Speed Mapping progs (SMP) Version 2024.1 by dumptruck_ds This is a simple mod intended for use in community speed mapping events. It is also a excellent base for new QuakeC projects as I've included a multitude of bug fixes and some popular quality-of-life features. smp is a modified version of the 1.06 id1 "netquake" progs. The GitHub repository can be found here: https://github.com/quake-mapping-community/smp INSTALLATION Use this like any other Quake mod by unzipping the "smp" folder into your Quake directory. Then launch Quake with the -game parameter on the command line. e.g C:\Quake -game smp If you want to make a map or episode with smp just release it as a stand alone mod. Simply rename "smp" as you desire and release it as you would any mod or map. Just make sure to include the files that came with smp. (don't forget to delete any configs or extra unwanted files!) FEATURES * trigger spawn monsters * items, weapons, ammo and artifacts can be trigger spawned, set to respawn and be suspended in mid air * is_waiting key for dormant trigger_once and trigger_multiple * set custom gravity via worldspawn * built-in "Rune hack" for start maps and hub levels (info_player_start2) * fish are gib-able * target thru target4 for more complex gameplay setups * a basic misc_model entity, useful for decorations * three custom sound entities FIXES There are countless bug fixes from the Quake Info Pool, progs_dump and other mods. Too many to include here, but you can review the commits on GitHub: https://github.com/quake-mapping-community/smp/commits/main or take a look at changelog.txt in the 'src' folder. The smp.fgd file is the same as the default included with TrenchBroom 2023.1 with added spawnflags, keys and entities noted below. SPAWNFLAGS * trigger spawn: Set this to spawn monsters and items. A targetname is required. * spawn angry: Monsters near the player will spawn angry when trigger spawned. * spawn silently: Entities and monsters will spawn and respawn silently with no particles. * respawn particles: When respawning, entities will display particles and make a sound. * suspended in air: Place items in mid-air * info_player_start2: Set on trigger_changelevel to spawn the exiting player at * an info_player_start2. Useful for start or hub maps. This takes the place of Rune hacks. KEY / VALUES * multiple targets per entity (target, target2, target3 and target4) * killtarget and killtarget2 * gravity: Set this in the worldspawn entity for custom gravity across the entire map. 100 is the gravity used in "Ziggurat Vertigo" (e1m8). 800 is the default gravity in Quake. There is no need to set this to the default, leave it blank. * is_waiting: When set to 1, on trigger_once and trigger_multiple, this trigger will do nothing until another trigger activates it. A targetname is required. * wait: Items, artifacts, ammo, health and weapons will respawn if 'wait' is greater than zero. Set 'wait' to how many seconds you want between spawns. ENTITIES * misc_model: a simple entity to display a model * play_sound_triggered: trigger a custom sound on demand * play_sound_random: play a custom sound at random intervals * ambient_general: plays a custom loop-able sound KNOWN ISSUES If a door or other moving object collides with the spawn point of a trigger spawned entity, the entity could be pushed or "drop out" of the level. To avoid this, don't have doors or other moving platforms intersecting with an entity's spawn point. However, you can have items spawn atop moving trains and lifts. SOURCES USED FOR FIXES Quake Info Pools fixes: https://www.quake-info-pool.net/q1/qcfix.htm Khreathor's mod_jam_progs: http://khreathor.xyz/jam/modding/mod_jam_progs.zip Ultimate Ranger Quake Patch (URQP) http://www.quaketastic.com/files/misc/urqp106a.zip If you have any questions contact dumptruck_ds at: lango.lan.party@gmail.com or dumptruck_ds#3116 via Discord Enjoy!