# Sublime Opened Files
Plugin for Sublime Text to show opened files as a treeview:
![OpenedFiles Screenshot1](https://pp.userapi.com/c841435/v841435631/5db9a/A87MJ2pFnHc.jpg)
or a listview:
![OpenedFiles Screenshot2](https://pp.userapi.com/c841435/v841435631/5dba3/qxGQkAuE2LM.jpg)
It has different settings and also can be shown on right or left side:
![OpenedFiles Screenshot3](https://pp.userapi.com/c841435/v841435631/5dbac/NVDYqwqkLPU.jpg)
## Installation
You can install this plugin via [Sublime Package Control](https://packagecontrol.io/)
Or by cloning this repo into your SublimeText Packages directory and rename it to `OpenedFiles`.
## Settings
| Setting name | Values | Meaning |
| :--------------- | :----------- | :------ |
| **tree_view** | `true` or `false`| Set `true` to show opened files as a treeview or `false` for a listview |
| **tree_size** | `"full"`, `"medium"` or `"default"`| `full` - always show full path, `medium` - show folders with the same level on the same indents, `default` - don't show folders with only one child folder. This setting works only with ** tree_view = true ** |
| **group_position** | `"left"` or `"right"`| Use right or left side for `Opened files` tab. |
## Commands and Keybindings
This plugin adds ctrl+F1 (super+F1 for OSX) keybinding for opening a new tab with `Opened files` but you can change it to your binding in your `Key Bindings - User` file:
Format is:
``` json
"keys": ["ctrl+f1"],
"command": "opened_files",
"args": {
"focus": true,
It also has some key shortcuts for using in `Opened files` tab:
### Shortcuts
| Shortcut | Command |
| :--------------- | :----------- |
| r | Refresh view |
| o | Open selected file with OS default application |
| Enter | Open selected file or fold/unfold selected directory |
| → | Expand directory |
| ← | Collapse directory |
| ↑ | Go up |
| ↓ | Go down |
### Mouse
You can also use mouse to act with `Opened files` plugin. There is only one action - left double click is the same as Enter pressing.
## Credits
This plugin uses some code, ideas and color scheme basics from [SublimeFileBrowser plugin](https://github.com/aziz/SublimeFileBrowser) and some functions from [FileHistory plugin](https://github.com/FichteFoll/FileHistory)
### License
This plugin uses MIT license. For more information see the LICENSE file.