if GetObjectName(GetMyHero()) ~= "Sivir" then return end if not pcall( require, "Inspired" ) then PrintChat("You are missing Inspired.lua!") return end PrintChat("ADC MAIN | Sivir loaded.") PrintChat("by Noddy") local mainMenu = Menu("ADC MAIN | Sivir", "Sivir") mainMenu:Menu("Combo", "Combo") mainMenu.Combo:Boolean("useQ", "Use Q in combo", true) mainMenu.Combo:Boolean("useW", "Use W in combo", true) mainMenu.Combo:Key("Combo1", "Combo", string.byte(" ")) -------------------------------- mainMenu:Menu("Harass", "Harass") mainMenu.Harass:Boolean("useQ", "Use Q", true) mainMenu.Harass:Boolean("useW", "Use W", true) mainMenu.Harass:Slider("Mana","Mana-Manager", 60, 1, 100, 1) mainMenu.Harass:Key("Harass1", "Harass", string.byte("C")) -------------------------------- mainMenu:Menu("AutoE", "Auto E options") mainMenu.AutoE:Boolean("CC", "Use E on CC", true) -- mainMenu.AutoE:Boolean("DMG", "Use E on high DMG spells", false) -------------------------------- mainMenu:Menu("Items", "Items") mainMenu.Items:Boolean("useCut", "Bilgewater Cutlass", true) mainMenu.Items:Boolean("useBork", "Blade of the Ruined King", true) mainMenu.Items:Boolean("useGhost", "Youmuu's Ghostblade", true) mainMenu.Items:Boolean("useRedPot", "Elixir of Wrath", true) -------------------------------- CC = { -- Aatrox ["AatroxQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Aatrox" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 600 , spellRange = 650 , spellRadius = 285 , collision = false }, ["AatroxE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Aatrox" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1250 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1075 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false , projectileName = "AatroxBladeofTorment_mis.troy"}, -- Ahri ["AhriSeduce"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Ahri" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1550 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = true , projectileName = "Ahri_Charm_mis.troy"}, -- Alistar ["Pulverize"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Alistar" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 365 , spellRadius = 365 , collision = false }, -- Amumu ["BandageToss"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Amumu" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 80 , collision = true , projectileName = "Bandage_beam.troy"}, ["CurseoftheSadMummy"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Amumu" , spellType = "aoe" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 560 , spellRadius = 560 , collision = false }, -- Anivia ["FlashFrostSpell"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Anivia" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 850 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1250 , spellRadius = 110 , collision = false , projectileName = "cryo_FlashFrost_mis.troy"}, -- Ashe ["EnchantedCrystalArrow"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Ashe" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 20000 , spellRadius = 130 , collision = false , projectileName = "EnchantedCrystalArrow_mis.troy"}, -- Bard ["BardQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Bard" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = true , projectileName = "Bard_Base_Q_Missile_mis.troy"}, -- Blitzcrank ["RocketGrab"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Blitzcrank" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1800 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1050 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "FistGrab_mis.troy"}, -- Braum ["BraumQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Braum" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1200 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["BraumRWrapper"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Braum" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1125 , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 1250 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Cassiopeia ["CassiopeiaPetrifyingGaze"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Cassiopeia" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 825 , spellRadius = 150 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Chogath ["Rupture"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Chogath" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 1200 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 250 , collision = false }, -- Darius ["DariusAxeGrabCone"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Darius" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 320 , spellRange = 570 , spellRadius = 150 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Diana ["DianaVortex"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Diana" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 350 , spellRadius = 350 , collision = false }, -- DrMundo ["InfectedCleaverMissileCast"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "DrMundo" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1050 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = true , projectileName = "DrMundo_Base_Q_mis.troy"}, -- Draven ["DravenDoubleShot"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Draven" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1400 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 130 , collision = false , projectileName = "Draven_E_mis.troy"}, -- Elise ["EliseHumanE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Elise" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "Elise_human_E_mis.troy"}, -- Evelynn ["EvelynnR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Evelynn" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 650 , spellRadius = 350 , collision = false }, -- FiddleSticks ["Terrify"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "FiddleSticks" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 575 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Fizz ["FizzMarinerDoom"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Fizz" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1350 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1275 , spellRadius = 120 , collision = false , projectileName = "Fizz_UltimateMissile.troy"}, --Test -- Galio ["GalioResoluteSmite"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Galio" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1200 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1040 , spellRadius = 235 , collision = false }, ["GalioIdolOfDurand"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Galio" , spellType = "aoe" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 600 , collision = false }, -- Gnar ["gnarbigq"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Gnar" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 1150 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["GnarQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Gnar" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2400 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1185 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["gnarbigw"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Gnar" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 600 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["GnarR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Gnar" , spellType = "aoe" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 500 , spellRadius = 500 , collision = false }, -- Gragas ["GragasE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Gragas" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1200 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 200 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["GragasR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Gragas" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1750 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1050 , spellRadius = 350 , collision = false }, -- Hecarim ["HecarimUlt"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Hecarim" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1100 , spellDelay = 10 , spellRange = 1500 , spellRadius = 300 , collision = false }, -- Heimerdinger ["HeimerdingerE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Heimerdinger" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1750 , spellDelay = 350 , spellRange = 925 , spellRadius = 135 , collision = false }, -- Irelia ["IreliaEquilibriumStrike"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Irelia" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 425 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Janna ["HowlingGale"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Janna" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 900 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 1700 , spellRadius = 120 , collision = false , projectileName = "HowlingGale_mis.troy"}, ["SowTheWind"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Janna" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- JarvanIV ["JarvanIVDragonStrike2"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "JarvanIV" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1800 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 845 , spellRadius = 120 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Jayce ["JayceToTheSkies"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Jayce" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false }, ["JayceThunderingBlow"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Jayce" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 240 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Karma ["KarmaQMissileMantra"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Karma" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1700 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1050 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["KarmaQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Karma" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1700 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1050 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["KarmaW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Karma" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Check spellname -- Kassadin ["ForcePulse"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Kassadin" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 700 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Kayle ["JudicatorReckoning"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Kayle" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 650 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- KhaZix ["KhazixW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "KhaZix" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1700 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "Khazix_W_mis_enhanced.troy"}, ["khazixwlong"] = { slot = _W , champName = "KhaZix" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1700 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1025 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "Khazix_W_mis_enhanced.troy"}, -- KogMaw ["KogMawVoidOoze"] = { slot = _E , champName = "KogMaw" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1400 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1360 , spellRadius = 120 , collision = false , projectileName = "KogMawVoidOoze_mis.troy"}, -- LeBlanc ["LeblancSoulShackle"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Leblanc" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 960 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "leBlanc_shackle_mis.troy"}, ["LeblancSoulShackleM"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Leblanc" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 960 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "leBlanc_shackle_mis_ult.troy"}, -- LeeSin ["BlindMonkQOne"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "LeeSin" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1800 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = true , projectileName = "blindMonk_Q_mis_01.troy"}, ["BlindMonkRKick"] = { slot = _R , champName = "LeeSin" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 375 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Leona ["LeonaSolarFlare"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Leona" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 1000 , spellRange = 1200 , spellRadius = 300 , collision = false }, -- Lissandra ["LissandraW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Lissandra" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 450 , spellRadius = 450 , collision = false }, ["LissandraR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Lissandra" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 550 , spellRadius = 550 , collision = false }, -- Lulu ["LuluQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Lulu" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1450 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 80 , collision = false , projectileName = "Lulu_Q_Mis.troy"}, ["LuluW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Lulu" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 925 , spellRadius = 450 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Lux ["LuxLightBinding"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Lux" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1200 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1300 