index question sentence label 0 What came into force after the new constitution was herald? As of that day, the new constitution heralding the Second Republic came into force. entailment 1 What is the first major city in the stream of the Rhine? The most important tributaries in this area are the Ill below of Strasbourg, the Neckar in Mannheim and the Main across from Mainz. not_entailment 2 What is the minimum required if you want to teach in Canada? In most provinces a second Bachelor's Degree such as a Bachelor of Education is required to become a qualified teacher. not_entailment 3 How was Temüjin kept imprisoned by the Tayichi'ud? The Tayichi'ud enslaved Temüjin (reportedly with a cangue, a sort of portable stocks), but with the help of a sympathetic guard, the father of Chilaun (who later became a general of Genghis Khan), he was able to escape from the ger (yurt) in the middle of the night by hiding in a river crevice.[citation needed] entailment 4 What did Herr Gott, dich loben wir become known as ? He paraphrased the Te Deum as "Herr Gott, dich loben wir" with a simplified form of the melody. not_entailment 5 What year did the the case go before the supreme court? For example, Joseph Haas was arrested for allegedly sending an email to the Lebanon, New Hampshire city councilors stating, "Wise up or die." not_entailment 6 What does UMC stand for? Founded in 1968 by the union of the Methodist Church (USA) and the Evangelical United Brethren Church, the UMC traces its roots back to the revival movement of John and Charles Wesley in England as well as the Great Awakening in the United States. not_entailment 7 What is the name of the professional skateboarder that lives in southern California? Southern California is also important to the world of yachting. not_entailment 8 Where did Temüjin hide during his escape from the Tayichi'ud? Temüjin's reputation also became widespread after his escape from the Tayichi'ud. not_entailment 9 What are the most active parts of ctenophora? These branch through the mesoglea to the most active parts of the animal: the mouth and pharynx; the roots of the tentacles, if present; all along the underside of each comb row; and four branches round the sensory complex at the far end from the mouth – two of these four branches terminate in anal pores. entailment 10 Who decides the fate of protesters most of the time? Brownlee argues, "Bringing in deterrence at the level of justification detracts from the law’s engagement in a moral dialogue with the offender as a rational person because it focuses attention on the threat of punishment and not the moral reasons to follow this law." not_entailment 11 What act sets forth the functions of the Scottish Parliament? The Scotland Act 1998, which was passed by the Parliament of the United Kingdom and given royal assent by Queen Elizabeth II on 19 November 1998, governs the functions and role of the Scottish Parliament and delimits its legislative competence. entailment 12 What is the name for a response of the immune system that damages the body's native tissues? Hypersensitivity is an immune response that damages the body's own tissues. entailment 13 When did the Warsaw Uprising begin? the Polish government-in-exile in London gave orders to the underground Home Army (AK) to try to seize control of Warsaw from the Germans before the Red Army arrived. not_entailment 14 The Tower District is centered around which historic theatre? The theater was built in 1939 and is at Olive and Wishon Avenues in the heart of the Tower District. not_entailment 15 What is the English translation of Het Scheur? The largest and southern main branch begins as Waal and continues as Boven Merwede ("Upper Merwede"), Beneden Merwede ("Lower Merwede"), Noord River ("North River"), Nieuwe Maas ("New Meuse"), Het Scheur ("the Rip") and Nieuwe Waterweg ("New Waterway"). entailment 16 What is one of the largest music schools in Europe? Other institutions for higher education include the Medical University of Warsaw, the largest medical school in Poland and one of the most prestigious, the National Defence University, highest military academic institution in Poland, the Fryderyk Chopin University of Music the oldest and largest music school in Poland, and one of the largest in Europe, the Warsaw School of Economics, the oldest and most renowned economic university in the country, and the Warsaw University of Life Sciences the largest agricultural university founded in 1818. entailment 17 What percentage of farmland grows wheat? More than 50% of this area is sown for wheat, 33% for barley and 7% for oats. entailment 18 What did he light at his laboratories to demonstrate his wireless power transmission? He lit electric lamps wirelessly at both locations, demonstrating the potential of wireless power transmission. entailment 19 Where did the Exposition take place? This World's Fair devoted a building to electrical exhibits. not_entailment 20 What is a ligand on the cell surface that is upregulated after helper T cell activation? In addition, helper T cell activation causes an upregulation of molecules expressed on the T cell's surface, such as CD40 ligand (also called CD154), which provide extra stimulatory signals typically required to activate antibody-producing B cells. entailment 21 When did Warsaw become the center of the Congress Poland? Warsaw remained the capital of the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth until 1796, when it was annexed by the Kingdom of Prussia to become the capital of the province of South Prussia. not_entailment 22 Which country does the Rhine encounter it's main tributaries? It is here that the Rhine encounters some more of its main tributaries, such as the Neckar, the Main and, later, the Moselle, which contributes an average discharge of more than 300 m3/s (11,000 cu ft/s). not_entailment 23 If two thirds of the Rhine flows through Waal, where does the other third flow through? The other third of the water flows through the Pannerdens Kanaal and redistributes in the IJssel and Nederrijn. entailment 24 What paved the way for the Augsburg Confession? Despite the disagreements on the Eucharist, the Marburg Colloquy paved the way for the signing in 1530 of the Augsburg Confession, and for the formation of the Schmalkaldic League the following year by leading Protestant nobles such as John of Saxony, Philip of Hesse, and George, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. entailment 25 What signer of the Articles of Confederation was descended from Huguenots? Paul Revere was descended from Huguenot refugees, as was Henry Laurens, who signed the Articles of Confederation for South Carolina; Jack Jouett, who made the ride from Cuckoo Tavern to warn Thomas Jefferson and others that Tarleton and his men were on their way to arrest him for crimes against the king; Francis Marion, and a number of other leaders of the American Revolution and later statesmen. entailment 26 What language did Tesla study while in school? Tesla was the fourth of five children. not_entailment 27 In what year did the university first see a drop in applications? In the early 1950s, student applications declined as a result of increasing crime and poverty in the Hyde Park neighborhood. entailment 28 What causes the symptoms of inflammation? The symptoms of inflammation are redness, swelling, heat, and pain, which are caused by increased blood flow into tissue. entailment 29 In which case did the Court state that Austria was not allowed to hold places in Austrian schools exclusively for Austrian students? In Commission v Austria the Court held that Austria was not entitled to restrict places in Austrian universities to Austrian students to avoid "structural, staffing and financial problems" if (mainly German) foreign students applied for places because there was little evidence of an actual problem. entailment 30 What type of flower is sought on Midsummer's Eve? Each Midsummer’s Eve, apart from the official floating of wreaths, jumping over fires, looking for the fern flower, there are musical performances, dignitaries' speeches, fairs and fireworks by the river bank. entailment 31 What are those from Jacksonville sometimes called? People from Jacksonville may be called "Jacksonvillians" or "Jaxsons" (also spelled "Jaxons"). entailment 32 When was amnesty granted to those responsible for the massacre? The exact number of fatalities throughout the country is not known. not_entailment 33 A function problem is an example of what? Notable examples include the traveling salesman problem and the integer factorization problem. not_entailment 34 In what year did Tesla's family move to Gospic? Tesla was the fourth of five children. not_entailment 35 What did Carolina face in the opening drive that they had not faced the entire postseason? A pair of carries by C. J. Anderson moved the ball up 20 yards to the Panthers 14-yard line, but Carolina's defense dug in over the next three plays. not_entailment 36 Who was the mayor of San Francisco during Super Bowl 50? San Francisco mayor Ed Lee said of the highly visible homeless presence in this area "they are going to have to leave". entailment 37 What day of the week did Shark Tank debut on? Shark Tank (based on the Dragon's Den reality format) also became a midseason sleeper hit on Sundays in the spring of 2010; the following season, it became the tentpole of the network's Friday night schedule, gradually helping make ABC a strong competitor (after being paired with 20/20 and beginning with the 2012–13 season, the Tim Allen sitcom Last Man Standing) against CBS' long-dominant drama/reality lineup on that night for the first time since the "TGIF" lineup ended in 2000. entailment 38 How much of Jacksonville is made up of water? According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 874.3 square miles (2,264 km2), making Jacksonville the largest city in land area in the contiguous United States; of this, 86.66% (757.7 sq mi or 1,962 km2) is land and ; 13.34% (116.7 sq mi or 302 km2) is water. entailment 39 What museum preserves the memory of the crime? A fine tribute to the fall of Warsaw and history of Poland can be found in the Warsaw Uprising Museum and in the Katyń Museum which preserves the memory of the crime. entailment 40 When people take on debt, it leads potentially to what? If the state does not provide these services, then for those on lower incomes, the costs must be borrowed and often those on lower incomes are those who are worse equipped to manage their finances. not_entailment 41 Stretched rocks that pinch into lenses are known by what word? These stretched rocks can also pinch into lenses, known as boudins, after the French word for "sausage", because of their visual similarity. entailment 42 Who was influential in promoting the use of chemical compounds as medicines? Living in the 10th century, he wrote The foundations of the true properties of Remedies, amongst others describing arsenious oxide, and being acquainted with silicic acid. not_entailment 43 When did Tesla move to New York City? In 1882, Tesla began working for the Continental Edison Company in France, designing and making improvements to electrical equipment. not_entailment 44 What is the population of the second largest city in California? Many of southern California's most developed cities lie along or in close proximity to the coast, with the exception of San Bernardino and Riverside. not_entailment 45 What has a Lama determined to do? In Tibetan Buddhism the teachers of Dharma in Tibet are most commonly called a Lama. not_entailment 46 What was the idealized value of imperialism? For some, imperialism designated a policy of idealism and philanthropy; others alleged that it was characterized by political self-interest, and a growing number associated it with capitalist greed. entailment 47 What kind of water body is rumored to be obscuring Genghis Khan's burial site? Folklore says that a river was diverted over his grave to make it impossible to find (the same manner of burial as the Sumerian King Gilgamesh of Uruk and Atilla the Hun). entailment 48 Who won the Ekstraklasa Championship in 2000? They also won the country’s championship in 1946, and won the cup twice as well. not_entailment 49 What were the Saxon Palace and Brühl Palace in prewar Warsaw? Warsaw’s municipal government authorities have decided to rebuild the Saxon Palace and the Brühl Palace, the most distinctive buildings in prewar Warsaw. entailment 50 What thesis specifies that a polynomial relationship exists within time complexities in a computational model? This forms the basis for the complexity class P, which is the set of decision problems solvable by a deterministic Turing machine within polynomial time. not_entailment 51 What happened to his lab? His lab was torn down in 1904, and its contents were sold two years later to satisfy a debt. entailment 52 How does the level of tuition in German private schools compare to private schools in other Western European countries? Therefore, most Ersatzschulen have very low tuition fees and/or offer scholarships, compared to most other Western European countries. entailment 53 For about how long would the extended LM allow a surface stay on the moon? The Lunar Module (LM) was designed to descend from lunar orbit to land two astronauts on the Moon and take them back to orbit to rendezvous with the Command Module. not_entailment 54 What was the population of the Dutch Republic before this emigration? This was a huge influx as the entire population of the Dutch Republic amounted to ca. not_entailment 55 What eventually happened to the Block I program after the incident? Crew members would also exclusively wear modified, fire-resistant Block II space suits, and would be designated by the Block II titles, regardless of whether a LM was present on the flight or not. not_entailment 56 What causes rock extension? This is primarily accomplished through normal faulting and through the ductile stretching and thinning. entailment 57 What lead to the UK to subscribe to the agreement on Social Policy? Following the election of the UK Labour Party to government in 1997, the UK formally subscribed to the Agreement on Social Policy, which allowed it to be included with minor amendments as the Social Chapter of the 1997 Treaty of Amsterdam. entailment 58 Who was the chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce? Sherwood Boehlert, chairman of the House Science Committee, said this was a "misguided and illegitimate investigation" apparently aimed at intimidating scientists, and at his request the U.S. National Academy of Sciences arranged for its National Research Council to set up a special investigation. not_entailment 59 Article 34 meant states could be responsible for what? It also means states can be responsible for private actors. entailment 60 Where is the border of Swiss and Austria? It is located at approximately 47°39′N 9°19′E / 47.650°N 9.317°E / 47.650; 9.317. entailment 61 What other location did Apollo 1 test at besides Kennedy Space Center? They trained and conducted tests of their spacecraft at North American, and in the altitude chamber at the Kennedy Space Center. entailment 62 How much did Capital Cities Communications purchase ABC and its properties for? Due to an FCC ban on same-market ownership of television and radio stations by a single company (although the deal would have otherwise complied with new ownership rules implemented by the FCC in January 1985, that allowed broadcasters to own a maximum of 12 television stations), ABC and Capital Cities respectively decided to sell WXYZ-TV and Tampa independent station WFTS-TV to the E. W. Scripps Company (although Capital Cities/ABC originally intended to seek a cross-ownership waiver to retain WXYZ and Capital Cities-owned radio stations WJR and WHYT). not_entailment 63 Who painted the retable of St. George that is in the V&A collection? One of the largest objects in the collection is the Spanish tempera on wood, 670 x 486 cm, retable of St George, c. 1400, consisting of numerous scenes and painted by Andrés Marzal De Sax in Valencia. entailment 64 According to a 1955 review, what were savings by the wealthy thought to offset? According to a 1955 review, savings by the wealthy, if these increase with inequality, were thought to offset reduced consumer demand. entailment 65 What percentage of Warsaw's population was Protestant in 1901? After the war, the new communist authorities of Poland discouraged church construction and only a small number were rebuilt. not_entailment 66 For which show did Billie Piper tape an introduction? CBC began airing series two on 9 October 2006 at 20:00 E/P (20:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador), shortly after that day's CFL double header on Thanksgiving in most of the country.[citation needed] not_entailment 67 What is the seldom used force unit equal to one thousand newtons? The kilogram-force leads to an alternate, but rarely used unit of mass: the metric slug (sometimes mug or hyl) is that mass that accelerates at 1 m·s−2 when subjected to a force of 1 kgf. not_entailment 68 What is the name of the turf used in Levi's Stadium for the Super Bowl? Concerns were raised over whether Levi's Stadium's field was of a high enough quality to host a Super Bowl; during the inaugural season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game earlier in the 2015 season, a portion of the turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal, although the field has not had any major issues since. not_entailment 69 Which company is the gallery of Japanese art named after? The museum also holds some cloisonné pieces from the Japanese art production company, Ando Cloisonné. not_entailment 70 What was the name of the imperialistic policy in China? The Age of Imperialism, a time period beginning around 1700, saw (generally European) industrializing nations engaging in the process of colonizing, influencing, and annexing other parts of the world in order to gain political power.[citation needed] not_entailment 71 When was Luther's last sermon? It was "entirely devoted to the obdurate Jews, whom it was a matter of great urgency to expel from all German territory," according to Léon Poliakov. not_entailment 72 Who did the BBC work with to reconstruct some of The Invasion episodes? The BBC, in conjunction with animation studio Cosgrove Hall, reconstructed the missing episodes 1 and 4 of The Invasion (1968), using remastered audio tracks and the comprehensive stage notes for the original filming, for the serial's DVD release in November 2006. entailment 73 When were Luther and his prospective bride engaged? The ceremonial walk to the church and the wedding banquet were left out, and were made up two weeks later on 27 June. not_entailment 74 Where in South Carolina did Huguenot nobility settle? He became pastor of the first Huguenot church in North America in that city. not_entailment 75 What is colonialism's core meaning? Colonialism is seen to be the architect deciding how to start dominating areas and then imperialism can be seen as creating the idea behind conquest cooperating with colonialism. not_entailment 76 What was Warsaw's population in 1901? After the war, the new communist authorities of Poland discouraged church construction and only a small number were rebuilt. not_entailment 77 By what name was the Mongol army that finally conquered Bulgaria known? The famous cavalry expedition led by Subutai and Jebe, in which they encircled the entire Caspian Sea defeating all armies in their path, remains unparalleled to this day, and word of the Mongol triumphs began to trickle to other nations, particularly Europe. not_entailment 78 What university donated the land for the Manned Spacecraft Center? A site was chosen in Houston, Texas, on land donated by Rice University, and Administrator Webb announced the conversion on September 19, 1961. entailment 79 What was given as the cause of death? His body was later found by maid Alice Monaghan after she had entered Tesla's room, ignoring the "do not disturb" sign that Tesla had placed on his door two days earlier. not_entailment 80 How many plant species make up the total in the rainforest? One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. not_entailment 81 What Newcastle radio station is based at the Great North Children's Hospital? Newcastle Student Radio is run by students from both of the city's universities, broadcasting from Newcastle University's student's union building during term time. not_entailment 82 the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, what was the prize for finding a prime with at least 10 million digits? In 2009, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search project was awarded a US$100,000 prize for first discovering a prime with at least 10 million digits. entailment 83 When was the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre? In what became known as the St. Bartholomew's Day Massacre of 24 August – 3 October 1572, Catholics killed thousands of Huguenots in Paris. entailment 84 What do these teachers NOT do? These teachers do not teach by rote but attempt to find new invigoration for the course materials on a daily basis. entailment 85 What role in economics did the university play a major part in? In economics, the university has played an important role in shaping ideas about the free market and is the namesake of the Chicago school of economics, the school of economic thought supported by Milton Friedman and other economists. entailment 86 What is the estimate of how many physicians give out drugs on their own? 7 to 10 percent of American physicians practices reportedly dispense drugs on their own. entailment 87 What was Warsaw ranked the 7th greatest of? It also has one of the fastest growing economies, with GDP growth at 6.5 percent in 2007 and 6.1 percent in the first quarter of 2008. not_entailment 88 What was the Marburg Colloquy meant to establish? Agreement was achieved on fourteen points out of fifteen, the exception being the nature of the Eucharist – the sacrament of the Lord's Supper—an issue crucial to Luther. not_entailment 89 What river runs through Warsaw? Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9th most-populous capital city in the European Union. not_entailment 90 Who designed the Scottish Parliament building? Since September 2004, the official home of the Scottish Parliament has been a new Scottish Parliament Building, in the Holyrood area of Edinburgh. not_entailment 91 What portion of Berlin's population spoke French by 1700? By 1700, one-fifth of the city's population was French speaking. entailment 92 Who was responsible for the new building projects in Jacksonville? Mayor W. Haydon Burns' Jacksonville Story resulted in the construction of a new city hall, civic auditorium, public library and other projects that created a dynamic sense of civic pride. entailment 93 What did Luther explain about acquiring God's grace? In this work, one of his most emphatic statements on faith, he argued that every good work designed to attract God's favor is a sin. not_entailment 94 Where was war fought? The war was fought primarily along the frontiers between New France and the British colonies, from Virginia in the South to Nova Scotia in the North. entailment 95 In what year did Harvard Stadium become the first ever concrete reinforced stadium in the country? While Harvard's football team is no longer one of the country's best as it often was a century ago during football's early days (it won the Rose Bowl in 1920), both it and Yale have influenced the way the game is played. not_entailment 96 How much time was left in the game when Denver took the score to 24-10? With 4:51 left in regulation, Carolina got the ball on their own 24-yard line with a chance to mount a game-winning drive, and soon faced 3rd-and-9. not_entailment 97 What kind of needlework was used in the creation of the Bayeux Tapestry? It was commissioned by Odo, the Bishop of Bayeux and first Earl of Kent, employing natives from Kent who were learned in the Nordic traditions imported in the previous half century by the Danish Vikings. not_entailment 98 Why was NBC unable to broadcast the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II? The first attempts to internationalize the ABC television network date back to the 1950s, after Leonard Goldenson, following the United Paramount Theatres model, tried to use on ABC the same strategies he had made in expanding UPT's theater operation to the international market. not_entailment 99 What was developed from Watt's measurements on a model steam engine? The steam engine contributed much to the development of thermodynamic theory; however, the only applications of scientific theory that influenced the steam engine were the original concepts of harnessing the power of steam and atmospheric pressure and knowledge of properties of heat and steam. not_entailment 100 Who ran for a Carolina touchdown to make the score 10–7? Newton completed 4 of 4 passes for 51 yards and rushed twice for 25 yards, while Jonathan Stewart finished the drive with a 1-yard touchdown run, cutting the score to 10–7 with 11:28 left in the second quarter. entailment 101 What is the observable effect of W and Z boson exchange? The weak force is due to the exchange of the heavy W and Z bosons. not_entailment 102 Cost overruns with government projects have occurred when the contractor did what? Mortgage bankers, accountants, and cost engineers are likely participants in creating an overall plan for the financial management of the building construction project. not_entailment 103 In what magazine did Tesla talk about reflecting electricity off of submarine's hulls? Tesla was incorrect in his assumption that high frequency radio waves would penetrate water but Émile Girardeau, who helped develop France's first radar system in the 1930s, noted in 1953 that Tesla's general speculation that a very strong high frequency signal would be needed was correct stating "(Tesla) was prophesying or dreaming, since he had at his disposal no means of carrying them out, but one must add that if he was dreaming, at least he was dreaming correctly.":266 not_entailment 104 From what landmark within Fresno does the Tower Theatre get its name? (The name of the theater refers to a well-known landmark water tower, which is actually in another nearby area). entailment 105 What is the largest co-ed independent school in Newcastle? Newcastle School for Boys is the only independent boys' only school in the city and is situated in Gosforth. not_entailment 106 Who played Doctor Who on stage in the 70's? In the early 1970s, Trevor Martin played the role in Doctor Who and the Daleks in the Seven Keys to Doomsday. entailment 107 Approximately how many paintings comprise the museum's collections of South and South-East Asian art? The Museum's collections of South and South-East Asian art are the most comprehensive and important in the West comprising nearly 60,000 objects, including about 10,000 textiles and 6000 paintings, the range of the collection is immense. entailment 108 In what type of work was Luther prolific? Luther was a prolific hymn-writer, authoring hymns such as "Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott" ("A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"), based on Psalm 46, and "Vom Himmel hoch, da komm entailment 109 New broadcast regulations from the FCC in 1968 allowed companies to own a maximum of how many radio stations? In 1968, ABC took advantage of new FCC ownership regulations that allowed broadcasting companies to own a maximum of seven radio stations nationwide in order to purchase Houston radio stations KXYZ and KXYZ-FM for $1 million in shares and $1.5 million in bonds. entailment 110 How does cooling of the local environment affect the mnemiopsis? The impact was increased by chronic overfishing, and by eutrophication that gave the entire ecosystem a short-term boost, causing the Mnemiopsis population to increase even faster than normal – and above all by the absence of efficient predators on these introduced ctenophores. not_entailment 111 Who was brought it to work on the museum after the death of Captain Francis Fowke? Henry Young Darracott Scott, also of the Royal Engineers. entailment 112 Besides Death Wish Coffee, how many other competitors participated in the contest? Death Wish Coffee beat out nine other contenders from across the United States for the free advertisement. entailment 113 How long has Radio Tyneside been the voluntary hospital radio service? The city also has a Radio Lollipop station based at the Great North Children's Hospital in the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary. not_entailment 114 What area is Newcastle's milder winters and cooler summers most similar to? The climate in Newcastle is oceanic (Köppen Cfb) and significantly milder than some other locations in the world at a similar latitude, due to the warming influence of the Gulf Stream (via the North Atlantic Drift). not_entailment 115 What was invented by Savery? The first commercially successful true engine, in that it could generate power and transmit it to a machine, was the atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas Newcomen around 1712. not_entailment 116 In which city was Tesla's consultant job for Westinghouse? In July 1888, Brown and Peck negotiated a licensing deal with George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000 in cash and stock and a royalty of $2.50 per AC horsepower produced by each motor. not_entailment 117 Who did Martin Luther marry? Martin Luther married Katharina von Bora, one of 12 nuns he had helped escape from the Nimbschen Cistercian convent in April 1523, when he arranged for them to be smuggled out in herring barrels. " entailment 118 What were the three parts of Kublai's government? While the official terminology of the institutions may indicate the government structure was almost purely that of native Chinese dynasties, the Yuan bureaucracy actually consisted of a mix of elements from different cultures. not_entailment 119 Who lived in a tree to prevent it from being cut down as a form of civil disobedience? Bedau writes, "There is a whole class of acts, undertaken in the name of civil disobedience, which, even if they were widely practiced, would in themselves constitute hardly more than a nuisance (e.g. trespassing at a nuclear-missile installation)... not_entailment 120 What kind of weapons did Tesla's treatise concern? Tesla published the document in an attempt to expound on the technical description of a "superweapon that would put an end to all war. not_entailment 121 The Taliban was so different from other moments that they could be more accurately described as being what? Their ideology was also described as being influenced by Wahhabism, and the extremist jihadism of their guest Osama bin Laden. not_entailment 122 Where might a teacher teach that is not inside a building? In education, teachers facilitate student learning, often in a school or academy or perhaps in another environment such as outdoors. entailment 123 Britain's support of France in which war led to Rodin donating many of his sculptures to the V&A? Rodin is represented by more than 20 works in the museum collection, making it one of the largest collections of the sculptor's work outside France; these were given to the museum by the sculptor in 1914, as acknowledgement of Britain's support of France in World War I, although the statue of St John the Baptist had been purchased in 1902 by public subscription. entailment 124 What is the main reason consulting pharmacists are increasingly working directly with patients? This trend may be gradually reversing as consultant pharmacists begin to work directly with patients, primarily because many elderly people are now taking numerous medications but continue to live outside of institutional settings. entailment 125 What is the festival of food and drink known as? EAT! entailment 126 What are pharmacists in the United Kingdom being increasingly paid for? In the United Kingdom, pharmacists who undertake additional training are obtaining prescribing rights and this is because of pharmacy education. not_entailment 127 The modern trend in design is toward integration of what? The modern trend in design is toward integration of previously separated specialties, especially among large firms. entailment 128 What do Beriods use as teeth? The phylum has a wide range of body forms, including the flattened, deep-sea platyctenids, in which the adults of most species lack combs, and the coastal beroids, which lack tentacles and prey on other ctenophores by using huge mouths armed with groups of large, stiffened cilia that act as teeth. entailment 129 When was Martin Luther ordained as a priest? In 1507, he was ordained to the priesthood, and in 1508, von Staupitz, first dean of the newly founded University of Wittenberg, sent for Luther, to teach theology. entailment 130 What are the molecular inputs for photosynthesis? One of the main functions of the chloroplast is its role in photosynthesis, the process by which light is transformed into chemical energy, to subsequently produce food in the form of sugars. not_entailment 131 Besides the radicals who else did Luther have to deal with? By working alongside the authorities to restore public order, he signalled his reinvention as a conservative force within the Reformation. not_entailment 132 When have Lutheran Churches repudiated Luther's statements about the Jews? Since the 1980s, Lutheran Church denominations have repudiated Martin Luther's statements against the Jews and have rejected the use of them to incite hatred against Lutherans. entailment 133 Who was Bill Aiken's adopted mother? In the 1970s, the city was the subject of a song, "Walking Into Fresno", written by Hall Of Fame guitarist Bill Aken and recorded by Bob Gallion of the world-famous "WWVA Jamboree" radio and television show in Wheeling, West Virginia. not_entailment 134 When was Luther examined at Augsburg by the papal legate? There, in October 1518, under questioning by papal legate Cardinal Cajetan Luther stated that he did not consider the papacy part of the biblical Church because historistical interpretation of Bible prophecy concluded that the papacy was the Antichrist. entailment 135 Agassiz's approach to science combined observation and what? When it came to explaining life-forms, Agassiz resorted to matters of shape based on a presumed archetype for his evidence. not_entailment 136 How many seats did the SNP take from the Liberal Democrats? The SNP took a further eight seats from the Liberal Democrats and one seat from the Conservatives. entailment 137 In what year did the film also mention the number of regenerations? This line became stuck in the public consciousness despite not often being repeated, and was recognised by producers of the show as a plot obstacle for when the show finally had to regenerate the Doctor a thirteenth time. not_entailment 138 Which Panthers player got a penalty, which gave the Broncos a new set of downs? Meanwhile, Denver's offense was kept out of the end zone for three plays, but a holding penalty on cornerback Josh Norman gave the Broncos a new set of downs. entailment 139 What theorem defines the main role of primes in number theory? The fundamental theorem of arithmetic establishes the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique up to ordering. entailment 140 Since NASA didn't know how many attempts each test would end up requiring, what did they use instead of numbers for the trials? In September 1967, Mueller approved a sequence of mission types which had to be successfully accomplished in order to achieve the manned lunar landing. not_entailment 141 Statues of British artists adorn which part of the tower above the main entrance? Likewise the tower above the main entrance has an open work crown surmounted by a statue of fame, a feature of late Gothic architecture and a feature common in Scotland, but the detail is Classical. not_entailment 142 Why did Toghun Temur dismiss Toghtogha? In 1354, when Toghtogha led a large army to crush the Red Turban rebels, Toghun Temür suddenly dismissed him for fear of betrayal. entailment 143 What did Davies call his system He gave a talk on the proposal in 1966, after which a person from the Ministry of Defence (MoD) told him about Baran's work. not_entailment 144 What are malum prohibitum considerations? Some legal requirements come from malum in se considerations, or the desire to prevent things that are indisputably bad – bridge collapses or explosions. not_entailment 145 Who are commonly associated with the algorithm typically considered the most effective with respect to finite polynomial hierarchy and graph isomorphism? The graph isomorphism problem is the computational problem of determining whether two finite graphs are isomorphic. not_entailment 146 When did Great Britain lose its colonies in North America? Its growth was reversed by the loss of the American colonies in 1776. entailment 147 What did the Gulf War inadvertently do in the early 1990s? Prior to 1990 Saudi Arabia played an important role in restraining the many Islamist groups that received its aid. not_entailment 148 Of what form do Fermat numbers take? However, the very next Fermat number 232 + 1 is composite (one of its prime factors is 641), as Euler discovered later, and in fact no further Fermat numbers are known to be prime. not_entailment 149 Upon what chemical characteristic is oxygen's solubility dependent? The solubility of oxygen in water is temperature-dependent, and about twice as much (14.6 mg·L−1) dissolves at 0 °C than at 20 °C (7.6 mg·L−1). entailment 150 Which regions have temperate climates? According to geographic scholars under colonizing empires, the world could be split into climatic zones. not_entailment 151 The classification of aspects of the Amazon forest is important for mapping what type of emission? The researcher used a combination of Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) and Thematic Mapper (TM) to accurately place the different portions of the Amazon into one of the four classifications. not_entailment 152 What industry has managed to survive major military spending cutbacks? Since the 1920s, motion pictures, petroleum and aircraft manufacturing have been major industries. not_entailment 153 What has given the American economy a tendency to go "from bubble to bubble"? To compensate for stagnating and declining purchasing power, political pressure has developed to extend easier credit to the lower and middle income earners – particularly to buy homes – and easier credit in general to keep unemployment rates low. entailment 154 What did the Court of Justice say Steymann was entitled to? The Court of Justice held that Mr Steymann was entitled to stay, so long as there was at least an "indirect quid pro quo" for the work he did. entailment 155 Between which two streets along Kearney Boulevard were wealthy African-Americans at one time residing? The roughly half-mile stretch of Kearney Boulevard between Fresno Street and Thorne Ave was at one time the preferred neighborhood for Fresno's elite African-American families. entailment 156 What is the name of one type of prime where p+1 or p-1 takes a certain shape? This is why the largest known prime has almost always been a Mersenne prime since the dawn of electronic computers. not_entailment 157 What's the regional nickname for Newcastle and its surrounding area? Newcastle was part of the county of Northumberland until 1400, when it became a county itself, a status it retained until becoming part of Tyne and Wear in 1974.[not in citation given] not_entailment 158 How did Brainbridge's official ledgers report revenue? The Bainbridge’s official ledgers reported revenue by department, giving birth to the name department store. entailment 159 What do the Waal and the Nederrijn-Lek discharge throguh? The discharge of the Rhine is divided among three branches: the River Waal (6/9 of total discharge), the River Nederrijn – not_entailment 160 Who was the leader of Russia in the 1960's? In his speech on the UN conference in 1960, he announced the continuation of the war on imperialism, stating that soon the people of different countries will come together and overthrow their imperialist leaders. not_entailment 161 How many types of science fiction have been impacted by Tesla? The impact of the technologies invented or envisioned by Tesla is a recurring theme in several types of science fiction. entailment 162 How do chloroplasts trigger the plant's immune system? Plants have two main immune responses—the hypersensitive response, in which infected cells seal themselves off and undergo programmed cell death, and systemic acquired resistance, where infected cells release signals warning the rest of the plant of a pathogen's presence. not_entailment 163 Phagocytosis first evolved as means of doing what? Phagocytes generally patrol the body searching for pathogens, but can be called to specific locations by cytokines. not_entailment 164 What was Manning's passer rating at the end of the season? Manning finished the year with a career-low 67.9 passer rating, throwing for 2,249 yards and nine touchdowns, with 17 interceptions. entailment 165 What did the V&A present in July 1973 as part of its youth outreach programme? In July 1973, as part of its outreach programme to young people, the V&A became the first museum in Britain to present a rock concert. entailment 166 Where would profits go in this new company? Based on Tesla's patents and other ideas they agreed to back him financially and handle his patents. not_entailment 167 Which book discussed the theory about low populations in the Amazon rainforest? Archeologist Betty Meggers was a prominent proponent of this idea, as described in her book Amazonia: Man and Culture in a Counterfeit Paradise. entailment 168 In addition to the traveling salesman problem, what is another example of a function problem? Notable examples include the traveling salesman problem and the integer factorization problem. entailment 169 How is circuit switching charecterized Packet switching contrasts with another principal networking paradigm, circuit switching, a method which pre-allocates dedicated network bandwidth specifically for each communication session, each having a constant bit rate and latency between nodes. not_entailment 170 How many awards has Doctor Who won? Doctor Who star Matt Smith won Best Actor in the 2012 National Television awards alongside Karen Gillan who won Best Actress. not_entailment 171 Where does a private school get funding to operate? In most provinces a second Bachelor's Degree such as a Bachelor of Education is required to become a qualified teacher. not_entailment 172 What French City was New Rochelle named after? It was named New Rochelle after La Rochelle, their former strong-hold in France. entailment 173 Which player did the Panthers lose to an ACL injury in a preseason game? Despite waiving longtime running back DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin to a torn ACL in the preseason, the Carolina Panthers had their best regular season in franchise history, becoming the seventh team to win at least 15 regular season games since the league expanded to a 16-game schedule in 1978. entailment 174 What was the theorized maximum population density per square kilometre for the Amazon rainforest? She claimed that a population density of 0.2 inhabitants per square kilometre (0.52/sq mi) is the maximum that can be sustained in the rainforest through hunting, with agriculture needed to host a larger population. entailment 175 Was is the name of the Torchwood series that was mostly based in the US? A fourth series, Torchwood: Miracle Day jointly produced by BBC Wales, BBC Worldwide and the American entertainment company Starz debuted in 2011. entailment 176 What kind of statement is made in the effort of establishing the time and space requirements needed to enhance the ultimate number of problems solved? For the complexity classes defined in this way, it is desirable to prove that relaxing the requirements on (say) computation time indeed defines a bigger set of problems. not_entailment 177 What additional benefits are there to surrounding community of expansion? The institution asserts that such expansion will benefit not only the school, but surrounding community, pointing to such features as the enhanced transit infrastructure, possible shuttles open to the public, and park space which will also be publicly accessible. entailment 178 The practice of occupying and looting Huguenot homes was called? Escalating, he instituted dragonnades, which included the occupation and looting of Huguenot homes by military troops, in an effort to forcibly convert them. entailment 179 What is the name of the book written by Archeologist Betty Meggers? Archeologist Betty Meggers was a prominent proponent of this idea, as described in her book Amazonia: Man and Culture in a Counterfeit Paradise. entailment 180 What language were classes held in at Tesla's school? The classes were held in German, as it was a school within the Austro-Hungarian Military Frontier. entailment 181 What government agency supervised Buddhist monks? As a result, Tibetan Buddhism was established as the de facto state religion. not_entailment 182 Why were Southern Chinese ranked lower? The earlier they surrendered to the Mongols, the higher they were placed, the more the held out, the lower they were ranked. not_entailment 183 What did Kllbrandon's report in 1973 recommend establishing? Suggestions for a 'devolved' Parliament were made before 1914, but were shelved due to the outbreak of the First World War. not_entailment 184 What has the United Nations designed ISIL? The United Nations has held ISIL responsible for human rights abuses and war crimes, and Amnesty International has reported ethnic cleansing by the group on a "historic scale". not_entailment 185 How many Victorians are Catholic? Victoria is also home of 152,775 Muslims and 45,150 Jews. not_entailment 186 The region spans starting at islands found in which body of water? The region spans from Pacific Ocean islands, shorelines, beaches, and coastal plains, through the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges with their peaks, into the large and small interior valleys, to the vast deserts of California. entailment 187 What combined with ricing prices to make it difficult or impossible for poor people to keep pace? The ad valorem property tax policy combined with rising prices made it difficult or impossible for low income residents to keep pace. entailment 188 How many paintings did John Sheeshanks give to the museum? Although some of Constable's works came to the museum with the Sheepshanks bequest, the majority of the artist's works were donated by his daughter Isabel in 1888, including the large number of sketches in oil, the most significant being the 1821 full size oil sketch for The Hay Wain. not_entailment 189 When did Menich serve as President? The first Warsaw President was Jan Andrzej Menich (1695–1696). entailment 190 Where is the largest number of tourist coming from? Tourism has seen a substantial revival over the past several years and is the major contributor to the pick-up in the country's economic growth. not_entailment 191 Richard Allen and Absalom Jones were licensed by what church? They were licensed by St. George's Church in 1784. entailment 192 How many troops were defeated for British in BAttle of Carillon? Abercrombie saved something from the disaster when he sent John Bradstreet on an expedition that successfully destroyed Fort Frontenac, including caches of supplies destined for New France's western forts and furs destined for Europe. not_entailment 193 What disagreement did Montcalm and Indians have? The Europeans did not consider them prizes and prevented the Indians from stripping the prisoners of their valuables, which angered the Indians. not_entailment 194 What is William Rankine's nationality? It is named after William John Macquorn Rankine, a Scottish polymath. entailment 195 What is the hottest temperature record for Fresno? Measurable precipitation falls on an average of 48 days annually. not_entailment 196 What is the mortality rate of the modern bubonic plague? The modern bubonic plague has a mortality rate of 30–75% and symptoms including fever of 38–41 °C (100–106 °F), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting, and a general feeling of malaise. entailment 197 Which Family Guy episodes contain Doctor Who references? Who executive producer Russell T. Davies), the character of Vince was portrayed as an avid Doctor Who fan, with references appearing many times throughout in the form of clips from the programme. not_entailment 198 What composer used Luther's hymns in his works? Johann Sebastian Bach included several verses as chorales in his cantatas and based chorale cantatas entirely on them, namely Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707, in his second annual cycle (1724 to 1725) entailment 199 Who studies the expected monetary flow over the life of the project and to monitor the payouts throughout the process? The presence of the mortgage banker is highly likely, even in relatively small projects since the owner's equity in the property is the most obvious source of funding for a building project. not_entailment 200 How many gold medals did Kenya win during the Beijing Olympics? New athletes gained attention, such as Pamela Jelimo, the women's 800m gold medalist who went ahead to win the IAAF Golden League jackpot, and Samuel Wanjiru who won the men's marathon. not_entailment 201 What is an etioplast? This process, where the etioplast becomes a chloroplast, takes several hours. not_entailment 202 What did Gou use for astronomy? He was one of the first mathematicians in China to work on spherical trigonometry. not_entailment 203 When did Tamara marry a lawyer? No one will ever see the Warsaw I knew. not_entailment 204 The Ottoman empire controlled territory on three continents, Africa, Asia and which other? During the 16th and 17th centuries, in particular at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful multinational, multilingual empire controlling much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. entailment 205 What type of plea is sometimes taken as an act of disobedience? But some activists have opted to enter a blind plea, pleading guilty without any plea agreement in place. entailment 206 Big O notation provides autonomy to upper and lower bounds with relationship to what? Upper and lower bounds are usually stated using the big O notation, which hides constant factors and smaller terms. not_entailment 207 The Super Bowl 50 Host Committee said it would be the most what ever? Host Committee has vowed to be "the most giving Super Bowl ever", and will dedicate 25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. entailment 208 Where did two of Triton's daughters set out on a journey through? The best-known legend, by Artur Oppman, is that long ago two of Triton's daughters set out on a journey through the depths of the oceans and seas. entailment 209 What is the name of the service that gets local businesses contract chances with the Super Bowl? The host committee has already raised over $40 million through sponsors including Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Intel, Gap, Chevron, and Dignity Health. not_entailment 210 Who performed the funeral for Martin Luther? The funeral was held by his friends Johannes Bugenhagen and Philipp Melanchthon. entailment 211 Where was Tesla studying when he started playing cards and billiards? During his second year of study at Graz, Tesla developed a passion for (and became very proficient at) billiards, chess and card-playing, sometimes spending more than 48 hours in a stretch at a gaming table.:43, 301 entailment 212 When did the formation of the Holocene Rhine-Meuse delta begin? As sea-level continued to rise in the Netherlands, the formation of the Holocene Rhine-Meuse delta began (~8,000 years ago). entailment 213 What subatomic particle did Tesla deny the existence of? Tesla exhibited a pre-atomic understanding of physics in his writings; he disagreed with the theory of atoms being composed of smaller subatomic particles, stating there was no such thing as an electron creating an electric charge (he believed that if electrons existed at all, they were some fourth state of matter or "sub-atom" that could only exist in an experimental vacuum and that they had nothing to do with electricity).:249 Tesla believed that atoms are immutable—they could not change state or be split in any way. entailment 214 What part of the V&A collection does the Henry Cole Wing houses? He designed to the north west of the garden the five-storey School for Naval Architects (also known as the science schools), now the Henry Cole Wing in 1867–72. not_entailment 215 What year did Börte's give birth to Jochi? Soon after Börte's marriage to Temüjin, she was kidnapped by the Merkits and reportedly given away as a wife. not_entailment 216 When did Setanta Sports say it would launch as a subscription service? The announcement came a day after Setanta Sports confirmed that it would launch in March as a subscription service on the digital terrestrial platform, and on the same day that NTL's services re-branded as Virgin Media. entailment 217 Historically, which movement has the Methodist Church supported? Historically, the Methodist Church has supported the temperance movement. entailment 218 What is a ligand on the cell surface that is upregulated after helper T cell activation? Helper T cells have a weaker association with the MHC:antigen complex than observed for killer T cells, meaning many receptors (around 200–300) on the helper T cell must be bound by an MHC:antigen in order to activate the helper cell, while killer T cells can be activated by engagement of a single MHC:antigen molecule. not_entailment 219 What "war" was Tesla involved in? His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles. entailment 220 How many major bus stations are in the city of Newcastle? Stagecoach is the primary operator in the city proper, with cross-city services mainly between both the West and East ends via the city centre with some services extending out to the MetroCentre, Killingworth, Wallsend and Ponteland. not_entailment 221 Which findings suggested that the region was densely populated? However, recent anthropological findings have suggested that the region was actually densely populated. entailment 222 How many residents does the greater metropolitan area have? Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa [varˈʂava] ( listen); see also other names) is the capital and largest city of Poland. not_entailment 223 What would need to remain constant in a multiplication algorithm to produce the same outcome whether multiplying or squaring two integers? For example, the problem of squaring an integer can be reduced to the problem of multiplying two integers. not_entailment 224 How did the 2001 IPCC report compare to reality on temperature levels? Over the six years studied, the actual temperature rise was near the top end of the range given by IPCC's 2001 projection, and the actual sea level rise was above the top of the range of the IPCC projection. entailment 225 Which company provided streetcar connections between downtown and the hospital? In 1914 developers Billings & Meyering acquired the tract, completed street development, provided the last of the necessary municipal improvements including water service, and began marketing the property with fervor. not_entailment 226 How long did it take Johnson to respond to Kennedy? On April 20, Kennedy sent a memo to Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson, asking Johnson to look into the status of America's space program, and into programs that could offer NASA the opportunity to catch up. not_entailment 227 What type of protest falls under civil disobedience without aggression? In reviewing the voluminous literature on the subject, the student of civil disobedience rapidly finds himself surrounded by a maze of semantical problems and grammatical niceties. not_entailment 228 When did this leader publish a French language Bible? Long after the sect was suppressed by Francis I, the remaining French Waldensians, then mostly in the Luberon region, sought to join William Farel, Calvin and the Reformation, and Olivetan published a French Bible for them. not_entailment 229 Who gave Tesla money to go to Prague? In January 1880, two of Tesla's uncles put together enough money to help him leave Gospić for Prague where he was to study. entailment 230 To what can the use of prolonged breathing of oxygen at 60 kPa lead? Acute oxygen toxicity (causing seizures, its most feared effect for divers) can occur by breathing an air mixture with 21% not_entailment 231 Before dinner what were Tesla's working hours? Tesla worked every day from 9:00 a.m. until 6:00 p.m. or later, with dinner from exactly 8:10 p.m., at Delmonico's restaurant and later the Waldorf-Astoria Hotel. entailment 232 How much money did Dillon, Read & Co offer Mark Woods for NBC Blue? Investment firm Dillon, Read & Co. (which was later acquired by the Swiss Bank Corporation in 1997) offered $7.5 million to purchase the network, but the offer was rejected by Woods and RCA president David Sarnoff. entailment 233 How many touchdowns did Manning throw in the game? Linebacker Luke Kuechly had 11 total tackles, while Thomas Davis had seven, despite playing just two weeks after breaking his right arm in the NFC title game. not_entailment 234 What made Luther even more short tempered than usual? His poor physical health made him short-tempered and even harsher in his writings and comments. entailment 235 The Art Noveau style of glassware is represented by which two artists? The earliest glassware on display comes from Ancient Egypt and continues through the Ancient Roman, Medieval, Renaissance covering areas such as Venetian glass and Bohemian glass and more recent periods, including Art Nouveau glass by Louis Comfort Tiffany and Émile Gallé, the Art Deco style is represented by several examples by René Lalique. entailment 236 At what point does oxygen toxicity begin to happen? Oxygen gas (O_2) can be toxic at elevated partial pressures, leading to convulsions and other health problems.[j] not_entailment 237 What position did Justin Tucker play? Concerns were raised over whether Levi's Stadium's field was of a high enough quality to host a Super Bowl; during the inaugural season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game earlier in the 2015 season, a portion of the turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal, although the field has not had any major issues since. entailment 238 Why are people who distribute leaflets inside courthouses not been arrested? Fully Informed Jury Association activists have sometimes handed out educational leaflets inside courthouses despite admonitions not to; according to FIJA, many of them have escaped prosecution because "prosecutors have reasoned (correctly) that if they arrest fully informed jury leafleters, the leaflets will have to be given to the leafleter's own jury as evidence." entailment 239 How many nations contain "Amazonas" in their names? States or departments in four nations contain "Amazonas" in their names. entailment 240 How many awards has Doctor Who been nominated for, over the years? Doctor Who has been nominated for over 200 awards and has won over a hundred of them. entailment 241 Which cathedral is located in Fenham? Newcastle has three cathedrals, the Anglican St. Nicholas, with its elegant lantern tower of 1474, the Roman Catholic St. Mary's designed by Augustus Welby Pugin and the Coptic Cathedral located in Fenham. entailment 242 Full size working engines on what vehicles sometimes use oscillating cylinder steam engines? An oscillating cylinder steam engine is a variant of the simple expansion steam engine which does not require valves to direct steam into and out of the cylinder. not_entailment 243 What are the two major thoroughfares of Sunnyside? Although parts of Sunnyside are within the City of Fresno, much of the neighborhood is a "county island" within Fresno County. not_entailment 244 Where did Marin build first fort? He first constructed Fort Presque Isle (near present-day Erie, Pennsylvania) on Lake Erie's south shore. entailment 245 The influence of India can be seen in which religious art objects from Thailand, Burma and Cambodia? Art from Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka in gold, silver, bronze, stone, terracotta and ivory represents these rich and complex cultures, the displays span the 6th to 19th centuries. not_entailment 246 What company did Eisner become president of when he left ABC in 1976? Eisner left ABC in 1976 to become president of Paramount Pictures (and would later become the President of ABC's eventual parent company, Disney). entailment 247 How many legions in five bases were along the Rhine by the Romans? The actual number of legions present at any base or in all, depended on whether a state or threat of war existed. not_entailment 248 What other sources of high oxidative potential can add to a fire? Combustion hazards also apply to compounds of oxygen with a high oxidative potential, such as peroxides, chlorates, nitrates, perchlorates, and dichromates because they can donate oxygen to a fire. entailment 249 Why have modern Lutherans stopped using the hymn? Sixteenth-century Lutheran hymnals also included "Wir glauben all" among the catechetical hymns, although 18th-century hymnals tended to label the hymn as Trinitarian rather than catechetical, and 20th-century Lutherans rarely use the hymn because of the perceived difficulty of its tune. entailment 250 What typeface are the letters in the iconic ABC logo reminiscent of? In 1962, graphic designer Paul Rand redesigned the ABC logo into its best-known (and current) form, with the lowercase letters "abc" enclosed in a single black circle. not_entailment 251 Where did the Huguenots land in New York originally? It is said that they landed on the coastline peninsula of Davenports Neck called "Bauffet's Point" after traveling from England where they had previously taken refuge on account of religious persecution, four years before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. entailment 252 Where did a bloody civil war break out? These attacks resonated with conservative Muslims and the problem did not go away with Saddam's defeat either, since American troops remained stationed in the kingdom, and a de facto cooperation with the Palestinian-Israeli peace process developed. not_entailment 253 When was liquid oxygen developed for commercial use? The first commercially viable process for producing liquid oxygen was independently developed in 1895 by German engineer Carl von Linde and British engineer William Hampson. entailment 254 What was he hoping to stimulate with the toe squishing? He squished his toes one hundred times for each foot every night, saying that it stimulated his brain cells. entailment 255 Where did the pharmacist stand in relation to the Emperor's personal physicians? In this highly stable hierarchy, the pharmacists—and even pharmacist assistants—were assigned status superior to all others in health-related fields such as physicians and acupuncturists. not_entailment 256 How did the new king react to the Huguenots? Louis XIV gained the throne in 1643 and acted increasingly aggressively to force the Huguenots to convert. entailment 257 Who had the most receptions out of all players for the year? Veteran receiver Demaryius Thomas led the team with 105 receptions for 1,304 yards and six touchdowns, while Emmanuel Sanders caught 76 passes for 1,135 yards and six scores, while adding another 106 yards returning punts. entailment 258 What are two factors that directly effect how powerful a Turing machine may or may not be? They are all equally powerful in principle, but when resources (such as time or space) are bounded, some of these may be more powerful than others. entailment 259 What position does Demaryius Thomas play? Overall, the offense ranked 19th in scoring with 355 points and did not have any Pro Bowl selections. not_entailment 260 What runs from the balancer in the statocyst to the comb rows? There are eight rows of combs that run from near the mouth to the opposite end, and are spaced evenly round the body. not_entailment 261 What is the most common cause of immunodeficiency in developing nations? The ability of the immune system to respond to pathogens is diminished in both the young and the elderly, with immune responses beginning to decline at around 50 years of age due to immunosenescence. not_entailment 262 The title of the digitization project was a reference to which artist? The second step of the Factory Project is to catalog everything. not_entailment 263 How old most a person be to apply to be an MSP? Specifically, members must be over the age of 18 and must be a citizen of the United Kingdom, the Republic of Ireland, one of the countries in the Commonwealth of Nations, a citizen of a British overseas territory, or a European Union citizen resident in the UK. entailment 264 The Taliban was so different from other moments that they could be more accurately described as being what? The Taliban differed from other Islamist movements to the point where they might be more properly described as Islamic fundamentalist or neofundamentalist, interested in spreading "an idealized and systematized version of conservative tribal village customs" under the label of Sharia to an entire country. entailment 265 Where does the Rhine river's measurement end? The river length is significantly shortened from the river's natural course due to number of canalisation projects completed in the 19th and 20th century.[note 7] The "total length of the Rhine", to the inclusion of Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine is more difficult to measure objectively; it was cited as 1,232 kilometres (766 miles) by the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat in 2010.[note 1] not_entailment 266 What was telenet Telenet was incorporated in 1973 and started operations in 1975. not_entailment 267 How old most a person be to apply to be an MSP? As in the House of Commons, a number of qualifications apply to being an MSP. not_entailment 268 The West saw themselves as what compared to the east? Defining the East as a negative vision of itself, as its inferior, not only increased the West’s sense of self, but also was a way of ordering the East and making it known to the West so that it could be dominated and controlled. not_entailment 269 What is the name of Mongolia's largest airport? Mongolia's main international airport in Ulaanbaatar is named Chinggis Khaan International Airport. entailment 270 What can a simultaneous hermaphrodite do? Some are simultaneous hermaphrodites, which can produce both eggs and sperm at the same time. entailment 271 In 1992, what percentage of East German students attended private schools? Percent of students in private high schools reached 11.1%. not_entailment 272 What do astronaughts experience while in free-fall? This is why, for example, astronauts experience weightlessness when in free-fall orbit around the Earth, and why Newton's Laws of Motion are more easily discernible in such environments. entailment 273 When was the Russian Policy "Indigenization" defunded? Never formally revoked, it stopped being implemented after 1932. entailment 274 What kind of fiction is Tesla's work featured in? Tesla's legacy has endured in books, films, radio, TV, music, live theater, comics and video games. not_entailment 275 What day of the week was Media Day held on for Super Bowl 50? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. entailment 276 What factors negatively impacted Jacksonville following the war? Warfare and the long occupation left the city disrupted after the war. entailment 277 What did the BankAmericard allow customers do to that they couldn't do with previous financial instruments? In 1976, BankAmericard was renamed and spun off into a separate company known today as Visa Inc. not_entailment 278 If two thirds of the Rhine flows through the Maas, where doe the other one third flow through? The IJssel branch carries one ninth of the water flow of the Rhine north into the IJsselmeer (a former bay), while the Nederrijn carries approximately two ninths of the flow west along a route parallel to the Waal. not_entailment 279 How accurate did Guo make the reformed lunisolar calendar? Among Kublai Khan's top engineers and scientists was the astronomer Guo Shoujing, who was tasked with many public works projects and helped the Yuan reform the lunisolar calendar to provide an accuracy of 365.2425 days of the year, which was only 26 seconds off the modern Gregorian calendar's measurement. entailment 280 What happened to Dane? Dane was killed in a horse-riding accident when Nikola was five. entailment 281 What program for ABC was a remake of the film The Boy from Oklahoma? Airing during the 1955–56 season, it showcased television adaptations of the 1942 films Kings Row and Casablanca; Cheyenne (adapted from the 1947 film Wyoming Kid); Sugarfoot (a remake of the 1954 film The Boy from Oklahoma); and Maverick. entailment 282 How many affiliates carry the ABC network feed in 480i standard definition? ABC's master feed is transmitted in 720p high definition, the native resolution format for The Walt Disney Company's U.S. television properties. not_entailment 283 What is Victoria's largest non-Christian religion? Victoria is also home of 152,775 Muslims and 45,150 Jews. not_entailment 284 What percentage of electricity was made by steam turbine in the 1990s? The main use for steam turbines is in electricity generation (in the 1990s about 90% of the world's electric production was by use of steam turbines) however the recent widespread application of large gas turbine units and typical combined cycle power plants has resulted in reduction of this percentage to the 80% regime for steam turbines. entailment 285 What is the natural dam that the Rhine flows through? Near Sargans a natural dam, only a few metres high, prevents it from flowing into the open Seeztal valley and then through Lake Walen and Lake Zurich into the river Aare. entailment 286 How long did it take for the Theses printing to spread thought Germany? It was not until January 1518 that friends of Luther translated the 95 Theses from Latin into German and printed and widely copied them, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press. not_entailment 287 Who is Kearney Boulevard named after? The neighborhood includes Kearney Boulevard, named after early 20th century entrepreneur and millionaire M. Theo Kearney, which extends from Fresno Street in Southwest Fresno about 20 mi (32 km) west to Kerman, California. entailment 288 How many students have received unwanted sexual attention from a teacher or other education figure? A study by the American Association of University Women reported that 9.6% of students in the United States claim to have received unwanted sexual attention from an adult associated with education; be they a volunteer, bus driver, teacher, administrator or other adult; sometime during their educational career. entailment 289 Where is the border of Swiss and Austria? The Rhine flows into it from the south following the Swiss-Austrian border. not_entailment 290 What responsibilities were pharmacy technicians formerly limited to? Where it was once the case that pharmacists stayed within the dispensary compounding/dispensing medications, there has been an increasing trend towards the use of trained pharmacy technicians while the pharmacist spends more time communicating with patients. entailment 291 Tibetan art from which period is represented in the V&A collection? Art from Thailand, Burma, Cambodia, Indonesia and Sri Lanka in gold, silver, bronze, stone, terracotta and ivory represents these rich and complex cultures, the displays span the 6th to 19th centuries. not_entailment 292 What does connecting different Sky Q boxes enable them to do? This allows all set top boxes in a household to share recordings and other media. entailment 293 The censuring of the Santer Commission resulted in which main case? This resulted in one main case, Commission v Edith Cresson where the European Court of Justice held that a Commissioner giving her dentist a job, for which he was clearly unqualified, did in fact not break any law. entailment 294 What did the Soviets intend to use in spacecraft after the success of Zond 5? The Soviet Union had sent animals around the Moon on September 15, 1968, aboard Zond 5, and it was believed they might soon repeat the feat with human cosmonauts. entailment 295 Where is the neighborhood of Sunnyside located in Fresno? Although parts of Sunnyside are within the City of Fresno, much of the neighborhood is a "county island" within Fresno County. not_entailment 296 What did Tesla first receive after starting his company? The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by Tesla and also had designs for dynamo electric machine commutators, the first patents issued to Tesla in the US. entailment 297 What problems did the Yuan dynasty have near its end? In time, Kublai Khan's successors lost all influence on other Mongol lands across Asia, while the Mongols beyond the Middle Kingdom saw them as too Chinese. not_entailment 298 Who were the secondary companions of the Ninth and Tenth Doctors? Steven Moffat described the companion as the main character of the show, as the story begins anew with each companion and she undergoes more change than the Doctor. not_entailment 299 What were the protesters doing with Christ's counsel? First, in choosing violence over lawful submission to the secular government, they were ignoring Christ's counsel to "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's"; St. Paul had written in his epistle to the Romans 13:1–7 that all authorities are appointed by God and therefore should not be resisted. entailment 300 What is the first major city in the course of the Rhine? The most important tributaries in this area are the Ill below of Strasbourg, the Neckar in Mannheim and the Main across from Mainz. not_entailment 301 What did Biraben say about the plague in Europe? According to Geoffrey Parker, "France alone lost almost a million people to the plague in the epidemic of 1628–31." not_entailment 302 Brownlee argues disobedience can be justified toward what institutions? Some theories of civil disobedience hold that civil disobedience is only justified against governmental entities. not_entailment 303 What is another way of referring to stators? The stator consists of a similar, but fixed, series of blades that serve to redirect the steam flow onto the next rotor stage. not_entailment 304 President Johnson issued an executive order to rename the Launch Operations Center after whom? But an even bigger facility would be needed for the mammoth rocket required for the manned lunar mission, so land acquisition was started in July 1961 for a Launch Operations Center (LOC) immediately north of Canaveral at Merritt Island. not_entailment 305 When was an extended episode of Doctor Who shown? The serial format changed for the 2005 revival, with each series usually consisting of 13 45-minute, self-contained episodes (60 minutes with adverts, on overseas commercial channels), and an extended episode broadcast on Christmas Day. entailment 306 What language were classes held in at Tesla's school? In 1870, Tesla moved to Karlovac, to attend school at the Higher Real Gymnasium, where he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher Martin Sekulić.:32 not_entailment 307 What is the name of a Bodhisattva vow? In Tibetan Buddhism the teachers of Dharma in Tibet are most commonly called a Lama. not_entailment 308 How does the D-loop finish replicating? The results of the microscopy experiments led to the idea that chloroplast DNA replicates using a double displacement loop (D-loop). not_entailment 309 What series years are available on Blu-ray? Only the series from 2009 onwards are available on Blu-ray, except for the 1970 story Spearhead from Space, released in July 2013. entailment 310 What studio does ABC own at 1500 Broadway in NYC? the ABC News building was renamed Peter Jennings Way in 2006 in honor of the recently deceased longtime ABC News chief anchor and anchor of World News Tonight. not_entailment 311 Why did he walk? He squished his toes one hundred times for each foot every night, saying that it stimulated his brain cells. not_entailment 312 How high did the Doctor Who theme go on the radio charts? He was responsible for a new version of the theme which was reported to have had a hostile reception from some viewers. not_entailment 313 What are more common in other plastids than chloroplasts? Stromules are very rare in chloroplasts, and are much more common in other plastids like chromoplasts and amyloplasts in petals and roots, respectively. entailment 314 How many households has kids under the age of 18 living in them? There were 158,349 households, of which 68,511 (43.3%) had children under the age of 18 living in them, 69,284 (43.8%) were opposite-sex married couples living together, 30,547 (19.3%) had a female householder with no husband present, 11,698 (7.4%) had a male householder with no wife present. entailment 315 What did the acronym AAP stand for? This study was followed by design of a larger orbital workshop to be built in orbit from an empty S-IVB Saturn upper stage, and grew into the Apollo Applications Program (AAP). entailment 316 Why has Warsaw seen many improvements over the past decade? However, over the past decade Warsaw has seen many improvements due to solid economic growth, an increase in foreign investment as well as funding from the European Union. entailment 317 What service did ABC launch in May 2013? In May 2013, ABC launched "WATCH ABC", a revamp of its traditional multi-platform streaming services encompassing the network's existing streaming portal at and a mobile app for smartphones and tablet computers; in addition to providing full-length episodes of ABC programs, the service allows live programming streams of local ABC affiliates in select markets (the first such offering by a U.S. broadcast network). entailment 318 What organization offers monetary awards for identifying primes with at least 100 million digits? In 2009, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search project was awarded a US$100,000 prize for first discovering a prime with at least 10 million digits. not_entailment 319 What property of the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... shows that there is an infinite number of primes? However, the harmonic series 1 + 1/2 + 1/3 + 1/4 + ... diverges (i.e., exceeds any given number), so there must be infinitely many primes. entailment 320 What was the year when Tesla went back to Smiljan? Tesla's father, in a moment of despair, promised to send him to the best engineering school if he recovered from the illness (his father had originally wanted him to enter the priesthood). not_entailment 321 Who designed the plaster work in the Art Library? In 1890 the government launched a competition to design new buildings for the museum, with architect Alfred Waterhouse as one of the judges; this would give the museum a new imposing front entrance. not_entailment 322 How many square miles large was the region impacted by the 2010 drought? The 2010 drought had three epicenters where vegetation died off, whereas in 2005 the drought was focused on the southwestern part. not_entailment 323 How many seasons did the original Doctor Who run? Occasionally serials were loosely connected by a storyline, such as season 8 being devoted to the Doctor battling a rogue Time Lord called The Master, season 16's quest for The Key to Time, season 18's journey through E-Space and the theme of entropy, and season 20's Black Guardian Trilogy. not_entailment 324 Which station started showing Doctor Who after the SF channel closed? Repeats of both the classic and modern series have also been shown on subscription television channels BBC UKTV, SF and later on SyFy upon SF's closure.[citation needed] entailment 325 When did seven Protestant churches agree with the Nazi policy of forcing Jews to wear yellow arm bands? The German people, he urged, ought to heed these words "of the greatest antisemite of his time, the warner of his people against the Jews." not_entailment 326 Who is an example of a sedentary people who were not favored by the laws of the Mongol Empire? However, there is no evidence of this, or of the lifting of discriminatory policies towards sedentary peoples such as the Chinese. entailment 327 How many research centers does the university run on campus? The university operates 12 research institutes and 113 research centers on campus. entailment 328 What is tertiary endosymbiosis of haptophyte chloroplasts expected to create? The fucoxanthin dinophyte lineages (including Karlodinium and Karenia) lost their original red algal derived chloroplast, and replaced it with a new chloroplast derived from a haptophyte endosymbiont. not_entailment 329 Name one way the Plowshares organization temporarily close GCSB Waihopai? Brownlee notes that "although civil disobedients are constrained in their use of coercion by their conscientious aim to engage in moral dialogue, nevertheless they may find it necessary to employ limited coercion in order to get their issue onto the table." not_entailment 330 What are apicoplasts missing? The most important apicoplast function is isopentenyl pyrophosphate synthesis—in fact, apicomplexans die when something interferes with this apicoplast function, and when apicomplexans are grown in an isopentenyl pyrophosphate-rich medium, they dump the organelle. not_entailment 331 What are the biggest game animals of Kenya called? A significant population of other wild animals, reptiles and birds can be found in the national parks and game reserves in the country. not_entailment 332 What are the components of drug therapy? The review process often involves an evaluation of the appropriateness of the drug therapy (e.g., drug choice, dose, route, frequency, and duration of therapy) and its efficacy. entailment 333 Where is Audra McDonald from? McDonald subsequently became a leading performer on Broadway in New York City and a Tony award winning actress. not_entailment 334 How do chloroplasts reproduce? Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own DNA, which is thought to be inherited from their ancestor—a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that was engulfed by an early eukaryotic cell. not_entailment 335 What was the name of Wesley's famous sermon in which he warned against the dangers of drinking? Today the United Methodist Church states that it "affirms our long-standing support of abstinence from alcohol as a faithful witness to God's liberating and redeeming love for persons." not_entailment 336 What is the complex "two-signal" activation of T cells referred to? On the basis of CST, Burnet developed a theory of how an immune response is triggered according to the self/nonself distinction: "self" constituents (constituents of the body) do not trigger destructive immune responses, while "nonself" entities (pathogens, an allograft) trigger a destructive immune response. not_entailment 337 Vetra and I Germanica and XX Valeria were the two legions for what? The Romans kept eight legions in five bases along the Rhine. not_entailment 338 What two radio networks did RCA own? The last was owned by electronics manufacturer Radio Corporation of America (RCA), which owned two radio networks that each ran different varieties of programming, NBC Blue and NBC Red. entailment 339 Who was the main crew of Apollo 1, of which they named themselves? Grissom, White, and Chaffee decided to name their flight Apollo 1 as a motivational focus on the first manned flight. entailment 340 Who lead the 1968 special programming for ABC Radio's FM stations? In July 1968, ABC Radio launched a special programming project for its FM stations, which was spearheaded by Allen Shaw, a former program manager at WCFL in Chicago who was approached by ABC Radio president Harold L. Neal to develop a format to compete with the new progressive rock and DJ-helmed stations. entailment 341 What theorem defines the main role of primes in number theory? A natural number greater than 1 that is not a prime number is called a composite number. not_entailment 342 What is it called when steam propels a turbo generator with electric motor propulsion? Nuclear-powered ships and submarines either use a steam turbine directly for main propulsion, with generators providing auxiliary power, or else employ turbo-electric transmission, where the steam drives a turbo generator set with propulsion provided by electric motors. entailment 343 How many affiliates carry the ABC network feed in 480i standard definition? However, most of Hearst Television's 16 ABC-affiliated stations transmit the network's programming in 1080i HD, while 11 other affiliates owned by various companies carry the network feed in 480i standard definition either due to technical considerations for affiliates of other major networks that carry ABC programming on a digital subchannel or because a primary feed ABC affiliate has not yet upgraded their transmission equipment to allow content to be presented in HD. entailment 344 On what scale would scientists show measurements of vegetation? Some remote sensing scientists have proposed using the measurement of the radiance coming from vegetation canopies in those bands to characterize plant health status from a satellite platform. not_entailment 345 When did Tesla get his US citizenship? In the same year, he patented the Tesla coil. not_entailment 346 What did CBS provide of the Super Bowl 50 broadcast for its website, some apps and media players? Due to Verizon Communications exclusivity, streaming on smartphones was only provided to Verizon Wireless customers via the NFL Mobile service. not_entailment 347 What is stratigraphy? Geologists use a number of field, laboratory, and numerical modeling methods to decipher Earth history and understand the processes that occur on and inside the Earth. not_entailment 348 At what point does oxygen toxicity begin to happen? Oxygen toxicity usually begins to occur at partial pressures more than 50 kilopascals (kPa), equal to about 50% oxygen composition at standard pressure or 2.5 times the normal sea-level O_2 partial pressure of about 21 kPa. entailment 349 Where was the disease spreading between 1348 and 1350? It was introduced in Norway in 1349 when a ship landed at Askøy, then spread to Bjørgvin (modern Bergen) and Iceland. not_entailment 350 What is the term for catching the motivation expressed by the teacher? Finally, the concept of emotional contagion, may also apply. entailment 351 In what city's Marriott did the Panthers stay? The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the Santa Clara Marriott. not_entailment 352 Who authored the Liber servitoris? His Liber servitoris is of particular interest, as it provides the reader with recipes and explains how to prepare the `simples’ from which were compounded the complex drugs then generally used. not_entailment 353 The presence of who is highly likely even in small projects? Cost overruns with government projects have occurred when the contractor identified change orders or project changes that increased costs, which are not subject to competition from other firms as they have already been eliminated from consideration after the initial bid. not_entailment 354 What has been characterized as Arminian theology with an emphasis on the work of the Holy Spirit? Wesleyan theology stands at a unique cross-roads between evangelical and sacramental, between liturgical and charismatic, and between Anglo-Catholic and Reformed theology and practice. entailment 355 Who won the MVP for the Super Bowl? The Broncos took an early lead in Super Bowl 50 and never trailed. not_entailment 356 Where does centripetal force go? This yields both the tangential force, which accelerates the object by either slowing it down or speeding it up, and the radial (centripetal) force, which changes its direction. not_entailment 357 What does the Scotland Act of 2012 extend? The Scotland Act 2012 extends the devolved competencies. entailment 358 Which canal was dug in France to carry Rhine's water? The Upper Rhine region was changed significantly by a Rhine straightening program in the 19th Century. not_entailment 359 What played during the closing credits of the Doctor Who episodes? CBC began airing series two on 9 October 2006 at 20:00 E/P (20:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador), shortly after that day's CFL double header on Thanksgiving in most of the country.[citation needed] not_entailment 360 What person helped establish the school with a donation? Founded by the American Baptist Education Society with a donation from oil magnate and wealthiest man in history John D. Rockefeller, the University of Chicago was incorporated in 1890; William Rainey Harper became the university's first president in 1891, and the first classes were held in 1892. entailment 361 A column from which Moorish palace and fortress complex in Granada, Spain, is included in the V&A collection? As well as period rooms, the collection includes parts of buildings, for example the two top stories of the facade of Sir Paul Pindar's house dated c1600 from Bishopsgate with elaborately carved wood work and leaded windows, a rare survivor of the Great Fire of London, there is a brick portal from a London house of the English Restoration period and a fireplace from the gallery of Northumberland house. not_entailment 362 How was the fate of Luther decided? The Emperor presented the final draft of the Edict of Worms on 25 May 1521, declaring Luther an outlaw, banning his literature, and requiring his arrest: "We want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic. not_entailment 363 What kind of needlework was used in the creation of the Bayeux Tapestry? By far the most famous work of Norman art is the Bayeux Tapestry, which is not a tapestry but a work of embroidery. entailment 364 Along with solar, coal and nuclear, what sort of plants notable use the Rankine process? The cycle is an arrangement of components as is typically used for simple power production, and utilizes the phase change of water (boiling water producing steam, condensing exhaust steam, producing liquid water)) to provide a practical heat/power conversion system. not_entailment 365 What branch of theoretical computer science deals with broadly classifying computational problems by difficulty and class of relationship? A computational problem is understood to be a task that is in principle amenable to being solved by a computer, which is equivalent to stating that the problem may be solved by mechanical application of mathematical steps, such as an algorithm. not_entailment 366 Who was the famous Huguenot theologian and writer in London? Both before and after the 1708 passage of the Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act, an estimated 50,000 Protestant Walloons and Huguenots fled to England, with many moving on to Ireland and elsewhere. not_entailment 367 How many bus companies provide service to the city of Newcastle? Stagecoach is the primary operator in the city proper, with cross-city services mainly between both the West and East ends via the city centre with some services extending out to the MetroCentre, Killingworth, Wallsend and Ponteland. not_entailment 368 What earlier market did the Grainger Market replace? The Grainger Market itself, was opened in 1835 and was Newcastle's first indoor market. not_entailment 369 According to the wealth concentration theory, what advantage do the wealthy have in accumulating new wealth? Over time, wealth condensation can significantly contribute to the persistence of inequality within society. not_entailment 370 What was Joseph Haas arrested for? An example would be WBAI's broadcasting the track "Filthy Words" from a George Carlin comedy album, which eventually led to the 1978 Supreme Court case of FCC v. Pacifica Foundation. not_entailment 371 Who was the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl II? In honor of the 50th Super Bowl, the pregame ceremony featured the on-field introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. not_entailment 372 ENR used data on what to rank Top 400 firms as heavy contractors? In their reporting on the Top 400, they used data on transportation, sewer, hazardous waste and water to rank firms as heavy contractors. entailment 373 When did Astor provide the money? Instead, Tesla used the money to fund his Colorado Springs experiments. not_entailment 374 In what year did Tesla graduate from the Higher Real Gymnasium? In 1870, Tesla moved to Karlovac, to attend school at the Higher Real Gymnasium, where he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher Martin Sekulić.:32 not_entailment 375 The V&A's youth outreach programme was a hallmark of whose directorship? In July 1973, as part of its outreach programme to young people, the V&A became the first museum in Britain to present a rock concert. not_entailment 376 What is the name of the European Union agency for external border security? Frontex, the European Union agency for external border security, has its headquarters in Warsaw. entailment 377 How did Luther view Islam? He went on to produce several critical pamphlets on Islam, which he called "Mohammedanism" or "the Turk". not_entailment 378 John Mayow died in what year? In the late 17th century, Robert Boyle proved that air is necessary for combustion. not_entailment 379 What 3 things does the Air Force work key on Baran developed the concept of distributed adaptive message block switching during his research at the RAND Corporation for the US Air Force into survivable communications networks, first presented to the Air Force in the summer of 1961 as briefing B-265, later published as RAND report P-2626 in 1962, and finally in report RM 3420 in 1964. not_entailment 380 What is the low end of the temperature range in summer? But snow is very rare in the Southwest of the state, it occurs on the Southeast of the state. not_entailment 381 What did Wiesner shout out in front of the press during a presentation by von Braun? No, that's no good" in front of the press, during a presentation by von Braun. entailment 382 Who is known as the first Keeper of Fine Art Collection at the V&A? In these early years the practical use of the collection was very much emphasised as opposed to that of "High Art" at the National Gallery and scholarship at the British Museum. not_entailment 383 What kind of weapon did Tesla talk about? Tesla described the weapon as capable of being used against ground-based infantry or for anti-aircraft purposes. not_entailment 384 What area in modern-day Canada received Huguenot immigrants? The bulk of Huguenot émigrés relocated to Protestant European nations such as England, Wales, Scotland, Denmark, Sweden, Switzerland, the Dutch Republic, the Electorate of Brandenburg and Electorate of the Palatinate in the Holy Roman Empire, the Duchy of Prussia, the Channel Islands, and Ireland. not_entailment 385 What brought the downfall of Jacksonville filmmaking? Over the course of the decade, more than 30 silent film studios were established, earning Jacksonville the title of "Winter Film Capital of the World". not_entailment 386 Who handled the play-by-play for the Denver radio stations? The flagship stations of each station in the markets of each team will carry their local play-by-play calls. not_entailment 387 What are public schools in Victoria? Private fee-paying schools include parish schools run by the Roman Catholic Church and independent schools similar to British public schools. not_entailment 388 What geochemist developed the uranium-lead dating method into lead-lead dating? Just and Lynn Margulis, computer scientist Richard Hamming, the creator of the Hamming Code, lithium-ion battery developer John B. Goodenough, mathematician and Fields Medal recipient Paul Joseph Cohen, and geochemist Clair Cameron Patterson, who developed the uranium-lead dating method into lead-lead dating. entailment 389 In China, this person inferred that the land was formed by erosion of the mountains and by silt deposition, what was his name? In China, the polymath Shen Kuo (1031–1095) formulated a hypothesis for the process of land formation: based on his observation of fossil animal shells in a geological stratum in a mountain hundreds of miles from the ocean, he inferred that the land was formed by erosion of the mountains and by deposition of silt. entailment 390 When did the name black death officially take root in England? The name spread through Scandinavia and then Germany, gradually becoming attached to the mid 14th-century epidemic as a proper name. not_entailment 391 2011-12 saw ABC drop to 4th in ratings among what important demographic? On April 14, 2011, ABC canceled the long-running soap operas All My Children and One Life to Live after 41 and 43 years on the air, respectively (following backlash from fans, ABC sold the rights to both shows to Prospect Park, which eventually revived the soaps on Hulu for one additional season in 2013 and with both companies suing one another for allegations of interference with the process of reviving the shows, failure to pay licensing fees and issues over ABC's use of certain characters from One Live to Live on General Hospital during the transition). not_entailment 392 Which part of London was Sir Paul Pindar's house, whose façade now resides in the V&A collection, located? As well as period rooms, the collection includes parts of buildings, for example the two top stories of the facade of Sir Paul Pindar's house dated c1600 from Bishopsgate with elaborately carved wood work and leaded windows, a rare survivor of the Great Fire of London, there is a brick portal from a London house of the English Restoration period and a fireplace from the gallery of Northumberland house. entailment 393 When did this attempt take place? The label Huguenot was purportedly first applied in France to those conspirators (all of them aristocratic members of the Reformed Church) involved in the Amboise plot of 1560: a foiled attempt to wrest power in France from the influential House of Guise. entailment 394 What team lost Super Bowl XXXIII? The only other AFC champion team to have worn white as the designated home team in the Super Bowl was the Pittsburgh Steelers; they defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21–10 in Super Bowl XL 10 seasons prior. not_entailment 395 How many granal thylakoids are usually in each granum? Each granum can contain anywhere from two to a hundred thylakoids, though grana with 10–20 thylakoids are most common. entailment 396 What crime drama debuted on ABC in September 1994? September 1994 saw the debut of NYPD Blue, a gritty police procedural from Steven Bochco (who created Doogie Howser, M.D. and the critically pilloried Cop Rock for ABC earlier in the decade); lasting ten seasons, the drama became known for its boundary pushing of network television standards (particularly its occasional use of graphic language and rear nudity), which led some affiliates to initially refuse to air the show in its first season. entailment 397 What was the average cost of a 30-second commercial? It was the third-most watched U.S. broadcast ever. not_entailment 398 When did Tesla graduate? Tesla was able to perform integral calculus in his head, which prompted his teachers to believe that he was cheating. not_entailment 399 How are chloroplasts similar to mitochondria? Chloroplasts, like mitochondria, contain their own DNA, which is thought to be inherited from their ancestor—a photosynthetic cyanobacterium that was engulfed by an early eukaryotic cell. entailment 400 When was the deportation of Acadians? The deportation of Acadians beginning in 1755 resulted in land made available to migrants from Europe and the colonies further south. entailment 401 Which NASA faction came around first to support the LOR? Seamans' establishment of an ad-hoc committee headed by his special technical assistant Nicholas E. Golovin in July 1961, to recommend a launch vehicle to be used in the Apollo program, represented a turning point in NASA's mission mode decision. not_entailment 402 Who has limited productive potential when faced with less access to education? Conversely, education raises incomes and promotes growth because it helps to unleash the productive potential of the poor. entailment 403 How would the word apothecary be viewed by contemporary English speakers? The word pharmacy is derived from its root word pharma which was a term used since the 15th–17th centuries. not_entailment 404 What is the name of the service that gets local businesses contract chances with the Super Bowl? For the first time, the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee and the NFL have openly sought disabled veteran and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the Super Bowl. entailment 405 How many Panthers were designated All-Pro? Carolina started the season 14–0, not only setting franchise records for the best start and the longest single-season winning streak, but also posting the best start to a season by an NFC team in NFL history, breaking the 13–0 record previously shared with the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2011 Green Bay Packers. not_entailment 406 How much of the water flow does the Waal get from the Rhine? Two thirds of the water flow volume of the Rhine flows farther west, through the Waal and then, via the Merwede and Nieuwe Merwede (De Biesbosch), merging with the Meuse, through the Hollands Diep and Haringvliet estuaries, into the North Sea. entailment 407 What is one of the largest city center shopping complexes in the UK? The largest of these is the Eldon Square Shopping Centre, one of the largest city centre shopping complexes in the UK. entailment 408 Which countries were the European Coal and Steel Community agreement between? The agreement aimed to prevent Germany from re-establishing dominance in the production of coal and steel as members felt that its dominance had contributed to the outbreak of the war. not_entailment 409 What were the conditions for miners in the gold fields in Victoria? Conditions on the gold fields were cramped and unsanitary; an outbreak of typhoid at Buckland Valley in 1854 killed over 1,000 miners. entailment 410 What are the exceptions in the constitution that require special considerations to amend? The Victorian Constitution can be amended by the Parliament of Victoria, except for certain "entrenched" provisions that require either an absolute majority in both houses, a three-fifths majority in both houses, or the approval of the Victorian people in a referendum, depending on the provision. entailment 411 What city is tied with Miami for hosting the Super Bowl? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. entailment 412 On what streets is the ABC headquarters located The network is part of the Big Three television networks. not_entailment 413 What publication published an article about Tesla in 1912? In February 1912, an article—"Nikola Tesla, Dreamer" by Allan L. Benson—was published in World Today, in which an artist's illustration appears showing the entire earth cracking in half with the caption, "Tesla claims that in a few weeks he could set the earth's crust into such a state of vibration that it would rise and fall hundreds of feet and practically destroy civilization. entailment 414 When was Rhineland subject to the Treaty of Versailles? The Treaty of Versailles and this particular provision, in general, caused much resentment in Germany and is often cited as helping Adolf Hitler's rise to power. not_entailment 415 Who was Kennedy's science adviser that opposed manned spacecraft flights? But even after NASA reached internal agreement, it was far from smooth sailing. not_entailment 416 In 1517 who was Luther's bishop? He enclosed in his letter a copy of his "Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences", which came to be known as The Ninety-Five Theses. not_entailment 417 What impact did this loss have on Abercrombie? Abercrombie saved something from the disaster when he sent John Bradstreet on an expedition that successfully destroyed Fort Frontenac, including caches of supplies destined for New France's western forts and furs destined for Europe. not_entailment 418 In what city is Rangi Ruru Girls' School? There are three private schools (including the secondary school, St Dominic's College) operated by the Catholic schismatic group, the Society of St Pius X in Wanganui. not_entailment 419 What is Luther's thought about the extent of his church? Luther's thought is revolutionary to the extent that it is a theology of the cross, the negation of every affirmation: as long as the cross is at the center, the system building tendency of reason is held in check, and system building does not degenerate into System. entailment 420 What is the name of the book written by Archeologist Betty Meggers? For a long time, it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was only ever sparsely populated, as it was impossible to sustain a large population through agriculture given the poor soil. not_entailment 421 The first episode of Doctor Who premiered the day after what famous event in history? The first of these was the "Dalekmania" period (circa 1964–1965), when the popularity of the Daleks regularly brought Doctor Who ratings of between 9 and 14 million, even for stories which did not feature them. not_entailment 422 What is the Norman architecture idiom? Norman architecture typically stands out as a new stage in the architectural history of the regions they subdued. not_entailment 423 What kind of bureaucracy did the Normans institute? Institutionally, the Normans combined the administrative machinery of the Byzantines, Arabs, and Lombards with their own conceptions of feudal law and order to forge a unique government. not_entailment 424 What kinds of trees is Kearney Boulevard lined with? A small, two-lane rural road for most of its length, Kearney Boulevard is lined with tall palm trees. entailment 425 When was the IPCC Trust Fund founded? Annual cash contributions to the Trust Fund are made by the WMO, by UNEP, and by IPCC Members; the scale of payments is determined by the IPCC Panel, which is also responsible for considering and adopting by consensus the annual budget. not_entailment 426 What person argues that civil disobedience is used to describe everything? Marshall Cohen notes, "It has been used to describe everything from bringing a test-case in the federal courts to taking aim at a federal official. entailment 427 What church runs some private schools in Victoria? Private fee-paying schools include parish schools run by the Roman Catholic Church and independent schools similar to British public schools. entailment 428 What did NSFNET eventually provide Initially created to link researchers to the nation's NSF-funded supercomputing centers, through further public funding and private industry partnerships it developed into a major part of the Internet backbone. entailment 429 Where was Tesla's laboratory established? In the same year, he patented the Tesla coil. not_entailment 430 What types of preparation do pharmacists have? Pharmacists are healthcare professionals with specialised education and training who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for their patients through the quality use of medicines. entailment 431 Who came up with the theory of relativity? he turned his attention to the problem of Mercury's orbit and found that his theory added a correction, which could account for the discrepancy. not_entailment 432 Which coastline does Southern California touch? Southern California includes the heavily built-up urban area stretching along the Pacific coast from Ventura, through the Greater Los Angeles Area and the Inland Empire, and down to Greater San Diego. entailment 433 Where was the Rhine regulated with a lower canal? The Dornbirner Ach had to be diverted, too, and it now flows parallel to the canalized Rhine into the lake. not_entailment 434 What was Norman Cantor's theory about the plague? Twigg suggested that the cause was a form of anthrax, and Norman Cantor (2001) thought it may have been a combination of anthrax and other pandemics. entailment 435 How did Vaudreuil react when Johnson was seen as larger threat? When Johnson was seen as the larger threat, Vaudreuil sent Dieskau to Fort St. Frédéric to meet that threat. entailment 436 What technique was used to decorate the east side of the building? Continuing the style of the earlier buildings, various designers were responsible for the decoration, the terracotta embellishments were again the work of Godfrey Sykes, although sgraffito was used to decorate the east side of the building designed by F. W. Moody, a final embellishment were the wrought iron gates made as late as 1885 designed by Starkie Gardner, these lead to a passage through the building. entailment 437 What year was North America's first printing press started? In 1638, the college became home for North America's first known printing press, carried by the ship John of London. entailment 438 Who is the current captian of the cricket team? Cricket is another popular and the most successful team sport. not_entailment 439 Why did Tesla begin investigating invisible energy? Starting in 1894, Tesla began investigating what he referred to as radiant energy of "invisible" kinds after he had noticed damaged film in his laboratory in previous experiments (later identified as "Roentgen rays" or "X-Rays"). entailment 440 After the merger of Disney-ABC Television group, ABC Studios, and ABC Entertainment, what was the resulting entity named? In early 2009, Disney–ABC Television Group merged ABC Entertainment and ABC Studios into a new division, ABC Entertainment Group, which would be responsible for both its production and broadcasting operations. entailment 441 Which two courts apply European Union law? European Union law is applied by the courts of member states and the Court of Justice of the European Union. entailment 442 A replica of what landmark was present at Super Bowl Opening Night? Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with player introductions on a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge. entailment 443 What are other major fatality causes? Other major causes of fatalities in the construction industry include electrocution, transportation accidents, and trench cave-ins. entailment 444 By 199 how many universities were connected By 1998, the vBNS had grown to connect more than 100 universities and research and engineering institutions via 12 national points of presence with DS-3 entailment 445 How many Victorians are Buddhist? Buddhism is the state's largest non-Christian religion, with 168,637 members as of the most recent census. entailment 446 When was the opening of "Super Bowl City"? San Francisco mayor Ed Lee said of the highly visible homeless presence in this area "they are going to have to leave". not_entailment 447 Where was Melanchthon at the time? The story is based on comments made by Philipp Melanchthon, though it is thought that he was not in Wittenberg at the time. entailment 448 Where were interviews held while the parliament was in its temporary building? This building was vacated twice to allow for the meeting of the Church's General Assembly. not_entailment 449 What profession was Nathan Alterman? No one will ever see the Warsaw I knew. not_entailment 450 When did Carl Wilhelm Scheele discover oxygen? Oxygen was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his work was published first. entailment 451 What's the average decibel level of noise in Newcastle? The report claimed that these noise levels would have a negative long-term impact on the health of the city's residents. not_entailment 452 Who is also known at the father of the hydrogen bomb? Notable faculty in physics have included the speed of light calculator A. A. Michelson, elementary charge calculator Robert A. Millikan, discoverer of the Compton Effect Arthur H. Compton, the creator of the first nuclear reactor Enrico Fermi, "the father of the hydrogen bomb" Edward Teller, "one of the most brilliant and productive experimental physicists of the twentieth century entailment 453 Where can chloroplasts sometimes be found? All green parts of a plant contain chloroplasts—the chloroplasts, or more specifically, the chlorophyll in them are what make the photosynthetic parts of a plant green. not_entailment 454 When did Luther write an extreme treatise against the Jews? In 1523, Luther wrote that Jesus Christ was born a Jew which discouraged mistreatment of the Jews and advocated their conversion by proving that the Old Testament could be shown to speak of Jesus Christ. not_entailment 455 What is the guidebook for local churches and pastors? The church conference is an annual meeting of all the officers of the church and any interested members. not_entailment 456 How long ago did oxygen reach 10% of its present level? When such oxygen sinks became saturated, free oxygen began to outgas from the oceans 3–2.7 billion years ago, reaching 10% of its present level around 1.7 billion years ago. entailment 457 Where did Turabi place students sympathetic to his views? His National Islamic Front first gained influence when strongman General Gaafar al-Nimeiry invited members to serve in his government in 1979. not_entailment 458 What are two basic primary resources used to guage complexity? The theory formalizes this intuition, by introducing mathematical models of computation to study these problems and quantifying the amount of resources needed to solve them, such as time and storage. entailment 459 It is now possible to convert old relative ages into what type of ages using isotopic dating? With isotopic dates it became possible to assign absolute ages to rock units, and these absolute dates could be applied to fossil sequences in which there was datable material, converting the old relative ages into new absolute ages. entailment 460 What UN secretary went to Harvard? Politics: U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon; American political leaders John Hancock, John Adams, John Quincy Adams, Rutherford B. Hayes, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin D. Roosevelt, John F. Kennedy, Al Gore, George W. Bush and Barack Obama; Chilean President Sebastián Piñera; Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos; Costa Rican President José María Figueres; Mexican Presidents Felipe Calderón, Carlos Salinas de Gortari and Miguel de la Madrid; Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj; Peruvian President Alejandro Toledo; Taiwanese President Ma Ying-jeou; Canadian Governor General David Lloyd Johnston; Indian Member of Parliament Jayant Sinha; Albanian Prime Minister Fan S. Noli; Canadian Prime Ministers Mackenzie King and Pierre Trudeau; Greek Prime Minister Antonis Samaras; Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu; former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto; U. S. Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Shaun Donovan; Canadian political leader Michael Ignatieff; Pakistani Members of Provincial Assembly Murtaza Bhutto and Sanam Bhutto; Bangladesh Minister of Finance Abul Maal Abdul Muhith; President of Puntland entailment 461 What is the Canal in Wesel? One of the most important cities in this region is Duisburg with the largest river port in Europe (Duisport). not_entailment 462 What additional membranes do secondary chloroplasts have? The engulfed alga was broken down, leaving only its chloroplast, and sometimes its cell membrane and nucleus, forming a chloroplast with three or four membranes—the two cyanobacterial membranes, sometimes the eaten alga's cell membrane, and the phagosomal vacuole from the host's cell membrane. entailment 463 What happened with the rate of flow in the Rhine with the straightening program? The rate of flow was increased and the ground water level fell significantly. entailment 464 How long did the 5th president's tenure last? Also, the Committee on Social Thought, an institution distinctive of the university, was created. not_entailment 465 What can the growth elasticity of poverty depend on? While acknowledging the central role economic growth can potentially play in human development, poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, it is becoming widely understood amongst the development community that special efforts must be made to ensure poorer sections of society are able to participate in economic growth. not_entailment 466 What lesson did Johann von Staupitz teach Luther repentance was? Johann von Staupitz, his superior, pointed Luther's mind away from continual reflection upon his sins toward the merits of Christ. not_entailment 467 What sort of engines utilized the Yarrow-Schlick-Tweedy balancing system? In the late 19th century, the Yarrow-Schlick-Tweedy balancing 'system' was used on some marine triple expansion engines. entailment 468 What soap opera is currently featured in ABC's daytime programming? ABC News programming includes Good Morning America from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. weekdays (along with one-hour weekend editions); nightly editions of ABC World News Tonight (whose weekend editions are occasionally subject to abbreviation or preemption due to sports telecasts overrunning into the program's timeslot), the Sunday political talk show This Week, early morning news programs World News Now and America This Morning and the late night newsmagazine Nightline. not_entailment 469 At first, what did oxygen and iron combine to form? Free oxygen gas was almost nonexistent in Earth's atmosphere before photosynthetic archaea and bacteria evolved, probably about 3.5 billion years ago. not_entailment 470 What are two examples of nonself entities in accordance with Frank Burnet's theory? On the basis of CST, Burnet developed a theory of how an immune response is triggered according to the self/nonself distinction: "self" constituents (constituents of the body) do not trigger destructive immune responses, while "nonself" entities (pathogens, an allograft) trigger a destructive immune response. entailment 471 What river is near Genghis Khan's likely place of burial? The Genghis Khan Mausoleum, constructed many years after his death, is his memorial, but not his burial site. not_entailment 472 Who was Emma's brother? His stay in Normandy (until 1016) influenced him and his sons by Emma, who stayed in Normandy after Cnut the Great's conquest of the isle. not_entailment 473 Who did the SNP obtain 16 seats from? The SNP took a further eight seats from the Liberal Democrats and one seat from the Conservatives. not_entailment 474 What denomination is the Diocesan School for Girls in Auckland affiliated with? There are three private schools (including the secondary school, St Dominic's College) operated by the Catholic schismatic group, the Society of St Pius X in Wanganui. not_entailment 475 What type of technology is the non organic separating of gases? The other major method of producing O_2 gas involves passing a stream of clean, dry air through one bed of a pair of identical zeolite molecular sieves, which absorbs the nitrogen and delivers a gas stream that is 90% to 93% O_2. not_entailment 476 What did Luther begin to experience in 1536? In December 1544, he began to feel the effects of angina. not_entailment 477 Which actor was a replacement for Doctor Who due to the illness of the main actor? Other original plays have been staged as amateur productions, with other actors playing the Doctor, while Terry Nation wrote The Curse of the Daleks, a stage play mounted in the late 1960s, but without the Doctor. not_entailment 478 Who wrote a resounding letter to the elector praising Luther? His words, through divine mercy, are bringing back every day misguided people into the way of the truth." not_entailment 479 Which Doctor Who-related song reached Number One in the UK? In 1988 the band The Justified Ancients of Mu Mu (later known as The KLF) released the single "Doctorin' the Tardis" under the name The Timelords, which reached No. 1 in the UK and No. 2 in Australia; this version incorporated several other songs, including "Rock and Roll Part 2" by Gary Glitter (who recorded vocals for some of the CD-single remix versions of "Doctorin' the Tardis"). entailment 480 To what is singlet oxygen more reactive? Singlet oxygen is a name given to several higher-energy species of molecular O_2 in which all the electron spins are paired. not_entailment 481 What was the only year that a full series was not filmed since 2005? No full series was filmed in 2009, although four additional specials starring David Tennant were made. entailment 482 What must a project adhere to? Constructing a project that fails to adhere to codes does not benefit the owner. not_entailment 483 Which Doctor Who show was the largest simulcast of a TV drama? The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world, the "most successful" science fiction series of all time—based on its over-all broadcast ratings, DVD and book sales, and iTunes traffic— and for the largest ever simulcast of a TV drama with its 50th anniversary special. entailment 484 How many seats does the amphitheatre at Woodward park have? Now packed with amenities, Woodward Park is the only Regional Park of its size in the Central Valley. not_entailment 485 Why was the Dutch lawyer who moved to Belgium while advising a client in a social society case told he couldn't continue? The Court of Justice held that the freedom to provide services applied, it was directly effective, and the rule was probably unjustified: having an address in the member state would be enough to pursue the legitimate aim of good administration of justice. not_entailment 486 When was the Edict of Worms presented? The Emperor presented the final draft of the Edict of Worms on 25 May 1521, declaring Luther an outlaw, banning his literature, and requiring his arrest: "We want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic. entailment 487 What was originally on the spacesuits prior to the clear "fishbowl" helmet? The traditional visor helmet was replaced with a clear "fishbowl" type for greater visibility, and the lunar surface EVA suit would include a water-cooled undergarment. entailment 488 Where did Tesla teach in Gospic? On 17 April 1879, Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60 after contracting an unspecified illness (although some sources say that he died of a stroke). not_entailment 489 What was Ban Ki-Moon the Secretary General of? While acknowledging the central role economic growth can potentially play in human development, poverty reduction and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goals, it is becoming widely understood amongst the development community that special efforts must be made to ensure poorer sections of society are able to participate in economic growth. not_entailment 490 What type of boundaries help to define the way kids behave? Teachers are expected to respect their students; sarcasm and attempts to humiliate pupils are seen as falling outside of what constitutes reasonable discipline.