awk '{print $6}' echowarn "Hard drive information: \n" smartctl -d $type -i "$sd" | sed '1,4d' | sed '$d' echowarn "Hard drive smart data: \n" smartctl -d $type -A "$sd" | sed '1,4d' done } verifty(){ [ ! -s $BASE_DIR/nodeapi/node ] && return 2 [ ! -s $BASE_DIR/compute/10-mynet.conflist ] && return 3 [ ! -s $BASE_DIR/compute/99-loopback.conf ] && return 4 log "[info]" "verifty file over" return 0 } remove(){ echowarn "Are you sure all remove BonusCloud plugin? yes/n:" ;read -r CHOSE case $CHOSE in yes ) node_remove rm -rf /opt/bcloud $TMP echoinfo "BonusCloud plugin removed\n" k8s_remove echoinfo "k8s removed\n" teleport_remove echoinfo "teleport removed\n" echoinfo "see you again!\n" ;; * ) echowarn "Your input is incorrect \n"&& return ;; esac } displayhelp(){ en_us_help=( "bash $0 [option] " " -h Print this and exit" " └── -L Specify help language,like \"-h -L zh_cn\"" " -b bound for command" " -d Only install docker" " -c change kernel to compiled dedicated kernels,only \"Phicomm N1\"" " and is danger!" " -i Installation environment check and initialization" " -k Install the k8s environment and the k8s components that" " BonusCloud depends on" " -n Only install node management components " " -r Fully remove bonuscloud plug-ins and components" " -s Install teleport for remote debugging by developers" " -t Show all plugin running status" " └── -D Show Disk status and info" " -e Set interfaces name to ethx,only x86_64 and using grub" " -g Install network job only" " └── -H Set ip for container" " └── -M skip bxc-net docker image download" " └── -e export only network job certificate" " └── -i import only network job certificate" " └── -P only net mode using pppoe in container." " └── -p use podman start network process container" " -A Install all task component" " -D Don't set disk for node program" " -I Interface set interface name to you want" " -S show Info level output" " -Z function run the specified function" " " "When no parameters are added, the calculation task component is installed " "by default. If the parameter \"only install\" is added, the corresponding " "component will be installed.") zh_cn_help=( "bash $0 [选项] " " -h 打印此帮助并退出" " └── -L 指定帮助语言,如\"-h -L zh_cn\" " " -b 命令行绑定" " -d 仅安装Docker程序" " -c 安装定制内核,仅支持\"Phicomm N1\"" " -i 仅初始化" " -k 仅安装k8s组件" " -n 安装node组件" " -r 清除所有安装的相关程序" " -s 仅安装teleport远程调试程序,默认安装" " -t 显示各组件运行状态" " └── -D 显示硬盘状态" " -e 设置网卡名称为ethx格式,仅支持使用grub的x86设备" " -g 仅安装网络任务" " └── -H 网络容器指定IP" " └── -M 跳过bxc-net镜像下载" " └── -e 导出单网络任务证书" " └── -i 导入单网络任务证书" " └── -P 单网络任务docker开启pppoe拨号" " └── -p 使用podman安装网络任务" " -A 安装所有计算任务组件" " -D 不初始化外挂硬盘" " -I Interface 指定安装时使用的网卡" " -S 显示Info等级日志" " -Z function 运行指定函数" " " "不加参数时,默认安装计算任务组件,如加了\"仅安装..