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = "LuxLightBinding_mis.troy"}, -- Malphite ["SeismicShard"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Malphite" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 625 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, ["UFSlash"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Malphite" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 300 , collision = false }, -- Malzahar ["AlZaharNetherGrasp"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Malzahar" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 700 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Maokai ["MaokaiTrunkLine"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Maokai" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["MaokaiW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Maokai" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Morgana ["DarkBindingMissile"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Morgana" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1200 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1300 , spellRadius = 80 , collision = true , projectileName = "DarkBinding_mis.troy"}, ["SoulShackles"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Morgana" , spellType = "aoe" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 600 , collision = false }, -- Nami ["NamiQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Nami" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 1000 , spellRange = 875 , spellRadius = 200 , collision = false }, ["NamiR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Nami" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 850 , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 2750 , spellRadius = 250 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Nasus ["NasusW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Nasus" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Nautilus ["NautilusAnchorDrag"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Nautilus" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1250 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = true , projectileName = "Nautilus_Q_mis.troy"}, ["NautilusR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Nautilus" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 825 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Nocturne ["NocturneUnspeakableHorror"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Nocturne" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 425 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Nunu ["IceBlast"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Nunu" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 400 , spellRange = 425 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Olaf ["OlafAxeThrowCast"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Olaf" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 100 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = false , projectileName = "olaf_axe_mis.troy"}, -- Orianna --0 -- Pantheon ["PantheonW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Pantheon" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Poppy ["PoppyHeroicCharge"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Poppy" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Quinn ["QuinnQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Quinn" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1550 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1050 , spellRadius = 80 , collision = true , projectileName = "Quinn_Q_missile.troy"}, ["QuinnE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Quinn" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 700 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Rammus ["PuncturingTaunt"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Rammus" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 325 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Rengar ["RengarE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Rengar" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1500 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, -- Riven ["RivenMartyr"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Riven" , spellType = "aoe" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 280 , spellRadius = 280 , collision = false }, -- Rumble ["RumbleGrenade"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Rumble" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = true , projectileName = "rumble_taze_mis.troy"}, -- Ryze ["RyzeW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Ryze" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 600 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Sejuani ["SejuaniArcticAssault"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Sejuani" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 900 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["SejuaniGlacialPrisonCast"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Sejuani" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1200 , spellRadius = 110 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Shaco ["TwoShivPoison"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Shaco" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 625 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Shen ["ShenShadowDash"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Shen" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 650 , spellRadius = 50 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Shyvana ["ShyvanaTransformCast"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Shyvana" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1100 , spellDelay = 10 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 160 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Singed ["Fling"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Singed" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 125 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Skarner ["SkarnerFracture"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Skarner" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1400 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["SkarnerImpale"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Skarner" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 350 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Sona ["SonaR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Sona" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2400 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1000 , spellRadius = 140 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Swain ["SwainQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Swain" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 