[verification needed] not_entailment 491 Who said chloroplasts are similar to cyanobacteria? Chloroplasts are only found in plants and algae. not_entailment 492 What does political pressure push to extend to compensate for stagnating purchasing power? To compensate for stagnating and declining purchasing power, political pressure has developed to extend easier credit to the lower and middle income earners – particularly to buy homes – and easier credit in general to keep unemployment rates low. entailment 493 What is the example of another problem characterized by large instances that is routinely solved by SAT handlers employing efficient algorithms? Similarly, algorithms can solve the NP-complete knapsack problem over a wide range of sizes in less than quadratic time and SAT solvers routinely handle large instances of the NP-complete Boolean satisfiability problem. entailment 494 What year saw the earliest recorded use of the steam engine indicator? The steam engine indicator traces on paper the pressure in the cylinder throughout the cycle, which can be used to spot various problems and calculate developed horsepower. not_entailment 495 Who brought together the former rivals at the signing ceremony? The world watched Annan and his UN-backed panel and African Union chairman Jakaya Kikwete as they brought together the former rivals to the signing ceremony, beamed live on national TV from the steps of Nairobi's Harambee House. entailment 496 In what time frame did Tesla weigh almost exactly the same amount? He was an elegant, stylish figure in New York City, meticulous in his grooming, clothing, and regimented in his daily activities. not_entailment 497 In what meeting did Shirley lay out plans for 1756? At a meeting in Albany in December 1755, he laid out his plans for 1756. entailment 498 What are two anti-inflammatory molecules that peak during awake hours? As well during awake active times, anti-inflammatory molecules, such as cortisol and catecholamines, peak. entailment 499 What type of positions would these counties be trying to recruit for? Many counties offer alternative licensing programs to attract people into teaching, especially for hard-to-fill positions. entailment 500 Who went to Wittenberg to hear Luther speak? To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian. not_entailment 501 At what point in the day was the couple married? On the evening of the same day, the couple was married by Bugenhagen. entailment 502 Are juiveniles capable of reproduction? In at least some species, juveniles are capable of reproduction before reaching the adult size and shape. entailment 503 Who had established the Russian empire to its former glory prior to 1921? Bolshevik leaders had effectively reestablished a polity with roughly the same extent as that empire by 1921, however with an internationalist ideology: Lenin in particular asserted the right to limited self-determination for national minorities within the new territory. entailment 504 Where does Warsaw rank in terms of population in the EU? Warsaw (Polish: Warszawa [varˈʂava] ( listen); see also other names) is the capital and largest city of Poland. not_entailment 505 What was the final score of the AFC Championship Game? They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game, 20–18, by intercepting a pass on New England's 2-point conversion attempt with 17 seconds left on the clock. entailment 506 Where does centripetal force go? This means that the unbalanced centripetal force felt by any object is always directed toward the center of the curving path. entailment 507 Granting what status would allow private non-religious schools in the US to receive public funds? Funding for private schools is generally provided through student tuition, endowments, scholarship/voucher funds, and donations and grants from religious organizations or private individuals. not_entailment 508 What is colonialism's core meaning? Colonialism's core meaning is the exploitation of the valuable assets and supplies of the nation that was conquered and the conquering nation then gaining the benefits from the spoils of the war. entailment 509 What is the lowest recorded temperature in Victoria? Temperature extremes for the state are listed in the table below: not_entailment 510 What are two factors that made it difficult for colonists to the Amazon forest to survive? The soils in the Amazon are productive for just a short period of time, so farmers are constantly moving to new areas and clearing more land. not_entailment 511 What do power station steam turbines use as a cold sink in the absence of CHP? Where CHP is not used, steam turbines in power stations use surface condensers as a cold sink. entailment 512 When did Li Tan lead a revolt? Li Tan, the son-in-law of a powerful official, instigated a revolt against Mongol rule in 1262. entailment 513 How many people lived in Warsaw in 1939? In 1939, c. 1,300,000 people lived in Warsaw, but in 1945 – only 420,000. entailment 514 How long would Tesla spend gambling sometimes? On one occasion at his laboratory, Tesla worked for a period of 84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey, a journalist whom Tesla had befriended, confirmed that Tesla rarely slept. not_entailment 515 When did delegates to the World Methodist Council vote to adopt the joint Declaration on the Doctrine of Justification?" It is also active in the World Methodist Council, an interdenominational group composed of various churches in the tradition of John Wesley to promote the Gospel throughout the world. not_entailment 516 Of what form is the infinite amount of primes that comprise the special cases of Schinzel's hypothesis? It is conjectured there are infinitely many primes of the form n2 + 1. entailment 517 What were the two main theories of immunity at the end of the 19th century? Many theories have been suggested in immunology from the end of the nineteenth century up to the present time. not_entailment 518 What flood impacted the Meuse? Before the St. Elizabeth's flood (1421), the Meuse flowed just south of today's line Merwede-Oude Maas to the North Sea and formed an archipelago-like estuary with Waal and Lek. entailment 519 What entity owns V/Line? Major operators include: Metro Trains Melbourne which runs an extensive, electrified, passenger system throughout Melbourne and suburbs; V/Line which is now owned by the Victorian Government, operates a concentrated service to major regional centres, as well as long distance services on other lines; Pacific National, CFCL Australia which operate freight services; Great Southern Rail which operates The Overland Melbourne—Adelaide; and NSW TrainLink which operates XPTs Melbourne—Sydney. entailment 520 What did John Dunn invent? John Dunn, inventor of keyed Northumbrian smallpipes, the most characteristic musical instrument in the region, lived and worked in the city. entailment 521 What is the weight of a bushel of coal in pounds? The best examples of Newcomen designs had a duty of about 7 million, but most were closer to 5 million. not_entailment 522 Suzuki Chokichi's incense burner dated 1875 is made of what from material? The majority of exhibits date from 1550 to 1900, but one of the oldest pieces displayed is the 13th-century sculpture of Amida Nyorai. not_entailment 523 Unlike confirmation and profession of faith, what is a sacrament in the UMC? In confirmation and membership preparation classes, students learn about Church and the Methodist-Christian theological tradition in order to profess their ultimate faith in Christ. not_entailment 524 What portion of bird species make up the world's total live in the rainforest? One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. entailment 525 How many factors of health and social problems did Wilkinson and PIckett identify? In recent years the characteristic that has strongly correlated with health in developed countries is income inequality. not_entailment 526 What might the Amazon forest become if it passes the tipping point and starts to die? Scientists at the Brazilian National Institute of Amazonian Research argue in the article that this drought response, coupled with the effects of deforestation on regional climate, are pushing the rainforest towards a "tipping point" where it would irreversibly start to die. not_entailment 527 Name a luxury division of Toyota. A decade after the 1973 oil crisis, Honda, Toyota and Nissan, affected by the 1981 voluntary export restraints, opened US assembly plants and established their luxury divisions (Acura, Lexus and Infiniti, respectively) to distinguish themselves from their mass-market brands. entailment 528 Who was the first Warsaw President? The first Warsaw President was Jan Andrzej Menich (1695–1696). entailment 529 How often does the European Council meet? The Council does this: in effect this is the governments of the member states, but there will be a different minister at each meeting, depending on the topic discussed (e.g. for environmental issues, the member states' environment ministers attend and vote; for foreign affairs, the foreign ministers, etc.). not_entailment 530 What instrument became a national instrument in Germany? He often accompanied the sung hymns with a lute, later recreated as the waldzither that became a national instrument of Germany in the 20th century. entailment 531 What was ABC's revenue in 1962? Despite a significant increase in viewership (with its audience share having increased to 33% from the 15% share it had in 1953), ABC remained in third place; the company had a total revenue of $15.5 million, a third of the revenue pulled in by CBS at the same period. entailment 532 What did Tesla do in December 1878? In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and severed all relations with his family to hide the fact that he dropped out of school. entailment 533 In what year was the Commission on Pan Methodist Cooperation and Union formed? In May 2012, The United Methodist Church entered into full communion with the African Methodist Episcopal Church, African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, African Union Methodist Protestant Church, Christian Methodist Episcopal Church, and Union American Methodist Episcopal Church, in which these Churches agreed to "recognize each other's churches, share sacraments, and affirm their clergy and ministries." not_entailment 534 What did these flights test on the CM? These flights validated the Service Module engine and the Command Module heat shield. entailment 535 What building is the most interesting of the late 19th-century architecture? Some 19th-century buildings in the Praga district (the Vistula’s right bank) have been restored although many have been poorly maintained. not_entailment 536 What influence did Al Banna wish to eliminate from the Muslim world? Roughly contemporaneous with Maududi was the founding of the Muslim Brotherhood in Ismailiyah, Egypt in 1928 by Hassan al Banna. not_entailment 537 The Rhine forms an inland delta into which lake? The delta is delimited in the West by the Alter Rhein ("Old Rhine") and in the East by a modern canalized section. not_entailment 538 What are the proteins that organisms use to identify molecules associated with pathogens? Antimicrobial peptides called defensins are an evolutionarily conserved component of the innate immune response found in all animals and plants, and represent the main form of invertebrate systemic immunity. not_entailment 539 How many fumbles did Von Miller force in Super Bowl 50? The Broncos took an early lead in Super Bowl 50 and never trailed. not_entailment 540 When did the Steven Spielberg movie Duel first debut? The Movie of the Week broadcast feature-length dramatic films directed by such talented filmmakers as Aaron Spelling, David Wolper and Steven Spielberg (the latter of whom gained early success through the showcase for his 1971 film Duel) that were produced on an average budget of $400,000–$450,000. entailment 541 How many days was the 1996 film shown ahead of the BBC showing? Finally, the 1996 television film premièred on 12 May 1996 on CITV in Edmonton, Canada, 15 days before the BBC One showing, and two days before it aired on Fox in the United States.[citation needed] entailment 542 Goldenson proposed a merger between UPT and what network in October 1954? Despite the promise of non-interference between ABC and UPT, Goldenson had to intervene in ABC's decisions because of financial problems and the FCC's long period of indecision. not_entailment 543 How many hymns of Luther were included in the Achtliederbuch? Luther's hymns were included in early Lutheran hymnals and spread the ideas of the Reformation. not_entailment 544 What did Johann Eck call Luther? The theologian Johann Eck, however, was determined to expose Luther's doctrine in a public forum. not_entailment 545 How do pathogens avoid detection? Pathogens can rapidly evolve and adapt, and thereby avoid detection and neutralization by the immune system; however, multiple defense mechanisms have also evolved to recognize and neutralize pathogens. entailment 546 Why did the European nations and Japan separated themselves from United States during the crisis? Some European nations and Japan sought to disassociate themselves from United States foreign policy in the Middle East to avoid being targeted by the boycott. entailment 547 What was the entity that stepped in and caused Miami's Sun Life Stadium to no longer be in the running to host Super Bowl 50? However, on May 3, 2013, the Florida legislature refused to approve the funding plan to pay for the renovations, dealing a significant blow to Miami's chances. entailment 548 What governing body appoints commissioners and the board of European Central Bank? The "European Council" (rather than the Council, made up of different government Ministers) is composed of the Prime Ministers or executive Presidents of the member states. entailment 549 What is the last name of the player who scored a 2-yard touchdown in the fourth quarter? Then Anderson scored on a 2-yard touchdown run and Manning completed a pass to Bennie Fowler for a 2-point conversion, giving Denver a 24–10 lead with 3:08 left and essentially putting the game away. entailment 550 Against whom did the Camisards rise up to fight? In the early 18th century, a regional group known as the Camisards who were Huguenots rioted against the Catholic Church in the region, burning churches and killing clergy. entailment 551 What has been getting much better in the most recent years? However, average teacher salaries have improved rapidly in recent years. entailment 552 What was the most important discovery that led to the understanding that Earth's lithosphere is separated into tectonic plates? There is an intimate coupling between the movement of the plates on the surface and the convection of the mantle: oceanic plate motions and mantle convection currents always move in the same direction, because the oceanic lithosphere is the rigid upper thermal boundary layer of the convecting mantle. not_entailment 553 What project structures assist the owner in integration? In general, each of these project structures allows the owner to integrate the services of architects, interior designers, engineers and constructors throughout design and construction. not_entailment 554 What was the national viewership reach of ABC in 1958? In 1957, ABC Entertainment president Ollie Treiz discovered that the locally produced variety show Bandstand had pulled very strong ratings in the Philadelphia market on WFIL-TV; Treiz ultimately negotiated a deal to take the show national, under the revised title American Bandstand; the show quickly became a social phenomenon by presenting new musical talent and dances to America's youth and helped make a star out of its host, Dick Clark. not_entailment 555 How many women were employed in construction in 2011? In the United States, the industry in 2014 has around $960 billion in annual revenue according to statistics tracked by the Census Bureau, of which $680 billion is private (split evenly between residential and nonresidential) and the remainder is government. not_entailment 556 Where is the aboral organ located? The largest single sensory feature is the aboral organ (at the opposite end from the mouth). entailment 557 Who is known as the first Keeper of Fine Art Collection at the V&A? George Wallis (1811–1891), the first Keeper of Fine Art Collection, passionately promoted the idea of wide art education through the museum collections. entailment 558 When was Temüjin elected khan of the Mongols? In 1186, Temüjin was elected khan of the Mongols. entailment 559 What year did Tesla avade the draft? He read many books while in Tomingaj, and later said that Mark Twain's works had helped him to miraculously recover from his earlier illness. not_entailment 560 What kind of marriage was this ? Some priests and former religious had already married, including Andreas Karlstadt and Justus Jonas, but Luther's wedding set the seal of approval on clerical marriage. entailment 561 What is the observable effect of W and Z boson exchange? Its most familiar effect is beta decay (of neutrons in atomic nuclei) and the associated radioactivity. entailment 562 What vehicle did Doctor Who use for his escape from Gallifrey? Doctor Who follows the adventures of the primary character, a rogue Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, who simply goes by the name "The Doctor". not_entailment 563 When was a zoological garden established in the Praga Park? In 1927 a zoological garden (Ogród Zoologiczny) was established on the park grounds, and in 1952 a bear run, still open today. entailment 564 According to Wilson's theorem, what factorial must be divisible by n if some integer n > 4 is to be considered composite? Moreover, an integer n > 4 is composite if and only if (n − 1)! is divisible by n. entailment 565 How many plant species are of interest to society and manufacturers exist in the amazon rainforest? To date, an estimated 438,000 species of plants of economic and social interest have been registered in the region with many more remaining to be discovered or catalogued. entailment 566 Who originally hosted the syndicated version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? In August 1999, ABC premiered a special series event, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, a game show based on the British program of the same title. not_entailment 567 How much did the population of Victoria increase in ten years after the discovery of gold? Victoria produced in the decade 1851–1860 20 million ounces of gold, one third of the world's output[citation needed]. not_entailment 568 After Huguenots fled France, their last remaining bastion was where? In the early 18th century, a regional group known as the Camisards who were Huguenots rioted against the Catholic Church in the region, burning churches and killing clergy. not_entailment 569 What will be obtained as part of longer term plans for improvements to Newcastle's train system? Longer term plans include the procurement of an entirely new fleet of trains and further extensions to the system. entailment 570 What ABC comedy had the record for the longest running comedy until being passed by the Simpsons in 2002? ABC's merger with UPT led to the creation of relationships with Hollywood's film production studios, breaking a quarantine that had existed at that time between film and television, the latter of which had previously been more connected to radio. not_entailment 571 The largest construction projects are known as what? The largest construction projects are referred to as megaprojects. entailment 572 In what year did Harvard end its early admission program? Undergraduate admission to Harvard is characterized by the Carnegie Foundation as "more selective, lower transfer-in". not_entailment 573 Where do most teachers get their credentials from? In many countries, a person who wishes to become a teacher must first obtain specified professional qualifications or credentials from a university or college. entailment 574 Who was given land by British goovernment for development of Ohio Country? In 1749 the British government gave land to the Ohio Company of Virginia for the purpose of developing trade and settlements in the Ohio Country. entailment 575 What does China's investment mean for Kenya? Kenyatta was "[a]ccompanied by 60 Kenyan business people [and hoped to] ... gain support from China for a planned $2.5 billion railway from the southern Kenyan port of Mombasa to neighboring Uganda, as well as a nearly $1.8 billion dam", according to a statement from the president's office also at the time of the trip. not_entailment 576 How many earthquakes does southern California experience in a year? Each year, the southern California area has about 10,000 earthquakes. entailment 577 Whose authority did Luther's theology oppose? Those who identify with these, and all of Luther's wider teachings, are called Lutherans even though Luther insisted on Christian or Evangelical as the only acceptable names for individuals who professed Christ. not_entailment 578 Prior to this consideration, when did San Francisco last host a Super Bowl? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. not_entailment 579 In what year was the school formed? In 1638, the college became home for North America's first known printing press, carried by the ship John of London. not_entailment 580 When did British government give land for development of Ohio Country? He completed the 1752 Treaty of Logstown in which the local Indians, through their "Half-King" Tanacharison and an Iroquois representative, agreed to terms that included permission to build a "strong house" at the mouth of the Monongahela River (the site of present-day Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania). not_entailment 581 In what year was the first commercial steam powered device invented? The first commercial steam-powered device was a water pump, developed in 1698 by Thomas Savery. entailment 582 What is one method of achieving aspirational consumption? If the state does not provide these services, then for those on lower incomes, the costs must be borrowed and often those on lower incomes are those who are worse equipped to manage their finances. not_entailment 583 What Comic Book series did ABC debut in 2013-14? The 2013–14 season was a slight improvement for ABC with three new hits in The Goldbergs, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. and Resurrection, all of which were renewed; however, that season saw the cancellations of holdovers The Neighbors (which languished in its new Friday time slot despite being bookended by Last Man Standing and Shark Tank) and Suburgatory. entailment 584 What other activities does the UNFCCC require the IPCC to run? While the preparation of the assessment reports is a major IPCC function, it also supports other activities, such as the Data Distribution Centre and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventories Programme, required under the UNFCCC. entailment 585 Who was named president of Disney-ABC television group in 2004? In 2004, ABC's average viewership declined by ten ratings points, landing the network in fourth place, behind NBC, CBS and Fox (by the following year, the combined season-ending average audience share of ABC, NBC and CBS represented only 32% of U.S. households). not_entailment 586 When did ABC begin making family-oriented series? The 1960s would be marked by the rise of family-oriented series in an attempt by ABC to counterprogram its established competitors, but the decade was also marked by the network's gradual transition to color. entailment 587 In the 1980s what was the population of the amazon region? For a long time, it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was only ever sparsely populated, as it was impossible to sustain a large population through agriculture given the poor soil. not_entailment 588 Why was ABC forced to sell its interests in international networks in the 70s? As a result, ABC was forced to sell all of its interests in international networks, mainly in Japan and Latin America, in the 1970s. not_entailment 589 What remote control vehicle did he make? He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. entailment 590 What did Article 12 of the Allied Armistice terms require Germany to withdraw from? Germany did so, and underground leader Piłsudski returned to Warsaw on 11 November and set up what became the Second Polish Republic, with Warsaw the capital. not_entailment 591 Who invited Washington to dine with him? Jacques Legardeur de Saint-Pierre, who succeeded Marin as commander of the French forces after the latter died on October 29, invited Washington to dine with him. entailment 592 In which two codes were the roles of pharmacists codified? In Japan, at the end of the Asuka period (538–710) and the early Nara period (710–794), the men who fulfilled roles similar to those of modern pharmacists were highly respected. not_entailment 593 How many phases was the Metro opened in between 1980 and 1984? It was developed from a combination of existing and newly built tracks and stations, with deep-level tunnels constructed through Newcastle city centre. not_entailment 594 Who registered the most sacks on the team this season? Pro Bowl defensive tackle Kawann Short led the team in sacks with 11, while also forcing three fumbles and recovering two. entailment 595 What station aired the Super Bowl? CBS broadcast Super Bowl 50 in the U.S., and charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. entailment 596 What index is an indicator of the effects of taxes applied to social spending? In a progressive tax system, the level of the top tax rate will often have a direct impact on the level of inequality within a society, either increasing it or decreasing it, provided that income does not change as a result of the change in tax regime. not_entailment 597 What company created Doctor Who? Since the creation of the Doctor not_entailment 598 After Apollo missions 18 and 19 were cancelled, what happened to the Saturn Vs that were never used? By 1971, the decision was made to also cancel missions 18 and 19. not_entailment 599 What injury did the Carolina Panthers lose Kelvin Benjamin to during their preseason? Carolina started the season 14–0, not only setting franchise records for the best start and the longest single-season winning streak, but also posting the best start to a season by an NFC team in NFL history, breaking the 13–0 record previously shared with the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2011 Green Bay Packers. not_entailment 600 Why did Kublai's successors lose control of the rest of the Mongol empire? The final years of the Yuan dynasty were marked by struggle, famine, and bitterness among the populace. not_entailment 601 What two radio networks did RCA own? In the 1930s, radio in the United States was dominated by three companies: the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the Mutual Broadcasting System and the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). not_entailment 602 How many Africans were brought into the United States during the slave trade? Participation in the African slave trade and the subsequent treatment of its 12 to 15 million Africans is viewed by some to be a more modern extension of America's "internal colonialism". entailment 603 What are the three main sources of European Union law? The three sources of European Union law are primary law, secondary law and supplementary law. entailment 604 Of what form are Mersenne primes? Other primes where either p + 1 or p − 1 is of a particular shape include the Sophie Germain primes (primes of the form 2p + 1 with p prime), primorial primes, Fermat primes and Mersenne primes, that is, prime numbers that are of the form 2p − 1, where p is an arbitrary prime. entailment 605 How many sororities are apart of the university? Four of the sororities are members of the National Panhellenic Conference, and ten of the fraternities form the University of Chicago Interfraternity Council. not_entailment 606 What were these indulgences supposed to grant the giver? Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances. not_entailment 607 What are other alternative names for French and Indian War? Other, less frequently used names for the war include the Fourth Intercolonial War and the Great War for the Empire. entailment 608 Who published Tesla's writings? Among his books are My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by Ben Johnston; The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by David Hatcher Childress; and The Tesla Papers. not_entailment 609 Where is corporal punishment practiced the most? This often used to take place in the classroom or hallway, but nowadays the punishment is usually given privately in the principal's office. not_entailment 610 Who is required to verify and have existing utility lines marked? Once construction is complete and a final inspection has been passed, an occupancy permit may be issued. not_entailment 611 What society founded the University of Chicago? With Harper's vision in mind, the University of Chicago also became one of the 14 founding members of the Association of American Universities, an international organization of leading research universities, in 1900. not_entailment 612 Who did the Panthers beat to become the NFC champs? They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49–15 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl appearance since the franchise was founded in 1995. entailment 613 Resources are constrained by hierarchy theorems to produce what? They are called hierarchy theorems because they induce a proper hierarchy on the classes defined by constraining the respective resources. entailment 614 How old was Turkana Boy? During excavations at Lake Turkana in 1984, paleoanthropologist Richard Leakey assisted by Kamoya Kimeu discovered the Turkana Boy, a 1.6-million-year-old fossil belonging to Homo erectus. entailment 615 Harvard - Yale Regatta predates "The Game" by how many years? Today, Harvard fields top teams in several other sports, such as the Harvard Crimson men's ice hockey team (with a strong rivalry against Cornell), squash, and even recently won NCAA titles in Men's and Women's Fencing. not_entailment 616 When was the sale of NBC Blue to Edward John Noble authorized? Edward John Noble, the owner of Life Savers candy, drugstore chain Rexall and New York City radio station WMCA, purchased the network for $8 million. not_entailment 617 Who shared sideline reporting duties with Mark Malone? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. entailment 618 How many soldiers were in each Tumen? Many Han Chinese and Khitan defected to the Mongols to fight against the Jin. not_entailment 619 In the most basic sense what did a Turing machine emulate? Before the actual research explicitly devoted to the complexity of algorithmic problems started off, numerous foundations were laid out by various researchers. not_entailment 620 What does Rosenfield feel plays the most significant role in expanding the income gap? He points out that nations with high rates of unionization, particularly in Scandinavia, have very low levels of inequality, and concludes "the historical pattern is clear; the cross-national pattern is clear: high inequality goes hand-in-hand with weak labor movements and vice-versa." not_entailment 621 Who is VideoGuard owned by? BSkyB utilises the VideoGuard pay-TV scrambling system owned by NDS, a Cisco Systems company. entailment 622 What does the Fermat primality test depend upon? A particularly simple example of a probabilistic test is the Fermat primality test, which relies on the fact (Fermat's little theorem) that np≡n (mod p) for any n if p is a prime number. entailment 623 The abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate is believed to have ended what system? This is believed to have ended the true Islamic system, something for which it blames "the disbelieving (Kafir) colonial powers" working through Turkish modernist Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. entailment 624 What did Mongolian President Tsakhiagian Elbegdorj note was significantly punished by Genghis Khan's laws? Ikh Zasag law adopted during Genghis Khan’s time in Mongolia had points to punish illegal matters related to corruption and bribery very heavily," Mongolian President Tsakhiagiin Elbegdorj noted. entailment 625 When was 7 Lincoln Square completed? Both buildings were completed in June 1979. entailment 626 What do those in the field do to ensure a positive outcome? Often, the owner of the property acts as laborer, paymaster, and design team for the entire project. not_entailment 627 What percentage of New Zealand students attended private schools in April 2014? Private school numbers have been in decline since the mid-1970s as a result of many private schools opting to become state-integrated schools, mostly due of financial difficulties stemming from changes in student numbers and/or the economy. not_entailment 628 Cydippids combs are controlled by what? Unlike cydippids, the movements of lobates' combs are coordinated by nerves rather than by water disturbances created by the cilia, yet combs on the same row beat in the same Mexican wave style as the mechanically coordinated comb rows of cydippids and beroids. entailment 629 What have the Treaties sought to enable since its foundation? Free movement was increasingly based on "citizenship", so that people had rights to empower them to become economically and socially active, rather than economic activity being a precondition for rights. not_entailment 630 When did oil start getting priced in the terms of gold? In September 1971, OPEC issued a joint communiqué stating that, from then on, they would price oil in terms of a fixed amount of gold. entailment 631 What is this doctrine of God appointing authorities called? First, in choosing violence over lawful submission to the secular government, they were ignoring Christ's counsel to "Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's"; St. Paul had written in his epistle to the Romans 13:1–7 that all authorities are appointed by God and therefore should not be resisted. not_entailment 632 What lands were reserved for natives? When accommodations were made in the Quebec Act in 1774 to address this and other issues, religious concerns were raised in the largely Protestant Thirteen Colonies over the advance of "popery"; the Act maintained French Civil law, including the seigneurial system, a medieval code soon to be removed from France within a generation by the French Revolution. not_entailment 633 Where was Melanchthon at the time? According to scholars Walter Krämer, Götz Trenkler, Gerhard Ritter, and Gerhard Prause, the story of the posting on the door, even though it has settled as one of the pillars of history, has little foundation in truth. not_entailment 634 What was the result of the 2007 election? With International Criminal Court trial dates in 2013 for both President Kenyatta and Deputy President William Ruto related to the 2007 election aftermath, US President Barack Obama chose not to visit the country during his mid-2013 African trip. entailment 635 what is Internet2 In October, 2007, Internet2 officially retired Abilene and now refers to its new, higher capacity network as the Internet2 Network. not_entailment 636 The French church in Portarlington was built when? Examples include the Huguenot District and French Church Street in Cork City; and D'Olier Street in Dublin, named after a High Sheriff and one of the founders of the Bank of Ireland. not_entailment 637 Red ribbons in the logo were used to represent which division of ABC? The ABC logo was also significantly redesigned as part of the transition, with a glossy "ball" effect that was specifically designed for HD. not_entailment 638 Who did Berengaria of Navarre marry? While in Limassol, Richard the Lion-Heart married Berengaria of Navarre, first-born daughter of King Sancho VI of Navarre. entailment 639 In what year was the South African Schools Act passed? Some of the oldest schools in South Africa are private church schools that were established by missionaries in the early nineteenth century. not_entailment 640 What was the total number of homes Sky announced that had Sky+HD in March of 2012? On 31 March 2012, Sky announced the total number of homes with Sky+HD was 4,222,000. entailment 641 How many doctors were in Kenya in 2011? According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 there were 65,000 qualified nurses registered in the country; 8,600 clinical officers and 7,000 doctors for the population of 43 million people (These figures from official registers include those who have died or left the profession hence the actual number of these workers may be lower). entailment 642 What is different about Paulinella chromatophora? It is not clear whether that symbiont is closely related to the ancestral chloroplast of other eukaryotes. not_entailment 643 When was the outbreak of World War I? Lt Col Paul von Lettow-Vorbeck took command of the German military forces, determined to tie down as many British resources as possible. not_entailment 644 What was the first year that Yale and Harvard played football? While Harvard's football team is no longer one of the country's best as it often was a century ago during football's early days (it won the Rose Bowl in 1920), both it and Yale have influenced the way the game is played. not_entailment 645 What was the name of the story from the third Torchwood series? The series was predominantly set in the United States, though Wales remained part of the show's setting. not_entailment 646 What work from around 300 BC has significant theorems about prime numbers? There are hints in the surviving records of the ancient Egyptians that they had some knowledge of prime numbers: the Egyptian fraction expansions in the Rhind papyrus, for instance, have quite different forms for primes and for composites. not_entailment 647 Who is Antigone's father in the play? She is not at all afraid of the death he threatens her with (and eventually carries out), but she is afraid of how her conscience will smite her if she does not do this. not_entailment 648 How was Tesla's mechanical oscillator powered? Tesla invented a steam-powered mechanical oscillator—Tesla's oscillator. entailment 649 Manning was the number one pick in which draft? This was the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their draft classes. not_entailment 650 Which region is represented the most in the textiles collection? The collection of textiles consists of more than 53,000 examples, mainly western European though all populated continents are represented, dating from the 1st century AD to the present, this is the largest such collection in the world. entailment 651 What is the name of the trophy given to anyone who plays on the winning team in a Super Bowl? Like the Lombardi Trophy, the "50" will be designed by Tiffany & Co. not_entailment 652 Who challenges the notion of the Kuznets curve hypothesis? Economist Thomas Piketty challenges this notion, claiming that from 1914 to 1945 wars and "violent economic and political shocks" reduced inequality. entailment 653 What did Kublai's government have to balance between? Kublai's government after 1262 was a compromise between preserving Mongol interests in China and satisfying the demands of his Chinese subjects. entailment 654 Other than the steamboat, what modern form of travel brought visitors to Florida? Visitors arrived by steamboat and later by railroad. entailment 655 At what pressure is water heated in the Rankine cycle? The reduced-pressure steam is then condensed and pumped back into the boiler. not_entailment 656 What was done to counteract the overpopulation of mnemiopsis in The Black Sea? The later accidental introduction of Beroe helped to mitigate the problem, as Beroe preys on other ctenophores. entailment 657 For how many years was evidence shown that humans shaped the the Amazon? The BBC's Unnatural Histories presented evidence that the Amazon rainforest, rather than being a pristine wilderness, has been shaped by man for at least 11,000 years through practices such as forest gardening and terra preta. entailment 658 Missing self desribes cells that only have small amounts of what cell-surface marker? " This term describes cells with low levels of a cell-surface marker called MHC I (major histocompatibility complex) – a situation that can arise in viral infections of host cells. entailment 659 When was the Skylab launched? Dubbed Skylab, it was constructed complete on the ground rather than in space, and launched in 1973 using the two lower stages of a Saturn V. entailment 660 What is stratigraphy? In typical geological investigations, geologists use primary information related to petrology (the study of rocks), stratigraphy (the study of sedimentary layers), and structural geology (the study of positions of rock units and their deformation). entailment 661 How many people were on the test flight of the AS-206? After an unmanned LM test flight AS-206, a crew would fly the first Block II CSM and LM in a dual mission known as AS-207/208, or AS-278 (each spacecraft would be launched on a separate Saturn IB.) entailment 662 By sunlight, what compound did Priestley concentrate on to make the gas he called "dephlogisticated air"? After breathing the gas himself, he wrote: "The feeling of it to my lungs was not sensibly different from that of common air, but I fancied that my breast felt peculiarly light and easy for some time afterwards." not_entailment 663 Who covered the halftime coverage? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. not_entailment 664 How many cylinders does the Energiprojekt AB engine have? It is a single-step, 5-cylinder engine (no compound) with superheated steam and consumes approx. entailment 665 When was Geegen the emperor? Emperor Gegeen Khan, Ayurbarwada's son and successor, ruled for only two years, from 1321 to 1323. entailment 666 What was Tesla's mother's name? Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla (née Mandić), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,:10 had a talent for making home craft tools, mechanical appliances, and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. entailment 667 Who did the Broncos beat tp become the AFC champions? They then beat the defending Super Bowl XLIX champion New England Patriots in the AFC Championship Game, 20–18, by intercepting a pass on New England's 2-point conversion attempt with 17 seconds left on the clock. entailment 668 Different committees have what set out in different ways? Mandatory Committees are committees which are set down under the Scottish Parliament's standing orders, which govern their remits and proceedings. not_entailment 669 Who said Tesla had a "distinguished sweetness"? His loyal secretary, Dorothy Skerrit, wrote: "his genial smile and nobility of bearing always denoted the gentlemanly characteristics that were so ingrained in his soul." not_entailment 670 Whose role is to design the works, prepare the specifications and produce construction drawings, administer the contract, tender the works, and manage the works from inception to completion In this arrangement, the architect or engineer acts as the project coordinator. entailment 671 What land was ceded to Spain? It ceded French Louisiana west of the Mississippi River (including New Orleans) to its ally Spain, in compensation for Spain's loss to Britain of Florida (Spain had ceded this to Britain in exchange for the return of Havana, Cuba). entailment 672 What are the laws of physics of Galileo, in reference to objest in motion and rest? In other words, to phrase matters more technically, the laws of physics are the same in every inertial frame of reference, that is, in all frames related by a Galilean transformation. entailment 673 Whose goals often still oppose the IPCC? The underlying linear model of policy-making of more knowledge we have, the better the political response will be is being doubted. not_entailment 674 Where did the family move in 1862? In 1862, the Tesla family moved to Gospić, Austrian Empire, where Tesla's father worked as a pastor. entailment 675 Who is the general secretary for the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers? Chris Keates, the general secretary of National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said that teachers who have sex with pupils over the age of consent should not be placed on the sex offenders register and that prosecution for statutory rape "is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about. entailment 676 At Millingen aan de Rijn where the Rhine splits, what does it change it's name to? The shape of the Rhine delta is determined by two bifurcations: first, at Millingen aan de Rijn, the Rhine splits into Waal and Pannerdens Kanaal, which changes its name to Nederrijn at Angeren, and second near Arnhem, the IJssel branches off from the Nederrijn. entailment 677 In 2013-14, NBC finished behind what network in the ratings? ABC itself would finish the season in third place as Fox crashed to fourth in both demographics. not_entailment 678 What do scholars agree on about the posting on the door story? The story is based on comments made by Philipp Melanchthon, though it is thought that he was not in Wittenberg at the time. not_entailment 679 Who was Louis XIV's main rival? Stadtholder William III of Orange, who later became King of England, emerged as the strongest opponent of king Louis XIV after the French attacked the Dutch Republic in 1672. entailment 680 What area did the Westwood One broadcast cover? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. entailment 681 Where was the Gate of King Hugo? It was in this place in Tours that the prétendus réformés ("these supposedly 'reformed'") habitually gathered at night, both for political purposes, and for prayer and singing psalms. entailment 682 $500 Million was supplied for the Capital City - ABC merger by what investor? The remaining $500 million was loaned by Warren Buffett, who promised that his company Berkshire Hathaway would purchase $3 million in shares, at $172.50 apiece. entailment 683 ABC news provides content for radio stations owned by what company? ABC News provides news and features content for select radio stations owned by Citadel Broadcasting, which purchased the ABC Radio properties in 2007. entailment 684 What is "The Gate"? Newcastle's gay scene - 'The Pink Triangle' - is centred on the Times Square area near the Centre for Life and has a range of bars, cafés and clubs. not_entailment 685 Where was Tesla hoping to attend classes in Prague? In January 1880, two of Tesla's uncles put together enough money to help him leave Gospić for Prague where he was to study. not_entailment 686 What is the first model of education, in the Australian system? Generally, education in Australia follows the three-tier model which includes primary education (primary schools), followed by secondary education (secondary schools/high schools) and tertiary education (universities and/or TAFE colleges). entailment 687 What is Norman art's most well known piece? By far the most famous work of Norman art is the Bayeux Tapestry, which is not a tapestry but a work of embroidery. entailment 688 From which countries were the V&A's collection of Delftware produced? The collection of Iznik pottery from Turkey is the largest in the world. not_entailment 689 Who was the leader of the Khwarezmian dynasty in the early 1200s? The situation became further complicated because the governor later refused to make repayments for the looting of the caravans and handing over the perpetrators. not_entailment 690 Who may seek changes or exemptions in the law that governs the land where the building will be built? Constructing a project that fails to adhere to codes does not benefit the owner. not_entailment 691 What is the city centre of Warsaw called in Polish? Warsaw leads the region of East-Central Europe in foreign investment and in 2006, GDP growth met expectations with a level of 6.1%. not_entailment 692 In what year was the trial of Rev. Jimmy Creech? Rev. Jimmy Creech was defrocked after a highly publicized church trial in 1999 on account of his participation in same-sex union ceremonies. entailment 693 What performer lead the Super Bowl XLVIII halftime show? It was the third-most watched U.S. broadcast ever. not_entailment 694 Who discovered the Compton Effect? " Luis Walter Alvarez, Murray Gell-Mann who introduced the quark, second female Nobel laureate Maria Goeppert-Mayer, the youngest American winner of the Nobel Prize Tsung-Dao Lee, and astrophysicist Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar. not_entailment 695 What did Kenya name itself on December 12, 1964? The Colony of Kenya and the Protectorate of Kenya each came to an end on 12 December 1963 with independence being conferred on all of Kenya. not_entailment 696 What is the name of the state that the megaregion expands to in the east? The megaregion's area is more expansive, extending east into Las Vegas, Nevada, and south across the Mexican border into Tijuana. entailment 697 What team did Justin Tucker play for? Concerns were raised over whether Levi's Stadium's field was of a high enough quality to host a Super Bowl; during the inaugural season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game earlier in the 2015 season, a portion of the turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal, although the field has not had any major issues since. entailment 698 Who donated Rodin's works to the V&A? Rodin is represented by more than 20 works in the museum collection, making it one of the largest collections of the sculptor's work outside France; these were given to the museum by the sculptor in 1914, as acknowledgement of Britain's support of France in World War I, although the statue of St John the Baptist had been purchased in 1902 by public subscription. entailment 699 What German ruler invited Huguenot immigration? Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, invited Huguenots to settle in his realms, and a number of their descendants rose to positions of prominence in Prussia. entailment 700 Whose former headquarters was the WSE located in until 2000? It was re-established in April 1991, following the end of the post-war communist control of the country and the reintroduction of a free-market economy. not_entailment 701 What two other rulers had their graves hidden under a river? Folklore says that a river was diverted over his grave to make it impossible to find (the same manner of burial as the Sumerian King Gilgamesh of Uruk and Atilla the Hun). entailment 702 What is necessary for chloroplasts to replicate? Chloroplasts can grow and progress through some of the constriction stages under poor quality green light, but are slow to complete division—they require exposure to bright white light to complete division. not_entailment 703 Who was the leader who established the colony at Florida? The effort was the first at any permanent European settlement in the present-day continental United States, but survived only a short time. not_entailment 704 When did Barton and Whitfield demand climate research records? On 23 June 2005, Rep. Joe Barton, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce wrote joint letters with Ed Whitfield, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations demanding full records on climate research, as well as personal information about their finances and careers, from Mann, Bradley and Hughes. entailment 705 What was AUSTPAC AUSTPAC was an Australian public X.25 network operated by Telstra. entailment 706 What was the percentage of Black or African-Americans living in the city? The racial makeup of the city was 50.2% White, 8.4% Black or African American, 1.6% Native American, 11.2% Asian (about a third of which is Hmong), 0.1% Pacific Islander, 23.4% from other races, and 5.2% from two or more races. entailment 707 What is the name of the village that once existed in what is now downtown Jacksonville? One early map shows a village called Ossachite at the site of what is now downtown Jacksonville; this may be the earliest recorded name for that area. entailment 708 Who was the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences? American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author Thomas Sowell is also an alumnus. not_entailment 709 Whose works helped Tesla recover from illness? Tesla said that this contact with nature made him stronger, both physically and mentally. not_entailment 710 What country is this teaching subject discussing? The advantage here is that students learn from teachers who specialize in one subject and who tend to be more knowledgeable in that one area than a teacher who teaches many subjects. not_entailment 711 What is floridean? The red phycoerytherin pigment is an adaptation to help red algae catch more sunlight in deep water—as such, some red algae that live in shallow water have less phycoerytherin in their rhodoplasts, and can appear more greenish. not_entailment 712 How would the word apothecary be viewed by contemporary English speakers? Often the place that did this was called an apothecary and several languages have this as the dominant term, though their practices are more akin to a modern pharmacy, in English the term apothecary would today be seen as outdated or only approproriate if herbal remedies were on offer to a large extent. entailment 713 During which period did Jacksonville become a popular destination for the rich? During Reconstruction and the Gilded Age, Jacksonville and nearby St. Augustine became popular winter resorts for the rich and famous. entailment 714 Germany doesn't have an imperialistic past until when? Not a maritime power, and not a nation-state, as it would eventually become, Germany’s participation in Western imperialism was negligible until the late 19th century. entailment 715 What does ABC on Demand disallow for online viewers? Restrictions implemented by Disney–ABC Television Group on January 7, 2014 restrict streaming of the most recent episode of any ABC program on Hulu and WATCH ABC until eight days after their initial broadcast, in order to encourage live or same-week (via both DVR and cable on demand) viewing, with day-after-air streaming on either service limited to subscribers of participating pay television providers (such as Comcast, Verizon FiOS and Time Warner Cable) using an ISP account via an authenticated user login. not_entailment 716 What did Temüjin's mother emphasize in his lessons about Mongolia's volatile political climate? Temüjin grew up observing the tough political climate of Mongolia, which included tribal warfare, thievery, raids, corruption, and continual acts of revenge carried out between the various confederations, all compounded by interference from foreign forces such as the Chinese dynasties to the south. not_entailment 717 How much oxygen is found is a liter of fresh water under normal conditions? At 25 °C and 1 standard atmosphere (101.3 kPa) of air, freshwater contains about 6.04 milliliters (mL) of oxygen per liter, whereas seawater contains about 4.95 mL per liter. entailment 718 What event followed the battle? Without Luther's backing for the uprising, many rebels laid down their weapons; others felt betrayed. not_entailment 719 What is the exam at the end of Form Four? The result of this examination is needed for placement at secondary school. not_entailment 720 What was the overly generous royalty amount that Tesla had been receiving? In 1897, Westinghouse explained his financial difficulties to Tesla in stark terms, saying that if things continue the way they were he would no longer be in control of Westinghouse Electric and Tesla would have to "deal with the bankers" to try to collect future royalties. not_entailment 721 What was Tesla's father's name? Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla (née Mandić), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,:10 had a talent for making home craft tools, mechanical appliances, and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. not_entailment 722 What does CBD stand for? Central business districts (CBD) include Downtown Los Angeles, Downtown San Diego, Downtown San Bernardino, Downtown Bakersfield, South Coast Metro and Downtown Riverside. entailment 723 When was Warsaw's first stock exchange established? From 1991 until 2000, the stock exchange was, ironically, located in the building previously used as the headquarters of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR). not_entailment 724 Who was yersinia pestis named for? The investigation of the pathogen that caused the 19th-century plague was begun by teams of scientists who visited Hong Kong in 1894, among whom was the French-Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, after whom the pathogen was named Yersinia pestis. entailment 725 Who was it essential to Islam to imitate? He believed that complete imitation of the Prophet Mohammad and his successors such as Ali for restoration of Sharia law was essential to Islam, that many secular, Westernizing Muslims were actually agents of the West serving Western interests, and that the acts such as "plundering" of Muslim lands was part of a long-term conspiracy against Islam by the Western governments. entailment 726 What does isobaric mean? The main difference is that heat addition (in the boiler) and rejection (in the condenser) are isobaric (constant pressure) processes in the Rankine cycle and isothermal (constant temperature) processes in the theoretical Carnot cycle. entailment 727 What does critically tapered mean? Numerical models work in the same way as these analog models, though they are often more sophisticated and can include patterns of erosion and uplift in the mountain belt. not_entailment 728 When did Tesla come to the US? Tesla gained experience in telephony and electrical engineering before emigrating to the United States in 1884 to work for Thomas Edison in New York City. entailment 729 When did Luther write a German mass? He did not intend it as a replacement for his 1523 adaptation of the Latin Mass but as an alternative for the "simple people", a "public stimulation for people to believe and become Christians." not_entailment 730 What was the containment failure rate in a tobacco plant study using plastid transformation? While the reliability of this mechanism has not yet been studied for all relevant crop species, recent results in tobacco plants are promising, showing a failed containment rate of transplastomic plants at 3 in 1,000,000. entailment 731 What was the eventual final goal of the Apollo projects? Possible missions included ferrying crews to a space station, circumlunar flights, and eventual manned lunar landings. entailment 732 The Rhine forms an inland delta into which lake? The mouth of the Rhine into Lake Constance forms an inland delta. entailment 733 What country is ABC broadcast in, in contrast to Disney's other channels? A second period of international expansion is linked to that of the ESPN network in the 1990s, and policies enacted in the 2000s by Disney Media Networks (which included the expansion of several of the company's U.S.-based cable networks including Disney Channel and its spinoffs Toon Disney, Playhouse Disney and Jetix; although Disney also sold its 33% stake in European sports channel Eurosport for $155 million in June 2000). not_entailment 734 What was the memoir entitled which was submitted to the American Philosophical Society? In 1807, Maclure commenced the self-imposed task of making a geological survey of the United States. not_entailment 735 Who handled play-by-play for the Denver radio market? The flagship stations of each station in the markets of each team will carry their local play-by-play calls. not_entailment 736 Working versions of 3D-printing building technology are already printing how much building material per hour? New techniques of building construction are being researched, made possible by advances in 3D printing technology. not_entailment 737 Which NFL team won Super Bowl 50? The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title. entailment 738 How many seats does Victoria have in the Senate? Politically, Victoria has 37 seats in the Australian House of Representatives and 12 seats in the Australian Senate. entailment 739 Who is currently the President of the Council? It meets each six months and its President (currently former Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk) is meant to 'drive forward its work', but it does not itself 'legislative functions'. entailment 740 On what basis do the radical Islamist organizations conduct their attacks? The Islamist groups like Hezbollah in Lebanon and Hamas in Palestine participate in democratic and political process as well as armed attacks, seeking to abolish the state of Israel. not_entailment 741 Cells of the site of an infection in a plant undergo what process to prevent spread of the disease? When a part of a plant becomes infected, the plant produces a localized hypersensitive response, whereby cells at the site of infection undergo rapid apoptosis to prevent the spread of the disease to other parts of the plant. entailment 742 The largest brand of what store in the UK is located in Kingston Park? The largest Tesco store in the United Kingdom is located in Kingston Park on the edge of Newcastle. entailment 743 What was the year when Tesla went back to Smiljan? In 1873, Tesla returned to his birthtown, Smiljan. entailment 744 When was Europe fully forested and recovered from the last Ice Age? By 9000 BP, Europe was fully forested. entailment 745 What type of immune systems are found in all plants and animals? Innate immune systems are found in all plants and animals. entailment 746 An 1821 full size oil sketch of which famous British painting was donated by John Sheepshank's daughter in 1888? In 1857 John Sheepshanks donated 233 paintings, mainly by contemporary British artists, and a similar number of drawings to the museum with the intention of forming a 'A National Gallery of British Art', a role since taken on by Tate Britain; artists represented are William Blake, James Barry, Henry Fuseli, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Sir David Wilkie, William Mulready, William Powell Frith, Millais and Hippolyte Delaroche. not_entailment 747 What was diverted and now flows parallel to the Rhine? A regulation of the Rhine was called for, with an upper canal near Diepoldsau and a lower canal at Fußach, in order to counteract the constant flooding and strong sedimentation in the western Rhine Delta. not_entailment 748 How many different species of ctenohore are there? These variations enable different species to build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a range of methods as spiders use. not_entailment 749 Where did the spring meetings of the NFL owners take place? On May 21, 2013, NFL owners at their spring meetings in Boston voted and awarded the game to Levi's Stadium. entailment 750 When did Konstantin Mereschkowski suggest the origin of chloroplasts? This origin of chloroplasts was first suggested by the Russian biologist Konstantin Mereschkowski in 1905 after Andreas Schimper observed in 1883 that chloroplasts closely resemble cyanobacteria. entailment 751 Of what form do Mersenne primes take? They are called Mersenne primes in his honor. not_entailment 752 Who provides the bill of quantities? Under this system, once the design is completed by the design team, a number of construction companies or construction management companies may then be asked to make a bid for the work, either based directly on the design, or on the basis of drawings and a bill of quantities provided by a quantity surveyor. entailment 753 What charity benefited from the 30th anniversary show? It also featured a crossover with the soap opera EastEnders, the action taking place in the latter's Albert Square location and around Greenwich. not_entailment 754 What does chlorophyll use light energy to do? I contain light-harvesting complexes with chlorophyll and carotenoids that absorb light energy and use it to energize electrons. entailment 755 What does ctenophora use for digestion and respiration? Their most distinctive feature is the ‘combs’ – groups of cilia which they use for swimming – they are the largest animals that swim by means of cilia. not_entailment 756 What was the dual mission AS-258 a combination of? In December 1966, the AS-205 mission was canceled, since the validation of the CSM would be accomplished on the 14-day first flight, and AS-205 would have been devoted to space experiments and contribute no new engineering knowledge about the spacecraft. not_entailment 757 Which Irish cities had large Huguenot enclaves? Significant Huguenot settlements were in Dublin, Cork, Portarlington, Lisburn, Waterford and Youghal. entailment 758 How old was tesla when he became a US citizen? In the same year, he patented the Tesla coil. not_entailment 759 What happened to his ribs in the accident? Tesla didn't raise any question as to who was at fault and refused medical aid, only asking to be taken to his hotel via cab. not_entailment 760 What philosophies underlay Chinese medicine? No Chinese translation of Western medical works is known, but it is possible that the Chinese had access to Avicenna's The Canon of Medicine. not_entailment 761 How much of Jacksonville is made up of water? Nassau County lies to the north, Baker County lies to the west, and Clay and St. Johns County lie to the south; the Atlantic Ocean lies to the east, along with the Jacksonville Beaches. not_entailment 762 What trade was the city an important center of in the 14th century? The city grew as an important centre for the wool trade in the 14th century, and later became a major coal mining area. entailment 763 How many times less is the strenght of the weak field compared to the strong? The word "weak" derives from the fact that the field strength is some 1013 times less than that of the strong force. entailment 764 What was the Yuan dynasty called in Mongolian? The Yuan dynasty is also known as the "Mongol dynasty" or "Mongol Dynasty of China", similar to the names "Manchu dynasty" or "Manchu Dynasty of China" for the Qing dynasty. not_entailment 765 What did Luther tell the legate about the papacy? Cajetan's original instructions had been to arrest Luther if he failed to recant, but the legate desisted from doing so. not_entailment 766 How many miles south of San Jose is the north - south midway point located? This definition coincides neatly with the county lines at 35° 47′ 28″ north latitude, which form the northern borders of San Luis Obispo, Kern, and San Bernardino counties. not_entailment 767 Where are health and social problems most common? Creating an index of "Health and Social Problems" from nine factors, authors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett found health and social problems "more common in countries with bigger income inequalities", and more common among states in the US with larger income inequalities. entailment 768 Along with trusts, what other non-profits are allowed to run schools in India? Critics of this system point out that this leads to corruption by school inspectors who check compliance and to fewer schools in a country that has the largest adult illiterate population in the world. not_entailment 769 What is the chloroplast of Dinophysis? Members of the genus Dinophysis have a phycobilin-containing chloroplast taken from a cryptophyte. entailment 770 What fixed set of factors determine the actions of a deterministic Turing machine A deterministic Turing machine is the most basic Turing machine, which uses a fixed set of rules to determine its future actions. entailment 771 What was the number of customers that the BBC reported had yet to receive the service due to failed deliveries? Prior to its launch, BSkyB claimed that 40,000 people had registered to receive the HD service. not_entailment 772 What year did Börte's give birth to Jochi? She gave birth to a son, Jochi (1185–1226), nine months later, clouding the issue of his parentage. entailment 773 When the recovery between the widening gap between the richest citizens and rest of the nation slow? To partially remedy the wealth gap and the resulting slow growth, S&P recommended increasing access to education. not_entailment 774 What is the low end of the temperature range in summer? In the summers, temperature ranges are 90-60's while as winters are 70-50's, usually all of Southern California have Mediterranean climate. entailment 775 What type of system did Tesla suggest to Adams? Tesla advised Adams that a two-phased system would be the most reliable and that there was a Westinghouse system to light incandescent bulbs using two-phase alternating current. entailment 776 Which famous Germain Renaissance painter and printmaker is represented in the drawings collection of the V&A? The collection of drawings includes over 10,000 British and 2,000 old master works, including works by: Dürer, Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, Bernardo Buontalenti, Rembrandt, Antonio Verrio, Paul Sandby, John Russell, Angelica Kauffman, John Flaxman, Hugh Douglas Hamilton, Thomas Rowlandson, William Kilburn, Thomas Girtin, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, David Wilkie, John Martin, Samuel Palmer, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Lord Frederic Leighton, Sir Samuel Luke Fildes and Aubrey Beardsley. entailment 777 What present-day company did BankAmericard turn into? After a troubled gestation during which its creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the first successful credit card; that is, a financial instrument that was usable across a large number of merchants and also allowed cardholders to revolve a balance (earlier financial products could do one or the other but not both). not_entailment 778 During which era did the Aztec and Incan empires thrive? The Americas during the pre-Columbian era also had large empires such as the Aztec Empire and the Incan Empire. entailment 779 Which cultures are represented in the V&A's collections? The East Asian collections are among the best in Europe, with particular strengths in ceramics and metalwork, while the Islamic collection is amongst the largest in the Western world. not_entailment 780 The oil crisis caused oil companies to increase oil supplies in which area? The embargo left oil companies searching for new ways to increase oil supplies, even in rugged terrain such as the Arctic. entailment 781 What session is the Scottish Parliament in? The current Mandatory Committees in the fourth Session of the Scottish Parliament are: Public Audit; Equal Opportunities; European and External Relations; Finance; Public Petitions; Standards, Procedures and Public Appointments; and Delegated Powers and Law Reform. entailment 782 How many protestants live in France today? Approximately one million Protestants in modern France represent some 2% of its population. entailment 783 What was the first US state to have compulsory education? The Supreme Court precedent appears to favor educational choice, so long as states may set standards for educational accomplishment. not_entailment 784 Imperialism and colonialism both assert a states dominance over what? Imperialism and colonialism have been used in order to describe one's superiority, domination and influence upon a person or group of people. entailment 785 What is the name of Sky Q's broadband router? The Sky Q range consists of three set top boxes (Sky Q, Sky Q Silver and Sky Q Mini), a broadband router (Sky Q Hub) and mobile applications. entailment 786 In which year did John Sheepshanks donated a large collection of paintings? In 1857 John Sheepshanks donated 233 paintings, mainly by contemporary British artists, and a similar number of drawings to the museum with the intention of forming a 'A National Gallery of British Art', a role since taken on by Tate Britain; artists represented are William Blake, James Barry, Henry Fuseli, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Sir David Wilkie, William Mulready, William Powell Frith, Millais and Hippolyte Delaroche. entailment 787 When did ABC adopt it's iconic circle logo? In 1957, just before the television network began its first color broadcasts, the ABC logo consisted of a tiny lowercase "abc" in the center of a large lowercase letter a, a design known as the "ABC Circle A". entailment 788 What political leaning does the Cato Institute have? The debate is summarized in "The Hidden Prosperity of the Poor" by journalist Thomas B. Edsall. not_entailment 789 How many contributing authors does an IPCC report chapter have? Each chapter has a number of authors who are responsible for writing and editing the material. not_entailment 790 What causes the population of ctenophora to grow at an explosive rate? The combination of hermaphroditism and early reproduction enables small populations to grow at an explosive rate. entailment 791 How much has a Lama agreed to be reborn? In Tibetan Buddhism the teachers of Dharma in Tibet are most commonly called a Lama. not_entailment 792 What is the UN's climate change treaty? The IPCC produces reports that support the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), which is the main international treaty on climate change. entailment 793 How did Luther describe his learning at the university? In 1501, at the age of 19, he entered the University of Erfurt, which he later described as a beerhouse and whorehouse. not_entailment 794 What Star Trek episode has a nod to Doctor Who? There have also been many references to Doctor Who in popular culture and other science fiction, including Star Trek: The Next Generation ("The Neutral Zone") and Leverage. entailment 795 What are cilia used for? Most species have eight strips, called comb rows, that run the length of their bodies and bear comb-like bands of cilia, called "ctenes," stacked along the comb rows so that when the cilia beat, those of each comb touch the comb below. not_entailment 796 What is the oldest known rock in the world? The sedimentary sequences of the mid-continental United States and the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States contain almost-undeformed stacks of sedimentary rocks that have remained in place since Cambrian time. not_entailment 797 Which train company provides local and regional services? Train operator Virgin Trains East Coast provides a half-hourly frequency of trains to London King's Cross, with a journey time of about three hours, these services call at Durham, Darlington, York, Doncaster, Newark North Gate and Peterborough and north to Scotland with all trains calling at Edinburgh and a small number of trains extended to Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness. not_entailment 798 Who was Louis XIV's main rival? William formed the League of Augsburg as a coalition to oppose Louis and the French state. not_entailment 799 What did Kenya name itself on December 12, 1964? Exactly 12 months later on 12 December 1964, Kenya became a republic under the name "Republic of Kenya". entailment 800 Who invented a high-pressure steam engine around 1800? Around 1800 Richard Trevithick and, separately, Oliver Evans in 1801 introduced engines using high-pressure steam; Trevithick obtained his high-pressure engine patent in 1802. entailment 801 When did Mechlin lace develop? The implication that the style of lace known as 'Bucks Point' demonstrates a Huguenot influence, being a "combination of Mechlin patterns on Lille ground", is fallacious: what is now known as Mechlin lace did not develop until first half of the eighteenth century and lace with Mechlin patterns and Lille ground did not appear until the end of the 18th century, when it was widely copied throughout Europe. entailment 802 The outside of the CM was covered in what kind of material? It was the only component of the Apollo spacecraft to survive without major configuration changes as the program evolved from the early Apollo study designs. not_entailment 803 Which video gaming company debuted their ad for the first time during Super Bowl 50? Nintendo and The Pokémon Company also made their Super Bowl debut, promoting the 20th anniversary of the Pokémon video game and media franchise. entailment 804 Where does the Rhine make a distinctive turn to the north? The Alpine Rhine begins in the most western part of the Swiss canton of Graubünden, and later forms the border between Switzerland to the West and Liechtenstein and later Austria to the East. not_entailment 805 What part of the Rhine flows through North Rhine-Westphalia? The Lower Rhine flows through North Rhine-Westphalia. entailment 806 Why has the corruption not be in the public view? Kenya’s armed forces, like many government institutions in the country, have been tainted by corruption allegations. not_entailment 807 Who besides Woodrow Wilson himself had the idea for the inquiry? The inquiry was the idea of President Wilson and the American delegation from the Paris Peace Conference. entailment 808 Which company owns ABC? Universal, Warner Brothers, and Sony also run major record companies as well. not_entailment 809 What type of landscapes other than geologic and natural ecosystem landscapes can be found in southern California? Southern California consists of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and natural ecosystem landscapes in a diversity outnumbering other major regions in the state and country. entailment 810 Why did the university see a drop in applicants? In the early 1950s, student applications declined as a result of increasing crime and poverty in the Hyde Park neighborhood. entailment 811 Where are the Harvard medical, Dental and school of Public Health located? The Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health are located on a 21-acre (8.5 ha) not_entailment 812 Besides Britain and North America, where else did Huguenot refugees settle? It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. entailment 813 When was the Upper Rhine sold to Burgundy? The mouths of the Rhine, in the county of Holland, fell to the Burgundian Netherlands in the 15th century; Holland remained contentious territory throughout the European wars of religion and the eventual collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, when the length of the Rhine fell to the First French Empire and its client states. not_entailment 814 What was the purpose of CSNET Its purpose was to extend networking benefits, for computer science departments at academic and research institutions that could not be directly connected to ARPANET, due to funding or authorization limitations. entailment 815 What magnitude was the 1994 Northridge earthquake? It caused the most property damage of any earthquake in U.S. history, estimated at over $20 billion. not_entailment 816 Approximately how many works by Rodin are part of the museum collection? Rodin is represented by more than 20 works in the museum collection, making it one of the largest collections of the sculptor's work outside France; these were given to the museum by the sculptor in 1914, as acknowledgement of Britain's support of France in World War I, although the statue of St John the Baptist had been purchased in 1902 by public subscription. entailment 817 Who threw gold into the Rhine, according to legend? Germanic tribes crossed the Rhine in the Migration period, by the 5th century establishing the kingdoms of Francia on the Lower Rhine, Burgundy on the Upper Rhine and Alemannia on the High Rhine. not_entailment 818 What streets are contraflows to be implemented on in Newcastle? As of 2012, the local council social aims and objectives for cycling include: highlighting the usage of cycling to cut city congestion; educating that cycling promotes healthy living… not_entailment 819 What does matter actually have that Newtonian mechanics doesn't address? Newton's laws and Newtonian mechanics in general were first developed to describe how forces affect idealized point particles rather than three-dimensional objects. not_entailment 820 What did Tesla think could improve the brain's intelligence? Tesla theorized that the application of electricity to the brain enhanced intelligence. entailment 821 Along with trusts, what other non-profits are allowed to run schools in India? Legally, only non-profit trusts and societies can run schools in India. entailment 822 What player played in the Super Bowl after breaking his arm two weeks before? Linebacker Luke Kuechly had 11 total tackles, while Thomas Davis had seven, despite playing just two weeks after breaking his right arm in the NFC title game. entailment 823 Along with the Anglican Church and Uniting Church, what religious denomination operates private schools in Australia? They are usually expensive schools that tend to be up-market and traditional in style, some Catholic schools fall into this category as well, e.g. St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace, Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview, St Gregory's College, Campbelltown, St Aloysius' College (Sydney) and St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill, as well as Loreto Kirribilli, Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College, St Ursula's College and Loreto Normanhurst for girls. not_entailment 824 How many vector equations did Heaviside and Gibbs reformilate Maxwell's 20 scalar equtions into? These "Maxwell Equations" fully described the sources of the fields as being stationary and moving charges, and the interactions of the fields themselves. not_entailment 825 Who did Carolina beat in the divisional round? The Panthers then blew out the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Championship Game, 49–15, racking up 487 yards and forcing seven turnovers. not_entailment 826 How many original treaties establishing the EU protected fundamental rights? None of the original treaties establishing the European Union mention protection for fundamental rights. entailment 827 What type of interpretation of Islam does Salafism promote? The interpretation of Islam promoted by this funding was the strict, conservative Saudi-based Wahhabism or Salafism. entailment 828 What are the most active parts of ctenophora? In other parts of the canal system, the gastrodermis is different on the sides nearest to and furthest from the organ that it supplies. not_entailment 829 What does FOTA stand for? Since 1963, the Festival of the Arts (FOTA) takes over campus for 7–10 days of exhibitions and interactive artistic endeavors. entailment 830 What percentage of funds were given as charitable funds to causes in and around San Francisco? The committee created the 50 fund as its philanthropic initiative and focuses on providing grants to aid with youth development, community investment and sustainable environments. not_entailment 831 Why did oil start getting priced in terms of gold? Because oil was priced in dollars, oil producers' real income decreased. entailment 832 When did Germany found their first settlement? The establishment of the German colonial empire proceeded smoothly, starting with German New Guinea in 1884. entailment 833 Where did Huguenots and Walloons settle in England? Other evidence of the Walloons and Huguenots in Canterbury includes a block of houses in Turnagain Lane, where weavers' windows survive on the top floor, as many Huguenots worked as weavers. entailment 834 When was Kenya Electricity Generating Company established? The state-owned Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen), established in 1997 under the name of Kenya Power Company, handles the generation of electricity, while Kenya Power handles the electricity transmission and distribution system in the country. entailment 835 Where does the Rhine make a distinctive turn to the north? The river makes a distinctive turn to the north near Chur. entailment 836 After the operators are warned by the escape of the steam, what may they then do? If they were any larger, the volume of escaping steam would itself endanger the crew.[citation needed] not_entailment 837 How many yards did Newton throw for in 2015? The Panthers backfield featured Pro Bowl running back Jonathan Stewart, who led the team with 989 rushing yards and six touchdowns in 13 games, along with Pro Bowl fullback Mike Tolbert, who rushed for 256 yards and caught 18 passes for another 154 yards. not_entailment 838 What was incorporated to help slow the CM's decent back to Earth? It was the only component of the Apollo spacecraft to survive without major configuration changes as the program evolved from the early Apollo study designs. not_entailment 839 What is set up to scrutinize private bills submitted by party outsiders? A further type of committee is normally set up to scrutinise private bills submitted to the Scottish Parliament by an outside party or promoter who is not a member of the Scottish Parliament or Scottish Government. entailment 840 What is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world? Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, incurring more occupational fatalities than any other sector in both the United States and in the European Union. entailment 841 Where did France focus its efforts to rebuild its empire? France took control of Algeria in 1830 but began in earnest to rebuild its worldwide empire after 1850, concentrating chiefly in North and West Africa, as well as South-East Asia, with other conquests in Central and East Africa, as well as the South Pacific. entailment 842 How many touchdowns did Manning have at the end of the game? Manning finished the game 13 of 23 for 141 yards with one interception and zero touchdowns. entailment 843 What did Agricola apparently believe about who should be in control law? Early in 1537, Johannes Agricola (1494–1566) – serving at the time as pastor in Luther's birthplace, Eisleben – preached a sermon in which he claimed that God's gospel, not God's moral law (the Ten Commandments), revealed God's wrath to Christians. not_entailment 844 In which year did a toxic waste spill from a European ship prompt the Commission to look into legislation against waste? However, in October 2007, the Court of Justice ruled that the Commission could not propose what the criminal sanctions could be, only that there must be some. not_entailment 845 What is the area called where two plates move apart? Mid-ocean ridges, high regions on the seafloor where hydrothermal vents and volcanoes exist, were explained as divergent boundaries, where two plates move apart. entailment 846 Which caused the reform to never come into force? Following the Nice Treaty, there was an attempt to reform the constitutional law of the European Union and make it more transparent; this would have also produced a single constitutional document. not_entailment 847 When did the North American French and Indian War end? The British offered France the choice of surrendering either its continental North American possessions east of the Mississippi or the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, which had been occupied by the British. not_entailment 848 What does turning sideways protect chloroplasts from? This reduces exposure and protects them from photooxidative damage. entailment 849 Who asserted Russia's right to "self-determination?" Bolshevik leaders had effectively reestablished a polity with roughly the same extent as that empire by 1921, however with an internationalist ideology: Lenin in particular asserted the right to limited self-determination for national minorities within the new territory. entailment 850 Where was the new media day event for Super Bowl 50 held? The event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. entailment 851 What is the name of the professional skateboarder that lives in southern California? Professional skateboarder Tony Hawk, professional surfers Rob Machado, Tim Curran, Bobby Martinez, Pat O'Connell, Dane Reynolds, and Chris Ward, and professional snowboarder Shaun White live in southern California. entailment 852 Which pair of Genghis Khan's sons were most rivalrous? Genghis Khan was aware of the friction between his sons (particularly between Chagatai and Jochi) and worried of possible conflict between them if he died. entailment 853 What Philadelphia institution did Tesla give a demonstration to? Many devices such as the Tesla Coil were used in the further development of radio. not_entailment 854 What is ATP synthase similar to? Embedded in the thylakoid membranes are important protein complexes which carry out the light reactions of photosynthesis. not_entailment 855 What states that United Methodist theology is at once "catholic, evangelical and reformed?" Therefore, according to The Book of Discipline, United Methodist theology is at once "catholic, evangelical, and reformed." entailment 856 When was he elected by Nixon? In 1973, Nixon named William E. Simon as the first Administrator of the Federal Energy Office, a short-term organization created to coordinate the response to the embargo. entailment 857 Which of ABC's main production facilities is located in New York City? Since the 1950s, ABC has had two main production facilities: the ABC Television Center (now The Prospect Studios) on Prospect Avenue in Hollywood, California, shared with the operations of KABC-TV until 1999; and the ABC Television Center, East, a set of studios located throughout the New York City. entailment 858 What is DECnet The DECnet protocols were designed entirely by Digital Equipment Corporation. not_entailment 859 What is the highest point of the Rhine basin called? The Aare more than doubles the Rhine's water discharge, to an average of nearly 1,000 m3/s (35,000 cu ft/s), and provides more than a fifth of the discharge at the Dutch border. not_entailment 860 What have the two different Islamist movements been described as oscillating between? The movements have "arguably altered the Middle East more than any trend since the modern states gained independence", redefining "politics and even borders" according to one journalist (Robin Wright). not_entailment 861 What did lane and vail finance? The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by Tesla and also had designs for dynamo electric machine commutators, the first patents issued to Tesla in the US. not_entailment 862 Where was media day for Super Bowl 50 held? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. not_entailment 863 What may be possible for multiple Kuznets' cycles to be in at any given time? This implies that it may be possible for multiple Kuznets' cycles to be in effect at any given time. entailment 864 What was the final score for Super Bowl XXXIII? The Broncos last wore matching white jerseys and pants in the Super Bowl in Super Bowl XXXIII, Elway's last game as Denver QB, when they defeated the Atlanta Falcons 34–19. entailment 865 What are two examples of cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs? Anti-inflammatory drugs are often used to control the effects of inflammation. not_entailment 866 How many paid holiday days does the Working Time directive require workers to have each year? For example, the Working Time Directive requires that every worker has at least 4 weeks paid holidays each year, but most member states require more than 28 days in national law. entailment 867 What was the premise of Woodrow Wilson's inquiry? The inquiry was the idea of President Wilson and the American delegation from the Paris Peace Conference. not_entailment 868 What kind of statement is made in the effort of establishing the time and space requirements needed to enhance the ultimate number of problems solved? Having deduced such proper set inclusions, we can proceed to make quantitative statements about how much more additional time or space is needed in order to increase the number of problems that can be solved. entailment 869 What was the definition of professionals, for this study? It is important to note, however, that the British study referenced above is the only one of its kind and consisted of "a random ... probability sample of 2,869 young people between the ages of 18 and 24 in a computer-assisted study" and that the questions referred to "sexual abuse with a professional," not necessarily a teacher. not_entailment 870 Which of ABC's main production facilities is located in Hollywood, CA? All of ABC's owned-and-operated stations and affiliates have had their own facilities and studios, but transverse entities have been created to produce national programming. not_entailment 871 What are outcomes expected with Medication Therapy Management? In particular, Medication Therapy Management (MTM) includes the clinical services that pharmacists can provide for their patients. not_entailment 872 What kind of graph is an example of an input used in a decision problem? The input is an arbitrary graph. entailment 873 How many homes had BSkyB's direct-to-home satellite service available to them in 2010? BSkyB's direct-to-home satellite service became available in 10 million homes in 2010, Europe's first pay-TV platform in to achieve that milestone. entailment 874 Who lead the 1968 special programming for ABC Radio's FM stations? The new concept called "LOVE Radio", which featured a limited selection of music genres, was launched on ABC's seven owned-and-operated FM stations in late November 1968; the concept replaced nearly all of the programming provided by these stations; however, several affiliates (such as KXYZ) retained the majority of their content. not_entailment 875 What percentage of New Zealand students attended private schools in April 2014? As of April 2014, there are 88 private schools in New Zealand, catering for around 28,000 students or 3.7% of the entire student population. entailment 876 Along what geographic feature are nine residential houses located? Sophomore, junior, and senior undergraduates live in twelve residential Houses, nine of which are south of Harvard Yard along or near the Charles River. entailment 877 In a market economy, what is inequality a reflection of? Thus, in a market economy, inequality is a reflection of the productivity gap between highly-paid professions and lower-paid professions. entailment 878 Which regions have temperate climates? These scholars believed that Northern Europe and the Mid-Atlantic temperate climate produced a hard-working, moral, and upstanding human being. entailment 879 When were the two finalists for hosting Super Bowl 50 announced? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. not_entailment 880 Which theory suggested people in the tropics were uncivilized? For instance, American geographer Ellen Churchill Semple argued that even though human beings originated in the tropics they were only able to become fully human in the temperate zone. not_entailment 881 Who was given the esteemed status of MVP for Super Bowl 50? The Broncos took an early lead in Super Bowl 50 and never trailed. not_entailment 882 How much money did Dillon, Read & Co offer Mark Woods for NBC Blue? Once Mutual's appeals against the FCC were rejected, RCA decided to sell NBC Blue in 1941, and gave the mandate to do so to Mark Woods. not_entailment 883 Which rival of the Mongols is suspected of inventing the story that Genghis Khan was murdered by a captured princess? According to The Secret History of the Mongols Genghis Khan fell from his horse while hunting and died because of the injury. not_entailment 884 What river runs alongside Jacksonville? Under British rule, settlement grew at the narrow point in the river where cattle crossed, known as Wacca Pilatka to the Seminole and the Cow Ford to the British. not_entailment 885 What is the IEEE? Westinghouse looked into getting a patent on a similar commutator-less, rotating magnetic field-based induction motor presented in a paper in March 1888 by the Italian physicist Galileo Ferraris, but decided Tesla's patent would probably control the market. not_entailment 886 What city did Tesla move to in 1880? Unfortunately, he arrived too late to enroll at Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek, a required subject; and he was illiterate in Czech, another required subject. not_entailment 887 What issue has been plaguing the civil disobedience movement. It has been argued that the term "civil disobedience" has always suffered from ambiguity and in modern times, become utterly debased. entailment 888 According to the humoral theory of immunity, what were the bodies immune agents? In contrast, the humoral theory of immunity, held, among others, by Robert Koch and Emil von Behring, stated that the active immune agents were soluble components (molecules) found in the organism’s “humors” rather than its cells. entailment 889 Which theory suggested people in the tropics were uncivilized? Geographical theories such as environmental determinism also suggested that tropical environments created uncivilized people in need of European guidance. entailment 890 What was the name of the 2007 Christmas special? A new arrangement of the theme, once again by Gold, was introduced in the 2007 Christmas special episode, "Voyage of the Damned"; Gold returned as composer for the 2010 series. entailment 891 What is tuition for 2012 - 13 year at Harvard? For the 2012–13 school year annual tuition was $38,000, with a total cost of attendance of $57,000. entailment 892 What river runs alongside Jacksonville? Jacksonville is in the First Coast region of northeast Florida and is centered on the banks of the St. Johns River, about 25 miles (40 km) south of the Georgia state line and about 340 miles (550 km) north of Miami. entailment 893 Where does the Ijssel branch flow? This discharge distribution has been maintained since 1709, by river engineering works, including the digging of the Pannerdens canal and since the 20th century, with the help of weirs in the Nederrijn river. not_entailment 894 What UN resolution endorsed the IPCC? It was first established in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), and later endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly through Resolution 43/53. entailment 895 when was the Victoria and Albert museum founded? These include the Natural History Museum, the Science Museum and the Royal Albert Hall. not_entailment 896 Which two importers claimed that under a French competition law, they were prevented from selling Picon beer under wholesale price? In Konsumentombudsmannen v Gourmet AB the Court suggested that a total ban for advertising alcohol on the radio, TV and in magazines could fall within article 34 where advertising was the only way for sellers to overcome consumers' "traditional social practices and to local habits and customs" to buy their products, but again the national courts would decide whether it was justified under article 36 to protect public health. not_entailment 897 How many museums comprise Harvard Art Museums? The Harvard Art Museums comprises three museums. entailment 898 What nationality was Konstantin Mereschkowski? Mitochondria are thought to have come from a similar event, where an aerobic prokaryote was engulfed. not_entailment 899 Even in large firms, architects, interior designers, engineers, developers, construction managers, and general contractors were more likely to be what? Presently, a firm that is nominally an "architecture" or "construction management" firm may have experts from all related fields as employees, or to have an associated company that provides each necessary skill. not_entailment 900 How many earthquakes does southern California experience in a year? It caused the most property damage of any earthquake in U.S. history, estimated at over $20 billion. not_entailment 901 Why does Fresno only have UHF television stations? The very first Fresno television station to begin broadcasting was KMJ-TV, which debuted on June 1, 1953. not_entailment 902 What group can teachers in Wales register with? A growing cause of concern are that attacks on teachers in Welsh schools which reached an all-time high between 2005 and 2010. not_entailment 903 How high is Victoria's Mount Bogong? Victoria contains many topographically, geologically and climatically diverse areas, ranging from the wet, temperate climate of Gippsland in the southeast to the snow-covered Victorian alpine areas which rise to almost 2,000 m (6,600 ft), with Mount Bogong the highest peak at 1,986 m (6,516 ft). entailment 904 What is another name for a coal supply bin? When coal is used, a chain or screw stoking mechanism and its drive engine or motor may be included to move the fuel from a supply bin (bunker) to the firebox. entailment 905 When did Augustus die? From the death of Augustus in AD 14 until after AD 70, Rome accepted as her Germanic frontier the water-boundary of the Rhine and upper Danube. entailment 906 What is the minimum amount of time before a bill can go into law? However he cannot do so until a 4-week period has elapsed, during which the Law Officers of the Scottish Government or UK Government can refer the bill to the Supreme Court of the United Kingdom for a ruling on whether it is within the powers of the Parliament. entailment 907 During which period did Jacksonville become a popular destination for the rich? This highlighted the visibility of the state as a worthy place for tourism. not_entailment 908 In what year did BankAmericard change its name? After a troubled gestation during which its creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the first successful credit card; that is, a financial instrument that was usable across a large number of merchants and also allowed cardholders to revolve a balance (earlier financial products could do one or the other but not both). not_entailment 909 Interest groups and government agencies that were concerned with energy were no match for who? In the United States, scholars argue that there already existed a negotiated settlement based on equality between both parties prior to 1973. not_entailment 910 What did Luther call the consecrated bread and wine? The theologians, including Zwingli, Melanchthon, Martin Bucer, and Johannes Oecolampadius, differed on the significance of the words spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper: "This is my body which is for you" and "This cup is the new covenant in my blood" (1 Corinthians 11:23–26). not_entailment 911 What can lead to higher wages for members of labor organizations? Members may also receive higher wages through collective bargaining, political influence, or corruption. entailment 912 What did Lempicka represent better than anyone else? No one will ever see the Warsaw I knew. not_entailment 913 What caused UK to have an oil crisis in its own country? Heath asked the British to heat only one room in their houses over the winter. not_entailment 914 What channel did ABC proposed to compete with cable news company CNN? In order to compete with CNN, ABC proposed a 24-hour news channel called ABC Cable News, with plans to launch the network in 1995; however, the plan would ultimately be shelved by company management. entailment 915 What kind of graph is an example of an input used in a decision problem? An example of a decision problem is the following. not_entailment 916 Who shared sideline duties with Evan Washburn? In the United States, the game was televised by CBS, as part of a cycle between the three main broadcast television partners of the NFL. not_entailment 917 What type of assistance to out of town students is the Muslim Brotherhood known for? " All this compares very favourably against incompetent, inefficient, or neglectful governments whose commitment to social justice is limited to rhetoric. not_entailment 918 What is the name of a Time Lord that Doctor Who has fought? Occasionally serials were loosely connected by a storyline, such as season 8 being devoted to the Doctor battling a rogue Time Lord called The Master, season 16's quest for The Key to Time, season 18's journey through E-Space and the theme of entropy, and season 20's Black Guardian Trilogy. entailment 919 In order to be considered in the top percentile, a person would need to amass how much money each year? Oxfam's claims have however been questioned on the basis of the methodology used: by using net wealth (adding up assets and subtracting debts), the Oxfam report, for instance, finds that there are more poor people in the United States and Western Europe than in China (due to a greater tendency to take on debts).[unreliable source?][unreliable source?] not_entailment 920 What type of heating element is often used in toy steam engines? In the case of model or toy steam engines, the heat source can be an electric heating element. entailment 921 What financial issue is notoriously prevalent in the construction field? Cash flow problems exist when the present amount of funding cannot cover the current costs for labour and materials, and because they are a matter of having sufficient funds at a specific time, can arise even when the overall total is enough. not_entailment 922 What was the age difference between Newton and Manning in Super Bowl 50? This was the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their draft classes. not_entailment 923 What did Biraben say about the plague in Europe? According to Biraben, the plague was present somewhere in Europe in every year between 1346 and 1671. entailment 924 How long was the broadcast delay the first time the series premiered? The BBC believed that many viewers had missed this introduction to a new series due to the coverage of the assassination, as well as a series of power blackouts across the country, and they broadcast it again on 30 November 1963, just before episode two. not_entailment 925 When did oxygen begin to move from the oceans to the atmosphere? For the first billion years, any free oxygen produced by these organisms combined with dissolved iron in the oceans to form banded iron formations. not_entailment 926 How many times did Newcastle fight off the Scots during the 14th century? Newcastle was successfully defended against the Scots three times during the 14th century, and was created a county corporate with its own sheriff by Henry IV in 1400. entailment 927 When did Luther and his wife live? Luther confided to Michael Stiefel on 11 August 1526: "My Katie is in all things so obliging and pleasing to me that I would not exchange my poverty for the riches of Croesus." not_entailment 928 What was Houghton's role? Houghton has stressed that the SPM is agreed upon by delegates from many of the world's governments, and that any changes to the SPM must be supported by scientific evidence. not_entailment 929 A function problem is an example of what? A function problem is a computational problem where a single output (of a total function) is expected for every input, but the output is more complex than that of a decision problem, that is, it isn't just yes or no. entailment 930 Where was there a weakness in British supply chain? Scouts had reported the weakness of the British supply chain, so he ordered an attack against the forts Shirley had erected at the Oneida Carry. entailment 931 What can cause salaries to go higher than the range? Teachers in state schools must have at least a bachelor's degree, complete an approved teacher education program, and be licensed. not_entailment 932 What did the General Conference on Weights and Measures name after Tesla in 1960? His patents earned him a considerable amount of money, much of which was used to finance his own projects with varying degrees of success.:121,154 not_entailment 933 Why do land plants have more and smaller chloroplasts? Mitochondria have also been observed to follow chloroplasts as they move. not_entailment 934 What previous work did Lavoisier experiments discredit? Oxygen was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his work was published first. not_entailment 935 What will maidens be able to predict by floating their wreaths down the Vistula? The festival traces its roots to a peaceful pagan ritual where maidens would float their wreaths of herbs on the water to predict when they would be married, and to whom. entailment 936 Who is the new companion for the 10th series of the revival? Steven Moffat described the companion as the main character of the show, as the story begins anew with each companion and she undergoes more change than the Doctor. not_entailment 937 What does LGM stands for? There is debate, however, over how extensive this reduction was. not_entailment 938 When did the Iranian government enjoy something of a resurgence? During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, the Iranian government enjoyed something of a resurgence in popularity amongst the predominantly Sunni "Arab street," due to its support for Hezbollah and to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's vehement opposition to the United States and his call that Israel shall vanish. entailment 939 How does Kenya curb coruption? However, there are several rather significant developments with regards to curbing corruption from the Kenyan government, for instance, the establishment of a new and independent Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). entailment 940 What can people work towards if they aren't denied their functionings, capabilities and agency? When a person’s capabilities are lowered, they are in some way deprived of earning as much income as they would otherwise. not_entailment 941 How many legions in five bases were along the Rhine by the Romans? The Romans kept eight legions in five bases along the Rhine. entailment 942 What could a teacher help in organizing? In some education systems, teachers may have responsibility for student discipline. not_entailment 943 What entity owns V/Line? Rail transport in Victoria is provided by several private and public railway operators who operate over government-owned lines. not_entailment 944 What is the duration of Harvard Academic year? Moreover, the honors of "John Harvard Scholar" and "Harvard College Scholar" will now be given only to the top 5 percent and the next 5 percent of each class. not_entailment 945 In modern times, what is said about civil disobedience? Marshall Cohen notes, "It has been used to describe everything from bringing a test-case in the federal courts to taking aim at a federal official. not_entailment 946 What type of degree must a teacher have, at a minimum? Teachers in state schools must have at least a bachelor's degree, complete an approved teacher education program, and be licensed. entailment 947 What did the finding of gold in Victoria cause? This triggered one of the largest gold rushes the world has ever seen. entailment 948 What is one issue that adds to the complexity of a pharmacist's job? Because of the complexity of medications including specific indications, effectiveness of treatment regimens, safety of medications (i.e., drug interactions) and patient compliance issues (in the hospital and at home) many pharmacists practicing in hospitals gain more education and training after pharmacy school through a pharmacy practice residency and sometimes followed by another residency in a specific area. entailment 949 How did the BBC get audio versions of the lost episodes? Some episodes have been returned to the BBC from the archives of other countries who bought prints for broadcast, or by private individuals who acquired them by various means. not_entailment 950 The presence or absence of what can be used to determine the relative age of the formations in which they are found? As organisms exist at the same time period throughout the world, their presence or (sometimes) absence may be used to provide a relative age of the formations in which they are found. entailment 951 What tool do stratigraphers use to see their data in three dimensions? In the laboratory, stratigraphers analyze samples of stratigraphic sections that can be returned from the field, such as those from drill cores. not_entailment 952 Who created an index of health and social problems? In recent years the characteristic that has strongly correlated with health in developed countries is income inequality. not_entailment 953 What dual titles did Frederick William hold? Nearly 50,000 Huguenots established themselves in Germany, 20,000 of whom were welcomed in Brandenburg-Prussia, where they were granted special privileges (Edict of Potsdam) and churches in which to worship (such as the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Angermünde) by Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia. entailment 954 About many students attend Kunskapsskolan schools? In Sweden, pupils are free to choose a private school and the private school gets paid the same amount as municipal schools. not_entailment 955 Who did the Broncos beat tp become the AFC champions? The Broncos defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers in the divisional round, 23–16, by scoring 11 points in the final three minutes of the game. not_entailment 956 By what method did Maududi want to change the hearts and minds of individuals? Maududi also believed that Muslim society could not be Islamic without Sharia, and Islam required the establishment of an Islamic state. not_entailment 957 What London neighborhood attracted Huguenot refugees? The flight of Huguenot refugees from Tours, France drew off most of the workers of its great silk mills which they had built.[citation needed] not_entailment 958 What hotel did the Panthers stay in during Super Bowl 50? The Panthers used the San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott. entailment 959 What fields of study were advanced during the Yuan? Confucian governmental practices and examinations based on the Classics, which had fallen into disuse in north China during the period of disunity, were reinstated by the Yuan court, probably in the hope of maintaining order over Han society. not_entailment 960 What measure of a computational problem broadly defines the inherent difficulty of the solution? One of the roles of computational complexity theory is to determine the practical limits on what computers can and cannot do. not_entailment 961 What was the Anglo-Norman language's final form? The Anglo-Norman language was eventually absorbed into the Anglo-Saxon language of their subjects (see Old English) and influenced it, helping (along with the Norse language of the earlier Anglo-Norse settlers and the Latin used by the church) in the development of Middle English. not_entailment 962 What are apicoplasts missing? Apicoplasts have lost all photosynthetic function, and contain no photosynthetic pigments or true thylakoids. entailment 963 The Rhine is the longest river in what country? Most of Luxembourg and a very small part of Belgium also drain to the Rhine via the Moselle. not_entailment 964 What gauge of rail lines do two tourist lines use? There are also several smaller freight operators and numerous tourist railways operating over lines which were once parts of a state-owned system. not_entailment 965 Is the packet header long Routing a packet requires the node to look up the connection id in a table. not_entailment 966 What condition what must be satisfied in order for 1/p to be expressed in base q instead of base 10 and still have a period of p - 1? The fraction 1/p expressed likewise in base q (rather than base 10) has similar effect, provided that p is not a prime factor of q. Wilson's theorem says that an integer p > 1 is prime if and only if the factorial (p − 1)! + 1 is divisible by p. entailment 967 How long does it take to get to the middle of Newcastle from its outskirts when riding the rails? The airport handles over five million passengers per year, and is the tenth largest, and the fastest growing regional airport in the UK, expecting to reach 10 million passengers by 2016, and 15 million by 2030. not_entailment 968 What did the network install in 1999 The vBNS installed one of the first ever production OC-48c (2.5 Gbit/s) IP links in February 1999 and went on to upgrade the entire backbone to OC-48c. entailment 969 Which company sponsored a contest called "Small Business Big Game"? Death Wish Coffee beat out nine other contenders from across the United States for the free advertisement. not_entailment 970 When did the Rhine become borders with Francia? The Alsace on the left banks of the Upper Rhine was sold to Burgundy by Archduke Sigismund of Austria in 1469 and eventually fell to France in the Thirty Years' War. not_entailment 971 What Doctor Who actress was nominated for an award in 2016? The show has received recognition as one of Britain's finest television programmes, winning the 2006 British Academy Television Award for Best Drama Series and five consecutive (2005–2010) awards at the National Television Awards during Russell T Davies' tenure as executive producer. not_entailment 972 What kind of cell wall do cyanobacteria have? They are a diverse phylum of bacteria capable of carrying out photosynthesis, and are gram-negative, meaning that they have two cell membranes. not_entailment 973 Who might take disciplinary action against a teacher? The functions of the teacher's colleges may include setting out clear standards of practice, providing for the ongoing education of teachers, investigating complaints involving members, conducting hearings into allegations of professional misconduct and taking appropriate disciplinary action and accrediting teacher education programs. entailment 974 By what other name was the Gate known? Such explanations have been traced to the contemporary, Reguier de la Plancha (d. 1560), who in De l'Estat de France offered the following account as to the origin of the name, as cited by The Cape Monthly: not_entailment 975 Motion pictures, petroleum and aircraft manufacturing have been major industries since which decade? Since the 1920s, motion pictures, petroleum and aircraft manufacturing have been major industries. entailment 976 What lake connects the Rhine to Lake Constance? Lake Constance consists of three bodies of water: the Obersee ("upper lake"), the Untersee ("lower lake"), and a connecting stretch of the Rhine, called the Seerhein ("Lake Rhine"). entailment 977 The WJZ callsign would then be assigned to an ABC affiliate in what city in 1959? The WABC call letters were previously used by the flagship station of CBS Radio (now WCBS (AM)) until 1946. not_entailment 978 By the opening of the 2008 General Conference, what was the total UMC membership? Given current trends in the UMC—with overseas churches growing, especially in Africa, and U.S. churches collectively losing about 1,000 members a week—it has been estimated that Africans will make up at least 30% of the delegates at the 2012 General Conference, and it is also possible that 40% of the delegates will be from outside the U.S. One Congolese bishop has estimated that typical Sunday attendance of the UMC is higher in his country than in the entire United States. not_entailment 979 What did Paul-Louis Simond establish in 1898? The investigation of the pathogen that caused the 19th-century plague was begun by teams of scientists who visited Hong Kong in 1894, among whom was the French-Swiss bacteriologist Alexandre Yersin, after whom the pathogen was named Yersinia pestis. not_entailment 980 There are 34 cities in southern California that have a population exceeding what number? In southern California there are also twelve cities with more than 200,000 residents and 34 cities over 100,000 in population. entailment 981 What kind of committee considered legislation on the development of the Edinburgh Tram Network? A further type of committee is normally set up to scrutinise private bills submitted to the Scottish Parliament by an outside party or promoter who is not a member of the Scottish Parliament or Scottish Government. not_entailment 982 Where was Dyrrachium located? Some time later, Dyrrachium—one of the most important naval bases of the Adriatic— entailment 983 In what direction does the mountain system extend? Temperature extremes for the state are listed in the table below: not_entailment 984 How many volumes does the John Crerar Library roughly hold? Harper Memorial Library no longer contains any volumes; however it is, in addition to the Regenstein Library, a 24-hour study space on campus. not_entailment 985 What is impact melt that some samples of moon rocks show? Almost all the rocks show evidence of impact process effects. not_entailment 986 What is an example of a machine model that deviates from a generally accepted multi-tape Turing machine? Perhaps surprisingly, each of these models can be converted to another without providing any extra computational power. not_entailment 987 What notable private school has an endowment of several hundred million dollars? As of 2012, quality private schools in the United States charged substantial tuition, close to $40,000 annually for day schools in New York City, and nearly $50,000 for boarding schools. not_entailment 988 On which magazine's cover did Tesla appear in 1931 On Tesla's 75th birthday in 1931, Time magazine put him on its cover. entailment 989 Who did Tesla partner with in 1886? After leaving Edison's company Tesla partnered with two businessmen in 1886, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. entailment 990 To what extent did Fermat confirm the validity of Fermat numbers? Fermat also conjectured that all numbers of the form 22n + 1 are prime (they are called Fermat numbers) and he verified this up to n = 4 (or 216 + 1). entailment 991 What was the tribe of the woman Temüjin married when he was around 16 years old? As previously arranged by his father, Temüjin married Börte of the Onggirat tribe when he was around 16 in order to cement alliances between their respective tribes. entailment 992 Who were the sculpture galleries that opened in 2006 named after? With the opening of the Dorothy and Michael Hintze sculpture galleries in 2006 it was decided to extend the chronology of the works on display up to 1950; this has involved loans by other museums, including Tate Britain, so works by Henry Moore and Jacob Epstein along with other of their contemporaries are now on view. entailment 993 What was the average cost for a TV ad lasting 30 seconds during Super Bowl 50? CBS broadcast Super Bowl 50 in the U.S., and charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. entailment 994 When did Tesla go to Tomingaj? He read many books while in Tomingaj, and later said that Mark Twain's works had helped him to miraculously recover from his earlier illness. not_entailment 995 Which former referee served as an analyst for CBS? CBS analyst and retired referee Mike Carey stated he disagreed with the call and felt the review clearly showed the pass was complete. entailment 996 The papers of which famous English Victorian author are collected in the library? Illuminated manuscripts in the library dating from the 12th to 16th centuries include: the Eadwine Psalter[citation needed], Canterbury; Pocket Book of Hours, Reims; Missal from the Royal Abbey of Saint Denis, Paris; the Simon Marmion Book of Hours, Bruges; 1524 Charter illuminated by Lucas Horenbout, London; the Armagnac manuscript of the trial and rehabilitation of Joan of Arc, Rouen. not_entailment 997 When was the Old Truman Brewery founded? The French Protestant Church of London was established by Royal Charter in 1550. not_entailment 998 What did Tesla work on in 1888? During that year, Tesla worked in Pittsburgh, helping to create an alternating current system to power the city's streetcars. entailment 999 How high do plague fevers run? The modern bubonic plague has a mortality rate of 30–75% and symptoms including fever of 38–41 °C (100–106 °F), headaches, painful aching joints, nausea and vomiting, and a general feeling of malaise. entailment 1000 How many more landing sites for the Apollo missions did NASA have planned? The contracted batch of 15 Saturn Vs were enough for lunar landing missions through Apollo 20. not_entailment 1001 What is issued once construction is complete and a final inspection has been passed? During the construction of a building, the municipal building inspector inspects the building periodically to ensure that the construction adheres to the approved plans and the local building code. not_entailment 1002 Why did Tesla want funds from Morgan? On 14 October 1904, Morgan finally replied through his secretary, stating, "It will be impossible for [me] to do anything in the matter," after Tesla had written to Morgan when the financier was meeting with the Archbishop of Canterbury in an attempt to appeal to his Christian spirit. not_entailment 1003 Where does the largest part of Kenya's power come from? The largest share of Kenya's electricity supply comes from hydroelectric stations at dams along the upper Tana River, as well as the Turkwel Gorge Dam in the west. entailment 1004 In the mid 18th century, who did not concur that 1 should be the first prime number? In the mid-18th century Christian Goldbach listed 1 as the first prime in his famous correspondence with Leonhard Euler -- who did not agree. entailment 1005 What kingdom annexed Warsaw in 1796? The Royal University of Warsaw was established in 1816. not_entailment 1006 When was Zhu Shijie born? Advances in polynomial algebra were made by mathematicians during the Yuan era. not_entailment 1007 What is in Eldon Square? A portion of Grainger Town was demolished in the 1960s to make way for the Eldon Square Shopping Centre, including all but one side of the original Eldon Square itself. entailment 1008 What happened to Apollo 13? Five of the remaining six missions achieved successful landings, but the Apollo 13 landing was prevented by an oxygen tank explosion in transit to the Moon, which disabled the command spacecraft's propulsion and life support. entailment 1009 What has lately been being viewed as a fundamental status of member state nationals by the Court of Justice? In Commission v Austria the Court held that Austria was not entitled to restrict places in Austrian universities to Austrian students to avoid "structural, staffing and financial problems" if (mainly German) foreign students applied for places because there was little evidence of an actual problem. not_entailment 1010 What is an object's mass proportional to at the surface of the Earth? Galileo was instrumental in describing the characteristics of falling objects by determining that the acceleration of every object in free-fall was constant and independent of the mass of the object. not_entailment 1011 In what year did the Master reincarnate into a female body? During that story the role was then assumed by John Simm who returned to the role multiple times through the Tenth Doctor's tenure. not_entailment 1012 Who has expressed distaste for the canonicity of Doctor Who stories by other media? In this respect it is noteworthy that the BBC takes no position on the canonicity of any of such stories, and producers of the show have expressed distaste for the idea. entailment 1013 What term resulted from Dioscorides' book? The title coined the term materia medica. entailment 1014 If two thirds of the Rhine flows through the Maas, where doe the other one third flow through? The other third of the water flows through the Pannerdens Kanaal and redistributes in the IJssel and Nederrijn. entailment 1015 What causes the population of ctenophora to grow at an explosive rate? In at least some species, juveniles are capable of reproduction before reaching the adult size and shape. not_entailment 1016 What is DECnet DECnet is a suite of network protocols created by Digital Equipment Corporation, originally released in 1975 in order to connect two PDP-11 minicomputers. entailment 1017 In which county does Jacksonville reside? Jacksonville is the principal city in the Jacksonville metropolitan area, with a population of 1,345,596 in 2010. not_entailment 1018 When was Europe's last major epidemic? Europe's last major epidemic occurred in 1720 in Marseille. entailment 1019 What animals does the Vistula river's ecosystem include? About 15 kilometres (9 miles) from Warsaw, the Vistula river's environment changes strikingly and features a perfectly preserved ecosystem, with a habitat of animals that includes the otter, beaver and hundreds of bird species. entailment 1020 When were the elections that produced a higher vote by Protestant Nazi sympathizers than by Catholics? Since the 1980s, Lutheran Church denominations have repudiated Martin Luther's statements against the Jews and have rejected the use of them to incite hatred against Lutherans. not_entailment 1021 What did giving money to the church absolve the giver from? He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. entailment 1022 How did the 2001 IPCC report compare to reality for 2001-2006? The study compared IPCC 2001 projections on temperature and sea level change with observations. not_entailment 1023 Who first proved Bertrand's postulate? The latter formula can be shown using Bertrand's postulate (proven first by Chebyshev), which states that there always exists at least one prime number p with n < p < 2n − 2, for any natural number n > 3. entailment 1024 What is one example of an instance that the quantitative answer to the traveling salesman problem fails to answer? The quantitative answer to this particular problem instance is of little use for solving other instances of the problem, such as asking for a round trip through all sites in Milan whose total length is at most 10 km. entailment 1025 What was Tesla's monthly consultant salary? Westinghouse also hired Tesla for one year for the large fee of $2,000 ($52,700 in today's dollars) per month to be a consultant at the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's Pittsburgh labs. entailment 1026 In what year was the Alan Turing's definitional model of a computing device received? Most influential among these was the definition of Turing machines by Alan Turing in 1936, which turned out to be a very robust and flexible simplification of a computer. entailment 1027 What did the fossils found in the Burgess Shale lack? All three apparently lacked tentacles but had between 24 and 80 comb rows, far more than the 8 typical of living species. entailment 1028 In what year did the Master reincarnate into a female body? As of the 2014 episode "Dark Water," it was revealed that the Master had become a female incarnation or "Time Lady," going by the name of "Missy" (short for Mistress, the feminine equivalent of "Master"). entailment 1029 Some non-British works in the British galleries were imported from which continent? Patrons who have influenced taste are also represented by works of art from their collections, these include: Horace Walpole (a major influence on the Gothic Revival), William Thomas Beckford and Thomas Hope. not_entailment 1030 What series was created by former Doctor Who producer Russell T. Davies? Who executive producer Russell T. Davies), the character of Vince was portrayed as an avid Doctor Who fan, with references appearing many times throughout in the form of clips from the programme. not_entailment 1031 At what temperature will oxygen condense? Oxygen condenses at 90.20 K (−182.95 °C, −297.31 °F), and freezes at 54.36 K (−218.79 °C, −361.82 °F). entailment 1032 What venue hosted Super Bowl Opening Night? The event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. entailment 1033 In what year did Fresno become an incorporated city? Fresno became an incorporated city in 1885. entailment 1034 Where does the secondary theory say most genes are kept? It further contends that only a minority of the genetic material is kept in circular chromosomes while the rest is in branched, linear, or other complex structures. entailment 1035 When was the Upper Rhine sold to Burgundy? The Alsace on the left banks of the Upper Rhine was sold to Burgundy by Archduke Sigismund of Austria in 1469 and eventually fell to France in the Thirty Years' War. entailment 1036 What was the source of the Rhine in the last Ice Age? Most of the Rhine's current course was not under the ice during the last Ice Age; although, its source must still have been a glacier. entailment 1037 What do pyrenoids look like? Pyrenoids are roughly spherical and highly refractive bodies which are a site of starch accumulation in plants that contain them. entailment 1038 What was the date of Tesla's death? On 7 January 1943, at the age of 86, Tesla died alone in room 3327 of the New Yorker Hotel. entailment 1039 What are cestida called? The Cestida ("belt animals") are ribbon-shaped planktonic animals, with the mouth and aboral organ aligned in the middle of opposite edges of the ribbon. entailment 1040 How much did the Milton Friedman Institute roughly cost? The institute will cost around $200 million and occupy the buildings of the Chicago Theological Seminary. entailment 1041 How many yards did Jordan Norwood return a punt to set the Super Bowl record? Norwood had not done so, and with no resistance around him, he took off for a Super Bowl record 61-yard return before Mario Addison dragged him down on the Panthers 14-yard line. entailment 1042 What was the total number of patents that Tesla had? Tesla obtained around 300 patents worldwide for his inventions. entailment 1043 The Super Bowl 50 Host Committee said it would be the most what ever? The Super Bowl 50 not_entailment 1044 What is the name of the Host Committee's charitable initiative? The committee created the 50 fund as its philanthropic initiative and focuses on providing grants to aid with youth development, community investment and sustainable environments. entailment 1045 The UK and France had non interruptions in their oil supply as they did not allow which country to use their airfield? Of the nine members of the European Economic Community (EEC), the Netherlands faced a complete embargo, the UK and France received almost uninterrupted supplies (having refused to allow America to use their airfields and embargoed arms and supplies to both the Arabs and the Israelis), while the other six faced partial cutbacks. entailment 1046 What are the main threats facing the Amazon rainforest in the current century? One computer model of future climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions shows that the Amazon rainforest could become unsustainable under conditions of severely reduced rainfall and increased temperatures, leading to an almost complete loss of rainforest cover in the basin by 2100. not_entailment 