\"等参数时将安装对应组件") # echo -e "\033[2J" case $_LANG in en_US.UTF-8|en_us ) for i in "${!en_us_help[@]}"; do help_arr[$i]="${en_us_help[$i]}" done ;; * ) for i in "${!zh_cn_help[@]}"; do help_arr[$i]="${zh_cn_help[$i]}" done ;; esac for i in "${!help_arr[@]}"; do printf "%s\n" "${help_arr[$i]}" done exit 0 } install_all(){ _INIT=1 _DOCKER_INS=1 _NODE_INS=1 _TELEPORT=1 _K8S_INS=1 _NET_CONF=1 _SYSSTAT=1 } _check_pg DISPLAYINFO="0" _LANG="" _SYSARCH=1 _INIT=0 _NET_CONF=0 _DOCKER_INS=0 _USE_PODMAN=0 _NODE_INS=0 _REMOVE=0 _TELEPORT=0 _SYSSTAT=0 _CHANGE_KN=0 _ONLY_NET=0 _K8S_INS=0 _BOUND=0 _SHOW_STATUS=0 _SET_ETHX=0 _DON_SET_DISK=0 _SET_IP_ADDRESS=0 _SHOW_HELP=0 _DON_DOWN_IMAGE=0 _SET_PPPOE=0 _NEED_PUBIP=0 #_TEST=0 if [[ $# == 0 ]]; then install_all fi while getopts "bdiknrstceghpAI:DSHL:MPEZ:" opt ; do case $opt in i ) _INIT=1 ;; b ) _BOUND=1 ;; c ) _CHANGE_KN=1 ;; d ) _DOCKER_INS=1 ;; p ) _USE_PODMAN=1 ; CRI=podman ;; k ) _K8S_INS=1 ;; n ) _NODE_INS=1 ;; r ) _REMOVE=1 ;; s ) _TELEPORT=1 ;; e ) _SET_ETHX=1 ;; t ) _SHOW_STATUS=1 ;; g ) _ONLY_NET=1 ;; h ) _SHOW_HELP=1 ;; A ) install_all ;; D ) _DON_SET_DISK=1 ;; I ) _select_interface "${OPTARG}" ;; M ) _DON_DOWN_IMAGE=1 ;; S ) DISPLAYINFO="1" ;; H ) _SET_IP_ADDRESS=1 ;; L ) _LANG="${OPTARG}" ;; P ) _SET_PPPOE=1 ;; E ) _NEED_PUBIP=1 ;; Z ) ${OPTARG} ;; ? ) echoerr "Unknow arg. exiting\n" ;displayhelp; exit 1 ;; esac done [[ $_SHOW_HELP -eq 1 ]] &&displayhelp [[ $_SYSARCH -eq 1 ]] &&sysArch &&sys_osname &&run_as_root "$*" [[ $_SHOW_STATUS -eq 1 && $_ONLY_NET -eq 1 ]] &&_ONLY_NET=0&& _SHOW_STATUS=0&&only_net_show [[ $_ONLY_NET -eq 1 && $_SET_ETHX -eq 1 ]] &&_ONLY_NET=0 && _SET_ETHX=0&&only_net_cert_export [[ $_ONLY_NET -eq 1 && $_INIT -eq 1 ]] &&_ONLY_NET=0 && _INIT=0 &&only_net_cert_import [[ $_DON_SET_DISK -eq 1 && $_SHOW_STATUS -eq 1 ]] &&_SHOW_STATUS=0 && show_disk_info [[ $_INIT -eq 1 ]] &&init [[ $_DOCKER_INS -eq 1 ]] &&ins_docker [[ $_USE_PODMAN -eq 1 ]] &&ins_podman [[ $_NODE_INS -eq 1 ]] &&node_ins [[ $_K8S_INS -eq 1 ]] &&ins_k8s [[ $_TELEPORT -eq 1 ]] &&teleport_ins [[ $_SYSSTAT -eq 1 ]] &&iostat_ins [[ $_CHANGE_KN -eq 1 ]] &&ins_kernel [[ $_ONLY_NET -eq 1 ]] &&only_ins_network_choose_plan [[ $_NET_CONF -eq 1 ]] &&ins_conf [[ $_BOUND -eq 1 ]] &&bound [[ $_SET_ETHX -eq 1 ]] &&set_interfaces_name [[ $_SHOW_STATUS -eq 1 ]] &&mg [[ $_REMOVE -eq 1 ]] &&remove sync