625 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname ["SwainShadowGrasp"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Swain" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 1100 , spellRange = 900 , spellRadius = 250 , collision = false }, -- Syndra ["syndrawcast"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Syndra" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1450 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 925 , spellRadius = 220 , collision = false }, ["SyndraE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Syndra" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1500 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 800 , spellRadius = 150 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- TahmKench ["TahmKenchQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "TahmKench" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["TahmKenchE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "TahmKench" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 250 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Taric ["Dazzle"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Taric" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 625 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Teemo ["BlindingDart"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Teemo" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 580 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Thresh ["ThreshQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Thresh" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1900 , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["ThreshE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Thresh" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 1075/2 , spellRadius = 110 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Tristana ["TristanaR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Tristana" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 669 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Tryndamere ["MockingShout"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Tryndamere" , spellType = "aoe" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 400 , spellRadius = 400 , collision = false }, -- Urgot ["UrgotR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Urgot" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 850 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellName -- Varus ["VarusR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Varus" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1950 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1200 , spellRadius = 100 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Vayne ["VayneCondemn"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Vayne" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 550 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Veigar ["VeigarEventHorizon"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Veigar" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 700 , spellRadius = 425 , collision = false }, -- VelKoz ["VelkozQMissile"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Velkoz" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1300 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1250 , spellRadius = 50 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["VelkozQMissileSplit"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Velkoz" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 2100 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 45 , collision = true , projectileName = ""}, ["VelkozE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Velkoz" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1500 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 950 , spellRadius = 225 , collision = false }, -- Vi ["ViQMissile"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Vi" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1500 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 725 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["ViR"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Vi" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 800 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- check spellname -- Viktor ["ViktorGravitonField"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Viktor" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 1500 , spellRange = 625 , spellRadius = 300 , collision = false }, -- Warwick ["InfiniteDuress"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Warwick" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 700 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- check spellname -- Xerath ["XerathArcaneBarrage2"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Xerath" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1600 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1125 , spellRadius = 60 , collision = true }, ["XerathMageSpear"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Xerath" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 750 , spellRange = 1100 , spellRadius = 280 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Yasou ["yasuoq3w"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Yasou" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1200 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1025 , spellRadius = 90 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, -- Zac ["ZacQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Zac" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 550 , spellRadius = 120 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["ZacE"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Zac" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 1500 , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 1800 , spellRadius = 300 , collision = false }, -- check spellname, projectileSpeed -- Ziggs ["ZiggsW"] = { slot = _W , champName = "Ziggs" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 3000 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 2000 , spellRadius = 275 , collision = false }, -- Zilean ["ZileanQ"] = { slot = _Q , champName = "Zilean" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = 2000 , spellDelay = 300 , spellRange = 900 , spellRadius = 250 , collision = false }, ["TimeWarp"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Zilean" , spellType = "target" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 0 , spellRange = 550 , spellRadius = 0 , collision = false }, -- Zyra ["ZyraGraspingRoots"] = { slot = _E , champName = "Zyra" , spellType = "line" , projectileSpeed = 1400 , spellDelay = 250 , spellRange = 1150 , spellRadius = 70 , collision = false , projectileName = ""}, ["ZyraBrambleZone"] = { slot = _R , champName = "Zyra" , spellType = "circular" , projectileSpeed = math.huge , spellDelay = 500 , spellRange = 700 , spellRadius = 525 , collision = false } } local global_ticks = 0 local global_ticks1 = 0 OnProcessSpell(function(unit, spellProc) -- E if mainMenu.AutoE.CC:Value() then local CCSpell = CC[spellProc.name] if CCSpell then if CCSpell.champName == GetObjectName(unit) and GetTeam(unit) ~= GetTeam(myHero) and GetObjectType(unit) == Obj_AI_Hero and CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY then if spellProc.target == myHero and CCSpell.spellType == "target" then CastSpell(_E) end if CCSpell.spellType == "line" and IsInDistance(unit, CCSpell.spellRange + GetMoveSpeed(myHero)) then -- local CCPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(GetOrigin(unit),myHero,GetMoveSpeed(myHero),CCSpell.projectileSpeed,CCSpell.spellDelay,CCSpell.spellRange,CCSpell.spellRadius,CCSpell.collision,false) -- if CCPred.HitChance == 1 then CCVector = VectorWay(spellProc.startPos, spellProc.endPos) CCDistanceStartEnd = DistanceBetween(spellProc.startPos, spellProc.endPos) CCVector = (CCVector/CCDistanceStartEnd)*CCSpell.spellRange CCSpellTimeNeed = ((CCSpell.spellRange / (CCSpell.projectileSpeed+50))*1000)+CCSpell.spellDelay WayOnTime = CCVector/CCSpellTimeNeed startTime = GetGameTimer() stargingPos = spellProc.startPos endingPos = spellProc.startPos + CCVector radius = CCSpell.spellRadius -- end -- -- end if CCSpell.spellType == "circular" and IsInDistance(unit, CCSpell.spellRange + GetMoveSpeed(myHero)) then local spellTime = (DistanceBetween((GetOrigin(unit)),spellProc.endPos) / CCSpell.projectileSpeed) * 1000 + CCSpell.spellDelay local Ticker = GetTickCount() if (global_ticks) < Ticker then DelayAction(function() if GetDistance(spellProc.endPos) < CCSpell.spellRadius then CastSpell(_E) end end, (spellTime)/1000 - 0.23) global_ticks = Ticker end end if CCSpell.spellType == "aoe" and IsInDistance(unit, CCSpell.spellRange) then CastSpell(_E) end end end end end) OnProcessSpellComplete(function(Object,spellProc) if mainMenu.Combo.useW:Value() and mainMenu.Combo.Combo1:Value() then if Object == myHero and CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) == READY and spellProc.name:lower():find("attack") and spellProc.target == GetCurrentTarget() and ValidTarget(GetCurrentTarget(), 550+GetHitBox(GetCurrentTarget())) then CastSpell(_W) DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(GetCurrentTarget()) end, .001) end end if mainMenu.Harass.useW:Value() and mainMenu.Harass.Harass1:Value() and 100*GetCurrentMana(myHero)/GetMaxMana(myHero) >= mainMenu.Harass.Mana:Value() and ValidTarget(GetCurrentTarget(), 550+GetHitBox(GetCurrentTarget())) then if Object == myHero and CanUseSpell(myHero,_W) == READY and spellProc.name:lower():find("attack") and spellProc.target == GetCurrentTarget() then CastSpell(_W) DelayAction(function() AttackUnit(GetCurrentTarget()) end, .001) end end end) OnTick(function (myHero) if startTime ~= nil then local Time = GetGameTimer() - startTime Time = Time*1000 local spellPos0 = stargingPos + ((Time+25)*WayOnTime) local spellPos = stargingPos + (Time*WayOnTime) local spellPos1 = stargingPos + ((Time-150)*WayOnTime) local spellPos2 = stargingPos + ((Time-100)*WayOnTime) local spellPos3 = stargingPos + ((Time-50)*WayOnTime) -- DrawCircle(endingPos, radius,3,255,0xff0ffff0) -- DrawCircle(spellPos, radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.8,1,255,0xffffffff) -- DrawCircle(spellPos0, radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.8,1,255,0xffffffff) -- DrawCircle(spellPos1, radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.8,1,255,0xffffffff) if CanUseSpell(myHero,_E) == READY then if GetDistance(spellPos0) <= radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.2 then -- CastSpell(_E) end if GetDistance(spellPos) <= radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.2 then CastSpell(_E) end if GetDistance(spellPos1) <= radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.2 then CastSpell(_E) end if GetDistance(spellPos2) <= radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.2 then CastSpell(_E) end if GetDistance(spellPos3) <= radius+GetHitBox(myHero)*1.2 then CastSpell(_E) end end if Time >= CCSpellTimeNeed then startTime = nil end end local target = GetCurrentTarget() local myHeroPos = GetOrigin(myHero) -- Items local CutBlade = GetItemSlot(myHero,3144) local bork = GetItemSlot(myHero,3153) local ghost = GetItemSlot(myHero,3142) local redpot = GetItemSlot(myHero,2140) -- [Combo if mainMenu.Combo.Combo1:Value() then if CutBlade >= 1 and ValidTarget(target,550) and mainMenu.Items.useCut:Value() then if CanUseSpell(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,3144)) == READY then CastTargetSpell(target, GetItemSlot(myHero,3144)) end elseif bork >= 1 and ValidTarget(target,550) and (GetMaxHP(myHero) / GetCurrentHP(myHero)) >= 1.25 and mainMenu.Items.useBork:Value() then if CanUseSpell(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,3153)) == READY then CastTargetSpell(target,GetItemSlot(myHero,3153)) end end if ghost >= 1 and ValidTarget(target,550) and mainMenu.Items.useGhost:Value() then if CanUseSpell(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,3142)) == READY then CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero,3142)) end end if redpot >= 1 and ValidTarget(target,550) and mainMenu.Items.useRedPot:Value() then if CanUseSpell(myHero,GetItemSlot(myHero,2140)) == READY then CastSpell(GetItemSlot(myHero,2140)) end end -- Q if mainMenu.Combo.useQ:Value() then if CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == READY and IsTargetable(target) and ValidTarget(target,GetCastRange(myHero,_Q)) then local QPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(myHeroPos,target,GetMoveSpeed(target)*1.25,2000,250,1150,70,false,false) if QPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot(_Q,QPred.PredPos.x,QPred.PredPos.y,QPred.PredPos.z) end end end end --Combo] if mainMenu.Harass.Harass1:Value() then -- Q if mainMenu.Harass.useQ:Value() and 100*GetCurrentMana(myHero)/GetMaxMana(myHero) >= mainMenu.Harass.Mana:Value() then if CanUseSpell(myHero,_Q) == READY and IsTargetable(target) and ValidTarget(target,GetCastRange(myHero,_Q)) then local QPred = GetPredictionForPlayer(myHeroPos,target,GetMoveSpeed(target)*1.25,2000,250,1150,70,false,false) if QPred.HitChance == 1 then CastSkillShot(_Q,QPred.PredPos.x,QPred.PredPos.y,QPred.PredPos.z) end end end end end) function DistanceBetween(p1,p2) return math.sqrt(math.pow((p2.x - p1.x),2) + math.pow((p2.y - p1.y),2) + math.pow((p2.z - p1.z),2)) end function VectorWay(A,B) WayX = B.x - A.x WayY = B.y - A.y WayZ = B.z - A.z return Vector(WayX, WayY, WayZ) end