1047 Who can be in the Victorian cabinet? Cabinet consists of representatives elected to either house of parliament. entailment 1048 What kind of amino acids are overrepresented in epitope regions? Early techniques relied mainly on the observation that hydrophilic amino acids are overrepresented in epitope regions than hydrophobic amino acids; however, more recent developments rely on machine learning techniques using databases of existing known epitopes, usually on well-studied virus proteins, as a training set. entailment 1049 What type of civil war was fought between political and tribal warlords? In 1996, a more conservative and anti-democratic Islamist movement known as the Taliban rose to power, defeated most of the warlords and took over roughly 80% of Afghanistan. not_entailment 1050 What was a plugs-out test done to simulate on the LC-34? A "plugs-out" test was planned for January, which would simulate a launch countdown on LC-34 with the spacecraft transferring from pad-supplied to internal power. entailment 1051 What nationality is the band Coldplay? On December 3, the league confirmed that the show would be headlined by the British rock group Coldplay. entailment 1052 Zoning requirements, environmental impact, budgeting, and logistics are things who should consider? For the successful execution of a project, effective planning is essential. not_entailment 1053 What is a local pastor's official title? The licensed local pastor has the authority of a pastor only within the context and during the time of the appointment and shall not extend beyond it. not_entailment 1054 What had been left hanging on the door to Tesla's room? His body was later found by maid Alice Monaghan after she had entered Tesla's room, ignoring the "do not disturb" sign that Tesla had placed on his door two days earlier. entailment 1055 Rocks on top of a fault that are cut are always older or younger than the fault itself? Faults are younger than the rocks they cut; accordingly, if a fault is found that penetrates some formations but not those on top of it, then the formations that were cut are older than the fault, and the ones that are not cut must be younger than the fault. entailment 1056 What is terra preta called? Terra preta (black earth), which is distributed over large areas in the Amazon forest, is now widely accepted as a product of indigenous soil management. entailment 1057 When B cells and T cells begin to replicate, what do some of their offspring cells become? When B cells and T cells are activated and begin to replicate, some of their offspring become long-lived memory cells. entailment 1058 What does each packet includ in connectionless mode Thus a virtual connection, also known as a virtual circuit or byte stream is provided to the end-user by a transport layer protocol, although intermediate network nodes only provides a connectionless network layer service. not_entailment 1059 How big was the Vertical Assembly Building? The LOC included Launch Complex 39, a Launch Control Center, and a 130 million cubic foot (3.7 million cubic meter) Vertical Assembly Building (VAB) in which the space vehicle (launch vehicle and spacecraft) would be assembled on a Mobile Launcher Platform and then moved by a transporter to one of several launch pads. entailment 1060 How many pieces of legislation has the Social Charter become the basis for? The Social Charter became the basis for European Community legislation on these issues in 40 pieces of legislation. entailment 1061 What do radical Islamist organizations reject entirely? Moderate and reformist Islamists who accept and work within the democratic process include parties like the Tunisian Ennahda Movement. not_entailment 1062 What function is a teacher's role similar to? For example, an experienced teacher and parent described the place of a teacher in learning as follows: "The real bulk of learning takes place in self-study and problem solving with a lot of feedback around that loop. not_entailment 1063 Who founded the UMC? Founded in 1968 by the union of the Methodist Church (USA) and the Evangelical United Brethren Church, the UMC traces its roots back to the revival movement of John and Charles Wesley in England as well as the Great Awakening in the United States. entailment 1064 What did Tymnet connect Tymnet was also connected to dozens of other public networks in the U.S. and internationally via X.25/X.75 gateways. not_entailment 1065 When did the Rhine Straightening program begin? The Upper Rhine region was changed significantly by a Rhine straightening program in the 19th Century. entailment 1066 What did the Court of Justice reason were controlled in all member states in Josemans v Burgemeester van Maastricht? The Court of Justice reasoned that narcotic drugs were controlled in all member states, and so this differed from other cases where prostitution or other quasi-legal activity was subject to restriction. entailment 1067 When is the earliest Britain had an imperialist policy? Britain's imperialist ambitions can be seen as early as the sixteenth century. entailment 1068 How many yards did the Broncos' defense give up? The Broncos' defense ranked first in the NFL yards allowed (4,530) for the first time in franchise history, and fourth in points allowed (296). entailment 1069 What French animation studio did ABC purchase in 1993? In 1993, the FCC repealed the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules, once again allowing networks to hold interests in television production studios. not_entailment 1070 Where was the Rhine regulated with an upper canal? A regulation of the Rhine was called for, with an upper canal near Diepoldsau and a lower canal at Fußach, in order to counteract the constant flooding and strong sedimentation in the western Rhine Delta. entailment 1071 Who scored the Panthers first touchdown? After a punt from both teams, Carolina got on track with a 9-play, 73-yard scoring drive. not_entailment 1072 What does mnemiopsis eat? Ctenophores may be abundant during the summer months in some coastal locations, but in other places they are uncommon and difficult to find. not_entailment 1073 What kind of market is Kenya considered? Kenya is usually classified as a frontier market or occasionally an emerging market, but it is not one of the least developed countries. entailment 1074 How far from state house in downtown Boston is Harvard Yard? west-northwest of the State House in downtown Boston, and extends into the surrounding Harvard Square neighborhood. not_entailment 1075 Which young general did Genghis Khan send to conquer Qara Khitai? Genghis Khan decided to conquer the Qara Khitai and defeat Kuchlug, possibly to take him out of power. not_entailment 1076 An illustrated, paraphrased version of this appeared when? A two-volume illustrated folio paraphrase version based on his manuscript, by Jean de Rély, was printed in Paris in 1487. entailment 1077 What do chloroplasts in mesophyll cells store carbon dioxide in? They store CO2 in a four-carbon compound, which is why the process is called C4 photosynthesis. entailment 1078 What serves as a biological barrier by competing for space and food in the GI tract? There is good evidence that re-introduction of probiotic flora, such as pure cultures of the lactobacilli normally found in unpasteurized yogurt, helps restore a healthy balance of microbial populations in intestinal infections in children and encouraging preliminary data in studies on bacterial gastroenteritis, inflammatory bowel diseases, urinary tract infection and post-surgical infections. not_entailment 1079 What does China's investment mean for Kenya? Published comments on Kenya's Capital FM website by Liu Guangyuan, China's ambassador to Kenya, at the time of President Kenyatta's 2013 trip to Beijing, said, "Chinese investment in Kenya ... reached $474 million, representing Kenya's largest source of foreign direct investment, and ... bilateral trade ... reached $2.84 billion" in 2012. entailment 1080 How are 'un-aided' schools different from 'aided' schools? The ones that accept government funds are called 'aided' schools. not_entailment 1081 After the merger of Disney-ABC Television group, ABC Studios, and ABC Entertainment, what was the resulting entity named? On December 22, Disney–ABC Television Group announced a partnership with Apple Inc. to make individual episodes of ABC and Disney Channel programs available for purchase on iTunes. not_entailment 1082 In local Alemannic dialect, what is the the singular form of the names of the islands formed by the Rhine? In the local Alemannic dialect, the singular is pronounced "Isel" and this is also the local pronunciation of Esel ("Donkey"). entailment 1083 Who were the ESPN Deportes commentators for Super Bowl 50? The game was called by ESPN Deportes' Monday Night Football commentary crew of Alvaro Martin and Raul Allegre, and sideline reporter John Sutcliffe. entailment 1084 Who criticised the security bill? In December 2014, President Uhuru Kenyatta signed a Security Laws Amendment Bill, which supporters of the law suggested was necessary to guard against armed groups. not_entailment 1085 How many megaregions are there in the United States? The megaregion's area is more expansive, extending east into Las Vegas, Nevada, and south across the Mexican border into Tijuana. not_entailment 1086 What type of teaching would help the most with everyday life? A teacher's role may vary among cultures. not_entailment 1087 What popular environmentalist is also a university alumni member? In science, alumni include astronomers Carl Sagan, a prominent contributor to the scientific research of extraterrestrial life, and Edwin Hubble, known for "Hubble's Law", NASA astronaut John M. Grunsfeld, geneticist James Watson, best known as one of the co-discoverers of the structure of DNA, experimental physicist Luis Alvarez, popular environmentalist David Suzuki, balloonist Jeannette Piccard, biologists Ernest Everett entailment 1088 Where is Polonia's home venue located? Polonia's home venue is located at Konwiktorska Street, a ten-minute walk north from the Old Town. entailment 1089 How many central conferences are outside of the United States? Outside the United States the church is divided into seven central conferences: Africa, Congo, West Africa, Central & Southern Europe, Germany, Northern Europe and the Philippines. entailment 1090 When did Warsaw start to rebuild? After liberation, rebuilding began as in other cities of the communist-ruled PRL. entailment 1091 Which country did Rewe-Zentrale AG wish to import from? German liqueurs were over 25 per cent alcohol, but Cassis de Dijon, which Rewe-Zentrale AG wished to import from France, only had 15 to 20 per cent alcohol. entailment 1092 When was OPEC production of oil being surpassed? This "sale" price was a windfall for oil-importing nations, both developing and developed. not_entailment 1093 What country was under the control of Norman barons? These Normans began a long period of slow conquest during which almost all of Wales was at some point subject to Norman interference. entailment 1094 What did the fossils found in the Burgess Shale lack? Three additional putative species were then found in the Burgess Shale and other Canadian rocks of similar age, about 505 million years ago in the mid-Cambrian period. not_entailment 1095 In order to better understand the orientations of faults and folds, structural geologists do what with measurements of geological structures? Structural geologists use microscopic analysis of oriented thin sections of geologic samples to observe the fabric within the rocks which gives information about strain within the crystalline structure of the rocks. not_entailment 1096 What was the name of the wife arranged for Temüjin by his father? Temüjin was to live there in service to Dai Setsen, the head of the new household, until he reached the marriageable age of 12. not_entailment 1097 When did Victoria enact its constitution? Victoria has a written constitution enacted in 1975, but based on the 1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855, which establishes the Parliament as the state's law-making body for matters coming under state responsibility. entailment 1098 How much of normal is the oxygen breathed in space suits? In the case of spacesuits, the O_2 partial pressure in the breathing gas is, in general, about 30 kPa (1.4 times normal), and the resulting O_2 partial pressure in the astronaut's arterial blood is only marginally more than normal sea-level O_2 partial pressure (for more information on this, see space suit and arterial blood gas). entailment 1099 How often do trains journey to King's Cross? Train operator Virgin Trains East Coast provides a half-hourly frequency of trains to London King's Cross, with a journey time of about three hours, these services call at Durham, Darlington, York, Doncaster, Newark North Gate and Peterborough and north to Scotland with all trains calling at Edinburgh and a small number of trains extended to Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness. entailment 1100 How many campuses does the California State University have? Amongst these include 5 University of California campuses (Irvine, Los Angeles, Riverside, Santa Barbara, and San Diego); 12 California State University campuses (Bakersfield, Channel Islands, Dominguez Hills, Fullerton, Los Angeles, Long Beach, Northridge, Pomona, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Marcos, and San Luis Obispo); and private institutions such as the California Institute of Technology, Chapman University, the Claremont Colleges (Claremont McKenna College, Harvey Mudd College, Pitzer College, Pomona College, and Scripps College), Loma Linda University, Loyola Marymount University, Occidental College, Pepperdine University, University of Redlands, University of San Diego, and the University of Southern California. entailment 1101 When did Luther receive a degree in Biblical studies? He received a bachelor's degree in Biblical studies on 9 March 1508, and another bachelor's degree in the Sentences by Peter Lombard in 1509. entailment 1102 In what venue did Super Bowl XIX take place? The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX), held at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California, won by the home team 49ers. entailment 1103 What is as important as identifying plague symptoms? Most work has been done on the spread of the plague in England, and even estimates of overall population at the start vary by over 100% as no census was undertaken between the time of publication of the Domesday Book and the year 1377. not_entailment 1104 How is Genghis Khan spelled in Turkic? Temüjin is written in Chinese as simplified Chinese: 铁木真; traditional Chinese: 鐵木眞; pinyin: Tiěmùzhēn. not_entailment 1105 What other European Protestant leader was educated at the University of Paris? Jean Cauvin (John Calvin), another student at the University of Paris, also converted to Protestantism. entailment 1106 Where does the Lek join? It flows farther west, to rejoin the Noord River into the Nieuwe Maas and to the North Sea. entailment 1107 What was done to counteract the overpopulation of mnemiopsis in The Black Sea? One ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, has accidentally been introduced into the Black Sea, where it is blamed for causing fish stocks to collapse by eating both fish larvae and organisms that would otherwise have fed the fish. not_entailment 1108 What else was used by pharmas? Often the place that did this was called an apothecary and several languages have this as the dominant term, though their practices are more akin to a modern pharmacy, in English the term apothecary would today be seen as outdated or only approproriate if herbal remedies were on offer to a large extent. not_entailment 1109 When extensive time is required to sort integers, this represents what case complexity? If we assume that all possible permutations of the input list are equally likely, the average time taken for sorting is O(n log n). not_entailment 1110 What band is considered by many to be the first black metal group? Venom, reckoned by many to be the originators of black metal and extremely influential to the extreme metal scene as a whole, formed in Newcastle in 1979. entailment 1111 Who created the nation's first aviation community? Developer William Smilie created the nation's first planned aviation community. entailment 1112 Stable and radioactive isotope studies provide insight into what? In the electron microprobe, individual locations are analyzed for their exact chemical compositions and variation in composition within individual crystals. not_entailment 1113 What metal was used in Inalchuq's execution? This fragmentation was decisive in Khwarezmia's defeats, as it allowed the Mongols, although exhausted from the long journey, to immediately set about defeating small fractions of the Khwarzemi forces instead of facing a unified defense. not_entailment 1114 When did building activity in the palaces and churches take place in the later decades of? The Neoclassical revival affected all aspects of architecture, the most notable are the Great Theater (1825–1833) and buildings located at Bank Square (1825–1828). not_entailment 1115 Where was the ball recovered? On the next play, Ealy knocked the ball out of Manning's hand as he was winding up for a pass, and then recovered it for Carolina on the 50-yard line. entailment 1116 What crops were introduced or popularized in the Yuan? It had significantly eased trade and commerce across Asia until its decline; the communications between Yuan dynasty and its ally and subordinate in Persia, the Ilkhanate, encouraged this development. not_entailment 1117 When was the announcement for the LOR made after being delayed? Kennedy's science advisor Jerome Wiesner, who had expressed his opposition to manned spaceflight to Kennedy before the President took office, and had opposed the decision to land men on the Moon, hired Golovin, who had left NASA, to chair his own "Space Vehicle Panel", ostensibly to monitor, but actually to second-guess NASA's decisions on the Saturn V launch vehicle and LOR by forcing Shea, Seamans, and even Webb to defend themselves, delaying its formal announcement to the press on July 11, 1962, and forcing Webb to still hedge the decision as "tentative". entailment 1118 What was originally on the spacesuits prior to the clear "fishbowl" helmet? After an unmanned LM test flight AS-206, a crew would fly the first Block II CSM and LM in a dual mission known as AS-207/208, or AS-278 (each spacecraft would be launched on a separate Saturn IB.) not_entailment 1119 Who sculpted the representations of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria found in the main entrance? Prince Albert appears within the main arch above the twin entrances, Queen Victoria above the frame around the arches and entrance, sculpted by Alfred Drury. entailment 1120 When did Subutai's army return to Mongolia? Genghis Khan recalled Subutai back to Mongolia soon afterwards, and Jebe died on the road back to Samarkand. not_entailment 1121 What religion is the western region mostly? The upper part of Kenya's Eastern Region is home to 10% of the country's Muslims, where they constitute the majority religious group. not_entailment 1122 Where was a beer, wine and food festival held at prior to the Super Bowl? In addition, there are $2 million worth of other ancillary events, including a week-long event at the Santa Clara Convention Center, a beer, wine and food festival at Bellomy Field at Santa Clara University, and a pep rally. entailment 1123 What is the ABC affiliate that serves Lima, Ohio? Currently, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Delaware are the only U.S. states where ABC does not have a locally licensed affiliate (New Jersey is served by New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WPVI-TV; Rhode Island is served by New Bedford, Massachusetts-licensed WLNE; and Delaware is served by WPVI and Salisbury, Maryland affiliate WMDT). not_entailment 1124 Who was the ruling class ahead of the Normans? The invading Normans and their descendants replaced the Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England. entailment 1125 Who did Alexander I marry? King David I of Scotland, whose elder brother Alexander I had married Sybilla of Normandy, was instrumental in introducing Normans and Norman culture to Scotland, part of the process some scholars call the "Davidian Revolution". entailment 1126 When did the General Sejm make Warsaw it's permanent seat? In 1529, Warsaw for the first time became the seat of the General Sejm, permanent from 1569. entailment 1127 To which year has the Rococo Augustus Rex Bureau Cabinet been dated? There are a set of beautiful inlaid doors, dated 1580 from Antwerp City Hall, attributed to Hans Vredeman de Vries. not_entailment 1128 what do conquering people pass down to native populations? Imperialism and colonialism both dictate the political and economic advantage over a land and the indigenous populations they control, yet scholars sometimes find it difficult to illustrate the difference between the two. not_entailment 1129 What year did Tesla enroll at an engineering school? He never graduated from the university and did not receive grades for the last semester. not_entailment 1130 What kind of committee considered legislation on the development of the Edinburgh Tram Network? Private Bill Committees have been set up to consider legislation on issues such as the development of the Edinburgh Tram Network, the Glasgow Airport Rail Link, the Airdrie-Bathgate Rail Link and extensions to the National Gallery of Scotland. entailment 1131 What Irish cities had Huguenot mayors in the 1600s and 1700s? A number of Huguenots served as mayors in Dublin, Cork, Youghal and Waterford in the 17th and 18th centuries. entailment 1132 What field involves the study of the immune system? Immunology covers the study of all aspects of the immune system. entailment 1133 What are the three construction subsectors? The Standard Industrial Classification and the newer North American Industry Classification System have a classification system for companies that perform or otherwise engage in construction. not_entailment 1134 What issues were not addressed in the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle? The War of the Austrian Succession (whose North American theater is known as King George's War) formally ended in 1748 with the signing of the Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle. not_entailment 1135 What is chloroplast DNA abbreviated as? Its existence was first proved in 1962, and first sequenced in 1986—when two Japanese research teams sequenced the chloroplast DNA of liverwort and tobacco. not_entailment 1136 What were casualties of battle? They killed many of the Canadians, including their commanding officer, Joseph Coulon de Jumonville, whose head was reportedly split open by Tanaghrisson with a tomahawk. entailment 1137 Terra Nullius is a Latin expression meaning what in English? British imperialism often used the concept of Terra nullius (Latin expression which stems from Roman law meaning 'empty land'). entailment 1138 How many total acres is Woodward Park? The initial 235 acres (0.95 km2), combined with additional acres acquired later by the City, brings the park to a sizable 300 acres (1.2 km2). entailment 1139 In 1893, who won the bid to light the World's Columbian Exposition? This World's Fair devoted a building to electrical exhibits. not_entailment 1140 When did he first mention wireless communication? He also built a wireless controlled boat, one of the first ever exhibited. not_entailment 1141 How high is Victoria's Mount Bogong? There is an extensive series of river systems in Victoria. not_entailment 1142 What two environmental conditions are controlled in the museum? Activities include controlling the museum environment (for example, temperature and light) and preventing pests (primarily insects) from damaging artefacts. entailment 1143 What did Distributed Adaptive Message Block Switching do Starting in the late 1950s, American computer scientist Paul Baran developed the concept Distributed Adaptive Message Block Switching with the goal to provide a fault-tolerant, efficient routing method for telecommunication messages as part of a research program at the RAND Corporation, funded by the US Department of Defense. entailment 1144 What additional srevice did BSkyB offer besides HD channels that they claimed offered "substantially more value"? Virgin Media claimed that BSkyB had substantially increased the asking price for the channels, a claim which BSkyB denied, on the basis that their new deal offered "substantially more value" by including HD channels and Video On Demand content which was not previously carried by cable. entailment 1145 A multi-tape Turing machine requires what type of time for a solution? This forms the basis for the complexity class P, which is the set of decision problems solvable by a deterministic Turing machine within polynomial time. not_entailment 1146 At what age do immune responses typically begin to decline? The ability of the immune system to respond to pathogens is diminished in both the young and the elderly, with immune responses beginning to decline at around 50 years of age due to immunosenescence. entailment 1147 Which kicker had a portion of the turf collapse, causing him to miss a field goal? However, the turf showed problem throughout the game, with a number of players needing to change their cleats during the game and player slipping during plays all throughout the game. not_entailment 1148 Bacteria often secrete what kind of proteins to ingest a physical barrier? Alternatively, using a type III secretion system, they may insert a hollow tube into the host cell, providing a direct route for proteins to move from the pathogen to the host. not_entailment 1149 What is most of Warsaw's modern growth based on? World War II changed the demographics of the city, and to this day there is much less ethnic diversity than in the previous 300 years of Warsaw's history. not_entailment 1150 Which descendants of Genghis Khan tried to dissociate themselves from the Mongol massacres in the Middle East? Although the famous Mughal emperors were proud descendants of Genghis Khan and particularly Timur, they clearly distanced themselves from the Mongol atrocities committed against the Khwarizim Shahs, Turks, Persians, the citizens of Baghdad and Damascus, Nishapur, Bukhara and historical figures such as Attar of Nishapur and many other notable Muslims. entailment 1151 The theatre collection starts from the time of which famous Elizabethan playwright? The V&A Theatre & Performance galleries, formerly the Theatre Museum, opened in March 2009. not_entailment 1152 Who treats the majority of the population medically? Nurses treat 80% of the population who visit dispensaries, health centres and private clinics in rural and under-served urban areas. entailment 1153 Other than San Bernardino, which other developed southern Californian city is not in close proximity to the coast? Los Angeles (at 3.7 million people) and San Diego (at 1.3 million people), both in southern California, are the two largest cities in all of California (and two of the eight largest cities in the United States). not_entailment 1154 What do clinical pharmacists specialize in? Those pharmacists are often referred to as clinical pharmacists and they often specialize in various disciplines of pharmacy. entailment 1155 What are two anti-inflammatory molecules that peak during awake hours? There are two theories as to why the pro-inflammatory state is reserved for sleep time. not_entailment 1156 What type of reaction is present in the emergency oxygen generator of an airplane? A steady stream of oxygen gas is then produced by the exothermic reaction. entailment 1157 What sorts of items are displayed in the Esteve Pharmacy museum? The medieval Esteve Pharmacy, located in Llívia, a Catalan enclave close to Puigcerdà, also now a museum, dates back to the 15th century, keeping albarellos from the 16th and 17th centuries, old prescription books and antique drugs. entailment 1158 How is the opening of the Grainger Market documented in the Laing Art Gallery? The opening was celebrated with a grand dinner attended by 2000 guests, and the Laing Art Gallery has a painting of this event. entailment 1159 Boycotting, refusing to pay taxes, sit ins, and draft dodging all make what harder? Some forms of civil disobedience, such as illegal boycotts, refusals to pay taxes, draft dodging, distributed denial-of-service attacks, and sit-ins, make it more difficult for a system to function. entailment 1160 If a and q are coprime, which theorem holds that an arithmetic progression has an infinite number of primes? If this necessary condition is satisfied, Dirichlet's theorem on arithmetic progressions asserts that the progression contains infinitely many primes. entailment 1161 Why did Confucians like the medical field? Kublai created the Imperial Academy of Medicine to manage medical treatises and the education of new doctors. not_entailment 1162 Who was Edward the Confessor's half-brother? He invited his brother-in-law Eustace II, Count of Boulogne to his court in 1051, an event which resulted in the greatest of early conflicts between Saxon and Norman and ultimately resulted in the exile of Earl Godwin of Wessex. not_entailment 1163 How old was Martin Luther when he married? At the time of their marriage, Katharina was 26 years old and Luther was 41 years old. entailment 1164 When was the military-political complex reflected upon within the scope of understanding imperialism? Hobson argued that domestic social reforms could cure the international disease of imperialism by removing its economic foundation. not_entailment 1165 When was the divestment from South Africa movement? During the divestment from South Africa movement in the late 1980s, student activists erected a symbolic "shantytown" on Harvard Yard and blockaded a speech given by South African Vice Consul Duke Kent-Brown. entailment 1166 As of February 2011, how many numbers has Goldbach's conjecture been proven to? As of February 2011[update], this conjecture has been verified for all numbers up to n = 2 · 1017. entailment 1167 Because speakers are drawn from across Scotland, what do the represent the balance of? Speakers are drawn from across Scotland and are chosen to represent the balance of religious beliefs according to the Scottish census. entailment 1168 Which entities have had to develop principles dedicated to conflict resolution between laws of different systems? The Court of Justice, repeating its view in Van Gend en Loos, said member states "albeit within limited spheres, have restricted their sovereign rights and created a body of law applicable both to their nationals and to themselves" on the "basis of reciprocity". not_entailment 1169 What other inventor did he work with? He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. not_entailment 1170 Who said the homeless in the area would have to leave? More than 1 million people are expected to attend the festivities in San Francisco during Super Bowl Week. not_entailment 1171 How many children did Luther and his wife have? They embarked on what appeared to have been a happy and successful marriage, though money was often short. not_entailment 1172 How old were the fossils found in China? The early Cambrian sessile frond-like fossil Stromatoveris, from China's Chengjiang lagerstätte and dated to about 515 million years ago, is very similar to Vendobionta of the preceding Ediacaran period. entailment 1173 What shape are granal thylakoids? There are two types of thylakoids—granal thylakoids, which are arranged in grana, and stromal thylakoids, which are in contact with the stroma. not_entailment 1174 How much did Tesla say Edison offered him to redesign his motor and generators? In 1885, he said that he could redesign Edison's inefficient motor and generators, making an improvement in both service and economy. not_entailment 1175 Along with public schools, what type of school was recognized under the South African Schools Act? The South African Schools Act of 1996 recognises two categories of schools: "public" (state-controlled) and "independent" (which includes traditional private schools and schools which are privately governed[clarification needed].) entailment 1176 In what year did ABC agree to finance Disneyland? Walt Disney and his brother Roy contacted Goldenson at the end of 1953 for ABC to agree to finance part of the Disneyland project in exchange for producing a television program for the network. not_entailment 1177 Why is Priestley usually given credit for being first to discover oxygen? After breathing the gas himself, he wrote: "The feeling of it to my lungs was not sensibly different from that of common air, but I fancied that my breast felt peculiarly light and easy for some time afterwards." not_entailment 1178 What color was used to create the 50-yard line in Levi's Stadium for the season leading up to the Super Bowl 50 game? Various gold-themed promotions and initiatives were held throughout the 2015 NFL season to tie into the "Golden Super Bowl"; gold-tinted logos were implemented across the NFL's properties and painted on fields, the numbering of the 50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7, all sideline jackets and hats featured gold-trimmed logos. entailment 1179 When was Luther's 95 Theses translated into German? It was not until January 1518 that friends of Luther translated the 95 Theses from Latin into German and printed and widely copied them, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press. entailment 1180 What is a protein that is closely intertwined with circadian rhythms? Additionally, proteins such as NFIL3, which have been shown to be closely intertwined with both T-cell differentiation and our circadian rhythms, can be affected through the disturbance of natural light and dark cycles through instances of sleep deprivation, shift work, etc. entailment 1181 Which two groups have cells bound by inter-cell connections and membranes, muscles, a nervous system and sensory organs? Ctenophores are distinguished from all other animals by having colloblasts, which are sticky and adhere to prey, although a few ctenophore species lack them. not_entailment 1182 In what city is the last Huguenot congregation in the US? The Society has chapters in numerous states, with the one in Texas being the largest. not_entailment 1183 What administrative division did Kublai leave unmodified? He restored the Imperial Secretariat and left the local administrative structure of past Chinese dynasties unchanged. entailment 1184 Who composed the original Doctor Who theme? The Derbyshire arrangement served, with minor edits, as the theme tune up to the end of season 17 (1979–80). not_entailment 1185 The UMC believes that Jesus repudiated the les talionis in what BIble verses? The United Methodist Church, along with other Methodist churches, condemns capital punishment, saying that it cannot accept retribution or social vengeance as a reason for taking human life. not_entailment 1186 What component of water is more soluble than nitrogen? Oxygen is more soluble in water than nitrogen is. entailment 1187 What did the Apple system assign automatically The AppleTalk system automatically assigned addresses, updated the distributed namespace, and configured any required inter-network routing. entailment 1188 What was Temur Khan's Chinese-style name? Temür Khan decided to maintain and continue much of the work begun by his grandfather. not_entailment 1189 Whose puppet did Islamists accuse the Saudi regime of being? But when Saddam, secularist and Ba'athist dictator of neighboring Iraq, attacked Saudi Arabia (his enemy in the war), western troops came to protect the Saudi monarchy. not_entailment 1190 What type of status did the UMC vote to seek in the National Association of Evangelicals? In addition, it voted to seek observer status in the National Association of Evangelicals and in the World Evangelical Fellowship. entailment 1191 When were stromules discovered? However, there is a growing body of evidence that stromules are functional, integral features of plant cell plastids, not merely artifacts. not_entailment 1192 What area in modern-day Canada received Huguenot immigrants? They also spread beyond Europe to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa, the Dutch East Indies, the Caribbean, and several of the English colonies of North America, and Quebec, where they were accepted and allowed to worship freely. entailment 1193 Where was a lab for Tesla set up? Based on Tesla's patents and other ideas they agreed to back him financially and handle his patents. not_entailment 1194 How many divisions was ABC radio restructured into in 2005? On October 19, 2005, ABC announced the restructuring of the group into six divisions: Entertainment Communications, Communications Resources, Kids Communications, News Communications, Corporate Communications, and International Communications. entailment 1195 Where did British resettle many Acadians? The British resettled many Acadians throughout its North American provinces, but many went to France, and some went to New Orleans, which they had expected to remain French. entailment 1196 When was the FIS founded? The FIS won sweeping victories in local elections and it was going to win national elections in 1991 when voting was canceled by a military coup d'état. not_entailment 1197 How did the new king react to the Huguenots? At first he sent missionaries, backed by a fund to financially reward converts to Catholicism. not_entailment 1198 Why did Westinghouse not secure a patent for a similar motor? Westinghouse looked into getting a patent on a similar commutator-less, rotating magnetic field-based induction motor presented in a paper in March 1888 by the Italian physicist Galileo Ferraris, but decided Tesla's patent would probably control the market. entailment 1199 What is the name of the old north branch of the Rhine? The name Rijn, from here on, is used only for smaller streams farther to the north, which together formed the main river Rhine in Roman times. not_entailment 1200 Where does the diatom endosymbiont store starch? However the diatom endosymbiont can't store its own food—its starch is found in granules in the dinophyte host's cytoplasm instead. entailment 1201 What encouraged trade under the Yuan? The political unity of China and much of central Asia promoted trade between East and West. entailment 1202 What do extremely unequal societies tend to be? Perotti concluded that, "more equal societies have lower fertility rates and higher rates of investment in education. not_entailment 1203 How many points are there in the foundation of the Reformation? His railing against the sale of indulgences was based on it. not_entailment 1204 What is the income inequality gap between genders in Botswana? In many countries, there is a Gender pay gap in favor of males in the labor market. not_entailment 1205 How many full time teachers does Victoria have? Just under 540,800 students were enrolled in public schools, and just over 311,800 in private schools. not_entailment 1206 What underground railways cover much of Tyne and Wear? It was developed from a combination of existing and newly built tracks and stations, with deep-level tunnels constructed through Newcastle city centre. not_entailment 1207 Which laws mentioned predate EU law? In European Union law the general principle of legal certainty prohibits Ex post facto laws, i.e. laws should not take effect before they are published. not_entailment 1208 What Khitan leader defected to the Mongols? Many Han Chinese and Khitan defected to the Mongols to fight against the Jin. not_entailment 1209 How many granal thylakoids can be in each granum? Each granum can contain anywhere from two to a hundred thylakoids, though grana with 10–20 thylakoids are most common. entailment 1210 What French animation studio did ABC purchase in 1993? That same year, Capital Cities/ABC purchased the French animation studio DIC Entertainment; it also signed an agreement with Time Warner Cable to carry its owned-and-operated television stations on the provider's systems in ABC O&O markets. entailment 1211 How many days after Gagarin's flight did the US House Committee on Science and Astronautics meet? On April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin became the first person to fly in space, reinforcing American fears about being left behind in a technological competition with the Soviet Union. not_entailment 1212 What has the infrastructure done a lot of over the past years? The city is home to the Children's Memorial Health Institute (CMHI), the highest-reference hospital in all of Poland, as well as an active research and education center. not_entailment 1213 Going to jail accomplished what goal of civil disobedience? But that is different than the notion that they must go to jail as part of a rule connected with civil disobedience. not_entailment 1214 What is set up to scrutinize private bills submitted by party outsiders? Private bills normally relate to large-scale development projects such as infrastructure projects that require the use of land or property. not_entailment 1215 What is Victoria's largest non-Christian religion? Buddhism is the state's largest non-Christian religion, with 168,637 members as of the most recent census. entailment 1216 What was the civil disobedience performed at the test site? When the Committee for Non-Violent Action sponsored a protest in August 1957, at the Camp Mercury nuclear test site near Las Vegas, Nevada, 13 of the protesters attempted to enter the test site knowing that they faced arrest. entailment 1217 This was the first time that the Carolina team faced what in the post season? The score marked the first time in the entire postseason that Carolina was facing a deficit. entailment 1218 How many total acres is Woodward Park? Now packed with amenities, Woodward Park is the only Regional Park of its size in the Central Valley. not_entailment 1219 What other location did Apollo 1 test at besides Kennedy Space Center? Grissom, White, and Chaffee decided to name their flight Apollo 1 as a motivational focus on the first manned flight. not_entailment 1220 What is the most important type of Norman art preserved in churches? Many churches preserve sculptured fonts, capitals, and more importantly mosaics, which were common in Norman Italy and drew heavily on the Greek heritage. entailment 1221 What was the name of the imperialistic policy in China? Although imperialist practices have existed for thousands of years, the term "Age of Imperialism" generally refers to the activities of European powers from the early 18th century through to the middle of the 20th century, for example, the "The Great Game" in Persian lands, the "Scramble for Africa" and the "Open Door Policy" in China. entailment 1222 Who developed DATAPAC DATAPAC was developed by Bell Northern Research which was a joint venture of Bell Canada (a common carrier) and Northern Telecom (a telecommunications equipment supplier). entailment 1223 What did the Church claim could be avoided with money? Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Late Medieval Catholic Church. not_entailment 1224 What does legend say Genghis Khan used to obliterate the Kharezmid emporer's place of birth? According to legend, Genghis Khan even went so far as to divert a river through the Khwarezmid emperor's birthplace, erasing it from the map.[citation needed] entailment 1225 What did Luther call these donations? He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. not_entailment 1226 WHy was the Merit network formed in Michigan Merit Network, Inc., an independent non-profit 501(c)(3) corporation governed by Michigan's public universities, was formed in 1966 as the Michigan Educational Research Information Triad to explore computer networking between three of Michigan's public universities as a means to help the state's educational and economic development. entailment 1227 What health condition can deep sea diving cause? Oxygen toxicity to the lungs and central nervous system can also occur in deep scuba diving and surface supplied diving. entailment 1228 Where does the Rhine begin? Rhein, French: le Rhin, Dutch: Rijn) is a European river that begins in the Swiss canton of Graubünden in the southeastern Swiss Alps, forms part of the Swiss-Austrian, Swiss-Liechtenstein border, Swiss-German and then the Franco-German border, then flows through the Rhineland and eventually empties into the North Sea in the Netherlands. entailment 1229 Peroxides, nitrates and dichromates are examples of what type of compounds? Oxygen is the oxidant, not the fuel, but nevertheless the source of most of the chemical energy released in combustion. not_entailment 1230 Which group has young that are born with no tentacles and a large mouth? The exceptions are the beroids, whose young are miniature beroids with large mouths and no tentacles, and the platyctenids, whose young live as cydippid-like plankton until they reach near-adult size, but then sink to the bottom and rapidly metamorphose into the adult form. entailment 1231 What does the electrolysis of water produce? Oxygen gas can also be produced through electrolysis of water into molecular oxygen and hydrogen. entailment 1232 What is the gauge of the Victorian rail lines? However, the interstate trunk routes, as well as a number of branch lines in the west of the state have been converted to 1,435 mm (4 ft 8 1⁄2 in) standard gauge. not_entailment 1233 What does Paul Krugmen think has had an observable effect on inequality in the U.S.? However, he concedes that the effect of trade on inequality in America is minor when compared to other causes, such as technological innovation, a view shared by other experts. not_entailment 1234 Who were otachi? Confucian scholars were attracted to the medical profession because it ensured a high income and medical ethics were compatible with Confucian virtues. not_entailment 1235 What type of prime distribution is characterized about x/log x of numbers less than x? From a physical viewpoint, it roughly states that the irregularity in the distribution of primes only comes from random noise. not_entailment 1236 What is the average discharge of the Moselle to the Rhine? Most of Luxembourg and a very small part of Belgium also drain to the Rhine via the Moselle. not_entailment 1237 Who was the #2 pick in the 2011 NFL Draft? The matchup also pits the top two picks of the 2011 draft against each other: Newton for Carolina and Von Miller for Denver. entailment 1238 How many points are there in the foundation of the Reformation? Luther's rediscovery of "Christ and His salvation" was the first of two points that became the foundation for the Reformation. entailment 1239 What does rhodophyte mean? All primary chloroplasts belong to one of three chloroplast lineages—the glaucophyte chloroplast lineage, the rhodophyte, or red algal chloroplast lineage, or the chloroplastidan, or green chloroplast lineage. entailment 1240 What is the name of the United Kingdom operation for BSkyB? Following BSkyB's 2014 acquisition of Sky Italia and a majority 90.04% interest in Sky Deutschland in November 2014, its holding company British Sky Broadcasting Group plc changed its name to Sky plc. not_entailment 1241 What type of steam engines produced most power up to the early 20th century? Considering that the great majority of worldwide electric generation is produced by turbine type steam engines, the "steam age" is continuing with energy levels far beyond those of the turn of the 19th century. not_entailment 1242 What did the Soviets intend to use in spacecraft after the success of Zond 5? In the summer it had become clear that the LM would not be ready in time. not_entailment 1243 When did France begin in earnest to rebuild its global empire? France took control of Algeria in 1830 but began in earnest to rebuild its worldwide empire after 1850, concentrating chiefly in North and West Africa, as well as South-East Asia, with other conquests in Central and East Africa, as well as the South Pacific. entailment 1244 What was Abu Hamaz al-Masri charged with when he was arrested? Their presence, combined with a perceived British policy of allowing them free rein, heightened by exposés such as the 2007 Channel 4 documentary programme Undercover Mosque, has given rise to the term Londonistan. not_entailment 1245 What was the only year that a full series was not filmed since 2005? There have since been nine further series in 2006–2008 and 2010–2015, and Christmas Day specials every year since 2005. not_entailment 1246 What type of movies were produced in Jacksonville's 30 studios? One converted movie studio site, Norman Studios, remains in Arlington; It has been converted to the Jacksonville Silent Film Museum at Norman Studios. not_entailment 1247 What was the horsepower put out by the turbines in Waterside Power Station On his 50th birthday in 1906, Tesla demonstrated his 200 horsepower (150 kilowatts) 16,000 rpm bladeless turbine. not_entailment 1248 When did Washington reach Fort Le Boeuf? On December 12, Washington and his men reached Fort Le Boeuf. entailment 1249 What is the highest peak in Victoria? There is an extensive series of river systems in Victoria. not_entailment 1250 What position did the tax collector that arrested Thoreau get? Thoreau, at the time of his arrest, was not yet a well-known author, and his arrest was not covered in any newspapers in the days, weeks and months after it happened. not_entailment 1251 What is the name for a teacher of just one person? A teacher who teaches on an individual basis may be described as a tutor. entailment 1252 Where were populations centered in colonies? Many of the older colonies had land claims that extended arbitrarily far to the west, as the extent of the continent was unknown at the time their provincial charters were granted. not_entailment 1253 To what did Martin Luther devote all his attention ? Luther dedicated himself to the Augustinian order, devoting himself to fasting, long hours in prayer, pilgrimage, and frequent confession. entailment 1254 What happened to most of Tesla's work from this time? Soon after, much of Tesla's early research—hundreds of invention models, plans, notes, laboratory data, tools, photographs, valued at $50,000—was lost in the 5th Avenue laboratory fire of March 1895. entailment 1255 What career does Joseph Stiglitz have? This process, known to economists as rent-seeking, brings income not from creation of wealth but from "grabbing a larger share of the wealth that would otherwise have been produced without their effort" not_entailment 1256 How many times did the Denver defense force Newton into turnovers? The Broncos took an early lead in Super Bowl 50 and never trailed. not_entailment 1257 In what year was the trial of Rev. Jimmy Creech? In April of 2016, a United Methodist bishop made a bold statement by performing a same-sex marriage in church as a clear sign of his advocacy for change. not_entailment 1258 New cameras were introduced for the game, what degree of view do they provide viewers? CBS introduced new features during the telecast, including pylon cameras and microphones along with EyeVision 360—an array of 36 cameras along the upper deck that can be used to provide a 360-degree view of plays and "bullet time" effects. entailment 1259 In what country can most of the Amazon rainforest be found? The majority of the forest is contained within Brazil, with 60% of the rainforest, followed by Peru with 13%, Colombia with 10%, and with minor amounts in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. entailment 1260 Where did British resettle many Acadians? Some were sent to colonize places as diverse as French Guiana and the Falkland Islands; these latter efforts were unsuccessful. not_entailment 1261 What is another type of accountant other than a CPA? Such professionals enjoy a status in some societies on a par with physicians, lawyers, engineers, and accountants (Chartered or CPA). entailment 1262 How big can ctenophora grow? Their most distinctive feature is the ‘combs’ – groups of cilia which they use for swimming – they are the largest animals that swim by means of cilia. not_entailment 1263 What sea were Ctenophores accidently introduced? One ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, has accidentally been introduced into the Black Sea, where it is blamed for causing fish stocks to collapse by eating both fish larvae and organisms that would otherwise have fed the fish. entailment 1264 What does the National Museum boast having from Adolf Hitler's private collection? From among Warsaw's 60 museums, the most prestigious ones are National Museum with a collection of works whose origin ranges in time from antiquity till the present epoch as well as one of the best collections of paintings in the country including some paintings from Adolf Hitler's private collection, and Museum of the Polish Army whose set portrays the history of arms. entailment 1265 The Art Deco style of glassware is represented by which artist? The stained glass collection is possibly the finest in the world, covering the medieval to modern periods, and covering Europe as well as Britain. not_entailment 1266 Who led the most rapid expansion of the Mongol Empire? Under Genghis's successor Ögedei Khan the speed of expansion reached its peak. entailment 1267 What is economic liberalism one of the causes of? Despite popular prejudices to the contrary, the U.S. economy consistently affords a lower level of economic mobility than all the continental European countries for which data is available." not_entailment 1268 The region spans starting at islands found in which body of water? Southern California consists of one of the more varied collections of geologic, topographic, and natural ecosystem landscapes in a diversity outnumbering other major regions in the state and country. not_entailment 1269 How did Luther view Islam? Though Luther saw the Muslim faith as a tool of the devil, he was indifferent to its practice: "Let the Turk believe and live as he will, just as one lets the papacy and other false Christians live." entailment 1270 What two factors can generally increase a teacher's salary? In addition to monetary compensation, public school teachers may also enjoy greater benefits (like health insurance) compared to other occupations. not_entailment 1271 What was he studying that gave him the teleforce weapon idea? Later in life, Tesla made claims concerning a "teleforce" weapon after studying the Van de Graaff generator. entailment 1272 Which monarchs was the Victoria and Albert Museum named after? It was founded in 1852 and named after Queen Victoria and Prince Albert. entailment 1273 What year did the the Saints hit a 13-0 record? Ten players were selected to the Pro Bowl (the most in franchise history) along with eight All-Pro selections. not_entailment 1274 How many nations are within the Amazon Basin? This region includes territory belonging to nine nations. entailment 1275 What is the Dutch name for the Rhine? The Beneden Merwede branches off, near Hardinxveld-Giessendam and continues as the Noord, to join the Lek, near the village of Kinderdijk, to form the Nieuwe Maas; then flows past Rotterdam and continues via Het Scheur and the Nieuwe Waterweg, to the North Sea. not_entailment 1276 What did Luther deny the rebels? Without Luther's backing for the uprising, many rebels laid down their weapons; others felt betrayed. entailment 1277 What had been left hanging on the door to Tesla's room? and 81st St. A long-time friend and supporter of Tesla, Hugo Gernsback, commissioned a sculptor to create a death mask, now displayed in the Nikola Tesla Museum. not_entailment 1278 If a and q are coprime, which theorem holds that an arithmetic progression has an infinite number of primes? can have infinitely many primes only when a and q are coprime, i.e., their greatest common divisor is one. not_entailment 1279 What is the process by which the antigen/antibody complex is processed in to peptides? As the activated B cell then begins to divide, its offspring (plasma cells) secrete millions of copies of the antibody that recognizes this antigen. not_entailment 1280 How much do ctenophore eat in a day? These variations enable different species to build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a range of methods as spiders use. not_entailment 1281 What leads to lower income inequality? Eventually, through various possible redistribution mechanisms such as social welfare programs, more developed countries move back to lower levels of inequality. entailment 1282 Who conducted this survey? Misconduct by teachers, especially sexual misconduct, has been getting increased scrutiny from the media and the courts. not_entailment 1283 How many meals a day do normal Kenyans eat? Kenyans generally have three meals in a day – breakfast in the morning (kiamsha kinywa), lunch in the afternoon (chakula cha mchana) and supper in the evening (chakula cha jioni or known simply as "chajio"). entailment 1284 What received a battering during the Siege of Newcastle? The church tower received a battering during the Siege of Newcastle by the Scots who finally breached the Town Wall and forced surrender. entailment 1285 Who established the amount of prime numbers in existence? There are infinitely many primes, as demonstrated by Euclid around 300 BC. entailment 1286 What additional srevice did BSkyB offer besides Video on Demand that they claimed offered "substantially more value"? The failure to renew the existing carriage agreements negotiated with NTL and Telewest resulted in Virgin Media removing the basic channels from the network on 1 March 2007. not_entailment 1287 What happened to the East India Trading Company in 1767? In 1599 the British East India Company was established and was chartered by Queen Elizabeth in the following year. not_entailment 1288 What do apicoplasts synthesize? they synthesize fatty acids, isopentenyl pyrophosphate, iron-sulfur clusters, and carry out part of the heme pathway. entailment 1289 When did Washington reach Fort Le Boeuf? To counter the French military presence in Ohio, in October 1753 Dinwiddie ordered the 21-year-old Major George Washington (whose brother was another Ohio Company investor) of the Virginia Regiment to warn the French to leave Virginia territory. not_entailment 1290 What type of writings did the reading of the Qur'an bring out in Luther? He went on to produce several critical pamphlets on Islam, which he called "Mohammedanism" or "the Turk". entailment 1291 A column from which Moorish palace and fortress complex in Granada, Spain, is included in the V&A collection? The main architecture gallery has a series of pillars from various buildings and different periods, for example a column from the Alhambra. entailment 1292 Who did Britain exploit in India? Although a substantial number of colonies had been designed to provide economic profit and to ship resources to home ports in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Fieldhouse suggests that in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries in places such as Africa and Asia, this idea is not necessarily valid: not_entailment 1293 Who was Kublai Khan's grandfather? It was the khanate ruled by the successors of Möngke Khan after the division of the Mongol Empire. not_entailment 1294 What city north of New York was settled by Huguenots? A small group of Huguenots also settled on the south shore of Staten Island along the New York Harbor, for which the current neighborhood of Huguenot was named. not_entailment 1295 During the compression stage of the Rankine cycle, what state is the working fluid in? One of the principal advantages the Rankine cycle holds over others is that during the compression stage relatively little work is required to drive the pump, the working fluid being in its liquid phase at this point. entailment 1296 In what year was Wisconsin v. Yoder decided at the Supreme Court? Some of the most relevant Supreme Court case law on this is as follows: Runyon v. McCrary, 427 U.S. 160 (1976); Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205 (1972); Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510 (1925); Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390 (1923). entailment 1297 How many households has kids under the age of 18 living in them? 35,064 households (22.1%) were made up of individuals and 12,344 (7.8%) had someone living alone who was 65 years of age or older. not_entailment 1298 How did Luther describe his time in the order? He said, "I lost touch with Christ the Savior and Comforter, and made of him the jailer and hangman of my poor soul." not_entailment 1299 Is the output of a functional problem typically characterized by a simple or complex answer? Notable examples include the traveling salesman problem and the integer factorization problem. not_entailment 1300 Which three famous British potters are represented the the V&A ceramics collection? The largest objects in the collection are a series of elaborately ornamented ceramic stoves from the 16th and 17th centuries, made in Germany and Switzerland. not_entailment 1301 Who is Antigone's father in the play? One of the oldest depictions of civil disobedience is in Sophocles' play Antigone, in which Antigone, one of the daughters of former King of Thebes, Oedipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes, who is trying to stop her from giving her brother Polynices a proper burial. entailment 1302 Who came up with the theory of relativity? When Albert Einstein formulated his theory of general relativity (GR) entailment 1303 What is terra preta called? The development of this fertile soil allowed agriculture and silviculture in the previously hostile environment; meaning that large portions of the Amazon rainforest are probably the result of centuries of human management, rather than naturally occurring as has previously been supposed. not_entailment 1304 When was Operation Market Garden? In a separate operation, the Ludendorff Bridge, crossing the Rhine at Remagen, became famous, when U.S. forces were able to capture it intact – much to their own surprise – after the Germans failed to demolish it. not_entailment 1305 Where did the Exposition take place? In 1893, George Westinghouse won the bid to light the 1893 World's Columbian Exposition in Chicago with alternating current, beating out a General Electric bid by one million dollars. entailment 1306 When did Sunday Night Football premiere on NBC? According to Goldenson, Monday Night Football helped earn ABC regularly score an audience share of 15%–16%; ABC Sports managed the budget for the Monday night time slot to reallocate the weekly budget for ABC's prime time schedule to just six days, as opposed to seven on competing networks. not_entailment 1307 What's Thomas Piketty's job? Moreover, Piketty argues that the "magical" Kuznets curve hypothesis, with its emphasis on the balancing of economic growth in the long run, cannot account for the significant increase in economic inequality throughout the developed world since the 1970s. not_entailment 1308 What did the SNP publicly opine about the oil revenues? During this time, the discovery of oil in the North Sea and the following "It's Scotland's oil" campaign of the Scottish National Party (SNP) resulted in rising support for Scottish independence, as well as the SNP. not_entailment 1309 How many customaries does Norman customary law have? The customary law of Normandy was developed between the 10th and 13th centuries and survives today through the legal systems of Jersey and Guernsey in the Channel Islands. not_entailment 1310 What type of opportunities would be expected from these counties? Excellent job opportunities are expected as retirements, especially among secondary school teachers, outweigh slowing enrollment growth; opportunities will vary by geographic area and subject taught.[citation needed] entailment 1311 Where are a bulk of factories concentrated along the Rhine? The Ruhr, which joins the Rhine in Duisburg, is nowadays a clean river, thanks to a combination of stricter environmental controls, a transition from heavy industry to light industry and cleanup measures, such as the reforestation of Slag and brownfields. not_entailment 1312 What is NSFNET Initially created to link researchers to the nation's NSF-funded supercomputing centers, through further public funding and private industry partnerships it developed into a major part of the Internet backbone. not_entailment 1313 Who is one prominent advocate of this theory? Janet Gray and other supporters of the hypothesis suggest that the name huguenote would be roughly equivalent to little Hugos, or those who want Hugo. entailment 1314 What does the National Museum boast having from Adolf Hitler's private collection? As interesting examples of expositions the most notable are: the world's first Museum of Posters boasting one of the largest collections of art posters in the world, Museum of Hunting and Riding and the Railway Museum. not_entailment 1315 What tactic did researchers employ to offset the former deficit of work surrounding the complexity of algorithmic problems? Before the actual research explicitly devoted to the complexity of algorithmic problems started off, numerous foundations were laid out by various researchers. entailment 1316 How long did Ms Kucukdeveci work for Swedex Gmbh & Co KG before she was dismissed? Ms Kücükdeveci worked for 10 years, from age 18 to 28, for Swedex GmbH & Co KG before her dismissal. entailment 1317 What type of math was advanced during the Yuan? Zhu used a method of elimination to reduce the simultaneous equations to a single equation with only one unknown. not_entailment 1318 What does high levels of inequality do to growth in poor countries? According to work by Barro in 1999 and 2000, high levels of inequality reduce growth in relatively poor countries but encourage growth in richer countries. entailment 1319 What gorge is between the Bingen and Bonn? The gorge is quite deep and is the stretch of the river which is known for its many castles and vineyards. not_entailment 1320 What does the KCPE determine? For those who proceed to secondary level, there is a national examination at the end of Form Four – the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE), which determines those proceeding to the universities, other professional training or employment. not_entailment 1321 What did the initial first stages of the Saturn I tests carry? The first four Saturn I test flights were launched from LC-34, with only live first stages, carrying dummy upper stages filled with water. entailment 1322 In which year did Genghis Khan strike against the Tanguts? According to legend, it was here that Genghis Khan reportedly saw a line of five stars arranged in the sky and interpreted it as an omen of his victory. not_entailment 1323 Who were the creators of the Flintstones? The Flintstones allowed ABC to present a novelty, that of prime-time animated programming, but it also allowed the network to begin filling the hole opened by the conclusion of the Disney partnership by carrying family-oriented programming from other producers. not_entailment 1324 How many of the richest 400 Americans grew up in substantial privilege? According to PolitiFact the top 400 richest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined." not_entailment 1325 When a commission reached no decision, what happened? The issues of conflicting territorial claims between British and French colonies in North America were turned over to a commission to resolve, but it reached no decision. not_entailment 1326 How long did Phillips manage the Apollo missions? Phillips' superior officer Bernard A. Schriever agreed to loan Phillips to NASA, along with a staff of officers under him, on the condition that Phillips be made Apollo Program Director. not_entailment 1327 What is the current number of electors currently in a Scottish Parliament constituency? Currently, the average Scottish Parliament constituency comprises 55,000 electors. entailment 1328 What was the time limit on Luther's recantation of sentences? Exsurge Domine that he risked excommunication unless he recanted 41 sentences drawn from his writings, including the 95 Theses, within 60 days. entailment 1329 Which system comes after an organism's physical barriers? If a pathogen breaches these barriers, the innate immune system provides an immediate, but non-specific response. entailment 1330 When had the Brotherhood renounced violence as a means of achieving its goals? By the 1970s, the Brotherhood had renounced violence as a means of achieving its goals. entailment 1331 What is the name brand of the personal video recorder that BSkyB offers? This extends to the Personal video recorder (PVR) offering (branded Sky+). entailment 1332 How much of GDP does manufactoriing account for? There is a cement production industry.[citation needed] not_entailment 1333 What is the translation of Siebengebirge? This "Germanic Heroic Age" is reflected in medieval legend, such as the Nibelungenlied which tells of the hero Siegfried killing a dragon on the Drachenfels (Siebengebirge) ("dragons rock"), near Bonn at the Rhine and of the Burgundians and their court at Worms, at the Rhine and Kriemhild's golden treasure, which was thrown into the Rhine by Hagen. entailment 1334 Who assisted Wesley with ordaining Whatcoat and Vasey as presbyters? As a result of the American Revolution, John Wesley was compelled in 1784 to break with standard practice and ordain two of his lay preachers as presbyters, Thomas Vasey and Richard Whatcoat. not_entailment 1335 When was Thoreau's essay published? The tax collector who arrested him rose to higher political office, and Thoreau's essay was not published until after the end of the Mexican War. entailment 1336 What branch is independant of the other branches? The Judiciary is independent of the executive and the legislature. entailment 1337 What is septicemia? In addition to the bubonic infection, others point to additional septicemic (a type of "blood poisoning") and pneumonic (an airborne plague that attacks the lungs before the rest of the body) forms of the plague, which lengthen the duration of outbreaks throughout the seasons and help account for its high mortality rate and additional recorded symptoms. entailment 1338 What dual titles did Frederick William hold? Three hundred refugees were granted asylum at the court of George William, Duke of Brunswick-Lüneburg in Celle. not_entailment 1339 Where was the practice place the Panthers used for the Super Bowl? The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the Santa Clara Marriott. not_entailment 1340 In what year did Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater & Good Company Players open? Roger Rocka's Dinner Theater & Good Company Players also opened nearby in 1978,[citation needed] at Olive and Wishon Avenues. entailment 1341 What color was used to emphasize the 50th anniversary of the Super Bowl? Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 season. not_entailment 1342 What countries does Kenya compete with for long distance running? The country is known chiefly for its dominance in middle-distance and long-distance athletics, having consistently produced Olympic and Commonwealth Games champions in various distance events, especially in 800 m, 1,500 m, 3,000 m steeplechase, 5,000 m, 10,000 m and the marathon. not_entailment 1343 Gamma delta T cells share the characteristics of what other types of T cells? Like other 'unconventional' T cell subsets bearing invariant TCRs, such as CD1d-restricted Natural Killer T cells, γδ T cells straddle the border between innate and adaptive immunity. not_entailment 1344 What is the name of one algorithm useful for conveniently testing the primality of large numbers? These include the Miller–Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small probability of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces the correct answer in polynomial time but is too slow to be practical. entailment 1345 What have some inverted repeats become? It is possible that the inverted repeats help stabilize the rest of the chloroplast genome, as chloroplast DNAs which have lost some of the inverted repeat segments tend to get rearranged more. not_entailment 1346 What is expected with the continuous input of sediment into the Dornbirner Ach? A regulation of the Rhine was called for, with an upper canal near Diepoldsau and a lower canal at Fußach, in order to counteract the constant flooding and strong sedimentation in the western Rhine Delta. not_entailment 1347 What was the most recent Super Bowl hosted in the South Florida/Miami area? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. entailment 1348 What will concentrated oxygen greatly speed up? The fire that killed the Apollo 1 crew in a launch pad test spread so rapidly because the capsule was pressurized with pure O_2 but at slightly more than atmospheric pressure, instead of the 1⁄3 normal pressure that would be used in a mission.[k] not_entailment 1349 What theologian differed in views about the soul from Luther? Lessing (1755) had earlier reached the same conclusion in his analysis of Lutheran orthodoxy on this issue. not_entailment 1350 In which year did the museum started charging free admission fees? The V&A is located in the Brompton district of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in an area that has become known as "Albertopolis" because of its association with Prince Albert, the Albert Memorial and the major cultural institutions with which he was associated. not_entailment 1351 What type of relationships do enthusiastic teachers cause? Enthusiastic teachers are particularly good at creating beneficial relations with their students. entailment 1352 Which Carolina Panthers player was named Most Valuable Player? The Panthers finished the regular season with a 15–1 record, and quarterback Cam Newton was named the NFL Most Valuable Player (MVP). entailment 1353 What was one of the Norman's major exports? The Normans thereafter adopted the growing feudal doctrines of the rest of France, and worked them into a functional hierarchical system in both Normandy and in England. not_entailment 1354 How do chloroplasts trigger the plant's immune system? Chloroplasts stimulate both responses by purposely damaging their photosynthetic system, producing reactive oxygen species. entailment 1355 When was the Rhine measurement corrected back to the original? After this number was placed into the authoritative Brockhaus Enzyklopädie, it became generally accepted and found its way into numerous textbooks and official publications. not_entailment 1356 What did Hamas win in the January 2006 legislative election? Hamas has been praised by Muslims for driving Israel out of the Gaza Strip, but criticized for failure to achieve its demands in the 2008-9 and 2014 Gaza Wars despite heavy destruction and significant loss of life. not_entailment 1357 From whom did Genghis Khan learn seige warfare? These include rifts with his early allies such as Jamukha (who also wanted to be a ruler of Mongol tribes) and Wang Khan (his and his father's ally), his son Jochi, and problems with the most important shaman, who was allegedly trying to drive a wedge between him and his loyal brother Khasar. not_entailment 1358 What country has low income inequality and high presence of unions? Sociologist Jake Rosenfield of the University of Washington asserts that the decline of organized labor in the United States has played a more significant role in expanding the income gap than technological changes and globalization, which were also experienced by other industrialized nations that didn't experience steep surges in inequality. not_entailment 1359 What did the Edict do for Huguenots in France? The warfare was definitively quelled in 1598, when Henry of Navarre, having succeeded to the French throne as Henry IV, and having recanted Protestantism in favour of Roman Catholicism, issued the Edict of Nantes. not_entailment 1360 What aid is available to underprivileged students seeking to attend a private university? The Private Education Student Financial Assistance is made available to underprivileged, but deserving high school graduates, who wish to pursue college/technical education in private colleges and universities. entailment 1361 By which year did Chrysler ended its full sized luxury model? By 1979, virtually all "full-size" American cars had shrunk, featuring smaller engines and smaller outside dimensions. not_entailment 1362 What is an annual meeting of all the officers of the church and any interested members? The church conference is an annual meeting of all the officers of the church and any interested members. entailment 1363 What was the Plos Pathogens paper about? In October 2010, the open-access scientific journal PLoS Pathogens published a paper by a multinational team who undertook a new investigation into the role of Yersinia pestis in the Black Death following the disputed identification by Drancourt and Raoult in 1998. entailment 1364 What led to Newcastle's fall from power as military advisor? Pitt's plan called for three major offensive actions involving large numbers of regular troops, supported by the provincial militias, aimed at capturing the heartlands of New France. not_entailment 1365 What language did the Court of Justice accept to be required to teach in a Dublin college in Groner v Minister for Education? In Groener v Minister for Education the Court of Justice accepted that a requirement to speak Gaelic to teach in a Dublin design college could be justified as part of the public policy of promoting the Irish language, but only if the measure was not disproportionate. entailment 1366 What protestant religions made Northern European counties safe for Huguenot immigration? Nearly 50,000 Huguenots established themselves in Germany, 20,000 of whom were welcomed in Brandenburg-Prussia, where they were granted special privileges (Edict of Potsdam) and churches in which to worship (such as the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Angermünde) by Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia. not_entailment 1367 What may explain why some Americans who've become rich may have had a head start? According to PolitiFact the top 400 richest Americans "have more wealth than half of all Americans combined." not_entailment 1368 What is retrograde signaling? As cellular signals, reactive oxygen species are unstable molecules, so they probably don't leave the chloroplast, but instead pass on their signal to an unknown second messenger molecule. not_entailment 1369 What is Luther's thought about the extent of his church? According to Bainton: "Luther's dilemma was that he wanted both a confessional church based on personal faith and experience and a territorial church including all in a given locality. not_entailment 1370 What was a plugs-out test done to simulate on the LC-34? If successful, this would be followed by a more rigorous countdown simulation test closer to the February 21 launch, with both spacecraft and launch vehicle fueled. not_entailment 1371 What famous July Fourth holiday movie did Fox pay to advertise a sequel of during the Super Bowl? Fox paid for Deadpool, X-Men: Apocalypse, Independence Day: entailment 1372 Which of Tesla's inventions was used in radio development? Tesla's theories on the possibility of the transmission by radio waves go back as far as lectures and demonstrations in 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri, the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the National Electric Light Association. not_entailment 1373 D'Olier Street is named after whom? Numerous signs of Huguenot presence can still be seen with names still in use, and with areas of the main towns and cities named after the people who settled there. not_entailment 1374 What is included along with gravitational acceration, and mass of the Earth in a formula about rotation about the Earth? In particular, Newton determined that the acceleration of the Moon around the Earth could be ascribed to the same force of gravity if the acceleration due to gravity decreased as an inverse square law. not_entailment 1375 What did Shrewsbury note about the plague? In 1984 zoologist Graham Twigg produced the first major work to challenge the bubonic plague theory directly, and his doubts about the identity of the Black Death have been taken up by a number of authors, including Samuel K. Cohn, Jr. (2002), David Herlihy (1997), and Susan Scott and Christopher Duncan (2001). not_entailment 1376 How much does Victoria produce in Australian pears? It is also a leader in stone fruit production. not_entailment 1377 Who were the announcers of Super Bowl 50? The network's lead broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with Tracy Wolfson and Evan Washburn on the sidelines. entailment 1378 Where are Jersey and Guernsey Norman customary law was transcribed in two customaries in Latin by two judges for use by them and their colleagues: These are the Très ancien coutumier (Very ancient customary), authored between 1200 and 1245; and the Grand coutumier de Normandie (Great customary of Normandy, originally Summa de legibus Normanniae in curia laïcali), authored between 1235 and 1245. not_entailment 1379 When did Doctor Who win an award for Best Drama Series? In 2011, Matt Smith became the first Doctor to be nominated for a BAFTA Television Award for Best Actor and in 2016, Michelle Gomez became the first female to receive a BAFTA nomination for the series, getting a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her work as Missy. not_entailment 1380 How many Catholic schools were in Victoria? As of August 2010, Victoria had 1,548 public schools, 489 Catholic schools and 214 independent schools. entailment 1381 What is Raghuram Rajan's career? This has given the American economy a tendency to go "from bubble to bubble" fueled by unsustainable monetary stimulation. not_entailment 1382 How many Medieval Warm Period reconstructions covered 1,000+ years? Ten of these 14 reconstructions covered 1,000 years or longer. entailment 1383 Who was Kennedy's vice president? His memo concluded that a manned Moon landing was far enough in the future that it was likely the United States would achieve it first. not_entailment 1384 What do the auricles do? The Lobata have a pair of lobes, which are muscular, cuplike extensions of the body that project beyond the mouth. not_entailment 1385 How tall is the Bank of America Tower? The tallest building in Downtown Jacksonville's skyline is the Bank of America Tower, constructed in 1990 as the Barnett Center. not_entailment 1386 What has caused savanna regions to grow into the South American tropics in the last 34 million years? Climate fluctuations during the last 34 million years have allowed savanna regions to expand into the tropics. entailment 1387 Which awards show has its rights rotated among the four major networks on a yearly basis? ABC currently holds the broadcast rights to the Academy Awards, Emmy Awards (which are rotated across all four major networks on a year-to-year basis), American Music Awards, Disney Parks Christmas Day Parade, Tournament of Roses Parade, Country Music Association Awards and the CMA Music Festival. entailment 1388 In August 1994, what Toledo, Ohio affiliate did ABC purchase? In order to compete with CNN, ABC proposed a 24-hour news channel called ABC Cable News, with plans to launch the network in 1995; however, the plan would ultimately be shelved by company management. not_entailment 1389 When is the funfair held in Newcastle? The Hoppings funfair, said to be the largest travelling funfair in Europe, is held here annually in June. entailment 1390 What did a lot of players need to change during Super Bowl 50 because of the condition of the field? Concerns were raised over whether Levi's Stadium's field was of a high enough quality to host a Super Bowl; during the inaugural season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game earlier in the 2015 season, a portion of the turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal, although the field has not had any major issues since. not_entailment 1391 What did Luther promise to do as a concession? From that moment, he devoted himself to Luther's defeat. not_entailment 1392 What are two examples of cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs? Lower doses of anti-inflammatory drugs are often used in conjunction with cytotoxic or immunosuppressive drugs such as methotrexate or azathioprine. entailment 1393 Where did Huguenots and Walloons settle in England? They also settled elsewhere in Kent, particularly Sandwich, Faversham and Maidstone—towns in which there used to be refugee churches. not_entailment 1394 Where were French North Americans settled? French fur traders and trappers traveled throughout the St. Lawrence and Mississippi watersheds, did business with local tribes, and often married Indian women. not_entailment 1395 What government set standards do all schools have to meet? Public schools, also known as state or government schools, are funded and run directly by the Victoria Department of Education . not_entailment 1396 Who provided Spanish-language commentary alongside Raul Allegre? The game was called by ESPN Deportes' Monday Night Football commentary crew of Alvaro Martin and Raul Allegre, and sideline reporter John Sutcliffe. entailment 1397 Where is the Apache Point Observatory located? The university partially manages Argonne National Laboratory, part of the United States Department of Energy's national laboratory system, and has a joint stake in Fermilab, a nearby particle physics laboratory, as well as a stake in the Apache Point Observatory in Sunspot, New Mexico. entailment 1398 When was Zia-ul-Haq killed? In July 1977, General Zia-ul-Haq overthrew Prime Minister Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto's regime in Pakistan. not_entailment 1399 What does AFC stand for? As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the "golden anniversary" with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as "Super Bowl L"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numerals 50. not_entailment 1400 What is the only story of the original series where Doctor Who travels alone? These characters were intended to act as audience surrogates, through which the audience would discover information about the Doctor who was to act as a mysterious father figure. not_entailment 1401 The Rhine gets how much water from the Aare? The Rhine emerges from Lake Constance, flows generally westward, as the Hochrhein, passes the Rhine Falls, and is joined by its major tributary, the river Aare. not_entailment 1402 What members typically open debates? Debate is more informal than in some parliamentary systems. not_entailment 1403 What was the source of the Rhine in the last Ice Age? Such was the case during the Last Glacial Maximum, ca. not_entailment 1404 Why might the temperature affect the theory of plague spreading? In addition to arguing that the rat population was insufficient to account for a bubonic plague pandemic, sceptics of the bubonic plague theory point out that the symptoms of the Black Death are not unique (and arguably in some accounts may differ from bubonic plague); that transference via fleas in goods was likely to be of marginal significance; and that the DNA results may be flawed and might not have been repeated elsewhere, despite extensive samples from other mass graves. not_entailment 1405 What has the Court required to be more accessible? Citizenship of the EU has increasingly been seen as a "fundamental" status of member state nationals by the Court of Justice, and has accordingly increased the number of social services that people can access wherever they move. not_entailment 1406 What is impact melt that some samples of moon rocks show? Some of the returned samples are of impact melt (materials melted near an impact crater.) entailment 1407 When was the UMC formed? Outler's work proved pivotal in the work of union, and he is largely considered the first United Methodist theologian. not_entailment 1408 What proclamation gave Huguenots special privileges in Brandenburg? Around 1685, Huguenot refugees found a safe haven in the Lutheran and Reformed states in Germany and Scandinavia. not_entailment 1409 Who was NASA's administrator? When Kennedy's newly appointed NASA Administrator James E. Webb requested a 30 percent budget increase for his agency, Kennedy supported an acceleration of NASA's large booster program but deferred a decision on the broader issue. entailment 1410 What denomination operates St Joseph's College? They are usually expensive schools that tend to be up-market and traditional in style, some Catholic schools fall into this category as well, e.g. St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace, Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview, St Gregory's College, Campbelltown, St Aloysius' College (Sydney) and St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill, as well as Loreto Kirribilli, Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College, St Ursula's College and Loreto Normanhurst for girls. entailment 1411 How much of Afghanistan did the Taliban take over? In Afghanistan, the mujahideen's victory against the Soviet Union in the 1980s did not lead to justice and prosperity, due to a vicious and destructive civil war between political and tribal warlords, making Afghanistan one of the poorest countries on earth. not_entailment 1412 What project did Harvard halt due to the financial crisis? One of the most visible results of Harvard's attempt to re-balance its budget was their halting of construction of the $1.2 billion Allston Science Complex that had been scheduled to be completed by 2011, resulting in protests from local residents. entailment 1413 What was the first international event broadcast by ABC? The first attempts to internationalize the ABC television network date back to the 1950s, after Leonard Goldenson, following the United Paramount Theatres model, tried to use on ABC the same strategies he had made in expanding UPT's theater operation to the international market. not_entailment 1414 Where did the ABC New York flagship stations move their facilities to in 1953? WJZ, WJZ-FM and WJZ-TV – changed their respective callsigns to WABC, WABC-FM and WABC-TV, and moved their operations to facilities at 7 West 66th Street, one block away from Central Park. entailment 1415 When did Prime Minister Wilson commit to some form of devolved legislature? The combined effect of these events led to Prime Minister Wilson committing his government to some form of devolved legislature in 1974. entailment 1416 In what year did Fresno become an incorporated city? Soon there was a store around the station and the store grew the town of Fresno Station, later called Fresno. not_entailment 1417 The symbol for mercuric oxide is? He noted that candles burned brighter in the gas and that a mouse was more active and lived longer while breathing it. not_entailment 1418 What was the U.S. Information Agency charged with doing during the Cold War? There have been calls to create an independent agency in the U.S. with a specific mission of undermining Islamism and jihadism. not_entailment 1419 What type of treaty was the Lisbon Treaty? Instead, the Lisbon Treaty was enacted. not_entailment 1420 Many organizations have recently called for broader acceptance of which community? Additionally, many organizations, conferences, and congregations have recently called for broader acceptance of the LGBT community within the UMC. entailment 1421 What is the name of the current King of Thebes in the play? One of the oldest depictions of civil disobedience is in Sophocles' play Antigone, in which Antigone, one of the daughters of former King of Thebes, Oedipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes, who is trying to stop her from giving her brother Polynices a proper burial. entailment 1422 What did Lempicka represent better than anyone else? Better than anyone else she represented the Art Deco style in painting and art. entailment 1423 When was vetting introduced? These procedures apply to teaching and also to non-teaching posts and those who refuse vetting "cannot be appointed or engaged by the school in any capacity including in a voluntary role". not_entailment 1424 Where does the Ijssel branch flow? The river IJssel branch flows to the north and enters the IJsselmeer, formerly the Zuider Zee brackish lagoon; however, since 1932, a freshwater lake. entailment 1425 What is a Cairns replication intermediate? As the D-loop moves through the circular DNA, it adopts a theta intermediary form, also known as a Cairns replication intermediate, and completes replication with a rolling circle mechanism. entailment 1426 How many developed countries did British researchers use to gather statistics from? Using statistics from 23 developed countries and the 50 states of the US, they found social/health problems lower in countries like Japan and Finland and states like Utah and New Hampshire with high levels of equality, than in countries (US and UK) and states (Mississippi and New York) with large differences in household income. entailment 1427 Around roughly how many students enroll yearly in creative and performing arts classes? Several thousand major and non-major undergraduates enroll annually in creative and performing arts classes. entailment 1428 In which year did the newspaper change its previous definition? In 1900, the Los Angeles Times defined southern California as including "the seven counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura and Santa Barbara." not_entailment 1429 Which leaders did the Islamic extremists attack? The path of violence and military struggle was then taken up by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. not_entailment 1430 Where does the Rhine begin? The biggest city on the river Rhine is Cologne, Germany with a population of more than 1,050,000 people. not_entailment 1431 When did the V&A acquired the Costiff collection? In 2002, the Museum acquired the Costiff collection of 178 Vivienne Westwood costumes. entailment 1432 Who designed the Möllendorff Dinner Service? A major boost to the collections was the Salting Bequest made in 1909, which enriched the museum's stock of Chinese and Japanese ceramics. not_entailment 1433 How similar was the Lisbon Treaty to the constitutional treaty? Its substance was very similar to the proposed constitutional treaty, but it was formally an amending treaty, and – though it significantly altered the existing treaties – it did not completely replace them. entailment 1434 Who appoints the board of the European Central Bank? It has a six-person board appointed by the European Council, on the Council's recommendation. entailment 1435 What activity maintains topographic gradients? Continual motion along the fault maintains the topographic gradient in spite of the movement of sediment, and continues to create accommodation space for the material to deposit. entailment 1436 How many ABC music stations were owned-and-operated in 1968? The new concept called "LOVE Radio", which featured a limited selection of music genres, was launched on ABC's seven owned-and-operated FM stations in late November 1968; the concept replaced nearly all of the programming provided by these stations; however, several affiliates (such as KXYZ) retained the majority of their content. entailment 1437 Who designed the Möllendorff Dinner Service? Among the finest examples are the Meissen Vulture from 1731 and the Möllendorff Dinner Service, designed in 1762 by Frederick II the Great. entailment 1438 Name a luxury division of Toyota. Some buyers lamented the small size of the first Japanese compacts, and both Toyota and Nissan (then known as Datsun) introduced larger cars such as the Toyota Corona Mark II, the Toyota Cressida, the Mazda 616 and Datsun 810, which added passenger space and amenities such as air conditioning, power steering, AM-FM radios, and even power windows and central locking without increasing the price of the vehicle. not_entailment 1439 What is the Mongolian name for the original place of the Genghis Khan mausoleum? In early 1954, Genghis Khan's bier and relics were returned to the Lord's Enclosure in Mongolia. not_entailment 1440 How did the Mongols acquire Chinese printing technology? Chinese printing technology was transferred to the Mongols through Kingdom of Qocho and Tibetan intermediaries. entailment 1441 Before which military campaign did Chagatai publicly dispute Jochi's paternity? In The Secret History of the Mongols, just before the invasion of the Khwarezmid Empire by Genghis Khan, Chagatai declared before his father and brothers that he would never accept Jochi as Genghis Khan's successor. entailment 1442 What is the income inequality gap between genders in Botswana? The income gap in other countries ranges from 53% in Botswana to -40% in Bahrain. entailment 1443 What month, day and year did Super Bowl 50 take place? The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. entailment 1444 How many Medieval Warm Period reconstructions covered 1,000+ years? Most reconstructions shared some data series, particularly tree ring data, but newer reconstructions used additional data and covered a wider area, using a variety of statistical methods. not_entailment 1445 The earliest items in the jewelry collection come from which ancient civilization? Major bequests include Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend's collection of 154 gems bequeathed in 1869, Lady Cory's 1951 gift of major diamond jewellery from the 18th and 19th centuries, and jewellery scholar Dame Joan Evans' 1977 gift of more than 800 jewels dating from the Middle Ages to the early 19th century. not_entailment 1446 Who handled pre-game coverage on Westwood One? Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage. entailment 1447 What Aaron Sorkin created show did ABC debut in 1998? In 1998, ABC premiered the Aaron Sorkin-created sitcom Sports Night, centering on the travails of the staff of a SportsCenter-style sports news program; despite earning critical praise and multiple Emmy Awards, the series was cancelled in 2000 after two seasons. entailment 1448 Where was the boat demonstration given? In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat—which he dubbed "teleautomaton"—to the public during an electrical exhibition at Madison Square Garden. entailment 1449 When did the Fourth Doctor appear on CD? Since 1999, Big Finish Productions has released several different series of Doctor Who audios on CD. not_entailment 1450 Where have some workers made more than $100,000? Some construction workers in the US/Canada have made more than $100,000 annually, depending on their trade. entailment 1451 How much does a Probationer earn, initially? Teachers in Scotland can be registered members of trade unions with the main ones being the Educational Institute of Scotland and the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association. not_entailment 1452 What is an example of an NP-intermediate problem not known to exist in P or NP-complete? They are some of the very few NP problems not known to be in P or to be NP-complete. not_entailment 1453 What was Tesla's monthly consultant salary? In July 1888, Brown and Peck negotiated a licensing deal with George Westinghouse for Tesla's polyphase induction motor and transformer designs for $60,000 in cash and stock and a royalty of $2.50 per AC horsepower produced by each motor. not_entailment 1454 How large are granal thylakoids? There are two types of thylakoids—granal thylakoids, which are arranged in grana, and stromal thylakoids, which are in contact with the stroma. not_entailment 1455 How far did the sea level drop in the ice ages? Since approximately 600,000 years ago, six major Ice Ages have occurred, in which sea level dropped 120 m (390 ft) and much of the continental margins became exposed. entailment 1456 Who took command of French in spring of 1753? In the spring of 1753, Paul Marin de la Malgue was given command of a 2,000-man force of Troupes de la Marine and Indians. entailment 1457 What provided for the creation of new orders known as "provisional elder?" At the 1996 General Conference the ordination order of transitional deacon was abolished. entailment 1458 What happens to waste heat in the Rankine cycle? The heat is supplied externally to a closed loop with some of the heat added being converted to work and the waste heat being removed in a condenser. entailment 1459 What are the Siouan-speaking tribes? It was not uncommon for small bands to participate on the "other side" of the conflict from formally negotiated agreements, as most tribes were decentralized and bands made their own decisions about warfare. not_entailment 1460 What manner of words does Mullet think Luther would choose? He is sometimes also quoted as saying: "Here I stand. not_entailment 1461 What brand sponsored the "Crash the Super Bowl" contest? It was also the final year that Doritos, a longtime sponsor of the game, held its "Crash the Super Bowl" contest that allowed viewers to create their own Doritos ads for a chance to have it aired during the game. entailment 1462 Who had five sacks in nine games as a Carolina Panthers starter? The Panthers line also featured veteran defensive end Jared Allen, a 5-time pro bowler who was the NFL's active career sack leader with 136, along with defensive end Kony Ealy, who had 5 sacks in just 9 starts. entailment 1463 What does paramylon store? Starch is stored in the form of paramylon, which is contained in membrane-bound granules in the cytoplasm of the euglenophyte. entailment 1464 Generally speaking, what size are the earthquakes that hit southern California? Nearly all of them are so small that they are not felt. entailment 1465 What color was featured in promotions related to Super Bowl 50? Various gold-themed promotions and initiatives were held throughout the 2015 NFL season to tie into the "Golden Super Bowl"; gold-tinted logos were implemented across the NFL's properties and painted on fields, the numbering of the 50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7, all sideline jackets and hats featured gold-trimmed logos. entailment 1466 What was it called when Tesla lit a wireless gas-discharge lamp using a high-frequency, high-voltage alternating current? At the Columbian Exposition, under a banner announcing the "Tesla Polyphase System", Tesla demonstrated a series of electrical effects previously performed throughout America and Europe,:76 included using high-voltage, high-frequency alternating current to light a wireless gas-discharge lamp.:79 An observer noted: entailment 1467 Who may also submit private bills to Parliament? Most draft laws are government bills introduced by ministers in the governing party. not_entailment 1468 How much can the SP alter income tax in Scotland? The specific devolved matters are all subjects which are not explicitly stated in Schedule 5 to the Scotland Act as reserved matters. not_entailment 1469 By what document did the Huguenots confess their faith to the Portuguese in Brazil? The Huguenots of Guanabara, as they are now known, produced a declaration of faith to express their beliefs to the Portuguese. not_entailment 1470 What do some community pharmacies do? This trend may be gradually reversing as consultant pharmacists begin to work directly with patients, primarily because many elderly people are now taking numerous medications but continue to live outside of institutional settings. not_entailment 1471 What type of prime distribution is characterized about x/log x of numbers less than x? From a mathematical viewpoint, it roughly states that the asymptotic distribution of primes (about x/log x of numbers less than x are primes, the prime number theorem) also holds for much shorter intervals of length about the square root of x (for intervals near x). entailment 1472 What reason is given that you should also protest public companies? Brownlee argues that disobedience in opposition to the decisions of non-governmental agencies such as trade unions, banks, and private universities can be justified if it reflects "a larger challenge to the legal system that permits those decisions to be taken". entailment 1473 Who was drawn to Jacksonville in the 1910s? Over the course of the decade, more than 30 silent film studios were established, earning Jacksonville the title of "Winter Film Capital of the World". not_entailment 1474 Why do some tribes use remote sensing technology? Using handheld GPS devices and programs like Google Earth, members of the Trio Tribe, who live in the rainforests of southern Suriname, map out their ancestral lands to help strengthen their territorial claims. not_entailment 1475 What writing inspired the name Great Yuan? Furthermore, the Yuan is sometimes known as the "Empire of the Great Khan" or "Khanate of the Great Khan", which particularly appeared on some Yuan maps, since Yuan emperors held the nominal title of Great Khan. not_entailment 1476 How many times did Luther preach in Halle in 1545 and 1546? In 1545 and 1546 Luther preached three times in the Market Church in Halle, staying with his friend Justus Jonas during Christmas. entailment 1477 What was the name of the fund setup to help with investing in the community? The committee created the 50 fund as its philanthropic initiative and focuses on providing grants to aid with youth development, community investment and sustainable environments. entailment 1478 Who was exempt from the meritocratic principles of the Mongol Empire? The Mongol Empire did not emphasize the importance of ethnicity and race in the administrative realm, instead adopting an approach grounded in meritocracy. not_entailment 1479 Whose former headquarters was the WSE located in until 2000? From 1991 until 2000, the stock exchange was, ironically, located in the building previously used as the headquarters of the Polish United Workers' Party (PZPR). entailment 1480 From what pad was Apollo 5 launched from? Apollo 5 (AS-204) was the first unmanned test flight of LM in Earth orbit, launched from pad 37 on January 22, 1968, by the Saturn IB that would have been used for Apollo 1. entailment 1481 Scottish or Irish describe the type of what people in Newcastle have? There are also estimated to be between 500 and 2,000 Bolivians in Newcastle, forming up to 1% of the population—the largest such percentage of any UK city. not_entailment 1482 Who shared sideline duties with Evan Washburn? The network's lead broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with Tracy Wolfson and Evan Washburn on the sidelines. entailment 1483 Who commissioned the Gateshead Milennium Bridge? Large-scale regeneration has replaced former shipping premises with imposing new office developments; an innovative tilting bridge, the Gateshead Millennium Bridge was commissioned by Gateshead Council and has integrated the older Newcastle Quayside more closely with major cultural developments in Gateshead, including the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, the venue for the Turner Prize 2011 and the Norman Foster-designed The Sage Gateshead music centre. entailment 1484 On what date did Luther die? An apoplectic stroke deprived him of his speech, and he died shortly afterwards at 2:45 a.m. on 18 February 1546, aged 62, in Eisleben, the city of his birth. entailment 1485 Who defeated the rebels at the Battle of Frankenhausen? Their defeat by the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525, followed by Müntzer's execution, brought the revolutionary stage of the Reformation to a close. entailment 1486 Who was the first Warsaw President? The mayor of Warsaw is called President. not_entailment 1487 Where does newly created wealth concentrate? process by which, under certain conditions, newly created wealth concentrates in the possession of already-wealthy individuals or entities. entailment 1488 Where did Turabi place students sympathetic to his views? He also recruited and built a cadre of influential loyalists by placing sympathetic students in the university and military academy while serving as minister of education. entailment 1489 Approximately how many items comprise the jewelry collection of the V&A? The jewellery collection, containing over 6000 items is one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of jewellery in the world and includes works dating from Ancient Egypt to the present day, as well as jewellery designs on paper. entailment 1490 What is the Dutch name for the Rhine? From here, the situation becomes more complicated, as the Dutch name Rijn no longer coincides with the main flow of water. entailment 1491 The Maroons compete in what league division? The Maroons compete in the NCAA's Division III as members of the University Athletic Association (UAA). entailment 1492 What was Kenneth Swezey's job? On one occasion at his laboratory, Tesla worked for a period of 84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey, a journalist whom Tesla had befriended, confirmed that Tesla rarely slept. entailment 1493 The sieve of Eratosthenes would not be valid if what were true? Similarly, the sieve of Eratosthenes would not work correctly if 1 were considered a prime: a modified version of the sieve that considers 1 as prime would eliminate all multiples of 1 (that is, all other numbers) and produce as output only the single number 1. entailment 1494 What is the break down of years at different level of education? Basic formal education starts at age six years and lasts 12 years comprising eight years in primary school and four years in high school or secondary school. entailment 1495 How much does the services sector contribute to GDP? Kenya's services sector, which contributes 61% of GDP, is dominated by tourism. entailment 1496 Since when was the Rhine part of the areal of Hallstatt culture? The Rhine was not known to Herodotus and first enters the historical period in the 1st century BC in Roman-era geography. not_entailment 1497 How many chloroplasts per cell does algae have? The number of chloroplasts per cell varies from 1 in algae up to 100 in plants like Arabidopsis and wheat. entailment 1498 imperialism often divides countries by using which technique? Imperialism is defined as "A policy of extending a country’s power and influence through diplomacy or military force. not_entailment 1499 How many points did the Broncos defense allow their opponents to get? The Broncos' defense ranked first in the NFL yards allowed (4,530) for the first time in franchise history, and fourth in points allowed (296). entailment 1500 What does the euplokamis use the three types of movement for? Euplokamis' tentilla have three types of movement that are used in capturing prey: they may flick out very quickly (in 40 to 60 milliseconds); they can wriggle, which may lure prey by behaving like small planktonic worms; and they coil round prey. entailment 1501 Since Luther believed that the Turks were sent by God, what was their purpose? He saw the Turks as a scourge sent to punish Christians by God, as agents of the Biblical apocalypse that would destroy the antichrist, whom Luther believed to be the papacy, and the Roman Church. entailment 1502 What type of special Doctor Who shows have been shown each year since 2005? Doctor Who finally returned with the episode "Rose" on BBC One on 26 March 2005. not_entailment 1503 What is negatively correlated to the duration of economic growth? According to International Monetary Fund economists, inequality in wealth and income is negatively correlated with the duration of economic growth spells (not the rate of growth). entailment 1504 Who is the General Manager for the Broncos? He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. not_entailment 1505 What type of flower is sought on Midsummer's Eve? Gatherings of thousands of people on the banks of the Vistula on Midsummer’s Night for a festival called Wianki (Polish for Wreaths) have become a tradition and a yearly event in the programme of cultural events in Warsaw. not_entailment 1506 What does refusing to preach the Ten Commandments not do? Simply refusing to preach the Ten Commandments among Christians – thereby, as it were, removing the three letters l-a-w from the church – does not eliminate the accusing law. entailment 1507 What perk did religious leaders, teachers, and doctors get in the Mongol Empire? There were tax exemptions for religious figures and, to some extent, teachers and doctors. entailment 1508 Who applies European Union law? Supplementary sources of European Union law include case law by the Court of Justice, international law and general principles of European Union law. not_entailment 1509 In what year did Lavoisier publish his work on combustion? In one experiment, Lavoisier observed that there was no overall increase in weight when tin and air were heated in a closed container. not_entailment 1510 What are chares? Narrow alleys or 'chares', most of which can only be traversed by foot, still exist in abundance, particularly around the riverside. entailment 1511 When did Maududi found the Jamaat-e-Islami party? Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi was an important early twentieth-century figure in the Islamic revival in India, and then after independence from Britain, in Pakistan. not_entailment 1512 What two environmental conditions are controlled in the museum? Conservation is responsible for the long-term preservation of the collections, and covers all the collections held by the V&A and the V&A Museum of Childhood. not_entailment 1513 Who was in charge of the papal army in the War of Barbastro? In 1064, during the War of Barbastro, William of Montreuil led the papal army and took a huge booty. entailment 1514 Where does Kenya have deposits of oil? Kenya has proven deposits of oil in Turkana and the commercial viability was just discovered. entailment 1515 What applies to equally to constant velocity motion as it does to rest. Inertia therefore applies equally well to constant velocity motion as it does to rest. entailment 1516 What are Plastoglobuli made of? Plastoglobuli (singular plastoglobulus, sometimes spelled plastoglobule(s)), are spherical bubbles of lipids and proteins about 45–60 nanometers across. entailment 1517 Who did the Panthers beat to become the NFC champs? The Broncos finished the regular season with a 12–4 record, and denied the New England Patriots a chance to defend their title from Super Bowl XLIX by defeating them 20–18 in the AFC Championship Game. not_entailment 1518 About how many Walloons and Huguenots emigrated to England and Ireland in this era? Both before and after the 1708 passage of the Foreign Protestants Naturalization Act, an estimated 50,000 Protestant Walloons and Huguenots fled to England, with many moving on to Ireland and elsewhere. entailment 1519 Where does newly created wealth concentrate? According to this theory, those who already hold wealth have the means to invest in new sources of creating wealth or to otherwise leverage the accumulation of wealth, thus are the beneficiaries of the new wealth. not_entailment 1520 What day was Super Bowl 50 media day switched to? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. entailment 1521 During which years was no census taken? Most work has been done on the spread of the plague in England, and even estimates of overall population at the start vary by over 100% as no census was undertaken between the time of publication of the Domesday Book and the year 1377. entailment 1522 In how many countries did Tesla hold patents? There are a minimum of 278 patents issued to Tesla in 26 countries that have been accounted for. entailment 1523 How far is Fresno from Los Angeles? Fresno is in the center of the San Joaquin Valley and is the largest city in the Central Valley, which contains the San Joaquin Valley. not_entailment 1524 At what size and larger can drugs elicit a neutralizing immune response? This limits the effectiveness of drugs based on larger peptides and proteins (which are typically larger than 6000 Da). not_entailment 1525 When did Kublai ban the international Mongol slave trade? Seeing this as damaging to the Mongol nation, Kublai in 1291 forbade the sale abroad of Mongols. entailment 1526 How much Victorian farmland is farmed in grains? Victorian farms produce nearly 90% of Australian pears and third of apples. not_entailment 1527 What was the tribe of the woman Temüjin married when he was around 16 years old? Soon after Börte's marriage to Temüjin, she was kidnapped by the Merkits and reportedly given away as a wife. not_entailment 1528 Which NASA faction came around first to support the LOR? In late 1961 and early 1962, members of the Manned Spacecraft Center began to come around to support LOR, including the newly hired deputy director of the Office of Manned Space Flight, Joseph Shea, who became a champion of LOR. entailment 1529 Juvenile and adult beroe lack what? Development of the fertilized eggs is direct, in other words there is no distinctive larval form, and juveniles of all groups generally resemble miniature cydippid adults. not_entailment 1530 Zones in which mountains are built along convergent tectonic plate boundaries are called what? Numerical models work in the same way as these analog models, though they are often more sophisticated and can include patterns of erosion and uplift in the mountain belt. not_entailment 1531 What is the nickname for the Delta in the Netherlands? However, this name is also used for the river delta where the Rhine flows into Lake Constance, so it is clearer to call the larger one Rhine-Meuse delta, or even Rhine– not_entailment 1532 Where do a majority of consultant pharmacists tend to work? This trend may be gradually reversing as consultant pharmacists begin to work directly with patients, primarily because many elderly people are now taking numerous medications but continue to live outside of institutional settings. not_entailment 1533 Western governments considered Islamists to be the lesser of two evils when compared to whom? Islamists were considered by Western governments bulwarks against—what were thought to be at the time—more dangerous leftist/communist/nationalist insurgents/opposition, which Islamists were correctly seen as opposing. entailment 1534 What is the most important item for civil disobedience to follow through? The key point is that the spirit of protest should be maintained all the way, whether it is done by remaining in jail, or by evading it. entailment 1535 What is the most distinctive feature of ctenophora? Like cnidarians, their bodies consist of a mass of jelly, with one layer of cells on the outside and another lining the internal cavity. not_entailment 1536 What are those with lower incomes often unable to manage? If the state does not provide these services, then for those on lower incomes, the costs must be borrowed and often those on lower incomes are those who are worse equipped to manage their finances. entailment 1537 Constitutional impasse is distinct from what key term? Civil disobedience is usually defined as pertaining to a citizen's relation to the state and its laws, as distinguished from a constitutional impasse in which two public agencies, especially two equally sovereign branches of government, conflict. entailment 1538 Who designed the "50"? In addition to the Vince Lombardi Trophy that all Super Bowl champions receive, the winner of Super Bowl 50 will also receive a large, 18-karat gold-plated "50". not_entailment 1539 What European event caused the Huguenots to abandon Charlesfort? French Huguenots made two attempts to establish a haven in North America. not_entailment 1540 What later actions by the Nazis could be traced back to Luther's rhetoric? Reinhold Lewin writes that anybody who "wrote against the Jews for whatever reason believed he had the right to justify himself by triumphantly referring to Luther." not_entailment 1541 Why was CBS unable to broadcast the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II? Leonard Goldenson said that ABC's first international activity was broadcasting the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in June 1953; CBS and NBC were unable to cover the coronation live due to respective issues with technical problems and flight delays. entailment 1542 What did the Industrial Revolution cause to happen to Newcastle? This revolution resulted in the urbanization of the city. entailment 1543 On where are most tourist attractions focused in Victoria? Major events also play a big part in tourism in Victoria, particularly cultural tourism and sports tourism. not_entailment 1544 What class sizes can make keeping order difficult? In response, teachers may concentrate their attention on motivated students, ignoring attention-seeking and disruptive students. not_entailment 1545 What do carotenoids absorb? I contain light-harvesting complexes with chlorophyll and carotenoids that absorb light energy and use it to energize electrons. entailment 1546 What introduces inequality to a country? Economist Simon Kuznets argued that levels of economic inequality are in large part the result of stages of development. not_entailment 1547 WHat were features of Apple Talk It was the primary protocol used by Apple devices through the 1980s and 90s. not_entailment 1548 What two things does pharmacy informatics bring together? Pharmacy informaticists work in many practice areas of pharmacy, however, they may also work in information technology departments or for healthcare information technology vendor companies. not_entailment 1549 Who found that a culture had developed where few Commissioners had any sense of responsibility? By contrast to the ECJ's relaxed approach, a Committee of Independent Experts found that a culture had developed where few Commissioners had ‘even the slightest sense of responsibility’. entailment 1550 How many professional schools does the University of Chicago have? Beyond the arts and sciences, Chicago is also well known for its professional schools, which include the Pritzker School of Medicine, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the Law School, the School of Social Service Administration, the Harris School of Public Policy Studies, the Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies and the Divinity School. not_entailment 1551 In a computational problem, what can be described as a string over an alphabet? When considering computational problems, a problem instance is a string over an alphabet. entailment 1552 Which of Genghis Khan's mentors practiced Christianity? Sometime before the rise of Genghis Khan, Ong Khan, his mentor and eventual rival, had converted to Nestorian Christianity. entailment 1553 Who played Doctor Who in the revival series? The show has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. not_entailment 1554 Who conducted the 2011 online vote? A 2012 article placed this childhood juxtaposition of fear and thrill "at the center of many people's relationship with the show", and a 2011 online vote at Digital Spy deemed the series the "scariest TV show of all time". entailment 1555 Gamma delta T cells rearrange TCR genes to produce what? Gamma delta T cells (γδ T cells) possess an alternative T cell receptor (TCR) as opposed to CD4+ and CD8+ (αβ) T cells and share the characteristics of helper T cells, cytotoxic T cells and NK cells. not_entailment 1556 What was the Brazilian French colony called? A group of Huguenots was part of the French colonisers who arrived in Brazil in 1555 to found France Antarctique. entailment 1557 What kind of missions are the armed forces regularly deployed for? Nevertheless, there have been serious allegations of human rights violations, most recently while conducting counter-insurgency operations in the Mt Elgon area and also in the district of Mandera central. not_entailment 1558 When did Barton and Whitfield demand climate research records? The National Research Council's report agreed that there were some statistical failings, but these had little effect on the graph, which was generally correct. not_entailment 1559 Charles Conrad and Alan Bean were on what spacecraft to the moon? In November 1969, Gemini veteran Charles "Pete" Conrad and rookie Alan L. Bean made a precision landing on Apollo 12 within walking distance of the Surveyor 3 unmanned lunar probe, which had landed in April 1967 on the Ocean of Storms. entailment 1560 What is it called when people in society rebel against laws they think are unfair? It has been used in many nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist governments, In South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution to bring independence to the Baltic countries from the Soviet Union, recently with the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia and the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, among other various movements worldwide. not_entailment 1561 What region does use the term 'private schools' to refer to universities? Private education in North America covers the whole gamut of educational activity, ranging from pre-school to tertiary level institutions. entailment 1562 Which group did not agree to sign these agreements? Despite the disagreements on the Eucharist, the Marburg Colloquy paved the way for the signing in 1530 of the Augsburg Confession, and for the formation of the Schmalkaldic League the following year by leading Protestant nobles such as John of Saxony, Philip of Hesse, and George, Margrave of Brandenburg-Ansbach. not_entailment 1563 Who makes up the BBC commentary team with Greg Brady and Rocky Boiman? In the United Kingdom, BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra will carry the contest. not_entailment 1564 The earthquake forecast models what features of earthquakes in California? Many faults are able to produce a magnitude 6.7+ earthquake, such as the San Andreas Fault, which can produce a magnitude 8.0 event. not_entailment 1565 Which country in 1985 signed a treaty to give it special status? Greenland signed a Treaty in 1985 giving it a special status. entailment 1566 The RIBA's drawing collection of what Italian architect is considered the largest in the world? Not only are all the major British architects of the last four hundred years represented, but many European (especially Italian) and American architects' drawings are held in the collection. not_entailment 1567 What injury did Thomas Davis suffer during the playoff games? Carolina suffered a major setback when Thomas Davis, an 11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game. entailment 1568 A block of West End Avenue that houses an ABC News building was renamed for what ABC anchor? the ABC News building was renamed Peter Jennings Way in 2006 in honor of the recently deceased longtime ABC News chief anchor and anchor of World News Tonight. entailment 1569 What type of people were being brought back to the way of truth? After the sixth sermon, the Wittenberg jurist Jerome Schurf wrote to the elector: "Oh, what joy has Dr. Martin's return spread among us! not_entailment 1570 Though trained as a lawyer, what profession did Maududi pursue instead? Trained as a lawyer he chose the profession of journalism, and wrote about contemporary issues and most importantly about Islam and Islamic law. entailment 1571 Who did Tesla refuse to see following the accident? Tesla didn't raise any question as to who was at fault and refused medical aid, only asking to be taken to his hotel via cab. not_entailment 1572 What company owned NBC in the 1930s? In the 1930s, radio in the United States was dominated by three companies: the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS), the Mutual Broadcasting System and the National Broadcasting Company (NBC). not_entailment 1573 What range of years was the current warming compared to? Criticism of the MBH99 reconstruction in a review paper, which was quickly discredited in the Soon and Baliunas controversy, was picked up by the Bush administration, and a Senate speech by US Republican senator James Inhofe alleged that "manmade global warming is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American people". not_entailment 1574 Which building was the NFL Experience held at for Super Bowl 50? More than 1 million people are expected to attend the festivities in San Francisco during Super Bowl Week. not_entailment 1575 What is the smallest number of Bolivians it's estimated live in Newcastle? According to the same statistics, the average age of people living in Newcastle is 37.8 (the national average being 38.6). not_entailment 1576 What English chemist showed that fire only needed nitoaereus? In one experiment he found that placing either a mouse or a lit candle in a closed container over water caused the water to rise and replace one-fourteenth of the air's volume before extinguishing the subjects. not_entailment 1577 In which case were French vigilantes sabotaging shipments of Spanish Strawberries? For instance, in Commission v France French farmer vigilantes were continually sabotaging shipments of Spanish strawberries, and even Belgian tomato imports. entailment 1578 At what time did Martin Luther die? A year later, troops of Luther's adversary Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor entered the town, but were ordered by Charles not to disturb the grave. not_entailment 1579 Outside of livestock, what else was considered a major industry in the agriculture regions? Although military spending cutbacks have had an impact, aerospace continues to be a major factor. not_entailment 1580 Who is largely considered the first United Methodist theologian? Outler's work proved pivotal in the work of union, and he is largely considered the first United Methodist theologian. not_entailment 1581 What is the only story of the original series where Doctor Who travels alone? The only story from the original series in which the Doctor travels alone is The Deadly Assassin. entailment 1582 What was Nicholas Storch ? Preachers such as Zwickau prophet Nicholas Storch and Thomas Müntzer helped instigate the German Peasants' War of 1524–25, during which many atrocities were committed, often in Luther's name. entailment 1583 What is the largest ctenophore? There are two known species, with worldwide distribution in warm, and warm-temperate waters: Cestum veneris ("Venus' girdle") is among the largest ctenophores – up to 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) long, and can undulate slowly or quite rapidly. entailment 1584 What is the name of the turf used in Levi's Stadium for the Super Bowl? As is customary for Super Bowl games played at natural grass stadiums, the NFL re-sodded the field with a new playing surface; a hybrid Bermuda 419 turf. entailment 1585 What was the building that formerly occupied the V&A's present site called? The land was occupied by Brompton Park House, which was extended, most notably by the "Brompton Boilers", which were starkly utilitarian iron galleries with a temporary look and were later dismantled and used to build the V&A Museum of Childhood. entailment 1586 What region does use the term 'private schools' to refer to universities? In the United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries including Australia and Canada, the use of the term is generally restricted to primary and secondary educational levels; it is almost never used of universities and other tertiary institutions. not_entailment 1587 What position did Fred Silverman leave ABC to take in 1978? Many of these series were greenlit by Silverman, who left ABC in 1978 to become president of NBC's entertainment division. entailment 1588 How large was the audience BSkyB said they could reach? Media commentators had debated whether the figure could be reached as the growth in subscriber numbers elsewhere in Europe flattened. not_entailment 1589 Who did Gegeen appoint as grand chancellor? He continued his father's policies to reform the government based on the Confucian principles, with the help of his newly appointed grand chancellor Baiju. entailment 1590 What is the largest city the Rhine runs through? The biggest city on the river Rhine is Cologne, Germany with a population of more than 1,050,000 people. entailment 1591 Who had worked on the Saturn series even before the Apollo program began officially? Before the Apollo program began, Wernher von Braun and his team of rocket engineers had started work on plans for very large launch vehicles, the Saturn series, and the even larger Nova series. entailment 1592 What does civil disobedience protest against? Civil disobedience is one of the many ways people have rebelled against what they deem to be unfair laws. entailment 1593 Where is the Z-ring? The Min system manages the placement of the Z-ring, ensuring that the chloroplast is cleaved more or less evenly. not_entailment 1594 What year marked the lowest ratings for the drama Lost? That year, the sixth and final season of Lost became the drama's lowest-rated season since its debut in 2004. not_entailment 1595 What are the antimicrobial peptides that are the main form of invertebrate systemic immunity called? The complement system and phagocytic cells are also used by most forms of invertebrate life. not_entailment 1596 How much was the 1994 earthquake estimated to have cost? It caused the most property damage of any earthquake in U.S. history, estimated at over $20 billion. entailment 1597 When did Luther return to Wittenberg? He wrote to the Elector: "During my absence, Satan has entered my sheepfold, and committed ravages which I cannot repair by writing, but only by my personal presence and living word." not_entailment 1598 Where does the Rhine empty? The biggest city on the river Rhine is Cologne, Germany with a population of more than 1,050,000 people. not_entailment 1599 What characteristic of oxygen causes it to form bonds with other elements? Due to its electronegativity, oxygen forms chemical bonds with almost all other elements to give corresponding oxides. entailment 1600 What year was The Invasion originally shown? The missing episodes of The Reign of Terror were animated by animation company Theta-Sigma, in collaboration with Big Finish, and became available for purchase in May 2013 through not_entailment 1601 When was the Lisbon Treaty established? The 2007 Lisbon Treaty explicitly recognised fundamental rights by providing in Article 6(1) that "The Union recognises the rights, freedoms and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union of 7 December 2000, as adopted at Strasbourg on 12 December 2007, which shall have the same legal value as the Treaties." entailment 1602 The censuring of the Santer Commission resulted in which main case? Beyond the Commission, the European Central Bank has relative executive autonomy in its conduct of monetary policy for the purpose of managing the euro. not_entailment 1603 Where does the Rhine river's measurement end? The length of the Rhine is conventionally measured in "Rhine-kilometers" (Rheinkilometer), a scale introduced in 1939 which runs from the Old Rhine Bridge at Constance (0 km) to Hoek van Holland (1036.20 km). entailment 1604 What percentage of the vote for a Scottish Assembly in favor of it? Under the terms of the Scotland Act 1978, an elected assembly would be set up in Edinburgh provided that the majority of the Scottish electorate voted for it in a referendum to be held on 1 March 1979 that represented at least 40% of the total electorate. not_entailment 1605 Where was the new media day event for Super Bowl 50 held? