#!/bin/bash begin=`date` fdrel=34 # Dspam needs one module from Fedora sites=( https://d2lzkl7pfhq30w.cloudfront.net/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/$fdrel/Everything/x86_64/os/ http://mirror.math.princeton.edu/pub/fedora-archive/fedora/linux/releases/$fdrel/Everything/x86_64/os/ http://pubmirror1.math.uh.edu/fedora-buffet/archive/fedora/linux/releases/$fdrel/Everything/x86_64/os/ https://pubmirror2.math.uh.edu/fedora-buffet/archive/fedora/linux/releases/$fdrel/Everything/x86_64/os/ http://mirrors.kernel.org/fedora-buffet/archive/fedora/linux/releases/$fdrel/Everything/x86_64/os/ https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/fedora/linux/releases/$fdrel/Everything/x86_64/os/ ) printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' '[fedora]' "name=Fedora ${fdrel}" 'mirrorlist=file:///etc/yum.repos.d/fedoramirrors' \ 'enabled=0' 'gpgcheck=0' 'priority=100' > /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora${fdrel}.repo printf '%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n%s\n' "${sites[0]}" "${sites[1]}" "${sites[2]}" "${sites[3]}" "${sites[4]}" "${sites[5]}" \ > /etc/yum.repos.d/fedoramirrors # Open necessary firewall port, and disable selinux TAB="$(printf '\t')" && GREEN=$(tput setaf 2) && RED=$(tput setaf 1) && NORMAL=$(tput sgr0) && \ systemctl start firewalld && systemctl enable firewalld && \ ports=(20 21 22 25 80 89 110 113 143 443 465 587 993 995 3306) && \ for index in ${!ports[*]}; do echo -n "Opening port: ${ports[$index]} : ";tput setaf 2;firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=${ports[$index]}/tcp --permanent;tput sgr0; done && \ firewall-cmd --zone=public --add-port=53/udp --permanent && \ echo -n "Reload firewall settings : " && tput setaf 2 && firewall-cmd --reload && tput sgr0 setenforce 0 && sed -i -e 's/SELINUX=enforcing/SELINUX=disabled/' /etc/selinux/config && getenforce # Update minimal yum -y update dnf -y install dnf-utils epel-release dnf -y install logwatch bind bind-utils telnet yum-utils chrony acpid at autofs bzip2 net-tools \ smartmontools wget vsftpd mod_ssl fail2ban roundcubemail php-mysqlnd chkconfig rsyslog yum -y install mysql mysql-server # MySQL admin password read -s -p "Enter mysql password: " password if [ -z "$password" ]; then echo "Empty password, exiting..." exit 1 fi echo -e "\n" MYSQLPW=$password credfile=~/sql.cnf echo -e "[client]\nuser=root\npassword='$MYSQLPW'\nhost=localhost" > $credfile echo "Starting mysql Server..." systemctl start mysqld && systemctl enable mysqld && systemctl status mysqld echo "Started mysql Server" sleep 2 echo "Setting mysql admin password..." mysqladmin -uroot password $MYSQLPW &> /dev/null echo "Admin password set" echo "Creating vpopmail database..." mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile create vpopmail mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh echo "Adding vpopmail users and privileges..." mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "CREATE USER vpopmail@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'SsEeCcRrEeTt'" mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON vpopmail.* TO vpopmail@localhost" mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh echo "Done with vpopmail database..." echo "Dropping Dspam database if it exists already..." mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "use dspam" &> /dev/null [ "$?" = "0" ] && mysqldump --defaults-extra-file=$credfile dspam > dspam.sql \ && mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "drop database dspam" \ && echo "dspam db saved to dspam.sql and dropped..." # Get dspam db structure wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qmtoaster/dspam/master/dspamdb.sql if [ "$?" != "0" ]; then echo "Error downloading dspam db: ($?), exiting..." exit 1 fi # Create dspam with correct permissions echo "Creating Dspam database..." mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile create dspam mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh echo "Adding dspam users and privileges..." mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "CREATE USER dspam@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'p4ssw3rd'" mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dspam.