#!/bin/sh # # Script: qmt_host.sh # Function: This script was written to change IPv4 parameters # (hostname, address, subnet mask, gateway, and dns) # on my boxed standard CentOS 7 VM. # # Author: Eric C. Broch # # Use: ./qmt_host.sh hostname ipv4.address ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns (ipv4.dns optional) # # Warning: This script is not bullet-proof, use at your own risk. # It is best to use this script in the console as you most # likely will be changing the IPv4 address. All changes will # be made, but you will be disconnected from the host. # The DNS setting will be set to OpenDNS server # if none is provided on the command line. # # Failure: Set up the network manually. # # Updates: # # Added install of NetworkManager necessary to run nmcli 12-1-2016 # GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) # This script was written to change IPv4 parameters (hostname, address, subnet mask, gateway, and dns) on # my boxed standard CentOS 7 VM, but can be used on any CentOS 7 host. # Check if valid IPv4 address function valid_ip() { local ip=$1 local stat=1 if [[ $ip =~ ^[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}$ ]]; then OIFS=$IFS IFS='.' ip=($ip) IFS=$OIFS [[ ${ip[0]} -le 255 && ${ip[1]} -le 255 \ && ${ip[2]} -le 255 && ${ip[3]} -le 255 ]] stat=$? fi return $stat } # Set IPv4 interface parameters function set_if() { [ ! -f /usr/bin/nmcli ] && echo $GREEN \ && echo "Network Manager must be installed to continue, installing..." \ && echo $NORMAL \ && sleep 2 \ && yum -y install NetworkManager ip=$1 gw=$2 dns=$3 aif=`nmcli connection show --active | grep ethernet | cut -d' ' -f1` ifc=/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-$aif if [ -f $ifc ] then txt=`cat $ifc | grep BOOTPROTO` txt1=`cat $ifc | grep IPADDR` txt2=`cat $ifc | grep GATEWAY` txt3=`cat $ifc | grep DNS` echo "Before: nameserver IF $txt $txt1 $txt2 $txt3" nmcli con mod $aif ipv6.addresses "" ipv6.gateway "" ipv6.dns "" ipv6.method auto nmcli con mod $aif ipv4.addresses $ip/24 ipv4.gateway $gw ipv4.dns $dns ipv4.method manual txt=`cat $ifc | grep BOOTPROTO` txt1=`cat $ifc | grep IPADDR` txt2=`cat $ifc | grep GATEWAY` txt3=`cat $ifc | grep DNS` echo "After: nameserver IF $txt $txt1 $txt2 $txt3" systemctl restart network fi } # Set hostname function set_hostname() { hn=$1 hostnamectl set-hostname $hn systemctl restart systemd-hostnamed hostnamectl status } if [ -z $1 ] || [ -z $2 ] || [ -z $3 ] then echo "" echo "Call this script as follows (example below):" echo "$0 hostname ipv4.address ipv4.gateway" echo "$0 me.mydomain.com" echo "" exit fi hn=$1 ip=$2 gw=$3 dns="" if [ ! -z "$4" ] then dns=$4 fi # check ip valid_ip $ip if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "$ip is not a valid IPv4 address" exit fi # check gw valid_ip $gw if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "$gw is not a valid IPv4 address" exit fi # check dns valid_ip $dns if [[ $? -ne 0 ]] then echo "$dns is not a valid IPv4 address" exit fi # Set hostname set_hostname $hn # Set IPv4 stuff set_if $ip $gw $dns exit 0