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. not_entailment 1606 What had Bhutto planned on banning within six months, before he was overthrown? In Pakistan this Islamization from above was "probably" more complete "than under any other regime except those in Iran and Sudan," but Zia-ul-Haq was also criticized by many Islamists for imposing "symbols" rather than substance, and using Islamization to legitimize his means of seizing power. not_entailment 1607 What was produced at tesla's company? After leaving Edison's company Tesla partnered with two businessmen in 1886, Robert Lane and Benjamin Vail, who agreed to finance an electric lighting company in Tesla's name, Tesla Electric Light & Manufacturing. not_entailment 1608 When did Pachauri resign as chair of the IPCC? Before this election, the IPCC was led by his vice-Chair Ismail El Gizouli, who was designated acting Chair after the resignation of Rajendra K. Pachauri in February 2015. entailment 1609 How was it determined how many from each camp would be appointed? Under the deal, the president would appoint cabinet ministers from both PNU and ODM camps depending on each party's strength in Parliament. entailment 1610 What color was featured in promotions related to Super Bowl 50? Gold footballs were given to each high school that has had a player or coach appear in the Super Bowl, and "homecoming" events were also held by Super Bowl-winning teams at games. not_entailment 1611 What brand sponsored the "Crash the Super Bowl" contest? This would be the final year in a multi-year contract with Anheuser-Busch InBev that allowed the beer manufacturer to air multiple advertisements during the game at a steep discount. not_entailment 1612 How many people were lost in Algiers during 1620-21? Algiers lost 30 to 50 thousand inhabitants to it in 1620–21, and again in 1654–57, 1665, 1691, and 1740–42. entailment 1613 How many kilometers is Warsaw from the Carpathian Mountains? Warsaw lies in east-central Poland about 300 km (190 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains and about 260 km (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea, 523 km (325 mi) east of Berlin, Germany. entailment 1614 What do the Devonshire Hunting Tapestries depict? A highlight of the collection is the four Devonshire Hunting Tapestries, very rare 15th-century tapestries, woven in the Netherlands, depicting the hunting of various animals; not just their age but their size make these unique. entailment 1615 What is the earliest that Bach began using Luther hymns? Johann Sebastian Bach included several verses as chorales in his cantatas and based chorale cantatas entirely on them, namely Christ lag in Todes Banden, BWV 4, as early as possibly 1707, in his second annual cycle (1724 to 1725) entailment 1616 What bus company in Newcastle provides the majority of services south of the river? Go-Ahead operates from Eldon Square Bus Station, providing the majority of services south of the river in Gateshead, South Tyneside, Sunderland, and County Durham. entailment 1617 How are peridinin-type chloroplasts' thylakoids arranged? They contain a pyrenoid, and have triplet-stacked thylakoids. entailment 1618 What does man's justification depend on in faith? The benefits of good works could be obtained by donating money to the church. not_entailment 1619 Southern California's economy can be described as one of the largest in the United States and what other characteristic? It is dominated and heavily dependent upon abundance of petroleum, as opposed to other regions where automobiles not nearly as dominant, the vast majority of transport runs on this fuel. not_entailment 1620 What was the total number of homes Sky announced that had Sky+HD in March of 2012? On Thursday 18 May 2006, and continuing through the weekend before launch, people were reporting that BSkyB had either cancelled or rescheduled its installation. not_entailment 1621 What amendment to the United States Constitution governs government funding of religious schools? Funding for private schools is generally provided through student tuition, endowments, scholarship/voucher funds, and donations and grants from religious organizations or private individuals. not_entailment 1622 Where did Jebe die? The famous cavalry expedition led by Subutai and Jebe, in which they encircled the entire Caspian Sea defeating all armies in their path, remains unparalleled to this day, and word of the Mongol triumphs began to trickle to other nations, particularly Europe. not_entailment 1623 To which period is the largest item from Italy that is included in the sculpture collection dated? The largest item from Italy is the Chancel Chapel from Santa Chiara Florence dated 1493–1500, designed by Giuliano da Sangallo it is 11.1 metres in height by 5.4 metres square, it includes a grand sculpted tabernacle by Antonio Rossellino and coloured terracotta decoration. entailment 1624 What month, day and year did Super Bowl 50 take place? As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the "golden anniversary" with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as "Super Bowl L"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numerals 50. not_entailment 1625 How many hours can one expect to ride the train from Newcastle to King's Cross? Train operator Virgin Trains East Coast provides a half-hourly frequency of trains to London King's Cross, with a journey time of about three hours, these services call at Durham, Darlington, York, Doncaster, Newark North Gate and Peterborough and north to Scotland with all trains calling at Edinburgh and a small number of trains extended to Glasgow, Aberdeen and Inverness. entailment 1626 A language solved in quadratic time implies the use of what type of Turing machine? For instance, the language {xx | x is any binary string} can be solved in linear time on a multi-tape Turing machine, but necessarily requires quadratic time in the model of single-tape Turing machines. entailment 1627 Who was appointed Genghis Khan's successor? In response to this tension, and possibly for other reasons, Ögedei was appointed as successor. entailment 1628 By when did most of France's Colonies gain independence? Nearly all of France's colonies gained independence by 1960, but France retained great financial and diplomatic influence. entailment 1629 The Muslim Brotherhood's competence compares well against what type of local governments? " All this compares very favourably against incompetent, inefficient, or neglectful governments whose commitment to social justice is limited to rhetoric. entailment 1630 How many registered nurses were in Kenya in 2011? Nurses treat 80% of the population who visit dispensaries, health centres and private clinics in rural and under-served urban areas. not_entailment 1631 How many Examination Boards exist in India? Prominent Examination Boards that are present in multiple states are the CBSE and the CISCE, NENBSE not_entailment 1632 What famous 5.9-mile athletic event takes place annually in Newcastle in June? The city's speedway team Newcastle Diamonds are based at Brough Park in Byker, a venue that is also home to greyhound racing. not_entailment 1633 Who organized the trees of the Amazon into four categories? To accurately map the Amazon's biomass and subsequent carbon related emissions, the classification of tree growth stages within different parts of the forest is crucial. not_entailment 1634 When did Tesla depart from Colorado Springs? On 7 January 1900, Tesla left Colorado Springs.[citation needed] entailment 1635 What injury did Thomas Davis suffer in the NFC Championship? Carolina suffered a major setback when Thomas Davis, an 11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game. entailment 1636 In what area of this British colony were Huguenot land grants? In 1700 several hundred French Huguenots migrated from England to the colony of Virginia, where the English Crown had promised them land grants in Lower Norfolk County. entailment 1637 What is the translation of the old north branch of rhe Rhine? During periods of lower sea levels within the various ice ages, the Rhine took a left turn, creating the Channel River, the course of which now lies below the English Channel. not_entailment 1638 What were Huguenots who stayed in France eventually known as? Those Huguenots who stayed in France became Catholics and were called "new converts". entailment 1639 How many former MVP honorees were present for a pregame ceremony? No plans were announced regarding the recognition of Harvey Martin, co-MVP of Super Bowl XII, who died in 2001. not_entailment 1640 What percentage of electricity was made by steam turbine in the 1990s? In electricity production, the high speed of turbine rotation matches well with the speed of modern electric generators, which are typically direct connected to their driving turbines. not_entailment 1641 In what model do grana look like pancakes? Each granum can contain anywhere from two to a hundred thylakoids, though grana with 10–20 thylakoids are most common. not_entailment 1642 Who is currently the President of the Council? The second main legislative body is the Council, which is composed of different ministers of the member states. not_entailment 1643 Kurt H. Debus was appointed what position for the Launch Operations Center? But an even bigger facility would be needed for the mammoth rocket required for the manned lunar mission, so land acquisition was started in July 1961 for a Launch Operations Center (LOC) immediately north of Canaveral at Merritt Island. not_entailment 1644 Which party is currently the largest among political party lines? However its role participation in the legislative process still remains limited because no member can actually or pass legislation without the Commission and Council, meaning power ("kratia") is not in the hands of directly elected representatives of the people ("demos"): in the EU it is not yet true that "the administration is in the hands of the many and not of the few." not_entailment 1645 Who is the general secretary for the National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers? This has in some jurisdictions reportedly led to a shortage of male teachers. not_entailment 1646 What did the Church do when Luther refused to retract his writings? Luther came to reject several teachings and practices of the Late Medieval Catholic Church. not_entailment 1647 What proportion of the general population in the area than became Iran did Genghis Khan kill? Steven R. Ward wrote that "Overall, the Mongol violence and depredations killed up to three-fourths of the population of the Iranian Plateau, possibly 10 to 15 million people. entailment 1648 In what month and year was the AS-258 scheduled to launch? Its Saturn IB was allocated to the dual mission, now redesignated AS-205/208 or AS-258, planned for August 1967. entailment 1649 What is the name of the program that provides contracting work to local companies? For the first time, the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee and the NFL have openly sought disabled veteran and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the Super Bowl. entailment 1650 When did Luther travel to Mansfeld twice? Luther journeyed to Mansfeld twice in late 1545 to participate in the negotiations for a settlement, and a third visit was needed in early 1546 for their completion. entailment 1651 When did photosynthetic organisms evolve on Earth? For the first billion years, any free oxygen produced by these organisms combined with dissolved iron in the oceans to form banded iron formations. not_entailment 1652 What magnitude was the 1994 Northridge earthquake? The magnitude 6.7 1994 Northridge earthquake was particularly destructive, causing a substantial number of deaths, injuries, and structural collapses. entailment 1653 Which archaeologist proposed the idea that the Amazon rainforest couldn't sustain large populations? For a long time, it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was only ever sparsely populated, as it was impossible to sustain a large population through agriculture given the poor soil. not_entailment 1654 In what decade were injectors widely used in steam engines? Injectors became popular in the 1850s but are no longer widely used, except in applications such as steam locomotives. entailment 1655 In what month and year was the revised Manual of Regulations for Private Schools released? Per unit costs in private schools are generally lower when compared to public schools. not_entailment 1656 What evidence between and among complexity classes would signify a theoretical watershed for complexity theory? Proving that any of these classes are unequal would be a major breakthrough in complexity theory. entailment 1657 In what borough of New York City is ABC headquartered? The American Broadcasting Company (ABC) (stylized in its logo as abc since 1957) is an American commercial broadcast television network that is owned by the Disney–ABC Television Group, a subsidiary of Disney Media Networks division of The Walt Disney Company. not_entailment 1658 According to a 1955 review, what were savings by the wealthy thought to offset? Some theories popular from the 1950s to 2011 incorrectly stated that inequality had a positive effect on economic development. not_entailment 1659 The idea of acquired immunity in jawed vertebrates is the basis of what medical treatment? This process of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination. entailment 1660 Who headlined the halftime show for Super Bowl 50? CBS broadcast Super Bowl 50 in the U.S., and charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. not_entailment 1661 By justification certain racial and geographical theories, Europe thought of itself as what? Geographical theories such as environmental determinism also suggested that tropical environments created uncivilized people in need of European guidance. not_entailment 1662 What's the name of Newcastle's gay club scene? There are many bars on the Bigg Market, and other popular areas for nightlife are Collingwood Street, popularly referred to as the 'Diamond Strip' due to its concentration of high-end bars, Neville Street, the Central Station area and Osborne Road in the Jesmond area of the city. not_entailment 1663 What did Joseph Haas say in his email? For example, Joseph Haas was arrested for allegedly sending an email to the Lebanon, New Hampshire city councilors stating, "Wise up or die." entailment 1664 Where was the ESPN Deportes Spanish version of Super Bowl 50 available? CBS provided digital streams of the game via, and the CBS Sports apps on tablets, Windows 10, Xbox One and other digital media players (such as Chromecast and Roku). not_entailment 1665 How did Brainbridge's official ledgers report revenue? This was completed in February 2010 with the opening of a flagship Debenhams department store as well as other major stores including Apple, Hollister and Guess. not_entailment 1666 What enemy of Doctor Who is also a Time Lord? The Doctor has gained numerous reoccurring enemies during his travels, including the Daleks, the Cybermen, and the Master, another renegade Time Lord. entailment 1667 Who is Denver's defensive coordinator? Under defensive coordinator Wade Phillips, the Broncos' defense ranked number one in total yards allowed, passing yards allowed and sacks, and like the previous three seasons, the team has continued to set numerous individual, league and franchise records. entailment 1668 What's the name of the United Kingdom's sole remaining news cinema? The site currently houses three cinemas, including the restored Classic —the United Kingdom's last surviving news cinema still in full-time operation—alongside two new screens, a roof extension containing the Tyneside Bar, and dedicated education and teaching suites. entailment 1669 Where is the chloroplast peripheral reticulum usually found? It is often found in the chloroplasts of C4 plants, though it has also been found in some C3 angiosperms, and even some gymnosperms. entailment 1670 Who initially took over as president of Capital Cities/ABC after Daniel Burke left? September 1994 saw the debut of NYPD Blue, a gritty police procedural from Steven Bochco (who created Doogie Howser, M.D. and the critically pilloried Cop Rock for ABC earlier in the decade); lasting ten seasons, the drama became known for its boundary pushing of network television standards (particularly its occasional use of graphic language and rear nudity), which led some affiliates to initially refuse to air the show in its first season. not_entailment 1671 What was the defeat of the Arab troops at the hand of the Israeli troops during the Six-Day War? The quick and decisive defeat of the Arab troops during the Six-Day War by Israeli troops constituted a pivotal event in the Arab Muslim world. entailment 1672 How long is the section that turns north? The river makes a distinctive turn to the north near Chur. not_entailment 1673 What did Luther say the common people knew nothing about? Merciful God, what misery I have seen," Luther wrote, "the common people knowing nothing at all of Christian doctrine ... and unfortunately many pastors are well-nigh unskilled and incapable of teaching." entailment 1674 What are two examples of measurements are bound within algorithms to establish complexity classes? Some important complexity classes of decision problems defined in this manner are the following: not_entailment 1675 What were the years two Regulations that conflicted with an Italian law originate in the Simmenthal SpA case? He claimed the Italian nationalisation law conflicted with the Treaty of Rome, and requested a reference be made to both the Italian Constitutional Court and the Court of Justice under TFEU article 267. not_entailment 1676 What proclamation gave Huguenots special privileges in Brandenburg? Nearly 50,000 Huguenots established themselves in Germany, 20,000 of whom were welcomed in Brandenburg-Prussia, where they were granted special privileges (Edict of Potsdam) and churches in which to worship (such as the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Angermünde) by Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia. entailment 1677 Where was Evan Washburn located while announcing during the game? The network's lead broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with Tracy Wolfson and Evan Washburn on the sidelines. entailment 1678 What was DATANET 1 Although this use of the name was incorrect all these services were managed by the same people within one department of KPN contributed to the confusion. not_entailment 1679 Which train company provides local and regional services? Northern Rail provides local and regional services. entailment 1680 What was Luther's marriage seen as by others? He had long condemned vows of celibacy on Biblical grounds, but his decision to marry surprised many, not least Melanchthon, who called it reckless. not_entailment 1681 What is the ABC affiliate that serves Lima, Ohio? ABC maintains affiliations with low-power stations (broadcasting either in analog or digital) in a few markets, such as Birmingham, Alabama (WBMA-LD), Lima, Ohio (WLQP-LP) and South Bend, Indiana (WBND-LD). entailment 1682 What actor played the Valeyard? Notably, in 2013, John Hurt guest-starred as a hitherto unknown incarnation of the Doctor known as the War Doctor in the run-up to the show's 50th anniversary special "The Day of the Doctor". not_entailment 1683 What group is Newcastle native Andy Taylor the former lead guitarist of? Andy Taylor, former lead guitarist of Duran Duran was born here in 1961. entailment 1684 Who was chairman of the House Science Committee? Sherwood Boehlert, chairman of the House Science Committee, said this was a "misguided and illegitimate investigation" apparently aimed at intimidating scientists, and at his request the U.S. National Academy of Sciences arranged for its National Research Council to set up a special investigation. entailment 1685 Complexity classes are generally classified into what? Of course, some complexity classes have complicated definitions that do not fit into this framework. entailment 1686 What unit is measured to determine circuit complexity? Other complexity measures are also used, such as the amount of communication (used in communication complexity), the number of gates in a circuit (used in circuit complexity) and the number of processors (used in parallel computing). entailment 1687 What is the name of contemporary Mongolian currency? His face can be found on everyday commodities, from liquor bottles to candy products, and on the largest denominations of 500, 1,000, 5,000, 10,000, and 20,000 Mongolian tögrög (₮). entailment 1688 Who invited Washington to dine with him? Saint-Pierre said, "As to the Summons you send me to retire, I do not think myself obliged to obey it." not_entailment 1689 What are the skin cells that can be transformed into tumors known as? One example is an enzyme called tyrosinase that, when expressed at high levels, transforms certain skin cells (e.g. melanocytes) into tumors called melanomas. entailment 1690 Vendobionta lived during which period? They suggested that Stromatoveris was an evolutionary "aunt" of ctenophores, and that ctenophores originated from sessile animals whose descendants became swimmers and changed the cilia from a feeding mechanism to a propulsion system. not_entailment 1691 What is the highest peak in Victoria? Victoria contains many topographically, geologically and climatically diverse areas, ranging from the wet, temperate climate of Gippsland in the southeast to the snow-covered Victorian alpine areas which rise to almost 2,000 m (6,600 ft), with Mount Bogong the highest peak at 1,986 m (6,516 ft). entailment 1692 When was Sky Digital launched? E. This was subsequently followed by more Astra satellites as well as Eutelsat's Eurobird 1 (now Eutelsat 33C) at 28.5°E), enabled the company to launch a new all-digital service, Sky, with the potential to carry hundreds of television and radio channels. not_entailment 1693 What is a a developing economy's level of inequality bulging out called? However, recent data shows that the level of income inequality began to rise after the 1970s. not_entailment 1694 Where is English spoken the most? English is widely spoken in commerce, schooling and government. entailment 1695 Who was the medical report written for? The word 'plague' had no special significance at this time, and only the recurrence of outbreaks during the Middle Ages gave it the name that has become the medical term. not_entailment 1696 What did the engineers fear would be difficult in space due to it never being attempted in Earth orbit? Many engineers feared that a rendezvous —let alone a docking— neither of which had been attempted even in Earth orbit, would be extremely difficult in lunar orbit. entailment 1697 Which tribe did Temüjin move in with at nine years of age? Temüjin was to live there in service to Dai Setsen, the head of the new household, until he reached the marriageable age of 12. not_entailment 1698 How quickly is the sea level rising? In the southern North Sea, due to ongoing tectonic subsidence, the sea level is still rising, at the rate of about 1–3 cm (0.39–1.18 in) per century (1 metre or 39 inches in last 3000 years). entailment 1699 What year was Temüjin, who became Genghis Khan, likely born? According to the Secret History, Temüjin was named after a Tatar chieftain, Temüjin-üge, whom his father had just captured. not_entailment 1700 Approximately how many items are in the glass collection of the V&A? There are many examples of crystal chandeliers both English, displayed in the British galleries and foreign for example Venetian (attributed to Giuseppe Briati) dated c1750 are in the collection. not_entailment 1701 Which Buddhist monastery hosted the Genghis Khan mausoleum during the Japanese occupation? It was taken through Communist-held territory in Yan'an some 900 km on carts to safety at a Buddhist monastery, the Dongshan Dafo Dian, where it remained for ten years. entailment 1702 What was the program in the first Children's program block to be broadcast in HD? I block Litton's Weekend Aventure entailment 1703 How many metric tons of carbon are believed to be stored in the Amazon forest? Amazonian evergreen forests account for about 10% of the world's terrestrial primary productivity and 10% of the carbon stores in ecosystems—of the order of 1.1 × 1011 metric tonnes of carbon. entailment 1704 What was Genghis Khan's tribes burial custom? Years before his death, Genghis Khan asked to be buried without markings, according to the customs of his tribe. entailment 1705 Super Bowl 50 determined the NFL champion for what season? As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the "golden anniversary" with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as "Super Bowl L"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numerals 50. not_entailment 1706 In which point did the drainage basin of the Amazon split? During the mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. entailment 1707 Why is Priestley usually given credit for being first to discover oxygen? Because he published his findings first, Priestley is usually given priority in the discovery. entailment 1708 The UMC teaches that pornography is about what? The Sexual Ethics Task Force of The United Methodist Church states that "Research shows it [pornography] is not an 'innocent activity.' not_entailment 1709 What happened to most of Tesla's work from this time? Tesla is quoted by The New York Times as saying, "I am in too much grief to talk. not_entailment 1710 Who recovered the strip ball? Meanwhile, Denver's offense was kept out of the end zone for three plays, but a holding penalty on cornerback Josh Norman gave the Broncos a new set of downs. not_entailment 1711 How many seats did the SNP take from the Liberal Democrats? The election produced a majority SNP government, making this the first time in the Scottish Parliament where a party has commanded a parliamentary majority. not_entailment 1712 When did the second series of Torchwood play? A second series of Torchwood aired in 2008; for three episodes, the cast was joined by Freema Agyeman reprising her Doctor Who role of Martha Jones. entailment 1713 In June 1884, where did Tesla relocate? In June 1884, he relocated to New York City:57–60 where he was hired by Thomas Edison to work at his Edison Machine Works on Manhattan's lower east side. entailment 1714 When was the IPCC Trust Fund founded? The IPCC receives funding through the IPCC Trust Fund, established in 1989 by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), Costs of the Secretary and of housing the secretariat are provided by the WMO, while UNEP meets the cost of the Depute Secretary. entailment 1715 Where was an elected assembly to be set up, under the terms of the Scotland Act of 1978? Under the terms of the Scotland Act 1978, an elected assembly would be set up in Edinburgh provided that the majority of the Scottish electorate voted for it in a referendum to be held on 1 March 1979 that represented at least 40% of the total electorate. entailment 1716 Where did Tesla teach in Gospic? During that year, Tesla taught a large class of students in his old school, Higher Real Gymnasium, in Gospić. entailment 1717 What event was blamed on the introduction of mnemiopsis into The Black Sea? The situation was aggravated by other factors, such as over-fishing and long-term environmental changes that promoted the growth of the Mnemiopsis population. not_entailment 1718 Why do Islamists need democratic elections? At the same time, their popularity is such that no government can call itself democratic that excludes mainstream Islamist groups. not_entailment 1719 What were the "great Forces" mentioned in the article's title? Tesla believed that the League of Nations was not a remedy for the times and issues.[citation needed] not_entailment 1720 What element is used as a coolant in the process of making liquid oxygen? High-purity liquid O_2 is usually obtained by the fractional distillation of liquefied air. not_entailment 1721 Who designed the garden for the University Library? As the university garden it is open to the public every day. not_entailment 1722 Which two importers claimed that under a French competition law, they were prevented from selling Picon beer under wholesale price? In Keck and Mithouard two importers claimed that their prosecution under a French competition law, which prevented them selling Picon beer under wholesale price, was unlawful. entailment 1723 Which monarchs was the Victoria and Albert Museum named after? The V&A is located in the Brompton district of the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in an area that has become known as "Albertopolis" because of its association with Prince Albert, the Albert Memorial and the major cultural institutions with which he was associated. not_entailment 1724 What were the first two destinations of Huguenot emigres? A group of Huguenots was part of the French colonisers who arrived in Brazil in 1555 to found France Antarctique. not_entailment 1725 Who gave Tesla's eulogy? On 10 January 1943, New York City mayor Fiorello La Guardia read a eulogy written by Slovene-American author Louis Adamic live over the WNYC radio while violin pieces "Ave Maria" and "Tamo daleko" were played in the background. entailment 1726 What cycle AC current system did Tesla propose? He found the time there frustrating because of conflicts between him and the other Westinghouse engineers over how best to implement AC power. not_entailment 1727 What rank for most populous city in the European Union does Warsaw hold? Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9th most-populous capital city in the European Union. entailment 1728 What type of engines became popular for power generation after piston steam engines? Reciprocating piston type steam engines remained the dominant source of power until the early 20th century, when advances in the design of electric motors and internal combustion engines gradually resulted in the replacement of reciprocating (piston) steam engines in commercial usage, and the ascendancy of steam turbines in power generation. entailment 1729 In what country can most of the Amazon rainforest be found? Forêt amazonienne; Dutch: Amazoneregenwoud), also known in English as Amazonia or the Amazon Jungle, is a moist broadleaf forest that covers most of the Amazon basin of South America. not_entailment 1730 Where was the language Luther used in his translations spoken? He intended his vigorous, direct language to make the Bible accessible to everyday Germans, "for we are removing impediments and difficulties so that other people may read it without hindrance." not_entailment 1731 What film did Lionsgate pay to have the trailer aired during the Super Bowl? 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios and Walt Disney Studios paid for movie trailers to be aired during the Super Bowl. not_entailment 1732 How much higher was the rate of deforestation in 2000, to 2005 compared to 1995 to 2000? Although deforestation has declined significantly in the Brazilian Amazon between 2004 and 2014, there has been an increase to the present day. not_entailment 1733 About what year was the atmospheric engine invented? The first commercially successful true engine, in that it could generate power and transmit it to a machine, was the atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas Newcomen around 1712. entailment 1734 What are phycobilisomes? Phycobilins come in all colors, though phycoerytherin is one of the pigments that makes many red algae red. not_entailment 1735 Why aren't the examples of bouregois architecture visible today? Exceptional examples of the bourgeois architecture of the later periods were not restored by the communist authorities after the war (like mentioned Kronenberg Palace and Insurance Company Rosja building) or they were rebuilt in socialist realism style (like Warsaw Philharmony edifice originally inspired by Palais Garnier in Paris). entailment 1736 What were the Yuan armies too weak to stop? In time, Kublai Khan's successors lost all influence on other Mongol lands across Asia, while the Mongols beyond the Middle Kingdom saw them as too Chinese. not_entailment 1737 What did the Mongol army throw in their catapults? The Genoese traders fled, taking the plague by ship into Sicily and the south of Europe, whence it spread north. not_entailment 1738 How did Mongol armies lure enemy groups out of their defensive positions? The Mongol military was also successful in siege warfare, cutting off resources for cities and towns by diverting certain rivers, taking enemy prisoners and driving them in front of the army, and adopting new ideas, techniques and tools from the people they conquered, particularly in employing Muslim and Chinese siege engines and engineers to aid the Mongol cavalry in capturing cities. not_entailment 1739 Which series were featured on the first Doctor Who soundtrack? The first featured tracks from the first two series, the second and third featured music from the third and fourth series respectively. entailment 1740 The development of Terra Preta allowed for what to happen in the Amazon Forest? Terra preta (black earth), which is distributed over large areas in the Amazon forest, is now widely accepted as a product of indigenous soil management. not_entailment 1741 What was Hero of Alexandria's nationality? The history of the steam engine stretches back as far as the first century AD; the first recorded rudimentary steam engine being the aeolipile described by Greek mathematician Hero of Alexandria. entailment 1742 In which year was the Salting Bequest? The collection of Middle Eastern and Persian rugs and carpets is amongst the finest in the world, many were part of the Salting Bequest of 1909. entailment 1743 What type of positions would these counties be trying to recruit for? Excellent job opportunities are expected as retirements, especially among secondary school teachers, outweigh slowing enrollment growth; opportunities will vary by geographic area and subject taught.[citation needed] not_entailment 1744 How many plant species are of interest to society and manufacturers exist in the amazon rainforest? The biodiversity of plant species is the highest on Earth with one 2001 study finding a quarter square kilometer (62 acres) of Ecuadorian rainforest supports more than 1,100 tree species. not_entailment 1745 What denomination is associated with Saint Kentigern College? There are three private schools (including the secondary school, St Dominic's College) operated by the Catholic schismatic group, the Society of St Pius X in Wanganui. not_entailment 1746 Who did Tesla partner with in 1886? The company installed electrical arc light based illumination systems designed by Tesla and also had designs for dynamo electric machine commutators, the first patents issued to Tesla in the US. not_entailment 1747 What is the hottest temperature record for Fresno? The official record high temperature for Fresno is 115 °F (46.1 °C), set on July 8, 1905, while the official record low is 17 °F (−8 °C), set on January 6, 1913. entailment 1748 Noble acquired a loan from what entity to keep ABC solvent in 1951? In 1951, a rumor even mentioned that the network would be sold to CBS. not_entailment 1749 What was the corporate entity American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres renamed in 1965? In 1965, the corporate entity, American Broadcasting-Paramount Theatres, was renamed as the American Broadcasting Companies, while its cinema division became ABC Theatres;[citation needed] its recording division was renamed ABC Records in 1966. entailment 1750 Who receives higher salaries at private schools that charge higher tuition? Tuition at private secondary schools varies from school to school and depends on many factors, including the location of the school, the willingness of parents to pay, peer tuitions and the school's financial endowment. not_entailment 1751 Evidence for what types of structures were found in 2003? In the region of the Xingu tribe, remains of some of these large settlements in the middle of the Amazon forest were found in 2003 by Michael Heckenberger and colleagues of the University of Florida. not_entailment 1752 How old was tesla when he became a US citizen? On 30 July 1891, at the age of 35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States, and established his South Fifth Avenue laboratory, and later another at 46 E. Houston Street, in New York. entailment 1753 How did the revocation restrict Huguenot travel? The revocation forbade Protestant services, required education of children as Catholics, and prohibited emigration. entailment 1754 What is Warsaw's symbol? The mermaid (syrenka) is Warsaw's symbol and can be found on statues throughout the city and on the city's coat of arms. entailment 1755 What did Tesla do in Tomingaj? There, he explored the mountains in hunter's garb. entailment 1756 What 3 things does the Air Force work key on The work focuses on three key ideas: use of a decentralized network with multiple paths between any two points, dividing user messages into message blocks, later called packets, and delivery of these messages by store and forward switching. entailment 1757 What is another term for shortening the admission event? However, as one and the same valve usually controls both steam flows, a short cutoff at admission adversely affects the exhaust and compression periods which should ideally always be kept fairly constant; if the exhaust event is too brief, the totality of the exhaust steam cannot evacuate the cylinder, choking it and giving excessive compression ("kick back").[citation needed] not_entailment 1758 In 1890, who did the university decide to team up with? In the 1890s, the University of Chicago, fearful that its vast resources would injure smaller schools by drawing away good students, affiliated with several regional colleges and universities: Des Moines College, Kalamazoo College, Butler University, and Stetson University. entailment 1759 Which tree species is planted in the two corners by the north facade? The design is a subtle blend of the traditional and modern, the layout is formal; there is an elliptical water feature lined in stone with steps around the edge which may be drained to use the area for receptions, gatherings or exhibition purposes. not_entailment 1760 What was Tugh's Chinese-style name? Nevertheless, a few other Yuan emperors actively sponsored cultural activities; an example is Tugh Temur (Emperor Wenzong), who wrote poetry, painted, read Chinese classical texts, and ordered the compilation of books. entailment 1761 Who designed the largest item from Italy that is part of the V&A sculpture collection? The largest item from Italy is the Chancel Chapel from Santa Chiara Florence dated 1493–1500, designed by Giuliano da Sangallo it is 11.1 metres in height by 5.4 metres square, it includes a grand sculpted tabernacle by Antonio Rossellino and coloured terracotta decoration. entailment 1762 During what time did civilization in the Amazon was flourishing when Orellana made his observations? It is believed that the civilization was later devastated by the spread of diseases from Europe, such as smallpox. not_entailment 1763 What was the Plos Pathogens paper about? ends the debate about the etiology of the Black Death, and unambiguously demonstrates that Y. pestis was the causative agent of the epidemic plague that devastated Europe during the Middle Ages". not_entailment 1764 What exchange in Warsaw is one of the most important for Central and Eastern Europe? It was also ranked as one of the most liveable cities in Central Europe. not_entailment 1765 How much did the CM weigh in kgs? The Command Module (CM) was the conical crew cabin, designed to carry three astronauts from launch to lunar orbit and back to an Earth ocean landing. not_entailment 1766 Which NFL team won Super Bowl 50? Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 season. not_entailment 1767 How long did it take for the Theses to spread through Europe? Within two weeks, copies of the theses had spread throughout Germany; within two months, they had spread throughout Europe. entailment 1768 Because of certain statements what was the believed state of his religious views? However, his religious views remain uncertain due to other statements that he made. entailment 1769 What events are often associated with volcanism and igneous activity? Deformational events are often also associated with volcanism and igneous activity. entailment 1770 Where were non-condensing direct-drive locomotives notably used for fast passenger trains? Some non-condensing direct-drive locomotives did meet with some success for long haul freight operations in Sweden and for express passenger work in Britain, but were not repeated. entailment 1771 What proclamation officially ended limited Huguenot autonomy? The city's political institutions and the university were all handed over to the Huguenots. not_entailment 1772 What did the development of this fertile soil provide in hostile environment? Terra preta (black earth), which is distributed over large areas in the Amazon forest, is now widely accepted as a product of indigenous soil management. not_entailment 1773 What session is the Scottish Parliament in? Mandatory Committees are committees which are set down under the Scottish Parliament's standing orders, which govern their remits and proceedings. not_entailment 1774 What type of process was involved the the depletion of the Sun's oxygen 16? The measurement implies that an unknown process depleted oxygen-16 from the Sun's disk of protoplanetary material prior to the coalescence of dust grains that formed the Earth. entailment 1775 How is Temüjin written in pinyin? Temüjin is written in Chinese as simplified Chinese: 铁木真; traditional Chinese: 鐵木眞; pinyin: Tiěmùzhēn. entailment 1776 What were the Saxon Palace and Brühl Palace in prewar Warsaw? Exceptional examples of the bourgeois architecture of the later periods were not restored by the communist authorities after the war (like mentioned Kronenberg Palace and Insurance Company Rosja building) or they were rebuilt in socialist realism style (like Warsaw Philharmony edifice originally inspired by Palais Garnier in Paris). not_entailment 1777 How long is the term of a Judicial Council member? The Judicial Council is the highest court in the denomination. not_entailment 1778 What is the name of one type of modern primality test? Modern primality tests for general numbers n can be divided into two main classes, probabilistic (or "Monte Carlo") and deterministic algorithms. entailment 1779 Who added to Dioscorides' book in the Islamic Golden Age? The Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides is famous for writing a five volume book in his native Greek Περί ύλης ιατρικής in the 1st century AD. not_entailment 1780 What medical appliance can be a concern for oxygen toxicity? Oxygen gas (O_2) can be toxic at elevated partial pressures, leading to convulsions and other health problems.[j] not_entailment 1781 What is the oldest Methodist church in continuous use in the United States? At this time, Methodists had not yet broken away from the Anglican Church and the Methodist Episcopal Church was not founded until 1784. not_entailment 1782 There is a public database of epitopes for pathogens known to be recognizable by what cells? In some cases, the drug itself is not immunogenic, but may be co-administered with an immunogenic compound, as is sometimes the case for Taxol. not_entailment 1783 What campaign did the Communist regime initiate after WWII? After World War II, under a Communist regime set up by the conquering Soviets, the "Bricks for Warsaw" campaign was initiated, and large prefabricated housing projects were erected in Warsaw to address the housing shortage, along with other typical buildings of an Eastern Bloc city, such as the Palace of Culture and Science, a gift from the Soviet Union. entailment 1784 bassett focuses on what to illustrate his idea? During his analysis of nineteenth-century cartographic techniques, he highlights the use of blank space to denote unknown or unexplored territory. not_entailment 1785 What war in Ireland featured Huguenot regiments? Huguenot regiments fought for William of Orange in the Williamite war in Ireland, for which they were rewarded with land grants and titles, many settling in Dublin. entailment 1786 What was the protest in Antigone about? One of the oldest depictions of civil disobedience is in Sophocles' play Antigone, in which Antigone, one of the daughters of former King of Thebes, Oedipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes, who is trying to stop her from giving her brother Polynices a proper burial. entailment 1787 What percentage of the population of Warsaw was Jewish in 1897? Warsaw's prewar Jewish population of more than 350,000 constituted about 30 percent of the city's total population. not_entailment 1788 Where are some of the best medical facilities in East-Central Europe located? Today, Warsaw has some of the best medical facilities in Poland and East-Central Europe. entailment 1789 What Republic has maintained its control of Iran? During the 2006 Israel-Lebanon conflict, the Iranian government enjoyed something of a resurgence in popularity amongst the predominantly Sunni "Arab street," due to its support for Hezbollah and to President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's vehement opposition to the United States and his call that Israel shall vanish. not_entailment 1790 When do chloroplasts spread out flat? In low-light conditions, they will spread out in a sheet—maximizing the surface area to absorb light. entailment 1791 Who were the two lay preachers that Wesley ordained as presbyters? As a result of the American Revolution, John Wesley was compelled in 1784 to break with standard practice and ordain two of his lay preachers as presbyters, Thomas Vasey and Richard Whatcoat. entailment 1792 What advancements besides military technology did Europe achieve? European chemists made deadly explosives that could be used in combat, and with innovations in machinery they were able to manufacture improved firearms. not_entailment 1793 What gave its name to the 1980s music television program "The Tube"? The entrance to studio 5 at the City Road complex gave its name to the 1980s music television programme, The Tube. entailment 1794 When was the drainage basin of the Amazon believed to have split in the middle of South America? During the mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. entailment 1795 When extensive time is required to sort integers, this represents what case complexity? The worst-case is when the input is sorted or sorted in reverse order, and the algorithm takes time O(n2) for this case. entailment 1796 What process is responsible for the planet's oxygen content? The main driving factor of the oxygen cycle is photosynthesis, which is responsible for modern Earth's atmosphere. entailment 1797 the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search, what was the prize for finding a prime with at least 10 million digits? Some of the largest primes not known to have any particular form (that is, no simple formula such as that of Mersenne primes) have been found by taking a piece of semi-random binary data, converting it to a number n, multiplying it by 256k for some positive integer k, and searching for possible primes within the interval [256kn + 1, 256k(n + 1) not_entailment 1798 Who did the Broncos beat to win their division in 2015? The Broncos defeated the Pittsburgh Steelers in the divisional round, 23–16, by scoring 11 points in the final three minutes of the game. entailment 1799 What was Tesla's plan to make students "bright"? The whole room will thus, Mr. Tesla claims, be converted into a health-giving and stimulating electromagnetic field or 'bath.' not_entailment 1800 How many Kenyans are non-religious? Sizeable minorities of other faiths do exist (Muslim 11.2%, indigenous beliefs 1.7%), and nonreligious 2.4%. entailment 1801 Who officially opened the V&A? In 1893 the "Science Museum" had effectively come into existence when a separate director was appointed. not_entailment 1802 Why did so many not approve of the bill? Opposition politicians, human rights groups, and nine Western countries criticised the security bill, arguing that it infringed on democratic freedoms. entailment 1803 What does Graham Twigg propose about the spread of disease? Archaeologist Barney Sloane has argued that there is insufficient evidence of the extinction of a large number of rats in the archaeological record of the medieval waterfront in London and that the plague spread too quickly to support the thesis that the Y. pestis was spread from fleas on rats; he argues that transmission must have been person to person. not_entailment 1804 Why must one be excluded in order to preserve the uniqueness of the fundamental theorem? The fundamental theorem of arithmetic establishes the central role of primes in number theory: any integer greater than 1 can be expressed as a product of primes that is unique up to ordering. not_entailment 1805 What actress played the last incarnation of the Doctor in the special? In 1999, another special, Doctor Who and the Curse of Fatal Death, was made for Comic Relief and later released on VHS. not_entailment 1806 What does matter actually have that Newtonian mechanics doesn't address? However, in real life, matter has extended structure and forces that act on one part of an object might affect other parts of an object. entailment 1807 What company agreed to terminate high court proceedings with BSkyB? As part of the agreements, both BSkyB and Virgin Media agreed to terminate all High Court proceedings against each other relating to the carriage of their respective basic channels. entailment 1808 Who did Tesla call in the middle of the night? Swezey recalled one morning when Tesla called him at 3 a.m.: "I was sleeping in my room like one dead ... not_entailment 1809 Whose goals often still oppose the IPCC? The lockstep situation of the IPCC is having built a broad science consensus while states and governments still follow different, if not opposing goals. entailment 1810 What typeface are the letters in the iconic ABC logo reminiscent of? The letters are strongly reminiscent of the Bauhaus typeface designed by Herbert Bayer in the 1920s, but also share similarities with several other fonts, such as ITC Avant Garde and Horatio, and most closely resembling Chalet. entailment 1811 Who previously held the record for being the oldest quarterback to play in a Super Bowl? He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. not_entailment 1812 Who did Gegeen appoint as grand chancellor? They placed Yesün Temür (or Taidingdi) on the throne, and, after an unsuccessful attempt to calm the princes, he also succumbed to regicide. not_entailment 1813 Who masterminded many terror attacks? One result of this was a campaign of attacks on government officials and tourists in Egypt, a bloody civil war in Algeria and Osama bin Laden's terror attacks climaxing in the 9/11 attack. entailment 1814 what was Tesla's financial situation after being forced out? They eventually forced Tesla out leaving him penniless. entailment 1815 How long is the section of the Rhine near Chur? This section is nearly 86 km long, and descends from a height of 599 m to 396 m. It flows through a wide glacial alpine valley known as the Rhine Valley (German: Rheintal). entailment 1816 What was the result of the 2007 election? Later in the summer, Kenyatta visited China at the invitation of President Xi Jinping after a stop in Russia and not having visited the United States as president. not_entailment 1817 What was the title of Philo's work? One of the first known experiments on the relationship between combustion and air was conducted by the 2nd century BCE Greek writer on mechanics, Philo of Byzantium. not_entailment 1818 What are PD rings? In a few species like Cyanidioschyzon merolæ, chloroplasts have a third plastid-dividing ring located in the chloroplast's intermembrane space. not_entailment 1819 What was the name of the approved measure that helped cover the cost of major city projects? The Better Jacksonville Plan, promoted as a blueprint for Jacksonville's future and approved by Jacksonville voters in 2000, authorized a half-penny sales tax. entailment 1820 What cultures were part of Kublai's administration? While the official terminology of the institutions may indicate the government structure was almost purely that of native Chinese dynasties, the Yuan bureaucracy actually consisted of a mix of elements from different cultures. not_entailment 1821 Who handled the color commentary for Denver's radio stations? In Denver, KOA (850 AM) and KRFX (103.5 FM) will carry the game, with Dave Logan on play-by-play and Ed McCaffrey on color commentary. entailment 1822 Who discovered pottery found on Black Hammock Island? On Black Hammock Island in the national Timucuan Ecological and Historic Preserve, a University of North Florida team discovered some of the oldest remnants of pottery in the United States, dating to 2500 BC. entailment 1823 How many courses must undergraduates maintain for full time status? Undergraduates typically take four half-courses per term and must maintain a four-course rate average to be considered full-time. entailment 1824 Which well-known general abandoned Jamukha's coalition against Temüjin? Jamukha's assumption of this title was the final breach with Temüjin, and Jamukha formed a coalition of tribes to oppose him. not_entailment 1825 Where was Genghis Khan likely born? The Secret History of the Mongols reports that Temüjin was born with a blood clot grasped in his fist, a traditional sign that he was destined to become a great leader. not_entailment 1826 What commonality do alternate machine models, such as random access machines, share with Turing machines? Many machine models different from the standard multi-tape Turing machines have been proposed in the literature, for example random access machines. not_entailment 1827 Who had Toghtogha tried to defeat? In 1354, when Toghtogha led a large army to crush the Red Turban rebels, Toghun Temür suddenly dismissed him for fear of betrayal. entailment 1828 What is another name for a coal supply bin? Other components are often present; pumps (such as an injector) to supply water to the boiler during operation, condensers to recirculate the water and recover the latent heat of vaporisation, and superheaters to raise the temperature of the steam above its saturated vapour point, and various mechanisms to increase the draft for fireboxes. not_entailment 1829 What cable provider did ABC reach an agreement with in 1993 to carry it's owned-and-operated stations in ABC O&O markets? In 1993, the FCC repealed the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules, once again allowing networks to hold interests in television production studios. not_entailment 1830 Where was French withdrawal to? Johnson's advance stopped at Fort William Henry, and the French withdrew to Ticonderoga Point, where they began the construction of Fort Carillon (later renamed Fort Ticonderoga after British capture in 1759). entailment 1831 How many tackles did Von Miller accomlish by himself in the game? Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. not_entailment 1832 What public policy school found it's home in the building that Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed? In 2011, the university completed the glass dome-shaped Joe and Rika Mansueto Library, which provides a grand reading room for the university library and prevents the need for an off-campus book depository. not_entailment 1833 How many of the richest 400 Americans grew up in substantial privilege? In September 2012, according to the Institute for Policy Studies, "over 60 percent" of the Forbes richest 400 Americans "grew up in substantial privilege". entailment 1834 What did Luther identify the Papacy as? In 1521 Luther dealt largely with prophecy, in which he broadened the foundations of the Reformation placing them on prophetic faith. not_entailment 1835 Who formulated the idea of clonal selection theory of immunity? The theory was later modified to reflect new discoveries regarding histocompatibility or the complex "two-signal" activation of T cells. not_entailment 1836 What Lionsgate trailer was shown during the Super Bowl? 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios and Walt Disney Studios paid for movie trailers to be aired during the Super Bowl. not_entailment 1837 What provided much of the basis for the structure of the Parliament in 1995? In the aftermath of the 1979 referendum defeat, the Campaign for a Scottish Assembly was initiated as a pressure group, leading to the 1989 Scottish Constitutional Convention with various organisations such as Scottish churches, political parties and representatives of industry taking part. not_entailment 1838 Of what nationality was Martin Luther? Martin Luther (/ˈluːθər/ or /ˈluːðər/; German: [ˈmaɐ̯tiːn ˈlʊtɐ] ( listen); 10 November 1483 – 18 February 1546) was a German professor of theology, composer, priest, former monk and a seminal figure in the Protestant Reformation. entailment 1839 Who went to Wittenberg to hear Luther speak? Students thronged to Wittenberg to hear Luther speak. entailment 1840 How many fraternities are apart of the university? There are fifteen fraternities and seven sororities at the University of Chicago, as well as one co-ed community service fraternity, Alpha Phi Omega. entailment 1841 Among whom was Genghis Khan's empire split after his death? As a result, Genghis Khan and his empire have a fearsome reputation in local histories. not_entailment 1842 Who is given credit for discovering geoglyphs along the Amazon River? Ondemar Dias is accredited with first discovering the geoglyphs in 1977 and Alceu Ranzi with furthering their discovery after flying over Acre. entailment 1843 How many points did the Broncos score in the final three minutes of the Pittsburgh game? Despite Manning's problems with interceptions during the season, he didn't throw any in their two playoff games. not_entailment 1844 What began in 1527 when Luther introdued the new order of worship? Luther and his colleagues introduced the new order of worship during their visitation of the Electorate of Saxony, which began in 1527. entailment 1845 What effect did Genghis Khan's career have on communication and trade across Asia? In Turkey, Genghis Khan is looked on as a great military leader, and it is popular for male children to carry his title as name. not_entailment 1846 How did Luther describe his learning at the university? He was made to wake at four every morning for what has been described as "a day of rote learning and often wearying spiritual exercises." entailment 1847 On an international level, which industry's competitive positions is affected? On an international level, the price increases changed competitive positions in many industries, such as automobiles. entailment 1848 What is Sky+ HD material broadcast using? BSkyB's standard definition broadcasts are in DVB-compliant MPEG-2, with the Sky Movies and Sky Box Office channels including optional Dolby Digital soundtracks for recent films, although these are only accessible with a Sky+ box. not_entailment 1849 What state constitutional amendments make reference to the government funding religious schools? Funding for private schools is generally provided through student tuition, endowments, scholarship/voucher funds, and donations and grants from religious organizations or private individuals. not_entailment 1850 Which company provides train service in Fresno? Passenger rail service is provided by Amtrak San Joaquins. entailment 1851 Which famous French artist who painted the Grande Odalisque of 1814 is represented in the drawings collection of the V&A? The collection of drawings includes over 10,000 British and 2,000 old master works, including works by: Dürer, Giovanni Benedetto Castiglione, Bernardo Buontalenti, Rembrandt, Antonio Verrio, Paul Sandby, John Russell, Angelica Kauffman, John Flaxman, Hugh Douglas Hamilton, Thomas Rowlandson, William Kilburn, Thomas Girtin, Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres, David Wilkie, John Martin, Samuel Palmer, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Lord Frederic Leighton, Sir Samuel Luke Fildes and Aubrey Beardsley. entailment 1852 What is the name of the country's longest continuously running student film society? Students at the University of Chicago run over 400 clubs and organizations known as Recognized Student Organizations (RSOs). not_entailment 1853 What reconstructions supported the 1999 paper's information? The schematic was not an actual plot of data, and was based on a diagram of temperatures in central England, with temperatures increased on the basis of documentary evidence of Medieval vineyards in England. entailment 1854 What were the protesters doing with Christ's counsel? Lastly, Luther charged the rebels with blasphemy for calling themselves "Christian brethren" and committing their sinful acts under the banner of the Gospel. not_entailment 1855 What parts of plants have chloroplasts? Not all cells in a multicellular plant contain chloroplasts. not_entailment 1856 What is being overhauled as part of the improvement works? Longer term plans include the procurement of an entirely new fleet of trains and further extensions to the system. not_entailment 1857 What crew sent the first ever live images of the Earth and Moon to earth? The crew of Apollo 8 sent the first live televised pictures of the Earth and the Moon back to Earth, and read from the creation story in the Book of Genesis, on Christmas Eve, 1968. entailment 1858 Which American show changed the views of Romanians during the cold war? For example, depictions of opulent American lifestyles in the soap opera Dallas during the Cold War changed the expectations of Romanians; a more recent example is the influence of smuggled South Korean drama series in North Korea. entailment 1859 After an eventful and tiring year for the world during 1968, what type of ending to the year did the images from space provide? The mission and Christmas provided an inspiring end to 1968, which had been a troubled year for the US, marked by Vietnam War protests, race riots, and the assassinations of civil rights leader Martin Luther King, Jr., and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. entailment 1860 Other than its main central business district, where are the majority of San Diego's business districts located? Most of these districts are located in Northern San Diego and some within North County regions. entailment 1861 What battle outside Quebec City did British lose in 1760? The victory was made complete in 1760 when, despite losing outside Quebec City in the Battle of Sainte-Foy, the British were able to prevent the arrival of French relief ships in the naval Battle of the Restigouche while armies marched on Montreal from three sides. entailment 1862 When was the first direct elections for native Kenyans? The first direct elections for native Kenyans to the Legislative Council took place in 1957. entailment 1863 When did the four rightly guided Caliphs die? HT sees Islam's pivotal turning point as occurring not with the death of Ali, or one of the other four rightly guided Caliphs in the 7th century, but with the abolition of the Ottoman Caliphate in 1924. entailment 1864 What language did Tesla study while in school? In 1861, Tesla attended the "Lower" or "Primary" School in Smiljan where he studied German, arithmetic, and religion. entailment 1865 Approximately how many gems in Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend's collection was given to the museum? Major bequests include Reverend Chauncy Hare Townshend's collection of 154 gems bequeathed in 1869, Lady Cory's 1951 gift of major diamond jewellery from the 18th and 19th centuries, and jewellery scholar Dame Joan Evans' 1977 gift of more than 800 jewels dating from the Middle Ages to the early 19th century. entailment 1866 What is the lake known as which was created by the rise of the Andes Mountains? During the mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. not_entailment 1867 Which species are ribbon-shaped planktonic animals? There are two known species, with worldwide distribution in warm, and warm-temperate waters: Cestum veneris ("Venus' girdle") is among the largest ctenophores – up to 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) long, and can undulate slowly or quite rapidly. not_entailment 1868 In what year did the serial format change for the Doctor Who series? As in the early "classic" era, each episode, whether standalone or part of a larger story, has its own title. not_entailment 1869 Where are the Harvard medical, Dental and school of Public Health located? campus in the Longwood Medical and Academic Area approximately 3.3 miles (5.3 km) southwest of downtown Boston and 3.3 miles (5.3 km) south of the Cambridge campus. entailment 1870 What happens when a person's capabilities aer lowered, as it relates to their income? When a person’s capabilities are lowered, they are in some way deprived of earning as much income as they would otherwise. entailment 1871 The Asante and Lunda Empires were in which region? Sub-Saharan Africa has also featured dozens of empires that predate the European colonial era, for example the Ethiopian Empire, Oyo Empire, Asante Union, Luba Empire, Lunda Empire, and Mutapa Empire. entailment 1872 What pushed up the Pyrenees? Several microplates were caught in the squeeze and rotated or were pushed laterally, generating the individual features of Mediterranean geography: Iberia pushed up the Pyrenees; Italy, the Alps, and Anatolia, moving west, the mountains of Greece and the islands. entailment 1873 The loss of biodiversity may be the result of what, according to environmentalists? Environmentalists are concerned about loss of biodiversity that will result from destruction of the forest, and also about the release of the carbon contained within the vegetation, which could accelerate global warming. entailment 1874 After the merger between ABC and Capital Cities was completed, what was the resulting company known as? After the ABC/Capital Cities merger was finalized on January 3, 1986, the combined company – which became known as Capital Cities/ABC, Inc. – added four television stations (WPVI-TV/Philadelphia, KTRK-TV/Houston, KFSN-TV/Fresno and WTVD/Raleigh) and several radio stations to ABC's broadcasting portfolio, and also included Fairchild Publications and four newspapers (including The Kansas City Star and Fort Worth Star-Telegram). entailment 1875 Who sacked Newton with 11 seconds left in the first half? But with 11 seconds left, Newton was sacked by DeMarcus Ware as time expired in the half. entailment 1876 The mountain ranges tail off into what kind of geographical formation? The region spans from Pacific Ocean islands, shorelines, beaches, and coastal plains, through the Transverse and Peninsular Ranges with their peaks, into the large and small interior valleys, to the vast deserts of California. entailment 1877 The steps around the water feature can be drained for what uses? This is in front of the bronze doors leading to the refreshment rooms, a central path flanked by lawns leads to the sculpture gallery; the north, east and west sides have herbaceous borders along the museum walls with paths in front which continues along the south façade; in the two corners by the north façade there is planted an American Sweetgum tree; the southern, eastern and western edges of the lawns have glass planters which contain orange and lemon trees in summer, these are replaced by bay trees in winter. not_entailment 1878 What was the percentage of Germans attending private high schools in 2008? Percent of students in private high schools reached 11.1%. entailment 1879 what was Fresno's population in 2010? The 2010 United States Census reported that Fresno had a population of 494,665. entailment 1880 What did Graham Twigg publish in 1984? In 1984 zoologist Graham Twigg produced the first major work to challenge the bubonic plague theory directly, and his doubts about the identity of the Black Death have been taken up by a number of authors, including Samuel K. Cohn, Jr. (2002), David Herlihy (1997), and Susan Scott and Christopher Duncan (2001). entailment 1881 Which country used to rule California? Though there is no official definition for the northern boundary of southern California, such a division has existed from the time when Mexico ruled California, and political disputes raged between the Californios of Monterey in the upper part and Los Angeles in the lower part of Alta California. entailment 1882 What organization predicted that the Amazon forest could survive only three years of drought? A July 23, 2006 article in the UK newspaper The Independent reported Woods Hole Research Center results showing that the forest in its present form could survive only three years of drought. entailment 1883 What was Tampa's primary ABC affiliate prior to 1994? The network has the unusual distinction of having separately owned and operated affiliates which serve the same market in Tampa, Florida (WFTS-TV and WWSB) and Grand Rapids, Michigan (WZZM and WOTV), with an analogous situation arising in Kansas City, Missouri (KMBC-TV and KQTV). not_entailment 1884 What Republic has maintained its control of Iran? The Islamic Republic has also maintained its hold on power in Iran in spite of US economic sanctions, and has created or assisted like-minded Shia terrorist groups in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Jordan (SCIRI) and Lebanon (Hezbollah) (two Muslim countries that also have large Shiite populations). entailment 1885 For how many years was evidence shown that humans shaped the the Amazon? The BBC's Unnatural Histories presents evidence that Orellana, rather than exaggerating his claims as previously thought, was correct in his observations that a complex civilization was flourishing along the Amazon in the 1540s. not_entailment 1886 Where did French fur trappers travel? The French population numbered about 75,000 and was heavily concentrated along the St. Lawrence River valley, with some also in Acadia (present-day New Brunswick and parts of Nova Scotia, including Île Royale (present-day Cape Breton Island)). not_entailment 1887 What type of curricula is it that a teacher may likely follow? A teacher may follow standardized curricula as determined by the relevant authority. entailment 1888 Who makes formal appointment or dismissal decisions? Theoretically, Parliament also elects the Scottish Ministers who form the government of Scotland and sit in the Scottish cabinet, but such ministers are, in practice, appointed to their roles by the First Minister. not_entailment 1889 In the effort of maintaining a level of abstraction, what choice is typically left independent? Even though some proofs of complexity-theoretic theorems regularly assume some concrete choice of input encoding, one tries to keep the discussion abstract enough to be independent of the choice of encoding. entailment 1890 Where did Luther describe the resting place of the saints? In his Smalcald Articles, he described the saints as currently residing "in their graves and in heaven." entailment 1891 What is a genuine love of God with heart, soul and mind? Sanctifying Grace is that grace of God which sustains the believers in the journey toward Christian Perfection: a genuine love of God with heart, soul, mind, and strength, and a genuine love of our neighbors as ourselves. entailment 1892 What type of steam engine doesn't need valves to direct steam? An oscillating cylinder steam engine is a variant of the simple expansion steam engine which does not require valves to direct steam into and out of the cylinder. entailment 1893 What was the percentage of Non-Hispanic Whites in 2010? . Non-Hispanic Whites were 30.0% of the population in 2010, down from 72.6% in 1970. entailment 1894 How did Luther broaden the Reformation in terms of prophecy? In 1521 Luther dealt largely with prophecy, in which he broadened the foundations of the Reformation placing them on prophetic faith. entailment 1895 What Denver player had 109 tackels for the 2015 season? Linebacker DeMarcus Ware was selected to play in the Pro Bowl for the ninth time in his career, ranking second on the team with 7½ sacks. not_entailment 1896 What station aired the Super Bowl? It was the third-most watched U.S. broadcast ever. not_entailment 1897 What is a hermaphrodite? Some are simultaneous hermaphrodites, which can produce both eggs and sperm at the same time. not_entailment 1898 Who challenged the plague theory first? The plague theory was first significantly challenged by the work of British bacteriologist J. F. D. Shrewsbury in 1970, who noted that the reported rates of mortality in rural areas during the 14th-century pandemic were inconsistent with the modern bubonic plague, leading him to conclude that contemporary accounts were exaggerations. entailment 1899 Which gas makes up 20.8% of the Earth's atmosphere? Oxygen is the most abundant element by mass in the Earth's crust as part of oxide compounds such as silicon dioxide, making up almost half of the crust's mass. not_entailment 1900 A block of West End Avenue that houses an ABC News building was renamed for what ABC anchor? ABC also owns the Times Square Studios at 1500 Broadway on land in Times Square owned by a development fund for the 42nd Street Project; opened in 1999, Good Morning America and Nightline are broadcast from this particular facility. not_entailment 1901 What type of manufacturing plant is Victoria soon losing? Holden's announcement occurred in May 2013, followed by Ford's decision in December of the same year (Ford's Victorian plants—in Broadmeadows and Geelong—will close in October 2016). not_entailment 1902 Where does Kenya rang on the CPI scale? However, there are several rather significant developments with regards to curbing corruption from the Kenyan government, for instance, the establishment of a new and independent Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC). not_entailment 1903 Who missed a field goal for the Panthers? But the Broncos defense halted the drive on the 26-yard line, and it ended with no points when Graham Gano hit the uprights on a 44-yard field goal attempt. entailment 1904 What made emigration to these colonies attractive? They also spread beyond Europe to the Dutch Cape Colony in South Africa, the Dutch East Indies, the Caribbean, and several of the English colonies of North America, and Quebec, where they were accepted and allowed to worship freely. entailment 1905 What do astronaughts experience while in free-fall? If an astronaut places an object with mass in mid-air next to himself, it will remain stationary with respect to the astronaut due to its inertia. not_entailment 1906 How much did enrollment increase? As a result, primary school enrolment increased by about 70%. entailment 1907 What is Nexus? Bus Services in Newcastle upon Tyne and the surrounding boroughs part of the Tyne and Wear area are coordinated by Nexus, the Tyne and Wear Passenger Transport Executive. entailment 1908 In what city's Marriott did the Broncos stay? The Broncos practiced at Stanford University and stayed at the Santa Clara Marriott. entailment 1909 The restriction modification system is used by bacteria for protection from what pathogens? Immune systems appear even in the structurally most simple forms of life, with bacteria using a unique defense mechanism, called the restriction modification system to protect themselves from viral pathogens, called bacteriophages. entailment 1910 What is 565 °C the creep limit of? Without the pressure reaching supercritical levels for the working fluid, the temperature range the cycle can operate over is quite small; in steam turbines, turbine entry temperatures are typically 565 °C (the creep limit of stainless steel) and condenser temperatures are around 30 °C. entailment 1911 What months out of the year is Woodward Park open? It is also the home of the Woodward Shakespeare Festival which began performances in the park in 2005. not_entailment 1912 What don't chloroplastidan chloroplasts have? Chloroplastidan chloroplasts have lost the peptidoglycan wall between their double membrane, and have replaced it with an intermembrane space. entailment 1913 School desegregation in the United States led to an increased number of students of what ethnicity in public schools? In many parts of the United States, after the 1954 decision in the landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate "with all deliberate speed", local families organized a wave of private "Christian academies". not_entailment 1914 When did DFDS terminate its services to Norway? Since summer 2007, Thomson cruise lines have included Newcastle as a departure port on its Norwegian and Fjords cruise. not_entailment 1915 How did the final Song emperor die? Song loyalists escaped from the capital and enthroned a young child as Emperor Bing of Song. not_entailment 1916 What is the full name of the ASER? They will have to satisfy a number of infrastructure and human resource related criteria to get Recognition (a form of license) from the government. not_entailment 1917 What did John Dalton think that all elements were in number present in compounds? For example, Dalton assumed that water's formula was HO, giving the atomic mass of oxygen as 8 times that of hydrogen, instead of the modern value of about 16. not_entailment 1918 What was one of theories as to what caused Tesla's father's unspecified illness? On 17 April 1879, Milutin Tesla died at the age of 60 after contracting an unspecified illness (although some sources say that he died of a stroke). entailment 1919 Which Doctors were highlighted on the first audio releases on CD? The earliest of these featured the Fifth, Sixth and Seventh Doctors, with Paul McGann's Eight Doctor joining the line in 2001. entailment 1920 In April 2014, how many New Zealand students attended private schools? As a result, private schools in New Zealand are now largely restricted to the largest cities (Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch) and niche markets. not_entailment 1921 Southern California is second to which island in terms of famous serf breaks? Southern California is also important to the world of yachting. not_entailment 1922 What is the animal that the Rhine's islands are named after? Most of the delta is a nature reserve and bird sanctuary. not_entailment 1923 What is the largest stadium in Australia? The ground is also considered the "spiritual home" of Australian cricket and Australian rules football, and hosts the grand final of the Australian Football League (AFL) each year, usually drawing crowds of over 95,000 people. not_entailment 1924 What is PPP? There is also a growing number of new forms of procurement that involve relationship contracting where the emphasis is on a co-operative relationship between the principal and contractor and other stakeholders within a construction project. not_entailment 1925 Previous to isotopic dating sections of rocks had to be dated using fossils and stratigraphic correlation relative to what? With isotopic dates it became possible to assign absolute ages to rock units, and these absolute dates could be applied to fossil sequences in which there was datable material, converting the old relative ages into new absolute ages. not_entailment 1926 What other European Protestant leader was educated at the University of Paris? William Farel was a student of Lefevre who went on to become a leader of the Swiss Reformation, establishing a Protestant government in Geneva. not_entailment 1927 How many homes did the Alta Vista Tract have five years after Billings & Meyering acquired it? The Alta Vista Tract, as the land would become known, was mapped by William Stranahan for the Pacific Improvement Corporation, and was officially platted in 1911. not_entailment 1928 When did Mongke Khan become Great Khan? Möngke Khan succeeded Ögedei's son, Güyük, as Great Khan in 1251. entailment 1929 What was the percentage of Black or African-Americans living in the city? Hispanic or Latino of any race were 39.9% of the population. not_entailment 1930 What is the yearly cost of some notable prep schools in New England? In the United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries including Australia and Canada, the use of the term is generally restricted to primary and secondary educational levels; it is almost never used of universities and other tertiary institutions. not_entailment 1931 Who designed ABC's 1998 new graphic design? In 1998, the network began using a minimalist graphical identity, designed by Pittard Sullivan, featuring a small black-and-white "ABC Circle" logo on a yellow background (promotions during this time also featured a sequence of still photos of the stars of its programs during the timeslot card as well as the schedule sequence that began each night's prime time lineup). entailment 1932 To promote accessibility of the works, what did Luther remove? He intended his vigorous, direct language to make the Bible accessible to everyday Germans, "for we are removing impediments and difficulties so that other people may read it without hindrance." entailment 1933 What President is credited with the original notion of putting Americans in space? The Apollo program, also known as Project Apollo, was the third United States human spaceflight program carried out by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), which accomplished landing the first humans on the Moon from 1969 to 1972. not_entailment 1934 What profession does Zbigniew Badowski have? As the university garden it is open to the public every day. not_entailment 1935 What happened to the East India Trading Company in 1767? In 1767 political activity caused exploitation of the East India Company causing the plundering of the local economy, almost bringing the company into bankruptcy. entailment 1936 How many seats does Victoria have in the Australian House of Representatives? The personal representative of the Queen of Australia in the state is the Governor of Victoria, currently Linda Dessau. not_entailment 1937 Which British sculptor whose work include the Queen Victoria memorial in front of Buckingham Palace is included in the V&A collection? Sculptors both British and Europeans who were based in Britain and whose work is in the collection include Nicholas Stone, Caius Gabriel Cibber, Grinling Gibbons, John Michael Rysbrack, Louis-François Roubiliac, Peter Scheemakers, Sir Henry Cheere, Agostino Carlini, Thomas Banks, Joseph Nollekens, Joseph Wilton, John Flaxman, Sir Francis Chantrey, John Gibson, Edward Hodges Baily, Lord Leighton, Alfred Stevens, Thomas Brock, Alfred Gilbert, George Frampton, and Eric Gill. entailment 1938 When was the Last Glacial Maximum? 22,000–14,000 yr BP, when ice-sheets covered Scandinavia, the Baltics, Scotland and the Alps, but left the space between as open tundra. entailment 1939 How long did Western Europe control Cyprus? Although not part of a planned operation, the conquest had much more permanent results than initially expected. not_entailment 1940 In what year was the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search project conducted? In 2009, the Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search project was awarded a US$100,000 prize for first discovering a prime with at least 10 million digits. entailment 1941 How many affiliates did ABC have in 1949? For its part, ABC was on the verge of bankruptcy, with only five owned-and-operated stations and nine full-time affiliates. entailment 1942 Why might rats not be responsible for the plague? In addition to arguing that the rat population was insufficient to account for a bubonic plague pandemic, sceptics of the bubonic plague theory point out that the symptoms of the Black Death are not unique (and arguably in some accounts may differ from bubonic plague); that transference via fleas in goods was likely to be of marginal significance; and that the DNA results may be flawed and might not have been repeated elsewhere, despite extensive samples from other mass graves. entailment 1943 How many botanical gardens does Warsaw have? Warsaw has also two botanic gardens: by the Łazienki park (a didactic-research unit of the University of Warsaw) as well as by the Park of Culture and Rest in Powsin (a unit of the Polish Academy of Science). entailment 1944 When was a part of Grainger Town destroyed? A portion of Grainger Town was demolished in the 1960s to make way for the Eldon Square Shopping Centre, including all but one side of the original Eldon Square itself. entailment 1945 What percentage of Australia's dairy cattle are found in Victoria? It is home to 60% of Australia's 3 million dairy cattle and produces nearly two-thirds of the nation's milk, almost 6.4 billion litres. entailment 1946 In which case did the Court of Justice hold that requiring Italian lawyers to comply with maximum tariffs unless there was an agreement with a client was not a restriction? This meant that a lawyer from Stuttgart, who had set up chambers in Milan and was censured by the Milan Bar Council for not having registered, was entitled to bring a claim under for establishment freedom, rather than service freedom. not_entailment 1947 Miller-Boyett Productions was a studio affiliated with what company? Many of the series featured during the run of the block were produced by Miller-Boyett Productions, a Warner Bros.-based studio that briefly programmed the entire Friday lineup during the 1990–91 season (with Going Places joining Family Matters, Full House and Perfect Strangers on the "TGIF" schedule) and through its development deal with Paramount Television prior to 1986 (as Miller-Milkis, and later, Miller-Milkis-Boyett Productions), had earlier produced Happy Days and its various spinoffs among other series for the network. entailment 1948 What is the main executive body of the EU? This means that the Commission has a monopoly on initiating the legislative procedure, although the Council is the "de facto catalyst of many legislative initiatives". not_entailment 1949 What can the growth elasticity of poverty depend on? The effect of economic growth on poverty reduction – the growth elasticity of poverty – can depend on the existing level of inequality. entailment 1950 How accurate did Guo make the reformed lunisolar calendar? During the Yuan period, Beijing became the terminus of the Grand Canal of China, which was completely renovated. not_entailment 1951 Of what form is the infinite amount of primes that comprise the special cases of Schinzel's hypothesis? These conjectures are special cases of the broad Schinzel's hypothesis H. Brocard's conjecture says that there are always at least four primes between the squares of consecutive primes greater than 2. not_entailment 1952 How much was the Apollo project estimated to have cost from 1959 to 1973, the length of the program? In 2009, NASA held a symposium on project costs which presented an estimate of the Apollo program costs in 2005 dollars as roughly $170 billion. not_entailment 1953 When were the French wars of religion? The former, with their violence, caused the wanton destruction of many Norman edifices; the latter, with its assault on religion, caused the purposeful destruction of religious objects of any type, and its destabilisation of society resulted in rampant pillaging. not_entailment 1954 Who was this season's NFL MVP? The Panthers finished the regular season with a 15–1 record, and quarterback Cam Newton was named the NFL Most Valuable Player (MVP). entailment 1955 Besides the arguments with Rome and his own fellow reformers, what scandal contributed to Luther's failing health? Luther had been suffering from ill health for years, including Ménière's disease, vertigo, fainting, tinnitus, and a cataract in one eye. not_entailment 1956 What is an example of a pump component? Other components are often present; pumps (such as an injector) to supply water to the boiler during operation, condensers to recirculate the water and recover the latent heat of vaporisation, and superheaters to raise the temperature of the steam above its saturated vapour point, and various mechanisms to increase the draft for fireboxes. entailment 1957 The inside of a ctenophore is lined with what? In other parts of the canal system, the gastrodermis is different on the sides nearest to and furthest from the organ that it supplies. not_entailment 1958 Prior to Super Bowl 50, when were the Carolina Panthers last there? The Broncos made their second Super Bowl appearance in three years, having reached Super Bowl XLVIII, while the Panthers made their second Super Bowl appearance in franchise history, their other appearance being Super Bowl XXXVIII. entailment 1959 A language solved in quadratic time implies the use of what type of Turing machine? This forms the basis for the complexity class P, which is the set of decision problems solvable by a deterministic Turing machine within polynomial time. not_entailment 1960 How long does it take to know the outcome of a division? As a result, the outcome of each division is known in seconds. entailment 1961 Suzuki Chokichi's incense burner dated 1875 is made of what from material? One of the finest objects displayed is Suzuki Chokichi's bronze incense burner (koro) dated 1875, standing at over 2.25 metres high and 1.25 metres in diameter it is also one of the largest examples made. entailment 1962 What type of authority do Sudbury schools prefer? Sudbury model democratic schools claim that popularly based authority can maintain order more effectively than dictatorial authority for governments and schools alike. entailment 1963 What did frozen subsoil and expanded alpine glaciers begin to do? As northwest Europe slowly began to warm up from 22,000 years ago onward, frozen subsoil and expanded alpine glaciers began to thaw and fall-winter snow covers melted in spring. entailment 1964 What is beta carotene? There are about thirty photosynthetic carotenoids. not_entailment 1965 What were the "great Forces" mentioned in the article's title? Tesla made predictions about the relevant issues of a post-World War I environment in a printed article, "Science and Discovery are the great Forces which will lead to the Consummation of the War" (20 December 1914). entailment 1966 What is evidence chloroplasts descended from endosymbiotic cyanobacteria? The fact that chloroplasts are surrounded by a double membrane is often cited as evidence that they are the descendants of endosymbiotic cyanobacteria. entailment 1967 Does BSkyB carry any control over the picture quality of a channel? However, even in this case, BSkyB does not carry any control over the channel's content or carriage issues such as picture quality. entailment 1968 What was the only region in Europe not conquered by the Germanic tribes? Although by 1000 CE, the Germanic conquest of central, western, and southern Europe (west of and including Italy) was complete, excluding only Muslim Iberia. entailment 1969 What direction did Watson say the mistake went in? The IPCC needs to look at this trend in the errors and ask why it happened". not_entailment 1970 What theoretical device is attributed to Alan Turing? Before the actual research explicitly devoted to the complexity of algorithmic problems started off, numerous foundations were laid out by various researchers. not_entailment 1971 What equation desribed the physics of force before the current Schrodinger equation? The notion "force" keeps its meaning in quantum mechanics, though one is now dealing with operators instead of classical variables and though the physics is now described by the Schrödinger equation instead of Newtonian equations. entailment 1972 What is 565 °C the creep limit of? This gives a theoretical Carnot efficiency of about 63% compared with an actual efficiency of 42% for a modern coal-fired power station. not_entailment 1973 What is different about Paulinella chromatophora? While most chloroplasts originate from that first set of endosymbiotic events, Paulinella chromatophora is an exception that acquired a photosynthetic cyanobacterial endosymbiont more recently. entailment 1974 What is the first line of defense against pathogens that prevents them from entering an organism? This improved response is then retained after the pathogen has been eliminated, in the form of an immunological memory, and allows the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger attacks each time this pathogen is encountered. not_entailment 1975 By 199 how many universities were connected The Very high-speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS) came on line in April 1995 as part of a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored project to provide high-speed interconnection between NSF-sponsored supercomputing centers and select access points in the United States. not_entailment 1976 What are those with lower incomes often unable to manage? Firstly, certain costs are difficult to avoid and are shared by everyone, such as the costs of housing, pensions, education and health care. not_entailment 1977 What is the first major bend in the Rhine called? The most important tributaries in this area are the Ill below of Strasbourg, the Neckar in Mannheim and the Main across from Mainz. not_entailment 1978 What did Wiesner shout out in front of the press during a presentation by von Braun? Webb jumped in and defended von Braun, until Kennedy ended the squabble by stating that the matter was "still subject to final review". not_entailment 1979 What society founded the University of Chicago? Founded by the American Baptist Education Society with a donation from oil magnate and wealthiest man in history John D. Rockefeller, the University of Chicago was incorporated in 1890; William Rainey Harper became the university's first president in 1891, and the first classes were held in 1892. entailment 1980 What pathway that plays a role in immune response to viruses is present in all eukaryotes? Antimicrobial peptides called defensins are an evolutionarily conserved component of the innate immune response found in all animals and plants, and represent the main form of invertebrate systemic immunity. not_entailment 1981 When did Henry issue the Edict of Nantes? The warfare was definitively quelled in 1598, when Henry of Navarre, having succeeded to the French throne as Henry IV, and having recanted Protestantism in favour of Roman Catholicism, issued the Edict of Nantes. entailment 1982 What kind of chloroplasts do Euglenophytes have? Euglenophyte chloroplasts have a pyrenoid and thylakoids stacked in groups of three. not_entailment 1983 What does the Ruhr provide to it's community? The Ruhr currently provides the region with drinking water. entailment 1984 In a 4-cylinder compound engine, what degree were the individual pistons balanced at? When the double expansion group is duplicated, producing a 4-cylinder compound, the individual pistons within the group are usually balanced at 180°, the groups being set at 90° to each other. entailment 1985 What kind of system of infection involves inserting a hollow tube into a host cell? Alternatively, using a type III secretion system, they may insert a hollow tube into the host cell, providing a direct route for proteins to move from the pathogen to the host. entailment 1986 which years did tesla refer to as a time of terrible headaches and bitter tears? He even lost control of the patents he had generated since he had assigned them to the company in lieu of stock. not_entailment 1987 Which section of the Rhine is most factories found? Other rivers in the Ruhr Area, above all, the Emscher, still carry a considerable degree of pollution. not_entailment 1988 What health company was a Super Bowl sponsor? For the first time, the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee and the NFL have openly sought disabled veteran and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the Super Bowl. not_entailment 1989 What caused the US public to condemn the occupation of the philippines? The early United States expressed its opposition to Imperialism, at least in a form distinct from its own Manifest Destiny, through policies such as the Monroe Doctrine. not_entailment 1990 What articles state that unless conferred, powers remain with member states? Many member state courts believe they decide, other member state Parliaments believe they decide, while within the EU, the Court of Justice believes it has the final say. not_entailment 1991 What happens to reactive oxygen species signals since they don't leave the chloroplast? After detecting stress in a cell, which might be due to a pathogen, chloroplasts begin producing molecules like salicylic acid, jasmonic acid, nitric oxide and reactive oxygen species which can serve as defense-signals. not_entailment 1992 Approximately how many items comprise the jewelry collection of the V&A? Other items in the collection include diamond dress ornaments made for Catherine the Great, bracelet clasps once belonging to Marie Antoinette, and the Beauharnais emerald necklace presented by Napoleon to his adopted daughter Hortense de Beauharnais in 1806. not_entailment 1993 Where does the Amazon region rate among the entire earth for its amount of biodiversity? The biodiversity of plant species is the highest on Earth with one 2001 study finding a quarter square kilometer (62 acres) of Ecuadorian rainforest supports more than 1,100 tree species. entailment 1994 What proposed attacks did Shirley plan? In addition to renewing the efforts to capture Niagara, Crown Point and Duquesne, he proposed attacks on Fort Frontenac on the north shore of Lake Ontario and an expedition through the wilderness of the Maine district and down the Chaudière River to attack the city of Quebec. entailment 1995 Who was Philip I? Agreement was achieved on fourteen points out of fifteen, the exception being the nature of the Eucharist – the sacrament of the Lord's Supper—an issue crucial to Luther. not_entailment 1996 What political group began to gain support following the corruption scandal? In the mid-1960s, corruption scandals began to arise among many of the city's officials, who were mainly elected through the traditional old boy network. not_entailment 1997 How long ago was it when the water broke through the Purus Arch? During the mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. not_entailment 1998 What are the 3 post popular libraries for undergraduates in the Harvard system? According to the American Library Association, this makes it the largest academic library in the United States, and one of the largest in the world. not_entailment 1999 By which year did the American cars mpg start to improve? An increase in imported cars into North America forced General Motors, Ford and Chrysler to introduce smaller and fuel-efficient models for domestic sales. not_entailment 2000 Which continents are represented in the V&A's textiles collection? The collection of textiles consists of more than 53,000 examples, mainly western European though all populated continents are represented, dating from the 1st century AD to the present, this is the largest such collection in the world. entailment 2001 Some people describe what between individuals or groups as imperialism or colonialism? However, this internal colonialism faced resistance, as external colonialism did, but the anti-colonial presence was far less prominent due to the nearly complete dominance that the United States was able to assert over both indigenous peoples and African-Americans. not_entailment 2002 In what year was the school renamed as Harvard College? It was initially called "New College" or "the college at New Towne". not_entailment 2003 In 1984 Thomas Murphy contacted Leonard Goldenson about merging ABC with what company? In December 1984, Thomas S. Murphy, chief executive officer of Capital Cities Communications, contacted Leonard Goldenson about a proposal to merge their respective companies. entailment 2004 France laid siege to Montpellier in what year? A royal citadel was built and the university and consulate were taken over by the Catholic party. not_entailment 2005 When do Plastoglobuli occur in linked groups? Plastoglobuli were once thought to be free-floating in the stroma, but it is now thought that they are permanently attached either to a thylakoid or to another plastoglobulus attached to a thylakoid, a configuration that allows a plastoglobulus to exchange its contents with the thylakoid network. not_entailment 2006 What book recognizes the importance of the Chalcedonian Creed? The Book of Discipline also recognizes the importance of the Chalcedonian Creed of the Council of Chalcedon. entailment 2007 In what year was Roger II made king? Roger's son, Roger II of Sicily, was crowned king in 1130 (exactly one century after Rainulf was "crowned" count) by Antipope Anacletus II. entailment 2008 What museum specializes in cultural history and civilizations of the Western Hemisphere? The Arthur M. Sackler Museum includes collections of ancient, Asian, Islamic and later Indian art, the Busch-Reisinger Museum, formerly the Germanic Museum, covers central and northern European art, and the Fogg Museum of Art, covers Western art from the Middle Ages to the present emphasizing Italian early Renaissance, British pre-Raphaelite, and 19th-century French art. not_entailment 2009 What later actions by the Nazis could be traced back to Luther's rhetoric? According to the prevailing view among historians, his anti-Jewish rhetoric contributed significantly to the development of antisemitism in Germany, and in the 1930s and 1940s provided an "ideal underpinning" for the Nazis' attacks on Jews. entailment 2010 Why were Southern Chinese ranked lower? The Northern Chinese were ranked higher and Southern Chinese were ranked lower because southern China withstood and fought to the last before caving in. entailment 2011 What is the name of the basin that was created from a enclosed lake? As the Andes Mountains rose, however, a large basin was created that enclosed a lake; now known as the Solimões Basin. entailment 2012 What charity benefited from the 30th anniversary show? In 1993, for the franchise's 30th anniversary, another charity special, titled Dimensions in Time was produced for Children in Need, featuring all of the surviving actors who played the Doctor and a number of previous companions. entailment 2013 What did the Mongol elites wish Buyantu didn't do? He was the first Yuan emperor to actively support and adopt mainstream Chinese culture after the reign of Kublai, to the discontent of some Mongol elite. entailment 2014 What was William Johnson's Iroquois name? The British Superintendent for Indian Affairs in the New York region and beyond, Johnson was known to the Iroquois as Warraghiggey, meaning "He who does great things." entailment 2015 How old was Katharina when she married Luther? At the time of their marriage, Katharina was 26 years old and Luther was 41 years old. entailment 2016 How many times has the South Florida/Miami area hosted the Super Bowl? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. entailment 2017 Who was appointed to be ABC's president by Noble in 1950? In 1950, Noble appointed Robert Kintner to be ABC's president while he himself served as its CEO, a position he would hold until his death in 1958. entailment 2018 In what year did ABC submit licenses for 5 television stations? To ensure a space, in 1947, ABC submitted five applications for television station licenses, one for each market where it owned and operated a radio station (New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, San Francisco and Detroit). entailment 2019 When did Tesla depart from Colorado Springs? His lab was torn down in 1904, and its contents were sold two years later to satisfy a debt. not_entailment 2020 How did the committee raise the money? The host committee has already raised over $40 million through sponsors including Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Intel, Gap, Chevron, and Dignity Health. entailment 2021 What is the name of contemporary Mongolian currency? There have been repeated discussions about regulating the use of his name and image to avoid trivialization. not_entailment 2022 What words are inscribed on the mace of parliament? In front of the Presiding Officers' desk is the parliamentary mace, which is made from silver and inlaid with gold panned from Scottish rivers and inscribed with the words: Wisdom, Compassion, Justice and Integrity. entailment 2023 When did the FCC freeze incoming applications for new stations? In October 1948, as a result of an influx of television station license applications that it had issued as well as a study it undertook on the use of the VHF spectrum for broadcasting purposes, the FCC implemented a freeze on new station applications. entailment 2024 what other digital TV service took Sky UK Limited's most popular spot? It is the UK's largest pay-TV broadcaster with 11 million customers as of 2015. not_entailment 2025 What could Tesla perform in his head? In 1870, Tesla moved to Karlovac, to attend school at the Higher Real Gymnasium, where he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher Martin Sekulić.:32 not_entailment 2026 What was Temur Khan's Chinese-style name? Thus, Zhenjin's third son, with the support of his mother Kökejin and the minister Bayan, succeeded the throne and ruled as Temür Khan, or Emperor Chengzong, from 1294 to 1307. entailment 2027 What was the subtitle of the Independence Day movie that had a trailer during the Super Bowl? Resurgence and Eddie the Eagle, Lionsgate paid for Gods of Egypt, Paramount paid for Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Out of the Shadows and 10 Cloverfield Lane, Universal paid for The Secret Life of Pets and the debut trailer for Jason Bourne and Disney paid for Captain America: Civil War, The Jungle Book and Alice Through the Looking Glass.[citation needed] entailment 2028 Where was a lab for Tesla set up? They set up a laboratory for Tesla at 89 Liberty Street in Manhattan where he worked on improving and developing new types of electric motors, generators and other devices. entailment 2029 When did ISIL pledge allegiance to al-Qaeda? The group gained prominence after it drove Iraqi government forces out of key cities in western Iraq in a 2014 offensive. not_entailment 2030 Who hosted the bandstand show debuted on ABC in 1957? It was not until the late 1950s that the ABC network became a serious contender to NBC and CBS, and this was in large part due to the diverse range of programming that met the expectations of the public, such as westerns and detective series. not_entailment 2031 Besides Confucianism, Buddhism, and Islam, what religions were tolerated during the Yuan? Buddhism (especially Tibetan Buddhism) flourished, although Taoism endured certain persecutions in favor of Buddhism from the Yuan government. not_entailment 2032 Who edited Electrical World magazine? In 1888, the editor of Electrical World magazine, Thomas Commerford Martin (a friend and publicist), arranged for Tesla to demonstrate his alternating current system, including his induction motor, at the American Institute of Electrical Engineers (now IEEE). entailment 2033 What prize did Peter Higgs win? Hank Marvin and Bruce Welch were both former pupils of Rutherford Grammar School, actors Charlie Hunnam and James Scott, entertainers Ant and Dec and international footballers Michael Carrick and Alan Shearer were born in Newcastle. not_entailment 2034 What kind of memory was Tesla thought to have? Tesla read many works, memorizing complete books, and supposedly possessed a photographic memory.:33 entailment 2035 What was Houghton's role? John Houghton, who was a co-chair of TAR WGI, has responded to Lindzen's criticisms of the SPM. entailment 2036 Who challenges the notion of the Kuznets curve hypothesis? Moreover, Piketty argues that the "magical" Kuznets curve hypothesis, with its emphasis on the balancing of economic growth in the long run, cannot account for the significant increase in economic inequality throughout the developed world since the 1970s. not_entailment 2037 What types of European groups were able to avoid the plague? The plague was somewhat less common in parts of Europe that had smaller trade relations with their neighbours, including the Kingdom of Poland, the majority of the Basque Country, isolated parts of Belgium and the Netherlands, and isolated alpine villages throughout the continent. entailment 2038 Under Elie Metchnikoff's cellular theory, what cells were responsible for immune response? According to the cellular theory of immunity, represented in particular by Elie Metchnikoff, it was cells – more precisely, phagocytes – that were responsible for immune responses. entailment 2039 When did the last glacial end? The last phase slightly predates the global last ice age maximum (Last Glacial Maximum). not_entailment 2040 What was Sadat seeking by releasing Islamists from prison? This "gentlemen's agreement" between Sadat and Islamists broke down in 1975 but not before Islamists came to completely dominate university student unions. not_entailment 2041 Where did one of Triton's daughters decide she wanted to hang out and stay? One of them decided to stay on the coast of Denmark and can be seen sitting at the entrance to the port of Copenhagen. entailment 2042 What company filed a complaint with the FCC in 1934 concerning problems establishing new stations? In 1934, Mutual filed a complaint with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) regarding its difficulties in establishing new stations, in a radio market that was already being saturated by NBC and CBS. entailment 2043 What is a derogatory term for the Christian academies that arose in the wake of school desegregation? Since the 1970s, many of these "segregation academies" have shut down, although some continue to operate.[citation needed] entailment 2044 Who announced the game play-by-play for Super Bowl 50? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. entailment 2045 How many teams can boast a 15–1 regular season record? For the third straight season, the number one seeds from both conferences met in the Super Bowl. not_entailment 2046 What institution has helped farmers grow new pigeon pea varieties? A consortium led by the International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT) has had some success in helping farmers grow new pigeon pea varieties, instead of maize, in particularly dry areas. entailment 2047 How recently has the homes in Fresno been restored? The residential architecture of the Tower District contrasts with the newer areas of tract homes urban sprawl in north and east areas of Fresno. not_entailment 2048 Who were the astronauts aboard the Apollo 11 mission? The astronauts returned safely on July 24. not_entailment 2049 What do some sources say Nikola's brother died from? On 24 March 1879, Tesla was returned to Gospić under police guard for not having a residence permit. not_entailment 2050 Who was Kennedy's science adviser that opposed manned spacecraft flights? Kennedy's science advisor Jerome Wiesner, who had expressed his opposition to manned spaceflight to Kennedy before the President took office, and had opposed the decision to land men on the Moon, hired Golovin, who had left NASA, to chair his own "Space Vehicle Panel", ostensibly to monitor, but actually to second-guess NASA's decisions on the Saturn V launch vehicle and LOR by forcing Shea, Seamans, and even Webb to defend themselves, delaying its formal announcement to the press on July 11, 1962, and forcing Webb to still hedge the decision as "tentative". entailment 2051 What might the fees to attend an Irish boarding school rise to? The average fee is around €5,000 annually for most schools, but some of these schools also provide boarding and the fees may then rise up to €25,000 per year. entailment 2052 How long was the longest Doctor Who Christmas Special? 826 Doctor Who instalments have been televised since 1963, ranging between 25-minute episodes (the most common format), 45-minute episodes (for Resurrection of the Daleks in the 1984 series, a single season in 1985, and the revival), two feature-length productions (1983's The Five Doctors and the 1996 television film), eight Christmas specials (most of 60 minutes' duration, one of 72 minutes), and four additional specials ranging from 60 to 75 minutes in 2009, 2010 and 2013. entailment 2053 What is the approximate condenser temperature in a turbine? Without the pressure reaching supercritical levels for the working fluid, the temperature range the cycle can operate over is quite small; in steam turbines, turbine entry temperatures are typically 565 °C (the creep limit of stainless steel) and condenser temperatures are around 30 °C. entailment 2054 Where did the discharge from glaciers go in Europe in the last Ice Age? As northwest Europe slowly began to warm up from 22,000 years ago onward, frozen subsoil and expanded alpine glaciers began to thaw and fall-winter snow covers melted in spring. not_entailment 2055 Who do Priesthood representatives defer to, at times? Even Priesthood representatives are expected to defer to the father of the house when in his home. entailment 2056 Who are committees comprised of? Committees comprise a small number of MSPs, with membership reflecting the balance of parties across Parliament. entailment 2057 Which system comes after an organism's physical barriers? This improved response is then retained after the pathogen has been eliminated, in the form of an immunological memory, and allows the adaptive immune system to mount faster and stronger attacks each time this pathogen is encountered. not_entailment 2058 What did a greedy merchant do to the mermaid? One of them decided to stay on the coast of Denmark and can be seen sitting at the entrance to the port of Copenhagen. not_entailment 2059 Who edited Tesla's autobiography? Among his books are My Inventions: The Autobiography of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by Ben Johnston; The Fantastic Inventions of Nikola Tesla, compiled and edited by David Hatcher Childress; and The Tesla Papers. entailment 2060 What do the Animal Locomotion photographs capture? These sequences of photographs taken a fraction of a second apart capture images of different animals and humans performimg various actions. entailment 2061 Where did scientists find their Y. pestis sample? They assessed the presence of DNA/RNA with Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques for Y. pestis from the tooth sockets in human skeletons from mass graves in northern, central and southern Europe that were associated archaeologically with the Black Death and subsequent resurgences. entailment 2062 What are the laws of physics of Galileo, in reference to objest in motion and rest? Newton proposed that every object with mass has an innate inertia that functions as the fundamental equilibrium "natural state" in place of the Aristotelian idea of the "natural state of rest". not_entailment 2063 What was later discovered written by Luther? A piece of paper was later found on which Luther had written his last statement. entailment 2064 Which fullback fumbled the ball after a Darian Stewart tackle? However, the Panthers soon took the ball back when defensive end Kony Ealy tipped a Manning pass to himself and then intercepted it, returning the ball 19 yards to the Panthers 39-yard line with 1:55 left on the clock. not_entailment 2065 Who served his dinner? He dined alone, except on the rare occasions when he would give a dinner to a group to meet his social obligations. not_entailment 2066 What did the Ominde Commission do? The commission focused on identity and unity, which were critical issues at the time. entailment 2067 When did Prime Minister Wilson commit to some form of devolved legislature? However, it was not until 1978 that final legislative proposals for a Scottish Assembly were passed by the United Kingdom Parliament. not_entailment 2068 What is the title of Edwards book about Luther? Edwards also comments that Luther often deliberately used "vulgarity and violence" for effect, both in his writings condemning the Jews and in diatribes against "Turks" (Muslims) and Catholics. not_entailment 2069 Salafism posits that democracy is responsible for what type of horrible events of the 20th century? While this effort has by no means converted all, or even most Muslims to the Wahhabist interpretation of Islam, it has done much to overwhelm more moderate local interpretations, and has set the Saudi-interpretation of Islam as the "gold standard" of religion in minds of some or many Muslims. not_entailment 2070 Scholars stated that there was already an existing settlement between 2 parties prior to which date? The possibility that the Middle East could become another superpower confrontation with the USSR was of more concern to the US than oil. not_entailment 2071 How is income inequality generally viewed by workers? "Markets, by themselves, even when they are stable, often lead to high levels of inequality, outcomes that are widely viewed as unfair. entailment 2072 What were the two forms of environmental determinism? This takes two forms, orientalism and tropicality. entailment 2073 In what year did Lavoisier publish his work on combustion? This and other experiments on combustion were documented in his book Sur la combustion en général, which was published in 1777. entailment 2074 When did Tesla give a demonstration of his remote control boat? In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat—which he dubbed "teleautomaton"—to the public during an electrical exhibition at Madison Square Garden. entailment 2075 Who headed the Niagara Falls Cataract Construction Company in 1893? In 1893 Richard Dean Adams, who headed up the Niagara Falls Cataract Construction Company sought Tesla's opinion on what system would be best to transmit power generated at the falls. entailment 2076 What kind of engines did the biplane design have? Although the aircraft was probably impractical, it may be the earliest known design for what became the tiltrotor/tilt-wing concept as well as the earliest proposal for the use of turbine engines in rotor aircraft.[improper synthesis?] entailment 2077 When did the university decide to start multimillion-dollar expansion projects? During the same year, investor David G. Booth donated $300 million to the university's Booth School of Business, which is the largest gift in the university's history and the largest gift ever to any business school. not_entailment 2078 What are the agents detected by the immune system called? The immune system is a system of many biological structures and processes within an organism that protects against disease. not_entailment 2079 What happens to the norm when a number is multiplied by p? In particular, this norm gets smaller when a number is multiplied by p, in sharp contrast to the usual absolute value (also referred to as the infinite prime). entailment 2080 How was the fate of Luther decided? Over the next five days, private conferences were held to determine Luther's fate. entailment 2081 What is the frequency of the radio station WBT in North Carolina? WBT will also simulcast the game on its sister station WBT-FM (99.3 FM), which is based in Chester, South Carolina. not_entailment 2082 Newborns are vulnerable to infection because they have no previous exposure to what? This is passive immunity because the fetus does not actually make any memory cells or antibodies—it only borrows them. not_entailment 2083 Who designed the plaster work in the Art Library? The final part of the museum designed by Scott was the Art Library and what is now the sculpture gallery on the south side of the garden, built 1877–83, the exterior mosaic panels in the parapet were designed by Reuben Townroe who also designed the plaster work in the library, Sir John Taylor designed the book shelves and cases, also this was the first part of the museum to have electric lighting. entailment 2084 Where were Schirra, Eisele and Cunningham relocated to after different astronauts were selected for the AS-258 mission? In December 1966, the AS-205 mission was canceled, since the validation of the CSM would be accomplished on the 14-day first flight, and AS-205 would have been devoted to space experiments and contribute no new engineering knowledge about the spacecraft. not_entailment 2085 When did Gerhard Lessing reach his conclusions about Luther? Lessing (1755) had earlier reached the same conclusion in his analysis of Lutheran orthodoxy on this issue. entailment 2086 How frequent is snow in the Southwest of the state? But snow is very rare in the Southwest of the state, it occurs on the Southeast of the state. entailment 2087 What developmental network was discontinued after the shutdown of ABC1? The policy regarding wholly owned international networks was revived in 2004 when on September 27 of that year, ABC announced the launch of ABC1, a free-to-air channel in the United Kingdom owned by the ABC Group. not_entailment 2088 Who is the play-by-play announcer for the game? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. entailment 2089 What is the clarity of liquid oxygen? Liquid oxygen may also be produced by condensation out of air, using liquid nitrogen as a coolant. not_entailment 2090 When did rapid warming begin and help vegetation? As northwest Europe slowly began to warm up from 22,000 years ago onward, frozen subsoil and expanded alpine glaciers began to thaw and fall-winter snow covers melted in spring. not_entailment 2091 Who is the parent company of NDS? The receivers, though designed and built by different manufacturers, must conform to the same user interface look-and-feel as all the others. not_entailment 2092 What has replaced the former shipping premises? Large-scale regeneration has replaced former shipping premises with imposing new office developments; an innovative tilting bridge, the Gateshead Millennium Bridge was commissioned by Gateshead Council and has integrated the older Newcastle Quayside more closely with major cultural developments in Gateshead, including the BALTIC Centre for Contemporary Art, the venue for the Turner Prize 2011 and the Norman Foster-designed The Sage Gateshead music centre. entailment 2093 What did he find that could constitute a hazard? Two days later, the FBI ordered the Alien Property Custodian to seize Tesla's belongings, even though Tesla was an American citizen. not_entailment 2094 What forest is by Warsaw's southern border? Bielany Forest, located within the borders of Warsaw, is the remaining part of the Masovian Primeval Forest. not_entailment 2095 When American car companies rolled out with their domestic replacement cars, which policy ended? Compact trucks were introduced, such as the Toyota Hilux and the Datsun Truck, followed by the Mazda Truck (sold as the Ford Courier), and the Isuzu-built Chevrolet LUV. not_entailment 2096 In what city is SAP Center located? The event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. entailment 2097 How many people lived in Fresno in 2000, according to the Census Bureau? Hispanic or Latino of any race were 39.9% of the population. not_entailment 2098 Where was the location of the 2003 Rose revolution? One of its earliest massive implementations was brought about by Egyptians against the British occupation in the 1919 Revolution. not_entailment 2099 Why did al-Qaeda tell ISIL to take a hike? Originating as the Jama'at al-Tawhid wal-Jihad in 1999, it pledged allegiance to al-Qaeda in 2004, participated in the Iraqi insurgency that followed the March 2003 invasion of Iraq by Western forces, joined the fight in the Syrian Civil War beginning in March 2011, and was expelled from al-Qaeda in early 2014, (which complained of its failure to consult and "notorious intransigence"). entailment 2100 Who was the head of the household that Temüjin joined when he was nine years old? Temüjin was to live there in service to Dai Setsen, the head of the new household, until he reached the marriageable age of 12. entailment 2101 What is the smalled work force sector? 22% of GDP still comes from the unreliable agricultural sector which employs 75% of the labour force (a consistent characteristic of under-developed economies that have not attained food security – an important catalyst of economic growth) not_entailment 2102 Who else did Tesla make the acquaintance of in 1886? Based on Tesla's patents and other ideas they agreed to back him financially and handle his patents. not_entailment 2103 When will Ford's manufacturing plants close? Holden's announcement occurred in May 2013, followed by Ford's decision in December of the same year (Ford's Victorian plants—in Broadmeadows and Geelong—will close in October 2016). entailment 2104 What is the group called that does not agree with government at all? And still other civil disobedients, being anarchists, don't believe in the legitimacy of any government, and therefore see no need to accept punishment for a violation of criminal law that does not infringe the rights of others. entailment 2105 What applies to equally to constant velocity motion as it does to rest. It is the inertia of the ball associated with its constant velocity in the direction of the vehicle's motion that ensures the ball continues to move forward even as it is thrown up and falls back down. not_entailment 2106 Why is Warsaw's flora very rich in species? The species richness is mainly due to the location of Warsaw within the border region of several big floral regions comprising substantial proportions of close-to-wilderness areas (natural forests, wetlands along the Vistula) as well as arable land, meadows and forests. entailment 2107 What do chloroplasts in mesophyll cells specialized use to make ATP? As a result, chloroplasts in C4 mesophyll cells and bundle sheath cells are specialized for each stage of photosynthesis. not_entailment 2108 When was the "Dalekmania" period? The second was the late 1970s, when Tom Baker occasionally drew audiences of over 12 million. not_entailment 2109 One strategy of Islamization is to seize power by what methods? at one end is a strategy of Islamization of society through state power seized by revolution or invasion; at the other "reformist" pole Islamists work to Islamize society gradually "from the bottom up". entailment 2110 What South Korean car manufacturer purchased the factor in 1995? In 1995 the factory was purchased by the South Korean car manufacturer Daewoo, which assembled the Tico, Espero, Nubia, Tacuma, Leganza, Lanos and Matiz there for the European market. entailment 2111 In what years did the show see audiences as high as 12 million? The second was the late 1970s, when Tom Baker occasionally drew audiences of over 12 million. entailment 2112 Besides public key cryptography, what is another application for prime numbers? However, this vision was shattered in the 1970s, when it was publicly announced that prime numbers could be used as the basis for the creation of public key cryptography algorithms. not_entailment 2113 Who did Edward make archbishop of Canterbury? He appointed Robert of Jumièges archbishop of Canterbury and made Ralph the Timid earl of Hereford. entailment 2114 Who was responsible for the decorations of the Centre Refreshment Room? The Centre Refreshment Room 1865–77 was designed in a Renaissance style by James Gamble, the walls and even the Ionic columns are covered in decorative and moulded ceramic tile, the ceiling consists of elaborate designs on enamelled metal sheets and matching stained-glass windows, the marble fireplace was designed and sculpted by Alfred Stevens and was removed from Dorchester House prior to that building's demolition in 1929. entailment 2115 When was the Royal University of Warsaw established? Following the Congress of Vienna of 1815, Warsaw became the centre of the Congress Poland, a constitutional monarchy under a personal union with Imperial Russia. not_entailment 2116 If you were to take a train west or south out of the city of Fresno, which railroad would you take? The city of Fresno is planned to serve the future California High Speed Rail. not_entailment 2117 In autoimmune disorders, the immune system doesn't distinguish between what types of cells? Here, the immune system fails to properly distinguish between self and non-self, and attacks part of the body. entailment 2118 What percentage of money raised by the Host Committee will be used for charitable causes? Host Committee has vowed to be "the most giving Super Bowl ever", and will dedicate 25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. entailment 2119 Who was the Most Valuable Player of Super Bowl 50? Denver linebacker Von Miller was named Super Bowl MVP, recording five solo tackles, 2½ sacks, and two forced fumbles. entailment 2120 What is another function that primes have that the number 1 does not? Furthermore, the prime numbers have several properties that the number 1 lacks, such as the relationship of the number to its corresponding value of Euler's totient function or the sum of divisors function. entailment 2121 When was Doctor Who created? Since the creation of the Doctor not_entailment 2122 How many seasons did NYPD Blue last? Daniel Burke departed from Capital Cities/ABC in February 1994, with Thomas Murphy taking over as president before ceding control to Robert Iger. not_entailment 2123 What was Tesla's salary from Westinghouse in 1934? Several sources say Westinghouse was worried about potential bad publicity surrounding the impoverished conditions their former star inventor was living under. not_entailment 2124 Who was the head of the company? Based on Tesla's advice and Westinghouse's demonstration that they could build a complete AC system at the Columbian Exposition, a contract for building a two-phase AC generating system at the Niagara Falls was awarded to Westinghouse Electric. not_entailment 2125 Besides public key cryptography, what is another application for prime numbers? Prime numbers are also used for hash tables and pseudorandom number generators. entailment 2126 What does ATP synthase change into ATP? Because chloroplast ATP synthase projects out into the stroma, the ATP is synthesized there, in position to be used in the dark reactions. not_entailment 2127 What was the civil disobedience performed at the test site? They were put on a bus and taken to the Nye County seat of Tonopah, Nevada, and arraigned for trial before the local Justice of the Peace, that afternoon. not_entailment 2128 When did Tesla patent the motor? This innovative electric motor, patented in May 1888, was a simple self-starting design that did not need a commutator, thus avoiding sparking and the high maintenance of constantly servicing and replacing mechanical brushes. entailment 2129 What type of boundaries help to define the way kids behave? Positive reinforcement is balanced with immediate and fair punishment for misbehavior and firm, clear boundaries define what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. entailment 2130 What British mathematician took pride in doing work that he felt had no military benefit? In particular, number theorists such as British mathematician G. H. Hardy prided themselves on doing work that had absolutely no military significance. entailment 2131 US is concerned about confrontation of the Middle East with which other country? The possibility that the Middle East could become another superpower confrontation with the USSR was of more concern to the US than oil. entailment 2132 Which newspaper defined southern California? In 1900, the Los Angeles Times defined southern California as including "the seven counties of Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, San Diego, Ventura and Santa Barbara." entailment 2133 How many avulsions have occurred in the past 6000 yeas? Since ~3000 yr BP (= years Before Present), human impact is seen in the delta. not_entailment 2134 Where does the Rhine encounter it's tributary the Neckar? Most of Luxembourg and a very small part of Belgium also drain to the Rhine via the Moselle. not_entailment 2135 How many US states do no practice corporal punishment? 30 US states have banned corporal punishment, the others (mostly in the South) have not. entailment 2136 What are some examples of undesirable end results of a project? For this reason, those with experience in the field make detailed plans and maintain careful oversight during the project to ensure a positive outcome. not_entailment 2137 Who is the founder of the Salvation Army? Such exemplary saints include martyrs, confessors of the Faith, evangelists, or important biblical figures such as Saint Matthew, Lutheran theologian and martyr to the Nazis Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Salvation Army Founder William Booth, African missionary David Livingstone and Methodism's revered founder John Wesley are among many cited as Protestant saints. entailment 2138 Approximately how many works by Rodin are part of the museum collection? Other French sculptors with work in the collection are Hubert Le Sueur, François Girardon, Michel Clodion, Jean-Antoine Houdon, Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux and Jules Dalou. not_entailment 2139 What device was one of the first to aid a controversy? It was not until January 1518 that friends of Luther translated the 95 Theses from Latin into German and printed and widely copied them, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press. entailment 2140 What modern math concept did Zhu Shijie do work similar to? The mathematician Zhu Shijie (1249–1314) solved simultaneous equations with up to four unknowns using a rectangular array of coefficients, equivalent to modern matrices. entailment 2141 Of what form are Sophie Germain primes? Prime numbers of this form are known as factorial primes. not_entailment 2142 What have the Treaties sought to enable since its foundation? Since its foundation, the Treaties sought to enable people to pursue their life goals in any country through free movement. entailment 2143 What is missing a theory on quantum gravity? However, while kinematics are well-described through reference frame analysis in advanced physics, there are still deep questions that remain as to what is the proper definition of mass. not_entailment 2144 When do the stated Treaties apply? The Court of Justice of the European Union can interpret the Treaties, but it cannot rule on their validity, which is subject to international law. not_entailment 2145 Where is St Aloysius' College located? They are usually expensive schools that tend to be up-market and traditional in style, some Catholic schools fall into this category as well, e.g. St Joseph's College, Gregory Terrace, Saint Ignatius' College, Riverview, St Gregory's College, Campbelltown, St Aloysius' College (Sydney) and St Joseph's College, Hunters Hill, as well as Loreto Kirribilli, Monte Sant Angelo Mercy College, St Ursula's College and Loreto Normanhurst for girls. entailment 2146 What year did the the Saints hit a 13-0 record? Carolina started the season 14–0, not only setting franchise records for the best start and the longest single-season winning streak, but also posting the best start to a season by an NFC team in NFL history, breaking the 13–0 record previously shared with the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2011 Green Bay Packers. entailment 2147 What was Henry IV known as before taking the throne? The Edict reaffirmed Catholicism as the state religion of France, but granted the Protestants equality with Catholics under the throne and a degree of religious and political freedom within their domains. not_entailment 2148 Antigone was a play made by whom? One of the oldest depictions of civil disobedience is in Sophocles' play Antigone, in which Antigone, one of the daughters of former King of Thebes, Oedipus, defies Creon, the current King of Thebes, who is trying to stop her from giving her brother Polynices a proper burial. entailment 2149 ABC bought 20 acres of land in Hollwood in 1949 that would become what studio? On May 7, 1949, Billboard revealed that ABC had proposed an investment of $6.25 million, of which it would spend $2.5 million to convert 20 acres (80,937 m2) of land in Hollywood into what would become The Prospect Studios, and construct a transmitter on Mount Wilson, in anticipation of the launch of KECA-TV, which was scheduled to begin operations on August 1 (but would not actually sign on until September 16). entailment 2150 Which performers joined the headliner during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show? CBS broadcast Super Bowl 50 in the U.S., and charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. not_entailment 2151 Complement proteins bind to what kind of molecules on the surface of microbes in order to elicit an immune response? The cascade results in the production of peptides that attract immune cells, increase vascular permeability, and opsonize (coat) the surface of a pathogen, marking it for destruction. not_entailment 2152 What resolution were the Eyevision cameras changed to? (An earlier version of EyeVision was last used in Super Bowl XXXV; for Super Bowl 50, the cameras were upgraded to 5K resolution.) entailment 2153 What was the most important discovery that led to the understanding that Earth's lithosphere is separated into tectonic plates? In the 1960s, a series of discoveries, the most important of which was seafloor spreading, showed that the Earth's lithosphere, which includes the crust and rigid uppermost portion of the upper mantle, is separated into a number of tectonic plates that move across the plastically deforming, solid, upper mantle, which is called the asthenosphere. entailment 2154 When did Tesla go to Prague? Unfortunately, he arrived too late to enroll at Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek, a required subject; and he was illiterate in Czech, another required subject. not_entailment 2155 What rate of unionization do Scandinavian nations have? He points out that nations with high rates of unionization, particularly in Scandinavia, have very low levels of inequality, and concludes "the historical pattern is clear; the cross-national pattern is clear: high inequality goes hand-in-hand with weak labor movements and vice-versa." entailment 2156 What present-day company did BankAmericard turn into? In 1976, BankAmericard was renamed and spun off into a separate company known today as Visa Inc. entailment 2157 What was Tesla on his way to do when he was struck by the cab? In the fall of 1937, after midnight one night, Tesla left the Hotel New Yorker to make his regular commute to the cathedral and the library to feed the pigeons. entailment 2158 Where do plenary meetings take place? Chamber debates and committee meetings are open to the public. not_entailment 2159 At what rank does GPS per capita set Victoria? Victoria's total gross state product (GSP) is ranked second in Australia, although Victoria is ranked fourth in terms of GSP per capita because of its limited mining activity. entailment 2160 Who analyzes rock samples from drill cores in the lab? In the laboratory, biostratigraphers analyze rock samples from outcrop and drill cores for the fossils found in them. entailment 2161 How many vector equations did Heaviside and Gibbs reformilate Maxwell's 20 scalar equtions into? The origin of electric and magnetic fields would not be fully explained until 1864 when James Clerk Maxwell unified a number of earlier theories into a set of 20 scalar equations, which were later reformulated into 4 vector equations by Oliver Heaviside and Josiah Willard Gibbs. entailment 2162 Where does the Rhine encounter it's tributary the Neckar? The Rhine is the longest river in Germany. entailment 2163 Working versions of 3D-printing building technology are already printing how much building material per hour? Working versions of 3D-printing building technology are already printing 2 metres (6 ft 7 in) of building material per hour as of January 2013[update], with the next-generation printers capable of 3.5 metres (11 ft) per hour, sufficient to complete a building in a week. entailment 2164 What does it mean when currencies are left to "float?" The US abandoned the Gold Exchange Standard whereby the value of the dollar had been pegged to the price of gold and all other currencies were pegged to the dollar, whose value was left to "float" (rise and fall according to market demand). entailment 2165 What does the Islamic State lack from the international community? (While a self-described state, it lacks international recognition.) entailment 2166 What did Graham Twigg publish in 1984? The plague theory was first significantly challenged by the work of British bacteriologist J. F. D. Shrewsbury in 1970, who noted that the reported rates of mortality in rural areas during the 14th-century pandemic were inconsistent with the modern bubonic plague, leading him to conclude that contemporary accounts were exaggerations. not_entailment 2167 Who normally supervises a construction job? An architect normally manages the job, and a construction manager, design engineer, construction engineer or project manager supervises it. entailment 2168 What is another name for the Yosemite Freeway? State Route 41 entailment 2169 What previous work did Lavoisier experiments discredit? The name oxygen was coined in 1777 by Antoine Lavoisier, whose experiments with oxygen helped to discredit the then-popular phlogiston theory of combustion and corrosion. entailment 2170 The UK and France had non interruptions in their oil supply as they did not allow which country to use their airfield? The UK had traditionally been an ally of Israel, and Harold Wilson's government supported the Israelis during the Six-Day War. not_entailment 2171 Which two compounds did Al-Muwaffaq differentiate between? Ibn al-Wafid (1008–1074), both of which were printed in Latin more than fifty times, appearing as De Medicinis universalibus not_entailment 2172 What does the currently flooded terrace still have visible? The contemporary flooded terrace still has visible valleys and ground depressions with water systems coming from the Vistula old – riverbed. entailment 2173 Why did Saudi Arabia try to increase production, and reduce profits for high cost producers? This "sale" price was a windfall for oil-importing nations, both developing and developed. not_entailment 2174 What did Tesla patent in 1891? On 30 July 1891, at the age of 35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States, and established his South Fifth Avenue laboratory, and later another at 46 E. Houston Street, in New York. not_entailment 2175 What special audio recording was released for the 40th anniversary? Additionally, multiple Doctors have returned in new adventures together in audio dramas based on the series. not_entailment 2176 Who was Frédéric Chopin? Casimir Pulaski, a Polish general and hero of the American Revolutionary War, was born here in 1745. not_entailment 2177 What did the the Europeans think the peoples in the tropics were in need of? These scholars believed that Northern Europe and the Mid-Atlantic temperate climate produced a hard-working, moral, and upstanding human being. not_entailment 2178 Who originally hosted Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for ABC? In August 1999, ABC premiered a special series event, Who Wants to Be a Millionaire, a game show based on the British program of the same title. not_entailment 2179 What could the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program purchase? Conservative MP Alec Shelbrooke was proposing the payments of benefits and tax credits on a "Welfare Cash Card", in the style of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, that could be used to buy only "essentials". entailment 2180 How much of the earth's atmosphere is diatomic oxygen? Diatomic oxygen gas constitutes 20.8% of the Earth's atmosphere. entailment 2181 How much of Poland's national income does Warsaw produce? Warsaw produces 12% of Poland's national income, which in 2008 was 305.1% of the Polish average, per capita (or 160% of the European Union average). entailment 2182 What article was published in 1937? For example, in his article, "A Machine to End War", published in 1937, Tesla stated: entailment 2183 Who started at tight end for the Panthers? Newton's leading receivers were tight end Greg Olsen, who caught a career-high 77 passes for 1,104 yards and seven touchdowns, and wide receiver Ted Ginn, Jr., who caught 44 passes for 739 yards and 10 touchdowns; Ginn also rushed for 60 yards and returned 27 punts for 277 yards. entailment 2184 What did the General Conference on Weights and Measures name after Tesla in 1960? His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor. entailment 2185 What was the final score of Super Bowl XXXIII? The Broncos last wore matching white jerseys and pants in the Super Bowl in Super Bowl XXXIII, Elway's last game as Denver QB, when they defeated the Atlanta Falcons 34–19. entailment 2186 Which group benefited from the funds distributed by the religious charity, al-Haramain Foundation? Some of the income was dispensed in the form of aid to other underdeveloped nations whose economies had been caught between higher oil prices and lower prices for their own export commodities, amid shrinking Western demand. not_entailment 2187 Who wanted to acquire patents an AC motor. Westinghouse looked into getting a patent on a similar commutator-less, rotating magnetic field-based induction motor presented in a paper in March 1888 by the Italian physicist Galileo Ferraris, but decided Tesla's patent would probably control the market. not_entailment 2188 Huguenots in Killeshandra and County Cavan expanded what agricultural industry? Huguenot regiments fought for William of Orange in the Williamite war in Ireland, for which they were rewarded with land grants and titles, many settling in Dublin. not_entailment 2189 Who is the first administrator of the Federal Energy Office? Simon allocated states the same amount of domestic oil for 1974 that each had consumed in 1972, which worked for states whose populations were not increasing. not_entailment 2190 When rock formations are found on top of a fault that have not been cut, then they must be older or younger than the fault? Faults are younger than the rocks they cut; accordingly, if a fault is found that penetrates some formations but not those on top of it, then the formations that were cut are older than the fault, and the ones that are not cut must be younger than the fault. entailment 2191 How many Vice Presidents are in the Board of Trustees? The Board of Trustees oversees the long-term development and plans of the university and manages fundraising efforts, and is composed of 50 members including the university President. not_entailment 2192 A Doctor Who show featuring Vincent Van Gogh was recognized by what award? In 2009, Doctor Who was voted the 3rd greatest show of the 2000s by Channel 4, behind Top Gear and The Apprentice. not_entailment 2193 Who was the announcer for Westwood One's Super Bowl 50 coverage? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. entailment 2194 What is CSNET It played a significant role in spreading awareness of, and access to, national networking and was a major milestone on the path to development of the global Internet. not_entailment 2195 What is Kenya a founding member of? Its capital and largest city is Nairobi. not_entailment 2196 What year did the Carolina Panthers form? They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49–15 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl appearance since the franchise was founded in 1995. entailment 2197 What are weak and electromatic forces expressions of? Only four main interactions are known: in order of decreasing strength, they are: not_entailment 2198 When was the FSO Car Factory founded? In 2005 the factory was sold to AvtoZAZ, a Ukrainian car manufacturer which assembled there the Chevrolet Aveo. not_entailment 2199 Who said the homeless in the area would have to leave? San Francisco mayor Ed Lee said of the highly visible homeless presence in this area "they are going to have to leave". entailment 2200 What did Aristotle refer to forced motion as? He distinguished between the innate tendency of objects to find their "natural place" (e.g., for heavy bodies to fall), which led to "natural motion", and unnatural or forced motion, which required continued application of a force. entailment 2201 In what year did Harvard win an Intercolleiate Sailing Association National Championship? Harvard also won the Intercollegiate Sailing Association National Championships in 2003. entailment 2202 What kind of membrane came from the host? Over time, the cyanobacterium was assimilated, and many of its genes were lost or transferred to the nucleus of the host. not_entailment 2203 The Hawaiian Islands are made up almost entirely of what? The Hawaiian Islands, for example, consist almost entirely of layered basaltic lava flows. entailment 2204 Very small markets had to wait until what decade to support an ABC affiliate? Still, ABC's limited reach would continue to hobble it for the next two decades; several smaller markets would not grow large enough to support a full-time ABC affiliate until the 1960s, with some very small markets having to wait as late as the 1980s or even the advent of digital television in the 2000s, which allowed stations like WTRF-TV in Wheeling, West Virginia to begin airing ABC programming on a digital subchannel after airing the network's programs outside of recommended timeslots decades before. entailment 2205 What did mlolongo system lead to? This was seen as the climax of a very undemocratic regime and it led to widespread agitation for constitutional reform. entailment 2206 When did Richard Dean Adams make his inquiry? Based on Tesla's advice and Westinghouse's demonstration that they could build a complete AC system at the Columbian Exposition, a contract for building a two-phase AC generating system at the Niagara Falls was awarded to Westinghouse Electric. not_entailment 2207 What do closed rivers serve as after they close? Currently Rhine water runs into the sea, or into former marine bays now separated from the sea, in five places, namely at the mouths of the Nieuwe Merwede, Nieuwe Waterway (Nieuwe Maas), Dordtse Kil, Spui and IJssel. not_entailment 2208 What is the most important thing apicoplasts do? The most important apicoplast function is isopentenyl pyrophosphate synthesis—in fact, apicomplexans die when something interferes with this apicoplast function, and when apicomplexans are grown in an isopentenyl pyrophosphate-rich medium, they dump the organelle. entailment 2209 What does high levels of inequality do to growth in poor countries? Research by Harvard economist Robert Barro, found that there is "little overall relation between income inequality and rates of growth and investment". not_entailment 2210 In 1951, rumors claimed that ABC might be sold to what network? In 1951, Noble held a 58% ownership stake in ABC, giving him $5 million with which to prevent ABC from going bankrupt; as banks refused further credit, that amount was obtained through a loan from the Prudential Insurance Company of America. not_entailment 2211 What year did TVOntario start showing Doctor Who episodes? From 1979 to 1981, TVO airings were bookended by science-fiction writer Judith Merril who would introduce the episode and then, after the episode concluded, try to place it in an educational context in keeping with TVO's status as an educational channel. not_entailment 2212 What parts of a conventional reciprocating steam engine could be replaced by a pistonless rotary engine? It is possible to use a mechanism based on a pistonless rotary engine such as the Wankel engine in place of the cylinders and valve gear of a conventional reciprocating steam engine. entailment 2213 Where does southern California's megalopolis standard in terms of population nationwide? It is the third most populated megalopolis in the United States, after the Great Lakes Megalopolis and the Northeastern megalopolis. entailment 2214 What is student motivation about school linked to? Research shows that student motivation and attitudes towards school are closely linked to student-teacher relationships. entailment 2215 Some have generalized the meaning of the word imperialism down to general-purpose what? The definition of imperialism has not been finalized for centuries and was confusedly seen to represent the policies of major powers, or simply, general-purpose aggressiveness. entailment 2216 Where did support from governmental and religious groups come from? The Taliban were spawned by the thousands of madrasahs the Deobandi movement established for impoverished Afghan refugees and supported by governmental and religious groups in neighboring Pakistan. entailment 2217 What device is a dry cooling tower similar to? A dry type cooling tower is similar to an automobile radiator and is used in locations where water is costly. entailment 2218 The Talbot Hughes collection was a gift from which company? One of the first significant gifts of costume came in 1913 when the V&A received the Talbot Hughes collection containing 1,442 costumes and items as a gift from Harrods following its display at the nearby department store. entailment 2219 When was the colony of New South Wales founded? After the founding of the colony of New South Wales in 1788, Australia was divided into an eastern half named New South Wales and a western half named New Holland, under the administration of the colonial government in Sydney. entailment 2220 What symbol was employed until early in the 20th century? The two symbols most commonly associated with pharmacy in English-speaking countries are the mortar and pestle and the ℞ (recipere) character, which is often written as "Rx" in typed text. not_entailment 2221 What department in the U.S. spearheaded the efforts against Islamism? U.S. Defense Secretary Robert Gates called for establishing something similar to the defunct U.S. Information Agency, which was charged with undermining the communist ideology during the Cold War. not_entailment 2222 What are teachers expected to give their students? Teachers are expected to respect their students; sarcasm and attempts to humiliate pupils are seen as falling outside of what constitutes reasonable discipline.[verification needed] entailment 2223 From what landmark within Fresno does the Tower Theatre get its name? The popular neighborhood known as the Tower District is centered around the historic Tower Theatre, which is included on the National List of Historic Places. not_entailment 2224 When was Doctor Who viewing at its highest level? Its late 1980s performance of three to five million viewers was seen as poor at the time and was, according to the BBC Board of Control, a leading cause of the programme's 1989 suspension. not_entailment 2225 What is the name of the Latin translation of Dioscorides' book? The Greek physician Pedanius Dioscorides is famous for writing a five volume book in his native Greek Περί ύλης ιατρικής in the 1st century AD. not_entailment 2226 What did Houghton say is necessary for any changes to the SPM? Among his criticisms, Lindzen has stated that the WGI Summary for Policymakers (SPM) does not faithfully summarize the full WGI report. not_entailment 2227 Which of his future general's fathers helped Temüjin escape the Tayichi'ud? The Tayichi'ud enslaved Temüjin (reportedly with a cangue, a sort of portable stocks), but with the help of a sympathetic guard, the father of Chilaun (who later became a general of Genghis Khan), he was able to escape from the ger (yurt) in the middle of the night by hiding in a river crevice.[citation needed] entailment 2228 What has caused savanna regions to grow into the South American tropics in the last 34 million years? Following the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, the extinction of the dinosaurs and the wetter climate may have allowed the tropical rainforest to spread out across the continent. not_entailment 2229 How cold does this region of Victoria get in the winner? The Mallee and upper Wimmera are Victoria's warmest regions with hot winds blowing from nearby semi-deserts. not_entailment 2230 Where was Dyrrachium located? The further decline of Byzantine state-of-affairs paved the road to a third attack in 1185, when a large Norman army invaded Dyrrachium, owing to the betrayal of high Byzantine officials. not_entailment 2231 In modern times, what is said about civil disobedience? It has been argued that the term "civil disobedience" has always suffered from ambiguity and in modern times, become utterly debased. entailment 2232 Which company did Mrs Foster work for? This could also be true if the enterprise is privatised, as it was held with a water company that was responsible for basic water provision. not_entailment 2233 When did Great Britain colonize Australia? The country of Australia serves as a case study in relation to British settlement and colonial rule of the continent in the eighteenth century, as it was premised on terra nullius, and its settlers considered it unused by its sparse Aboriginal inhabitants. entailment 2234 Who worked later on to find these missing magnetic tapes that had data stored on them? Stan Lebar, who led the team that designed and built the lunar television camera at Westinghouse Electric Corporation, also worked with Nafzger to try to locate the missing tapes. entailment 2235 What was Brown's job? In late 1886 Tesla met Alfred S. Brown, a Western Union superintendent, and New York attorney Charles F. Peck. entailment 2236 Which of Genghis Khan's descendants pushed the Mamluks out of Palestine? Over the course of three years, the Mongols destroyed and annihilated all of the major cities of Eastern Europe with the exceptions of Novgorod and Pskov. not_entailment 2237 What is the universal band that digital recievers will receive free to air channels on? Provided is a universal Ku band LNB (9.75/10.600 GHz) which is fitted at the end of the dish and pointed at the correct satellite constellation; most digital receivers will receive the free to air channels. entailment 2238 What amount of the worlds carbon is stored in the Amazon forest? Amazonian evergreen forests account for about 10% of the world's terrestrial primary productivity and 10% of the carbon stores in ecosystems—of the order of 1.1 × 1011 metric tonnes of carbon. entailment 2239 What type of support does co-teaching provide? Co-teachers work in sync with one another to create a climate of learning. not_entailment 2240 What is the nickname for ABC's logo from the 2000 campaign? The network hired the Troika Design Group to design and produce its 2001–02 identity, which continued using the black-and-yellow coloring of the logo and featured dots and stripes in various promotional and identification spots. not_entailment 2241 What government set standards do all schools have to meet? All schools must comply with government-set curriculum standards. entailment 2242 During the compression stage of the Rankine cycle, what state is the working fluid in? By condensing the fluid, the work required by the pump consumes only 1% to 3% of the turbine power and contributes to a much higher efficiency for a real cycle. not_entailment 2243 Which cathedral is located in Fenham? Another prominent church in the city centre is the Church of St Thomas the Martyr which is the only parish church in the Church of England without a parish and which is not a peculiar. not_entailment 2244 What buildings held the Milton Friedman Institute? In 2008, the University of Chicago announced plans to establish the Milton Friedman Institute which attracted both support and controversy from faculty members and students. not_entailment 2245 When did the Arab oil producers lift the embargo? The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was enough to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974. entailment 2246 How many years have imperialistic practices existed? The Age of Imperialism, a time period beginning around 1700, saw (generally European) industrializing nations engaging in the process of colonizing, influencing, and annexing other parts of the world in order to gain political power.[citation needed] not_entailment 2247 What are engines using four expansion stages known as? Multiple expansion engines typically had the cylinders arranged inline, but various other formations were used. not_entailment 2248 What group operates St Dominic's College in Wanganui? Private schools are often Anglican, such as King's College and Diocesan School for Girls in Auckland, St Paul's Collegiate School in Hamilton, St Peter's School in Cambridge, Samuel Marsden Collegiate School in Wellington, and Christ's College and St Margaret's College in Christchurch; or Presbyterian, such as Saint Kentigern College and St Cuthbert's College in Auckland, Scots College and Queen Margaret College in Wellington, and St Andrew's College and Rangi Ruru Girls' School in Christchurch. not_entailment 2249 Which committee made an effort to invite companies owned by people, who are transgender or gay, to take part in contract business associated with Super Bowl 50. The host committee has already raised over $40 million through sponsors including Apple, Google, Yahoo!, Intel, Gap, Chevron, and Dignity Health. not_entailment 2250 When did Tesla go to Tomingaj? In 1874, Tesla evaded being drafted into the Austro-Hungarian Army in Smiljan by running away to Tomingaj, near Gračac. entailment 2251 What network uses a red version of the new ABC logo? The logo is displayed on-air, online and in print advertising in four variants shading the respective color used with the circle design's native black coloring: a gold version is primarily used on entertainment-oriented outlets (such as, WATCH ABC, and by ABC Studios) and the on-screen bug; steel blue and dark grey versions are used primarily by ABC News; a red version is used for ESPN on ABC, while all four variants are used selectively in advertising and by affiliates. entailment 2252 What did Article 12 of the Allied Armistice terms require Germany to withdraw from? The Allied Armistice terms required in Article 12 that Germany withdraw from areas controlled by Russia in 1914, which included Warsaw. entailment 2253 What famous composer used a Lutheran hymn in his work? Luther adopted a preexisting Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace; Wolf Heintz's four-part setting of the hymn was used to introduce the Lutheran Reformation in Halle in 1541. not_entailment 2254 What device is used to treat various conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning? Hyperbaric (high-pressure) medicine uses special oxygen chambers to increase the partial pressure of O_2 around the patient and, when needed, the medical staff. entailment 2255 How was coal transferred from the river banks to colliers? In the Sandgate area, to the east of the city and beside the river, resided the close-knit community of keelmen and their families. not_entailment 2256 What form of oxygen is composed of three oxygen atoms? Most of the mass of living organisms is oxygen as it is a part of water, the major constituent of lifeforms. not_entailment 2257 How did Luther express the destruction? Luther sympathised with some of the peasants' grievances, as he showed in his response to the Twelve Articles in May 1525, but he reminded the aggrieved to obey the temporal authorities. not_entailment 2258 What don't chloroplastidan chloroplasts have? They differ from glaucophyte and red algal chloroplasts in that they have lost their phycobilisomes, and contain chlorophyll not_entailment 2259 Where do Ctenophora live? Their most distinctive feature is the ‘combs’ – groups of cilia which they use for swimming – they are the largest animals that swim by means of cilia. not_entailment 2260 When did the ancestors of modern Homo sapiens inhabit Kenya? Recent findings near Lake Turkana indicate that hominids such as Homo habilis (1.8 and 2.5 million years ago) and Homo erectus (1.8 million to 350,000 years ago) are possible direct ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, and lived in Kenya in the Pleistocene epoch. entailment 2261 People behaving with civil disobedience that is not-violent is said to make society have more of what? Christian Bay's encyclopedia article states that civil disobedience requires "carefully chosen and legitimate means," but holds that they do not have to be non-violent. not_entailment 2262 What was the first television series to feature an openly gay character? On September 13, 1977, the network debuted Soap, a controversial soap opera parody which became known for being the first television series to feature an openly gay main character (played by a then-unknown Billy Crystal); it last ran on the network on April 20, 1981. entailment 2263 How many academic research divisions does the University of Chicago have? The university, established in 1890, consists of The College, various graduate programs, interdisciplinary committees organized into four academic research divisions and seven professional schools. entailment 2264 What is the most important problem in the United States and elsewhere? 2013 Economics Nobel prize winner Robert J. Shiller said that rising inequality in the United States and elsewhere is the most important problem. entailment 2265 What do platyctenida use their pharynx for? They cling to and creep on surfaces by everting the pharynx and using it as a muscular "foot". entailment 2266 When was the Battle of Hastings? The nobility of England were part of a single Normans culture and many had lands on both sides of the channel. not_entailment 2267 What type of disability would a teacher help a student with? The teacher may interact with students of different ages, from infants to adults, students with different abilities and students with learning disabilities. entailment 2268 In 2009, Disney reached an agreement to buy what percentage stake in Hulu? Century Fox), and has offered full-length episodes of most of ABC's programming through the streaming service since July 6, 2009 (which are available for viewing on Hulu's website and mobile app), as part of an agreement reached in April that year that also allowed Disney to acquire a 27% ownership stake in Hulu. entailment 2269 To whom has the Antwerp City Hall doors in the V&A collection been attributed? One of the finest pieces of continental furniture in the collection is the Rococo Augustus Rex Bureau Cabinet dated c1750 from Germany, with especially fine marquetry and ormolu mounts. not_entailment 2270 How many PD rings are there? In a few species like Cyanidioschyzon merolæ, chloroplasts have a third plastid-dividing ring located in the chloroplast's intermembrane space. not_entailment 2271 Tesla's induction motor and transformer was licensed by whom? His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. entailment 2272 What was the name of the story from the third Torchwood series? A third series was broadcast from 6 to 10 July 2009, and consisted of a single five-part story called Children of Earth which was set largely in London. entailment 2273 How has this debate been proven? There is debate, however, over how extensive this reduction was. not_entailment 2274 what did he do for $2 a day? He even lost control of the patents he had generated since he had assigned them to the company in lieu of stock. not_entailment 2275 What part of the Rhine flows west at Katwijk? From Wijk bij Duurstede, the old north branch of the Rhine is called Kromme Rijn ("Bent Rhine") past Utrecht, first Leidse Rijn ("Rhine of Leiden") and then, Oude Rijn ("Old Rhine"). entailment 2276 When was the last time San Francisco hosted a Super Bowl? The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX), held at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California, won by the home team 49ers. entailment 2277 What was the first team Peyton Manning began playing for? Although the team had a 7–0 start, Manning led the NFL in interceptions. not_entailment 2278 What are Ctenophora commonly known as? Their most distinctive feature is the ‘combs’ – groups of cilia which they use for swimming – they are the largest animals that swim by means of cilia. not_entailment 2279 In what year did ABC submit licenses for 5 television stations? These applications all requested for the stations to broadcast on VHF channel 7, as Frank Marx, then ABC's vice-president of engineering, thought that the low-band VHF frequencies (corresponding to channels 2 through 6) would be requisitioned from broadcasting use and reallocated for the U.S. Army. not_entailment 2280 What is Donald Davies credited with Davies is credited with coining the modern name packet switching and inspiring numerous packet switching networks in Europe in the decade following, including the incorporation of the concept in the early ARPANET in the United States. entailment 2281 What company created Doctor Who? Who character by BBC Television in the early 1960s, a myriad of stories have been published about Doctor Who, in different media: apart from the actual television episodes that continue to be produced by the BBC, there have also been novels, comics, short stories, audio books, radio plays, interactive video games, game books, webcasts, DVD extras, and even stage performances. entailment 2282 Along with Stephenson and Walschaerts, what is an example of a simple motion? The combined setup gave a fair approximation of the ideal events, at the expense of increased friction and wear, and the mechanism tended to be complicated. not_entailment 2283 Building printing is making it possible to flexibly construct small commercial buildings and private habitations in what amount of time? New techniques of building construction are being researched, made possible by advances in 3D printing technology. not_entailment 2284 When did Kenya reach the semi-finals? They upset some of the World's best teams and reached semi-finals of the 2003 tournament. entailment 2285 Which countries use the green Greek cross as a symbol of pharmacy? Other symbols are common in different countries: the green Greek cross in France, Argentina, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and India, the increasingly rare Gaper in the Netherlands, and a red stylized letter A in Germany and Austria (from Apotheke, the German word for pharmacy, from the same Greek root as the English word 'apothecary'). entailment 2286 Who started at tight end for the Panthers? The Panthers offense, which led the NFL in scoring (500 points), was loaded with talent, boasting six Pro Bowl selections. not_entailment 2287 When is the suspended team scheduled to return? From 2005 to 2014, there were two Major League Soccer teams in Los Angeles — not_entailment 2288 What happened to the credibility of secular politics as a result of the Six-Day War? A steep and steady decline in the popularity and credibility of secular, socialist and nationalist politics ensued. entailment 2289 To what may general global fields be transferred to or from? Certain arithmetic questions related to Q or more general global fields may be transferred back and forth to the completed (or local) fields. entailment 2290 What are the two principal Asian-American groups living in the west side neighborhood of Fresno? It is culturally diverse and also includes significant Mexican-American and Asian-American (principally Hmong or Laotian) populations. entailment 2291 When Iqbal promoted ideas of greater Islamic political unity, what did he encourage ending? Iqbal expressed fears that not only would secularism and secular nationalism weaken the spiritual foundations of Islam and Muslim society, but that India's Hindu-majority population would crowd out Muslim heritage, culture and political influence. not_entailment 2292 Which building was the NFL Experience held at for Super Bowl 50? The annual NFL Experience was held at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. entailment 2293 Who recorded a version of the Doctor Who theme with spoken lyrics in the 1970's? In the early 1970s, Jon Pertwee, who had played the Third Doctor, recorded a version of the Doctor entailment 2294 What position does Demaryius Thomas play? Veteran receiver Demaryius Thomas led the team with 105 receptions for 1,304 yards and six touchdowns, while Emmanuel Sanders caught 76 passes for 1,135 yards and six scores, while adding another 106 yards returning punts. entailment 2295 What pathway that plays a role in immune response to viruses is present in all eukaryotes? Ribonucleases and the RNA interference pathway are conserved across all eukaryotes, and are thought to play a role in the immune response to viruses. entailment 2296 When are subject committees established? Subject Committees are established at the beginning of each parliamentary session, and again the members on each committee reflect the balance of parties across Parliament. entailment 2297 Where was the boat demonstration given? The crowd that witnessed the demonstration made outrageous claims about the workings of the boat, such as magic, telepathy, and being piloted by a trained monkey hidden inside. not_entailment 2298 Which fault can produce a magnitude earthquake of 8.0? The USGS has released a California Earthquake forecast which models Earthquake occurrence in California. not_entailment 2299 How many quadrangles does the Main Quadrangles have? The first buildings of the University of Chicago campus, which make up what is now known as the Main Quadrangles, were part of a "master plan" conceived by two University of Chicago trustees and plotted by Chicago architect Henry Ives Cobb. not_entailment 2300 What was Norman Cantor's theory about the plague? Archaeologist Barney Sloane has argued that there is insufficient evidence of the extinction of a large number of rats in the archaeological record of the medieval waterfront in London and that the plague spread too quickly to support the thesis that the Y. pestis was spread from fleas on rats; he argues that transmission must have been person to person. not_entailment 2301 What was intended to take a CSM and LM, fully fueled, to the moon? The second and third stages burned liquid hydrogen, and the third stage was a modified version of the S-IVB, with thrust increased to 230,000 lbf (1,020 kN) and capability to restart the engine for translunar injection after reaching a parking orbit. not_entailment 2302 When was Zhu Shijie born? The mathematician Zhu Shijie (1249–1314) solved simultaneous equations with up to four unknowns using a rectangular array of coefficients, equivalent to modern matrices. entailment 2303 Who was the final Prime Minister of East Germany? Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg, invited Huguenots to settle in his realms, and a number of their descendants rose to positions of prominence in Prussia. not_entailment 2304 What British mathematician took pride in doing work that he felt had no military benefit? However, this vision was shattered in the 1970s, when it was publicly announced that prime numbers could be used as the basis for the creation of public key cryptography algorithms. not_entailment 2305 When was the Battle of Frankenhausen? Without Luther's backing for the uprising, many rebels laid down their weapons; others felt betrayed. not_entailment 2306 What caused UK to have an oil crisis in its own country? Despite being relatively unaffected by the embargo, the UK nonetheless faced an oil crisis of its own - a series of strikes by coal miners and railroad workers over the winter of 1973–74 became a major factor in the change of government. entailment 2307 When was the British East India Company established? In 1599 the British East India Company was established and was chartered by Queen Elizabeth in the following year. entailment 2308 When were the finalists announced? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. not_entailment 2309 About how many of the Asian population was Hmong? The racial makeup of the city was 50.2% White, 8.4% Black or African American, 1.6% Native American, 11.2% Asian (about a third of which is Hmong), 0.1% Pacific Islander, 23.4% from other races, and 5.2% from two or more races. entailment 2310 In what city did the last Super Bowl in California occur? It is the first Super Bowl held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took place in San Diego in 2003. entailment 2311 What will concentrated oxygen greatly speed up? Concentrated O_2 will allow combustion to proceed rapidly and energetically. entailment 2312 On where are most tourist attractions focused in Victoria? Most of these events are centred on Melbourne, but others occur in regional cities, such as the V8 Supercars and Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at Phillip Island, the Grand Annual Steeplechase at Warrnambool and the Australian International Airshow at Geelong and numerous local festivals such as the popular Port Fairy Folk Festival, Queenscliff Music Festival, Bells Beach SurfClassic and the Bright Autumn Festival. entailment 2313 What holiday coincided with the first showing of series two? CBC began airing series two on 9 October 2006 at 20:00 E/P (20:30 in Newfoundland and Labrador), shortly after that day's CFL double header on Thanksgiving in most of the country.[citation needed] entailment 2314 When were stromules discovered? When they were first observed in 1962, some plant biologists dismissed the structures as artifactual, claiming that stromules were just oddly shaped chloroplasts with constricted regions or dividing chloroplasts. entailment 2315 For which show did Billie Piper tape an introduction? For the Canadian broadcast, Christopher Eccleston recorded special video introductions for each episode (including a trivia question as part of a viewer contest) and excerpts from the Doctor Who Confidential documentary were played over the closing credits; for the broadcast of "The Christmas Invasion" on 26 December 2005, Billie Piper recorded a special video introduction. entailment 2316 What did Luther tell monks and nuns about their vows? His essay On Confession, Whether the Pope has the Power to Require It rejected compulsory confession and encouraged private confession and absolution, since "every Christian is a confessor." not_entailment 2317 What paved the way for the Augsburg Confession? The Swiss cities, however, did not sign these agreements. not_entailment 2318 How do socialists think the means of production should be owned? Socialists attribute the vast disparities in wealth to the private ownership of the means of production by a class of owners, creating a situation where a small portion of the population lives off unearned property income by virtue of ownership titles in capital equipment, financial assets and corporate stock. not_entailment 2319 Where did Tesla begin a new job at in 1882? In June 1884, he relocated to New York City:57–60 where he was hired by Thomas Edison to work at his Edison Machine Works on Manhattan's lower east side. not_entailment 2320 The term may be related to what politician from Switzerland? The label Huguenot was purportedly first applied in France to those conspirators (all of them aristocratic members of the Reformed Church) involved in the Amboise plot of 1560: a foiled attempt to wrest power in France from the influential House of Guise. not_entailment 2321 Why do carotenoids make leaves change color in the fall? They help transfer and dissipate excess energy, and their bright colors sometimes override the chlorophyll green, like during the fall, when the leaves of some land plants change color. entailment 2322 What program did Red Cross put together in 2011? Unfortunately, the country has not attained the level of investment and efficiency in agriculture that can guarantee food security and coupled with resulting poverty (53% of the population lives below the poverty line), a significant portion of the population regularly starves and is heavily dependent on food aid. not_entailment 2323 What three things are needed for construction to take place? Construction differs from manufacturing in that manufacturing typically involves mass production of similar items without a designated purchaser, while construction typically takes place on location for a known client. not_entailment 2324 Who long was the broadcast delay claimed to be the first time the series premiered? The BBC believed that many viewers had missed this introduction to a new series due to the coverage of the assassination, as well as a series of power blackouts across the country, and they broadcast it again on 30 November 1963, just before episode two. not_entailment 2325 Who was Al-Banna's assassination a retaliation for the prior assassination of? Some elements of the Brotherhood, though perhaps against orders, did engage in violence against the government, and its founder Al-Banna was assassinated in 1949 in retaliation for the assassination of Egypt's premier Mahmud Fami Naqrashi three months earlier. entailment 2326 What is the process by which the adaptive immune system is evaded by the chainging of non-essential epitopes called? This is called antigenic variation. entailment 2327 Who bought the factory in 2005? In 2005 the factory was sold to AvtoZAZ, a Ukrainian car manufacturer which assembled there the Chevrolet Aveo. entailment 2328 What part of the Rhine flows through North Rhine-Westphalia? Here the Rhine flows through the largest conurbation in Germany, the Rhine-Ruhr region. not_entailment 2329 Who caught a 16-yard pass on this drive? On the next play, Ealy knocked the ball out of Manning's hand as he was winding up for a pass, and then recovered it for Carolina on the 50-yard line. not_entailment 2330 In which county does Jacksonville reside? It is the county seat of Duval County, with which the city government consolidated in 1968. entailment 2331 Who did Luther banish? Luther next set about reversing or modifying the new church practices. not_entailment 2332 What is consultant pharmacy mainly concerned with? Traditionally consultant pharmacists were usually independent business owners, though in the United States many now work for several large pharmacy management companies (primarily Omnicare, Kindred Healthcare and PharMerica). not_entailment 2333 What were NTL's services rebranded as? The announcement came a day after Setanta Sports confirmed that it would launch in March as a subscription service on the digital terrestrial platform, and on the same day that NTL's services re-branded as Virgin Media. entailment 2334 Who formulated the idea of clonal selection theory of immunity? In the mid-1950s, Frank Burnet, inspired by a suggestion made by Niels Jerne, formulated the clonal selection theory (CST) of immunity. entailment 2335 When did Luther's writings to spread to France, England and Italy? To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian. not_entailment 2336 If you were to take a train west or south out of the city of Fresno, which railroad would you take? The Bakersfield-Stockton mainlines of the Burlington Northern Santa Fe Railway and Union Pacific Railroad railroads cross in Fresno, and both railroads maintain railyards within the city; the San Joaquin Valley Railroad also operates former Southern Pacific branchlines heading west and south out of the city. entailment 2337 How did scientists assess the DNA/RNA of yersinia pestis? ends the debate about the etiology of the Black Death, and unambiguously demonstrates that Y. pestis was the causative agent of the epidemic plague that devastated Europe during the Middle Ages". not_entailment 2338 Which tribes did Genghis Khan unite? Under the reign of Genghis' third son, Ögedei Khan, the Mongols destroyed the weakened Jin dynasty in 1234, conquering most of northern China. not_entailment 2339 Who notably improved the Savery water pump? Bento de Moura Portugal introduced an ingenious improvement of Savery's construction "to render it capable of working itself", as described by John Smeaton in the Philosophical Transactions published in 1751. entailment 2340 What do Cydippids use to capture their prey? The textbook examples are cydippids with egg-shaped bodies and a pair of retractable tentacles fringed with tentilla ("little tentacles") that are covered with colloblasts, sticky cells that capture prey. entailment 2341 How was Temüjin kept imprisoned by the Tayichi'ud? In another incident, around 1177, he was captured in a raid and held prisoner by his father's former allies, the Tayichi'ud. not_entailment 2342 Which border does the megaregion extend over? The 8- and 10-county definitions are not used for the greater Southern California Megaregion, one of the 11 megaregions of the United States. not_entailment 2343 From which period did the objects in the Soulages collection come from? The Soulages collection of Italian and French Renaissance objects was acquired between 1859 and 1865, and includes several cassone. entailment 2344 What is student motivation about school linked to? Useful teacher-to-student interactions are crucial in linking academic success with personal achievement. not_entailment 2345 D'Olier Street is named after whom? Examples include the Huguenot District and French Church Street in Cork City; and D'Olier Street in Dublin, named after a High Sheriff and one of the founders of the Bank of Ireland. entailment 2346 What profession was Nathan Alterman? Nathan Alterman, the Israeli poet, was born in Warsaw, as was Moshe Vilenski, the Israeli composer, lyricist, and pianist, who studied music at the Warsaw Conservatory. entailment 2347 Who published the State of the Planet 2008-2009 report? Others see as well mixed blessings of the drive for consensus within the IPCC process and ask to include dissenting or minority positions or to improve statements about uncertainties. not_entailment 2348 Who did play-by-play on Westwood One? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. entailment 2349 When do chloroplasts spread out flat? This ability to distribute chloroplasts so that they can take shelter behind each other or spread out may be the reason why land plants evolved to have many small chloroplasts instead of a few big ones. not_entailment 2350 What was the main idea of James Hutton's paper? In his paper, he explained his theory that the Earth must be much older than had previously been supposed in order to allow enough time for mountains to be eroded and for sediments to form new rocks at the bottom of the sea, which in turn were raised up to become dry land. entailment 2351 How many more landing sites for the Apollo missions did NASA have planned? NASA publicized a preliminary list of eight more planned landing sites, with plans to increase the mass of the CSM and LM for the last five missions, along with the payload capacity of the Saturn V. entailment 2352 What church is located at the corner of 4th and New Streets in Philadelphia? The congregation was founded in 1767, meeting initially in a sail loft on Dock Street, and in 1769 it purchased the shell of a building which had been erected in 1763 by a German Reformed congregation. not_entailment 2353 How does inequality prevent growth? Economist Joseph Stiglitz presented evidence in 2009 that both global inequality and inequality within countries prevent growth by limiting aggregate demand. entailment 2354 Which mission did Schmitt finally land on the moon? Schmitt participated in the lunar geology training of all of the Apollo landing crews. not_entailment 2355 What are free-to-air encrypted broadcasts known as? Some broadcasts are free-to-air and unencrypted, some are encrypted but do not require a monthly subscription (known as free-to-view), some are encrypted and require a monthly subscription, and some are pay-per-view services. entailment 2356 How much was the Apollo project estimated to have cost from 1959 to 1973, the length of the program? The Space Review estimated in 2010 the cost of Apollo from 1959 to 1973 as $20.4 billion, or $109 billion in 2010 dollars. entailment 2357 What kind of allegations were brought after the 2007 election? Further, in the aftermath of the national elections of December 2007 and the violence that subsequently engulfed the country, a commission of inquiry, the Waki Commission, commended its readiness and adjudged it to "have performed its duty well." not_entailment 2358 Why does Doctor Who's TARDIS always look the same? Doctor Who follows the adventures of the primary character, a rogue Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey, who simply goes by the name "The Doctor". not_entailment 2359 What are auricles? Between the lobes on either side of the mouth, many species of lobates have four auricles, gelatinous projections edged with cilia that produce water currents that help direct microscopic prey toward the mouth. entailment 2360 On what theorem is the formula that frequently generates the number 2 and all other primes precisely once based on? Here represents the floor function, i.e., largest integer not greater than the number in question. not_entailment 2361 What crime drama debuted on ABC in September 1994? Daniel Burke departed from Capital Cities/ABC in February 1994, with Thomas Murphy taking over as president before ceding control to Robert Iger. not_entailment 2362 How thick are chloroplasts in land plants? In land plants, chloroplasts are generally lens-shaped, 5–8 μm in diameter and 1–3 μm thick. entailment 2363 How far is Jacksonville from Miami? A platted town was established there in 1822, a year after the United States gained Florida from Spain; it was named after Andrew Jackson, the first military governor of the Florida Territory and seventh President of the United States. not_entailment 2364 How many pounds of steam per kilowatt hour does the Energiprojekt AB engine use? Although the reciprocating steam engine is no longer in widespread commercial use, various companies are exploring or exploiting the potential of the engine as an alternative to internal combustion engines. not_entailment 2365 Who is the current Governor of Victoria? Victoria is currently governed by the Labor Party, with Daniel Andrews the current Premier. not_entailment 2366 What battle outside Quebec City did British lose in 1760? British victories continued in all theaters in the Annus Mirabilis of 1759, when they finally captured Ticonderoga, James Wolfe defeated Montcalm at Quebec (in a battle that claimed the lives of both commanders), and victory at Fort Niagara successfully cut off the French frontier forts further to the west and south. not_entailment 2367 What publication did Philip Howard work for? Doctor Who was the most violent of the drama programmes the corporation produced at the time. not_entailment 2368 Is the Pope's confessor a Bishop? Orthodox Catholic, and Protestant/Non-Denominational, with a stronger tradition of spiritual formation in the more historic and authoritarian/hierarchical Christian traditions with a long tradition of "discernment of spirits", of vocations, and other aspects of spiritual life, especially the Roman and Orthodox Catholic Churches. not_entailment 2369 When did the logo bug begin appearing throughout the entire program for ABC shows? In 1983, for the 40th anniversary of the network's founding, ID sequences had the logo appear in a gold CGI design on a blue background, accompanied by the slogan "That Special Feeling" in a script font. not_entailment 2370 Along with Canada and the United Kingdom, what country generally doesn't refer to universities as private schools? In the United Kingdom and several other Commonwealth countries including Australia and Canada, the use of the term is generally restricted to primary and secondary educational levels; it is almost never used of universities and other tertiary institutions. entailment 2371 What is beta carotene? β-carotene is a bright red-orange carotenoid found in nearly all chloroplasts, like chlorophyll a. Xanthophylls, especially the orange-red zeaxanthin, are also common. entailment 2372 What is the name of Harvard's basketball facility? The Malkin Athletic Center, known as the "MAC", serves both as the university's primary recreation facility and as a satellite location for several varsity sports. not_entailment 2373 What was Old Briton's response to Celeron? Old Briton" ignored the warning. entailment 2374 What scripture did Luther use to back up his opinion that churchmen were not infallible? Luther's boldest assertion in the debate was that Matthew 16:18 does not confer on popes the exclusive right to interpret scripture, and that therefore neither popes nor church councils were infallible. entailment 2375 What was the average cost of a 30-second commercial? CBS broadcast Super Bowl 50 in the U.S., and charged an average of $5 million for a 30-second commercial during the game. entailment 2376 What did higher material living standards lead to for most of human history? This pattern of higher incomes-longer lives still holds among poorer countries, where life expectancy increases rapidly as per capita income increases, but in recent decades it has slowed down among middle income countries and plateaued among the richest thirty or so countries in the world. not_entailment 2377 In what year was the Corliss engine patented? When Corliss was given the Rumford medal the committee said that "no one invention since Watt's time has so enhanced the efficiency of the steam engine". not_entailment 2378 Why have modern Lutherans stopped using the hymn? Luther's hymn, adapted and expanded from an earlier German creedal hymn, gained widespread use in vernacular Lutheran liturgies as early as 1525. not_entailment 2379 The academic body of the university is made up of how many divisions of graduate? The university also contains a library system, the University of Chicago Press, the University of Chicago Laboratory Schools, and the University of Chicago Medical Center, and holds ties with a number of independent academic institutions, including Fermilab, Argonne National Laboratory, and the Marine Biological Laboratory. not_entailment 2380 What increased in the Rhine because of the land clearance in the upland areas? As a result of increasing land clearance (Bronze Age agriculture), in the upland areas (central Germany), the sediment load of the Rhine has strongly increased and delta growth has sped up. entailment 2381 Who ordered Loudoun to attack Louisbourg? He was then ordered by William Pitt, the Secretary of State responsible for the colonies, to attack Louisbourg first. entailment 2382 What did Pope Leo X launch against Luther? Over the next three years he deployed a series of papal theologians and envoys against Luther, which served only to harden the reformer's anti-papal theology. entailment 2383 How many times has Doctor Who won the Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation? It has won the Short Form of the Hugo Award for Best Dramatic Presentation, the oldest science fiction/fantasy award for films and series, six times (every year since 2006, except for 2009, 2013 and 2014). entailment 2384 What kind of arches does Norman architecture have? Norman architecture typically stands out as a new stage in the architectural history of the regions they subdued. not_entailment 2385 What series has an actor doing an impression of the Fourth Doctor? Jon Culshaw frequently impersonates the Fourth Doctor in the BBC Dead Ringers series. entailment 2386 Who was the ally of his father that Genghis Khan fell out as time passed? These include rifts with his early allies such as Jamukha (who also wanted to be a ruler of Mongol tribes) and Wang Khan (his and his father's ally), his son Jochi, and problems with the most important shaman, who was allegedly trying to drive a wedge between him and his loyal brother Khasar. entailment 2387 Who were special guests for the Super Bowl halftime show? The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest performers Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVII and Super Bowl XLVIII halftime shows, respectively. entailment 2388 Who discovered the Yellow Fever virus? Thucydides noted that people who had recovered from a previous bout of the disease could nurse the sick without contracting the illness a second time. not_entailment 2389 How many seats does Victoria have in the Senate? The personal representative of the Queen of Australia in the state is the Governor of Victoria, currently Linda Dessau. not_entailment 2390 What second part of air was deemed lifeless by Lavoisier? He noted that air rushed in when he opened the container, which indicated that part of the trapped air had been consumed. not_entailment 2391 How many farms are there in Victoria? As of 2004, an estimated 32,463 farms occupied around 136,000 square kilometres (52,500 sq mi) of Victorian land. entailment 2392 What river runs through Warsaw? It stands on the Vistula River in east-central Poland, roughly 260 kilometres (160 mi) from the Baltic Sea and 300 kilometres (190 mi) from the Carpathian Mountains. entailment 2393 What type of forested areas can be found on the highest terrace? These are mainly forested areas (pine forest). entailment 2394 What armed group stopped the uprising at Ballarat? In 1854 at Ballarat there was an armed rebellion against the government of Victoria by miners protesting against mining taxes (the "Eureka Stockade"). not_entailment 2395 Where are Jersey and Guernsey The customary law of Normandy was developed between the 10th and 13th centuries and survives today through the legal systems of Jersey and Guernsey in the Channel Islands. entailment 2396 What happens to the working fluid in a closed loop system? Low boiling hydrocarbons can be used in a binary cycle. not_entailment 2397 On which corner is the shopping center located? There have been numerous attempts to revitalize the neighborhood, including the construction of a modern shopping center on the corner of Fresno and B streets, an aborted attempt to build luxury homes and a golf course on the western edge of the neighborhood, and some new section 8 apartments have been built along Church Ave west of Elm St. Cargill Meat Solutions and Foster Farms both have large processing facilities in the neighborhood, and the stench from these (and other small industrial facilities) has long plagued area residents. entailment 2398 How long will the event at Santa Clara Convention Center last? In addition, there are $2 million worth of other ancillary events, including a week-long event at the Santa Clara Convention Center, a beer, wine and food festival at Bellomy Field at Santa Clara University, and a pep rally. entailment 2399 Who hosts the weeknight talk show featured on ABC networks? Late nights feature the weeknight talk show Jimmy Kimmel Live!. entailment 2400 What is the main goal of criminal punishment of civil disobedients? Brownlee argues, "Bringing in deterrence at the level of justification detracts from the law’s engagement in a moral dialogue with the offender as a rational person because it focuses attention on the threat of punishment and not the moral reasons to follow this law." not_entailment 2401 Who commissioned the Tapestry? By far the most famous work of Norman art is the Bayeux Tapestry, which is not a tapestry but a work of embroidery. not_entailment 2402 Where was the centrifugal governor first observed by Boulton? The governor was improved over time and coupled with variable steam cut off, good speed control in response to changes in load was attainable near the end of the 19th century. not_entailment 2403 Who translated and printed Luther's 95 These? It was not until January 1518 that friends of Luther translated the 95 Theses from Latin into German and printed and widely copied them, making the controversy one of the first in history to be aided by the printing press. entailment 2404 What Panther tore his ACL in the preseason? Despite waiving longtime running back DeAngelo Williams and losing top wide receiver Kelvin Benjamin to a torn ACL in the preseason, the Carolina Panthers had their best regular season in franchise history, becoming the seventh team to win at least 15 regular season games since the league expanded to a 16-game schedule in 1978. entailment 2405 What cruise line has included Newcastle as a departure port since 2007? The DFDS ferry service to Gothenburg, Sweden, ceased at the end of October 2006 – the company cited high fuel prices and new competition from low-cost air services as the cause – and their service to Bergen and Stavanger, Norway was terminated late 2008. not_entailment 2406 What system was adopted for education? Kenya's first system of education was introduced by British colonists. not_entailment 2407 What is the name of a Bodhisattva vow? A Lama who has through phowa and siddhi consciously determined to be reborn, often many times, in order to continue their Bodhisattva vow is called a Tulku. entailment 2408 What is the average plant biosmass? The total number of tree species in the region is estimated at 16,000. not_entailment 2409 What was the Italian title of Polo's book? The most famous traveler of the period was the Venetian Marco Polo, whose account of his trip to "Cambaluc," the capital of the Great Khan, and of life there astounded the people of Europe. not_entailment 2410 Where did he work on the oscillators? While experimenting with mechanical oscillators at his Houston Street lab, Tesla allegedly generated a resonance of several buildings. entailment 2411 What is the largest ctenophore? There is a pair of comb-rows along each aboral edge, and tentilla emerging from a groove all along the oral edge, which stream back across most of the wing-like body surface. not_entailment 2412 When did Archbishop Albrecht send Luther's letter containing the 95 Theses to Rome? Archbishop Albrecht of Mainz and Magdeburg did not reply to Luther's letter containing the 95 Theses. not_entailment 2413 In which year did Genghis Khan's grandson invade Kievan Rus'? In 1237 Batu Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, launched an invasion into Kievan Rus'. entailment 2414 How much of the sun is made up of oxygen? About 0.9% of the Sun's mass is oxygen. entailment 2415 What previous Super Bowl halftime show did Bruno Mars headline? Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVIII halftime show, and Mark Ronson also performed. entailment 2416 In what year did Warszowa become the official capital of the Masovian Duchy? Upon the extinction of the local ducal line, the duchy was reincorporated into the Polish Crown in 1526. not_entailment 2417 Where is the Apostles located? ("We All Believe in One True God") is a three-stanza confession of faith prefiguring Luther's 1529 three-part explanation of the Apostles' Creed in the Small Catechism. entailment 2418 Where is corporal punishment no longer practiced? In past times, corporal punishment (spanking or paddling or caning or strapping or birching the student in order to cause physical pain) was one of the most common forms of school discipline throughout much of the world. not_entailment 2419 What did Newton's mechanics affect? For situations where lattice holding together the atoms in an object is able to flow, contract, expand, or otherwise change shape, the theories of continuum mechanics describe the way forces affect the material. not_entailment 2420 When did Tesla come to the US? He soon struck out on his own with financial backers, setting up laboratories and companies to develop a range of electrical devices. not_entailment 2421 What bridge did the Germans fail to demolish? In World War II, it was recognised that the Rhine would present a formidable natural obstacle to the invasion of Germany, by the Western Allies. not_entailment 2422 If the apparant force of two fermions is repulsive, what is the spin function? However, already in quantum mechanics there is one "caveat", namely the particles acting onto each other do not only possess the spatial variable, but also a discrete intrinsic angular momentum-like variable called the "spin", and there is the Pauli principle relating the space and the spin variables. not_entailment 2423 When was Johann Tetzel sent by the Roman Catholic Church to Germany to sell indulgences? The benefits of good works could be obtained by donating money to the church. not_entailment 2424 What did Tesla mistakenly believe X-rays were? Tesla incorrectly believed that X-rays were longitudinal waves, such as those produced in waves in plasmas. entailment 2425 What was the daily distance walked by Tesla? He squished his toes one hundred times for each foot every night, saying that it stimulated his brain cells. not_entailment 2426 When was Warsaw's stock exchange brought back to life? Warsaw's first stock exchange was established in 1817 and continued trading until World War II. not_entailment 2427 How large are Plastoglobuli? They are also common in etioplasts, but decrease in number as the etioplasts mature into chloroplasts. not_entailment 2428 What did Luther form in 1525 to 1529? By 1526, Luther found himself increasingly occupied in organising a new church. not_entailment 2429 Which architect, famous for the India Gate in New Delhi, is represented in the RIBA collection? British architects whose drawings, and in some cases models of their buildings, in the collection, include: Inigo Jones, Sir Christopher Wren, Sir John Vanbrugh, Nicholas Hawksmoor, William Kent, James Gibbs, Robert Adam, Sir William Chambers, James Wyatt, Henry Holland, John Nash, Sir John Soane, Sir Charles Barry, Charles Robert Cockerell, Augustus Welby Northmore Pugin, Sir George Gilbert Scott, John Loughborough Pearson, George Edmund Street, Richard Norman Shaw, Alfred Waterhouse, Sir Edwin Lutyens, Charles Rennie Mackintosh, Charles Holden, Frank Hoar, Lord Richard Rogers, Lord Norman Foster, Sir Nicholas Grimshaw, Zaha Hadid and Alick Horsnell. entailment 2430 How often does the European Council meet? It meets each six months and its President (currently former Poland Prime Minister Donald Tusk) is meant to 'drive forward its work', but it does not itself 'legislative functions'. entailment 2431 How many times has Doctor Who won the Hugo for Best Dramatic Presentation? Doctor Who has been nominated for over 200 awards and has won over a hundred of them. not_entailment 2432 What disease did Tesla contract in 1873? Shortly after he arrived, Tesla contracted cholera; he was bedridden for nine months and was near death multiple times. entailment 2433 How is income inequality generally viewed by workers? the workers wages will not be controlled by these organizations, or by the employer, but rather by the market. not_entailment 2434 How much area does the University Library garden cover? It is one of the largest and most beautiful roof gardens in Europe with an area of more than 10,000 m2 (107,639.10 sq ft), and plants covering 5,111 m2 (55,014.35 sq ft). entailment 2435 How did the party overthrow the elected government in 1989? After al-Nimeiry was overthrown in 1985 the party did poorly in national elections, but in 1989 it was able to overthrow the elected post-al-Nimeiry government with the help of the military. entailment 2436 What did the number of legions in Roman times depend on? Between about AD 14 and 180, the assignment of legions was as follows: for the army of Germania Inferior, two legions at Vetera (Xanten), I Germanica and XX Valeria (Pannonian troops); two legions at oppidum Ubiorum ("town of the Ubii"), which was renamed to Colonia Agrippina, descending to Cologne, V Alaudae, a Celtic legion recruited from Gallia Narbonensis and XXI, possibly a Galatian legion from the other side of the empire. not_entailment 2437 When was the announcement for the LOR made after being delayed? But even after NASA reached internal agreement, it was far from smooth sailing. not_entailment 2438 What success did Abercrombie gain out of the defeat at Carillon? The third invasion was stopped with the improbable French victory in the Battle of Carillon, in which 3,600 Frenchmen famously and decisively defeated Abercrombie's force of 18,000 regulars, militia and Native American allies outside the fort the French called Carillon and the British called Ticonderoga. not_entailment 2439 Which NFL team represented the NFC at Super Bowl 50? Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 season. not_entailment 2440 What was Phillips official title for NASA? Based on his industry experience on Air Force missile projects, Mueller realized some skilled managers could be found among high-ranking officers in the United States Air Force, so he got Webb's permission to recruit General Samuel C. Phillips, who gained a reputation for his effective management of the Minuteman program, as OMSF program controller. not_entailment 2441 What Governor in charge of New France died in 1752? On March 17, 1752, the Governor-General of New France, Marquis de la Jonquière, died and was temporarily replaced by Charles le Moyne de Longueuil. entailment 2442 What is an example of a controlled substance? There are many instances where a practitioner issues a prescription, brokered by an Internet server, for a controlled substance to a "patient" s/he has never met.[citation needed] not_entailment 2443 When did the last glacial start? The last glacial ran from ~74,000 (BP = Before Present), until the end of the Pleistocene (~11,600 BP). entailment 2444 What effect did the plague have on the Middle East? The city's residents fled to the north, most of them dying during the journey, but the infection had been spread to the people of Asia Minor.[citation needed] not_entailment 2445 Where in Warsaw are patriotic and political objects connected with Poland's struggles for Independence found? A fine tribute to the fall of Warsaw and history of Poland can be found in the Warsaw Uprising Museum and in the Katyń Museum which preserves the memory of the crime. not_entailment 2446 When did Luther write the hymn From Depths of Woe I cry to You? "From depths of woe I cry to you") in 1523 as a hymnic version of Psalm 130 and sent it as a sample to encourage evangelical colleagues to write psalm-hymns for use in German worship. entailment 2447 What did Tesla tell Brisbane he didn't believe in? In an interview with newspaper editor Arthur Brisbane, Tesla said that he did not believe in telepathy, stating, " entailment 2448 How would the geographical societies in Europe support certain travelers? These societies also served as a space for travellers to share these stories. not_entailment 2449 What civil rights movement in the US was known for it's disobedience? It has been used in many nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist governments, In South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution to bring independence to the Baltic countries from the Soviet Union, recently with the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia and the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, among other various movements worldwide. entailment 2450 What year is the earliest traces of the color Crimson at Harvard? The school color is crimson, which is also the name of the Harvard sports teams and the daily newspaper, The Harvard Crimson. not_entailment 2451 What did Martin Luther's marriage allow? His translation of the Bible into the vernacular (instead of Latin) made it more accessible, which had a tremendous impact on the church and German culture. not_entailment 2452 What other projectiles did Tesla compare the electric particles to? In comparing these particles with the bits of metal projected by his "electric gun," Tesla said, "The particles in the beam of force ... will travel much faster than such particles ... and they will travel in concentrations." entailment 2453 How much money is being spent on other Super Bowl-related events? A professional fundraiser will aid in finding business sponsors and individual donors, but still may need the city council to help fund the event. not_entailment 2454 What is the Island off of the German shore of the Rhine that this warm and cold water meet? But then, at the so-called Rheinbrech, the Rhine water abruptly falls into the depths because of the greater density of cold water. not_entailment 2455 What is the annual construction industry revenue in 2014? In the United States, the industry in 2014 has around $960 billion in annual revenue according to statistics tracked by the Census Bureau, of which $680 billion is private (split evenly between residential and nonresidential) and the remainder is government. entailment 2456 Where did Tesla go upon leaving Gospic? In January 1880, two of Tesla's uncles put together enough money to help him leave Gospić for Prague where he was to study. entailment 2457 What event followed the battle? Their defeat by the Swabian League at the Battle of Frankenhausen on 15 May 1525, followed by Müntzer's execution, brought the revolutionary stage of the Reformation to a close. entailment 2458 Who handled pre-game coverage on Westwood One? Westwood One will carry the game throughout North America, with Kevin Harlan as play-by-play announcer, Boomer Esiason and Dan Fouts as color analysts, and James Lofton and Mark Malone as sideline reporters. not_entailment 2459 When was a study conducted of Swedish counties? Studies of larger data sets have found no correlations for any fixed lead time, and a negative impact on the duration of growth. not_entailment 2460 What radio network carried the Super Bowl? Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage. not_entailment 2461 Who was the Jin dynasty defector who betrayed the location of the Jin army? Ming-Tan, to the Mongol side, who defected and told the Mongols that the Jin army was waiting on the other side of the pass. entailment 2462 When was the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) issued? In the year 2011 two IPCC Special Report were finalized, the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) and the Special Report on Managing Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). entailment 2463 Who did Britain exploit in India? The colonization of India in the mid-18th century offers an example of this focus: there, the "British exploited the political weakness of the Mughal state, and, while military activity was important at various times, the economic and administrative incorporation of local elites was also of crucial significance" for the establishment of control over the subcontinent's resources, markets, and manpower. entailment 2464 What are some of the accepted general principles of European Union law? The principles of European Union law are rules of law which have been developed by the European Court of Justice that constitute unwritten rules which are not expressly provided for in the treaties but which affect how European Union law is interpreted and applies. not_entailment 2465 Who besides the british colonized Africa? He states that maps "contributed to empire by promoting, assisting, and legitimizing the extension of French and British power into West Africa". entailment 2466 What did Warsz own? In actuality, Warsz was a 12th/13th-century nobleman who owned a village located at the modern-day site of Mariensztat neighbourhood. entailment 2467 What Newcastle radio station is based at the Great North Children's Hospital? The city also has a Radio Lollipop station based at the Great North Children's Hospital in the Newcastle Royal Victoria Infirmary. entailment 2468 What did Luther use the hymn to encourage colleagues to do? Because it expressed essential Reformation doctrine, this expanded version of "Aus tiefer Not" was designated as a regular component of several regional Lutheran liturgies and was widely used at funerals, including Luther's own. not_entailment 2469 What kind of weapon did Tesla talk about? Later in life, Tesla made claims concerning a "teleforce" weapon after studying the Van de Graaff generator. entailment 2470 What festival is held in October in Newcastle? The SAMA Festival, an East Asian cultural festival is also held in early October. not_entailment 2471 Where was the Rhine regulated with an upper canal? The Dornbirner Ach had to be diverted, too, and it now flows parallel to the canalized Rhine into the lake. not_entailment 2472 What is the definition of agency as it relates to capabilities? Unlike neoliberalism, which “defines well-being as utility maximization”, economic growth and income are considered a means to an end rather than the end itself. not_entailment 2473 Who is considered the leading figure in the Arts and Crafts movement? There is a large display on the Great Exhibition which, among other things, led to the founding of the V&A. not_entailment 2474 What period did plates reverse directions to compress the Tethys floor? At about 180 MBP, in the Jurassic Period, the two plates reversed direction and began to compress the Tethys floor, causing it to be subducted under Eurasia and pushing up the edge of the latter plate in the Alpine Orogeny of the Oligocene and Miocene Periods. entailment 2475 What was Tesla's mother's name? His father, Milutin Tesla, was a Serbian Orthodox priest. not_entailment 2476 What industry has managed to survive major military spending cutbacks? Although military spending cutbacks have had an impact, aerospace continues to be a major factor. entailment 2477 What type of steam engine doesn't need valves to direct steam? Instead of valves, the entire cylinder rocks, or oscillates, such that one or more holes in the cylinder line up with holes in a fixed port face or in the pivot mounting (trunnion). not_entailment 2478 Which architect, famous for designing London's St. Paul Cathedral, is represented in the RIBA collection? The RIBA's holdings of over 330 drawings by Andrea Palladio are the largest in the world, other Europeans well represented are Jacques Gentilhatre and Antonio Visentini. not_entailment 2479 In what state is the largest Huguenot Society located? The Huguenot Society of America maintains Manakin Episcopal Church in Virginia as an historic shrine with occasional services. not_entailment 2480 Which MVP died in 2001? No plans were announced regarding the recognition of Harvey Martin, co-MVP of Super Bowl XII, who died in 2001. entailment 2481 Who is usually working together? Often, it is not just one contractor, but a consortium of several contractors working together. entailment 2482 When was the Imperial Library Directorate established? Local schools and government agencies were funded to support the publishing of books. not_entailment 2483 In what city is the last Huguenot congregation in the US? The last active Huguenot congregation in North America worships in Charleston, South Carolina, at a church that dates to 1844. entailment 2484 What did Luther call his stay a Wartburg Castle? They escorted Luther to the security of the Wartburg Castle at Eisenach. not_entailment 2485 Approximately how many items are in the V&A's textiles collection? The collection of textiles consists of more than 53,000 examples, mainly western European though all populated continents are represented, dating from the 1st century AD to the present, this is the largest such collection in the world. entailment 2486 Who said chloroplasts are similar to cyanobacteria? This origin of chloroplasts was first suggested by the Russian biologist Konstantin Mereschkowski in 1905 after Andreas Schimper observed in 1883 that chloroplasts closely resemble cyanobacteria. entailment 2487 What is another plague thought to have spread the same way? He was able to adopt the epidemiology of the bubonic plague for the Black Death for the second edition in 1908, implicating rats and fleas in the process, and his interpretation was widely accepted for other ancient and medieval epidemics, such as the Justinian plague that was prevalent in the Eastern Roman Empire from 541 to 700 CE. entailment 2488 What building was a gift from the Soviet Union? After World War II, under a Communist regime set up by the conquering Soviets, the "Bricks for Warsaw" campaign was initiated, and large prefabricated housing projects were erected in Warsaw to address the housing shortage, along with other typical buildings of an Eastern Bloc city, such as the Palace of Culture and Science, a gift from the Soviet Union. entailment 2489 When was the "Dalekmania" period? The first of these was the "Dalekmania" period (circa 1964–1965), when the popularity of the Daleks regularly brought Doctor Who ratings of between 9 and 14 million, even for stories which did not feature them. entailment 2490 What type of civil disobedience is larger scale? Revolutionary civil disobedience is more of an active attempt to overthrow a government (or to change cultural traditions, social customs, religious beliefs, etc...revolution doesn't have to be political, i.e. "cultural revolution", it simply implies sweeping and widespread change to a section of the social fabric). entailment 2491 Salafism posits that democracy is responsible for what type of horrible events of the 20th century? In its harshest form it preached that Muslims should not only "always oppose" infidels "in every way," but "hate them for their religion ... for Allah's sake," that democracy "is responsible for all the horrible wars of the 20th century," that Shia and other non-Wahhabi Muslims were infidels, etc. entailment 2492 What are ABC's current daytime talk shows? ABC's daytime schedule currently features talk shows The View and The Chew, and the soap opera General Hospital, the latter of which is the longest-running entertainment program in the history of the ABC television network, having aired since 1963. entailment 2493 What makes red algae red? Rhodoplasts have chlorophyll a and phycobilins for photosynthetic pigments; the phycobilin phycoerytherin is responsible for giving many red algae their distinctive red color. entailment 2494 Where is the Apache Point Observatory located? Although formally unrelated, the National Opinion Research Center is located on Chicago's campus. not_entailment 2495 Where can one find the formerly Huguenot farms in South Africa? Many of the farms in the Western Cape province in South Africa still bear French names. entailment 2496 What did Luther call his stay a Wartburg Castle? During his stay at Wartburg, which he referred to as "my Patmos", Luther translated the New Testament from Greek into German and poured out doctrinal and polemical writings. entailment 2497 What success did Abercrombie gain out of the defeat at Carillon? Abercrombie saved something from the disaster when he sent John Bradstreet on an expedition that successfully destroyed Fort Frontenac, including caches of supplies destined for New France's western forts and furs destined for Europe. entailment 2498 When did Kublai attack Xiangyang? Kublai besieged Xiangyang between 1268 and 1273, the last obstacle in his way to capture the rich Yangzi River basin. entailment 2499 What language is used in Chinese secondary schools in Malaysia? This caused an uproar among the Chinese and a compromise was achieved in that the schools would instead become "National Type" schools. not_entailment 2500 Which famous Indian took a plea and put himself at the mercy of the courts? Mohandas Gandhi pleaded guilty and told the court, "I am here to . . entailment 2501 What was the name of Watt's partner? The centrifugal governor was adopted by James Watt for use on a steam engine in 1788 after Watt’s partner Boulton saw one at a flour mill Boulton & Watt were building. entailment 2502 In the 1965-66 season, what place did ABC find it's self among the other networks in ratings? ABC, meanwhile, remained in third place and still needed money to grow itself into a major competitor. entailment 2503 What does ATP store? They then use the ATP and NADPH to make organic molecules from carbon dioxide in a process known as the Calvin cycle. not_entailment 2504 Who did a pressurized oxygen cabin fire kill? The fire that killed the Apollo 1 crew in a launch pad test spread so rapidly because the capsule was pressurized with pure O_2 but at slightly more than atmospheric pressure, instead of the 1⁄3 normal pressure that would be used in a mission.[k] entailment 2505 When were the Mongols defeated by the Tran? Professor Liam Kelley noted that people from Song dynasty China like Zhao Zhong and Xu Zongdao fled to Tran dynasty ruled Vietnam after the Mongol invasion of the Song and they helped the Tran fight against the Mongol invasion. not_entailment 2506 What position at ABC did Thomas Murphy stay on for after stepping down as president? Now at a strong second place, the network entered the 1990s with additional family-friendly hits including America's Funniest Home Videos (which has gone on to become the longest-running prime time entertainment program in the network's history), Step by Step, Hangin' with Mr. Cooper, Boy Meets World and Perfect Strangers spinoff Family Matters, as well as series such as Doogie Howser, M.D., Life Goes On, cult favorite Twin Peaks and The Commish. not_entailment 2507 Who did Disney sell the four newspapers that ABC controlled to? Around the time of the merger, Disney's television production units had already produced series for the network such as Home Improvement and Boy Meets World, while the deal also allowed ABC access to Disney's children's programming library for its Saturday morning block. not_entailment 2508 How long was Warsaw occupied by Germany? Germany did so, and underground leader Piłsudski returned to Warsaw on 11 November and set up what became the Second Polish Republic, with Warsaw the capital. not_entailment 2509 As of what year were 10000 horsepower engines available? The atmospheric engines of Newcomen and Watt were large compared to the amount of power they produced, but high pressure steam engines were light enough to be applied to vehicles such as traction engines and the railway locomotives. not_entailment 2510 Who was one man who joined hands and said "Lord of the Church, we are united in Thee...?" On April 23, 1968, the United Methodist Church was created when the Evangelical United Brethren Church (represented by Bishop Reuben H. Mueller) and The Methodist Church (represented by Bishop Lloyd Christ Wicke) joined hands at the constituting General Conference in Dallas, Texas. entailment 2511 What service did Verizon customers need to use to stream the game on their smartphones? CBS provided digital streams of the game via, and the CBS Sports apps on tablets, Windows 10, Xbox One and other digital media players (such as Chromecast and Roku). not_entailment 2512 Against what does reactive oxygen play in plant defense? Oxygen is toxic to obligately anaerobic organisms, which were the dominant form of early life on Earth until O_2 began to accumulate in the atmosphere about 2.5 billion years ago during the Great Oxygenation Event, about a billion years after the first appearance of these organisms. not_entailment 2513 Who established the amount of prime numbers in existence? The first result in that direction is the prime number theorem, proven at the end of the 19th century, which says that the probability that a given, randomly chosen number n is prime is inversely proportional to its number of digits, or to the logarithm of n. not_entailment 2514 What underground railways cover much of Tyne and Wear? The city is served by the Tyne and Wear Metro, a system of suburban and underground railways covering much of Tyne and Wear. entailment 2515 Why do some tribes use remote sensing technology? The use of remote sensing for the conservation of the Amazon is also being used by the indigenous tribes of the basin to protect their tribal lands from commercial interests. entailment 2516 What type of movement is the Muslim Brotherhood? Islamist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood, "are well known for providing shelters, educational assistance, free or low cost medical clinics, housing assistance to students from out of town, student advisory groups, facilitation of inexpensive mass marriage ceremonies to avoid prohibitively costly dowry demands, legal assistance, sports facilities, and women's groups. entailment 2517 This person proposed explanations for the origins of earthquakes and the formation of mountains, what was his name? Drawing from Greek and Indian scientific literature that were not destroyed by the Muslim conquests, the Persian scholar Ibn Sina (Avicenna, 981–1037) proposed detailed explanations for the formation of mountains, the origin of earthquakes, and other topics central to modern geology, which provided an essential foundation for the later development of the science. entailment 2518 What part of chloroplasts isn't similar to mitochondria? In addition, in terms of function, the inner chloroplast membrane, which regulates metabolite passage and synthesizes some materials, has no counterpart in the mitochondrion. entailment 2519 What were X-rays known as at the time? In March 1896, after hearing of Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-ray and X-ray imaging (radiography), Tesla proceeded to do his own experiments in X-ray imaging, developing a high energy single terminal vacuum tube of his own design that had no target electrode and that worked from the output of the Tesla Coil (the modern term for the phenomenon produced by this device is bremsstrahlung or braking radiation). not_entailment 2520 How many points did the Panthers defense surrender? Behind them, two of the Panthers three starting linebackers were also selected to play in the Pro Bowl: not_entailment 2521 In 1735, who did John and Charles Wesley teach the gospel to in America? John Wesley returned to England and met with a group of clergy he respected. not_entailment 2522 What scale does trade liberalization shift economic inequality from? Trade liberalization may shift economic inequality from a global to a domestic scale. entailment 2523 What can the exhaust steam not fully do when the exhaust event is insufficiently long? The simplest valve gears give events of fixed length during the engine cycle and often make the engine rotate in only one direction. not_entailment 2524 Who played the Master in the 1996 TV movie? As with the Doctor, the role has been portrayed by several actors, since the Master is a Time Lord as well and able to regenerate; the first of these actors was Roger Delgado, who continued in the role until his death in 1973. not_entailment 2525 What are cilia used for? Ranging from about 1 millimeter (0.039 in) to 1.5 meters (4.9 ft) in size, ctenophores are the largest non-colonial animals that use cilia ("hairs") as their main method of locomotion. entailment 2526 In 2012-13, ABC debuted a comedy Last Man Standing starring who? Shark Tank (based on the Dragon's Den reality format) also became a midseason sleeper hit on Sundays in the spring of 2010; the following season, it became the tentpole of the network's Friday night schedule, gradually helping make ABC a strong competitor (after being paired with 20/20 and beginning with the 2012–13 season, the Tim Allen sitcom Last Man Standing) against CBS' long-dominant drama/reality lineup on that night for the first time since the "TGIF" lineup ended in 2000. entailment 2527 What do radical Islamist organizations reject entirely? Radical Islamist organizations like al-Qaeda and the Egyptian Islamic Jihad, and groups such as the Taliban, entirely reject democracy, often declaring as kuffar those Muslims who support it (see takfirism), as well as calling for violent/offensive jihad or urging and conducting attacks on a religious basis. entailment 2528 In order to better understand the orientations of faults and folds, structural geologists do what with measurements of geological structures? They also plot and combine measurements of geological structures in order to better understand the orientations of faults and folds in order to reconstruct the history of rock deformation in the area. entailment 2529 What would a parent have to pay to send their child to a boarding school in 2012? As of 2012, quality private schools in the United States charged substantial tuition, close to $40,000 annually for day schools in New York City, and nearly $50,000 for boarding schools. entailment 2530 In what year was the 40th anniversary of ABC's founding? In 1983, for the 40th anniversary of the network's founding, ID sequences had the logo appear in a gold CGI design on a blue background, accompanied by the slogan "That Special Feeling" in a script font. entailment 2531 What is the boundary between the High and Upper Rhine? Legally, the Central Bridge is the boundary between High and Upper Rhine. entailment 2532 Of what was the Diet of Worms an assembly? This was a general assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire that took place in Worms, a town on the Rhine. entailment 2533 What halftime performer previously headlined Super Bowl XLVIII? The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest performers Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVII and Super Bowl XLVIII halftime shows, respectively. entailment 2534 What are alternate English spelling of Genghis? Genghis Khan, the title is spelled in variety of ways in different languages such as Mongolian Chinggis Khaan, English Chinghiz, Chinghis, and Chingiz, Chinese: 成吉思汗; pinyin: Chéngjísī Hán, Turkic: Cengiz Han, Çingiz Xan, Çingiz Han, Chingizxon, Çıñğız Xan, Chengez Khan, Chinggis Khan, Chinggis Xaan, Chingis Khan, Jenghis Khan, Chinggis Qan, Djingis Kahn, Russian: Чингисхан (Čingiskhan) or Чингиз-хан (Čingiz-khan), etc. entailment 2535 How old were some of the oldest rock samples found on the moon? They range in age from about 3.2 billion years for the basaltic samples derived from the lunar maria, to about 4.6 billion years for samples derived from the highlands crust. entailment 2536 In which year was the Salting Bequest made? Among the finest examples are the Meissen Vulture from 1731 and the Möllendorff Dinner Service, designed in 1762 by Frederick II the Great. not_entailment 2537 Which caused the reform to never come into force? However, as a result of the referendum in France and the referendum in the Netherlands, the 2004 Treaty establishing a Constitution for Europe never came into force. entailment 2538 In what year was Wisconsin v. Yoder decided at the Supreme Court? Private schooling in the United States has been debated by educators, lawmakers and parents, since the beginnings of compulsory education in Massachusetts in 1852. not_entailment 2539 What does a country acquire as it develops? As a country develops, it acquires more capital, which leads to the owners of this capital having more wealth and income and introducing inequality. entailment 2540 What type of surveys show the location of stratigraphic units in the subsurface? In the laboratory, stratigraphers analyze samples of stratigraphic sections that can be returned from the field, such as those from drill cores. not_entailment 2541 What is another term for x-ray imaging? Tesla held that, with his circuits, the "instrument will ... enable one to generate Roentgen rays of much greater power than obtainable with ordinary apparatus." not_entailment 2542 What government agency supervised Buddhist monks? The top-level department and government agency known as the Bureau of Buddhist and Tibetan Affairs (Xuanzheng Yuan) was set up in Khanbaliq (modern Beijing) to supervise Buddhist monks throughout the empire. entailment 2543 To whom did William Maclure submit the map? This antedates William Smith's geological map of England by six years, although it was constructed using a different classification of rocks. not_entailment 2544 What chloroplast structure is similar to the inner mitochondria membrane? The only chloroplast structure that can considered analogous to it is the internal thylakoid system. entailment 2545 What special was created for the show's 30th anniversary? The special was one of several special 3D programmes the BBC produced at the time, using a 3D system that made use of the Pulfrich effect requiring glasses with one darkened lens; the picture would look normal to those viewers who watched without the glasses. not_entailment 2546 For which ABC Movie of the Week film did Steven Spielberg first gain success? The Movie of the Week broadcast feature-length dramatic films directed by such talented filmmakers as Aaron Spelling, David Wolper and Steven Spielberg (the latter of whom gained early success through the showcase for his 1971 film Duel) that were produced on an average budget of $400,000–$450,000. entailment 2547 What has the United Nations designed ISIL? The group has been designated a terrorist organisation by the United Nations, the European Union and member states, the United States, India, Indonesia, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Syria and other countries. entailment 2548 What feature of the Amazon made people believe it couldn't have many inhabitants? Some 5 million people may have lived in the Amazon region in AD 1500, divided between dense coastal settlements, such as that at Marajó, and inland dwellers. not_entailment 2549 What did the SNP publicly opine about the oil revenues? The party argued that the revenues from the oil were not benefitting Scotland as much as they should. entailment 2550 What soap opera is currently featured in ABC's daytime programming? Daytime programming is also provided from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays (with a one-hour break at 12:00 p.m. Eastern/Pacific for stations to air newscasts, other locally produced programming such as talk shows, or syndicated programs) featuring the talk/lifestyle shows The View and The Chew and the soap opera General Hospital. entailment 2551 What will maidens be able to predict by floating their wreaths down the Vistula? Each Midsummer’s Eve, apart from the official floating of wreaths, jumping over fires, looking for the fern flower, there are musical performances, dignitaries' speeches, fairs and fireworks by the river bank. not_entailment 2552 Which network broadcasted Super Bowl 50 in the U.S.? It was the third-most watched U.S. broadcast ever. not_entailment 2553 Who had Toghtogha tried to defeat? He had tried to regain Khanbaliq, which eventually failed; he died in Yingchang (located in present-day Inner Mongolia) not_entailment 2554 For what size natural number does Bertrand's postulate hold? The latter formula can be shown using Bertrand's postulate (proven first by Chebyshev), which states that there always exists at least one prime number p with n < p < 2n − 2, for any natural number n > 3. entailment 2555 Where can the Treatise be found? Tesla published the document in an attempt to expound on the technical description of a "superweapon that would put an end to all war. not_entailment 2556 What was the cost of the other Super Bowl events in the San Francisco area? A professional fundraiser will aid in finding business sponsors and individual donors, but still may need the city council to help fund the event. not_entailment 2557 Which organization released a California Earthquake forecast? The USGS has released a California Earthquake forecast which models Earthquake occurrence in California. entailment 2558 The sieve of Eratosthenes would not be valid if what were true? A large body of mathematical work would still be valid when calling 1 a prime, but Euclid's fundamental theorem of arithmetic (mentioned above) would not hold as stated. not_entailment 2559 What was Luther's Disputation of Martin Luther on the Power and Efficacy of Indulgences later called? Hans Hillerbrand writes that Luther had no intention of confronting the church, but saw his disputation as a scholarly objection to church practices, and the tone of the writing is accordingly "searching, rather than doctrinaire. not_entailment 2560 What did ITV increase their yearly offer for control of the rights to broadcast the Primer League to? The BBC was given the highlights of most of the matches, while BSkyB paying £304m for the Premier League rights, would give them a monopoly of all live matches, up to 60 per year from the 1992 season. not_entailment 2561 Which of Genghis Khan's sons completed the conquest of the Jin dynasty? Between 1232 and 1233, Kaifeng fell to the Mongols under the reign of Genghis' third son, Ögedei Khan. entailment 2562 What resolution were the Eyevision cameras changed to? CBS introduced new features during the telecast, including pylon cameras and microphones along with EyeVision 360—an array of 36 cameras along the upper deck that can be used to provide a 360-degree view of plays and "bullet time" effects. not_entailment 2563 Where did Tesla go to feed the pigeons daily? Tesla spent over $2,000, including building a device that comfortably supported her so her bones could heal, to fix her broken wing and leg. not_entailment 2564 What broadcast group is the largest operator of ABC stations? The Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest operator of ABC stations by numerical total, owning or providing services to 28 ABC affiliates and two additional subchannel-only affiliates; Sinclair owns the largest ABC subchannel affiliate by market size, WABM-DT2/WDBB-DT2 in the Birmingham market, which serve as repeaters of WBMA-LD (the largest low-power "Big Four" affiliate by market size, which itself is also simulcast on a subchannel of former WBMA satellite WGWW, owned by Sinclair partner company Howard Stirk Holdings). entailment 2565 Does BSkyB carry any control over a channels content? However, even in this case, BSkyB does not carry any control over the channel's content or carriage issues such as picture quality. entailment 2566 Where can chloroplasts sometimes be found? The plant cells which contain chloroplasts are usually parenchyma cells, though chloroplasts can also be found in collenchyma tissue. entailment 2567 What type of arts flourished in the Yuan? One of the important cultural developments during the Yuan era was the consolidation of poetry, painting, and calligraphy into a unified piece of the type that tends to come to mind when people think of classical Chinese art. not_entailment 2568 What is an expression that can be used to illustrate the suspected inequality of complexity classes? For instance P ⊆ NP ⊆ PP ⊆ PSPACE, but it is possible that P = PSPACE. entailment 2569 What is the largest ABC station operator in terms of market reach? The Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest operator of ABC stations by numerical total, owning or providing services to 28 ABC affiliates and two additional subchannel-only affiliates; Sinclair owns the largest ABC subchannel affiliate by market size, WABM-DT2/WDBB-DT2 in the Birmingham market, which serve as repeaters of WBMA-LD (the largest low-power "Big Four" affiliate by market size, which itself is also simulcast on a subchannel of former WBMA satellite WGWW, owned by Sinclair partner company Howard Stirk Holdings). not_entailment 2570 How many Huguenots emigrated to North America as colonists? It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. not_entailment 2571 What were the two Huguenot neighborhoods created in Berlin? In Berlin, the Huguenots created two new neighbourhoods: Dorotheenstadt and Friedrichstadt. entailment 2572 Which female anchor from Today joined Hugh Downs on 20/20? In February 1979, ABC sold its recording division to MCA Inc. for $20 million; the label was discontinued by March 5 of that year, and all of its 300 employees were laid off (the rights to the works of ABC Records and all of MCA's other labels have since been acquired by Universal Music Group). not_entailment 2573 Which MVP died in 2001? I and II) and Chuck Howley (MVP of Super Bowl V) appeared via video, while Peyton Manning (MVP of Super Bowl XLI and current Broncos quarterback) was shown in the locker room preparing for the game. not_entailment 2574 When was the IPCC Third Assessment Report published? The section discussed the divergence problem affecting certain tree ring data. not_entailment 2575 Where are some words from the Geordia dialect used? Some words used in the Geordie dialect are used elsewhere in the Northern United Kingdom. entailment 2576 What is the upper house of the Parliament of Victoria called? At state level, the Parliament of Victoria consists of the Legislative Assembly (the lower house) and the Legislative Council (the upper house). entailment 2577 Why did the university eventually leave the conference? However, the university chose to withdraw from the conference in 1946 after University President Robert Maynard Hutchins de-emphasized varsity athletics in 1939 and dropped football. entailment 2578 What does the name Fresno mean in Spanish? The name Fresno means "ash tree" in Spanish, and an ash leaf is featured on the city's flag. entailment 2579 What is the seldom used force unit equal to one thousand newtons? Other arcane units of force include the sthène, which is equivalent to 1000 N, and the kip, which is equivalent to 1000 lbf. entailment 2580 How many players have been awarded the Most Valuable Player distinction for the Super Bowl? No plans were announced regarding the recognition of Harvey Martin, co-MVP of Super Bowl XII, who died in 2001. not_entailment 2581 What direction do ctenophore swim? These normally beat so that the propulsion stroke is away from the mouth, although they can also reverse direction. not_entailment 2582 Where was the Continental Edison Company located? In June 1884, he relocated to New York City:57–60 where he was hired by Thomas Edison to work at his Edison Machine Works on Manhattan's lower east side. not_entailment 2583 What does FOTA stand for? The university also annually holds a summer carnival and concert called Summer Breeze that hosts outside musicians, and is home to Doc Films, a student film society founded in 1932 that screens films nightly at the university. not_entailment 2584 Name two series that have been reboots rather than plot continuations. This is similar to the 1988 continuation of Mission Impossible, but differs from most other series relaunches which have either been reboots (for example, Battlestar Galactica and Bionic Woman[citation needed]) or set in the same universe as the original but in a different time period and with different characters (for example, Star Trek: entailment 2585 What does the Scotland Act of 2012 extend? However, under the terms of the Scotland Act, Westminster agreed to devolve some of its responsibilities over Scottish domestic policy to the Scottish Parliament. not_entailment 2586 Who wrote "Walking in Fresno?" Aken also made his first TV appearance playing guitar on the old country-western show at The Fresno Barn. not_entailment 2587 How many yards did the Carolina Panthers gain in the 487 in the NFC Championship Game? The Panthers then blew out the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Championship Game, 49–15, racking up 487 yards and forcing seven turnovers. entailment 2588 When did the 1973 oil crisis begin? It was later called the "first oil shock", followed by the 1979 oil crisis, termed the "second oil shock." not_entailment 2589 Why was Tetzel seeking money in Germany? The benefits of good works could be obtained by donating money to the church. not_entailment 2590 What was the newer county added to the list? In 1999, the Times added a newer county—Imperial—to that list. entailment 2591 Who did play-by-play on Westwood One? Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage. not_entailment 2592 What type of group is The Islamic State? In 2014, the group proclaimed itself a caliphate, with religious, political and military authority over all Muslims worldwide. not_entailment 2593 When was Mueller announced and appointed as Deputy Associate Administrator? Webb then worked with Associate Administrator (later Deputy Administrator) not_entailment 2594 What action by Luther added to antisemitism in Germany? According to Michael, just about every anti-Jewish book printed in the Third Reich contained references to and quotations from Luther. not_entailment 2595 What was used to sod the Levi's Stadium for Super Bowl 50? Concerns were raised over whether Levi's Stadium's field was of a high enough quality to host a Super Bowl; during the inaugural season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game earlier in the 2015 season, a portion of the turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal, although the field has not had any major issues since. not_entailment 2596 What yard line was a gold color for all teams during the season? Various gold-themed promotions and initiatives were held throughout the 2015 NFL season to tie into the "Golden Super Bowl"; gold-tinted logos were implemented across the NFL's properties and painted on fields, the numbering of the 50-yard line on fields was colored gold, and beginning on week 7, all sideline jackets and hats featured gold-trimmed logos. entailment 2597 What is the most common Xanthophyll? Many other forms of carotenoids exist that are only found in certain groups of chloroplasts. not_entailment 2598 Why did Tesla sever ties with his family? In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and severed all relations with his family to hide the fact that he dropped out of school. entailment 2599 What health issue did Tesla suffer? In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and severed all relations with his family to hide the fact that he dropped out of school. not_entailment 2600 What is the number of plant species in economics and social interest? To date, an estimated 438,000 species of plants of economic and social interest have been registered in the region with many more remaining to be discovered or catalogued. entailment 2601 What was the containment failure rate in a tobacco plant study using plastid transformation? This makes plastid transformation a valuable tool for the creation and cultivation of genetically modified plants that are biologically contained, thus posing significantly lower environmental risks. not_entailment 2602 Bacteria often secrete what kind of proteins to ingest a physical barrier? Bacteria often overcome physical barriers by secreting enzymes that digest the barrier, for example, by using a type II secretion system. entailment 2603 Where did the Grand Canal start? Kublai expanded the Grand Canal from southern China to Daidu in the north. entailment 2604 What bus company in Newcastle provides the majority of services south of the river? Stagecoach is the primary operator in the city proper, with cross-city services mainly between both the West and East ends via the city centre with some services extending out to the MetroCentre, Killingworth, Wallsend and Ponteland. not_entailment 2605 When did a plague-ridden ship land in Norway? The plague was somewhat less common in parts of Europe that had smaller trade relations with their neighbours, including the Kingdom of Poland, the majority of the Basque Country, isolated parts of Belgium and the Netherlands, and isolated alpine villages throughout the continent. not_entailment 2606 What entity enforces the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union? Therefore, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union has become an integral part of European Union law, codifying the fundamental rights which were previously considered general principles of European Union law. not_entailment 2607 What does isobaric mean? The Rankine cycle is sometimes referred to as a practical Carnot cycle because, when an efficient turbine is used, the TS diagram begins to resemble the Carnot cycle. not_entailment 2608 When did the merger between ABC and Capital Cities gain federal approval? The merger between ABC and Capital Cities received federal approval on September 5, 1985. entailment 2609 What was the catalyst that created greater interest in renewable resources? The energy crisis led to greater interest in renewable energy, nuclear power and domestic fossil fuels. entailment 2610 What did Polo call the Yuan capital? Some argue over the accuracy of Marco Polo's accounts due to the lack of mentioning the Great Wall of China, tea houses, which would have been a prominent sight since Europeans had yet to adopt a tea culture, as well the practice of foot binding by the women in capital of the Great Khan. not_entailment 2611 What entity enforces the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union? In effect, after the Lisbon Treaty, the Charter and the Convention now co-exist under European Union law, though the former is enforced by the European Court of Justice in relation to European Union measures, and the latter by the European Court of Human Rights in relation to measures by member states. entailment 2612 How many refugees emigrated to the Dutch Republic? After the revocation of the Edict of Nantes, the Dutch Republic received the largest group of Huguenot refugees, an estimated total of 75,000 to 100,000 people. entailment 2613 In contrast how were Catholic saints portrayed? In contrast to images of frail Catholic saints, Luther was presented as a stout man with a "double chin, strong mouth, piercing deep-set eyes, fleshy face, and squat neck. entailment 2614 Intractable problems lacking polynomial time solutions necessarily negate the practical efficacy of what type of algorithm? In complexity theory, problems that lack polynomial-time solutions are considered to be intractable for more than the smallest inputs. not_entailment 2615 What does the Fermat primality test depend upon? If we have a number b that we want to test for primality, then we work out nb not_entailment 2616 how many yards did Newton get for passes in the 2015 season? Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636, while recording a career-high and league-leading 45 total touchdowns (35 passing, 10 rushing), a career-low 10 interceptions, and a career-best quarterback rating of 99.4. entailment 2617 What is the land area of Jacksonville? According to the United States Census Bureau, the city has a total area of 874.3 square miles (2,264 km2), making Jacksonville the largest city in land area in the contiguous United States; of this, 86.66% (757.7 sq mi or 1,962 km2) is land and ; 13.34% (116.7 sq mi or 302 km2) is water. entailment 2618 What encouraged trade under the Yuan? It had significantly eased trade and commerce across Asia until its decline; the communications between Yuan dynasty and its ally and subordinate in Persia, the Ilkhanate, encouraged this development. not_entailment 2619 What year did Tesla enroll at an engineering school? In 1875, Tesla enrolled at Austrian Polytechnic in Graz, Austria, on a Military Frontier scholarship. entailment 2620 Whose chandelier grace the rotunda at the V&A's main entrance? One of the most spectacular items in the collection is the chandelier by Dale Chihuly in the rotunda at the Museum's main entrance. entailment 2621 Who was named the president of ABC News in 1977? In 1977, Roone Arledge was named president of the new ABC News in addition to being president of ABC Sports. entailment 2622 Who did Wesley appoint as bishop in 1784? Together with Coke, Wesley sent a revision of the Anglican Prayerbook and the Articles of Religion which were received and adopted by the Baltimore Christmas Conference of 1784, officially establishing the Methodist Episcopal Church. not_entailment 2623 What happened to the crew onboard during the plugs-out test? The plugs-out test began on the morning of January 27, 1967, and immediately was plagued with problems. not_entailment 2624 How are cyanobacteria sometimes wrongly described? They are a diverse phylum of bacteria capable of carrying out photosynthesis, and are gram-negative, meaning that they have two cell membranes. not_entailment 2625 ABC bought 20 acres of land in Hollwood in 1949 that would become what studio? ABC's other owned-and-operated stations launched over the course of the next 13 months: WENR-TV in Chicago signed on the air on September 17, while WXYZ-TV in Detroit went on the air on October 9, 1948. not_entailment 2626 What would a parent have to pay to send their child to a boarding school in 2012? Boarding schools with a reputation for quality in the United States have a student body drawn from throughout the country, indeed the globe, and a list of applicants which far exceeds their capacity. not_entailment 2627 What followed the late local programming after Super Bowl 50? Following a break for late local programming, CBS also aired a special episode of The Late Late Show with James Corden. entailment 2628 The epidemic in Newcastle was the most what in any British city at the time? Specifically within the year 1636, it is roughly estimated with evidence held by the Society of Antiquaries that 47% of the then population of Newcastle died from the epidemic; this may also have been the most devastating loss in any British City in this period. entailment 2629 How was it suggested that the IPCC avoid political problems? Other recommendations included that the panel employ a full-time staff and remove government oversight from its processes to avoid political interference. entailment 2630 What effect did the plague have on the Middle East? The plague struck various countries in the Middle East during the pandemic, leading to serious depopulation and permanent change in both economic and social structures. entailment 2631 How many people in Quzhou are descended from Confucius? The southern branch still remained in Quzhou where they lived to this day. not_entailment 2632 Which mobile service were Verizon customers able to watch Super Bowl 50 on their phones? Due to Verizon Communications exclusivity, streaming on smartphones was only provided to Verizon Wireless customers via the NFL Mobile service. entailment 2633 What was the first international event broadcast by ABC? Leonard Goldenson said that ABC's first international activity was broadcasting the coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in June 1953; CBS and NBC were unable to cover the coronation live due to respective issues with technical problems and flight delays. entailment 2634 In 1785 James Hutton presented what paper to the Royal Society of Edinburgh? James Hutton is often viewed as the first modern geologist. not_entailment 2635 Which species moves by a darting motion? Cestids can swim by undulating their bodies as well as by the beating of their comb-rows. not_entailment 2636 In what year did Priestley publish the findings of his experiments? Because he published his findings first, Priestley is usually given priority in the discovery. not_entailment 2637 How wide is the Rhine in Germany? Between Emmerich and Cleves the Emmerich Rhine Bridge, the longest suspension bridge in Germany, crosses the 400 m wide river. entailment 2638 Who led the Panthers in sacks? The Panthers line also featured veteran defensive end Jared Allen, a 5-time pro bowler who was the NFL's active career sack leader with 136, along with defensive end Kony Ealy, who had 5 sacks in just 9 starts. not_entailment 2639 How much money was spent on other festivities in the Bay area to help celebrate the coming Super Bowl 50? In addition, there are $2 million worth of other ancillary events, including a week-long event at the Santa Clara Convention Center, a beer, wine and food festival at Bellomy Field at Santa Clara University, and a pep rally. entailment 2640 What did Luther's opponents think that it meant about God's presence? Luther insisted on the Real Presence of the body and blood of Christ in the consecrated bread and wine, which he called the sacramental union, while his opponents believed God to be only spiritually or symbolically present. entailment 2641 When did the term imperialism first come to be used by its current definition? Such writers have expanded the time period associated with the term so that it now designates neither a policy, nor a short space of decades in the late 19th century, but a world system extending over a period of centuries, often going back to Christopher Columbus and, in some accounts, to the Crusades. not_entailment 2642 Who was an important figure in the twentieth-century Islamic revival in India? Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi was an important early twentieth-century figure in the Islamic revival in India, and then after independence from Britain, in Pakistan. entailment 2643 What system was adopted for education? Between 1964 and 1985, the 7–4–2–3 system was adopted – seven years of primary, four years of lower secondary, two years of upper secondary, and three years of university. entailment 2644 What year did Doctor Who win a Peabody award? The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world, the "most successful" science fiction series of all time—based on its over-all broadcast ratings, DVD and book sales, and iTunes traffic— and for the largest ever simulcast of a TV drama with its 50th anniversary special. not_entailment 2645 What is the name of the donor who helped establish the Hutchinson Commons? The original physical campus was financed by donations from wealthy Chicagoans like Silas B. Cobb who provided the funds for the campus' first building, Cobb Lecture Hall, and matched Marshall Field's pledge of $100,000. not_entailment 2646 Where is Brazil ranked globally in soybean production? Currently, Brazil is the second-largest global producer of soybeans after the United States. entailment 2647 What are the secondary sources of primary law? The three sources of European Union law are primary law, secondary law and supplementary law. not_entailment 2648 What is the only district in the CBD to not have "downtown" in it's name? Southern California is home to many major business districts. not_entailment 2649 What do a number of researchers think a shortage of is caused in part by income inequality? The ad valorem property tax policy combined with rising prices made it difficult or impossible for low income residents to keep pace. not_entailment 2650 What was Kublai Khan's relation to Genghis Khan? While Genghis Khan never conquered all of China, his grandson Kublai Khan completed that conquest and established the Yuan dynasty that is often credited with re-uniting China. entailment 2651 What might cause a higher student interest in learning the presented subject? The concept of mere exposure indicates that the teacher's enthusiasm may contribute to the student's expectations about intrinsic motivation in the context of learning. not_entailment 2652 When did Torchwood premier? The series debuted on BBC Three on 22 October 2006. entailment 2653 What district of Warsaw chose the President between 1994 and 1999? Since 1990 the President of Warsaw had been elected by the City council. not_entailment 2654 Who is the trophy featured on the logo named for? Jaime Weston, the league's vice president of brand and creative, explained that a primary reason for the change was the difficulty of designing an aesthetically pleasing logo with the letter "L" using the standardized logo template introduced at Super Bowl XLV. not_entailment 2655 What has successfully dealt with ozone depletion? In case of the Ozone depletion global regulation based on the Montreal Protocol has been successful, in case of Climate Change, the Kyoto Protocol failed. entailment 2656 What is the name of the current King of Thebes in the play? She is not at all afraid of the death he threatens her with (and eventually carries out), but she is afraid of how her conscience will smite her if she does not do this. not_entailment 2657 Which of ABC's main production facilities is located in Hollywood, CA? Since the 1950s, ABC has had two main production facilities: the ABC Television Center (now The Prospect Studios) on Prospect Avenue in Hollywood, California, shared with the operations of KABC-TV until 1999; and the ABC Television Center, East, a set of studios located throughout the New York City. entailment 2658 Who painted the retable of St. George that is in the V&A collection? Also on loan to the museum, from Her Majesty the Queen Elizabeth II, are the Raphael Cartoons: the seven surviving (there were ten) full scale designs for tapestries in the Sistine Chapel, of the lives of Peter and Paul from the Gospels and the Acts of the Apostles. not_entailment 2659 Le grand asks for a variance of what three terms? He encourages a distinction between lawful protest demonstration, nonviolent civil disobedience, and violent civil disobedience. entailment 2660 What writing inspired the name Great Yuan? zai Qián Yuán / "Great is Qián, the Primal") in the Commentaries on the Classic of Changes (I Ching) section regarding Qián (乾). entailment 2661 What types of health outcomes do pharmacists aim for with their patients? Pharmacists are healthcare professionals with specialised education and training who perform various roles to ensure optimal health outcomes for their patients through the quality use of medicines. entailment 2662 What is the typical annual cost for an Irish private school? There is, however, a limited element of state assessment of private schools, because of the requirement that the state ensure that children receive a certain minimum education; Irish private schools must still work towards the Junior Certificate and the Leaving Certificate, for example. not_entailment 2663 On what day does the Super Bowl media day traditionally take place? Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with player introductions on a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge. not_entailment 2664 What countries are the Doctor Who DVDs available to purchase? A wide selection of serials are available from BBC Video on DVD, on sale in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada and the United States. entailment 2665 What is another term for Tesla's visualization ability? Just by hearing the name of an item, he would be able to envision it in realistic detail.:33 Tesla would visualize an invention in his mind with extreme precision, including all dimensions, before moving to the construction stage, a technique sometimes known as picture thinking. entailment 2666 What was Kenneth Swezey's job? Swezey recalled one morning when Tesla called him at 3 a.m.: "I was sleeping in my room like one dead ... not_entailment 2667 Where do Apicomplexans store energy? They were once thought to be related to the helicosproidia, but it is now known that the helicosproida are green algae rather than chromalveolates. not_entailment 2668 What year was the latest addition to the Church of St. Andrew? The present building was begun in the 12th Century and the last addition to it, apart from the vestries, was the main porch in 1726. entailment 2669 When was Dali conquered by the Yuan? Following the conquest of Dali in 1253, the former ruling Duan dynasty were appointed as governors-general, recognized as imperial officials by the Yuan, Ming, and Qing-era governments, principally in the province of Yunnan. entailment 2670 What kind of techniques were used to create the theme? The various parts were built up using musique concrète techniques, by creating tape loops of an individually struck piano string and individual test oscillators and filters. entailment 2671 What's the name of the United Kingdom's sole remaining news cinema? The Pilgrim Street building was refurbished between November 2006 and May 2008; during the refurbishment works, the cinema relocated to the Old Town Hall, Gateshead. not_entailment 2672 What gave Priestley the claim to being the first discovered of oxygen? Oxygen was discovered independently by Carl Wilhelm Scheele, in Uppsala, in 1773 or earlier, and Joseph Priestley in Wiltshire, in 1774, but Priestley is often given priority because his work was published first. entailment 2673 In what year did Harvard President Joseph Willard die? When the Hollis Professor of Divinity David Tappan died in 1803 and the president of Harvard Joseph Willard died a year later, in 1804, a struggle broke out over their replacements. entailment 2674 What do Beriods use as teeth? In favorable circumstances, ctenophores can eat ten times their own weight in a day. not_entailment 2675 What food bacteria is an example of intracellular pathogenesis? An evasion strategy used by several pathogens to avoid the innate immune system is to hide within the cells of their host (also called intracellular pathogenesis). not_entailment 2676 When did Temur rule? Thus, Zhenjin's third son, with the support of his mother Kökejin and the minister Bayan, succeeded the throne and ruled as Temür Khan, or Emperor Chengzong, from 1294 to 1307. entailment 2677 What is the main gap to continued urbanization? The cities and communities along Interstate 15 and Interstate 215 are so inter-related that Temecula and Murrieta have as much connection with the San Diego metropolitan area as they do with the Inland Empire. not_entailment 2678 When were most of the places of religious worship destroyed in Warsaw? Most of them were destroyed in the aftermath of the Warsaw Uprising of 1944. entailment 2679 What would a community member need to teach informally? In some countries, formal education can take place through home schooling. not_entailment 2680 What other activities does the UNFCCC require the IPCC to run? The IPCC concentrates its activities on the tasks allotted to it by the relevant WMO Executive Council and UNEP Governing Council resolutions and decisions as well as on actions in support of the UNFCCC process. not_entailment 2681 When was it discovered that prime numbers could applied to the creation of public key cryptography algorithms? However, this vision was shattered in the 1970s, when it was publicly announced that prime numbers could be used as the basis for the creation of public key cryptography algorithms. entailment 2682 What form of death did Jamukha hope Temüjin would allow him? The custom is to die without spilling blood, which is granted by breaking the back. entailment 2683 Classification of resources is contingent on determining the upper and lower bounds of minimum time required by what? To show a lower bound of T(n) for a problem requires showing that no algorithm can have time complexity lower than T(n). not_entailment 2684 What is the balance for positive reinforcement? Positive reinforcement is balanced with immediate and fair punishment for misbehavior and firm, clear boundaries define what is appropriate and inappropriate behavior. entailment 2685 Construction takes place on location for who? Construction starts with planning,[citation needed] design, and financing and continues until the project is built and ready for use. not_entailment 2686 When did the Chinese famine begin? Nestorian graves dating to 1338–39 near Lake Issyk Kul in Kyrgyzstan have inscriptions referring to plague and are thought by many epidemiologists to mark the outbreak of the epidemic, from which it could easily have spread to China and India. not_entailment 2687 How could human inequality be addressed without resulting in an increase of environmental damage? The smaller the economic inequality, the more waste and pollution is created, resulting in many cases, in more environmental degradation. not_entailment 2688 What was the name of the 1991 Doctor Who exhibition? A 2012 article placed this childhood juxtaposition of fear and thrill "at the center of many people's relationship with the show", and a 2011 online vote at Digital Spy deemed the series the "scariest TV show of all time". not_entailment 2689 How are 'un-aided' schools different from 'aided' schools? The private 'un-aided' schools are fully funded by private parties. entailment 2690 What is septicemia? Scott and Duncan have argued that the pandemic was a form of infectious disease that characterise as hemorrhagic plague similar to Ebola. not_entailment 2691 In the United States, what is a usual turbine speed with 60 Hertz of power? Typical speeds are 3600 revolutions per minute (RPM) in the USA with 60 Hertz power, 3000 RPM in Europe and other countries with 50 Hertz electric power systems. entailment 2692 The silver and gold collection of the V&A is divided into which categories? The main silver gallery is divided into these areas: not_entailment 2693 Rock units become thicker and shorten when placed under this type of compression. When rock units are placed under horizontal compression, they shorten and become thicker. entailment 2694 What has been analyzed to compare Amazon rainfall in the past and present? This debate has proved difficult to resolve because the practical limitations of working in the rainforest mean that data sampling is biased away from the center of the Amazon basin, and both explanations are reasonably well supported by the available data. not_entailment 2695 When does rain typically fall in Jacksonville? Due to Jacksonville's low latitude and coastal location, the city sees very little cold weather, and winters are typically mild and sunny. not_entailment 2696 Who were two of the founders of the United Methodist Church? Outler's work proved pivotal in the work of union, and he is largely considered the first United Methodist theologian. not_entailment 2697 What disease did Tesla catch? Tesla's father, in a moment of despair, promised to send him to the best engineering school if he recovered from the illness (his father had originally wanted him to enter the priesthood). not_entailment 2698 What parts of a conventional reciprocating steam engine could be replaced by a pistonless rotary engine? The major problem is the difficulty of sealing the rotors to make them steam-tight in the face of wear and thermal expansion; the resulting leakage made them very inefficient. not_entailment 2699 How many times was Cam Newton sacked? The Broncos took an early lead in Super Bowl 50 and never trailed. not_entailment 2700 Within the 30 days how many digiboxes had been sold? Within 30 days, over 100,000 digiboxes had been sold, which help bolstered BSkyB's decision to give away free digiboxes and minidishes from May 1999. entailment 2701 Who presented the Edict of Worms declaring Luther to be an outlaw? " It also made it a crime for anyone in Germany to give Luther food or shelter. not_entailment 2702 Inequality in the presence of credit market imperfections has what kind of effect on human capital formation? In 1993, Galor and Zeira showed that inequality in the presence of credit market imperfections has a long lasting detrimental effect on human capital formation and economic development. entailment 2703 What was the name of the Tangut capital? In 1227, Genghis Khan's army attacked and destroyed the Tangut capital of Ning Hia and continued to advance, seizing Lintiao-fu, Xining province, Xindu-fu, and Deshun province in quick succession in the spring. entailment 2704 What is the Norman architecture idiom? They spread a unique Romanesque idiom to England and Italy, and the encastellation of these regions with keeps in their north French style fundamentally altered the military landscape. entailment 2705 Who sculpted the representations of Prince Albert and Queen Victoria found in the main entrance? The interior makes much use of marble in the entrance hall and flanking staircases, although the galleries as originally designed were white with restrained classical detail and mouldings, very much in contrast to the elaborate decoration of the Victorian galleries, although much of this decoration was removed in the early 20th century. not_entailment 2706 What spacecraft did the Soviets use to send animals to space and around the moon's orbit? The Soviet Union had sent animals around the Moon on September 15, 1968, aboard Zond 5, and it was believed they might soon repeat the feat with human cosmonauts. entailment 2707 How many of the Mau Mau did Home Gaurd kill? The most important of these was the Swynnerton Plan, which was used to both reward loyalists and punish Mau Mau. not_entailment 2708 What is another piece created by Olivier Messiaen? The French composer Olivier Messiaen used prime numbers to create ametrical music through "natural phenomena". not_entailment 2709 What resolution were the cameras increased to for the game? CBS introduced new features during the telecast, including pylon cameras and microphones along with EyeVision 360—an array of 36 cameras along the upper deck that can be used to provide a 360-degree view of plays and "bullet time" effects. not_entailment 2710 What has the infrastructure done a lot of over the past years? The infrastructure has developed a lot over the past years. entailment 2711 In Antigone, who was the target of civil disobedience? She is not at all afraid of the death he threatens her with (and eventually carries out), but she is afraid of how her conscience will smite her if she does not do this. not_entailment 2712 Who do Priesthood representatives defer to, at times? The role of "spiritual teacher" may be filled by many individuals in the LDS Church, often a trusted friend, who may hold any office, from Elder to Bishop, or no office at all. not_entailment 2713 When was the first direct elections for native Kenyans? The United Kingdom ceded sovereignty over the Colony of Kenya and, under an agreement dated 8 October 1963, the Sultan of Zanzibar agreed that simultaneous with independence for the Colony of Kenya, the Sultan would cease to have sovereignty over the Protectorate of Kenya so that all of Kenya would be one sovereign, independent state. not_entailment 2714 What use was suggested for the system He called it packet switching, a more accessible name than Baran's, and proposed to build a nationwide network in the UK. not_entailment 2715 What part do events in Victoria's economy play? Most of these events are centred on Melbourne, but others occur in regional cities, such as the V8 Supercars and Australian Motorcycle Grand Prix at Phillip Island, the Grand Annual Steeplechase at Warrnambool and the Australian International Airshow at Geelong and numerous local festivals such as the popular Port Fairy Folk Festival, Queenscliff Music Festival, Bells Beach SurfClassic and the Bright Autumn Festival. not_entailment 2716 Cells of the site of an infection in a plant undergo what process to prevent spread of the disease? Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a type of defensive response used by plants that renders the entire plant resistant to a particular infectious agent. not_entailment 2717 Who won the battle near the Helan mountains? One of the Tangut generals challenged the Mongols to a battle near Helan Mountains but was defeated. entailment 2718 How can pyrenoids replicate? Starch can also accumulate around the pyrenoids when CO2 is scarce. not_entailment 2719 How does most plants' cpDNA replicate? Because of the failure to explain the deamination gradient as well as the numerous plant species that have been shown to have circular cpDNA, the predominant theory continues to hold that most cpDNA is circular and most likely replicates via a D loop mechanism. entailment 2720 Dendritic cells present antigens to what cells of the adaptive nervous system? They are named for their resemblance to neuronal dendrites, as both have many spine-like projections, but dendritic cells are in no way connected to the nervous system. not_entailment 2721 When were the Normans in Normandy? The Normans (Norman: Nourmands; French: Normands; Latin: Normanni) were the people who in the 10th and 11th centuries gave their name to Normandy, a region in France. entailment 2722 In what venue did Super Bowl XIX take place? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. not_entailment 2723 Full size working engines on what vehicles sometimes use oscillating cylinder steam engines? These engines are mainly used in toys and models, because of their simplicity, but have also been used in full size working engines, mainly on ships where their compactness is valued.[citation needed] entailment 2724 How much Victorian farmland is farmed in grains? More than 26,000 square kilometres (10,000 sq mi) of Victorian farmland are sown for grain, mostly in the state's west. entailment 2725 Who did Tesla call in the middle of the night? On one occasion at his laboratory, Tesla worked for a period of 84 hours without sleep or rest.:208 Kenneth Swezey, a journalist whom Tesla had befriended, confirmed that Tesla rarely slept. entailment 2726 After its re-opening, which types of movies did the Tower Theatre show? Also in the Tower District is Good Company Players' 2nd Space Theatre. not_entailment 2727 Where was the ball recovered? There would be no more scoring in the third quarter, but early in the fourth, the Broncos drove to the Panthers 41-yard line. not_entailment 2728 The National Art Library at the V&A is known by what other name? The National Art Library (also called Word and Image Department) at the Victoria and Albert Museum collection catalog used to be kept in different formats including printed exhibit catalogs, and card catalogs. entailment 2729 What is the Scottish Parliament currently in the fourth of? Subject Committees are established at the beginning of each parliamentary session, and again the members on each committee reflect the balance of parties across Parliament. not_entailment 2730 Who was first appointed at the anchor of 20/20? In June 1978, Arledge created the newsmagazine 20/20; after its first episode received harshly negative reviews, the program – which debuted as a summer series, before becoming a year-round program in 1979 – was immediately revamped to feature a mix of in-depth stories and interviews, with Hugh Downs appointed as its anchor (later paired alongside his former Today colleague Barbara Walters). entailment 2731 Who was ABC Great States sold to in 1974? On January 17, 1972, Elton Rule was named President and Chief Operating Officer of ABC a few months after Goldenson reduced his role in the company after suffering a heart attack. not_entailment 2732 Where did Kublai build his administration's strength? He renewed a massive drive against the Song dynasty to the south. not_entailment 2733 How much has global mean surface air temperature changed in the last century? They predict that under a "business as usual" (BAU) scenario, global mean temperature will increase by about 0.3 °C per decade during the [21st] century. not_entailment 2734 Which Pope sought to undermine Luther's theories? There, in October 1518, under questioning by papal legate Cardinal Cajetan Luther stated that he did not consider the papacy part of the biblical Church because historistical interpretation of Bible prophecy concluded that the papacy was the Antichrist. not_entailment 2735 What is the basic unit of organization within the UMC? The Annual Conference, roughly the equivalent of a diocese in the Anglican Communion and the Roman Catholic Church or a synod in some Lutheran denominations such as the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America, is the basic unit of organization within the UMC. entailment 2736 What seldom mutates? It is possible that the inverted repeats help stabilize the rest of the chloroplast genome, as chloroplast DNAs which have lost some of the inverted repeat segments tend to get rearranged more. not_entailment 2737 What kind of fiction is Tesla's work featured in? The impact of the technologies invented or envisioned by Tesla is a recurring theme in several types of science fiction. entailment 2738 Ediacaran eoandromeda can be regarded to represent what? They also appear to have had internal organ-like structures unlike anything found in living ctenophores. not_entailment 2739 When did Syria and Egypt launch a surprise attack on Israel? At the time, Iran was the world's second-largest oil exporter and a close US ally. not_entailment 2740 In what year was the agreement to allow the Saarland settlement reached? The community and its congregation remain active to this day, with descendants of many of the founding families still living in the region. not_entailment 2741 Who was responsible for the new building projects in Jacksonville? After World War II, the government of the city of Jacksonville began to increase spending to fund new public building projects in the boom that occurred after the war. not_entailment 2742 What consist of one ore more Annual Conferences? Bishops thus elected serve Episcopal Areas, which consist of one or more Annual Conferences. entailment 2743 In what way do idea strings transmit tesion forces? However, even though such machines allow for an increase in force, there is a corresponding increase in the length of string that must be displaced in order to move the load. not_entailment 2744 What company has been hosted at the Theatre Royal for over 25 years? It has hosted a season of performances from the Royal Shakespeare Company for over 25 years, as well as touring productions of West End musicals. entailment 2745 Which area of China did Japan conquer in 1931? In 1931 Japan conquered Manchuria from China. entailment 2746 When have Lutheran Churches repudiated Luther's statements about the Jews? .'s 1970 survey of 4,745 North American Lutherans aged 15–65 found that, compared to the other minority groups under consideration, Lutherans were the least prejudiced toward Jews. not_entailment 2747 What mainline station is to the east of the city center? The city's other mainline station, Manors, is to the east of the city centre. entailment 2748 Where did France win a war in the 1950's France fought and lost a bitter war in Vietnam in the 1950s. not_entailment 2749 Who patented a steam engine in 1781? In 1781 James Watt patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion. entailment 2750 What are the molecular inputs for photosynthesis? Water (H2O) and carbon dioxide (CO2) are used in photosynthesis, and sugar and oxygen (O2) is made, using light energy. entailment 2751 Humans in tropical environments were considered what? For example, people living in tropical environments were seen as "less civilized" therefore justifying colonial control as a civilizing mission. entailment 2752 What is the delta in the Rhine delimited in the west by? The delta is delimited in the West by the Alter Rhein ("Old Rhine") and in the East by a modern canalized section. entailment 2753 How many visitors did the Britain Can Make It exhibition attract? Before the return of the collections after the war, the Britain Can Make It exhibition was held between September and November 1946, attracting nearly a million and a half visitors. entailment 2754 On which date was Genghis Khan's palace rediscovered by archeaologists? On October 6, 2004, a joint Japanese-Mongolian archaeological dig uncovered what is believed to be Genghis Khan's palace in rural Mongolia, which raises the possibility of actually locating the ruler's long-lost burial site. entailment 2755 Who was the ally of his father that Genghis Khan fell out as time passed? He was also ruthless, demonstrated by his tactic of measuring against the linchpin, used against the tribes led by Jamukha. not_entailment 2756 What are white blood cells known as? Leukocytes (white blood cells) act like independent, single-celled organisms and are the second arm of the innate immune system. entailment 2757 A statement made by Chris Keates caused issues with whom? Chris Keates, the general secretary of National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said that teachers who have sex with pupils over the age of consent should not be placed on the sex offenders register and that prosecution for statutory rape "is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about. not_entailment 2758 Which architect, famous for the India Gate in New Delhi, is represented in the RIBA collection? Not only are all the major British architects of the last four hundred years represented, but many European (especially Italian) and American architects' drawings are held in the collection. not_entailment 2759 What did Low suggest using Apollo 8 for instead of simply orbiting the Earth's surface? The Soviet Union had sent animals around the Moon on September 15, 1968, aboard Zond 5, and it was believed they might soon repeat the feat with human cosmonauts. not_entailment 2760 What type of topological systems are found in numbers in Victoria? Most notable is the Murray River system. not_entailment 2761 When were the Mongols defeated by the Tran? The Tran dynasty which ruled Annam (Dai Viet) crushed and defeated the Mongols at the Battle of Bạch Đằng (1288). entailment 2762 What effort was Luther not particularly in favor of? For I acknowledge none of them to be really a book of mine, except perhaps the Bondage of the Will and the Catechism." not_entailment 2763 What were chao made out of? Chao were made from the bark of mulberry trees. entailment 2764 Gamma delta T cells rearrange TCR genes to produce what? On one hand, γδ T cells are a component of adaptive immunity as they rearrange TCR genes to produce receptor diversity and can also develop a memory phenotype. entailment 2765 What is CSNET The Computer Science Network (CSNET) was a computer network funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) that began operation in 1981. entailment 2766 Who licensed Tesla's induction motor? His patented AC induction motor and transformer were licensed by George Westinghouse, who also hired Tesla for a short time as a consultant. entailment 2767 What satellite enabled Sky Digital to launch an all new digital service? E. This was subsequently followed by more Astra satellites as well as Eutelsat's Eurobird 1 (now Eutelsat 33C) at 28.5°E), enabled the company to launch a new all-digital service, Sky, with the potential to carry hundreds of television and radio channels. entailment 2768 What trend increases the organic composition of capital over the long term? In Marxian analysis, capitalist firms increasingly substitute capital equipment for labor inputs (workers) under competitive pressure to reduce costs and maximize profits. entailment 2769 Families with French names in South Africa speak what language today? Many of the farms in the Western Cape province in South Africa still bear French names. not_entailment 2770 How long ago did primates inhabit Kenya? Fossils found in Kenya suggest that primates roamed the area more than 20 million years ago. entailment 2771 What was the name of the Media Day event for Super Bowl 50? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. entailment 2772 When did ABC begin airing Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve? Since 1974, ABC has generally aired Dick Clark's New Year's Rockin' Eve on New Year's Eve (hosted first by its creator Dick Clark, and later by his successor Ryan Seacrest); the only exception was in 1999, when ABC put it on a one-year hiatus to provide coverage of the international millennium festivities, though Clark's traditional countdown from Times Square was still featured within the coverage. entailment 2773 When was the new constitution promulgated? As of that day, the new constitution heralding the Second Republic came into force. not_entailment 2774 How many Huguenots were killed during this purge? The height of this persecution was the St. Bartholomew's Day massacre when 5,000 to 30,000 were killed, although there were also underlying political reasons for this as well, as some of the Huguenots were nobles trying to establish separate centers of power in southern France. entailment 2775 What is the name of the scheme that provides tuition and fee assistance to students due to excess enrollment? The Education Service Contracting scheme of the government provides financial assistance for tuition and other school fees of students turned away from public high schools because of enrollment overflows. entailment 2776 Changes in rainfall reduced what kind of vegetation cover in the Amazon basin? Analyses of sediment deposits from Amazon basin paleolakes and from the Amazon Fan indicate that rainfall in the basin during the LGM was lower than for the present, and this was almost certainly associated with reduced moist tropical vegetation cover in the basin. entailment 2777 What shape are granal thylakoids? In the helical thylakoid model, grana consist of a stack of flattened circular granal thylakoids that resemble pancakes. entailment 2778 What is the largest city in all of California? Los Angeles (at 3.7 million people) and San Diego (at 1.3 million people), both in southern California, are the two largest cities in all of California (and two of the eight largest cities in the United States). entailment 2779 How large are Cytoplasmic ribosomes? Chloroplasts have their own ribosomes, which they use to synthesize a small fraction of their proteins. not_entailment 2780 Which findings suggested that the region was densely populated? For a long time, it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was only ever sparsely populated, as it was impossible to sustain a large population through agriculture given the poor soil. not_entailment 2781 What were the first two destinations of Huguenot emigres? The first Huguenots to leave France sought freedom from persecution in Switzerland and the Netherlands.[citation needed] entailment 2782 Why did Tesla begin investigating invisible energy? Tesla is quoted by The New York Times as saying, "I am in too much grief to talk. not_entailment 2783 What monastery did the Saint-Evroul monks establish in Italy? At Saint Evroul, a tradition of singing had developed and the choir achieved fame in Normandy. not_entailment 2784 Between what dates was the building on Pilgrim Street refurbished? The site currently houses three cinemas, including the restored Classic —the United Kingdom's last surviving news cinema still in full-time operation—alongside two new screens, a roof extension containing the Tyneside Bar, and dedicated education and teaching suites. not_entailment 2785 When did a Charlie Brown Christmas debut? Since 2000, ABC has also owned the television rights to most of the Peanuts television specials, having acquired the broadcast rights from CBS, which originated the specials in 1965 with the debut of A Charlie Brown Christmas (other Peanuts specials broadcast annually by ABC, including A Charlie Brown Christmas, include It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving). entailment 2786 Where was the Rhine regulated with a lower canal? A regulation of the Rhine was called for, with an upper canal near Diepoldsau and a lower canal at Fußach, in order to counteract the constant flooding and strong sedimentation in the western Rhine Delta. entailment 2787 Who are debates and meetings open to? Proceedings are also recorded in text form, in print and online, in the Official Report, which is the substantially verbatim transcript of parliamentary debates. not_entailment 2788 How was the population of mnemiopsis in The black Sea and the Sea of Azov brought under control? Mnemiopsis populations in those areas were eventually brought under control by the accidental introduction of the Mnemiopsis-eating North American ctenophore Beroe ovata, and by a cooling of the local climate from 1991 to 1993, which significantly slowed the animal's metabolism. entailment 2789 By what main attribute are computational problems classified utilizing computational complexity theory? Computational complexity theory is a branch of the theory of computation in theoretical computer science that focuses on classifying computational problems according to their inherent difficulty, and relating those classes to each other. entailment 2790 What was the Yuan's paper money called? The Yuan minister Bolad was sent to Iran, where he explained Yuan paper money to the Il-khanate court of Gaykhatu. not_entailment 2791 What is the name of the first Doctor Who serial? In the 1967 serial, Tomb of the Cybermen, when Victoria Waterfield doubts the Doctor can remember his family because of, "being so ancient", the Doctor says that he can when he really wants to—"The rest of the time they sleep in my mind". not_entailment 2792 What is the system by which prokaryotes retain phage gene fragments that they have previously come in contact with? Immune systems appear even in the structurally most simple forms of life, with bacteria using a unique defense mechanism, called the restriction modification system to protect themselves from viral pathogens, called bacteriophages. not_entailment 2793 When did Tugh Temur die? After El Temür's death, Bayan became as powerful an official as El Temür had been in the beginning of his long reign. not_entailment 2794 Genghis Khan was in the process of taking what capital city when he died? According to The Secret History of the Mongols Genghis Khan fell from his horse while hunting and died because of the injury. not_entailment 2795 Are there any other aviation communities such as Sierra Sky Park in the United States? Formed in 1946, Sierra Sky Park Airport is a residential airport community born of a unique agreement in transportation law to allow personal aircraft and automobiles to share certain roads. not_entailment 2796 Who is required to verify and have existing utility lines marked? Before the foundation can be dug, contractors are typically required to verify and have existing utility lines marked, either by the utilities themselves or through a company specializing in such services. entailment 2797 What is the name of another algorithm useful for conveniently testing the primality of large numbers? These include the Miller–Rabin primality test, which is fast but has a small probability of error, and the AKS primality test, which always produces the correct answer in polynomial time but is too slow to be practical. entailment 2798 When did embankment of the major Rhine distributaries take palce? Thereafter, canals were dug, bends were short cut and groynes were built, to prevent the river's channels from migrating or silting up. not_entailment 2799 What persons were not allowed to settle in New France? The kingdom did not fully recover for years. not_entailment 2800 How much of Paris' population was killed by the plague? In 1348, the plague spread so rapidly that before any physicians or government authorities had time to reflect upon its origins, about a third of the European population had already perished. not_entailment 2801 What function do compounds like phenol and acetone serve in the manufacture of many other substances? Epoxides are ethers in which the oxygen atom is part of a ring of three atoms. not_entailment 2802 Statues of British artists adorn which part of the tower above the main entrance? The main windows to the galleries are also mullioned and transomed, again a Gothic feature, the top row of windows are interspersed with statues of many of the British artists whose work is displayed in the museum. entailment 2803 Which Doctor Who-related song reached Number One in the UK? In 1978 a disco version of the theme was released in the UK, Denmark and Australia by the group Mankind, which reached number 24 in the UK charts. not_entailment 2804 When did the 1973 oil crisis begin? The 1973 oil crisis began in October 1973 when the members of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC, consisting of the Arab members of OPEC plus Egypt and Syria) proclaimed an oil embargo. entailment 2805 What yard line was a gold color for all teams during the season? Gold footballs were given to each high school that has had a player or coach appear in the Super Bowl, and "homecoming" events were also held by Super Bowl-winning teams at games. not_entailment 2806 Who was the new elector of Saxony? He worked closely with the new elector, John the Steadfast, to whom he turned for secular leadership and funds on behalf of a church largely shorn of its assets and income after the break with Rome. entailment 2807 Which descendant of Genghis Khan is remembered as having reunified China? While Genghis Khan never conquered all of China, his grandson Kublai Khan completed that conquest and established the Yuan dynasty that is often credited with re-uniting China. entailment 2808 What was the goal of this Roman disobedience? The earliest recorded incidents of collective civil disobedience took place during the Roman Empire[citation needed]. not_entailment 2809 Other than the Automobile Club of Southern California, what other AAA Auto Club chose to simplify the divide? Another influence is the geographical phrase South of the Tehachapis, which would split the southern region off at the crest of that transverse range, but in that definition, the desert portions of north Los Angeles County and eastern Kern and San Bernardino Counties would be included in the southern California region due to their remoteness from the central valley and interior desert landscape. not_entailment 2810 Which sculpture by Rodin was not donated by the artist? Rodin is represented by more than 20 works in the museum collection, making it one of the largest collections of the sculptor's work outside France; these were given to the museum by the sculptor in 1914, as acknowledgement of Britain's support of France in World War I, although the statue of St John the Baptist had been purchased in 1902 by public subscription. entailment 2811 What voyager said that Mombasa was a great harbour and moored small crafts and great ships? The Swahili built Mombasa into a major port city and established trade links with other nearby city-states, as well as commercial centres in Persia, Arabia, and even India. not_entailment 2812 What was Luther's marriage seen as by others? Some priests and former religious had already married, including Andreas Karlstadt and Justus Jonas, but Luther's wedding set the seal of approval on clerical marriage. entailment 2813 What Columbia President went to Harvard? Abdiweli Mohamed Ali; U.S. Ambassador to the European Union Anthony Luzzatto Gardner. not_entailment 2814 What types of European groups were able to avoid the plague? It was introduced in Norway in 1349 when a ship landed at Askøy, then spread to Bjørgvin (modern Bergen) and Iceland. not_entailment 2815 After asking if the books were his, what else did Eck ask Luther? Luther confirmed he was their author, but requested time to think about the answer to the second question. not_entailment 2816 What did Gasquet's book blame the plague on? The historian Francis Aidan Gasquet wrote about the 'Great Pestilence' in 1893 and suggested that "it would appear to be some form of the ordinary Eastern or bubonic plague". not_entailment 2817 What kind of membrane do primary chloroplasts have? While primary chloroplasts have a double membrane from their cyanobacterial ancestor, secondary chloroplasts have additional membranes outside of the original two, as a result of the secondary endosymbiotic event, when a nonphotosynthetic eukaryote engulfed a chloroplast-containing alga but failed to digest it—much like the cyanobacterium at the beginning of this story. entailment 2818 In what year did Tesla's family move to Gospic? In 1862, the Tesla family moved to Gospić, Austrian Empire, where Tesla's father worked as a pastor. entailment 2819 When was Warsaw completely razed to the ground by bombing raids? After liberation, rebuilding began as in other cities of the communist-ruled PRL. not_entailment 2820 What workshop helped with the creation of the Doctor Who theme? The original theme was composed by Ron Grainer and realised by Delia Derbyshire of the BBC Radiophonic Workshop, with assistance from Dick Mills. entailment 2821 When were the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules repealed? That same year, Capital Cities/ABC purchased the French animation studio DIC Entertainment; it also signed an agreement with Time Warner Cable to carry its owned-and-operated television stations on the provider's systems in ABC O&O markets. not_entailment 2822 What was Henry IV known as before taking the throne? The warfare was definitively quelled in 1598, when Henry of Navarre, having succeeded to the French throne as Henry IV, and having recanted Protestantism in favour of Roman Catholicism, issued the Edict of Nantes. entailment 2823 What does the word prime generally suggest? Generally, "prime" indicates minimality or indecomposability, in an appropriate sense. entailment 2824 What is the key accomplishment of Genghis Khan that modern Mongolians celebrate? He is looked upon positively by Mongolians for his role in uniting warring tribes. entailment 2825 What is cpDNA's replication similar to? One of competing model for cpDNA replication asserts that most cpDNA is linear and participates in homologous recombination and replication structures similar to bacteriophage T4. entailment 2826 How many tiers are in the Australian form of learning? Generally, education in Australia follows the three-tier model which includes primary education (primary schools), followed by secondary education (secondary schools/high schools) and tertiary education (universities and/or TAFE colleges). entailment 2827 Who holds an annual International Arts Fair in Newcastle? In October, there is the Design Event festival—an annual festival providing the public with an opportunity to see work by regional, national and international designers. not_entailment 2828 How many invertebrate species are known in Brazil alone? One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. not_entailment 2829 What was started after these new programs were in place? For example, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission initiated community dialogues, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya started peace meetings and the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation process was started. entailment 2830 What is the main reason consulting pharmacists are increasingly working directly with patients? Traditionally consultant pharmacists were usually independent business owners, though in the United States many now work for several large pharmacy management companies (primarily Omnicare, Kindred Healthcare and PharMerica). not_entailment 2831 What was the end of the War of the Austrian Succession? The issues of conflicting territorial claims between British and French colonies in North America were turned over to a commission to resolve, but it reached no decision. not_entailment 2832 What did Luther tell the legate about the papacy? There, in October 1518, under questioning by papal legate Cardinal Cajetan Luther stated that he did not consider the papacy part of the biblical Church because historistical interpretation of Bible prophecy concluded that the papacy was the Antichrist. entailment 2833 Prior to Super Bowl 50, when were the Carolina Panthers last there? Coincidentally, both teams were coached by John Fox in their last Super Bowl appearance prior to Super Bowl 50. not_entailment 2834 What percentage of German students attended private schools in 2008? Percent of students in private high schools reached 11.1%. not_entailment 2835 What caused the separation of the Methodists in the American colonies? Together with Coke, Wesley sent a revision of the Anglican Prayerbook and the Articles of Religion which were received and adopted by the Baltimore Christmas Conference of 1784, officially establishing the Methodist Episcopal Church. not_entailment 2836 Where is the highest point of the Rhine basin? The Aare also contains the waters from the 4,274 m (14,022 ft) summit of Finsteraarhorn, the highest point of the Rhine basin. entailment 2837 In what part of the United States did many students migrate to Christian academies during the desegregation period? In much of the U.S. South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools became in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). entailment 2838 How many broadcast television partners does the NFL have? In the United States, the game was televised by CBS, as part of a cycle between the three main broadcast television partners of the NFL. entailment 2839 Who did the Han Chinese want to help the Mongols fight? Many Han Chinese and Khitan defected to the Mongols to fight against the Jin. entailment 2840 What is the Scottish Parliament currently in the fourth of? The current Subject Committees in the fourth Session are: Economy, Energy and Tourism; Education and Culture; Health and Sport; Justice; Local Government and Regeneration; Rural Affairs, Climate Change and Environment; Welfare Reform; and Infrastructure and Capital Investment. entailment 2841 Under which courts is most EU law applied? In fact, most EU law is applied by member state courts (the English Court of Appeal, the German Bundesgerichtshof, the Belgian Cour du travail, etc.) entailment 2842 When was liquid oxygen developed for commercial use? Both men lowered the temperature of air until it liquefied and then distilled the component gases by boiling them off one at a time and capturing them. not_entailment 2843 Which empire bordered the Mongol Empire to the west in 1218? By 1218, as a result of defeat of Qara Khitai, the Mongol Empire and its control extended as far west as Lake Balkhash, which bordered the Khwarezmia (Khwarezmid Empire), a Muslim state that reached the Caspian Sea to the west and Persian Gulf and the Arabian Sea to the south. entailment 2844 Which of Luther's hymn was the main one for Advent? Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland" (Now come, Savior of the gentiles), based on Veni redemptor gentium, became the main hymn (Hauptlied) for Advent. entailment 2845 What channel did ABC proposed to compete with cable news company CNN? ABC would reattempt such a concept in July 2004 with the launch of ABC News Now, a 24-hour news channel distributed for viewing on the Internet and mobile phones. not_entailment 2846 What does a receiver have to be equipped with to view encrypted content? Unofficial CAMs are now available to view the service, although use of them breaks the user's contract with Sky and invalidates the user's rights to use the card. not_entailment 2847 What language does "hoy" originate from? Many words, however, appear to be used exclusively in Newcastle and the surrounding area, such as "Canny" (a versatile word meaning "good", "nice" or "very"), "hacky" ("dirty"), "netty" ("toilet"), "hoy" ("throw", from the Dutch gooien, via West Frisian), "hockle" ("spit"). entailment 2848 In considering Turing machines and alternate variables, what measurement left unaffected by conversion between machine models? Perhaps surprisingly, each of these models can be converted to another without providing any extra computational power. entailment 2849 How many times has the South Florida/Miami area hosted the Super Bowl? The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX), held at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California, won by the home team 49ers. not_entailment 2850 Though Turabi proclaimed his support for the democratic process, he strictly applied what after coming into power? After al-Nimeiry was overthrown in 1985 the party did poorly in national elections, but in 1989 it was able to overthrow the elected post-al-Nimeiry government with the help of the military. not_entailment 2851 What does the Armagnac manuscript in the V&A library archive depict? Writers whose papers are in the library are as diverse as Charles Dickens and Beatrix Potter. not_entailment 2852 When is the suspended team scheduled to return? However, Chivas were suspended following the 2014 MLS season, with a second MLS team scheduled to return in 2018. entailment 2853 What enzymes in saliva are antibacterial in nature? Vaginal secretions serve as a chemical barrier following menarche, when they become slightly acidic, while semen contains defensins and zinc to kill pathogens. not_entailment 2854 When did the university start having a bachelor's degree program in theater & performance studies? The College's general education core includes a “dramatic, music, and visual arts” requirement, requiring students to study the history of the arts, stage desire, or begin working with sculpture. not_entailment 2855 A complexity resource can also be described as what other type of resource? Analogous definitions can be made for space requirements. not_entailment 2856 What is missing a theory on quantum gravity? General relativity offers an equivalence between space-time and mass, but lacking a coherent theory of quantum gravity, it is unclear as to how or whether this connection is relevant on microscales. entailment 2857 What health issue did Tesla suffer? Nikola suffered a nervous breakdown at around the same time. entailment 2858 How many points did the Broncos defense allow their opponents to get? Linebacker DeMarcus Ware was selected to play in the Pro Bowl for the ninth time in his career, ranking second on the team with 7½ sacks. not_entailment 2859 Why did the European nations and Japan separated themselves from United States during the crisis? The promise of a negotiated settlement between Israel and Syria was enough to convince Arab oil producers to lift the embargo in March 1974. not_entailment 2860 What service did ABC launch in May 2013? New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WPVI-TV were the first stations to offer streams of their programming on the service (with a free preview for non-subscribers through June 2013), with the six remaining ABC O&Os offering streams by the start of the 2013–14 season. not_entailment 2861 Which country had trading posts in India before Britain? With the establishment of trading posts in India, the British were able to maintain strength relative to others empires such as the Portuguese who already had set up trading posts in India. entailment 2862 In what decade was seafloor spreading discovered? This coupling between rigid plates moving on the surface of the Earth and the convecting mantle is called plate tectonics. not_entailment 2863 Where is Harvard stadium located? The Harvard Medical School, Harvard School of Dental Medicine, and the Harvard School of Public Health are located on a 21-acre (8.5 ha) not_entailment 2864 What is reduced by using plastid transformation for gene modification? While the reliability of this mechanism has not yet been studied for all relevant crop species, recent results in tobacco plants are promising, showing a failed containment rate of transplastomic plants at 3 in 1,000,000. not_entailment 2865 What did Paul Baran develop Starting in the late 1950s, American computer scientist Paul Baran developed the concept Distributed Adaptive Message Block Switching with the goal to provide a fault-tolerant, efficient routing method for telecommunication messages as part of a research program at the RAND Corporation, funded by the US Department of Defense. entailment 2866 What was the Yuan's Persian ally? Buddhism had a great influence in the Yuan government, and the Tibetan-rite Tantric Buddhism had significantly influenced China during this period. not_entailment 2867 What led to the production of tea paraphernalia such as china and caddies during the Georgian period? In the Victorian era new technology and machinery had a significant effect on manufacturing, and for the first time since the reformation, the Anglican and Roman Catholic Churches had a major effect on art and design such as the Gothic Revival. not_entailment 2868 Why is Jochi's reported alliance with the Muslims historically suspect? He concludes his story with the clearly apocryphal statement by Jochi: "Genghis Khan is mad to have massacred so many people and laid waste so many lands. not_entailment 2869 What type of heating element is often used in toy steam engines? The heat required for boiling the water and supplying the steam can be derived from various sources, most commonly from burning combustible materials with an appropriate supply of air in a closed space (called variously combustion chamber, firebox). not_entailment 2870 Who is the present quarterback of the Broncos? In honor of the 50th Super Bowl, the pregame ceremony featured the on-field introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. not_entailment 2871 When was the divestment from South Africa movement? However, the university did eventually reduce its South African holdings by $230 million (out of $400 million) in response to the pressure. not_entailment 2872 What are some existing facilities? This lessens the likelihood of damage to the existing electrical, water, sewage, phone, and cable facilities, which could cause outages and potentially hazardous situations. entailment 2873 Tumors that are able to evade the body's immune response can become what? In addition, immunological tolerance may develop against tumor antigens, so the immune system no longer attacks the tumor cells. not_entailment 2874 What was the name for the new radio concept designed by Allen Shaw? The new concept called "LOVE Radio", which featured a limited selection of music genres, was launched on ABC's seven owned-and-operated FM stations in late November 1968; the concept replaced nearly all of the programming provided by these stations; however, several affiliates (such as KXYZ) retained the majority of their content. entailment 2875 What broadcast group is the largest operator of ABC stations? The E. W. Scripps Company is the largest operator of ABC stations in terms of overall market reach, owning 15 ABC-affiliated stations (including affiliates in larger markets such as Cleveland, Phoenix, Detroit and Denver), and through its ownership of Phoenix affiliate KNXV, Las Vegas affiliate KTNV-TV and Tucson affiliate KGUN-TV, the only provider of ABC programming for the majority of Arizona (outside of the Yuma-El Centro market) and Southern Nevada. not_entailment 2876 How much thrust was estimated for the translunar flight? Because the CSM design was started early before the selection of lunar orbit rendezvous, the service propulsion engine was sized to lift the CSM off of the Moon, and thus was oversized to about twice the thrust required for translunar flight. entailment 2877 How much of Australia's milk is produced in Victoria? Victoria is the centre of dairy farming in Australia. not_entailment 2878 When did the Bantu expansion reach the area from West-Central Africa? By the first millennium AD, the Bantu expansion had reached the area from West-Central Africa. entailment 2879 Does the residential architecture of the Tower District compare or contrast with other part of Fresno? The area is also known for its early twentieth century homes, many of which have been restored in recent decades. not_entailment 2880 What day was the Super Bowl played on? The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. entailment 2881 Who came up with germ theory? This and other observations of acquired immunity were later exploited by Louis Pasteur in his development of vaccination and his proposed germ theory of disease. entailment 2882 In what year did William Maclure begin the process of creating the first geological map of the U.S.? The results of his unaided labours were submitted to the American Philosophical Society in a memoir entitled Observations on the Geology of the United States explanatory of a Geological Map, and published in the Society's Transactions, together with the nation's first geological map. not_entailment 2883 Which descendant of Genghis Khan sacked Baghdad? In 1237 Batu Khan, a grandson of Genghis Khan, launched an invasion into Kievan Rus'. not_entailment 2884 What player won the MVP in Super Bowl V? In honor of the 50th Super Bowl, the pregame ceremony featured the on-field introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. not_entailment 2885 What earlier market did the Grainger Market replace? The Grainger Market replaced an earlier market originally built in 1808 called the Butcher Market. entailment 2886 How old was Tesla when he became a citizen of the US? On 30 July 1891, at the age of 35, Tesla became a naturalized citizen of the United States, and established his South Fifth Avenue laboratory, and later another at 46 E. Houston Street, in New York. entailment 2887 What is the gender income inequality in Bahrain? In many countries, there is a Gender pay gap in favor of males in the labor market. not_entailment 2888 When was the coldest temperature in Newcastle recorded? Temperature extremes recorded at Newcastle Weather Centre include 32.5 °C (90.5 °F) during August 1990 down to −12.6 °C (9.3 °F) during January 1982. entailment 2889 Where do thrust faults form? Movement along faults can result in folding, either because the faults are not planar or because rock layers are dragged along, forming drag folds as slip occurs along the fault. not_entailment 2890 What is the Royal Castle the most interesting example of? The most interesting examples of mannerist architecture are the Royal Castle (1596–1619) and the Jesuit Church (1609–1626) at Old Town. entailment 2891 When did Tugh Temur found his academy? Due to the fact that the bureaucracy was dominated by El Temür, Tugh Temür is known for his cultural contribution instead. not_entailment 2892 How many times was the Panthers' quarterback sacked? Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. entailment 2893 What can curtail the risk of occupational injuries in the construction industry? Construction is one of the most dangerous occupations in the world, incurring more occupational fatalities than any other sector in both the United States and in the European Union. not_entailment 2894 First published by Sir Charles Lyell in 1830 this book was called what? Sir Charles Lyell first published his famous book, Principles of Geology, in 1830. entailment 2895 What was the percentage of Non-Hispanic Whites in 2010? The 2010 United States Census reported that Fresno had a population of 494,665. not_entailment 2896 When was the deportation of Acadians? The British resettled many Acadians throughout its North American provinces, but many went to France, and some went to New Orleans, which they had expected to remain French. not_entailment 2897 How did the leaders of the city of Bukhara respond to the Mongol attack? Genghis Khan had the city's surviving population assemble in the main mosque of the town, where he declared that he was the flail of God, sent to punish them for their sins. not_entailment 2898 What principle relates to the formation of faults and the age of the sequences through which they cut? Faults are younger than the rocks they cut; accordingly, if a fault is found that penetrates some formations but not those on top of it, then the formations that were cut are older than the fault, and the ones that are not cut must be younger than the fault. not_entailment 2899 How many yards was the field goal that made the score 13-7 in Super Bowl 50? Newton completed 4 of 4 passes for 51 yards and rushed twice for 25 yards, while Jonathan Stewart finished the drive with a 1-yard touchdown run, cutting the score to 10–7 with 11:28 left in the second quarter. not_entailment 2900 Where are the specialized cells that eliminate cells that recognize self-antigens located? One of the functions of specialized cells (located in the thymus and bone marrow) is to present young lymphocytes with self antigens produced throughout the body and to eliminate those cells that recognize self-antigens, preventing autoimmunity. entailment 2901 What company filed a complaint with the FCC in 1934 concerning problems establishing new stations? Having no power over the networks themselves, the FCC established a regulation forbidding licenses to be issued for radio stations if they were affiliated with a network which already owned multiple networks that provided content of public interest. not_entailment 2902 Why was there a depreciation of the industrialized nations dollars? Anticipating that currency values would fluctuate unpredictably for a time, the industrialized nations increased their reserves (by expanding their money supplies) in amounts far greater than before. entailment 2903 What percentage of France's population is protestant today? Most are concentrated in Alsace in northeast France and the Cévennes mountain region in the south, who still regard themselves as Huguenots to this day.[citation needed] not_entailment 2904 What was the percentage of a female householder with no husband present? There were 158,349 households, of which 68,511 (43.3%) had children under the age of 18 living in them, 69,284 (43.8%) were opposite-sex married couples living together, 30,547 (19.3%) had a female householder with no husband present, 11,698 (7.4%) had a male householder with no wife present. entailment 2905 When did Luther give his response to Eck? Luther confirmed he was their author, but requested time to think about the answer to the second question. not_entailment 2906 Which rival of the Mongols is suspected of inventing the story that Genghis Khan was murdered by a captured princess? One chronicle from the early 17th century even relates the legend that the princess hid a small dagger and stabbed him, though some Mongol authors have doubted this version and suspected it to be an invention by the rival Oirads. entailment 2907 How many people did Hamas kill between 2000 to 2007? Hamas has been praised by Muslims for driving Israel out of the Gaza Strip, but criticized for failure to achieve its demands in the 2008-9 and 2014 Gaza Wars despite heavy destruction and significant loss of life. not_entailment 2908 What did NSFNET promote The National Science Foundation Network (NSFNET) was a program of coordinated, evolving projects sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF) beginning in 1985 to promote advanced research and education networking in the United States. entailment 2909 What is the common term for the loss of key members of French society to Huguenot emigration? The exodus of Huguenots from France created a brain drain, as many Huguenots had occupied important places in society. entailment 2910 As of February 2011, how many numbers has Goldbach's conjecture been proven to? Weaker statements than this have been proven, for example Vinogradov's theorem says that every sufficiently large odd integer can be written as a sum of three primes. not_entailment 2911 During which years was no census taken? It is recognised that an epidemiological account of the plague is as important as an identification of symptoms, but researchers are hampered by the lack of reliable statistics from this period. not_entailment 2912 Who originally hosted Who Wants to Be a Millionaire for ABC? Hosted throughout its ABC tenure by Regis Philbin, the program became a major ratings success throughout its initial summer run, which led ABC to renew Millionaire as a regular series, returning on January 18, 2000. entailment 2913 What South African law recognized two types of schools? The South African Schools Act of 1996 recognises two categories of schools: "public" (state-controlled) and "independent" (which includes traditional private schools and schools which are privately governed[clarification needed].) entailment 2914 What native chief travelled to French fort and threatened Marin? Traveling to Fort Le Boeuf, he threatened the French with military action, which Marin contemptuously dismissed. not_entailment 2915 What is another name for the Yosemite Freeway? Fresno is served by State Route 99, the main north/south freeway that connects the major population centers of the California Central Valley. not_entailment 2916 What famous person congratulated him? The cover caption "All the world's his power house" noted his contribution to electrical power generation. not_entailment 2917 Where can population estimates be extrapolated from? It is recognised that an epidemiological account of the plague is as important as an identification of symptoms, but researchers are hampered by the lack of reliable statistics from this period. not_entailment 2918 When the recovery between the widening gap between the richest citizens and rest of the nation slow? In 2014, economists with the Standard & Poor's rating agency concluded that the widening disparity between the U.S.'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of the nation had slowed its recovery from the 2008-2009 recession and made it more prone to boom-and-bust cycles. entailment 2919 Of what mathematical nature is the Basel problem? Another example of the richness of the zeta function and a glimpse of modern algebraic number theory is the following identity (Basel problem), due to Euler, entailment 2920 Who did Emma Marry? This relationship eventually produced closer ties of blood through the marriage of Emma, sister of Duke Richard II of Normandy, and King Ethelred II of England. entailment 2921 How do students rate teachers that they feel are enthusiastic? Students who had enthusiastic teachers tend to rate them higher than teachers who didn't show much enthusiasm for the course materials. entailment 2922 What are the stages in a compound engine called? Near the end of the 19th century compound engines came into widespread use. not_entailment 2923 What is the smalled work force sector? Industry and manufacturing is the smallest sector, accounting for 16% of GDP. entailment 2924 What is it called when steam propels a turbo generator with electric motor propulsion? It was found that steam turbines were not ideally suited to the railroad environment and these locomotives failed to oust the classic reciprocating steam unit in the way that modern diesel and electric traction has done.[citation needed] not_entailment 2925 What is the receptor that killer T cells use to bind to specific antigens that are complexed with the MHC Class 1 receptor of another cell? Killer T cells are activated when their T cell receptor (TCR) binds to this specific antigen in a complex with the MHC Class I receptor of another cell. entailment 2926 Who does a gender pay gap tend to favor? In many countries, there is a Gender pay gap in favor of males in the labor market. entailment 2927 What type of curricula is it that a teacher may likely follow? The objective is typically a course of study, lesson plan, or a practical skill. not_entailment 2928 Who was the first European to travel the entire length of the Amazon River? The BBC's Unnatural Histories presented evidence that the Amazon rainforest, rather than being a pristine wilderness, has been shaped by man for at least 11,000 years through practices such as forest gardening and terra preta. not_entailment 2929 Which country was the last to receive the disease? Finally it spread to northwestern Russia in 1351. entailment 2930 In Latin America what is the most revered skin color? The rhetoric of colonizers being racially superior appears to have achieved its purpose, for example throughout Latin America "whiteness" is still prized today and various forms of blanqueamiento (whitening) are common. entailment 2931 Luther went to bed quoting what scripture? When he went to his bed, he prayed, "Into your hand I commit my spirit; you have redeemed me, O Lord, faithful God" (Ps. 31:5), the common prayer of the dying. entailment 2932 What did Tymnet connect SNA/SDLC, BSC and ASCII interfaces to connect host computers (servers)at thousands of large companies, educational institutions, and government agencies. entailment 2933 Who is viewed as the first modern geologist? James Hutton is often viewed as the first modern geologist. entailment 2934 What was the fort that was being built to be named? He purchased their construction tools to continue building what became Fort Duquesne. entailment 2935 Who originally led the Space Task Group? So Gilruth was given authority to grow his organization into a new NASA center, the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC). not_entailment 2936 The "50" given to the Super Bowl winner is plated with how many karats of gold? Like the Lombardi Trophy, the "50" will be designed by Tiffany & Co. not_entailment 2937 Do the U.S. flags on the moon still have their original coloring or were they faded due to the Sun? In 2009, NASA's robotic Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter, while orbiting 50 kilometers (31 mi) above the Moon, began photographing the remnants of the Apollo program left on the lunar surface, and photographed each site where manned Apollo flights landed. not_entailment 2938 What was ABC's viewership share in 1993? By that year, ABC had a total viewership share of 23.63% of American households, just below the limit of 25% imposed by the FCC. entailment 2939 Where did he claim he would transport energy to? and Kiowa St. He chose this location because the polyphase alternating current power distribution system had been introduced there and he had associates who were willing to give him all the power he needed without charging for it. not_entailment 2940 How was the civil disobedience shown in Antigone? She gives a stirring speech in which she tells him that she must obey her conscience rather than human law. entailment 2941 What entity was rumored to be sold by ABC in between May and September 2005? Between May and September 2005, rumors circulated that Disney–ABC was considering a sale of ABC Radio, with Clear Channel Communications and Westwood One (which had earlier purchased NBC's radio division, as well as the distribution rights to CBS's, and the Mutual Broadcasting System during the 1990s) as potential buyers. entailment 2942 What is more often seen in root tip maristems? Chloroplasts do not normally develop from proplastids in root tip meristems—instead, the formation of starch-storing amyloplasts is more common. entailment 2943 Who granted Newcastle a new charter in 1589? Incorporated first by Henry II, the city had a new charter granted by Elizabeth in 1589. entailment 2944 At what rate is Orange County developing its business centers? Orange County is a rapidly developing business center that includes Downtown Santa Ana, the South Coast Metro and Newport Center districts; as well as the Irvine business centers of The Irvine Spectrum, West Irvine, and international corporations headquartered at the University of California, Irvine. entailment 2945 What was the name of the blind date concept program debuted by ABC in 1966? In December of that year, the ABC television network premiered The Dating Game, a pioneer series in its genre, which was a reworking of the blind date concept in which a suitor selected one of three contestants sight unseen based on the answers to selected questions. entailment 2946 When did Kublai move the Mongol capital? In 1271, Kublai formally claimed the Mandate of Heaven and declared that 1272 was the first year of the Great Yuan (Chinese: 大元) in the style of a traditional Chinese dynasty. not_entailment 2947 When a commission reached no decision, what happened? Frontiers from between Nova Scotia and Acadia in the north, to the Ohio Country in the south, were claimed by both sides. entailment 2948 What does CBD stand for? Southern California is home to many major business districts. not_entailment 2949 What is the conventional method to measure the Rhine? The length of the Rhine is conventionally measured in "Rhine-kilometers" (Rheinkilometer), a scale introduced in 1939 which runs from the Old Rhine Bridge at Constance (0 km) to Hoek van Holland (1036.20 km). entailment 2950 The V&A has the world's most comprehensive collection of sculptures from which period? There are approximately 22,000 objects in the collection that cover the period from about 400 AD to 1914. not_entailment 2951 By 1544 what did Luther have to deal with in his health? In December 1544, he began to feel the effects of angina. entailment 2952 Who helped Temüjin rescue his wife from the Merkits? Soon after Börte's marriage to Temüjin, she was kidnapped by the Merkits and reportedly given away as a wife. not_entailment 2953 When did photosynthetic organisms evolve on Earth? Free oxygen gas was almost nonexistent in Earth's atmosphere before photosynthetic archaea and bacteria evolved, probably about 3.5 billion years ago. entailment 2954 What type of cascade results when complement proteins bind to microbes and activate their protease activity? This produces a catalytic cascade that amplifies the initial signal by controlled positive feedback. entailment 2955 How many men were in Robert's army? After allying himself with Croatia and the Catholic cities of Dalmatia, in 1081 he led an army of 30,000 men in 300 ships landing on the southern shores of Albania, capturing Valona, Kanina, Jericho (Orikumi), and reaching Butrint after numerous pillages. entailment 2956 How much of the GDP was agriculture in 2005? Agriculture is the second largest contributor to Kenya's gross domestic product (GDP), after the service sector. not_entailment 2957 What educational study did Luther start to pursue and immediately drop? In accordance with his father's wishes, Luther enrolled in law school at the same university that year but dropped out almost immediately, believing that law represented uncertainty. entailment 2958 What coach left the Broncos after the season prior to Super Bowl 50? Following their loss in the divisional round of the previous season's playoffs, the Denver Broncos underwent numerous coaching changes, including a mutual parting with head coach John Fox (who had won four divisional championships in his four years as Broncos head coach), and the hiring of Gary Kubiak as the new head coach. entailment 2959 Where does the largest part of Kenya's power come from? The state-owned Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen), established in 1997 under the name of Kenya Power Company, handles the generation of electricity, while Kenya Power handles the electricity transmission and distribution system in the country. not_entailment 2960 What are auricles? The Lobata have a pair of lobes, which are muscular, cuplike extensions of the body that project beyond the mouth. not_entailment 2961 There is a public database of epitopes for pathogens known to be recognizable by what cells? A publicly accessible database has been established for the cataloguing of epitopes from pathogens known to be recognizable by B cells. entailment 2962 How and when did the first variant of y. pestis enter Europe? Zoom showed the Y. pestis genotype responsible for the pandemic that spread through the Low Countries from 1350 differed from that found in Britain and France, implying Bergen op Zoom (and possibly other parts of the southern Netherlands) was not directly infected from England or France in 1349 and suggesting a second wave of plague, different from those in Britain and France, may have been carried to the Low Countries from Norway, the Hanseatic cities or another site. not_entailment 2963 What innovation in Mongolian language is credited to Genghis Khan? Genghis Khan is regarded as one of the prominent leaders in Mongolia's history. not_entailment 2964 What amount of the worlds carbon is stored in the Amazon forest? Environmentalists are concerned about loss of biodiversity that will result from destruction of the forest, and also about the release of the carbon contained within the vegetation, which could accelerate global warming. not_entailment 2965 Which type of livestock was the argricultural region known for? Although military spending cutbacks have had an impact, aerospace continues to be a major factor. not_entailment 2966 In 1735, where did John and Charles Wesley teach the gospel in America? John Wesley returned to England and met with a group of clergy he respected. not_entailment 2967 What was the steam engine an important component of? The stationary steam engine was a key component of the Industrial Revolution, allowing factories to locate where water power was unavailable. entailment 2968 Early in the fourth quarter, The Broncos drove to what yard line of the Panthers? On the next play, Ealy knocked the ball out of Manning's hand as he was winding up for a pass, and then recovered it for Carolina on the 50-yard line. not_entailment 2969 What are the exceptions in the constitution that require special considerations to amend? Victoria has a written constitution enacted in 1975, but based on the 1855 colonial constitution, passed by the United Kingdom Parliament as the Victoria Constitution Act 1855, which establishes the Parliament as the state's law-making body for matters coming under state responsibility. not_entailment 2970 When did Robert Crispin go up against the Turks? In the 1060s, Robert Crispin led the Normans of Edessa against the Turks. entailment 2971 How much does a Probationer earn, after 6 years of service? Teachers in Scotland can be registered members of trade unions with the main ones being the Educational Institute of Scotland and the Scottish Secondary Teachers' Association. not_entailment 2972 What is the enrollment of undergraduates at Harvard? Harvard's 2,400 professors, lecturers, and instructors instruct 7,200 undergraduates and 14,000 graduate students. entailment 2973 What was media day called for Super Bowl 50? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. entailment 2974 How many registered nurses were in Kenya in 2011? According to the Kenya National Bureau of Statistics, in 2011 there were 65,000 qualified nurses registered in the country; 8,600 clinical officers and 7,000 doctors for the population of 43 million people (These figures from official registers include those who have died or left the profession hence the actual number of these workers may be lower). entailment 2975 What "dynamic theory" did Tesla say he finished in 1937? Tesla claimed to have developed his own physical principle regarding matter and energy that he started working on in 1892, and in 1937, at age 81, claimed in a letter to have completed a "dynamic theory of gravity" that "[would] put an end to idle speculations and false conceptions, as that of curved space." entailment 2976 What was the daily distance walked by Tesla? For exercise, Tesla walked between 8 to 10 miles per day. entailment 2977 How did Celeron handle meeting with Old Briton? Céloron threatened "Old Briton" with severe consequences if he continued to trade with the British. " entailment 2978 What President is credited with the original notion of putting Americans in space? First conceived during Dwight D. Eisenhower's administration as a three-man spacecraft to follow the one-man Project Mercury which put the first Americans in space, Apollo was later dedicated to President John F. Kennedy's national goal of "landing a man on the Moon and returning him safely to the Earth" by the end of the 1960s, which he proposed in a May 25, 1961, address to Congress. entailment 2979 What did Stephen Kemble guide the Theatre Royal through? Stephen Kemble guided the theatre through many celebrated seasons. entailment 2980 How many horsepower did Tesla's bladeless turbine have? During 1910–1911 at the Waterside Power Station in New York, several of his bladeless turbine engines were tested at 100–5,000 hp. not_entailment 2981 What has caused China to suspend their railway project? China has been causing environmental and social problems that include the recent suspension of the railway project. entailment 2982 Where was French withdrawal to? Dieskau planned to attack the British encampment at Fort Edward at the upper end of navigation on the Hudson River, but Johnson had strongly fortified it, and Dieskau's Indian support was reluctant to attack. not_entailment 2983 Between what times does Good Morning America air on ABC? ABC News programming includes Good Morning America from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. weekdays (along with one-hour weekend editions); nightly editions of ABC World News Tonight (whose weekend editions are occasionally subject to abbreviation or preemption due to sports telecasts overrunning into the program's timeslot), the Sunday political talk show This Week, early morning news programs World News Now and America This Morning and the late night newsmagazine Nightline. entailment 2984 What was Brisbane's job? Suppose I made up my mind to murder you," he said, "In a second you would know it. not_entailment 2985 When did Robert Crispin go up against the Turks? By then however, there were already Norman mercenaries serving as far away as Trebizond and Georgia. not_entailment 2986 What was one of the Norman's major exports? Most Norman knights remained poor and land-hungry, and by 1066 Normandy had been exporting fighting horsemen for more than a generation. entailment 2987 When did Mechlin lace develop? Although 19th century sources have asserted that some of these refugees were lacemakers and contributed to the East Midlands lace industry, this is contentious. not_entailment 2988 What is the name of Elementary Schools? There are many differences between the teachers for elementary schools (Grundschule), lower secondary schools (Hauptschule), middle level secondary schools (Realschule) and higher level secondary schools (Gymnasium). entailment 2989 What did the last few of the boilerplate CSM launches carry with them? The first four Saturn I test flights were launched from LC-34, with only live first stages, carrying dummy upper stages filled with water. not_entailment 2990 What foot was injured on Manning that sidelined him in week 10? Under Kubiak, the Broncos planned to install a run-oriented offense with zone blocking to blend in with quarterback Peyton Manning's shotgun passing skills, but struggled with numerous changes and injuries to the offensive line, as well as Manning having his worst statistical season since his rookie year with the Indianapolis Colts in 1998, due to a plantar fasciitis injury in his heel that he had suffered since the summer, and the simple fact that Manning was getting old, as he turned 39 in the 2015 off-season. not_entailment 2991 When did the age of Imperialism begin? Although imperialist practices have existed for thousands of years, the term "Age of Imperialism" generally refers to the activities of European powers from the early 18th century through to the middle of the 20th century, for example, the "The Great Game" in Persian lands, the "Scramble for Africa" and the "Open Door Policy" in China. not_entailment 2992 What did the Ominde Commission do? After Kenya's independence on 12 December 1963, an authority named the Ominde Commission was formed to introduce changes that would reflect the nation's sovereignty. not_entailment 2993 Where was Edison Machine Works located? In 1882, Tesla began working for the Continental Edison Company in France, designing and making improvements to electrical equipment. not_entailment 2994 When was the coldest temperature in Newcastle recorded? Being in the rain shadow of the North Pennines, it is among the driest cities in the UK. not_entailment 2995 What manner of words does Mullet think Luther would choose? However, Mullett suggests that given his nature, "we are free to believe that Luther would tend to select the more dramatic form of words." entailment 2996 The term "southern" California usually refers to how many of the southern-most counties of the state? When the state is divided into two areas (northern and southern California), the term "southern California" usually refers to the ten southern-most counties of the state. entailment 2997 Who decided not to approve paying for renovations at Sun Life Stadium that the league wanted for them to do to host Super Bowl 50? However, on May 3, 2013, the Florida legislature refused to approve the funding plan to pay for the renovations, dealing a significant blow to Miami's chances. entailment 2998 What area of Brookhaven is still known for its high levels of crime? The isolated subdivision was for years known as the "Dogg Pound" in reference to a local gang, and as of late 2008 was still known for high levels of violent crime. entailment 2999 How much of the population is Hindu? In addition, there is a large Hindu population in Kenya (around 300,000), who have played a key role in the local economy; they are mostly of Indian origin. entailment 3000 Who did Martin Luther say was the lone granter of forgiveness? Christians, he said, must not slacken in following Christ on account of such false assurances. not_entailment 3001 Where was the Continental Edison Company located? In 1882, Tesla began working for the Continental Edison Company in France, designing and making improvements to electrical equipment. entailment 3002 How many times prios has the Sun Life Stadium had Super Bowls? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. entailment 3003 What was the hymn based on? His "Gelobet seist du, Jesu Christ" ("Praise be to You, Jesus Christ") became the main hymn for Christmas. not_entailment 3004 What does Piketty feel was the biggest factors in reducing inequality between 1914 to 1945? Economist Thomas Piketty challenges this notion, claiming that from 1914 to 1945 wars and "violent economic and political shocks" reduced inequality. entailment 3005 What type of lenses were needed to see the 3D effects in Dimension in Time? In 1993, for the franchise's 30th anniversary, another charity special, titled Dimensions in Time was produced for Children in Need, featuring all of the surviving actors who played the Doctor and a number of previous companions. not_entailment 3006 What did Kublai do to prevent famines? Among Kublai Khan's top engineers and scientists was the astronomer Guo Shoujing, who was tasked with many public works projects and helped the Yuan reform the lunisolar calendar to provide an accuracy of 365.2425 days of the year, which was only 26 seconds off the modern Gregorian calendar's measurement. not_entailment 3007 What is an examine of work that a centrifugal governor-equipped steam engine wasn't suitable for? The governor could not actually hold a set speed, because it would assume a new constant speed in response to load changes. not_entailment 3008 What is the scale used to measure the strength of hurricanes called? The city has only received one direct hit from a hurricane since 1871; however, Jacksonville has experienced hurricane or near-hurricane conditions more than a dozen times due to storms crossing the state from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean, or passing to the north or south in the Atlantic and brushing past the area. not_entailment 3009 What did Sir Charles Parsons invent? Vice Admiral Cuthbert Collingwood, 1st Baron Collingwood, was born in the city. not_entailment 3010 Who works to get workers higher compensation? Competition amongst workers tends to drive down wages due to the expendable nature of the worker in relation to his or her particular job. not_entailment 3011 In what country was a full-scale working railway steam locomotive first invented? Trevithick visited the Newcastle area later in 1804 and the colliery railways in north-east England became the leading centre for experimentation and development of steam locomotives. not_entailment 3012 Who started rumors in 2008 that ABC would sell its ten owned-and-operated stations? On August 15, 2008, Disney denied rumors started by Caris & Co. that it would be selling the ten ABC owned-and-operated stations. entailment 3013 When is Sir Pindar's house dated? European examples include a dormer window dated 1523–35 from the chateau of Montal. not_entailment 3014 Combs are called what? The "combs" (also called "ctenes" or "comb plates") run across each row, and each consists of thousands of unusually long cilia, up to 2 millimeters (0.079 in). entailment 3015 In 2009, Disney reached an agreement to buy what percentage stake in Hulu? The Walt Disney Company is also a part-owner of Hulu (as part of a consortium that includes, among other parties, the respective parent companies of NBC and Fox, NBCUniversal and 21st not_entailment 3016 What do some believe the Treaty of Versailles assisted in? The Treaty of Versailles and this particular provision, in general, caused much resentment in Germany and is often cited as helping Adolf Hitler's rise to power. entailment 3017 How many of the prior Super Bowl MVPs appeared together at the pregame show? In honor of the 50th Super Bowl, the pregame ceremony featured the on-field introduction of 39 of the 43 previous Super Bowl Most Valuable Players. entailment 3018 What did the Industrial Revolution cause to happen to Newcastle? Newcastle was one of the first cities in the world to be lit up by electric lighting. not_entailment 3019 How many large public parks does Fresno have? Fresno has three large public parks, two in the city limits and one in county land to the southwest. entailment 3020 According to Wilson's theorem, what factorial must be divisible by n if some integer n > 4 is to be considered composite? The fraction 1/p expressed likewise in base q (rather than base 10) has similar effect, provided that p is not a prime factor of q. Wilson's theorem says that an integer p > 1 is prime if and only if the factorial (p − 1)! + 1 is divisible by p. not_entailment 3021 What were Huguenots who stayed in France eventually known as? It precipitated civil bloodshed, ruined commerce, and resulted in the illegal flight from the country of hundreds of thousands of Protestants, many of whom became intellectuals, doctors and business leaders in Britain as well as Holland, Prussia, and South Africa. not_entailment 3022 What Doctor Who actor won a Best Actor award in 2012? Doctor Who has been nominated for over 200 awards and has won over a hundred of them. not_entailment 3023 What year did Genghis Khan die? He died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. entailment 3024 How much of a difference in homicide rates are related to inequality? They estimated that about half of all variation in homicide rates can be accounted for by differences in the amount of inequality in each province or state. not_entailment 3025 What was the age difference between Newton and Manning in Super Bowl 50? Manning and Newton also set the record for the largest age difference between opposing Super Bowl quarterbacks at 13 years and 48 days (Manning was 39, Newton was 26). entailment 3026 What are pharmacists in the United Kingdom being increasingly paid for? They are also being paid for by the government for medicine use reviews. entailment 3027 What did these Lutheran clerics use as fuel to bolster the Policies of the Nazis? Other scholars argue that, even if his views were merely anti-Judaic—that is, opposed to Judaism and its adherence rather than the Jews as an ethnic group—their violence lent a new element to the standard Christian suspicion of Judaism. not_entailment 3028 What direction do ctenophore swim? Hence ctenophores usually swim in the direction in which the mouth is pointing, unlike jellyfish. entailment 3029 The Bank of America Tower was previously known as what? The tallest building in Downtown Jacksonville's skyline is the Bank of America Tower, constructed in 1990 as the Barnett Center. entailment 3030 Who originally hosted the syndicated version of Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? Millionaire ended its run on the network's primetime lineup after three years in 2002, with Buena Vista Television relaunching the show as a syndicated program (under that incarnation's original host Meredith Vieira) in September of that year. entailment 3031 What type of homes is Fresno known for? The area is also known for its early twentieth century homes, many of which have been restored in recent decades. entailment 3032 Where did Jebe's division of Genghis Khan's army campaign in Khwarezmia? The second division under Jebe marched secretly to the southeast part of Khwarzemia to form, with the first division, a pincer attack on Samarkand. entailment 3033 What compounds in the stomach protect against ingested pathogens? Vaginal secretions serve as a chemical barrier following menarche, when they become slightly acidic, while semen contains defensins and zinc to kill pathogens. not_entailment 3034 When was the last use by Bach of Luther's work? ich zu dir, BWV 38, later Ein feste Burg ist unser Gott, BWV 80, and in 1735 Wär Gott nicht mit uns diese Zeit, BWV 14. entailment 3035 When did Tesla become friends with Viereck? In middle age, Tesla became a close friend of Mark Twain; they spent a lot of time together in his lab and elsewhere. not_entailment 3036 What Apollo mission was this LOR method used and needed? Ironically, just such a failure happened on Apollo 13 when an oxygen tank explosion left the command ship without electrical power. entailment 3037 Who created the theme used in 1986? A different arrangement was recorded by Peter Howell for season 18 (1980), which was in turn replaced by Dominic Glynn's arrangement for the season-long serial The Trial of a Time Lord in season 23 (1986). entailment 3038 How big are phycobilisomes? Phycobilins come in all colors, though phycoerytherin is one of the pigments that makes many red algae red. not_entailment 3039 How many students have received unwanted sexual attention from a teacher or other education figure? Misconduct by teachers, especially sexual misconduct, has been getting increased scrutiny from the media and the courts. not_entailment 3040 Among whom was Genghis Khan's empire split after his death? Before Genghis Khan died, he assigned Ögedei Khan as his successor and split his empire into khanates among his sons and grandsons. entailment 3041 What Newcastle road heads west to Carlisle? Major roads in the area include the A1 (Gateshead Newcastle Western Bypass), stretching north to Edinburgh and south to London; the A19 heading south past Sunderland and Middlesbrough to York and Doncaster; the A69 heading west to Carlisle; the A696, which becomes the A68 heads past Newcastle Airport and up through central Northumberland and central Scottish Borders, the A167, the old "Great North Road", heading south to Gateshead, Chester-le-Street, Durham and Darlington; and the A1058 "Coast Road", which runs from Jesmond to the east coast between Tynemouth and Cullercoats. entailment 3042 What three things are needed for construction to take place? Construction starts with planning,[citation needed] design, and financing and continues until the project is built and ready for use. entailment 3043 Since when was the Rhine part of the areal of Hallstatt culture? The Upper Rhine had been part of the areal of the late Hallstatt culture since the 6th century BC, and by the 1st century BC, the areal of the La Tène culture covered almost its entire length, forming a contact zone with the Jastorf culture, i.e. the locus of early Celtic-Germanic cultural contact. entailment 3044 What other series mentioned returned with a plot continuation? The 2005 version of Doctor Who is a direct plot continuation of the original 1963–1989 series[note 2] and the 1996 telefilm. not_entailment 3045 What sea bordered Genghis Khan's empire to the east when he died? Contrary to popular belief, Genghis Khan did not conquer all the areas ultimately part of the Mongol Empire. not_entailment 3046 What are white blood cells known as? These cells identify and eliminate pathogens, either by attacking larger pathogens through contact or by engulfing and then killing microorganisms. not_entailment 3047 How much can Ctenophores eat in one day? These variations enable different species to build huge populations in the same area, because they specialize in different types of prey, which they capture by as wide a range of methods as spiders use. not_entailment 3048 What city is tied with Miami for hosting the Super Bowl? However, on May 3, 2013, the Florida legislature refused to approve the funding plan to pay for the renovations, dealing a significant blow to Miami's chances. not_entailment 3049 Who is the author of the book, "Knowledge and Decisions"? Thomas Sowell, in his book Knowledge and Decisions, claims that this difference is due to women not taking jobs due to marriage or pregnancy, but income studies show that that does not explain the entire difference. entailment 3050 What are phytoplankton? One ctenophore, Mnemiopsis, has accidentally been introduced into the Black Sea, where it is blamed for causing fish stocks to collapse by eating both fish larvae and organisms that would otherwise have fed the fish. not_entailment 3051 What is the common coastal pleurobrachia called? Cydippid ctenophores have bodies that are more or less rounded, sometimes nearly spherical and other times more cylindrical or egg-shaped; the common coastal "sea gooseberry," Pleurobrachia, sometimes has an egg-shaped body with the mouth at the narrow end, although some individuals are more uniformly round. entailment 3052 What is an apicoplast? They were once thought to be related to the helicosproidia, but it is now known that the helicosproida are green algae rather than chromalveolates. not_entailment 3053 What show did Peter Jennings anchor for ABC? the ABC News building was renamed Peter Jennings Way in 2006 in honor of the recently deceased longtime ABC News chief anchor and anchor of World News Tonight. entailment 3054 Why did French feel they had right to Ohio claim? Saint-Pierre said, "As to the Summons you send me to retire, I do not think myself obliged to obey it." not_entailment 3055 What is a complex net of contracts and other legal obligations? A construction project is a complex net of contracts and other legal obligations, each of which all parties must carefully consider. entailment 3056 What astronomer worked for Kublai? Among Kublai Khan's top engineers and scientists was the astronomer Guo Shoujing, who was tasked with many public works projects and helped the Yuan reform the lunisolar calendar to provide an accuracy of 365.2425 days of the year, which was only 26 seconds off the modern Gregorian calendar's measurement. entailment 3057 Who considers Luther's speech a world classic? At the end of this speech, Luther raised his arm "in the traditional salute of a knight winning a bout." not_entailment 3058 What is the present-day location of this church? It is now located at Soho Square. entailment 3059 Where does the gold in the parliamentary mace come from? At the beginning of each sitting in the chamber, the lid of the case is rotated so that the mace is above the glass, to symbolise that a full meeting of the Parliament is taking place. not_entailment 3060 Innate cells can act as mediators in the activation of what branch of the immune system? Innate cells are also important mediators in the activation of the adaptive immune system. entailment 3061 Who was the ruling class ahead of the Normans? The nobility of England were part of a single Normans culture and many had lands on both sides of the channel. not_entailment 3062 What was the resolution of the cameras used in the EyeVision 360 system? CBS introduced new features during the telecast, including pylon cameras and microphones along with EyeVision 360—an array of 36 cameras along the upper deck that can be used to provide a 360-degree view of plays and "bullet time" effects. not_entailment 3063 Who translated this version of the scriptures? Around 1294, a French version of the Scriptures was prepared by the Roman Catholic priest, Guyard de Moulin. entailment 3064 What are some of the accepted general principles of European Union law? Accepted general principles of European Union Law include fundamental rights (see human rights), proportionality, legal certainty, equality before the law and subsidiarity. entailment 3065 What magnitude of earthquake can many faults produce? Many faults are able to produce a magnitude 6.7+ earthquake, such as the San Andreas Fault, which can produce a magnitude 8.0 event. entailment 3066 What is the English translation of tawhid? This state should be a "theo-democracy," based on the principles of: tawhid (unity of God), risala (prophethood) and khilafa (caliphate). entailment 3067 What did Luther's degree in 1509 concern? He received a bachelor's degree in Biblical studies on 9 March 1508, and another bachelor's degree in the Sentences by Peter Lombard in 1509. entailment 3068 By what year was selling children into slavery common among the Mongols? The Mongols practiced debt slavery, and by 1290 in all parts of the Mongol Empire commoners were selling their children into slavery. entailment 3069 What company developed the most successful steam engine indicator? The most useful instrument for analyzing the performance of steam engines is the steam engine indicator. not_entailment 3070 What aspect of Western medicine did the Chinese dislike? Chinese physicians opposed Western medicine because its humoral system contradicted the yin-yang and wuxing philosophy underlying traditional Chinese medicine. entailment 3071 What were the first two stations to carry ABC's programming? Since its inception, ABC has had many affiliated stations, which include WABC-TV and WPVI-TV, the first two stations to carry the network's programming. entailment 3072 In what years did the show see audiences as high as 12 million? The first of these was the "Dalekmania" period (circa 1964–1965), when the popularity of the Daleks regularly brought Doctor Who ratings of between 9 and 14 million, even for stories which did not feature them. not_entailment 3073 What is the biggest ABC subchannel affiliate by the size of markets? The E. W. Scripps Company is the largest operator of ABC stations in terms of overall market reach, owning 15 ABC-affiliated stations (including affiliates in larger markets such as Cleveland, Phoenix, Detroit and Denver), and through its ownership of Phoenix affiliate KNXV, Las Vegas affiliate KTNV-TV and Tucson affiliate KGUN-TV, the only provider of ABC programming for the majority of Arizona (outside of the Yuma-El Centro market) and Southern Nevada. not_entailment 3074 The frequent availability of what substance allowed land-based steam engines to exhaust a great deal of steam? Prior to and during World War I, the expansion engine dominated marine applications where high vessel speed was not essential. not_entailment 3075 What helped the Lama determine to be reborn? A Lama who has through phowa and siddhi consciously determined to be reborn, often many times, in order to continue their Bodhisattva vow is called a Tulku. entailment 3076 What did the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act ban? On January 17, 1972, Elton Rule was named President and Chief Operating Officer of ABC a few months after Goldenson reduced his role in the company after suffering a heart attack. not_entailment 3077 How many Doctor Who episodes have been shown, in total? 826 Doctor Who instalments have been televised since 1963, ranging between 25-minute episodes (the most common format), 45-minute episodes (for Resurrection of the Daleks in the 1984 series, a single season in 1985, and the revival), two feature-length productions (1983's The Five Doctors and the 1996 television film), eight Christmas specials (most of 60 minutes' duration, one of 72 minutes), and four additional specials ranging from 60 to 75 minutes in 2009, 2010 and 2013. entailment 3078 When was the first plastome sequenced? It is also known as the plastome. not_entailment 3079 How much did Tesla spend on the injured pigeon? Tesla spent over $2,000, including building a device that comfortably supported her so her bones could heal, to fix her broken wing and leg. entailment 3080 What religion were the Normans The Normans were famed for their martial spirit and eventually for their Christian piety, becoming exponents of the Catholic orthodoxy into which they assimilated. entailment 3081 Who masterminded many terror attacks? Saudi Arabia attempted to compensate for its loss of prestige among these groups by repressing those domestic Islamists who attacked it (bin Laden being a prime example), and increasing aid to Islamic groups (Islamist madrassas around the world and even aiding some violent Islamist groups) that did not, but its pre-war influence on behalf of moderation was greatly reduced. not_entailment 3082 What authority enforced the ban on the 95 Theses? The enforcement of the ban on the 95 Theses fell to the secular authorities. entailment 3083 What does the City Council divide itself into? Bills passed by a simple majority are sent to the mayor (the President of Warsaw), who may sign them into law. not_entailment 3084 In which year are the Meissen Vulture in the V&A collection dated? Well represented in the collection is Meissen porcelain, from the first factory in Europe to discover the Chinese method of making porcelain. not_entailment 3085 When was the last time California hosted a Super Bowl? On May 21, 2013, NFL owners at their spring meetings in Boston voted and awarded the game to Levi's Stadium. not_entailment 3086 An MSP may introduce a bill as what? Bills pass through Parliament in a number of stages: not_entailment 3087 What type of soil is considered a product of soil management by indigenous peoples in the Amazon Forest? Terra preta (black earth), which is distributed over large areas in the Amazon forest, is now widely accepted as a product of indigenous soil management. entailment 3088 Where did the Meuse flow before the flood? Before the St. Elizabeth's flood (1421), the Meuse flowed just south of today's line Merwede-Oude Maas to the North Sea and formed an archipelago-like estuary with Waal and Lek. entailment 3089 what is Internet2 Internet2 is a not-for-profit United States computer networking consortium led by members from the research and education communities, industry, and government. entailment 3090 Who ended up replacing Joseph Francis Shea as ASPO Manager? Manager Joseph Francis Shea, replacing him with George Low. entailment 3091 What is most of the cleared land in the Amazon region used for? Between 1991 and 2000, the total area of forest lost in the Amazon rose from 415,000 to 587,000 square kilometres (160,000 to 227,000 sq mi), with most of the lost forest becoming pasture for cattle. entailment 3092 Peroxides, nitrates and dichromates are examples of what type of compounds? Combustion hazards also apply to compounds of oxygen with a high oxidative potential, such as peroxides, chlorates, nitrates, perchlorates, and dichromates because they can donate oxygen to a fire. entailment 3093 What proclamation officially ended limited Huguenot autonomy? Even before the Edict of Alès (1629), Protestant rule was dead and the ville de sûreté was no more.[citation needed] entailment 3094 In what year was the Super Bowl last held in the Miami/South Florida area? The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX), held at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California, won by the home team 49ers. not_entailment 3095 Which sized cars were the least demanded cars in the crisis? The crisis reduced the demand for large cars. entailment 3096 What is the average weight of the biomass per hectare in the Amazon? The total number of tree species in the region is estimated at 16,000. not_entailment 3097 What country is this teaching subject discussing? This is true throughout most of the United States as well. entailment 3098 What were these indulgences supposed to grant the giver? He insisted that, since forgiveness was God's alone to grant, those who claimed that indulgences absolved buyers from all punishments and granted them salvation were in error. entailment 3099 Where can the entire sedimentary sequence of the Grand Canyon be seen in less than the length of a meter? Stretching of units can result in their thinning; in fact, there is a location within the Maria Fold and Thrust Belt in which the entire sedimentary sequence of the Grand Canyon can be seen over a length of less than a meter. entailment 3100 How effective was the military use of the "Afghan Arabs"? While the military effectiveness of these "Afghan Arabs" was marginal, an estimated 16,000 to 35,000 Muslim volunteers came from around the world came to fight in Afghanistan. entailment 3101 What is the process by which the immune system identifies tumors called? This is called immune surveillance. entailment 3102 When did the so called gentlemen's agreement between Sadat and the Islamists break down? This "gentlemen's agreement" between Sadat and Islamists broke down in 1975 but not before Islamists came to completely dominate university student unions. entailment 3103 What effect does rubisco's flaw have? This is a big problem, since O2 is produced by the initial light reactions of photosynthesis, causing issues down the line in the Calvin cycle which uses rubisco. not_entailment 3104 Why are coastal species tough? Coastal species need to be tough enough to withstand waves and swirling sediment particles, while some oceanic species are so fragile that it is very difficult to capture them intact for study. entailment 3105 Most of the museum's collection had been returned by which year? By 1948 most of the collections had been returned to the museum. entailment 3106 What did Tesla do in Tomingaj? Tesla said that this contact with nature made him stronger, both physically and mentally. not_entailment 3107 Informal imperialism is still dominant; however, less what? " Imperialism is particularly focused on the control that one group, often a state power, has on another group of people. not_entailment 3108 What term is shorthand for antibody generators? In immunology, self molecules are those components of an organism's body that can be distinguished from foreign substances by the immune system. not_entailment 3109 What Han Chinese leader defected to the Mongols? Two Han Chinese leaders, Shi Tianze, Liu Heima (劉黑馬, Liu Ni), and the Khitan Xiao Zhala (蕭札剌) defected and commanded the 3 Tumens in the Mongol army. entailment 3110 What network is Newcastle a member of? Newcastle is a member of the English Core Cities Group and is a member of the Eurocities network of European cities. entailment 3111 The time required to output an answer on a deterministic Turing machine is expressed as what? The time required by a deterministic Turing machine M on input x is the total number of state transitions, or steps, the machine makes before it halts and outputs the answer ("yes" or "no"). entailment 3112 Which Spanish officer established the settlement at St. Augustine? In 1562, naval officer Jean Ribault led an expedition that explored Florida and the present-day Southeastern U.S., and founded the outpost of Charlesfort on Parris Island, South Carolina. not_entailment 3113 Deacons serve a term of how many years as provisional deacons? Deacons serve a term of 2–3 years as provisional deacons prior to their ordination. entailment 3114 For how long did Tesla receive this compensation? Starting in 1934, the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company began paying Tesla $125 per month as well as paying his rent at the Hotel New Yorker, expenses the Company would pay for the rest of Tesla's life. entailment 3115 What yard marker on the field was painted gold? Gold footballs were given to each high school that has had a player or coach appear in the Super Bowl, and "homecoming" events were also held by Super Bowl-winning teams at games. not_entailment 3116 What type of architecture is the Palace of Four Windows an impressive example of? The neoclassical architecture in Warsaw can be described by the simplicity of the geometrical forms teamed with a great inspiration from the Roman period. not_entailment 3117 What happened to the ground water in the Rhine during the Rhine straightening program? The rate of flow was increased and the ground water level fell significantly. entailment 3118 What do nuclear power plants heat to create electricity? Virtually all nuclear power plants generate electricity by heating water to provide steam that drives a turbine connected to an electrical generator. entailment 3119 In which months does Fresno experience increased wind coming from the southeastern direction? Most of the wind rose direction occurrences derive from the northwest, as winds are driven downward along the axis of the California Central Valley; in December, January and February there is an increased presence of southeastern wind directions in the wind rose statistics. entailment 3120 Who presided over the assembly? This was a general assembly of the estates of the Holy Roman Empire that took place in Worms, a town on the Rhine. not_entailment 3121 Where is a palm house with subtropic plants from all over the world on display? They have extensive botanical collection of rare domestic and foreign plants, while a palm house in the New Orangery displays plants of subtropics from all over the world. entailment 3122 What type of materials inside the cabin were removed to help prevent more fire hazards in the future? To remedy the causes of the fire, changes were made in the Block II spacecraft and operational procedures, the most important of which were use of a nitrogen/oxygen mixture instead of pure oxygen before and during launch, and removal of flammable cabin and space suit materials. entailment 3123 How often are elections for the counsel held? Council members are elected directly every four years. entailment 3124 Whose tune did Luther adapt for the hymn of Psalm 67? Luther adopted a preexisting Johann Walter tune associated with a hymnic setting of Psalm 67's prayer for grace; Wolf Heintz's four-part setting of the hymn was used to introduce the Lutheran Reformation in Halle in 1541. entailment 3125 What were the civil wars caused by the Huguenots called? The uprising occurred a decade following the death of Henry IV, a Huguenot before converting to Catholicism, who had protected Protestants through the Edict of Nantes. not_entailment 3126 When did Watt finish the development of his improvements to Newcomen's engine? The next major step occurred when James Watt developed (1763–1775) an improved version of Newcomen's engine, with a separate condenser. entailment 3127 How many pages was the Kalven Report statement? After continued turmoil, a university committee in 1967 issued what became known as the Kalven Report. not_entailment 3128 Who received the pass that was ruled incomplete and confirmed after a challenge? After each team punted, Panthers quarterback Cam Newton appeared to complete a 24-yard pass Jerricho Cotchery, but the call was ruled an incompletion and upheld after a replay challenge. entailment 3129 When was the UMC formed? With the formation of The United Methodist Church in 1968, theologian Albert C. Outler led the team which systematized denominational doctrine. entailment 3130 When was the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report published? The section discussed the divergence problem affecting certain tree ring data. not_entailment 3131 Who lead the school back to leading research institution in 2oth century? James Bryant Conant (president, 1933–1953) reinvigorated creative scholarship to guarantee its preeminence among research institutions. entailment 3132 How many Doctor Who soundtracks have been released since 2005? Six soundtrack releases have been released since 2005. entailment 3133 What is the system by which prokaryotes retain phage gene fragments that they have previously come in contact with? Prokaryotes also possess acquired immunity, through a system that uses CRISPR sequences to retain fragments of the genomes of phage that they have come into contact with in the past, which allows them to block virus replication through a form of RNA interference. entailment 3134 What else did the new consitution change? As of that day, the new constitution heralding the Second Republic came into force. not_entailment 3135 What special was created for the show's 30th anniversary? In 1993, for the franchise's 30th anniversary, another charity special, titled Dimensions in Time was produced for Children in Need, featuring all of the surviving actors who played the Doctor and a number of previous companions. entailment 3136 What city later became Beijing? Kublai readied the move of the Mongol capital from Karakorum in Mongolia to Khanbaliq in 1264, constructing a new city near the former Jurchen capital Zhongdu, now modern Beijing, in 1266. entailment 3137 How many casualties did British get? Approximately 1,000 British soldiers were killed or injured. entailment 3138 What author did Tesla credit for his recovery? He read many books while in Tomingaj, and later said that Mark Twain's works had helped him to miraculously recover from his earlier illness. entailment 3139 Who was hired to be the deputy director of the Office of Manned Space Flight? The engineers at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) took longer to become convinced of its merits, but their conversion was announced by Wernher von Braun at a briefing in June 1962. not_entailment 3140 How much land do farms use in Victoria? As of 2004, an estimated 32,463 farms occupied around 136,000 square kilometres (52,500 sq mi) of Victorian land. entailment 3141 What are the principal cash crops in Kenya? The principal cash crops are tea, horticultural produce, and coffee. entailment 3142 By what year had Temüjin created a significant "Mongol" tribal alliance? At a Khuruldai, a council of Mongol chiefs, Temüjin was acknowledged as "Khan" of the consolidated tribes and took the new title "Genghis Khan". not_entailment 3143 Classification of resources is contingent on determining the upper and lower bounds of minimum time required by what? To classify the computation time (or similar resources, such as space consumption), one is interested in proving upper and lower bounds on the minimum amount of time required by the most efficient algorithm solving a given problem. entailment 3144 Who sold the Upper Rhine to Burgundy? The mouths of the Rhine, in the county of Holland, fell to the Burgundian Netherlands in the 15th century; Holland remained contentious territory throughout the European wars of religion and the eventual collapse of the Holy Roman Empire, when the length of the Rhine fell to the First French Empire and its client states. not_entailment 3145 What is Warsaw known as in Polish? Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9th most-populous capital city in the European Union. not_entailment 3146 Who is Methodism's revered founder? Such exemplary saints include martyrs, confessors of the Faith, evangelists, or important biblical figures such as Saint Matthew, Lutheran theologian and martyr to the Nazis Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Salvation Army Founder William Booth, African missionary David Livingstone and Methodism's revered founder John Wesley are among many cited as Protestant saints. entailment 3147 What forest is by Warsaw's southern border? Other big forest area is Kabaty Forest by the southern city border. entailment 3148 What did Luther identify the Papacy as? The antichrist of 2 Thessalonians 2 was identified as the power of the Papacy. entailment 3149 Who designed the bronze doors used as the main entrance to the museum? The last work by Fowke was the design for the range of buildings on the north and west sides of the garden, this includes the refreshment rooms, reinstated as the Museum Café in 2006, with the silver gallery above, (at the time the ceramics gallery), the top floor has a splendid lecture theatre although this is seldom open to the general public. not_entailment 3150 Who is the designer of the "50?" Like the Lombardi Trophy, the "50" will be designed by Tiffany & Co. entailment 3151 Who lost 3 yards on a tackle by Shaq Thompson? First, linebacker Shaq Thompson tackled Ronnie Hillman for a 3-yard loss. entailment 3152 What is another name for State Route 168? State Route 168, the Sierra Freeway, heads east to the city of Clovis and Huntington Lake. entailment 3153 Who filed an objection to the BBC using the blue police box in Doctor Who merchandise? In 1996, the BBC applied for a trade mark to use the TARDIS' blue police box design in merchandising associated with Doctor Who. not_entailment 3154 Who transported Tesla's ashes from the US. In 1957, Kosanović's secretary Charlotte Muzar transported Tesla's ashes from the United States to Belgrade. entailment 3155 How is the time needed to obtain the solution to a problem calculated? Thus the time required to solve a problem (or the space required, or any measure of complexity) is calculated as a function of the size of the instance. entailment 3156 Who was the number two draft pick for 2011? This was the first Super Bowl to feature a quarterback on both teams who was the #1 pick in their draft classes. not_entailment 3157 Who were the astronauts aboard the Apollo 11 mission? The G mission was achieved on Apollo 11 in July 1969 by an all-Gemini veteran crew consisting of Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin. entailment 3158 Interest groups and government agencies that were concerned with energy were no match for who? Further, interest groups and government agencies more worried about energy were no match for Kissinger's dominance. entailment 3159 What publication did Philip Howard work for? Responding to the findings of the survey in The Times newspaper, journalist Philip Howard maintained that, "to compare the violence of Dr Who, sired by a horse-laugh out of a nightmare, with the more realistic violence of other television series, where actors who look like human beings bleed paint that looks like blood, is like comparing Monopoly with the property market in London: both are fantasies, but one is meant to be taken seriously." entailment 3160 Which Carolina Panthers player was named Most Valuable Player? They joined the Patriots, Dallas Cowboys, and Pittsburgh Steelers as one of four teams that have made eight appearances in the Super Bowl. not_entailment 3161 By justification certain racial and geographical theories, Europe thought of itself as what? According to Siad, orientalism allowed Europe to establish itself as the superior and the norm, which justified its dominance over the essentialized Orient. entailment 3162 Outside of livestock, what else was considered a major industry in the agriculture regions? In one of the richest agricultural regions in the U.S., cattle and citrus were major industries until farmlands were turned into suburbs. entailment 3163 Who designed the Turner and Vernon galleries that were built in 1858-9? The next major expansions were designed by the same architect, the Turner and Vernon galleries built 1858-9 to house the eponymous collections (later transferred to the Tate Gallery) and now used as the picture galleries and tapestry gallery respectively. not_entailment 3164 Who was the ABC Radio president in 1968? In July 1968, ABC Radio launched a special programming project for its FM stations, which was spearheaded by Allen Shaw, a former program manager at WCFL in Chicago who was approached by ABC Radio president Harold L. Neal to develop a format to compete with the new progressive rock and DJ-helmed stations. entailment 3165 Who directed Stormy Monday? The 1971 film Get Carter was shot on location in and around Newcastle and offers an opportunity to see what Newcastle looked like in the 1960s and early 1970s. not_entailment 3166 What were the papal legate's orders from the Pope? Cajetan's original instructions had been to arrest Luther if he failed to recant, but the legate desisted from doing so. entailment 3167 What is one condition that an element p of R must satisfy in order to be considered a prime element? An element p of R is called prime element if it is neither zero nor a unit (i.e., does not have a multiplicative inverse) and satisfies the following requirement: given x and y in R such that p divides the product xy, then p divides x or y. An element is irreducible if it is not a unit and cannot be written as a product of two ring elements that are not units. entailment 3168 What team did the Panthers defeat? They defeated the Arizona Cardinals 49–15 in the NFC Championship Game and advanced to their second Super Bowl appearance since the franchise was founded in 1995. entailment 3169 Where was France's Huguenot population largely centered? As Huguenots gained influence and more openly displayed their faith, Catholic hostility grew, in spite of increasingly liberal political concessions and edicts of toleration from the French crown. not_entailment 3170 What branch is independant of the other branches? The President is both the head of state and head of government, and of a multi-party system. not_entailment 3171 Who was the defensive coordinator for the Broncos in 2015? Under defensive coordinator Wade Phillips, the Broncos' defense ranked number one in total yards allowed, passing yards allowed and sacks, and like the previous three seasons, the team has continued to set numerous individual, league and franchise records. entailment 3172 How much retail activity does the neighborhood have? Due to its position on the edge of the city and years of neglect by developers, is not a true "inner-city" neighborhood, and there are many vacant lots, strawberry fields and vineyards throughout the neighborhood. not_entailment 3173 Which female anchor from Today joined Hugh Downs on 20/20? In June 1978, Arledge created the newsmagazine 20/20; after its first episode received harshly negative reviews, the program – which debuted as a summer series, before becoming a year-round program in 1979 – was immediately revamped to feature a mix of in-depth stories and interviews, with Hugh Downs appointed as its anchor (later paired alongside his former Today colleague Barbara Walters). entailment 3174 In which months does Fresno experience increased wind coming from the southeastern direction? Summers provide considerable sunshine, with July peaking at 97 percent of the total possible sunlight hours; conversely, January is the lowest with only 46 percent of the daylight time in sunlight because of thick tule fog. not_entailment 3175 How did Luther smuggle 12 nuns out of a convent during the rebellion? At the time of their marriage, Katharina was 26 years old and Luther was 41 years old. not_entailment 3176 Besides taking in boarders, how did Katharina help support the family? Between bearing six children, Hans – June 1526; Elizabeth – 10 December 1527, who died within a few months; Magdalene – 1529, who died in Luther's arms in 1542; Martin – 1531; Paul – January 1533; and Margaret – 1534; Katharina helped the couple earn a living by farming the land and taking in boarders. entailment 3177 Who did the Panthers play to advance to the Super Bowl? The Panthers beat the Seattle Seahawks in the divisional round, running up a 31–0 halftime lead and then holding off a furious second half comeback attempt to win 31–24, avenging their elimination from a year earlier. not_entailment 3178 Who missed a field goal for the Panthers? After the miss, Manning completed a pair of passes to Emmanuel Sanders for gains of 25 and 22 yards, setting up McManus' 33-yard field goal that gave the Broncos a 16–7 lead. not_entailment 3179 How many affiliates does Sinclair Broadcast Group service or own? The Sinclair Broadcast Group is the largest operator of ABC stations by numerical total, owning or providing services to 28 ABC affiliates and two additional subchannel-only affiliates; Sinclair owns the largest ABC subchannel affiliate by market size, WABM-DT2/WDBB-DT2 in the Birmingham market, which serve as repeaters of WBMA-LD (the largest low-power "Big Four" affiliate by market size, which itself is also simulcast on a subchannel of former WBMA satellite WGWW, owned by Sinclair partner company Howard Stirk Holdings). entailment 3180 What was done to the Trajan's Column replica to fit it under the ceiling? Replicas of two earlier Davids by Donatello's David and Verrocchio's David, are also included, although for conservation reasons the Verrocchio replica is displayed in a glass case. not_entailment 3181 When was the Masovian Duchy reincorporated into the Polish Crown? Upon the extinction of the local ducal line, the duchy was reincorporated into the Polish Crown in 1526. entailment 3182 What was the estimated population of Pons Aelius around the 2nd century? It was given the family name of the Roman Emperor Hadrian, who founded it in the 2nd century AD. not_entailment 3183 What combined with ricing prices to make it difficult or impossible for poor people to keep pace? A number of researchers (David Rodda, Jacob Vigdor, and Janna Matlack), argue that a shortage of affordable housing – at least in the US – is caused in part by income inequality. not_entailment 3184 How many times has Polonia won the cup? They also won the country’s championship in 1946, and won the cup twice as well. entailment 3185 The Rhine is the longest river in what country? The Rhine is the longest river in Germany. entailment 3186 What service did Verizon customers need to use to stream the game on their smartphones? Due to Verizon Communications exclusivity, streaming on smartphones was only provided to Verizon Wireless customers via the NFL Mobile service. entailment 3187 How is Genghis Khan spelled in Turkic? Genghis Khan, the title is spelled in variety of ways in different languages such as Mongolian Chinggis Khaan, English Chinghiz, Chinghis, and Chingiz, Chinese: 成吉思汗; pinyin: Chéngjísī Hán, Turkic: Cengiz Han, Çingiz Xan, Çingiz Han, Chingizxon, Çıñğız Xan, Chengez Khan, Chinggis Khan, Chinggis Xaan, Chingis Khan, Jenghis Khan, Chinggis Qan, Djingis Kahn, Russian: Чингисхан (Čingiskhan) or Чингиз-хан (Čingiz-khan), etc. entailment 3188 How often does the General Conference meet? The General Conference meets every four years (quadrennium). entailment 3189 How many Huguenots were killed in Toulouse? Nearly 3,000 Protestants were slaughtered in Toulouse alone. entailment 3190 Who receives higher salaries at private schools that charge higher tuition? High tuition, schools claim, is used to pay higher salaries for the best teachers and also used to provide enriched learning environments, including a low student to teacher ratio, small class sizes and services, such as libraries, science laboratories and computers. entailment 3191 What is to blame for the burdens in health care in Kenya? Diseases of poverty directly correlate with a country's economic performance and wealth distribution: Half of Kenyans live below the poverty level. not_entailment 3192 What language is used in Chinese secondary schools in Malaysia? While Chinese primary schools were allowed to retain Chinese as the medium of instruction, Chinese secondary schools are required to change into English-medium schools. entailment 3193 What motivation is opportunity-based entrepreneurship driven by? However, most of it is often based on necessity rather than opportunity. not_entailment 3194 Whose relics reside in the Becket Casket? One of the rarest items in the collection is the 58 cm high Gloucester Candlestick, dated to c1110, made from gilt bronze; with highly elaborate and intricate intertwining branches containing small figures and inscriptions, it is a tour de force of bronze casting. not_entailment 3195 Where was France concentraing efforts? William Pitt came to power and significantly increased British military resources in the colonies at a time when France was unwilling to risk large convoys to aid the limited forces it had in New France. not_entailment 3196 The academic body of the university is made up of how many professional schools? The academic bodies of the University of Chicago consist of the College, four divisions of graduate research and seven professional schools. entailment 3197 When was al-Nimeiry overthrown? After al-Nimeiry was overthrown in 1985 the party did poorly in national elections, but in 1989 it was able to overthrow the elected post-al-Nimeiry government with the help of the military. entailment 3198 When was the FCC's sixth report and order released? In 1952, when the release of the FCC's Sixth Report and Order announced the end of its freeze on new station license applications, among the issues the Commission was slated to address was whether to approve the UPT-ABC merger. entailment 3199 How long would this coalition last? On 28 February 2008, Kibaki and Odinga signed an agreement on the formation of a coalition government in which Odinga would become Kenya's second Prime Minister. not_entailment 3200 How many atoms combine to form dioxygen? It is a member of the chalcogen group on the periodic table and is a highly reactive nonmetal and oxidizing agent that readily forms compounds (notably oxides) with most elements. not_entailment 3201 Who is the NFL's vice president of brand and creative? Jaime Weston, the league's vice president of brand and creative, explained that a primary reason for the change was the difficulty of designing an aesthetically pleasing logo with the letter "L" using the standardized logo template introduced at Super Bowl XLV. entailment 3202 What sort of motion did Watt's steam engine continuously produce? In 1781 James Watt patented a steam engine that produced continuous rotary motion. entailment 3203 What is another word for diatom? The diatom endosymbiont's nucleus is present, but it probably can't be called a nucleomorph because it shows no sign of genome reduction, and might have even been expanded. not_entailment 3204 What is being described when simplicity of geometrical forms are teamed with inspiration from the Roman period? The Neoclassical revival affected all aspects of architecture, the most notable are the Great Theater (1825–1833) and buildings located at Bank Square (1825–1828). not_entailment 3205 What may explain why some Americans who've become rich may have had a head start? Inherited wealth may help explain why many Americans who have become rich may have had a "substantial head start". entailment 3206 What late Gothic architectural sculptural feature is found on the tower above the main entrance? The main windows to the galleries are also mullioned and transomed, again a Gothic feature, the top row of windows are interspersed with statues of many of the British artists whose work is displayed in the museum. not_entailment 3207 What register did Chris Keates think that some teachers should not be placed on? Chris Keates, the general secretary of National Association of Schoolmasters Union of Women Teachers, said that teachers who have sex with pupils over the age of consent should not be placed on the sex offenders register and that prosecution for statutory rape "is a real anomaly in the law that we are concerned about. entailment 3208 What is the name for a response of the immune system that damages the body's native tissues? They are divided into four classes (Type I – IV) based on the mechanisms involved and the time course of the hypersensitive reaction. not_entailment 3209 Who did the Broncos tie with the most sacks in a Super Bowl? Manning became the oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl at age 39, and the first quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl with two different teams, while Gary Kubiak became the first head coach to win a Super Bowl with the same franchise he went to the Super Bowl with as a player. not_entailment 3210 How many large public parks does Fresno have? Woodward Park, which features the Shinzen Japanese Gardens, numerous picnic areas and several miles of trails, is in North Fresno and is adjacent to the San Joaquin River Parkway. not_entailment 3211 Who presented the Edict of Worms declaring Luther to be an outlaw? The Emperor presented the final draft of the Edict of Worms on 25 May 1521, declaring Luther an outlaw, banning his literature, and requiring his arrest: "We want him to be apprehended and punished as a notorious heretic. entailment 3212 When did DFDS terminate its services to Norway? The DFDS ferry service to Gothenburg, Sweden, ceased at the end of October 2006 – the company cited high fuel prices and new competition from low-cost air services as the cause – and their service to Bergen and Stavanger, Norway was terminated late 2008. entailment 3213 What Han Chinese leader defected to the Mongols? Many Han Chinese and Khitan defected to the Mongols to fight against the Jin. not_entailment 3214 When did Tesla depart Graz? In December 1878, Tesla left Graz and severed all relations with his family to hide the fact that he dropped out of school. entailment 3215 Which group seeks to reconceive and promote Biblical holiness in today's church? It is also active in the World Methodist Council, an interdenominational group composed of various churches in the tradition of John Wesley to promote the Gospel throughout the world. not_entailment 3216 What are teachers expected to give their students? A modern example of school discipline in North America and Western Europe relies upon the idea of an assertive teacher who is prepared to impose their will upon a class. not_entailment 3217 What is chloroplast DNA abbreviated as? Chloroplasts have their own DNA, often abbreviated as ctDNA, or cpDNA. entailment 3218 In what year did the serial format change for the Doctor Who series? The serial format changed for the 2005 revival, with each series usually consisting of 13 45-minute, self-contained episodes (60 minutes with adverts, on overseas commercial channels), and an extended episode broadcast on Christmas Day. entailment 3219 When did the Meuse and Waal merge? From 1421 to 1904, the Meuse and Waal merged further upstream at Gorinchem to form Merwede. entailment 3220 What was the passer rating for Peyton Manning that he finished out with for the season? Manning finished the year with a career-low 67.9 passer rating, throwing for 2,249 yards and nine touchdowns, with 17 interceptions. entailment 3221 What does zhèng mean? Zhèng (Chinese: 正) meaning "right", "just", or "true", would have received the Mongolian adjectival modifier -s, creating "Jenggis", which in medieval romanization would be written "Genghis". entailment 3222 What type of impact can the residents of Newcastle expect the city's noise to have on them? The report claimed that these noise levels would have a negative long-term impact on the health of the city's residents. entailment 3223 What pushed up the Pyrenees? At about 180 MBP, in the Jurassic Period, the two plates reversed direction and began to compress the Tethys floor, causing it to be subducted under Eurasia and pushing up the edge of the latter plate in the Alpine Orogeny of the Oligocene and Miocene Periods. not_entailment 3224 What is the process by which the adaptive immune system is evaded by the chainging of non-essential epitopes called? Masking antigens with host molecules is another common strategy for avoiding detection by the immune system. not_entailment 3225 What is the oldest Methodist church in continuous use in the United States? St. George's United Methodist Church, located at the corner of 4th and New Streets, in the Old City neighborhood of Philadelphia, is the oldest Methodist church in continuous use in the United States, beginning in 1769. entailment 3226 Where did the president appoint cabinet members from? The agreement stipulated that the cabinet would include a vice-president and two deputy Prime Ministers. not_entailment 3227 What kicker was successful on a 33-yard field goal? After the miss, Manning completed a pair of passes to Emmanuel Sanders for gains of 25 and 22 yards, setting up McManus' 33-yard field goal that gave the Broncos a 16–7 lead. entailment 3228 Who was the head of the household that Temüjin joined when he was nine years old? His father arranged a marriage for him, and at nine years of age he was delivered by his father to the family of his future wife Börte, who was a member of the tribe Khongirad. not_entailment 3229 Into what religion was Martin Luther baptized? He was baptized as a Catholic the next morning on the feast day of St. Martin of Tours. entailment 3230 Where do plenary meetings take place? Plenary meetings in the debating chamber usually take place on Wednesday afternoons from 2 pm to 6 pm and on Thursdays from 9:15 am to 6 pm. entailment 3231 What day was the game played on? As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the "golden anniversary" with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as "Super Bowl L"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numerals 50. not_entailment 3232 What was the Harvard endowment total in 2011? It was worth $32 billion in 2011, up from $28 billion in September 2010 and $26 billion in 2009. entailment 3233 When did these rebellions take place? A series of three small civil wars known as the Huguenot rebellions broke out, mainly in southwestern France, between 1621 and 1629. entailment 3234 Why did OPEC raise the price of oil to $5.11? In response to American aid to Israel, on October 16, 1973, OPEC raised the posted price of oil by 70%, to $5.11 a barrel. entailment 3235 What was increased in November 2011? In November 2011 the capacity of the Tyne Tunnel was increased when a project to build a second road tunnel and refurbish the first tunnel was completed. entailment 3236 What percentage of British children are educated at GSCE level in fee-paying schools? According to The Good Schools Guide approximately 9 per cent of children being educated in the UK are doing so at fee-paying schools at GSCE level and 13 per cent at A-level.[citation needed] entailment 3237 What is the vast disparities in wealth attributed to by Socialists? In order to rectify this situation, socialists argue that the means of production should be socially owned so that income differentials would be reflective of individual contributions to the social product. not_entailment 3238 Who was New France's governor? Johnson's expedition was better organized than Shirley's, which was noticed by New France's governor, the Marquis de Vaudreuil. entailment 3239 What does oxygen the basis for in combustion? Fire and explosion hazards exist when concentrated oxidants and fuels are brought into close proximity; an ignition event, such as heat or a spark, is needed to trigger combustion. not_entailment 3240 Who is responsible for operating the electronic voting equipment and chamber clocks? A vote clerk sits in front of the Presiding Officer and operates the electronic voting equipment and chamber clocks. entailment 3241 What was published in February of 2007? In a report, published in early February 2007 by the Ear Institute at the University College London, and Widex, a Danish hearing aid manufacturer, Newcastle was named as the noisiest city in the whole of the UK, with an average level of 80.4 decibels. entailment 3242 Large public works, dams, bridges, highways, water/wastewater and utility distribution are under what construction sector? Infrastructure is often called heavy/highway, heavy civil or heavy engineering. entailment 3243 What kind of marriage was this ? Not that I am insensible to my flesh or sex (for I am neither wood nor stone); but my mind is averse to wedlock because I daily expect the death of a heretic." not_entailment 3244 In a 4-cylinder compound engine, what degree were the individual pistons balanced at? In one case (the first type of Vauclain compound), the pistons worked in the same phase driving a common crosshead and crank, again set at 90° as for a two-cylinder engine. not_entailment 3245 What was the nationality of Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont? Thomas Newcomen's atmospheric engine was the first commercial true steam engine using a piston, and was used in 1712 for pumping in a mine. not_entailment 3246 What was the protest in Antigone about? She is not at all afraid of the death he threatens her with (and eventually carries out), but she is afraid of how her conscience will smite her if she does not do this. not_entailment 3247 Where can you find more information on a country's practices? Official corporal punishment, often by caning, remains commonplace in schools in some Asian, African and Caribbean countries. not_entailment 3248 Does the new deal include Video on demand and High Definition? Currently there is no indication as to whether the new deal includes the additional Video On Demand and High Definition content which had previously been offered by BSkyB. entailment 3249 What university alumni member was known for his work on portfolio theory? American economist, social theorist, political philosopher, and author Thomas Sowell is also an alumnus. not_entailment 3250 What does connecting different Sky Q boxes enable them to do? The Sky Q Mini set top boxes connect to the Sky Q Silver set top boxes with a Wi-Fi or Power-line connection rather than receive their own satellite feeds. not_entailment 3251 What role in economics did the university play a major part in? The university's sociology department was the first independent sociology department in the United States and gave birth to the Chicago school of sociology. not_entailment 3252 Which descendant of Genghis Khan sacked Baghdad? His descendant Hulagu Khan destroyed much of Iran's northern part and sacked Baghdad although his forces were halted by the Mamluks of Egypt, but Hulagu's descendant Ghazan Khan would return to beat the Egyptian Mamluks right out of Levant, Palestine and even Gaza. entailment 3253 Who did Tesla credit for his abilities? Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla (née Mandić), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,:10 had a talent for making home craft tools, mechanical appliances, and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. not_entailment 3254 In what states are pharmacist clinicians given prescriptive and diagnostic authority? The official designation for pharmacists who pass the ambulatory care pharmacy specialty certification exam will be Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacist and these pharmacists will carry the initials BCACP. not_entailment 3255 What was Tampa's primary ABC affiliate prior to 1994? KQTV is licensed to St. Joseph, Missouri, which is designated by Nielsen as a separate market from Kansas City despite being located within 55 miles (89 km) of one another, while WWSB and WOTV serve areas that do not receive an adequate signal from their market's primary ABC affiliate (in the case of WWSB, this dates back to when WTSP was Tampa's primary ABC affiliate prior to 1994, with the former being necessitated to serve the southern part of the Tampa market including the station's city of license, Sarasota, due to WTSP's transmitter being short-spaced to avoid interfering with the analog signal of Miami affiliate WPLG – which like WTSP, broadcast on VHF channel 10). entailment 3256 Who build the major port city in Kenya? By the 15th-century, Portuguese voyager Duarte Barbosa claimed that "Mombasa is a place of great traffic and has a good harbour in which there are always moored small craft of many kinds and also great ships, both of which are bound from Sofala and others which come from Cambay and Melinde and others which sail to the island of Zanzibar." not_entailment 3257 Who wrote a pamphlet outlining the radical ideas of the extremists? Its views were outlined in a pamphlet written by Muhammad Abd al-Salaam Farag, in which he states: entailment 3258 What dilemma is a good example of moral civil disobedience? But Stephen Eilmann argues that if it is necessary to disobey rules that conflict with morality, we might ask why disobedience should take the form of public civil disobedience rather than simply covert lawbreaking. not_entailment 3259 Who were the Super Bowl 50 sideline announcers? The network's lead broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with Tracy Wolfson and Evan Washburn on the sidelines. entailment 3260 Why is it difficult to resolve disagreements about the changes in the Amazon rainforest? Some scientists argue that the rainforest was reduced to small, isolated refugia separated by open forest and grassland; other scientists argue that the rainforest remained largely intact but extended less far to the north, south, and east than is seen today. not_entailment 3261 In what city is SAP Center located? The game's media day, which was typically held on the Tuesday afternoon prior to the game, was moved to the Monday evening and re-branded as Super Bowl Opening Night. not_entailment 3262 Which uses of sculpture are represented in the collection? The sculpture collection at the V&A is the most comprehensive holding of post-classical European sculpture in the world. not_entailment 3263 Who attends Loreto Normanhurst? Although most are non-aligned, some of the best known independent schools also belong to the large, long-established religious foundations, such as the Anglican Church, Uniting Church and Presbyterian Church, but in most cases, they do not insist on their students’ religious allegiance. not_entailment 3264 What did Martin Luther do during 1510 to 1520? From 1510 to 1520, Luther lectured on the Psalms, the books of Hebrews, Romans, and Galatians. entailment 3265 What type of civil disobedience is larger scale? Non-revolutionary civil disobedience is a simple disobedience of laws on the grounds that they are judged "wrong" by an individual conscience, or as part of an effort to render certain laws ineffective, to cause their repeal, or to exert pressure to get one's political wishes on some other issue. not_entailment 3266 What halftime performer previously headlined Super Bowl XLVII? The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest performers Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVII and Super Bowl XLVIII halftime shows, respectively. entailment 3267 When is the funfair held in Newcastle? Another green space in Newcastle is the Town Moor, lying immediately north of the city centre. not_entailment 3268 In which year did the museum started charging free admission fees? Like other national British museums, entrance to the museum has been free since 2001. entailment 3269 How did Genghis Khan describe himself to the people of Bukhara? Survivors from the citadel were executed, artisans and craftsmen were sent back to Mongolia, young men who had not fought were drafted into the Mongolian army and the rest of the population was sent into slavery. not_entailment 3270 Goldenson proposed a merger between UPT and what network in October 1954? Goldenson added to the confusion when, in October 1954, he proposed a merger between UPT and the DuMont Television Network, which was also mired in financial trouble. entailment 3271 Granite is made up largely of what chemical compound? The Earth's crustal rock is composed in large part of oxides of silicon (silica SiO_2, as found in granite and quartz), aluminium (aluminium oxide Al_2O_3, in bauxite and corundum), iron (iron(III) oxide Fe_2O_3, in hematite and rust), and calcium carbonate (in limestone). entailment 3272 What si the comparison to sea level with the oxygen level in space suits? Breathing pure O_2 in space applications, such as in some modern space suits, or in early spacecraft such as Apollo, causes no damage due to the low total pressures used. not_entailment 3273 How many of the fifteen points of discussion were agreed on? In October 1529, Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse, convoked an assembly of German and Swiss theologians at the Marburg Colloquy, to establish doctrinal unity in the emerging Protestant states. not_entailment 3274 Which Apollo was the first testing of the LM, unmanned, in Earth's orbit? Apollo 5 (AS-204) was the first unmanned test flight of LM in Earth orbit, launched from pad 37 on January 22, 1968, by the Saturn IB that would have been used for Apollo 1. entailment 3275 Who were two of Kublai's Chinese advisers? Chinese advisers such as Liu Bingzhong and Yao Shu gave strong influence to Kublai's early court, and the central government administration was established within the first decade of Kublai's reign. entailment 3276 The V&A has the world's most comprehensive collection of sculptures from which period? The sculpture collection at the V&A is the most comprehensive holding of post-classical European sculpture in the world. entailment 3277 What was the goal of John Sheepshanks considerable bequest to the museum? In 1857 John Sheepshanks donated 233 paintings, mainly by contemporary British artists, and a similar number of drawings to the museum with the intention of forming a 'A National Gallery of British Art', a role since taken on by Tate Britain; artists represented are William Blake, James Barry, Henry Fuseli, Sir Edwin Henry Landseer, Sir David Wilkie, William Mulready, William Powell Frith, Millais and Hippolyte Delaroche. entailment 3278 What does Warsaw's mixture of architectural styles reflect? However, some of the buildings from the 19th century that had been preserved in reasonably reconstructible form were nonetheless eradicated in the 1950s and 1960s (e.g. Leopold Kronenberg Palace). not_entailment 3279 What was the secondary endosymbiotic event? While primary chloroplasts have a double membrane from their cyanobacterial ancestor, secondary chloroplasts have additional membranes outside of the original two, as a result of the secondary endosymbiotic event, when a nonphotosynthetic eukaryote engulfed a chloroplast-containing alga but failed to digest it—much like the cyanobacterium at the beginning of this story. entailment 3280 How do private schools in Ireland differ from most? Many private schools in Ireland also double as boarding schools. not_entailment 3281 How many of the six total packages available to broadcasters was Setanta awarded? This represented an increase of 70% on the previous contract and was said to be £1bn more than the company had expected to pay. not_entailment 3282 What was the attack on the British weakness? Scouts had reported the weakness of the British supply chain, so he ordered an attack against the forts Shirley had erected at the Oneida Carry. not_entailment 3283 How many dairy cows are there in Australia? Victoria is the centre of dairy farming in Australia. not_entailment 3284 What factor may make a teacher's role vary? Teachers may provide instruction in literacy and numeracy, craftsmanship or vocational training, the arts, religion, civics, community roles, or life skills. not_entailment 3285 When did Tamara marry a lawyer? She was born Maria Górska in Warsaw to wealthy parents and in 1916 married a Polish lawyer Tadeusz Łempicki. entailment 3286 What team was the NFC champion? Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 season. not_entailment 3287 How high do plague fevers run? In cases of pneumonic and particularly septicemic plague, the progress of the disease is so rapid that there would often be no time for the development of the enlarged lymph nodes that were noted as buboes. not_entailment 3288 Where did the earliest item in the V&A glass collection come from? The stained glass collection is possibly the finest in the world, covering the medieval to modern periods, and covering Europe as well as Britain. not_entailment 3289 How old was Elway during his Super Bowl XXXIII win? The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. entailment 3290 Who reigned over the Ottoman empire when it was at its most powerful. The Ottoman Empire was an imperial state that lasted from 1299 to 1923. not_entailment 3291 When did Genghis Khan capture the Jin dynasty capital? In 1211, after the conquest of Western Xia, Genghis Khan planned again to conquer the Jin dynasty. not_entailment 3292 What did Standard & Poor recommend to speed economy recovery? In 2014, economists with the Standard & Poor's rating agency concluded that the widening disparity between the U.S.'s wealthiest citizens and the rest of the nation had slowed its recovery from the 2008-2009 recession and made it more prone to boom-and-bust cycles. not_entailment 3293 In what year did Massachusetts first require children to be educated in schools? Private schooling in the United States has been debated by educators, lawmakers and parents, since the beginnings of compulsory education in Massachusetts in 1852. entailment 3294 What has the avoidance of men to become teachers caused, in some areas? This has in some jurisdictions reportedly led to a shortage of male teachers. entailment 3295 When was al-Nimeiry overthrown? The NIF regime also harbored Osama bin Laden for a time (before 9/11), and worked to unify Islamist opposition to the American attack on Iraq in the 1991 Gulf War. not_entailment 3296 What is a regulatory factor produced by macrophages? During the acute phase of inflammation, particularly as a result of bacterial infection, neutrophils migrate toward the site of inflammation in a process called chemotaxis, and are usually the first cells to arrive at the scene of infection. not_entailment 3297 Who was added to party as Washington went on the way? Washington left with a small party, picking up along the way Jacob Van Braam as an interpreter; Christopher Gist, a company surveyor working in the area; and a few Mingo led by Tanaghrisson. entailment 3298 In what part of the United States did many students migrate to Christian academies during the desegregation period? In many parts of the United States, after the 1954 decision in the landmark court case Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka that demanded United States schools desegregate "with all deliberate speed", local families organized a wave of private "Christian academies". not_entailment 3299 When did Europe slowly begin to warm up from the last Ice Age? As northwest Europe slowly began to warm up from 22,000 years ago onward, frozen subsoil and expanded alpine glaciers began to thaw and fall-winter snow covers melted in spring. entailment 3300 What does civil disobedience relate to? Civil disobedience is usually defined as pertaining to a citizen's relation to the state and its laws, as distinguished from a constitutional impasse in which two public agencies, especially two equally sovereign branches of government, conflict. entailment 3301 People of what nationality invented the steam turbine? Land-based steam engines could exhaust much of their steam, as feed water was usually readily available. not_entailment 3302 What is the most common cause of immunodeficiency in developing nations? However, malnutrition is the most common cause of immunodeficiency in developing countries. entailment 3303 How much rain per year does Fresno get on average? Average annual precipitation is around 11.5 inches (292.1 mm), which, by definition, would classify the area as a semidesert. entailment 3304 In addition to recirculating water, what do condensers do? Other components are often present; pumps (such as an injector) to supply water to the boiler during operation, condensers to recirculate the water and recover the latent heat of vaporisation, and superheaters to raise the temperature of the steam above its saturated vapour point, and various mechanisms to increase the draft for fireboxes. entailment 3305 What percentage of oxygen is usually supplied by a medical mask? (although this figure also is subject to wide variation, depending on type of mask). not_entailment 3306 Why are coastal species tough? In addition oceanic species do not preserve well, and are known mainly from photographs and from observers' notes. not_entailment 3307 Who formed the government in Kenya? Despite British hopes of handing power to "moderate" local rivals, it was the Kenya African National Union (KANU) of Jomo Kenyatta that formed a government. entailment 3308 What Doctor Who actress was nominated for an award in 2016? In 2011, Matt Smith became the first Doctor to be nominated for a BAFTA Television Award for Best Actor and in 2016, Michelle Gomez became the first female to receive a BAFTA nomination for the series, getting a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her work as Missy. entailment 3309 Who conducted this survey? A study by the American Association of University Women reported that 9.6% of students in the United States claim to have received unwanted sexual attention from an adult associated with education; be they a volunteer, bus driver, teacher, administrator or other adult; sometime during their educational career. entailment 3310 What type of compounds such as acetone,contain oxygen? There are many important organic solvents that contain oxygen, including: acetone, methanol, ethanol, isopropanol, furan, THF, diethyl ether, dioxane, ethyl acetate, DMF, DMSO, acetic acid, and formic acid. entailment 3311 What is the animal that the Rhine's islands are named after? In the local Alemannic dialect, the singular is pronounced "Isel" and this is also the local pronunciation of Esel ("Donkey"). entailment 3312 Where was Tesla hoping to attend classes in Prague? Unfortunately, he arrived too late to enroll at Charles-Ferdinand University; he never studied Greek, a required subject; and he was illiterate in Czech, another required subject. entailment 3313 In which city was Tesla's consultant job for Westinghouse? Westinghouse also hired Tesla for one year for the large fee of $2,000 ($52,700 in today's dollars) per month to be a consultant at the Westinghouse Electric & Manufacturing Company's Pittsburgh labs. entailment 3314 What is the best QB ranking that Cam Newton holds? The Panthers offense, which led the NFL in scoring (500 points), was loaded with talent, boasting six Pro Bowl selections. not_entailment 3315 There are direct contractual links between who? Any subcontractor has a direct contractual relationship with the main contractor. not_entailment 3316 What year was the latest addition to the Church of St. Andrew? This older church would have been one of several churches along the River Tyne dedicated to St Andrew, including the Priory church at Hexham. not_entailment 3317 How man volumes does the The University of Chicago Library system hold? The university's main library is the Regenstein Library, which contains one of the largest collections of print volumes in the United States. not_entailment 3318 The Brotherhood's members are against consuming what beverage? Rather than being more moderate than the PLO, the 1988 Hamas charter took a more uncompromising stand, calling for the destruction of Israel and the establishment of an Islamic state in Palestine. not_entailment 3319 What range of years was the current warming compared to? These studies were widely presented as demonstrating that the current warming period is exceptional in comparison to temperatures between 1000 and 1900, and the MBH99 based graph featured in publicity. entailment 3320 From 2004 to 2005 Harvard reduced the number of students earning Latin honors from 90% to what? Moreover, the honors of "John Harvard Scholar" and "Harvard College Scholar" will now be given only to the top 5 percent and the next 5 percent of each class. not_entailment 3321 Since Denver chose white, what colors did Carolina wear in Super Bowl 50? In their only other Super Bowl win in Super Bowl XXXII, Denver wore blue jerseys, which was their primary color at the time. not_entailment 3322 Who, with Jim Nantz, was a member of the game's lead broadcast team? The network's lead broadcast team of Jim Nantz and Phil Simms called the contest, with Tracy Wolfson and Evan Washburn on the sidelines. entailment 3323 How many major chloroplast replication models have been suggested? The mechanism for chloroplast DNA (cpDNA) replication has not been conclusively determined, but two main models have been proposed. entailment 3324 Who was Kaidu's grandfather? He feared that his dependence on Chinese officials left him vulnerable to future revolts and defections to the Song. not_entailment 3325 Name a luxury model that became popular in the mid-1970s. Sales of large sedans for most makes (except Chrysler products) recovered within two model years of the 1973 crisis. not_entailment 3326 Along what geographic feature are nine residential houses located? The other three are located in a residential neighborhood half a mile northwest of the Yard at the Quadrangle (commonly referred to as the Quad), which formerly housed Radcliffe College students until Radcliffe merged its residential system with Harvard. not_entailment 3327 What year did Newcastle first develop its cycling strategy? As of 2012, the local council social aims and objectives for cycling include: highlighting the usage of cycling to cut city congestion; educating that cycling promotes healthy living… not_entailment 3328 What does the chloroplast peripheral reticulum do? Its purpose is thought to be to increase the chloroplast's surface area for cross-membrane transport between its stroma and the cell cytoplasm. entailment 3329 What magnetic character do triplet O2 have? That is, they impart magnetic character to oxygen when it is in the presence of a magnetic field, because of the spin magnetic moments of the unpaired electrons in the molecule, and the negative exchange energy between neighboring O_2 molecules. not_entailment 3330 In what city did the last Super Bowl in California occur? On May 21, 2013, NFL owners at their spring meetings in Boston voted and awarded the game to Levi's Stadium. not_entailment 3331 In what decades was Dudley Simpson most active in contributing to Doctor Who? Simpson's first Doctor Who score was Planet of Giants (1964) and he went on to write music for many adventures of the 1960s and 1970s, including most of the stories of the Jon Pertwee/Tom Baker periods, ending with The Horns of Nimon (1979). entailment 3332 Aside from BBC Radio 5, what radio station will broadcast the game? In the United Kingdom, BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra will carry the contest. entailment 3333 When was the Santer Commission censured by Parliament? Commissioners have sometimes been found to have abused their offices, particularly since the Santer Commission was censured by Parliament in 1999, and it eventually resigned due to corruption allegations. entailment 3334 When was Operation Market Garden? The Rhine bridge at Arnhem, immortalized in the book, A Bridge Too Far and the film, was a central focus of the battle for Arnhem, during the failed Operation Market Garden of September 1944. entailment 3335 For what railroad did Stephenson build a locomotive in 1825? This was the first public steam railway in the world and then in 1829, he built The Rocket which was entered in and won the Rainhill Trials. not_entailment 3336 What is name of the function used for the largest integer not greater than the number in question? Here represents the floor function, i.e., largest integer not greater than the number in question. entailment 3337 What did Watt add to Newcomen's engine between 1763 and 1775? Boulton and Watt's early engines used half as much coal as John Smeaton's improved version of Newcomen's. not_entailment 3338 What school did both Hank Marvin and Bruce Welch attend? Multiple circumnavigator David Scott Cowper, Nobel Prize winning physicist Peter Higgs, and former WWE NXT champion Neville were born in the city. not_entailment 3339 Where did the highwaymen take Luther? Frederick III had him intercepted on his way home in the forest near Wittenberg by masked horsemen who were made to appear as armed highwaymen. not_entailment 3340 How many types of science fiction have been impacted by Tesla? Tesla's legacy has endured in books, films, radio, TV, music, live theater, comics and video games. not_entailment 3341 What was the one linear HD channel Virgin Media carried from November 2006 to July 2009? :Telewest) started to offer a high-definition television (HDTV) capable set top box, although from 30 November 2006 until 30 July 2009 it only carried one linear HD channel, BBC HD, after the conclusion of the ITV HD trial. entailment 3342 When was the Gerald Ratner Athletics Center constructed? In 1955, Eero Saarinen was contracted to develop a second master plan, which led to the construction of buildings both north and south of the Midway, including the Laird Bell Law Quadrangle (a complex designed by Saarinen); a series of arts buildings; a building designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe for the university's School of Social Service Administration;, a building which is to become the home of the Harris School of Public Policy Studies by Edward Durrell Stone, and the Regenstein Library, the largest building on campus, a brutalist structure designed by Walter Netsch of the Chicago firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. not_entailment 3343 What properties are analyzed with a conoscopic lens by petrologists? Two of the primary methods for identifying rocks in the laboratory are through optical microscopy and by using an electron microprobe. not_entailment 3344 What is one example of an instance that the quantitative answer to the traveling salesman problem fails to answer? To further highlight the difference between a problem and an instance, consider the following instance of the decision version of the traveling salesman problem: Is there a route of at most 2000 kilometres passing through all of Germany's 15 largest cities? not_entailment 3345 What was the first true engine that was commercially successful? The first commercially successful true engine, in that it could generate power and transmit it to a machine, was the atmospheric engine, invented by Thomas Newcomen around 1712. entailment 3346 What is the concept of the visible and invisible Church? The United Methodist Church understands itself to be part of the holy catholic (or universal) church and it recognizes the historic ecumenical creeds, the Apostle's Creed and the Nicene Creed; which are used frequently in services of worship. not_entailment 3347 What Carolina player was injured in the NFC Championship Game? Despite this, he insisted he would still find a way to play in the Super Bowl. not_entailment 3348 How many types of thylakoids are there? There are two types of thylakoids—granal thylakoids, which are arranged in grana, and stromal thylakoids, which are in contact with the stroma. entailment 3349 Who may also submit private bills to Parliament? Bills can be introduced to Parliament in a number of ways; the Scottish Government can introduce new laws or amendments to existing laws as a bill; a committee of the Parliament can present a bill in one of the areas under its remit; a member of the Scottish Parliament can introduce a bill as a private member; or a private bill can be submitted to Parliament by an outside proposer. entailment 3350 In what year did Lost first debut? That year, the sixth and final season of Lost became the drama's lowest-rated season since its debut in 2004. entailment 3351 For how long did the plague stick around? The plague recurred occasionally in Europe until the 19th century. entailment 3352 What do some encrypted broadcasts require to view? To view the encrypted content a VideoGuard UK equipped receiver (all of which are dedicated to the Sky service, and cannot be used to decrypt other services) needs to be used. not_entailment 3353 What do power station steam turbines use as a cold sink in the absence of CHP? Evaporative cooling towers need less water flow than "once-through" cooling by river or lake water; a 700 megawatt coal-fired power plant may use about 3600 cubic metres of make-up water every hour for evaporative cooling, but would need about twenty times as much if cooled by river water.[citation needed] not_entailment 3354 In lands attributed to what tribe are found remains of large settlements? The development of this fertile soil allowed agriculture and silviculture in the previously hostile environment; meaning that large portions of the Amazon rainforest are probably the result of centuries of human management, rather than naturally occurring as has previously been supposed. not_entailment 3355 What can be achieved without building high or getting rid of common areas? A new development in the Ouseburn valley has recreated them; Architects Cany Ash and Robert Sakula were attracted by the possibilities of high density without building high and getting rid of common areas. entailment 3356 Prior to Manning, who was the oldest quarterback to play in a Super Bowl? He is also the oldest quarterback ever to play in a Super Bowl at age 39. not_entailment 3357 In what century did missionaries notably establish church schools in South Africa? Some of the oldest schools in South Africa are private church schools that were established by missionaries in the early nineteenth century. entailment 3358 Where does the diatom endosymbiont store starch? These chloroplasts are bounded by up to five membranes, (depending on whether you count the entire diatom endosymbiont as the chloroplast, or just the red algal derived chloroplast inside it). not_entailment 3359 What were British plans against French? The British, intending to blockade French ports, sent out their fleet in February 1755, but the French fleet had already sailed. entailment 3360 What major category of conservation result in an object that is more attractive and more comprehensible to the viewer? The other major category is "interventive" conservation, this includes: cleaning and reintegration to strengthen fragile objects, reveal original surface decoration, and restore shape. entailment 3361 Why did he want to make the language accessible to people? Luther's translation used the variant of German spoken at the Saxon chancellery, intelligible to both northern and southern Germans. not_entailment 3362 What does the Secretariat Wing house? On the very northern edge of the site is situated the Secretariat Wing, also built in 1862 this houses the offices and board room etc. and is not open to the public. entailment 3363 What happened to nearby light bulbs? Light bulbs within 100 feet of the lab glowed even when turned off. entailment 3364 What do the Waal and the Nederrijn-Lek discharge throguh? At present, the branches Waal and Nederrijn-Lek discharge to the North Sea, through the former Meuse estuary, near Rotterdam. entailment 3365 What did the second stage in the Saturn V end up doing? The second and third stages burned liquid hydrogen, and the third stage was a modified version of the S-IVB, with thrust increased to 230,000 lbf (1,020 kN) and capability to restart the engine for translunar injection after reaching a parking orbit. entailment 3366 Where did Luther explain his idea of justification? He explained his concept of "justification" in the Smalcald Articles: entailment 3367 How do academic results in former Model C schools compare to other schools? These schools tend to produce better academic results than government schools formerly reserved for other race groups . entailment 3368 Higher rates of health and social problems are just two of examples of effects from what? Effects of inequality researchers have found include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower level of economic utility in society from resources devoted on high-end consumption, and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption. entailment 3369 Which episode featured the return of William Hartnell? In 1973's The Three Doctors, William Hartnell and Patrick Troughton returned alongside Jon Pertwee. entailment 3370 What did Sir Charles Parsons invent? Other notable people born in or associated with Newcastle include: engineer and industrialist Lord Armstrong, engineer and father of the modern steam railways George Stephenson, his son, also an engineer, Robert Stephenson, engineer and inventor of the steam turbine Sir Charles Parsons, inventor of the incandescent light bulb Sir Joseph Swan, modernist poet Basil Bunting, and Lord Chief Justice Peter Taylor. entailment 3371 What term do Islamists think should be applied to them? Islamists have asked the question, "If Islam is a way of life, how can we say that those who want to live by its principles in legal, social, political, economic, and political spheres of life are not Muslims, but Islamists and believe in Islamism, not [just] Islam?" entailment 3372 What percentage of France's population is protestant today? Approximately one million Protestants in modern France represent some 2% of its population. entailment 3373 Name a larger car that Toyota came up with as buyers lamented the small sized compacts? Some buyers lamented the small size of the first Japanese compacts, and both Toyota and Nissan (then known as Datsun) introduced larger cars such as the Toyota Corona Mark II, the Toyota Cressida, the Mazda 616 and Datsun 810, which added passenger space and amenities such as air conditioning, power steering, AM-FM radios, and even power windows and central locking without increasing the price of the vehicle. entailment 3374 The immune systems of bacteria have enzymes that protect against infection by what kind of cells? Pathogens can rapidly evolve and adapt, and thereby avoid detection and neutralization by the immune system; however, multiple defense mechanisms have also evolved to recognize and neutralize pathogens. not_entailment 3375 Who had the most receptions out of all players for the year? Overall, the offense ranked 19th in scoring with 355 points and did not have any Pro Bowl selections. not_entailment 3376 Which fantasy books have references to Doctor Who? There have also been many references to Doctor Who in popular culture and other science fiction, including Star Trek: The Next Generation ("The Neutral Zone") and Leverage. not_entailment 3377 How much has a Lama agreed to be reborn? A Lama who has through phowa and siddhi consciously determined to be reborn, often many times, in order to continue their Bodhisattva vow is called a Tulku. entailment 3378 What was Newcastle named as the most type of city in the UK? The report claimed that these noise levels would have a negative long-term impact on the health of the city's residents. not_entailment 3379 Why did the university eventually leave the conference? The university was a founding member of the Big Ten Conference and participated in the NCAA Division I Men's Basketball and Football and was a regular participant in the Men's Basketball tournament. not_entailment 3380 What was the most recent Super Bowl hosted in the South Florida/Miami area? The San Francisco Bay Area last hosted in 1985 (Super Bowl XIX), held at Stanford Stadium in Stanford, California, won by the home team 49ers. not_entailment 3381 When was the concept of a social market economy introduced into EU law? It was originally theorised that a free trade area had a tendency to give way to a customs union, which led to a common market, then monetary union, then union of monetary and fiscal policy, political and eventually a full union characteristic of a federal state. not_entailment 3382 What was the name of the 50th Anniversary show? Notably, in 2013, John Hurt guest-starred as a hitherto unknown incarnation of the Doctor known as the War Doctor in the run-up to the show's 50th anniversary special "The Day of the Doctor". entailment 3383 Luther treated Jews in a like way as he treated what group? In his later years, Luther grew more hostile toward the Jews, writing against them with the kind of venom he had already unleashed on the Anabaptists, Zwinglianism, and the papacy. entailment 3384 Where was the ESPN Deportes Spanish version of Super Bowl 50 available? The ESPN Deportes Spanish broadcast was made available through WatchESPN. entailment 3385 What is the legislature of the European Union comprised of? The main sources of primary law are the Treaties establishing the European Union. not_entailment 3386 What was the ideal duty of a Newcomen engine? The historical measure of a steam engine's energy efficiency was its "duty". not_entailment 3387 What network did ABC beat out for third place in television ratings in 2010-11? Meanwhile, the new lows hit by Brothers & Sisters led to its cancellation, and the previous year's only drama renewal, V, also failed to earn another season after a low-rated midseason run. not_entailment 3388 How many total judges are there in the EU? Under the Treaty on European Union article 19(2) there is one judge from each member state, 28 at present, who are supposed to "possess the qualifications required for appointment to the highest judicial offices" (or for the General Court, the "ability required for appointment to high judicial office"). entailment 3389 When was Phags-pa script invented? Most of the Emperors could not master written Chinese, but they could generally converse well in the language. not_entailment 3390 Which logo had the DW Tardis insignia removed? The logo for the Twelfth Doctor had the "DW" TARDIS insignia removed and the font was subtly altered, as well as made slightly larger. entailment 3391 In August 1994, which Flint, Michigan affiliate did ABC purchase? In order to compete with CNN, ABC proposed a 24-hour news channel called ABC Cable News, with plans to launch the network in 1995; however, the plan would ultimately be shelved by company management. not_entailment 3392 How many Examination Boards exist in India? Among other things, this has also resulted in 30 different Examination Boards or academic authorities that conduct examinations for school leaving certificates. entailment 3393 How many cinemas are currently housed at one site? The Pilgrim Street building was refurbished between November 2006 and May 2008; during the refurbishment works, the cinema relocated to the Old Town Hall, Gateshead. not_entailment 3394 Who conducted the 2011 online vote? The phrase retains this association with Doctor Who, to the point that in 1991 the Museum of the Moving Image in London named their exhibition celebrating the programme "Behind the Sofa". not_entailment 3395 In what year did developers Billings & Meyering acquire the Alta Vista Tract? In 1914 developers Billings & Meyering acquired the tract, completed street development, provided the last of the necessary municipal improvements including water service, and began marketing the property with fervor. entailment 3396 Where is corporal punishment usually performed these days? 30 US states have banned corporal punishment, the others (mostly in the South) have not. not_entailment 3397 What are Ctenophora commonly known as? Ctenophora (/tᵻˈnɒfərə/; singular ctenophore, /ˈtɛnəfɔːr/ or /ˈtiːnəfɔːr/; from the Greek κτείς kteis 'comb' and φέρω pherō 'carry'; commonly known as comb jellies) is a phylum of animals that live in marine waters worldwide. entailment 3398 From whom were the movement that Eliot followed derived? Derived from William Ellery Channing and Ralph Waldo Emerson, these convictions were focused on the dignity and worth of human nature, the right and ability of each person to perceive truth, and the indwelling God in each person. entailment 3399 How many first downs did the Panthers have in Super Bowl 50? Manning became the oldest quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl at age 39, and the first quarterback ever to win a Super Bowl with two different teams, while Gary Kubiak became the first head coach to win a Super Bowl with the same franchise he went to the Super Bowl with as a player. not_entailment 3400 What system did Tesla recommend to Niagara Falls in 1893? Tesla advised Adams that a two-phased system would be the most reliable and that there was a Westinghouse system to light incandescent bulbs using two-phase alternating current. entailment 3401 What report had the correct date? The IPCC has since acknowledged that the date is incorrect, while reaffirming that the conclusion in the final summary was robust. not_entailment 3402 What color are the numbers in the Super Bowl 50 logo? The logo also deviates from the template by featuring large numerals, colored in gold, behind the Vince Lombardi Trophy, instead of underneath and in silver as in the standard logo. entailment 3403 Who acts as laborer, paymaster, and design team for a renovation project? Often, the owner of the property acts as laborer, paymaster, and design team for the entire project. entailment 3404 How many intercollegiate sports does Harvard compete in NCAA division I The Harvard Crimson competes in 42 intercollegiate sports in the NCAA Division I Ivy League. entailment 3405 Why was there a depreciation of the industrialized nations dollars? The result was a depreciation of the dollar and other industrialized nations' currencies. not_entailment 3406 Where did the ABC New York flagship stations move their facilities to in 1953? The WJZ calls would later be reassigned to the then-ABC affiliate in Baltimore in 1959, in an historical nod to the fact that WJZ was originally established by the Baltimore station's owner at the time, Westinghouse. not_entailment 3407 When did Great Britain lose its colonies in North America? After losing its first Empire to the Americans, Britain then turned its attention towards Asia, Africa, and the Pacific. not_entailment 3408 Who was the main proponent of the cellular theory of immunity? According to the cellular theory of immunity, represented in particular by Elie Metchnikoff, it was cells – more precisely, phagocytes – that were responsible for immune responses. entailment 3409 Tumor antigens are complexed with MHC class I molecules in the same way as what antigens? Tumor antigens are presented on MHC class I molecules in a similar way to viral antigens. entailment 3410 What area of Brookhaven is still known for its high levels of crime? Another section, Brookhaven, on the southern edge of the West Side south of Jensen and west of Elm, was given the name by the Fresno City Council in an effort to revitalize the neighborhood's image. not_entailment 3411 When using a probabilistic algorithm, how is the probability that the number is composite expressed mathematically? If we repeat the test n times and pass every time, then the probability that our number is composite is 1/(1-p)n, which decreases exponentially with the number of tests, so we can be as sure as we like (though never perfectly sure) that the number is prime. entailment 3412 What percentage of American households did ABC reach in March 2015? As of March 2015[update], ABC has eight owned-and-operated stations, and current and pending affiliation agreements with 235 additional television stations encompassing 49 states, the District of Columbia, four U.S. possessions, Bermuda and Saba; this makes ABC the largest U.S. broadcast television network by total number of affiliates. not_entailment 3413 Who was UPT forced to separate themselves from in 1949? At the end of 1949, movie theater operator United Paramount Theatres (UPT) was forced by the U.S. Supreme Court to become an independent entity, separating itself from Paramount Pictures. entailment 3414 What characteristic in recent years has been strongly tied with health in developed countries? In recent years the characteristic that has strongly correlated with health in developed countries is income inequality. entailment 3415 How old was Turkana Boy? Later work at the former site was undertaken by Glynn Isaac. not_entailment 3416 Prior to Super Bowl 50, when were the Broncos last there? The Broncos made their second Super Bowl appearance in three years, having reached Super Bowl XLVIII, while the Panthers made their second Super Bowl appearance in franchise history, their other appearance being Super Bowl XXXVIII. entailment 3417 Who wrote The Mutants? The first serial had been completed and the BBC believed it was crucial that the next one be a success, but The Mutants was the only script ready to go, so the show had little choice but to use it. not_entailment 3418 What science fiction writer introduced the Doctor Who episodes for a period of time? From 1979 to 1981, TVO airings were bookended by science-fiction writer Judith Merril who would introduce the episode and then, after the episode concluded, try to place it in an educational context in keeping with TVO's status as an educational channel. entailment 3419 What can a principal make, if he/she works for a big school? A principal of a large school with many years experience and several qualifications (M.A., H.Dip., etc.) could earn over €90,000. entailment 3420 What does legend say Genghis Khan used to obliterate the Kharezmid emporer's place of birth? After the capital Samarkand fell, the capital was moved to Bukhara by the remaining men, while Genghis Khan ordered two of his generals and their forces to completely destroy the remnants of the Khwarezmid Empire, including not only royal buildings, but entire towns, populations, and even vast swaths of farmland. not_entailment 3421 What did Tesla think could improve the brain's intelligence? The whole room will thus, Mr. Tesla claims, be converted into a health-giving and stimulating electromagnetic field or 'bath.' not_entailment 3422 Which treaty provides that the European Union law be applied to metropolitan territories of member states? European Union law also applies in territories where a member state is responsible for external relations, for example Gibraltar and the Åland islands. not_entailment 3423 What is the KNLS responsible for? KNLS is the body mandated to establish, equip, manage and maintain national and public libraries in the country. entailment 3424 What would type of activities would require a teacher to take on a supervisor role? A teacher's professional duties may extend beyond formal teaching. not_entailment 3425 What was the name of the 2010 Christmas special? In February 2011, a soundtrack was released for the 2010 Christmas special: "A Christmas Carol", and in December 2011 the soundtrack for Series 6 was released, both by Silva Screen Records. entailment 3426 What have many HT members graduated to joining? HT does not engage in armed jihad or work for a democratic system, but works to take power through "ideological struggle" to change Muslim public opinion, and in particular through elites who will "facilitate" a "change of the government," i.e., launch a "bloodless" coup. not_entailment 3427 What is the delta in the Rhine delimited in the east by? The delta is delimited in the West by the Alter Rhein ("Old Rhine") and in the East by a modern canalized section. entailment 3428 Who reportedly wanted Tesla's company? " There have been numerous accounts of women vying for Tesla's affection, even some madly in love with him.[citation needed] entailment 3429 What tribe uses GPS devices to map lands? Using handheld GPS devices and programs like Google Earth, members of the Trio Tribe, who live in the rainforests of southern Suriname, map out their ancestral lands to help strengthen their territorial claims. entailment 3430 Where is the Asian influence strongest in Victoria? Many Chinese miners worked in Victoria, and their legacy is particularly strong in Bendigo and its environs. entailment 3431 What change in conditions may make the Amazon rainforest unsustainable? The result indicates that the rainforest could be threatened though the 21st century by climate change in addition to deforestation. not_entailment 3432 Who has expressed distaste for the canonicity of Doctor Who stories by other media? Who character by BBC Television in the early 1960s, a myriad of stories have been published about Doctor Who, in different media: apart from the actual television episodes that continue to be produced by the BBC, there have also been novels, comics, short stories, audio books, radio plays, interactive video games, game books, webcasts, DVD extras, and even stage performances. not_entailment 3433 Why was Polonia relegated from the country's top flight in 2013? They also won the country’s championship in 1946, and won the cup twice as well. not_entailment 3434 Against whom did the Camisards rise up to fight? It took French troops years to hunt down and destroy all the bands of Camisards, between 1702 and 1709. not_entailment 3435 What type of bat that lives in the Amazon rainforest can spread rabies? Vampire bats dwell in the rainforest and can spread the rabies virus. entailment 3436 From what type of materials must liquid oxygen be separated? It is a highly reactive substance and must be segregated from combustible materials. entailment 3437 Besides Britain and North America, where else did Huguenot refugees settle? Four thousand emigrated to the North American colonies, where they settled in New York and Virginia, especially. not_entailment 3438 Which leading English tapestry workshop in the late 17th century and early 18th century is represented in the V&A collection? Also included are tapestries from John Vanderbank's workshop which was the leading English tapestry manufactory in the late 17th century and early 18th century. entailment 3439 How much resources were French placing in North America? William Pitt came to power and significantly increased British military resources in the colonies at a time when France was unwilling to risk large convoys to aid the limited forces it had in New France. entailment 3440 What covered Scandinavia, the Baltics, Scotland, and the Alps in the last Ice Age? A tundra, with Ice Age flora and fauna, stretched across middle Europe, from Asia to the Atlantic Ocean. not_entailment 3441 What day of the week did Shark Tank debut on? Among the few bright spots during this season were the midseason crime dramedy Castle as well as the success of two family sitcoms that anchored the network's revamped Wednesday comedy lineup, The Middle and Modern Family, the latter of which was both a critical and commercial success. not_entailment 3442 Why does a lower level of economic growth occur due to high-end consumption? Effects of inequality researchers have found include higher rates of health and social problems, and lower rates of social goods, a lower level of economic utility in society from resources devoted on high-end consumption, and even a lower level of economic growth when human capital is neglected for high-end consumption. entailment 3443 Which player played even though he broke his arm two weeks prior to the Super Bowl? Linebacker Luke Kuechly had 11 total tackles, while Thomas Davis had seven, despite playing just two weeks after breaking his right arm in the NFC title game. entailment 3444 What is an example of a problem to which effective algorithms have provided a solution in spite of the intractability associated with the breadth of sizes? Similarly, algorithms can solve the NP-complete knapsack problem over a wide range of sizes in less than quadratic time and SAT solvers routinely handle large instances of the NP-complete Boolean satisfiability problem. entailment 3445 What did a 1996 study by Perotti examine? In 1993, Galor and Zeira showed that inequality in the presence of credit market imperfections has a long lasting detrimental effect on human capital formation and economic development. not_entailment 3446 Why has the Rhine been shortened? The river length is significantly shortened from the river's natural course due to number of canalisation projects completed in the 19th and 20th century.[note 7] The "total length of the Rhine", to the inclusion of Lake Constance and the Alpine Rhine is more difficult to measure objectively; it was cited as 1,232 kilometres (766 miles) by the Dutch Rijkswaterstaat in 2010.[note 1] entailment 3447 What are BSkyB's standard definition broadcasts compliant with? Sky+ HD material is broadcast using MPEG-4 and most of the HD material uses the DVB-S2 standard. not_entailment 3448 In a platoon style teaching, what gives the children security? Students still derive a strong sense of security by staying with the same group of peers for all classes. entailment 3449 What books did Bayle publish? He started teaching in Rotterdam, where he finished writing and publishing his multi-volume masterpiece, Historical and Critical Dictionary. entailment 3450 Which successor to Henry resumed persecution of the Huguenots? His successor Louis XIII, under the regency of his Italian Catholic mother Marie de' Medici, became more intolerant of Protestantism. entailment 3451 What do larger fortunes generate? Thomas Piketty in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century argues that the fundamental force for divergence is the usually greater return of capital (r) than economic growth (g), and that larger fortunes generate higher returns [pp. entailment 3452 What was Newton's quarterback rating for 2015? Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636, while recording a career-high and league-leading 45 total touchdowns (35 passing, 10 rushing), a career-low 10 interceptions, and a career-best quarterback rating of 99.4. entailment 3453 What types of preparation do pharmacists have? Pharmacists may also be small-business proprietors, owning the pharmacy in which they practice. not_entailment 3454 Who is the publisher of the Doctor Who Adventures magazine? This is published by Panini, as is the Doctor entailment 3455 What is held outside the formal legal ownership registration system in many developing countries? Much unregistered property is held in informal form through various associations and other arrangements. not_entailment 3456 How did the Rhine extend watershed southward? Through stream capture, the Rhine extended its watershed southward. entailment 3457 What are the Catechisms of Martin Luther written in? Luther's treatment of the Apostles' Creed must be understood in the context of the Decalogue (the Ten Commandments) and the Lord's Prayer, which are also part of the Lutheran catechical teaching. not_entailment 3458 Breaking down barriers to trade and enhancing the free movement of goods is meant to reduce what? The tension in the law is that the free movement and trade is not supposed to spill over into a licence for unrestricted commercial profit. not_entailment 3459 What did Queen Elizabeth II open in Newcastle in 1981? It was opened in five phases between 1980 and 1984, and was Britain's first urban light rail transit system; two extensions were opened in 1991 and 2002. not_entailment 3460 How are the particle forces and accelerations explained as by gauge bosons exchange? Thus the currently known fundamental forces are considered more accurately to be "fundamental interactions".:199–128 When particle A emits (creates) or absorbs (annihilates) virtual particle B, a momentum conservation results in recoil of particle A making impression of repulsion or attraction between particles not_entailment 3461 How long was Warsaw occupied by Germany? Warsaw was occupied by Germany from 4 August 1915 until November 1918. entailment 3462 Pattern recognition receptors recognize components present in broad groups of what? The innate response is usually triggered when microbes are identified by pattern recognition receptors, which recognize components that are conserved among broad groups of microorganisms, or when damaged, injured or stressed cells send out alarm signals, many of which (but not all) are recognized by the same receptors as those that recognize pathogens. entailment 3463 What was the shape that Faget designed for the Apollo command module? Once Kennedy's Moon landing goal became official, detailed design began of a Command/Service Module (CSM) in which the crew would spend the entire direct-ascent mission and lift off from the lunar surface for the return trip, after being soft-landed by a larger landing propulsion module. not_entailment 3464 What did DFDS cite as the reasons it terminated operations? The DFDS ferry service to Gothenburg, Sweden, ceased at the end of October 2006 – the company cited high fuel prices and new competition from low-cost air services as the cause – and their service to Bergen and Stavanger, Norway was terminated late 2008. entailment 3465 How many people died of plague in Paris in 1466? The Black Death ravaged Europe for three years before it continued on into Russia, where the disease was present somewhere in the country 25 times between 1350 to 1490. not_entailment 3466 Newborns are vulnerable to infection because they have no previous exposure to what? Newborn infants have no prior exposure to microbes and are particularly vulnerable to infection. entailment 3467 Is corporal punishment increasing or declining in the South? It is still used to a significant (though declining) degree in some public schools in Alabama, Arkansas, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Tennessee and Texas. entailment 3468 When was Richard Grainger actively building and developing? Richard Grainger was said to 'have found Newcastle of bricks and timber and left it in stone'. not_entailment 3469 Who is the author of the book, "Knowledge and Decisions"? A U.S. Census's report stated that in US once other factors are accounted for there is still a difference in earnings between women and men. not_entailment 3470 What company developed the most successful steam engine indicator? Early versions were in use by 1851, but the most successful indicator was developed for the high speed engine inventor and manufacturer Charles Porter by Charles Richard and exhibited at London Exhibition in 1862. entailment 3471 What are upper-level secondary schools called? There are many differences between the teachers for elementary schools (Grundschule), lower secondary schools (Hauptschule), middle level secondary schools (Realschule) and higher level secondary schools (Gymnasium). entailment 3472 ABC began to focus on what kind of series after NBC's success in 1984? After nearly a decade of ratings trouble, NBC had regained the ratings lead among the Big Three networks in 1984 on the success of series such as The Cosby Show, Cheers and Miami Vice. not_entailment 3473 What public policy school found it's home in the building that Ludwig Mies van der Rohe designed? In 1955, Eero Saarinen was contracted to develop a second master plan, which led to the construction of buildings both north and south of the Midway, including the Laird Bell Law Quadrangle (a complex designed by Saarinen); a series of arts buildings; a building designed by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe for the university's School of Social Service Administration;, a building which is to become the home of the Harris School of Public Policy Studies by Edward Durrell Stone, and the Regenstein Library, the largest building on campus, a brutalist structure designed by Walter Netsch of the Chicago firm Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. entailment 3474 Who was the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences? In economics, notable Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences winners Milton Friedman, a major advisor to Republican U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Conservative British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, George Stigler, Nobel laureate and proponent of regulatory capture theory, Gary Becker, an important contributor to the family economics branch of economics, Herbert A. Simon, responsible for the modern interpretation of the concept of organizational decision-making, Paul Samuelson, the first American to win the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences, and Eugene Fama, known for his work on portfolio theory, asset pricing and stock market behaviour, are all graduates. entailment 3475 What does paramylon store? Euglenophyte chloroplasts have three membranes—it is thought that the membrane of the primary endosymbiont was lost, leaving the cyanobacterial membranes, and the secondary host's phagosomal membrane. not_entailment 3476 When was the debut of the 1983 special called The Five Doctors? The 1988 story Silver Nemesis was broadcast with all three episodes airing back to back on TVNZ in New Zealand in November, after the first episode had been shown in the UK but before the final two instalments had aired there. not_entailment 3477 Who congratulated the SNP while vowing to campaign against their referendum? Cameron congratulated the SNP on their victory but vowed to campaign for the Union in the independence referendum. entailment 3478 When did the General Sejm make Warsaw it's permanent seat? In 1573 the city gave its name to the Warsaw Confederation, formally establishing religious freedom in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. not_entailment 3479 In what city is the Nikola Tesla Museum? " This treatise is currently in the Nikola Tesla Museum archive in Belgrade. entailment 3480 What is a genuine love of God with heart, soul and mind? Such a man can lose all inclination to evil and can gain perfection in this life. not_entailment 3481 What had the number of people living in Warsaw declined to by 1945? In 1939, c. 1,300,000 people lived in Warsaw, but in 1945 – only 420,000. entailment 3482 According to the humoral theory of immunity, what were the bodies immune agents? According to the cellular theory of immunity, represented in particular by Elie Metchnikoff, it was cells – more precisely, phagocytes – that were responsible for immune responses. not_entailment 3483 What is the name of the law which imposed the speed limit? To help reduce consumption, in 1974 a national maximum speed limit of 55 mph (about 88 km/h) was imposed through the Emergency Highway Energy Conservation Act. entailment 3484 How many PD rings are there? Next, the two plastid-dividing rings, or PD rings form. entailment 3485 Where was Shirey going to be when Fort Oswego was to be attacked? In conjunction, Shirley was made aware that the French were massing for an attack on Fort Oswego in his absence when he planned to attack Fort Niagara. entailment 3486 Which two leading roles did Audra McDonald perform when she was in high school? Fresno native Audra McDonald performed in the leading roles of Evita and The Wiz at the theater while she was a high school student. entailment 3487 What is a single Plastoglobuli called? Plastoglobuli (singular plastoglobulus, sometimes spelled plastoglobule(s)), are spherical bubbles of lipids and proteins about 45–60 nanometers across. entailment 3488 Which areas of Northern Europe practiced those religions? Nearly 50,000 Huguenots established themselves in Germany, 20,000 of whom were welcomed in Brandenburg-Prussia, where they were granted special privileges (Edict of Potsdam) and churches in which to worship (such as the Church of St. Peter and St. Paul, Angermünde) by Frederick William, Elector of Brandenburg and Duke of Prussia. not_entailment 3489 What did Priestley name the gas his experiment produced? Because he published his findings first, Priestley is usually given priority in the discovery. not_entailment 3490 Where does Warsaw rank in terms of population in the EU? Its population is estimated at 1.740 million residents within a greater metropolitan area of 2.666 million residents, which makes Warsaw the 9th most-populous capital city in the European Union. entailment 3491 When was Kublai's administration running out of money? The Chinese region of Fujian was the original home of the Chinese Tran (Chen) clan before they migrated under Trần Kinh (陳京, Chén Jīng) to Dai Viet and whose descendants established the Trần dynasty which ruled Vietnam Đại Việt, and certain members of the clan could still speak Chinese such as when a Yuan dynasty envoy had a meeting with the Chinese-speaking Trần prince Trần Quốc Tuấn (later King Trần Hưng Đạo) in 1282. not_entailment 3492 If the apparant force of two fermions is attractive, what is the spin function? If two identical fermions (e.g. electrons) have a symmetric spin function (e.g. parallel spins) the spatial variables must be antisymmetric (i.e. they exclude each other from their places much as if there was a repulsive force), and vice versa, i.e. for antiparallel spins the position variables must be symmetric (i.e. the apparent force must be attractive). entailment 3493 What mechanism can be used to make oxygen? After a set cycle time the operation of the two beds is interchanged, thereby allowing for a continuous supply of gaseous oxygen to be pumped through a pipeline. not_entailment 3494 Who stated he wanted Israel to vanish? The Islamic Republic has also maintained its hold on power in Iran in spite of US economic sanctions, and has created or assisted like-minded Shia terrorist groups in Iraq, Egypt, Syria, Jordan (SCIRI) and Lebanon (Hezbollah) (two Muslim countries that also have large Shiite populations). not_entailment 3495 Prior to Manning, who was the oldest quarterback to play in a Super Bowl? The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. entailment 3496 How long as the U.S. government been actively engaged in efforts to counter Islamism? The U.S. government has engaged in efforts to counter Islamism, or violent Islamism, since 2001. entailment 3497 What native chief travelled to French fort and threatened Marin? Tanaghrisson, a chief of the Mingo, who were remnants of Iroquois and other tribes who had been driven west by colonial expansion. entailment 3498 What BBC radio station will carry the game in the United Kingdom? In the United Kingdom, BBC Radio 5 Live and 5 Live Sports Extra will carry the contest. entailment 3499 How many species of Ctenophores have not been fully described or named? Only 100–150 species have been validated, and possibly another 25 have not been fully described and named. entailment 3500 What is the Super Bowl program called that gives local companies business opportunities for the Super Bowl? For the first time, the Super Bowl 50 Host Committee and the NFL have openly sought disabled veteran and lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender-owned businesses in Business Connect, the Super Bowl program that provides local companies with contracting opportunities in and around the Super Bowl. entailment 3501 What did the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act ban? In April 1970, Congress passed the Public Health Cigarette Smoking Act which banned cigarette advertising from all television and radio networks, including ABC, when it took effect on January 2, 1971. entailment 3502 What is the population of the Inner Mongolia region of China? In general the legacy of Genghis Khan and his successors, who completed the conquest of China after 65 years of struggle, remains a mixed topic.[citation needed] not_entailment 3503 When was ctenophore mnemiopsis leidyi introduced into The Black Sea and the Sea of Azov? Mnemiopsis is well equipped to invade new territories (although this was not predicted until after it so successfully colonized the Black Sea), as it can breed very rapidly and tolerate a wide range of water temperatures and salinities. not_entailment 3504 What were European countries doing during the 1700's? The Age of Imperialism, a time period beginning around 1700, saw (generally European) industrializing nations engaging in the process of colonizing, influencing, and annexing other parts of the world in order to gain political power.[citation needed] entailment 3505 What area is Newcastle's milder winters and cooler summers most similar to? In contrast to other areas influenced by the Gulf Stream, such as inland Scandinavia, Newcastle has milder winters and cooler summers, similar to the remainder of the British Isles. entailment 3506 What are two basic primary resources used to guage complexity? One of the roles of computational complexity theory is to determine the practical limits on what computers can and cannot do. not_entailment 3507 ABC aired symphony performances by what conductor? With the help of the Magnetophon, ABC was able to provide its stars with greater freedom in terms of time, and also attract several big names, such as Bing Crosby at a time when NBC and CBS did not allow pre-taped shows. not_entailment 3508 In the fall quarter of 2014, how many students signed up for the university's in total? In the fall quarter of 2014, the University of Chicago enrolled 5,792 students in the College, 3,468 students in its four graduate divisions, 5,984 students in its professional schools, and 15,244 students overall. entailment 3509 What country was Abhisit Vejjajiva prime minister of, despite having been born in Newcastle? Ironmaster, metallurgist, and member of parliament Isaac Lowthian Bell was born in the city in 1816. not_entailment 3510 Which Count did the Prince strike an arrangement with? The Count supported mercantilism and welcomed technically skilled immigrants into his lands, regardless of their religion. not_entailment 3511 What did Paul Baran develop in the late 1950's The new concept found little resonance among network implementers until the independent work of Donald Davies at the National Physical Laboratory (United Kingdom) (NPL) in the late 1960s. not_entailment 3512 How do competing businesses attract workers? Their competitors will take advantage of the situation by offering a higher wage the best of their labor. entailment 3513 How many cinemas are currently housed at one site? The site currently houses three cinemas, including the restored Classic —the United Kingdom's last surviving news cinema still in full-time operation—alongside two new screens, a roof extension containing the Tyneside Bar, and dedicated education and teaching suites. entailment 3514 In what year did Jerónimo de Ayanz y Beaumont patent a water pump for draining mines? Beaumont received patents in 1606 for fifty steam powered inventions, including a water pump for draining inundated mines. entailment 3515 Constitutional impasse is distinct from what key term? For instance, if the head of government of a country were to refuse to enforce a decision of that country's highest court, it would not be civil disobedience, since the head of government would be acting in her or his capacity as public official rather than private citizen. not_entailment 3516 What is another type of accountant other than a CPA? Teaching may be carried out informally, within the family, which is called homeschooling, or in the wider community. not_entailment 3517 What is the minimum required if you want to teach in Canada? Teaching in Canada requires a post-secondary degree Bachelor's Degree. entailment 3518 Who did the SNP obtain 16 seats from? The SNP took 16 seats from Labour, with many of their key figures not returned to parliament, although Labour leader Iain Gray retained East Lothian by 151 votes. entailment 3519 What kind of disorders are the result of an overactive immune response? Here, the immune system fails to properly distinguish between self and non-self, and attacks part of the body. not_entailment 3520 Which Panther tipped a Manning pass to himself and picked it off? However, the Panthers soon took the ball back when defensive end Kony Ealy tipped a Manning pass to himself and then intercepted it, returning the ball 19 yards to the Panthers 39-yard line with 1:55 left on the clock. entailment 3521 What is the scale used to measure the strength of hurricanes called? The eye crossed St. Augustine with winds that had just barely diminished to 110 mph (180 km/h), making it a strong Category 2 on the Saffir-Simpson Scale. entailment 3522 What do counties sometimes offer to get more teachers? Excellent job opportunities are expected as retirements, especially among secondary school teachers, outweigh slowing enrollment growth; opportunities will vary by geographic area and subject taught.[citation needed] not_entailment 3523 What country did ABC expand in to in the mid-1960s? Goldenson also invested in broadcasting properties in Beirut in the mid-1960s. entailment 3524 The rocks at the Grand Canyon have been in place since when? Even older rocks, such as the Acasta gneiss of the Slave craton in northwestern Canada, the oldest known rock in the world have been metamorphosed to the point where their origin is undiscernable without laboratory analysis. not_entailment 3525 What happened to Apollo 13? The Apollo program succeeded in achieving its goal of manned lunar landing, despite the major setback of a 1967 Apollo 1 cabin fire that killed the entire crew during a prelaunch test. not_entailment 3526 When was the salary range listed valid for (month and year)? Teachers in state schools must have at least a bachelor's degree, complete an approved teacher education program, and be licensed. not_entailment 3527 When was the plastome discovered? Its existence was first proved in 1962, and first sequenced in 1986—when two Japanese research teams sequenced the chloroplast DNA of liverwort and tobacco. entailment 3528 Who is the oldest quarterback to play in a Super Bowl? Peyton Manning became the first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. entailment 3529 The Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America was a revised version of what book? " When the Methodists in America were separated from the Church of England, John Wesley himself provided a revised version of The Book of Common Prayer called the Sunday Service of the Methodists in North America. entailment 3530 Where is Brazil ranked globally in soybean production? New research however, conducted by Leydimere Oliveira et al., has shown that the more rainforest is logged in the Amazon, the less precipitation reaches the area and so the lower the yield per hectare becomes. not_entailment 3531 What did the BankAmericard allow customers do to that they couldn't do with previous financial instruments? After a troubled gestation during which its creator resigned, BankAmericard went on to become the first successful credit card; that is, a financial instrument that was usable across a large number of merchants and also allowed cardholders to revolve a balance (earlier financial products could do one or the other but not both). entailment 3532 What do a and b represent in a Gaussian integer expression? Rational primes (i.e. prime elements in Z) of the form 4k + 3 are Gaussian primes, whereas rational primes of the form 4k + 1 are not. not_entailment 3533 What was given to high schools where former students went on to play or coach in a Super Bowl? Gold footballs were given to each high school that has had a player or coach appear in the Super Bowl, and "homecoming" events were also held by Super Bowl-winning teams at games. entailment 3534 What ruler, besides John of Saxony and Philip of Hesse, formed the Schmalkaldic League? The Swiss cities, however, did not sign these agreements. not_entailment 3535 What was done to the Trajan's Column replica to fit it under the ceiling? One of these is dominated by a full-scale replica of Trajan's Column, cut in half in order to fit under the ceiling. entailment 3536 How successful was the French revised efforts? In the aftermath of generally poor French results in most theaters of the Seven Years' War in 1758, France's new foreign minister, the duc de Choiseul, decided to focus on an invasion of Britain, to draw British resources away from North America and the European mainland. not_entailment 3537 Who announced the game play-by-play for Super Bowl 50? Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage. not_entailment 3538 What is the process of vaccination also known as? This deliberate induction of an immune response is successful because it exploits the natural specificity of the immune system, as well as its inducibility. not_entailment 3539 Where is the most successful agricultural prodcution regions? Tea, coffee, sisal, pyrethrum, corn, and wheat are grown in the fertile highlands, one of the most successful agricultural production regions in Africa. entailment 3540 What month and year was Apollo 13 launched? Apollo was grounded again, for the remainder of 1970 while the oxygen tank was redesigned and an extra one was added. not_entailment 3541 Which NFL team represented the AFC at Super Bowl 50? Super Bowl 50 was an American football game to determine the champion of the National Football League (NFL) for the 2015 season. not_entailment 3542 In which year did Alexander Dyce bequeathed his books to the museum? These were bequeathed with over 18,000 books to the museum in 1876 by John Forster. not_entailment 3543 What year was the ECSC agreement established? EU Competition law has its origins in the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC) agreement between France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg and Germany in 1951 following the second World War. entailment 3544 Who was Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations? Sherwood Boehlert, chairman of the House Science Committee, said this was a "misguided and illegitimate investigation" apparently aimed at intimidating scientists, and at his request the U.S. National Academy of Sciences arranged for its National Research Council to set up a special investigation. not_entailment 3545 Where in South Carolina did Huguenot nobility settle? After the Revocation of the Edict of Nantes in 1685, several Huguenot families of Norman and Carolingian nobility and descent, including Edmund Bohun of Suffolk England from the Humphrey de Bohun line of French royalty descended from Charlemagne, Jean Postell of Dieppe France, Alexander Pepin, Antoine Poitevin of Orsement France, and Jacques de Bordeaux of Grenoble, immigrated to the Charleston Orange district. entailment 3546 What are examples of clinical services that pharmacists can provide? Such services include the thorough analysis of all medication (prescription, non-prescription, and herbals) currently being taken by an individual. entailment 3547 How might gravity effects be observed differently according to Newton? Newton came to realize that the effects of gravity might be observed in different ways at larger distances. entailment 3548 To what may general global fields be transferred to or from? In particular, this norm gets smaller when a number is multiplied by p, in sharp contrast to the usual absolute value (also referred to as the infinite prime). not_entailment 3549 When did Kenya reach the semi-finals? The women's team has competed at the Olympics and World Championships but without any notable success. not_entailment 3550 How many weeks each year does the food and drink festival run? In May, Newcastle and Gateshead host the Evolution Festival, a music festival held on the Newcastle and Gateshead Quaysides over the Spring bank holiday, with performances by acts from the world of Rock, Indie and Dance music. not_entailment 3551 What two scientists were proponents of the humoral theory of immunity? According to the cellular theory of immunity, represented in particular by Elie Metchnikoff, it was cells – more precisely, phagocytes – that were responsible for immune responses. not_entailment 3552 Who was Richard's fiancee? After some searching, it was discovered that the boat carrying his sister and his fiancée Berengaria was anchored on the south coast of Cyprus, together with the wrecks of several other ships, including the treasure ship. entailment 3553 What does computational complexity theory most specifically seek to answer? The quantitative answer to this particular problem instance is of little use for solving other instances of the problem, such as asking for a round trip through all sites in Milan whose total length is at most 10 km. not_entailment 3554 When did Dyrrachium fall to the Normans? The city's garrison resisted until February 1082, when Dyrrachium was betrayed to the Normans by the Venetian and Amalfitan merchants who had settled there. entailment 3555 What church runs some private schools in Victoria? Victoria also has several private Jewish and Islamic primary and secondary schools. not_entailment 3556 Which president ended the Emergency Energy Conservation Act? Development of the Strategic Petroleum Reserve began in 1975, and in 1977 the cabinet-level Department of Energy was created, followed by the National Energy Act of 1978.[citation needed] not_entailment 3557 Where according to gross state product does Victoria rank in Australia? Victoria's total gross state product (GSP) is ranked second in Australia, although Victoria is ranked fourth in terms of GSP per capita because of its limited mining activity. entailment 3558 Who was New France's governor? He had primarily been concerned about the extended supply line to the forts on the Ohio, and had sent Baron Dieskau to lead the defenses at Frontenac against Shirley's expected attack. not_entailment 3559 What is the name associated with the eight areas that make up a part of southern California? Southern California consists of one Combined Statistical Area, eight Metropolitan Statistical Areas, one international metropolitan area, and multiple metropolitan divisions. entailment 3560 What is the public library seen as to Kenyans? A public library is seen as a peoples university since it is open to all irrespective of age, literacy level and has materials relevant to people of all walks of life. entailment 3561 Phagocytosis first evolved as means of doing what? Phagocytosis evolved as a means of acquiring nutrients, but this role was extended in phagocytes to include engulfment of pathogens as a defense mechanism. entailment 3562 During what period the drainage basin of the Amazon likely split? During the mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. entailment 3563 When did General Hospital begin airing? ABC's daytime schedule currently features talk shows The View and The Chew, and the soap opera General Hospital, the latter of which is the longest-running entertainment program in the history of the ABC television network, having aired since 1963. entailment 3564 Who was the game's top receiver? Sanders was his top receiver with six receptions for 83 yards. entailment 3565 What events are often associated with volcanism and igneous activity? Dikes, long, planar igneous intrusions, enter along cracks, and therefore often form in large numbers in areas that are being actively deformed. not_entailment 3566 What relative of Doctor Who traveled with him in the early episodes? The Doctor's first companions seen on screen were his granddaughter Susan Foreman (Carole Ann Ford) and her teachers Barbara Wright (Jacqueline Hill) and Ian Chesterton (William Russell). entailment 3567 When did BSkyB launch it's HDTV service? BSkyB launched its HDTV service, Sky+ HD, on 22 May 2006. entailment 3568 What is most of Warsaw's modern growth based on? Most of the modern day population growth is based on internal migration and urbanisation. entailment 3569 What is considered the centerpiece of the Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art? The Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art, opened in 2006, houses a representative display of 400 objects with the highlight being the Ardabil Carpet, the centrepiece of the gallery. entailment 3570 What happens to the working fluid in a closed loop system? The working fluid in a Rankine cycle can operate as a closed loop system, where the working fluid is recycled continuously, or may be an "open loop" system, where the exhaust steam is directly released to the atmosphere, and a separate source of water feeding the boiler is supplied. entailment 3571 Who was Kublai Khan's grandfather? The dynasty was established by Kublai Khan, yet he placed his grandfather Genghis Khan on the imperial records as the official founder of the dynasty as Taizu.