* TO dspam@localhost" mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh echo "Done with dspam database..." mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile dspam < dspamdb.sql mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile reload mysqladmin --defaults-extra-file=$credfile refresh # End DSpam DB install wget http://repo.whitehorsetc.com/9/testing/x86_64/qmt-release-1-8.qt.el9.noarch.rpm yum -y install qmt-release-1-8.qt.el9.noarch.rpm yum-config-manager --enable qmt-testing yum-config-manager --disable qmt-current # Install Dspam dnf -y --enablerepo=fedora install dspam dspam-libs dspam-client dspam-mysql dspam-web rspamd systemctl enable --now dspam rspamd systemctl status dspam rspamd yum -y install clamav-update # Install Qmail yum -y install daemontools spamassassin ucspi-tcp libsrs2 libsrs2-devel vpopmail \ spamdyke simscan qmail autorespond control-panel 'ezmlm*' qmailadmin \ qmailmrtg maildrop isoqlog vqadmin squirrelmail ripmime dovecot \ dovecot-mysql clamd chkconfig qmail on sed -i 's/softlimit -m.*\\/softlimit -m 256000000 \\/' /var/qmail/supervise/smtp/run sed -i 's|/cgi-bin||' /usr/share/squirrelmail/plugins/qmailadmin_login/config_default.php sed -i 's/^#LocalSocket /LocalSocket /' /etc/clamd.d/scan.conf chown -R clamupdate:clamupdate /var/lib/clamav [ -f /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf ] && mv /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf /etc/dovecot/dovecot.conf.bak [ -f /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext ] && mv /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf.ext.bak wget -P /etc/dovecot https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qmtoaster/scripts/master/dovecot.conf wget -P /etc/dovecot https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qmtoaster/scripts/master/dovecot-sql.conf.ext systemctl relaod dovecot &> /dev/null # Until added to qmail [ ! -h /usr/sbin/sendmail ] && ln -s /var/qmail/bin/sendmail /usr/sbin/sendmail || echo "sendmail present..." # Enable man pages echo "Enable QMT man pages..." echo "MANDATORY_MANPATH /var/qmail/man" >> /etc/man_db.conf printf $RED echo "Downloading ClamAV database..." printf $NORMAL freshclam printf $RED echo "Starting QMT..." printf $NORMAL qmailctl start printf $RED sed -i 's/ConditionVirtualization=no/ConditionVirtualization=yes/g' /usr/lib/systemd/system/smartd.service systemctl daemon-reload echo "Starting clamd freshclam dovecot spamassassin httpd chronyd acpid atd autofs smartd named, this may take a while..." printf $NORMAL systemctl enable --now clamd@scan clamav-freshclam dovecot spamassassin httpd chronyd acpid atd autofs smartd named wget -O /usr/local/bin/toaststat https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qmtoaster/scripts/master/toaststat.cos9 if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/toaststat toaststat fi # Enter domain read -p "Enter a domain? [Y/N] : " yesno if [ "$yesno" = "Y" ] || [ "$yesno" = "y" ]; then /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain read -p "Enter domain: " newdom read -s -p "Enter postmaster@$newdom password: " newpass echo "" if [ -z "$newdom" ] || [ -z "$newpass" ]; then echo "Empty username or password." else /home/vpopmail/bin/vadddomain $newdom $newpass sh /usr/share/toaster/isoqlog/bin/cron.sh fi fi # Connection test script, tests IMAPS, SMTPS, Submission. wget -P /usr/local/bin https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qmtoaster/scripts/master/conntest if [ "$?" = "0" ]; then chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/conntest conntest fi # Add access to QMT administration from desired network or hosts sed -i -e 's/Define aclnet ""/Define aclnet "\/24\/24"/' /etc/httpd/conf/toaster.conf && \ systemctl reload httpd # Add roundcube support echo "Adding roundcubemail support..." mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "create database roundcube character set utf8 collate utf8_bin" mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "CREATE USER roundcube@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'p4ssw3rd'" mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile -e "GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON roundcube.* TO roundcube@localhost" mysql --defaults-extra-file=$credfile roundcube < /usr/share/roundcubemail/SQL/mysql.initial.sql cp -p /etc/httpd/conf.d/roundcubemail.conf /etc/httpd/conf.d/roundcubemail.conf.bak && \ wget -O /etc/roundcubemail/config.inc.php http://www.qmailtoaster.org/rc.default.config && \ wget -O /etc/httpd/conf.d/roundcubemail.conf http://www.qmailtoaster.org/rc.httpd.config sed -i 's/\;date.timezone.*/date.timezone = "America\/Denver"/' /etc/php.ini | sleep 2 | cat /etc/php.ini | grep date.timezone.*= systemctl restart httpd update-crypto-policies --set LEGACY echo "CentOS 9 QMT installation complete" end=`date` echo "Start: $begin" echo " End: $end" exit 0