[b] entailment 3572 What was the name of the play performed in the 1970's? In the early 1970s, Trevor Martin played the role in Doctor Who and the Daleks in the Seven Keys to Doomsday. entailment 3573 What is the increased rates of self-employment based on? However, most of it is often based on necessity rather than opportunity. entailment 3574 What does UMC stand for? The United Methodist Church (UMC) is a mainline Protestant Methodist denomination. entailment 3575 How long will the event at Santa Clara Convention Center last? A professional fundraiser will aid in finding business sponsors and individual donors, but still may need the city council to help fund the event. not_entailment 3576 What educational study did Luther start to pursue and immediately drop? For Luther, reason could be used to question men and institutions, but not God. not_entailment 3577 Who is the current captian of the cricket team? Their current captain is Rakep Patel. entailment 3578 What was Warsaw's Old Town listed as in 1980? The city is the seat of a Roman Catholic archdiocese (left bank of the Vistula) and diocese (right bank), and possesses various universities, most notably the Polish Academy of Sciences and the University of Warsaw, two opera houses, theatres, museums, libraries and monuments. not_entailment 3579 Where did he live while he was looking good? He was an elegant, stylish figure in New York City, meticulous in his grooming, clothing, and regimented in his daily activities. entailment 3580 Which principle is based on the appearance of fossils in sedimentary rocks? The principle becomes quite complex, however, given the uncertainties of fossilization, the localization of fossil types due to lateral changes in habitat (facies change in sedimentary strata), and that not all fossils may be found globally at the same time. not_entailment 3581 Which two Mongol leaders added Persia to the Mongol Empire? The famous cavalry expedition led by Subutai and Jebe, in which they encircled the entire Caspian Sea defeating all armies in their path, remains unparalleled to this day, and word of the Mongol triumphs began to trickle to other nations, particularly Europe. entailment 3582 What types of pumps are typically used in industrial boilers? Utility and industrial boilers commonly use multi-stage centrifugal pumps; however, other types are used. entailment 3583 Who confirmed Watt's discovery of latent heat? Watt was also aware of the change in the boiling point of water with pressure. not_entailment 3584 What was the name of the count of Apulia The Albanian forces could not take part in the ensuing battle because it had started before their arrival. not_entailment 3585 Which company owns ABC? The Walt Disney Company (which also owns ABC), Sony Pictures, Universal, MGM, Paramount Pictures, 20th Century Fox, and Warner Brothers. entailment 3586 How did the plague infiltrate Alexandria? By autumn 1347, the plague reached Alexandria in Egypt, probably through the port's trade with Constantinople, and ports on the Black Sea. entailment 3587 When was Dali conquered by the Yuan? However, the corruption in the Yuan dynasty began during the reign of Temür Khan. not_entailment 3588 When did President Uhuru Kenyatta sign a Security Law Amendment Bill? In December 2014, President Uhuru Kenyatta signed a Security Laws Amendment Bill, which supporters of the law suggested was necessary to guard against armed groups. entailment 3589 What Doctor Who mini-episode was shown during the Prom? It also featured the specially filmed mini-episode "Music of the Spheres", written by Russell T Davies and starring David Tennant. entailment 3590 Who was the executive producer of the 2005 Doctor Who revival series? Davies' successor, Steven Moffat, has continued the trend by reviving the Silurians in series 5, Cybermats in series 6, the Great Intelligence and the Ice Warriors in Series 7, and Zygons in the 50th Anniversary Special. not_entailment 3591 What were later Yuan emperors disinterested in? Uninterested in administration, they were separated from both the army and the populace, and China was torn by dissension and unrest. entailment 3592 What are the only states where ABC doesn't have a licensed affiliate? Currently, New Jersey, Rhode Island and Delaware are the only U.S. states where ABC does not have a locally licensed affiliate (New Jersey is served by New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WPVI-TV; Rhode Island is served by New Bedford, Massachusetts-licensed WLNE; and Delaware is served by WPVI and Salisbury, Maryland affiliate WMDT). entailment 3593 What position did Fred Silverman leave ABC to take in 1978? The rousing success of Happy Days also led to a successful spin-off series, Laverne & Shirley, which debuted in 1976. not_entailment 3594 What is the kilogram-force sometimes reffered to as? The pound-force has a metric counterpart, less commonly used than the newton: the kilogram-force (kgf) (sometimes kilopond), is the force exerted by standard gravity on one kilogram of mass. entailment 3595 Who did the NIF regime harbor prior to 9/11? After al-Nimeiry was overthrown in 1985 the party did poorly in national elections, but in 1989 it was able to overthrow the elected post-al-Nimeiry government with the help of the military. not_entailment 3596 what does vBNS stand for The Very high-speed Backbone Network Service (vBNS) came on line in April 1995 as part of a National Science Foundation (NSF) sponsored project to provide high-speed interconnection between NSF-sponsored supercomputing centers and select access points in the United States. entailment 3597 What is the gender income inequality in Bahrain? The income gap in other countries ranges from 53% in Botswana to -40% in Bahrain. entailment 3598 What is the origin of clinical pharmacy? Clinical pharmacists are now an integral part of the interdisciplinary approach to patient care. not_entailment 3599 What was AUSTPAC Started by Telecom Australia in the early 1980s, AUSTPAC was Australia's first public packet-switched data network, supporting applications such as on-line betting, financial applications — the Australian Tax Office made use of AUSTPAC — and remote terminal access to academic institutions, who maintained their connections to AUSTPAC up until the mid-late 1990s in some cases. not_entailment 3600 What is the annual construction industry revenue in 2014? In the United States, approximately 828,000 women were employed in the construction industry as of 2011. not_entailment 3601 Who selected the first Apollo crew? Deke Slayton, the grounded Mercury astronaut who became Director of Flight Crew Operations for the Gemini and Apollo programs, selected the first Apollo crew in January 1966, with Grissom as Command Pilot, White as Senior Pilot, and rookie Donn F. Eisele as Pilot. entailment 3602 Where does Kenya rang on the CPI scale? Kenya ranks low on Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index (CPI), a metric which attempts to gauge the prevalence of public sector corruption in various countries. entailment 3603 What is the largest suspension bridge in Germany? One of the most important cities in this region is Duisburg with the largest river port in Europe (Duisport). not_entailment 3604 To whom did RCA mandate the sale of NBC blue to in 1941? RCA converted the NBC Blue Network into an independent subsidiary, formally divorcing the operations of NBC Red and NBC Blue on January 8, 1942, with the Blue Network being referred to on-air as either "Blue" or "Blue Network". not_entailment 3605 What other business district does Orange County envelop outside of Downtown Santa Ana and Newport Center? Orange County is a rapidly developing business center that includes Downtown Santa Ana, the South Coast Metro and Newport Center districts; as well as the Irvine business centers of The Irvine Spectrum, West Irvine, and international corporations headquartered at the University of California, Irvine. entailment 3606 Complexity classes are generally classified into what? Thus, a typical complexity class has a definition like the following: not_entailment 3607 Who founded Woodward Park? Woodward Park is home to the annual CIF(California Interscholastic Federation) not_entailment 3608 About how many cubic meters of make-up water is used by a 700-megawatt coal-fired power plant for evaporative cooling hourly? Evaporative (wet) cooling towers use the rejected heat to evaporate water; this water is kept separate from the condensate, which circulates in a closed system and returns to the boiler. not_entailment 3609 When was Kenya Electricity Generating Company established? To become energy sufficient, Kenya aims to build a nuclear power plant by 2017. not_entailment 3610 Gateways allowed private companies to do what The business consisted of a large public network that supported dial-up users and a private network business that allowed government agencies and large companies (mostly banks and airlines) to build their own dedicated networks. not_entailment 3611 How many days did the River Tyne have the Bambuco Bridge? The River Tyne had the temporary Bambuco Bridge in 2008 for ten days; it was not made for walking, road or cycling, but was just a sculpture. entailment 3612 In what year was the South African Schools Act passed? The South African Schools Act of 1996 recognises two categories of schools: "public" (state-controlled) and "independent" (which includes traditional private schools and schools which are privately governed[clarification needed].) entailment 3613 The complexity of problems often depends on what? Of course, the notion of hard problems depends on the type of reduction being used. entailment 3614 What is the term for the lack of obsevable free quarks? The failure of many searches for free quarks has shown that the elementary particles affected are not directly observable. not_entailment 3615 During what time did civilization in the Amazon was flourishing when Orellana made his observations? The BBC's Unnatural Histories presents evidence that Orellana, rather than exaggerating his claims as previously thought, was correct in his observations that a complex civilization was flourishing along the Amazon in the 1540s. entailment 3616 For which TV season did color first become a dominant format? It was not until the 1965–66 season that color became the dominant format for the three broadcast television networks. entailment 3617 How many metric tons of carbon are believed to be stored in the Amazon forest? Environmentalists are concerned about loss of biodiversity that will result from destruction of the forest, and also about the release of the carbon contained within the vegetation, which could accelerate global warming. not_entailment 3618 Which conjecture holds that for any positive integer n, there is an infinite amount of pairs of consecutive primes differing by 2n? These conjectures are special cases of the broad Schinzel's hypothesis H. Brocard's conjecture says that there are always at least four primes between the squares of consecutive primes greater than 2. not_entailment 3619 How many nations contain "Amazonas" in their names? This region includes territory belonging to nine nations. not_entailment 3620 What was the time limit on Luther's recantation of sentences? On the Freedom of a Christian in October, publicly set fire to the bull and decretals at Wittenberg on 10 December 1520, an act he defended in Why the Pope and his Recent Book are Burned and Assertions Concerning All Articles. not_entailment 3621 How many volts could particles be charged to in his weapon design? It describes an open-ended vacuum tube with a gas jet seal that allows particles to exit, a method of charging particles to millions of volts, and a method of creating and directing non-dispersive particle streams (through electrostatic repulsion). entailment 3622 In what year did Nikola Tesla emigrate to the United States? His work in the formative years of electric power development was involved in a corporate alternating current/direct current "War of Currents" as well as various patent battles. not_entailment 3623 How many natural reserves are in Warsaw? There are lot of small lakes in the parks, but only a few are permanent – the majority are emptied before winter to clean them of plants and sediments. not_entailment 3624 What does pumping water into the mesoglea do? Conversely if they move from brackish to full-strength seawater, the rosettes may pump water out of the mesoglea to reduce its volume and increase its density. not_entailment 3625 What are environmentalists concerned about losing in the Amazon forest? Amazonian evergreen forests account for about 10% of the world's terrestrial primary productivity and 10% of the carbon stores in ecosystems—of the order of 1.1 × 1011 metric tonnes of carbon. not_entailment 3626 Where can the entire sedimentary sequence of the Grand Canyon be seen in less than the length of a meter? Extension causes the rock units as a whole to become longer and thinner. not_entailment 3627 What is the typical annual cost for an Irish private school? The average fee is around €5,000 annually for most schools, but some of these schools also provide boarding and the fees may then rise up to €25,000 per year. entailment 3628 Persistent unemployment has what effect on long-term economic growth? High and persistent unemployment, in which inequality increases, has a negative effect on subsequent long-run economic growth. entailment 3629 What does phycoerytherin appear in? Cryptophyte chloroplasts and some cyanobacteria don't have their phycobilin pigments organized into phycobilisomes, and keep them in their thylakoid space instead. not_entailment 3630 Who succeeded Thomas Murphy as president in 1990? In 1990, Thomas S. Murphy delegated his position as president to Daniel B. Burke while remaining ABC's chairman and CEO. entailment 3631 What is the main denomination of Christians in Kenya? The only Jewish synagogue in the country is located in the capital, Nairobi. not_entailment 3632 What would need to remain constant in a multiplication algorithm to produce the same outcome whether multiplying or squaring two integers? Indeed, this can be done by giving the same input to both inputs of the multiplication algorithm. entailment 3633 For whom was Luther concerned about in Mansfeld? Luther journeyed to Mansfeld twice in late 1545 to participate in the negotiations for a settlement, and a third visit was needed in early 1546 for their completion. not_entailment 3634 Who filed an objection to the BBC using the blue police box in Doctor Who merchandise? In 1998, the Metropolitan Police Authority filed an objection to the trade mark claim; but in 2002, the Patent Office ruled in favour of the BBC. entailment 3635 How many NFL teams have had only one loss by the end of a regular season? For the third straight season, the number one seeds from both conferences met in the Super Bowl. not_entailment 3636 Revolutionary civil disobedience towards culture is highlighted by example of who? Revolutionary civil disobedience is more of an active attempt to overthrow a government (or to change cultural traditions, social customs, religious beliefs, etc...revolution doesn't have to be political, i.e. "cultural revolution", it simply implies sweeping and widespread change to a section of the social fabric). not_entailment 3637 How many major bus stations are in the city of Newcastle? There are two major bus stations in the city: Haymarket bus station and Eldon Square bus station. entailment 3638 Who allegedly coined the name Black Death? In England, it was not until 1823 that the medieval epidemic was first called the Black Death. not_entailment 3639 How much did Capital Cities Communications purchase ABC and its properties for? On March 16, 1985, ABC's executive committee accepted the merger offer, which was formally announced on March 18, 1985, with Capital Cities purchasing ABC and its related properties for $3.5 billion and $118 for each of ABC's shares as well as a guarantee of 10% (or $3) for a total of $121 per share. entailment 3640 What did Guo Shoujing do for calendars? Guo Shoujing applied mathematics to the construction of calendars. entailment 3641 How many square miles large was the region impacted by the 2010 drought? The affected region was approximate 1,160,000 square miles (3,000,000 km2) of rainforest, compared to 734,000 square miles (1,900,000 km2) in 2005. entailment 3642 How many affiliated stations does ABC currently have? The television network has eight owned-and-operated and over 232 affiliated television stations throughout the United States and its territories. entailment 3643 What foot was injured on Manning that sidelined him in week 10? In week 10, Manning suffered a partial tear of the plantar fasciitis in his left foot. entailment 3644 The production of what signalling molecules is regulated by the immune system? It is conjectured that a progressive decline in hormone levels with age is partially responsible for weakened immune responses in aging individuals. not_entailment 3645 What can faith groups ask the Presiding Officer to do for them? The first item of business on Wednesdays is usually Time for Reflection, at which a speaker addresses members for up to four minutes, sharing a perspective on issues of faith. not_entailment 3646 What were the first local stations to offer streams of their programming on WATCH ABC? New York City O&O WABC-TV and Philadelphia O&O WPVI-TV were the first stations to offer streams of their programming on the service (with a free preview for non-subscribers through June 2013), with the six remaining ABC O&Os offering streams by the start of the 2013–14 season. entailment 3647 What books did Bayle publish? Some Huguenot descendants in the Netherlands may be noted by French family names, although they typically use Dutch given names. not_entailment 3648 What nationality is Hoesung Lee? Before this election, the IPCC was led by his vice-Chair Ismail El Gizouli, who was designated acting Chair after the resignation of Rajendra K. Pachauri in February 2015. not_entailment 3649 How many times did Newcastle fight off the Scots during the 14th century? A 25-foot (7.6 m) high stone wall was built around the town in the 13th century, to defend it from invaders during the Border war against Scotland. not_entailment 3650 How many species of insects are known in the region? One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. not_entailment 3651 What is a trait of sequential hermaphrodites? Most species are hermaphrodites—a single animal can produce both eggs and sperm, meaning it can fertilize its own egg, not needing a mate. not_entailment 3652 Who ordered Loudoun to attack Louisbourg? Faced with this strength, Loudoun returned to New York amid news that a massacre had occurred at Fort William Henry. not_entailment 3653 From which countries were the V&A's collection of Delftware produced? There is an extensive collection of Delftware produced in both Britain and Holland, which includes a circa 1695 flower pyramid over a metre in height. entailment 3654 What was named "The Tesla" in his honor? His work fell into relative obscurity after his death, but in 1960 the General Conference on Weights and Measures named the SI unit of magnetic flux density the tesla in his honor. entailment 3655 What is the expression used to represent a complexity class of counting problems? ALL is the class of all decision problems. not_entailment 3656 Who defines what constitutes a patient-doctor relationship? Often, individual state laws outline what defines a valid patient-doctor relationship. entailment 3657 Who is the producer of Doctor Who? Doctor Who is a British science-fiction television programme produced by the BBC since 1963. entailment 3658 Who wrote the book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"? According to this theory, those who already hold wealth have the means to invest in new sources of creating wealth or to otherwise leverage the accumulation of wealth, thus are the beneficiaries of the new wealth. not_entailment 3659 When did Subutai's army return to Mongolia? In 1225 both divisions returned to Mongolia. entailment 3660 What do all but one platycenida species lack? All but one of the known platyctenid species lack comb-rows. entailment 3661 What is the logic behind the cicadas prime number evolutionary strategy? The logic for this is believed to be that the prime number intervals between emergences make it very difficult for predators to evolve that could specialize as predators on Magicicadas. entailment 3662 imperialism often divides countries by using which technique? This is often through various forms of "othering" (see other) based on racial, religious, or cultural stereotypes. entailment 3663 What is the expression used to identify any given series of problems capable of being solved within time on a deterministic Turing machine? For a precise definition of what it means to solve a problem using a given amount of time and space, a computational model such as the deterministic Turing machine is used. not_entailment 3664 What does Kuznets' curve predict about income inequality given time? Kuznets' curve predicts that income inequality will eventually decrease given time. entailment 3665 Where is Energiprojekt AB based? The company Energiprojekt AB in Sweden has made progress in using modern materials for harnessing the power of steam. entailment 3666 How many Kenyans are non-religious? In addition, there is a large Hindu population in Kenya (around 300,000), who have played a key role in the local economy; they are mostly of Indian origin. not_entailment 3667 When did he talk about his beliefs in an interview? In a 1937 interview, he stated: entailment 3668 Who was responsible for the decorations of the Centre Refreshment Room? The interiors of the three refreshment rooms were assigned to different designers. not_entailment 3669 What did he believe the ether did? Tesla exhibited a pre-atomic understanding of physics in his writings; he disagreed with the theory of atoms being composed of smaller subatomic particles, stating there was no such thing as an electron creating an electric charge (he believed that if electrons existed at all, they were some fourth state of matter or "sub-atom" that could only exist in an experimental vacuum and that they had nothing to do with electricity).:249 Tesla believed that atoms are immutable—they could not change state or be split in any way. not_entailment 3670 Which Super Bowl was hosted in San Diego in 2003? On May 21, 2013, NFL owners at their spring meetings in Boston voted and awarded the game to Levi's Stadium. not_entailment 3671 What did a survey of North American Lutherans find that Lutherans felt about Jews compared to other minority groups? .'s 1970 survey of 4,745 North American Lutherans aged 15–65 found that, compared to the other minority groups under consideration, Lutherans were the least prejudiced toward Jews. entailment 3672 What does the bolinopsis generally eat? If food is plentiful, they can eat 10 times their own weight per day. not_entailment 3673 What did Luther deny the rebels? Thereafter, radicalism found a refuge in the anabaptist movement and other religious movements, while Luther's Reformation flourished under the wing of the secular powers. not_entailment 3674 What part of the Rhine flows west at Katwijk? The name Rijn, from here on, is used only for smaller streams farther to the north, which together formed the main river Rhine in Roman times. not_entailment 3675 What did the sparks do to the insulation? While experimenting, Tesla inadvertently faulted a power station generator, causing a power outage. not_entailment 3676 What term referred to middle class citizens leaving the suburbs? After World War II, the government of the city of Jacksonville began to increase spending to fund new public building projects in the boom that occurred after the war. not_entailment 3677 The business allowed for private companies to do what The private networks were often connected via gateways to the public network to reach locations not on the private network. not_entailment 3678 What did the reforms cause? The reforms provoked disturbances, including a revolt by the Augustinian friars against their prior, the smashing of statues and images in churches, and denunciations of the magistracy. entailment 3679 What is the study of proteins involved in immune response known as? Immunoproteomics is the study of large sets of proteins (proteomics) involved in the immune response. entailment 3680 What ideal thermodynamic cycle analyzes the process by which steam engines work? The ideal thermodynamic cycle used to analyze this process is called the Rankine cycle. entailment 3681 What does Graham Twigg propose about the spread of disease? Twigg suggested that the cause was a form of anthrax, and Norman Cantor (2001) thought it may have been a combination of anthrax and other pandemics. entailment 3682 What does the euplokamis use the three types of movement for? The tentilla of Euplokamis differ significantly from those of other cydippids: they contain striated muscle, a cell type otherwise unknown in the phylum Ctenophora; and they are coiled when relaxed, while the tentilla of all other known ctenophores elongate when relaxed. not_entailment 3683 Given the strength of French forces at Louisbourg, what did Loudoun do? Faced with this strength, Loudoun returned to New York amid news that a massacre had occurred at Fort William Henry. entailment 3684 What attracts the tourists to Kenya? Tourists, the largest number being from Germany and the United Kingdom, are attracted mainly to the coastal beaches and the game reserves, notably, the expansive East and West Tsavo National Park 20,808 square kilometres (8,034 sq mi) in the southeast. entailment 3685 What court is able to interpret European Union law? Although the European Union does not have a codified constitution, like every political body it has laws which "constitute" its basic governance structure. not_entailment 3686 What was the theorized maximum population density per square kilometre for the Amazon rainforest? For a long time, it was thought that the Amazon rainforest was only ever sparsely populated, as it was impossible to sustain a large population through agriculture given the poor soil. not_entailment 3687 Who explained that inertial reference frames equaled reference frames subject to constant acceleration? The concept of inertia can be further generalized to explain the tendency of objects to continue in many different forms of constant motion, even those that are not strictly constant velocity. not_entailment 3688 What did Guo Shoujing do for calendars? There are no explicit signs of Muslim influences in the Shoushi calendar, but Mongol rulers were known to be interested in Muslim calendars. not_entailment 3689 What did Kllbrandon's report in 1973 recommend establishing? Kilbrandon published his report in 1973 recommending the establishment of a directly elected Scottish Assembly to legislate for the majority of domestic Scottish affairs. entailment 3690 What medical appliance can be a concern for oxygen toxicity? This is not a problem except for patients on mechanical ventilators, since gas supplied through oxygen masks in medical applications is typically composed of only 30%–50% entailment 3691 When the election produced an SNP majority government, what was it the first occurrence of? The SNP overall majority meant that there was sufficient support in the Scottish Parliament to hold a referendum on Scottish independence. not_entailment 3692 What was the outcome of living in the California Redwood tree? Julia Butterfly Hill lived in Luna, a 180-foot (55 m)-tall, 600-year-old California Redwood tree for 738 days, successfully preventing it from being cut down. entailment 3693 What plants create most electric power? The weight of boilers and condensers generally makes the power-to-weight ratio of a steam plant lower than for internal combustion engines. not_entailment 3694 What yard line did the Broncos stop the Panthers on in their first offensive drive of Super Bowl 50? The Panthers seemed primed to score on their opening drive of the second half when Newton completed a 45-yard pass to Ted Ginn Jr. on the Denver 35-yard line on their second offensive play. not_entailment 3695 What are the points of algebro-geometric objects? Prime ideals are the points of algebro-geometric objects, via the notion of the spectrum of a ring. entailment 3696 How many museums comprise Harvard Art Museums? Harvard operates several arts, cultural, and scientific museums. not_entailment 3697 Other than a peace-ray, what did reporters call the weapon? The press variably referred to it as a "peace ray" or death ray. entailment 3698 How many touchdowns did Newton get in the 2015 season? Pro Bowl quarterback Cam Newton had one of his best seasons, throwing for 3,837 yards and rushing for 636, while recording a career-high and league-leading 45 total touchdowns (35 passing, 10 rushing), a career-low 10 interceptions, and a career-best quarterback rating of 99.4. entailment 3699 What is the name of the quarterback who was 38 in Super Bowl XXXIII? The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. entailment 3700 What does the sea monster with a female upper body hold in its claws? The mermaid (syrenka) is Warsaw's symbol and can be found on statues throughout the city and on the city's coat of arms. not_entailment 3701 When was King George's war? As there had already been a King George's War in the 1740s, British colonists named the second war in King George's reign after their opponents, and it became known as the French and Indian War. entailment 3702 A small fraction of the cold water flow from Lake Constance goes to what other lake? The flow of cold, gray mountain water continues for some distance into the lake. not_entailment 3703 What was the effect of the housing crash on the region? Southern California's economy is diverse and one of the largest in the United States. not_entailment 3704 What award was Michelle Gomez nominated for? In 2011, Matt Smith became the first Doctor to be nominated for a BAFTA Television Award for Best Actor and in 2016, Michelle Gomez became the first female to receive a BAFTA nomination for the series, getting a Best Supporting Actress nomination for her work as Missy. entailment 3705 President Johnson issued an executive order to rename the Launch Operations Center after whom? Upon Kennedy's death, President Johnson issued an executive order on November 29, 1963, to rename the LOC and Cape Canaveral in honor of Kennedy. entailment 3706 how long did Tesla spend redesigning the motor and generators? After months of work, Tesla fulfilled the task and inquired about payment. entailment 3707 What is the example of another problem characterized by large instances that is routinely solved by SAT handlers employing efficient algorithms? For example, the decision problem in Presburger arithmetic has been shown not to be in P, yet algorithms have been written that solve the problem in reasonable times in most cases. not_entailment 3708 What Irish cities had Huguenot mayors in the 1600s and 1700s? A French church in Portarlington dates back to 1696, and was built to serve the significant new Huguenot community in the town. not_entailment 3709 How long ago did cyanobacteria enter a cell? Somewhere around a billion years ago, a free-living cyanobacterium entered an early eukaryotic cell, either as food or as an internal parasite, but managed to escape the phagocytic vacuole it was contained in. entailment 3710 In what year did Raymond Sullivan publish a study of rudimentary sets? Somewhat earlier, Boris Trakhtenbrot (1956), a pioneer in the field from the USSR, studied another specific complexity measure. not_entailment 3711 What second part of air was deemed lifeless by Lavoisier? In that work, he proved that air is a mixture of two gases; 'vital air', which is essential to combustion and respiration, and azote (Gk. ἄζωτον "lifeless"), which did not support either. entailment 3712 When Tesla attempted to photograph Mark Twain, what was the only thing that showed up on the image? The only thing captured in the image was the metal locking screw on the camera lens.:134 entailment 3713 After Apollo missions 18 and 19 were cancelled, what happened to the Saturn Vs that were never used? The two unused Saturn Vs became museum exhibits at the John F. Kennedy Space Center on Merritt Island, Florida, George C. Marshall Space Center in Huntsville, Alabama, Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans, Louisiana, and Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. entailment 3714 In 2004 the Orange revolution occurred in what country? It has been used in many nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist governments, In South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution to bring independence to the Baltic countries from the Soviet Union, recently with the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia and the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, among other various movements worldwide. entailment 3715 What is the shortened name of the annual yacht race that takes place? Southern California is also important to the world of yachting. not_entailment 3716 Dendritic cells are named that because they resemble what? They are named for their resemblance to neuronal dendrites, as both have many spine-like projections, but dendritic cells are in no way connected to the nervous system. entailment 3717 Residential construction practices, technologies, and resources must conform to what? Residential construction practices, technologies, and resources must conform to local building authority regulations and codes of practice. entailment 3718 Starting in what year has Harvard topped the Academic Rankings of World Universities? Professional Ranking World Universities ranked Harvard 1st university in the world in terms of number of alumni holding CEO position in Fortune Global 500 companies. not_entailment 3719 When was the newsmagazine 20/20 first created? In February 1979, ABC sold its recording division to MCA Inc. for $20 million; the label was discontinued by March 5 of that year, and all of its 300 employees were laid off (the rights to the works of ABC Records and all of MCA's other labels have since been acquired by Universal Music Group). not_entailment 3720 What holiday coincided with the first showing of series two? For the Canadian broadcast, Christopher Eccleston recorded special video introductions for each episode (including a trivia question as part of a viewer contest) and excerpts from the Doctor Who Confidential documentary were played over the closing credits; for the broadcast of "The Christmas Invasion" on 26 December 2005, Billie Piper recorded a special video introduction. not_entailment 3721 What famous artist later further investigated Philo's experiments? One of the first known experiments on the relationship between combustion and air was conducted by the 2nd century BCE Greek writer on mechanics, Philo of Byzantium. not_entailment 3722 How long is the term of a Judicial Council member? It consists of nine members, both laity and clergy, elected by the General Conference for an eight-year term. entailment 3723 What is it called when there is an active attempt to overthrow a government or belief system? Revolutionary civil disobedience is more of an active attempt to overthrow a government (or to change cultural traditions, social customs, religious beliefs, etc...revolution doesn't have to be political, i.e. "cultural revolution", it simply implies sweeping and widespread change to a section of the social fabric). entailment 3724 What entity was rumored to be sold by ABC in between May and September 2005? On October 19, 2005, ABC announced the restructuring of the group into six divisions: Entertainment Communications, Communications Resources, Kids Communications, News Communications, Corporate Communications, and International Communications. not_entailment 3725 Who had a 12-yard rush on this drive? On the next play, Ealy knocked the ball out of Manning's hand as he was winding up for a pass, and then recovered it for Carolina on the 50-yard line. not_entailment 3726 When did Watt finish the development of his improvements to Newcomen's engine? Boulton and Watt's early engines used half as much coal as John Smeaton's improved version of Newcomen's. not_entailment 3727 Who was imprisoned in Newcastle by the Scots in 1646 through 1647? In 1644 the Scots then captured the reinforced fortification on the Lawe in South Shields following a siege. not_entailment 3728 What decreased in number between 1984 and 1991? A number of researchers (David Rodda, Jacob Vigdor, and Janna Matlack), argue that a shortage of affordable housing – at least in the US – is caused in part by income inequality. not_entailment 3729 Where did the congregation at St. George's initially meet in 1767? The congregation was founded in 1767, meeting initially in a sail loft on Dock Street, and in 1769 it purchased the shell of a building which had been erected in 1763 by a German Reformed congregation. entailment 3730 What was special about Tesla's memory? Tesla's mother, Đuka Tesla (née Mandić), whose father was also an Orthodox priest,:10 had a talent for making home craft tools, mechanical appliances, and the ability to memorize Serbian epic poems. not_entailment 3731 What other sources of high oxidative potential can add to a fire? Fire and explosion hazards exist when concentrated oxidants and fuels are brought into close proximity; an ignition event, such as heat or a spark, is needed to trigger combustion. not_entailment 3732 What animals does the Vistula river's ecosystem include? There are lot of small lakes in the parks, but only a few are permanent – the majority are emptied before winter to clean them of plants and sediments. not_entailment 3733 When did the university start having a bachelor's degree program in Cinema & Media studies? It has offered a doctorate in music composition since 1933 and in Cinema & Media studies since 2000, a master of fine arts in visual arts (early 1970s), and a master of arts in the humanities with a creative writing track (2000). not_entailment 3734 WHat were features of Apple Talk AppleTalk included features that allowed local area networks to be established ad hoc without the requirement for a centralized router or server. entailment 3735 What is one way in which graphs can be encoded? As in a real-world computer, mathematical objects other than bitstrings must be suitably encoded. not_entailment 3736 Where was Super Bowl 50 held? The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. entailment 3737 Who was the inventor of the atmospheric engine? Newcomen's engine was relatively inefficient, and in most cases was used for pumping water. not_entailment 3738 What did Tesla develop in 1887? The motor used polyphase current which generated a rotating magnetic field to turn the motor (a principle Tesla claimed to have conceived in 1882). not_entailment 3739 Where did Super Bowl 50 take place? The game was played on February 7, 2016, at Levi's Stadium in the San Francisco Bay Area at Santa Clara, California. entailment 3740 How old was Manning at the beginning of the 2015 season? Under Kubiak, the Broncos planned to install a run-oriented offense with zone blocking to blend in with quarterback Peyton Manning's shotgun passing skills, but struggled with numerous changes and injuries to the offensive line, as well as Manning having his worst statistical season since his rookie year with the Indianapolis Colts in 1998, due to a plantar fasciitis injury in his heel that he had suffered since the summer, and the simple fact that Manning was getting old, as he turned 39 in the 2015 off-season. entailment 3741 What body part did Thomas Davis break during the NFC Championship Game? Carolina suffered a major setback when Thomas Davis, an 11-year veteran who had already overcome three ACL tears in his career, went down with a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game. entailment 3742 What distinguishes granal thylakoids? There are two types of thylakoids—granal thylakoids, which are arranged in grana, and stromal thylakoids, which are in contact with the stroma. entailment 3743 When did Luther start preaching Prophetic faith? In 1521 Luther dealt largely with prophecy, in which he broadened the foundations of the Reformation placing them on prophetic faith. entailment 3744 What percentage of funds were given as charitable funds to causes in and around San Francisco? Host Committee has vowed to be "the most giving Super Bowl ever", and will dedicate 25 percent of all money it raises for philanthropic causes in the Bay Area. entailment 3745 Which country was the last to receive the disease? The plague was somewhat less common in parts of Europe that had smaller trade relations with their neighbours, including the Kingdom of Poland, the majority of the Basque Country, isolated parts of Belgium and the Netherlands, and isolated alpine villages throughout the continent. not_entailment 3746 What do some theories claim about civil disobedience? Brownlee argues that disobedience in opposition to the decisions of non-governmental agencies such as trade unions, banks, and private universities can be justified if it reflects "a larger challenge to the legal system that permits those decisions to be taken". not_entailment 3747 How did the education during the high school education movement differ from the subsequent high school education? During the mass high school education movement from 1910–1940, there was an increase in skilled workers, which led to a decrease in the price of skilled labor. not_entailment 3748 Who ruined Roussel de Bailleul's plans for an independent state? Roussel de Bailleul even tried to carve out an independent state in Asia Minor with support from the local population, but he was stopped by the Byzantine general Alexius Komnenos. entailment 3749 Who was one man who joined hands and said "Lord of the Church, we are united in Thee...?" With the words, "Lord of the Church, we are united in Thee, in Thy Church and now in The United Methodist Church" the new denomination was given birth by the two churches that had distinguished histories and influential ministries in various parts of the world. not_entailment 3750 What was the main idea of James Hutton's paper? In 1785 he presented a paper entitled Theory of the Earth to the Royal Society of Edinburgh. not_entailment 3751 Who listed the Grainger Market architecture as grade 1 in 1954? I in 1954 by English Heritage. entailment 3752 How many miners died in the typhoid outbreak of 1854? Although there was some racism directed at them, there was not the level of anti-Chinese violence that was seen at the Lambing Flat riots in New South Wales. not_entailment 3753 Who was UPT forced to separate themselves from in 1949? In 1951, a rumor even mentioned that the network would be sold to CBS. not_entailment 3754 Why is using O2 instead of CO2 less efficient? Rubisco cannot distinguish between oxygen and carbon dioxide very well, so it can accidentally add O2 instead of CO2 to RuBP. not_entailment 3755 When was the Special Report on Managing Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX) issued? In the year 2011 two IPCC Special Report were finalized, the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) and the Special Report on Managing Risks of Extreme Events and Disasters to Advance Climate Change Adaptation (SREX). entailment 3756 In which year did Alexander Dyce bequeathed his books to the museum? The Reverend Alexander Dyce was another benefactor of the library, leaving over 14,000 books to the museum in 1869. entailment 3757 What was the Rhine considered to invaders in WWII? Seven Days to the River Rhine was a Warsaw Pact war plan for an invasion of Western Europe during the Cold War. not_entailment 3758 Which performers joined the headliner during the Super Bowl 50 halftime show? The Super Bowl 50 halftime show was headlined by the British rock group Coldplay with special guest performers Beyoncé and Bruno Mars, who headlined the Super Bowl XLVII and Super Bowl XLVIII halftime shows, respectively. entailment 3759 What is one of the largest city center shopping complexes in the UK? It incorporates a flagship Debenhams store as well as one of the largest John Lewis stores in the UK. not_entailment 3760 Which treaty provides that the European Union law be applied to metropolitan territories of member states? The primary law of the EU consists mainly of the founding treaties, the "core" treaties being the Treaty on European Union (TEU) and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU). entailment 3761 What is the name of the basin that was created from a enclosed lake? During the mid-Eocene, it is believed that the drainage basin of the Amazon was split along the middle of the continent by the Purus Arch. not_entailment 3762 Where was the location of the 2003 Rose revolution? It has been used in many nonviolent resistance movements in India (Gandhi's campaigns for independence from the British Empire), in Czechoslovakia's Velvet Revolution and in East Germany to oust their communist governments, In South Africa in the fight against apartheid, in the American Civil Rights Movement, in the Singing Revolution to bring independence to the Baltic countries from the Soviet Union, recently with the 2003 Rose Revolution in Georgia and the 2004 Orange Revolution in Ukraine, among other various movements worldwide. entailment 3763 Which musical group did the V&A present in July 1973 as part of its youth outreach programme? In July 1973, as part of its outreach programme to young people, the V&A became the first museum in Britain to present a rock concert. not_entailment 3764 When did Dyrrachium fall to the Normans? The Albanian forces could not take part in the ensuing battle because it had started before their arrival. not_entailment 3765 In what city's Marriott did the Panthers stay? The Panthers used the San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott. entailment 3766 In a type III secretion system, proteins are transported to the host cell in order to do what? Alternatively, using a type III secretion system, they may insert a hollow tube into the host cell, providing a direct route for proteins to move from the pathogen to the host. not_entailment 3767 How old was Manning when he played Super Bowl 50? Peyton Manning became the first quarterback ever to lead two different teams to multiple Super Bowls. not_entailment 3768 What famous composer used a Lutheran hymn in his work? Preachers and composers of the 18th century, including J. S. Bach, used this rich hymn as a subject for their own work, although its objective baptismal theology was displaced by more subjective hymns under the influence of late-19th-century Lutheran pietism. entailment 3769 What does 'Pax Mongolica' mean? Pax Mongolica, Mongol peace, enabled the spread of technologies, commodities, and culture between China and the West. entailment 3770 Which region began to grow and assert itself in the 2000s? Despite a reputation for high growth rates, southern California's rate grew less than the state average of 10.0% in the 2000s as California's growth became concentrated in the northern part of the state due to a stronger, tech-oriented economy in the Bay Area and an emerging Greater Sacramento region. entailment 3771 What proportion of the general population in the area than became Iran did Genghis Khan kill? In the Middle East, and particularly in Iran, Genghis Khan is almost universally condemned as a destructive and genocidal warlord who caused enormous damage and destruction to the population of these areas. not_entailment 3772 what do conquering people pass down to native populations? Colonialism can completely change the existing social structure, physical structure and economics of an area; it is not unusual that the characteristics of the conquering peoples are inherited by the conquered indigenous populations. entailment 3773 Who else did DATNET 1 refer to Strictly speaking Datanet 1 only referred to the network and the connected users via leased lines (using the X.121 DNIC 2041), the name also referred to the public PAD service Telepad (using the DNIC 2049). entailment 3774 What equation currently decribes the physics of force. The notion "force" keeps its meaning in quantum mechanics, though one is now dealing with operators instead of classical variables and though the physics is now described by the Schrödinger equation instead of Newtonian equations. entailment 3775 Between what dates was the building on Pilgrim Street refurbished? The Pilgrim Street building was refurbished between November 2006 and May 2008; during the refurbishment works, the cinema relocated to the Old Town Hall, Gateshead. entailment 3776 Which British sculptor whose work include the Queen Victoria memorial in front of Buckingham Palace is included in the V&A collection? A sample of some of these sculptors' work is on display in the British Galleries. not_entailment 3777 When did the United States withdraw from the Bretton Woods Accord? In September 1971, OPEC issued a joint communiqué stating that, from then on, they would price oil in terms of a fixed amount of gold. not_entailment 3778 What website are teachers using to sell their lesson plans? Many teachers take advantage of the opportunity to increase their income by supervising after-school programs and other extracurricular activities. not_entailment 3779 What does private ownership create a situation of? Socialists attribute the vast disparities in wealth to the private ownership of the means of production by a class of owners, creating a situation where a small portion of the population lives off unearned property income by virtue of ownership titles in capital equipment, financial assets and corporate stock. entailment 3780 How many doctors were in Kenya in 2011? Nurses treat 80% of the population who visit dispensaries, health centres and private clinics in rural and under-served urban areas. not_entailment 3781 Which player did the Panthers lose to an ACL injury in a preseason game? Carolina started the season 14–0, not only setting franchise records for the best start and the longest single-season winning streak, but also posting the best start to a season by an NFC team in NFL history, breaking the 13–0 record previously shared with the 2009 New Orleans Saints and the 2011 Green Bay Packers. not_entailment 3782 Who suffered a broken arm in the NFC Championship Game? Despite this, he insisted he would still find a way to play in the Super Bowl. not_entailment 3783 What types of responsibilities might a pharmacy technician have? A Pharmacy Technician in the UK is considered a health care professional and often does not work under the direct supervision of a pharmacist (if employed in a hospital pharmacy) but instead is supervised and managed by other senior pharmacy technicians. not_entailment 3784 Members of which organizations are disqualified from sitting in the SP as elected MSPs? Members of the police and the armed forces are disqualified from sitting in the Scottish Parliament as elected MSPs, and similarly, civil servants and members of foreign legislatures are disqualified. entailment 3785 What type of theatre is the Warsaw Fotoplastikon? A fine tribute to the fall of Warsaw and history of Poland can be found in the Warsaw Uprising Museum and in the Katyń Museum which preserves the memory of the crime. not_entailment 3786 What countries is corporal punishment still a normal practice? Official corporal punishment, often by caning, remains commonplace in schools in some Asian, African and Caribbean countries. entailment 3787 Which descendant of Genghis Khan is remembered as having reunified China? In general the legacy of Genghis Khan and his successors, who completed the conquest of China after 65 years of struggle, remains a mixed topic.[citation needed] not_entailment 3788 How did Luther describe the University of Erfurt? He was made to wake at four every morning for what has been described as "a day of rote learning and often wearying spiritual exercises." not_entailment 3789 What is usually the goal of taking a plea bargain? Sometimes the prosecution proposes a plea bargain to civil disobedients, as in the case of the Camden 28, in which the defendants were offered an opportunity to plead guilty to one misdemeanor count and receive no jail time. entailment 3790 What happened to the things inside the lab after it was torn down? His lab was torn down in 1904, and its contents were sold two years later to satisfy a debt. entailment 3791 Where and when did the investigation of the plague pathogen begin? The dominant explanation for the Black Death is the plague theory, which attributes the outbreak to Yersinia pestis, also responsible for an epidemic that began in southern China in 1865, eventually spreading to India. not_entailment 3792 What is being overhauled as part of the improvement works? In addition; tracks, signalling and overhead wires are also being overhauled. entailment 3793 Who wrote the Nong Shu? The publication of a Taoist text inscribed with the name of Töregene Khatun, Ögedei's wife, is one of the first printed works sponsored by the Mongols. not_entailment 3794 In 2009 what was the total of Grants awarded from Harvard? For the 2012–13 school year annual tuition was $38,000, with a total cost of attendance of $57,000. not_entailment 3795 How many affiliates does Sinclair Broadcast Group service or own? The E. W. Scripps Company is the largest operator of ABC stations in terms of overall market reach, owning 15 ABC-affiliated stations (including affiliates in larger markets such as Cleveland, Phoenix, Detroit and Denver), and through its ownership of Phoenix affiliate KNXV, Las Vegas affiliate KTNV-TV and Tucson affiliate KGUN-TV, the only provider of ABC programming for the majority of Arizona (outside of the Yuma-El Centro market) and Southern Nevada. not_entailment 3796 Currently, how many votes out of the 352 total votes are needed for a majority? TEU article 16(4) and TFEU article 238(3) define this to mean at least 55 per cent of the Council members (not votes) representing 65 per cent of the population of the EU: currently this means around 74 per cent, or 260 of the 352 votes. entailment 3797 What issue has been plaguing the civil disobedience movement. Marshall Cohen notes, "It has been used to describe everything from bringing a test-case in the federal courts to taking aim at a federal official. not_entailment 3798 Who was the Jin dynasty defector who betrayed the location of the Jin army? The commander of the Jin dynasty army made a tactical mistake in not attacking the Mongols at the first opportunity. not_entailment 3799 What type of company is Van Gend en Loos? Because article 30 clearly, unconditionally and immediately stated that no quantitative restrictions could be placed on trade, without a good justification, Van Gend en not_entailment 3800 Which Doctors were featured in The Four Doctors? Additionally, multiple Doctors have returned in new adventures together in audio dramas based on the series. not_entailment 3801 Between which two streets along Kearney Boulevard were wealthy African-Americans at one time residing? A small, two-lane rural road for most of its length, Kearney Boulevard is lined with tall palm trees. not_entailment 3802 Which player recovered possession of the ball in the end zone? This was the first fumble return touchdown in a Super Bowl since Super Bowl XXVIII at the end of the 1993 season. not_entailment 3803 What was the average cost for a TV ad lasting 30 seconds during Super Bowl 50? It was the third-most watched U.S. broadcast ever. not_entailment 3804 What is one work by Olivier Messiaen? The French composer Olivier Messiaen used prime numbers to create ametrical music through "natural phenomena". not_entailment 3805 What did the sparks do to the insulation? In August 1917, Tesla explained what had happened in The Electrical Experimenter: "As an example of what has been done with several hundred kilowatts of high frequency energy liberated, it was found that the dynamos in a power house six miles away were repeatedly burned out, due to the powerful high frequency currents set up in them, and which caused heavy sparks to jump through the windings and destroy the insulation!" entailment 3806 Who was the head of the company? In 1893 Richard Dean Adams, who headed up the Niagara Falls Cataract Construction Company sought Tesla's opinion on what system would be best to transmit power generated at the falls. entailment 3807 To what did Martin Luther devote all his attention ? Johann von Staupitz, his superior, pointed Luther's mind away from continual reflection upon his sins toward the merits of Christ. not_entailment 3808 Who are some of the best rally drivers that have won the rally? Although the rally still runs annually as part of the Africa rally championship, the organisers are hoping to be allowed to rejoin the World Rally championship in the next couple of years. not_entailment 3809 What might the Amazon forest become if it passes the tipping point and starts to die? It concludes that the forest is on the brink of being turned into savanna or desert, with catastrophic consequences for the world's climate. entailment 3810 What day of the week was Media Day held on for Super Bowl 50? Alongside the traditional media availabilities, the event featured an opening ceremony with player introductions on a replica of the Golden Gate Bridge. not_entailment 3811 Where is the highest point of the Rhine basin? The Rhine emerges from Lake Constance, flows generally westward, as the Hochrhein, passes the Rhine Falls, and is joined by its major tributary, the river Aare. not_entailment 3812 What was the name of the set top box manufacturer that BSkyB was having issues with? In the week before the launch, rumours started to surface that BSkyB was having supply issues with its set top box (STB) from manufacturer Thomson. entailment 3813 What kind of problems are one of the main topics studied in computational complexity theory? Decision problems are one of the central objects of study in computational complexity theory. entailment 3814 Of what form are Mersenne primes? Prime numbers of this form are known as factorial primes. not_entailment 3815 What river is located in the vicinity of the school? main campus is centered on Harvard Yard in Cambridge, approximately 3 miles (5 km) northwest of Boston; the business school and athletics facilities, including Harvard Stadium, are located across the Charles River in the Allston neighborhood of Boston and the medical, dental, and public health schools are in the Longwood Medical Area. entailment 3816 Inequality in the presence of credit market imperfections has what kind of effect on human capital formation? He showed that, in accordance with the credit market imperfection approach, inequality is associated with lower level of human capital formation (education, experience, and apprenticeship) and higher level of fertility, and thereby lower levels of growth. not_entailment 3817 What did Luther believe that the soul does after death? This also led Luther to reject the idea of torments for the saints: "It is enough for us to know that souls do not leave their bodies to be threatened by the torments and punishments of hell, but enter a prepared bedchamber in which they sleep in peace." not_entailment 3818 Who did the Panthers beat in the divisional round? The Panthers then blew out the Arizona Cardinals in the NFC Championship Game, 49–15, racking up 487 yards and forcing seven turnovers. not_entailment 3819 Which Senator was a strong advocate for the Pico Act? However, the secession crisis following the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 led to the proposal never coming to a vote. not_entailment 3820 What is the name of the desert on the border of Arizona? To the south is the Mexico–United States border. not_entailment 3821 Besides viniculture, what's a dominant economic sector of the Middle Rhine? The dominant economic sectors in the Middle Rhine area are viniculture and tourism. entailment 3822 Some of the objects held in the Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art come from which European country? The Jameel Gallery of Islamic Art, opened in 2006, houses a representative display of 400 objects with the highlight being the Ardabil Carpet, the centrepiece of the gallery. not_entailment 3823 Who has limited productive potential when faced with less access to education? As a result, those who are unable to afford an education, or choose not to pursue optional education, generally receive much lower wages. not_entailment 3824 What type of musical instruments did the Yuan bring to China? Western musical instruments were introduced to enrich Chinese performing arts. entailment 3825 What is the logic behind the cicadas prime number evolutionary strategy? The evolutionary strategy used by cicadas of the genus Magicicada make use of prime numbers. not_entailment 3826 What was the Brazilian French colony called? It was an attempt to establish a French colony in South America. not_entailment 3827 How many degrees south did the Amazon rainforest reach from 66-34 Mya? Climate fluctuations during the last 34 million years have allowed savanna regions to expand into the tropics. not_entailment 3828 What is the most recent example of financial fault lines? Central Banking economist Raghuram Rajan argues that "systematic economic inequalities, within the United States and around the world, have created deep financial 'fault lines' that have made [financial] crises more likely to happen than in the past" – the Financial crisis of 2007–08 being the most recent example. entailment 3829 Other than a peace-ray, what did reporters call the weapon? Tesla described the weapon as capable of being used against ground-based infantry or for anti-aircraft purposes. not_entailment 3830 How many people was the CM designed to carry in the end? The Command Module (CM) was the conical crew cabin, designed to carry three astronauts from launch to lunar orbit and back to an Earth ocean landing. entailment 3831 What would income differentials be if individual contributions were relevant to the social product? In order to rectify this situation, socialists argue that the means of production should be socially owned so that income differentials would be reflective of individual contributions to the social product. entailment 3832 Concrete bounding of computation time frequently produces complexity classes contingent upon what? This forms the basis for the complexity class P, which is the set of decision problems solvable by a deterministic Turing machine within polynomial time. not_entailment 3833 What is the chemical that mediates Type 1 hypersensitivity? Type I hypersensitivity is mediated by IgE, which triggers degranulation of mast cells and basophils when cross-linked by antigen. entailment 3834 Who was Tesla's secretary? His loyal secretary, Dorothy Skerrit, wrote: "his genial smile and nobility of bearing always denoted the gentlemanly characteristics that were so ingrained in his soul." entailment 3835 When did oil start getting priced in the terms of gold? The US abandoned the Gold Exchange Standard whereby the value of the dollar had been pegged to the price of gold and all other currencies were pegged to the dollar, whose value was left to "float" (rise and fall according to market demand). not_entailment 3836 Upon hearing the final product, what was the creator quoted as saying? On hearing the finished result, Grainer asked, "Did I write that?"[citation needed] entailment 3837 Where did he begin teaching? He started teaching in Rotterdam, where he finished writing and publishing his multi-volume masterpiece, Historical and Critical Dictionary. entailment 3838 Who ordered the Stern Review? In the UK, a report for a House of Lords committee asked to urge the IPCC to involve better assessments of costs and benefits of climate change but the Stern Review ordered by the UK government made a stronger argument in favor to combat human-made climate change. entailment 3839 What was the effect of the housing crash on the region? The region was a leader in the housing bubble 2001–2007, and has been heavily impacted by the housing crash. entailment 3840 How many hundred of years was Scotland directly governed by the parliament of Great Britain? One of the principal objectives of the commission was to examine ways of enabling more self-government for Scotland, within the unitary state of the United Kingdom. not_entailment 3841 What device is used to treat various conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning? Carbon monoxide poisoning, gas gangrene, and decompression sickness (the 'bends') are sometimes treated using these devices. not_entailment 3842 The classification of aspects of the Amazon forest is important for mapping what type of emission? To accurately map the Amazon's biomass and subsequent carbon related emissions, the classification of tree growth stages within different parts of the forest is crucial. entailment 3843 What was the name of the work to give grants for youth development and other things? The committee created the 50 fund as its philanthropic initiative and focuses on providing grants to aid with youth development, community investment and sustainable environments. entailment 3844 What weapon does Spike Milligan use against a Dalek? Doctor Who has been satirised and spoofed on many occasions by comedians including Spike Milligan (a Dalek invades his bathroom — not_entailment 3845 How much did Edison offer Tesla to redesign a motor and generators? Tesla was offered the task of completely redesigning the Edison Company's direct current generators. not_entailment 3846 What year did King Sigismund III Vasa move his court to Warsaw? In 1573 the city gave its name to the Warsaw Confederation, formally establishing religious freedom in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth. not_entailment 3847 Which former referee served as an analyst for CBS? A few plays later, on 3rd-and-10 from the 15-yard line, linebacker Von Miller knocked the ball out of Newton's hands while sacking him, and Malik Jackson recovered it in the end zone for a Broncos touchdown, giving the team a 10–0 lead. not_entailment 3848 Who are the chief administrators of the church? Subordinate to the General Conference are the jurisdictional and central conferences which also meet every four years. not_entailment 3849 What were many pastors unable to do? Merciful God, what misery I have seen," Luther wrote, "the common people knowing nothing at all of Christian doctrine ... and unfortunately many pastors are well-nigh unskilled and incapable of teaching." entailment 3850 What kind of diseases do drugs target apicoplasts for? The most important apicoplast function is isopentenyl pyrophosphate synthesis—in fact, apicomplexans die when something interferes with this apicoplast function, and when apicomplexans are grown in an isopentenyl pyrophosphate-rich medium, they dump the organelle. not_entailment 3851 What channel shows repeats of the Doctor Who shows? Doctor Who has always appeared initially on the BBC's mainstream BBC One channel, where it is regarded as a family show, drawing audiences of many millions of viewers; episodes are now repeated on BBC Three. entailment 3852 Which musical genre did the progressive folk-rock band Gryphon presented at a concert/lecture at the V&A? The V&A presented a combined concert/lecture by British progressive folk-rock band Gryphon, who explored the lineage of mediaeval music and instrumentation and related how those contributed to contemporary music 500 years later. entailment 3853 Above what horsepower are steam turbines usually more efficient than steam engines that use reciprocating pistons? Steam turbines are generally more efficient than reciprocating piston type steam engines (for outputs above several hundred horsepower), have fewer moving parts, and provide rotary power directly instead of through a connecting rod system or similar means. entailment 3854 When did Doctor Who win an award for Best Drama Series? The show has received recognition as one of Britain's finest television programmes, winning the 2006 British Academy Television Award for Best Drama Series and five consecutive (2005–2010) awards at the National Television Awards during Russell T Davies' tenure as executive producer. entailment 3855 Before dinner what were Tesla's working hours? "The meal was required to be ready at eight o'clock ... not_entailment 3856 How much retail activity does the neighborhood have? The neighborhood has very little retail activity, aside from the area near Fresno Street and State Route 99 Freeway (Kearney Palm Shopping Center, built in the late 1990s) and small corner markets scattered throughout. entailment 3857 When did Zhu Shijie die? The mathematician Zhu Shijie (1249–1314) solved simultaneous equations with up to four unknowns using a rectangular array of coefficients, equivalent to modern matrices. entailment 3858 In what year was the ordination order of transitional deacon abolished? During this two or three-year period, the provisional elder is granted sacramental ministry in their local appointment. not_entailment 3859 Where will the 2009 International Arts Fair be held? The 2009 event will be in the Norman Foster designed Sage Gateshead Music and Arts Centre in September. entailment 3860 How many people died in the outbreak of 1471? By the end of 1350, the Black Death subsided, but it never really died out in England. not_entailment 3861 How many plays was Denver kept out of the end zone after getting the ball from Newton? On the next play, Miller stripped the ball away from Newton, and after several players dove for it, it took a long bounce backwards and was recovered by Ward, who returned it five yards to the Panthers 4-yard line. not_entailment 3862 Who lives no longer on average than Greeks and New Zealanders? Americans live no longer on average (about 77 years in 2004) than Greeks (78 years) or New Zealanders (78), though the USA has a higher GDP per capita. entailment 3863 Who asked Luther to return to the city? After secretly visiting Wittenberg in early December 1521, Luther wrote A Sincere Admonition by Martin Luther to All Christians to Guard Against Insurrection and Rebellion. not_entailment 3864 How many touchdowns did Manning throw in the game? Manning finished the game 13 of 23 for 141 yards with one interception and zero touchdowns. entailment 3865 What are the three parchment-bound manuscripts of the Codex Forster called? One of the great treasures in the library is the Codex Forster, some of Leonardo da Vinci's note books. not_entailment 3866 Agassiz's approach to science combined observation and what? Agassiz's perspective on science combined observation with intuition and the assumption that a person can grasp the "divine plan" in all phenomena. entailment 3867 What would income differentials be if individual contributions were relevant to the social product? Socialists attribute the vast disparities in wealth to the private ownership of the means of production by a class of owners, creating a situation where a small portion of the population lives off unearned property income by virtue of ownership titles in capital equipment, financial assets and corporate stock. not_entailment 3868 Who was Philip I? In October 1529, Philip I, Landgrave of Hesse, convoked an assembly of German and Swiss theologians at the Marburg Colloquy, to establish doctrinal unity in the emerging Protestant states. entailment 3869 Where were populations centered in colonies? While their population centers were along the coast, the settlements were growing into the interior. entailment 3870 In the encoding of mathematical objects, what is the way in which integers are commonly expressed? For example, integers can be represented in binary notation, and graphs can be encoded directly via their adjacency matrices, or by encoding their adjacency lists in binary. entailment 3871 What are incompetent government's commitment to social justice limited to? Islamist movements such as the Muslim Brotherhood, "are well known for providing shelters, educational assistance, free or low cost medical clinics, housing assistance to students from out of town, student advisory groups, facilitation of inexpensive mass marriage ceremonies to avoid prohibitively costly dowry demands, legal assistance, sports facilities, and women's groups. not_entailment 3872 How many factors of health and social problems did Wilkinson and PIckett identify? Creating an index of "Health and Social Problems" from nine factors, authors Richard Wilkinson and Kate Pickett found health and social problems "more common in countries with bigger income inequalities", and more common among states in the US with larger income inequalities. entailment 3873 What local radio station is broadcast by the Corporation from the Pink Palace? It is from here that the Corporation broadcasts the Look North television regional news programme and local radio station BBC Radio Newcastle. entailment 3874 In what year was the Alan Turing's definitional model of a computing device received? Before the actual research explicitly devoted to the complexity of algorithmic problems started off, numerous foundations were laid out by various researchers. not_entailment 3875 When did ABC announce the restructure of ABC radio? Between May and September 2005, rumors circulated that Disney–ABC was considering a sale of ABC Radio, with Clear Channel Communications and Westwood One (which had earlier purchased NBC's radio division, as well as the distribution rights to CBS's, and the Mutual Broadcasting System during the 1990s) as potential buyers. not_entailment 3876 What is the AFC short for? The American Football Conference (AFC) champion Denver Broncos defeated the National Football Conference (NFC) champion Carolina Panthers 24–10 to earn their third Super Bowl title. entailment 3877 Which TFEU article defines the ordinary legislative procedure that applies for majority of EU acts? This means, legislation can be blocked by a majority in Parliament, a minority in the Council, and a majority in the Commission: it is harder to change EU law than stay the same. not_entailment 3878 How far apart are the outer PD ring's filaments? It consists of filaments about 5 nanometers across, arranged in rows 6.4 nanometers apart, and shrinks to squeeze the chloroplast. entailment 3879 What was the Fresno Fairgrounds used as? During 1942, Pinedale, in what is now North Fresno, was the site of the Pinedale Assembly Center, an interim facility for the relocation of Fresno area Japanese Americans to internment camps. not_entailment 3880 How did the BBC get audio versions of the lost episodes? Audio versions of all of the lost episodes exist from home viewers who made tape recordings of the show. entailment 3881 How large across are chloroplasts in land plants? In land plants, chloroplasts are generally lens-shaped, 5–8 μm in diameter and 1–3 μm thick. entailment 3882 Where was the Manned Spacecraft Center located? So Gilruth was given authority to grow his organization into a new NASA center, the Manned Spacecraft Center (MSC). not_entailment 3883 What troops attacked Fort William Henry in early 1757? French irregular forces (Canadian scouts and Indians) harassed Fort William Henry throughout the first half of 1757. entailment 3884 What phenomenon has led to criticism? This phenomenon is known as the West Lothian question and has led to criticism. entailment 3885 How did Vaudreuil react when Johnson was seen as larger threat? He had primarily been concerned about the extended supply line to the forts on the Ohio, and had sent Baron Dieskau to lead the defenses at Frontenac against Shirley's expected attack. not_entailment 3886 What spurred increased support for government reform? In 1964 all 15 of Duval County's public high schools lost their accreditation. entailment 3887 How much did Tesla receive from the sale of Wardenclyffe? In 1917, around the time that the Wardenclyffe Tower was demolished by Boldt to make the land a more viable real estate asset, Tesla received AIEE's highest honor, the Edison Medal. not_entailment 3888 Who were two of Kublai's Chinese advisers? At various times another central government institution called the Department of State Affairs (Shangshu Sheng) that mainly dealt with finance was established (such as during the reign of Külüg Khan or Emperor Wuzong), but was usually abandoned shortly afterwards. not_entailment 3889 When did Luther travel to Mansfeld twice? Luther's final journey, to Mansfeld, was taken because of his concern for his siblings' families continuing in their father Hans Luther's copper mining trade. not_entailment 3890 What consequence of establishing the Scottish Parliament applies to Scottish MPs sitting in the UK House of Commons? Following the Conservative victory in the 2015 UK election, standing orders of the House of Commons were changed to give MPs representing English constituencies a new "veto" over laws only affecting England. not_entailment 3891 What does the pleurobrachia have on opposite sides of its body? From opposite sides of the body extends a pair of long, slender tentacles, each housed in a sheath into which it can be withdrawn. entailment 3892 What was the subtitle of the Independence Day movie that had a trailer during the Super Bowl? 20th Century Fox, Lionsgate, Paramount Pictures, Universal Studios and Walt Disney Studios paid for movie trailers to be aired during the Super Bowl. not_entailment 3893 Which articles of the Free Movement of Workers Regulation set out the primary provisions on equal treatment of workers? The Free Movement of Workers Regulation articles 1 to 7 set out the main provisions on equal treatment of workers. entailment 3894 What is the oldest exhibition site in Warsaw? Zachęta National Gallery of Art, the oldest exhibition site in Warsaw, with a tradition stretching back to the mid-19th century organises exhibitions of modern art by Polish and international artists and promotes art in many other ways. entailment 3895 From whom did the Huguenots purchase the land where they settled? It is said that they landed on the coastline peninsula of Davenports Neck called "Bauffet's Point" after traveling from England where they had previously taken refuge on account of religious persecution, four years before the revocation of the Edict of Nantes. not_entailment 3896 What did the government and civil society organisations start after the riots? For example, the Truth, Justice and Reconciliation Commission initiated community dialogues, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya started peace meetings and the Kenya National Dialogue and Reconciliation process was started. not_entailment 3897 When did Kublai attack Xiangyang? He renewed a massive drive against the Song dynasty to the south. not_entailment 3898 What method is used to intuitively assess or quantify the amount of resources required to solve a computational problem? The theory formalizes this intuition, by introducing mathematical models of computation to study these problems and quantifying the amount of resources needed to solve them, such as time and storage. entailment 3899 What's the name of where the Rhine branches off near Dordrecht? The Oude Maas branches off, near Dordrecht, farther down rejoining the Nieuwe Maas to form Het Scheur. entailment 3900 Besides fats, fatty acids, and amino acids,what other organic compounds contain oxygen? All fats, fatty acids, amino acids, and proteins contain oxygen (due to the presence of carbonyl groups in these acids and their ester residues). entailment 3901 What was the name of the first Huguenot church in the New World? A number of New Amsterdam's families were of Huguenot origin, often having emigrated as refugees to the Netherlands in the previous century. not_entailment 3902 What act sets forth the functions of the Scottish Parliament? Another of the roles of the Parliament is to hold the Scottish Government to account. not_entailment 3903 What is the central business district of San Diego? Downtown San Diego is the central business district of San Diego, though the city is filled with business districts. entailment 3904 Who did the Han Chinese want to help the Mongols fight? Two Han Chinese leaders, Shi Tianze, Liu Heima (劉黑馬, Liu Ni), and the Khitan Xiao Zhala (蕭札剌) defected and commanded the 3 Tumens in the Mongol army. not_entailment 3905 What was the Disneyland anthology series retitled in 1958? In late 1958, Desilu Productions pitched its detective series The Untouchables to CBS; after that network rejected the show because of its use of violence, Desilu then presented it to ABC, which agreed to pick up the show, and debuted The Untouchables in April 1959. not_entailment 3906 Apollo 17 was significant for what reason? Crews on all development flights (except the Earth orbit CSM development flights) through the first two landings on Apollo 11 and Apollo 12, included at least two (sometimes three) Gemini veterans. not_entailment 3907 What is the effect of testosterone on the male immune system? By contrast, male sex hormones such as testosterone seem to be immunosuppressive. entailment 3908 What can be achieved without building high or getting rid of common areas? They can still be found in areas such as South Heaton in Newcastle but once dominated the streetscape on both sides of the Tyne. not_entailment 3909 What did mlolongo system lead to? The election held in 1988 saw the advent of the mlolongo (queuing) system, where voters were supposed to line up behind their favoured candidates instead of a secret ballot. not_entailment 3910 What television specials did ABC acquire the rights to in 2000? Since 2000, ABC has also owned the television rights to most of the Peanuts television specials, having acquired the broadcast rights from CBS, which originated the specials in 1965 with the debut of A Charlie Brown Christmas (other Peanuts specials broadcast annually by ABC, including A Charlie Brown Christmas, include It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving). entailment 3911 What building materials were used to build the main façade? The main façade, built from red brick and Portland stone, stretches 720 feet (220 m) along Cromwell Gardens and was designed by Aston Webb after winning a competition in 1891 to extend the museum. entailment 3912 Who played Doctor Who on stage in the 70's? Doctor Who has appeared on stage numerous times. not_entailment 3913 To what century did the idea of ether belong? He was a believer in the 19th century concept of an all pervasive "ether" that transmitted electrical energy. entailment 3914 What year did a Super Bowl play in the bay area around San Francisco, prior to Super Bowl 50? It is the first Super Bowl held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took place in San Diego in 2003. entailment 3915 How many segments did the special originally have? An affectionate parody of the television series, it was split into four segments, mimicking the traditional serial format, complete with cliffhangers, and running down the same corridor several times when being chased (the version released on video was split into only two episodes). entailment 3916 What was the first British empire based on? The First British Empire was based on mercantilism, and involved colonies and holdings primarily in North America, the Caribbean, and India. entailment 3917 Where can the Treatise be found? " This treatise is currently in the Nikola Tesla Museum archive in Belgrade. entailment 3918 How recently has the homes in Fresno been restored? The area is also known for its early twentieth century homes, many of which have been restored in recent decades. entailment 3919 How much did the Milton Friedman Institute roughly cost? In 2008, the University of Chicago announced plans to establish the Milton Friedman Institute which attracted both support and controversy from faculty members and students. not_entailment 3920 What are some other factors a pharmacist must monitor? The pharmacist must also monitor for potential drug interactions, adverse drug reactions, and assess patient drug allergies while designing and initiating a drug therapy plan. entailment 3921 What route connects Fresno with the California Central Valley? State Route 168, the Sierra Freeway, heads east to the city of Clovis and Huntington Lake. not_entailment 3922 What was the boat called? In 1898, Tesla demonstrated a radio-controlled boat—which he dubbed "teleautomaton"—to the public during an electrical exhibition at Madison Square Garden. entailment 3923 What is the average construction salary in the Middle East? The average earning for a professional in the construction industry in the Middle East, across all sectors, job types and levels of experience, is £42,090, compared to £26,719 in the UK. entailment 3924 How are the combs spaced? From each balancer in the statocyst a ciliary groove runs out under the dome and then splits to connect with two adjacent comb rows, and in some species runs all the way along the comb rows. not_entailment 3925 Complexity theory classifies problems based on what primary attribute? Since complexity theory is interested in classifying problems based on their difficulty, one defines sets of problems based on some criteria. entailment 3926 The UMC established and is affiliated with approximately how many colleges and universities in the U.S.? Most are members of the International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges, and Universities. not_entailment 3927 What kind of techniques were used to create the theme? New techniques were invented to allow mixing of the music, as this was before the era of multitrack tape machines. not_entailment 3928 Who is Denver's defensive coordinator? Under Kubiak, the Broncos planned to install a run-oriented offense with zone blocking to blend in with quarterback Peyton Manning's shotgun passing skills, but struggled with numerous changes and injuries to the offensive line, as well as Manning having his worst statistical season since his rookie year with the Indianapolis Colts in 1998, due to a plantar fasciitis injury in his heel that he had suffered since the summer, and the simple fact that Manning was getting old, as he turned 39 in the 2015 off-season. not_entailment 3929 Who mentored Buyantu? He was the first Yuan emperor to actively support and adopt mainstream Chinese culture after the reign of Kublai, to the discontent of some Mongol elite. not_entailment 3930 What special audio recording was released for the 40th anniversary? To celebrate the 40th anniversary in 2003, an audio drama titled Zagreus featuring Paul McGann, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Peter Davison was released with additional archive recordings of Jon Pertwee. entailment 3931 For what nation did Ribault initially claim what is now Jacksonville? The location of Fort Caroline is subject to debate but a reconstruction of the fort was established on the St. Johns River in 1964. not_entailment 3932 When did the second series of Torchwood play? Following the success of the 2005 series produced by Russell T Davies, the BBC commissioned Davies to produce a 13-part spin-off series titled Torchwood (an anagram of "Doctor Who"), set in modern-day Cardiff and investigating alien activities and crime. not_entailment 3933 How many sacks did Derek Wolfe register? each had 5½ sacks. entailment 3934 The Hungarians performed this civil disobedience under the direction of what person? It has been claimed that the Hungarians under Ferenc Deák directed revolutionary civil disobedience against the Austrian government. entailment 3935 Who is best able to leverage the accumulation of wealth? According to this theory, those who already hold wealth have the means to invest in new sources of creating wealth or to otherwise leverage the accumulation of wealth, thus are the beneficiaries of the new wealth. entailment 3936 How are incomes distributed in Sweden? This pattern of higher incomes-longer lives still holds among poorer countries, where life expectancy increases rapidly as per capita income increases, but in recent decades it has slowed down among middle income countries and plateaued among the richest thirty or so countries in the world. not_entailment 3937 What ethnic group located in Jacksonville is ranked tenth largest? Jacksonville has Florida's largest Filipino American community, with 25,033 in the metropolitan area as of the 2010 Census. not_entailment 3938 What is an etioplast? An etioplast is a plastid that lacks chlorophyll, and has inner membrane invaginations that form a lattice of tubes in their stroma, called a prolamellar body. entailment 3939 What was persistent unemployment have a negative effect on? Unemployment can harm growth not only because it is a waste of resources, but also because it generates redistributive pressures and subsequent distortions, drives people to poverty, constrains liquidity limiting labor mobility, and erodes self-esteem promoting social dislocation, unrest and conflict. not_entailment 3940 Which region is represented the most in the textiles collection? The collections are well represented in these areas: early silks from the Near East, lace, European tapestries and English medieval church embroidery. not_entailment 3941 Which state has the largest number of members? At the time of its formation, the UMC had about 11 million members in nearly 42,000 congregations. not_entailment 3942 What was added to the the church of St. Andrew in 1726? The present building was begun in the 12th Century and the last addition to it, apart from the vestries, was the main porch in 1726. entailment 3943 Besides publishing To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation and On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, what other work did Luther produce in 1520? To the Christian Nobility of the German Nation, On the Babylonian Captivity of the Church, and On the Freedom of a Christian. entailment 3944 When was the great plague of London? The most general outbreaks in Tudor and Stuart England seem to have begun in 1498, 1535, 1543, 1563, 1589, 1603, 1625, and 1636, and ended with the Great Plague of London in 1665. entailment 3945 What test is especially useful for numbers of the form 2p - 1? The Lucas–Lehmer test is particularly fast for numbers of this form. entailment 3946 What is the result of the Calvin cycle? Most of the G3P molecules are recycled back into RuBP using energy from more ATP, but one out of every six produced leaves the cycle—the end product of the dark reactions. not_entailment 3947 What was the English title of Polo's book? The account of his travels, Il milione (or, The Million, known in English as the Travels of Marco Polo), appeared about the year 1299. entailment 3948 In what part of the city did residents suffer from a lack of city services? In 1958, a study recommended that the city of Jacksonville begin annexing outlying communities in order to create the needed tax base to improve services throughout the county. not_entailment 3949 What was Goldenson's 1991 book about ABC titled? It was not until the 1965–66 season that color became the dominant format for the three broadcast television networks. not_entailment 3950 Which nation contains the majority of the amazon forest? The majority of the forest is contained within Brazil, with 60% of the rainforest, followed by Peru with 13%, Colombia with 10%, and with minor amounts in Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname and French Guiana. entailment 3951 What is the English translation of tawhid? Maududi also believed that Muslim society could not be Islamic without Sharia, and Islam required the establishment of an Islamic state. not_entailment 3952 How old was John Elway when he played in Super Bowl XXXIII? The past record was held by John Elway, who led the Broncos to victory in Super Bowl XXXIII at age 38 and is currently Denver's Executive Vice President of Football Operations and General Manager. entailment 3953 Who created the photographic series titled Animal Locomotion? One of the more unusual collections is that of Eadweard Muybridge's photographs of Animal Locomotion of 1887, this consists of 781 plates. entailment 3954 When did Tesla make the induction motor? The motor used polyphase current which generated a rotating magnetic field to turn the motor (a principle Tesla claimed to have conceived in 1882). not_entailment 3955 What part of the UMC calls for its bishops to uphold opposition to capital punishment? The General Conference of the United Methodist Church calls for its bishops to uphold opposition to capital punishment and for governments to enact an immediate moratorium on carrying out the death penalty sentence. entailment 3956 What happens to the jellyfish nematocysts when they are eaten by the haeckelia? Ctenophores have been compared to spiders in their wide range of techniques from capturing prey – some hang motionless in the water using their tentacles as "webs", some are ambush predators like Salticid jumping spiders, and some dangle a sticky droplet at the end of a fine thread, as bolas spiders do. not_entailment 3957 Who was the announcer for Westwood One's Super Bowl 50 coverage? Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage. not_entailment 3958 Who won the Ekstraklasa Championship in 2000? Their local rivals, Polonia Warsaw, have significantly fewer supporters, yet they managed to win Ekstraklasa Championship in 2000. entailment 3959 In 2013-14, NBC finished in first place in the 18-49 demographic for the first time since when? ABC itself would finish the season in third place as Fox crashed to fourth in both demographics. not_entailment 3960 What entity was Touchstone Television reorganized into in 2007? Since the 1950s, ABC has had two main production facilities: the ABC Television Center (now The Prospect Studios) on Prospect Avenue in Hollywood, California, shared with the operations of KABC-TV until 1999; and the ABC Television Center, East, a set of studios located throughout the New York City. not_entailment 3961 What Philadelphia institution did Tesla give a demonstration to? Tesla's theories on the possibility of the transmission by radio waves go back as far as lectures and demonstrations in 1893 in St. Louis, Missouri, the Franklin Institute in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and the National Electric Light Association. entailment 3962 Which awards show has its rights rotated among the four major networks on a yearly basis? Since 2000, ABC has also owned the television rights to most of the Peanuts television specials, having acquired the broadcast rights from CBS, which originated the specials in 1965 with the debut of A Charlie Brown Christmas (other Peanuts specials broadcast annually by ABC, including A Charlie Brown Christmas, include It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown and A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving). not_entailment 3963 Where is the oldest known rock in the world located? The sedimentary sequences of the mid-continental United States and the Grand Canyon in the southwestern United States contain almost-undeformed stacks of sedimentary rocks that have remained in place since Cambrian time. not_entailment 3964 How many times did the Denver defense force Newton into turnovers? Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. entailment 3965 To what type of organisms is oxygen toxic? Parts of the immune system of higher organisms create peroxide, superoxide, and singlet oxygen to destroy invading microbes. not_entailment 3966 What is the ability to recognize and adapt to new specific pathogens called? Adaptive (or acquired) immunity creates immunological memory after an initial response to a specific pathogen, leading to an enhanced response to subsequent encounters with that same pathogen. entailment 3967 Are juiveniles capable of reproduction? Some are simultaneous hermaphrodites, which can produce both eggs and sperm at the same time. not_entailment 3968 In which direction does most of the wind in Fresno originate from? Most of the wind rose direction occurrences derive from the northwest, as winds are driven downward along the axis of the California Central Valley; in December, January and February there is an increased presence of southeastern wind directions in the wind rose statistics. entailment 3969 Which Senator was a strong advocate for the Pico Act? The proposal was sent to Washington, D.C. with a strong advocate in Senator Milton Latham. entailment 3970 Comb like bands of cilia are called what? Most species have eight strips, called comb rows, that run the length of their bodies and bear comb-like bands of cilia, called "ctenes," stacked along the comb rows so that when the cilia beat, those of each comb touch the comb below. entailment 3971 What globally popular half marathon began in 1981? It has hosted the world's most popular half marathon, the Great North Run, since it began in 1981. entailment 3972 What are the biggest burdens? Preventable diseases like malaria, HIV/AIDS, pneumonia, diarrhoea and malnutrition are the biggest burden, major child-killers, and responsible for much morbidity; weak policies, corruption, inadequate health workers, weak management and poor leadership in the public health sector are largely to blame. entailment 3973 How many paid holiday days do most member states require? In theory, this is because TFEU article 288 says Directives are addressed to the member states and usually "leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods" to implement. not_entailment 3974 What was the name of the Norman castle? Later, many took up service with the Armenian state further south in Cilicia and the Taurus Mountains. not_entailment 3975 When was the last time San Francisco hosted a Super Bowl? The South Florida/Miami area has previously hosted the event 10 times (tied for most with New Orleans), with the most recent one being Super Bowl XLIV in 2010. not_entailment 3976 How many galleries does the V&A have? The V&A covers 12.5 acres (51,000 m2) and 145 galleries. entailment 3977 What land was ceded to Spain? France ceded its territory east of the Mississippi to Great Britain. not_entailment 3978 What is the hymn known as in English? Ein neues Lied wir heben an" ("A new song we raise"), which is generally known in English by John C. Messenger's translation by the title and first line "Flung to the Heedless Winds" and sung to the tune Ibstone composed in 1875 by Maria C. Tiddeman. entailment 3979 What researcher showed that air is a necessity for combustion? In the late 17th century, Robert Boyle proved that air is necessary for combustion. entailment 3980 What is the search feature on the V&A website called? There is a feature on the Victoria and Albert Museum web-site called "Search the Collections," but not everything is listed there. entailment 3981 What flows between Bingen and Bonn? The gorge is quite deep and is the stretch of the river which is known for its many castles and vineyards. not_entailment 3982 When did Hitler order the annihilation of the Warsaw Ghetto? When the order came to annihilate the ghetto as part of Hitler's "Final Solution" on 19 April 1943, Jewish fighters launched the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. entailment 3983 What were chao made out of? One of the more notable applications of printing technology was the chao, the paper money of the Yuan. not_entailment 3984 What led to Newcastle's fall from power as military advisor? The British failures in North America, combined with other failures in the European theater, led to the fall from power of Newcastle and his principal military advisor, the Duke of Cumberland. entailment 3985 What could someone be investigated for? In still other areas Teaching Unions may be responsible for some or all of these duties. not_entailment 3986 What is the festival of food and drink known as? NewcastleGateshead, a festival of food and drink, runs for 2 weeks each year in mid June. not_entailment 3987 How are green chloroplasts' Plastoglobuli arranged? In normal green chloroplasts, the vast majority of plastoglobuli occur singularly, attached directly to their parent thylakoid. entailment 3988 Who taught Temüjin early lessons about politics in Mongolia? Temüjin's mother Hoelun taught him many lessons about the unstable political climate of Mongolia, especially the need for alliances. entailment 3989 Who was Tesla's main influence in Karlovac? In 1870, Tesla moved to Karlovac, to attend school at the Higher Real Gymnasium, where he was profoundly influenced by a math teacher Martin Sekulić.:32 entailment 3990 How many yards was the field goal Gano made to make the score 16-10? A 16-yard reception by Devin Funchess and a 12-yard run by Stewart then set up Gano's 39-yard field goal, cutting the Panthers deficit to one score at 16–10. entailment 3991 Who won the Nobel Prize in 1905? It was not until Robert Koch's 1891 proofs, for which he was awarded a Nobel Prize in 1905, that microorganisms were confirmed as the cause of infectious disease. entailment 3992 What was the average family size? There were 111,529 families (70.4% of all households); the average family size was 3.62. entailment 3993 What is the eukaryotic parasite responsible for malaria known as? Some examples of intracellular pathogens include viruses, the food poisoning bacterium Salmonella and the eukaryotic parasites that cause malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) and leishmaniasis (Leishmania spp.). entailment 3994 What is the lower canal regulation of the Rhine? It is expected that the continuous input of sediment into the lake will silt up the lake. not_entailment 3995 What was the name of the 50th Anniversary show? He is shown in mini-episode "The Night of the Doctor" to have been retroactively inserted into the show's fictional chronology between McGann and Eccleston's Doctors, although his introduction was written so as not to disturb the established numerical naming of the Doctors. not_entailment 3996 What is reduced by using plastid transformation for gene modification? This makes plastid transformation a valuable tool for the creation and cultivation of genetically modified plants that are biologically contained, thus posing significantly lower environmental risks. entailment 3997 How many soldiers did Genghis Khan send against Kuchlug and Qara Khitai? Genghis Khan decided to conquer the Qara Khitai and defeat Kuchlug, possibly to take him out of power. not_entailment 3998 What would a Probationer need to do to earn more money, after 6 years? For the salary year beginning April 2008, unpromoted teachers in Scotland earned from £20,427 for a Probationer, up to £32,583 after 6 years teaching, but could then go on to earn up to £39,942 as they complete the modules to earn Chartered Teacher Status (requiring at least 6 years at up to two modules per year.) entailment 3999 What was the patent number for Tesla's final patent? In 1928, Tesla received his last patent, U.S. Patent 1,655,114, for a biplane capable of taking off vertically (VTOL aircraft) and then be "gradually tilted through manipulation of the elevator devices" in flight until it was flying like a conventional plane. entailment 4000 How long ago did primates inhabit Kenya? Recent findings near Lake Turkana indicate that hominids such as Homo habilis (1.8 and 2.5 million years ago) and Homo erectus (1.8 million to 350,000 years ago) are possible direct ancestors of modern Homo sapiens, and lived in Kenya in the Pleistocene epoch. not_entailment 4001 What kind of audience share did MNF allow ABC to attain according to Goldenson? In 1970, ABC debuted Monday Night Football as part of its Monday prime time schedule; the program became a hit for the network and served as the National Football League (NFL)'s premier game of the week until 2006, when Sunday Night Football, which moved to NBC that year as part of a broadcast deal that in turn saw MNF move to ESPN, took over as the league's marquee game. not_entailment 4002 What are environmentalists concerned about losing in the Amazon forest? Environmentalists are concerned about loss of biodiversity that will result from destruction of the forest, and also about the release of the carbon contained within the vegetation, which could accelerate global warming. entailment 4003 What was the final score of Super Bowl XXXIII? The only other AFC champion team to have worn white as the designated home team in the Super Bowl was the Pittsburgh Steelers; they defeated the Seattle Seahawks 21–10 in Super Bowl XL 10 seasons prior. not_entailment 4004 What area did the Westwood One broadcast cover? Jim Gray will anchor the pre-game and halftime coverage. not_entailment 4005 What is the frequency of the radio station WBT in North Carolina? In North Carolina, WBT (1110 AM) will carry the game, with Mick Mixon on play-by-play and Eugene Robinson and Jim Szoke on color commentary. entailment 4006 Where was Super Bowl 50 held? As this was the 50th Super Bowl, the league emphasized the "golden anniversary" with various gold-themed initiatives, as well as temporarily suspending the tradition of naming each Super Bowl game with Roman numerals (under which the game would have been known as "Super Bowl L"), so that the logo could prominently feature the Arabic numerals 50. not_entailment 4007 When did Tesla make the induction motor? One of the things Tesla developed at that laboratory in 1887 was an induction motor that ran on alternating current, a power system format that was starting to be built in Europe and the United States because of its advantages in long-distance, high-voltage transmission. entailment 4008 How many people lived in Fresno in 2000, according to the Census Bureau? As of the census of 2000, there were 427,652 people, 140,079 households, and 97,915 families residing in the city. entailment 4009 Antigone was a play made by whom? She is not at all afraid of the death he threatens her with (and eventually carries out), but she is afraid of how her conscience will smite her if she does not do this. not_entailment 4010 What museum specializes in cultural history and civilizations of the Western Hemisphere? Other museums include the Carpenter Center for the Visual Arts, designed by Le Corbusier, housing the film archive, the Peabody Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology, specializing in the cultural history and civilizations of the Western Hemisphere, and the Semitic Museum featuring artifacts from excavations in the Middle East. entailment 4011 What did the LMP acronym stand for regarding the Block II launch positions? After an unmanned LM test flight AS-206, a crew would fly the first Block II CSM and LM in a dual mission known as AS-207/208, or AS-278 (each spacecraft would be launched on a separate Saturn IB.) not_entailment 4012 What paper is commonly considered the bellwether ushering in systematic studies computational complexity? As Fortnow & Homer (2003) point out, the beginning of systematic studies in computational complexity is attributed to the seminal paper "On the Computational Complexity of Algorithms" by Juris Hartmanis and Richard Stearns (1965), which laid out the definitions of time and space complexity and proved the hierarchy theorems. entailment 4013 What would a teacher assess the levels of a student on? For example, an experienced teacher and parent described the place of a teacher in learning as follows: "The real bulk of learning takes place in self-study and problem solving with a lot of feedback around that loop. not_entailment 4014 Who reigned over the Ottoman empire when it was at its most powerful. During the 16th and 17th centuries, in particular at the height of its power under the reign of Suleiman the Magnificent, the Ottoman Empire was a powerful multinational, multilingual empire controlling much of Southeast Europe, Western Asia, the Caucasus, North Africa, and the Horn of Africa. entailment 4015 Who created ABC's Wide World of Sports? Always in search of new programs that would help it compete with NBC and CBS, ABC's management believed that sports could be a major catalyst in improving the network's market share. not_entailment 4016 Which group seeks to reconceive and promote Biblical holiness in today's church? The UMC is also a member of the Wesleyan Holiness Consortium, which seeks to reconceive and promote Biblical holiness in today's Church. entailment 4017 How much of Afghanistan did the Taliban take over? In 1996, a more conservative and anti-democratic Islamist movement known as the Taliban rose to power, defeated most of the warlords and took over roughly 80% of Afghanistan. entailment 4018 How much of the greenhouse effect is due to carbon dioxide? I Summary for Policymakers report says they are certain that emissions resulting from human activities are substantially increasing the atmospheric concentrations of the greenhouse gases, resulting on average in an additional warming of the Earth's surface. not_entailment 4019 When were x-rays discovered? " Tesla may have inadvertently captured an X-ray image—predating, by a few weeks, Wilhelm Röntgen's December 1895 announcement of the discovery of x-rays—when he tried to photograph Mark Twain illuminated by a Geissler tube, an earlier type of gas discharge tube. entailment 4020 When did Maududi found the Jamaat-e-Islami party? Maududi founded the Jamaat-e-Islami party in 1941 and remained its leader until 1972. entailment 4021 What is the name of the French colony established in 1564? A platted town was established there in 1822, a year after the United States gained Florida from Spain; it was named after Andrew Jackson, the first military governor of the Florida Territory and seventh President of the United States. not_entailment 4022 How many species of bird and mammals are there in the Amazon region? The region is home to about 2.5 million insect species, tens of thousands of plants, and some 2,000 birds and mammals. entailment 4023 Who claimed that the name Black Death first appeared in 1631? Gasquet (1908) claimed that the Latin name atra mors (Black Death) for the 14th-century epidemic first appeared in modern times in 1631 in a book on Danish history by J.I. Pontanus: "Vulgo & ab effectu atram mortem vocatibant. entailment 4024 What words are inscribed on the mace of parliament? The words There shall be a Scottish Parliament, which are the first words of the Scotland Act, are inscribed around the head of the mace, which has a formal ceremonial role in the meetings of Parliament, reinforcing the authority of the Parliament in its ability to make laws. not_entailment 4025 When did income inequality begin to increase in the US? Plotting the relationship between level of income and inequality, Kuznets saw middle-income developing economies level of inequality bulging out to form what is now known as the Kuznets curve. not_entailment 4026 Who did Luther view to be the Antichrist? He consistently rejected the idea of a Holy War, "as though our people were an army of Christians against the Turks, who were enemies of Christ. not_entailment 4027 Name a type of Toyota compact trucks? Compact trucks were introduced, such as the Toyota Hilux and the Datsun Truck, followed by the Mazda Truck (sold as the Ford Courier), and the Isuzu-built Chevrolet LUV. entailment 4028 Why did oil start getting priced in terms of gold? In September 1971, OPEC issued a joint communiqué stating that, from then on, they would price oil in terms of a fixed amount of gold. not_entailment 4029 How did Luther say that reason contributes to faith? and "[That] Reason in no way contributes to faith. entailment 4030 Who wrote "The Hidden Prosperity of the Poor"? Will Wilkinson of the libertarian Cato Institute states that "the weight of the evidence shows that the run-up in consumption inequality has been considerably less dramatic than the rise in income inequality," and consumption is more important than income. not_entailment 4031 Downtown Santa Monica and Downtown Glendale are a part of which area? Within the Los Angeles Area are the major business districts of Downtown Burbank, Downtown Santa Monica, Downtown Glendale and Downtown Long Beach. entailment 4032 Which hotel did the Broncos use for Super Bowl 50? The Panthers used the San Jose State practice facility and stayed at the San Jose Marriott. not_entailment 4033 Who killed Harold II? Early Norman kings of England, as Dukes of Normandy, owed homage to the King of France for their land on the continent. not_entailment 4034 In 1940, what percentage of the population in Fresno was Asian? In 1940, the Census Bureau reported Fresno's population as 94.0% white, 3.3% black and 2.7% Asian. entailment 4035 How are the explanations supported? There is debate, however, over how extensive this reduction was. not_entailment 4036 When rock formations are found on top of a fault that have not been cut, then they must be older or younger than the fault? Finding the key bed in these situations may help determine whether the fault is a normal fault or a thrust fault. not_entailment 4037 By when did the Germanic tribes conquer the Celtic peoples? However, there was no real systemic continuity from the Western Roman Empire to its German successor which was famously described as "not holy, not Roman, and not an empire", as a great number of small states and principalities existed in the loosely autonomous confederation. not_entailment 4038 What time did a river system develop in the Upper Rhine Graben? By the time of the Miocene, a river system had developed in the Upper Rhine Graben, that continued northward and is considered the first Rhine river. entailment 4039 How many prime numbers exist? There is no known simple formula that separates prime numbers from composite numbers. not_entailment 4040 What was the ancestor of chloroplasts? Chloroplasts cannot be made by the plant cell and must be inherited by each daughter cell during cell division. not_entailment 4041 Who are the chief administrators of the church? The main purpose of the jurisdictions and central conferences is to elect and appoint bishops, the chief administrators of the church. entailment 4042 In the wake of the Jacksonville fire, what did the Florida Governor do? Known as the "Great Fire of 1901", it was one of the worst disasters in Florida history and the largest urban fire in the southeastern United States. not_entailment 4043 Disney-ABC Television group implemented restrictions for Hulu and WATCH ABC that made episodes available only after how many days after initial broadcast? The most recent episodes of the network's shows are usually made available on WATCH ABC, Hulu and ABC on Demand the day after their original broadcast. not_entailment 4044 What alternate payment did Edison offer Tesla? Instead, Edison offered a US$10 a week raise over Tesla's US$18 per week salary; Tesla refused the offer and immediately resigned. entailment 4045 In what calcium containing body part is oxygen a part? Of the organic compounds with biological relevance, carbohydrates contain the largest proportion by mass of oxygen. not_entailment 4046 When was the University of Chicago established? Beyond the arts and sciences, Chicago is also well known for its professional schools, which include the Pritzker School of Medicine, the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, the Law School, the School of Social Service Administration, the Harris School of Public Policy Studies, the Graham School of Continuing Liberal and Professional Studies and the Divinity School. not_entailment 4047 Who decided not to approve paying for renovations at Sun Life Stadium that the league wanted for them to do to host Super Bowl 50? The league announced on October 16, 2012, that the two finalists were Sun Life Stadium and Levi's Stadium. not_entailment 4048 What did vBNS do links on an all OC-12c backbone, a substantial engineering feat for that time. not_entailment 4049 Which institution did the V&A partnered with to open the first permanent architectural history gallery in the UK? With the opening of the new gallery, the RIBA Drawings and Archives Collection has been transferred to the museum, joining the already extensive collection held by the V&A. not_entailment 4050 Why did Tesla sever ties with his family? His friends thought that he had drowned in the Mur River. not_entailment 4051 Where did Luther become angry at the widespread destruction of church property? In Against the Murderous, Thieving Hordes of Peasants, written on his return to Wittenberg, he gave his interpretation of the Gospel teaching on wealth, condemned the violence as the devil's work, and called for the nobles to put down the rebels like mad dogs: not_entailment 4052 How much did Westinghouse pay for Tesla's patents in order to escape its financial problems? In 1897, Westinghouse explained his financial difficulties to Tesla in stark terms, saying that if things continue the way they were he would no longer be in control of Westinghouse Electric and Tesla would have to "deal with the bankers" to try to collect future royalties. not_entailment 4053 Who warned of the potential impact? In December 2014, President Uhuru Kenyatta signed a Security Laws Amendment Bill, which supporters of the law suggested was necessary to guard against armed groups. not_entailment 4054 Who, according to the text, caused Cam Newton to lose the ball during a tackle? A few plays later, on 3rd-and-10 from the 15-yard line, linebacker Von Miller knocked the ball out of Newton's hands while sacking him, and Malik Jackson recovered it in the end zone for a Broncos touchdown, giving the team a 10–0 lead. entailment 4055 Who hired Tesla when he moved to New York? In June 1884, he relocated to New York City:57–60 where he was hired by Thomas Edison to work at his Edison Machine Works on Manhattan's lower east side. entailment 4056 What is defined as the majority vote? In total there are 352 votes, but for most acts there must be a qualified majority vote, if not consensus. not_entailment 4057 How many awards has Doctor Who won? Doctor Who has been nominated for over 200 awards and has won over a hundred of them. entailment 4058 What was telenet Telenet was the first FCC-licensed public data network in the United States. entailment 4059 How was it determined how many from each camp would be appointed? After debates, it was passed by Parliament, the coalition would hold until the end of the current Parliament or if either of the parties withdraws from the deal before then. not_entailment 4060 What title did Newcastle native Basil Hume achieve? Basil Hume, Archbishop of Westminster, was born in the city in 1923. entailment 4061 What is that grace of God which sustains the believers in the journey towards Christian Perfection? Sanctifying grace enables us to respond to God by leading a Spirit-filled and Christ-like life aimed toward love. not_entailment 4062 Which border does the Rhine flow from the south? Lake Constance consists of three bodies of water: the Obersee ("upper lake"), the Untersee ("lower lake"), and a connecting stretch of the Rhine, called the Seerhein ("Lake Rhine"). not_entailment 4063 What did Luther use the hymn to encourage colleagues to do? "From depths of woe I cry to you") in 1523 as a hymnic version of Psalm 130 and sent it as a sample to encourage evangelical colleagues to write psalm-hymns for use in German worship. entailment 4064 Along with English and mathematics, what subject replaced values education for fourth year students? In the Philippines, the private sector has been a major provider of educational services, accounting for about 7.5% of primary enrollment, 32% of secondary enrollment and about 80% of tertiary enrollment. not_entailment 4065 What scientist told the French Academy of Sciences that he had found how to liquefy oxygen? Just two days later, French physicist Louis Paul Cailletet announced his own method of liquefying molecular oxygen. not_entailment 4066 Where do a majority of consultant pharmacists tend to work? Consultant pharmacists most typically work in nursing homes, but are increasingly branching into other institutions and non-institutional settings. entailment 4067 What is another country that permits physicians to give out drugs from within their practice? This law also exists in Austria for general physicians if the nearest pharmacy is more than 4 kilometers away, or where none is registered in the city. entailment 4068 What was the definition of professionals, for this study? A study in England showed a 0.3% prevalence of sexual abuse by any professional, a group that included priests, religious leaders, and case workers as well as teachers. entailment 4069 Thomas de Maiziere serves what role in the German cabinet? Several prominent German military, cultural, and political figures were ethnic Huguenot, including poet Theodor Fontane, General Hermann von François, the hero of the First World War Battle of Tannenberg, Luftwaffe General and fighter ace Adolf Galland, Luftwaffe flying ace Hans-Joachim Marseille, and famed U-boat captain Lothar von Arnauld de la Perière. not_entailment 4070 What are the most powerful class of anti-inflammatory drugs? Glucocorticoids are the most powerful of these drugs; however, these drugs can have many undesirable side effects, such as central obesity, hyperglycemia, osteoporosis, and their use must be tightly controlled. entailment 4071 Infrastructure is often called what? Infrastructure is often called heavy/highway, heavy civil or heavy engineering. entailment 4072 What legitimate dynasty came before the Yuan? In traditional historiography of China, on the other hand, the Yuan dynasty is usually considered to be the legitimate dynasty between the Song dynasty and the Ming dynasty. entailment 4073 Very small markets had to wait until what decade to support an ABC affiliate? As a result, with the exception of the largest markets, ABC was relegated to secondary status on one or both of the existing stations, usually via off-hours clearances (a notable exception during this time was WKST-TV in Youngstown, Ohio, now WYTV, despite the small size of the surrounding market and its close proximity to Cleveland and Pittsburgh even decades before the city's economic collapse). not_entailment 4074 The movements of the lobates combs are controlled by what? Unlike cydippids, the movements of lobates' combs are coordinated by nerves rather than by water disturbances created by the cilia, yet combs on the same row beat in the same Mexican wave style as the mechanically coordinated comb rows of cydippids and beroids. entailment 4075 When did the Egyptian Islamic Jihad assassinate Anwar Sadat? The path of violence and military struggle was then taken up by the Egyptian Islamic Jihad organization responsible for the assassination of Anwar Sadat in 1981. entailment 4076 In 1517 who was Luther's bishop? On 31 October 1517, Luther wrote to his bishop, Albert of Mainz, protesting the sale of indulgences. entailment 4077 Between what times does Good Morning America air on ABC? Daytime programming is also provided from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. weekdays (with a one-hour break at 12:00 p.m. Eastern/Pacific for stations to air newscasts, other locally produced programming such as talk shows, or syndicated programs) featuring the talk/lifestyle shows The View and The Chew and the soap opera General Hospital. not_entailment 4078 During which era did the Aztec and Incan empires thrive? Imperialism was a basic component to the conquests of Genghis Khan during the Mongol Empire, and of other war-lords. not_entailment 4079 During what period the drainage basin of the Amazon likely split? Within the last 5–10 million years, this accumulating water broke through the Purus Arch, joining the easterly flow toward the Atlantic. not_entailment 4080 What could anyone do to Martin Luther without legal consequence? " It also made it a crime for anyone in Germany to give Luther food or shelter. not_entailment 4081 What are the two integer responses to a decision problem? If the algorithm deciding this problem returns the answer yes, the algorithm is said to accept the input string, otherwise it is said to reject the input. not_entailment 4082 When was most of Sunnside developed? Largely developed in the 1950s through the 1970s, it has recently experienced a surge in new home construction. entailment 4083 What drove increased rental prices in East New York? The ad valorem property tax policy combined with rising prices made it difficult or impossible for low income residents to keep pace. not_entailment 4084 What city was the media event held for Super Bowl 50? The event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. entailment 4085 What other aspect of Luther's life was affected by his health? His poor physical health made him short-tempered and even harsher in his writings and comments. entailment 4086 What injury did Thomas Davis suffer in the NFC Championship? Despite this, he insisted he would still find a way to play in the Super Bowl. not_entailment 4087 What lineage is Karlodinium in? Karlodinium and Karenia probably took up different heterokontophytes. not_entailment 4088 What actress plays the female Master? This incarnation is played by Michelle Gomez. entailment 4089 What do donated genes give evidence of? Even if a chloroplast is eventually lost, the genes it donated to the former host's nucleus persist, providing evidence for the lost chloroplast's existence. entailment 4090 What makes plants green? A typical chlorenchyma cell of a land plant contains about 10 to 100 chloroplasts. not_entailment 4091 What choice did French have for surrendering land? The British offered France the choice of surrendering either its continental North American possessions east of the Mississippi or the Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe and Martinique, which had been occupied by the British. entailment 4092 School desegregation in the United States led to an increased number of students of what ethnicity in public schools? In much of the U.S. South, many white students migrated to the academies, while public schools became in turn more heavily concentrated with African-American students (see List of private schools in Mississippi). entailment 4093 How is packet switching charecterized Packet switching contrasts with another principal networking paradigm, circuit switching, a method which pre-allocates dedicated network bandwidth specifically for each communication session, each having a constant bit rate and latency between nodes. not_entailment 4094 What is the name of the scheme that provides tuition and fee assistance to students due to excess enrollment? The Tuition Fee Supplement is geared to students enrolled in priority courses in post-secondary and non-degree programmes, including vocational and technical courses. not_entailment 4095 How large are Cytoplasmic ribosomes? Chloroplast ribosomes are about two-thirds the size of cytoplasmic ribosomes (around 17 nm vs 25 nm). entailment 4096 What did Tesla design several experimental setups to produce? In March 1896, after hearing of Wilhelm Röntgen's discovery of X-ray and X-ray imaging (radiography), Tesla proceeded to do his own experiments in X-ray imaging, developing a high energy single terminal vacuum tube of his own design that had no target electrode and that worked from the output of the Tesla Coil (the modern term for the phenomenon produced by this device is bremsstrahlung or braking radiation). not_entailment 4097 How much imported oil came from the Middle East? Although lacking historical connections to the Middle East, Japan was the country most dependent on Arab oil. not_entailment 4098 What types of diseases are specialty drugs often used against? Unlike a traditional community pharmacy where prescriptions for any common medication can be brought in and filled, specialty pharmacies carry novel medications that need to be properly stored, administered, carefully monitored, and clinically managed. not_entailment 4099 When was the Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation (SRREN) issued? In addition to climate assessment reports, the IPCC is publishing Special Reports on specific topics. not_entailment 4100 What is the last name of the player who was Manning's top receiver for Super Bowl 50? Linebacker Luke Kuechly had 11 total tackles, while Thomas Davis had seven, despite playing just two weeks after breaking his right arm in the NFC title game. not_entailment 4101 What is included with each packet label It may also be labeled with the sequence number of the packet. not_entailment 4102 Which empire was the last one Genghis Khan conquered before he died? He died in 1227 after defeating the Western Xia. entailment 4103 Who were two of the founders of the United Methodist Church? Although United Methodist practices and interpretation of beliefs have evolved over time, these practices and beliefs can be traced to the writings of the church's founders, especially John Wesley and Charles Wesley (Anglicans), but also Philip William Otterbein and Martin Boehm (United Brethren), and Jacob Albright (Evangelical Association). entailment 4104 In 2007, what was the high end of the salary range? Salaries for Nursery, Primary and Secondary School teachers ranged from £20,133 to £41,004 in September 2007, although some salaries can go much higher depending on experience and extra responsibilities. entailment 4105 Some in the UMC feel that false ecumenism might result in what? In addition, it voted to seek observer status in the National Association of Evangelicals and in the World Evangelical Fellowship. not_entailment 4106 An evaporative cooling tower is also referred to as what kind of cooling tower? A dry type cooling tower is similar to an automobile radiator and is used in locations where water is costly. not_entailment 4107 How much capital did UK law require to start a company? By contrast, in Centros Ltd v Erhversus-og Selkabssyrelsen the Court of Justice found that a UK limited company operating in Denmark could not be required to comply with Denmark's minimum share capital rules. not_entailment 4108 How did trying to establish a devolved Scottish Assembly go in 1979? Under the terms of the Scotland Act 1978, an elected assembly would be set up in Edinburgh provided that the majority of the Scottish electorate voted for it in a referendum to be held on 1 March 1979 that represented at least 40% of the total electorate. not_entailment 4109 When do cash flow problems exist? Underbids happen when builders ask for too little money to complete the project. not_entailment 4110 What is the proprietary system that Sky+HD uses? Sky+ HD material is broadcast using MPEG-4 and most of the HD material uses the DVB-S2 standard. not_entailment 4111 How many species of bird and mammals are there in the Amazon region? One in five of all the bird species in the world live in the rainforests of the Amazon, and one in five of the fish species live in Amazonian rivers and streams. not_entailment 4112 Who hosted the bandstand show debuted on ABC in 1957? In 1957, ABC Entertainment president Ollie Treiz discovered that the locally produced variety show Bandstand had pulled very strong ratings in the Philadelphia market on WFIL-TV; Treiz ultimately negotiated a deal to take the show national, under the revised title American Bandstand; the show quickly became a social phenomenon by presenting new musical talent and dances to America's youth and helped make a star out of its host, Dick Clark. entailment 4113 Which Super Bowl was hosted in San Diego in 2003? It is the first Super Bowl held in the San Francisco Bay Area since Super Bowl XIX in 1985, and the first in California since Super Bowl XXXVII took place in San Diego in 2003. entailment 4114 What is the most rainfall recorded in a 24 hour period in Fresno? Measurable precipitation falls on an average of 48 days annually. not_entailment 4115 When did oil finally returned to its Bretton Woods levels? The substantial price increases of 1973–1974 largely returned their prices and corresponding incomes to Bretton Woods levels in terms of commodities such as gold. entailment 4116 What are some of scientists arguments? This debate has proved difficult to resolve because the practical limitations of working in the rainforest mean that data sampling is biased away from the center of the Amazon basin, and both explanations are reasonably well supported by the available data. not_entailment 4117 What does a writer for the International Crisis Group think the concept of political Islam is a creation of? Similarly, a writer for the International Crisis Group maintains that "the conception of 'political Islam'" is a creation of Americans to explain the Iranian Islamic Revolution and apolitical Islam was a historical fluke of the "short-lived era of the heyday of secular Arab nationalism between 1945 and 1970", and it is quietist/non-political Islam, not Islamism, that requires explanation. entailment 4118 What was used to create a new electromagnetic theory to reconcile the troubles with electromagnetic theory as it used to stand? However, attempting to reconcile electromagnetic theory with two observations, the photoelectric effect, and the nonexistence of the ultraviolet catastrophe, proved troublesome. not_entailment 4119 What department in the U.S. spearheaded the efforts against Islamism? These efforts were centred in the U.S. around public diplomacy programmes conducted by the State Department. entailment 4120 How many soldiers were in each Tumen? There were 4 Han Tumens and 3 Khitan Tumens, with each Tumen consisting of 10,000 troops. entailment 4121 What did NSFNET promote Initially created to link researchers to the nation's NSF-funded supercomputing centers, through further public funding and private industry partnerships it developed into a major part of the Internet backbone. not_entailment 4122 When were the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules repealed? In 1993, the FCC repealed the Financial Interest and Syndication Rules, once again allowing networks to hold interests in television production studios. entailment 4123 What countries use a red stylized A to signify pharmacy? Pharmacy organizations often use other symbols, such as the Bowl of Hygieia which is often used in the Netherlands, conical measures, and caduceuses in their logos. not_entailment 4124 What did he claim the weapon would end? Tesla published the document in an attempt to expound on the technical description of a "superweapon that would put an end to all war. entailment 4125 What type of math was advanced during the Yuan? Advances in polynomial algebra were made by mathematicians during the Yuan era. entailment 4126 What was the name of the play performed in the 1970's? Other original plays have been staged as amateur productions, with other actors playing the Doctor, while Terry Nation wrote The Curse of the Daleks, a stage play mounted in the late 1960s, but without the Doctor. not_entailment 4127 Who first discovered his body? and 81st St. A long-time friend and supporter of Tesla, Hugo Gernsback, commissioned a sculptor to create a death mask, now displayed in the Nikola Tesla Museum. not_entailment 4128 What percent of untreated victims of the plague die within 8 days? Septicemic plague is the least common of the three forms, with a mortality rate near 100%. not_entailment 4129 What lead to the UK to subscribe to the agreement on Social Policy? The UK subsequently adopted the main legislation previously agreed under the Agreement on Social Policy, the 1994 Works Council Directive, which required workforce consultation in businesses, and the 1996 Parental Leave Directive. not_entailment 4130 How much food does a ctenophora eat in a day? In favorable circumstances, ctenophores can eat ten times their own weight in a day. entailment 4131 What might starch grains be a side effect of? While linked to low photosynthesis rates, the starch grains themselves may not necessarily interfere significantly with the efficiency of photosynthesis, and might simply be a side effect of another photosynthesis-depressing factor. entailment 4132 Who was the first NASA scientist in space? The Apollo astronauts were chosen from the Project Mercury and Gemini veterans, plus from two later astronaut groups. not_entailment 4133 Vaginal secretions serve as a chemical protective barrier following what? Vaginal secretions serve as a chemical barrier following menarche, when they become slightly acidic, while semen contains defensins and zinc to kill pathogens. entailment 4134 How much of the population of Earth ended up seeing the images of the Earth and the Moon? The crew of Apollo 8 sent the first live televised pictures of the Earth and the Moon back to Earth, and read from the creation story in the Book of Genesis, on Christmas Eve, 1968. not_entailment 4135 Who is given credit for discovering geoglyphs along the Amazon River? The BBC's Unnatural Histories presented evidence that the Amazon rainforest, rather than being a pristine wilderness, has been shaped by man for at least 11,000 years through practices such as forest gardening and terra preta. not_entailment 4136 How much does it cost to gain entry to a parliament meeting? Entry is free, but booking in advance is recommended due to limited space. entailment 4137 What percentage of Filipino primary school students are in private schools? In the Philippines, the private sector has been a major provider of educational services, accounting for about 7.5% of primary enrollment, 32% of secondary enrollment and about 80% of tertiary enrollment. entailment 4138 Which two leading roles did Audra McDonald perform when she was in high school? After decades of neglect and suburban flight, the neighborhood revival followed the re-opening of the Tower Theatre in the late 1970s, which at that time showed second and third run movies, along with classic films. not_entailment 4139 What is it called when there is an active attempt to overthrow a government or belief system? Non-revolutionary civil disobedience is a simple disobedience of laws on the grounds that they are judged "wrong" by an individual conscience, or as part of an effort to render certain laws ineffective, to cause their repeal, or to exert pressure to get one's political wishes on some other issue. not_entailment 4140 How many elements did Aristotle believe the terrestrial sphere to be made up of? Aristotle believed that motionless objects on Earth, those composed mostly of the elements earth and water, to be in their natural place on the ground and that they will stay that way if left alone. not_entailment 4141 Where did Apollo 1's crew conduct tests at Kennedy Space Center? Grissom, White, and Chaffee decided to name their flight Apollo 1 as a motivational focus on the first manned flight. not_entailment 4142 How many fumbles did Von Miller force? Newton was limited by Denver's defense, which sacked him seven times and forced him into three turnovers, including a fumble which they recovered for a touchdown. not_entailment 4143 On what date was oxygen liquefied in a stable form? Only a few drops of the liquid were produced in either case so no meaningful analysis could be conducted. not_entailment 4144 What is a regulatory factor produced by macrophages? Macrophages are versatile cells that reside within tissues and produce a wide array of chemicals including enzymes, complement proteins, and regulatory factors such as interleukin 1. entailment 4145 The influence of India can be seen in which religious art objects from Thailand, Burma and Cambodia? Refined Hindu and Buddhist sculptures reflect the influence of India; items on show include betel-nut cutters, ivory combs and bronze palanquin hooks. entailment 4146 Primitive jawless vertebrates possess an array of receptors referred to as what? However, a distinct lymphocyte-derived molecule has been discovered in primitive jawless vertebrates, such as the lamprey and hagfish. not_entailment 4147 How many galleries does the V&A have? Overall, it is one of the largest museums in the world. not_entailment 4148 Where was Genghis Khan buried? He was buried in an unmarked grave somewhere in Mongolia at an unknown location. entailment 4149 Who wrote the book "Capital in the Twenty-First Century"? Thomas Piketty in his book Capital in the Twenty-First Century argues that the fundamental force for divergence is the usually greater return of capital (r) than economic growth (g), and that larger fortunes generate higher returns [pp. entailment 4150 After its re-opening, which types of movies did the Tower Theatre show? After decades of neglect and suburban flight, the neighborhood revival followed the re-opening of the Tower Theatre in the late 1970s, which at that time showed second and third run movies, along with classic films. entailment 4151 Some elements of the Brotherhood directed what action against the government? The Brotherhood has suffered periodic repression in Egypt and has been banned several times, in 1948 and several years later following confrontations with Egyptian president Gamal Abdul Nasser, who jailed thousands of members for several years. not_entailment 4152 What is expected with the continuous input of sediment into the Dornbirner Ach? It is expected that the continuous input of sediment into the lake will silt up the lake. entailment 4153 What was the name of Wesley's famous sermon in which he warned against the dangers of drinking? John Wesley warned against the dangers of drinking in his famous sermon, "The Use of Money," and in his letter to an alcoholic. entailment 4154 When did he first get out of bed following the accident? In early 1938, Tesla was able to get up. entailment 4155 There are 34 cities in southern California that have a population exceeding what number? Many of southern California's most developed cities lie along or in close proximity to the coast, with the exception of San Bernardino and Riverside. not_entailment 4156 What is the full name of the ASER? The Annual Status of Education Report (ASER), which evaluates learning levels in rural India, has been reporting poorer academic achievement in government schools than in private schools. entailment 4157 What was Zia-ul-Haq accused of using Islamization to legitimize? Zia-ul-Haq was killed in 1988 but Islamization remains an important element in Pakistani society. not_entailment 4158 Who slipped on the Levi's Stadium turf in week 6 of the 2015 NFL season? Concerns were raised over whether Levi's Stadium's field was of a high enough quality to host a Super Bowl; during the inaugural season, the field had to be re-sodded multiple times due to various issues, and during a week 6 game earlier in the 2015 season, a portion of the turf collapsed under Baltimore Ravens kicker Justin Tucker, causing him to slip and miss a field goal, although the field has not had any major issues since. entailment 4159 For which ABC Movie of the Week film did Steven Spielberg first gain success? On the television side, in September 1969, ABC launched the Movie of the Week, a weekly showcase aimed at capitalizing on the growing success of made-for-TV movies since the early 1960s. not_entailment 4160 In 2000, ABC started an internet based campaign focused on what? In 2000, ABC launched a web-based promotional campaign focused around its circle logo, also called "the dot", in which comic book character Little Dot prompted visitors to "download the dot", a program which would cause the ABC logo to fly around the screen and settle in the bottom-right corner. entailment 4161 In what decade was seafloor spreading discovered? In the 1960s, a series of discoveries, the most important of which was seafloor spreading, showed that the Earth's lithosphere, which includes the crust and rigid uppermost portion of the upper mantle, is separated into a number of tectonic plates that move across the plastically deforming, solid, upper mantle, which is called the asthenosphere. entailment 4162 What types of work did the Han do in Central Asia? At the same time the Mongols imported Central Asian Muslims to serve as administrators in China, the Mongols also sent Han Chinese and Khitans from China to serve as administrators over the Muslim population in Bukhara in Central Asia, using foreigners to curtail the power of the local peoples of both lands. not_entailment 4163 What was the Fresno Fairgrounds used as? The Fresno Fairgrounds was also utilized as an assembly center. entailment 4164 What are sometimes present in the boiler's firebox crown? Lead fusible plugs may be present in the crown of the boiler's firebox. entailment 4165 What are the two simple word responses to a decision problem? A decision problem can be viewed as a formal language, where the members of the language are instances whose output is yes, and the non-members are those instances whose output is no. not_entailment 4166 During withdrawal from Fort William Henry, what did some Indian allies of French do? When the withdrawal began, some of Montcalm's Indian allies, angered at the lost opportunity for loot, attacked the British column, killing and capturing several hundred men, women, children, and slaves. entailment 4167 How far from the Yard is the Quad located? The other three are located in a residential neighborhood half a mile northwest of the Yard at the Quadrangle (commonly referred to as the Quad), which formerly housed Radcliffe College students until Radcliffe merged its residential system with Harvard. entailment 4168 The entrepreneurs Josiah Wedgwood, Matthew Boulton and Eleanor Coade were influenced by what manufacturing process developed during the Industrial Revolution? In the later 19th century, the increasing backlash against industrialization, led by John Ruskin, contributed to the Arts and Crafts movement. not_entailment 4169 Besides the V&A's, whose collections are under the responsibility of conservators at the V&A? Conservation is responsible for the long-term preservation of the collections, and covers all the collections held by the V&A and the V&A Museum of Childhood. entailment 4170 Who handled the play-by-play for the Denver radio stations? In Denver, KOA (850 AM) and KRFX (103.5 FM) will carry the game, with Dave Logan on play-by-play and Ed McCaffrey on color commentary. entailment 4171 How many Victorians are Catholic? Roman Catholics form the single largest religious group in the state with 26.7% of the Victorian population, followed by Anglicans and members of the Uniting Church. entailment 4172 How many Victorians are Buddhist? Victoria is also home of 152,775 Muslims and 45,150 Jews. not_entailment 4173 The papers of which famous English Victorian author are collected in the library? Writers whose papers are in the library are as diverse as Charles Dickens and Beatrix Potter. entailment 4174 Who was chairman of the House Science Committee? On 23 June 2005, Rep. Joe Barton, chairman of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce wrote joint letters with Ed Whitfield, Chairman of the Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations demanding full records on climate research, as well as personal information about their finances and careers, from Mann, Bradley and Hughes. not_entailment 4175 What did Aristotle refer to forced motion as? Aristotle believed that motionless objects on Earth, those composed mostly of the elements earth and water, to be in their natural place on the ground and that they will stay that way if left alone. not_entailment 4176 Who was the Scottish geologist that named Mt Kenya as Mt Kenia? Controversy over the actual meaning of the word Kenya notwithstanding, it is clear that the mountain's name became widely accepted, pars pro toto, as the name of the country. not_entailment 4177 Where was media day for Super Bowl 50 held? The event was held on February 1, 2016 at SAP Center in San Jose. entailment 4178 What does high levels of inequality do for economic growth in richer countries? Research by Harvard economist Robert Barro, found that there is "little ov