{ "meta": { "docsUrl": "https://quasarframework.github.io/quasar-ui-qcalendar/docs" }, "props": { "value": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "v-model; When set as `YYYY-MM-DD`, the calendar will display the current view on this date. If empty, then it will be changed to the current date which will be emitted", "required": true, "default": "now", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "v-model=\"2019-04-01\"", "v-model=\"2020-08-08\"" ] }, "view": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "The type of calendar view to be displayed", "applicable": [ "All" ], "values": [ "month", "week", "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "month-scheduler", "week-scheduler", "scheduler", "day-scheduler", "2day-scheduler", "3day-scheduler", "4day-scheduler", "5day-scheduler", "6day-scheduler", "custom-scheduler", "month-agenda", "week-agenda", "day-agenda", "2day-agenda", "3day-agenda", "4day-agenda", "5day-agenda", "6day-agenda", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval" ], "examples": [ "view=\"week\"", "view=\"month\"", "view=\"week-agenda\"" ] }, "dark": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Places a calendar in dark mode", "applicable": [ "all" ], "addedIn": "v1.5.1" }, "bordered": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Places a border around the calendar", "applicable": [ "all" ], "addedIn": "v1.5.0" }, "now": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "This is the currently displayed date (highlighted). If not set, then the current date is used", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "now=\"2019-04-01\"", "now=\"2020-08-08\"" ] }, "weekdays": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "NumberArray", "category": "model", "desc": "This is the days of the week and in which order they are displayed. If you want Monday as the first day of the week, you would use [1,2,3,4,5,6,0]. If you want a 5-day work week you would use [1,2,3,4,5]", "default": "[0,1,2,3,4,5,6]", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ ":weekdays=\"[1,2,3,4,5,6,0]\"", ":weekdays=\"[1,2,3,4,5]\"" ] }, "no-active-date": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "1.4.0", "desc": "This controls whether the `q-active-date` css class is set when a user clicks on a date label (button)", "applicable": [ "All" ] }, "disabled-days": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "StringArray", "category": "model", "desc": "An array of string dates in the form `YYYY-MM-DD` that will be disabled. If an array is contained within the array with a start and end date, it will be treated as a range", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ ":disabled-days=\"['2019-04-01', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-03', '2019-04-04']\"" ] }, "disabled-before": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "A date in the form `YYYY-MM-DD` where all dates before, and including, will be disabled", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "disabled-before=\"2019-04-01\"" ] }, "disabled-after": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "A date in the form `YYYY-MM-DD` where all dates after, and including, will be disabled", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "disabled-after=\"2019-04-01\"" ] }, "locale": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "Used to change the locale of the calendar", "default": "en-us", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "locale=\"de-de\"", "locale=\"de\"", "locale=\"fr\"", "locale=\"pl\"" ] }, "max-days": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "The number of days to be displayed. Applicable only for custom-interval, scheduler and agenda views", "default": 7, "applicable": [ "custom-interval", "scheduler", "agenda" ], "examples": [ "max-days=\"14\"", "max-days=\"10\"" ] }, "color": { "type": "String", "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "category": "style", "desc": "This is the color used current day (now) highlighting. It can be from the from the [Quasar Color Palette](https://quasar.dev/style/color-palette), CSS named color or a CSS color (#, rgb, rgba, hls, etc)", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "color=\"orange-7\"", "color=\"blue-grey-4\"", "color=\"#00CCFC\"", "color=\"crimson\"" ] }, "enable-theme": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Since v3.0.0 use css vars to control your themes", "applicable": [ "All" ] }, "theme": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "type": "Object", "category": "style", "desc": "Since v3.0.0 use css vars to control your themes", "applicable": [ "All" ], "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "hide-header": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Hide the calendar header.", "applicable": [ "All" ] }, "short-weekday-label": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Displays the weekday label in short format. For instance, 'Monday' would become 'Mon'", "applicable": [ "All" ] }, "animated": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Turns on animation", "applicable": [ "All" ] }, "sticky": { "type": "Boolean", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Turns on sticky resources and intervals", "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] }, "cell-width": { "type": "String", "addedIn": "v3.3.0", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Sets day cell width and turns on sticky mode. Width must be css measurement", "applicable": [ "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "examples": [ "cell-width=\"100px\"" ] }, "transition-prev": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When animated property is true, transition to use for previous calendar view", "default": "slide-right", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "transition-prev=\"flip-right\"" ] }, "transition-next": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When animated property is true, transition to use for next calendar view", "default": "slide-left", "applicable": [ "All" ], "examples": [ "transition-next=\"flip-left\"" ] }, "time-clicks-clamped": { "type": "Boolean", "addedIn": "v3.2.0", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Causes the returning timestamp time to be clamped to the interval it is in", "applicable": [ "All interval-based" ] }, "drag-over-func": { "type": "Function", "category": "behavior", "desc": "The function to handle dragover events", "params": { "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The event associated with the dragover", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object associated with the date and optional time (if an interval)", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "type": { "type": "String", "desc": "This can be 'day', 'interval' or 'resource'", "examples": [ "day", "interval", "resource" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The column-count index location of the start of the drag (only available if property `column-count` is set)", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "All" ], "returns": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If the event was handled" }, "examples": [ ":drag-over-func=\"onDragOver\"" ] }, "drop-func": { "type": "Function", "category": "behavior", "desc": "The function to handle drop events", "params": { "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The event associated with the drop", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object associated with the date and optional time (if an interval) of the drop", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "type": { "type": "String", "desc": "This can be 'day', 'interval' or 'resource'", "examples": [ "day", "interval", "resource" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The column-count index location of the start of the drag (only available if property `column-count` is set)", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "All" ], "returns": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If the event was handled" }, "examples": [ ":drop-func=\"onDrop\"" ] }, "no-scroll": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Turns off the internal scrollbar. Useful if you want to handle your own scrolling", "default": "", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler", "all agenda" ] }, "column-header-before": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Turns on the column-header-before scoped slot", "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "column-header-after": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Turns on the column-header-after scoped slot", "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "column-count": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "Applicable only for day view. Show the same day x number of times in columns. Scoped slots get this data as index in passed object", "default": 1, "applicable": [ "day" ], "examples": [ "column-count=\"3\"", "column-count=\"5\"" ] }, "column-index-start": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "content", "desc": "Applicable only for day view. This is the starting index. This allows you to create a paging system (next/prev) when using column-count property", "default": 0, "applicable": [ "day" ], "examples": [ "column-index-start=\"0\"", "column-index-start=\"2\"" ] }, "short-interval-label": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Makes interval labels short", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler" ] }, "interval-height": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "The maximum height in pixels for the interval height", "default": "40", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "examples": [ "interval-height=\"60\"", "interval-height=\"100\"" ] }, "interval-width": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "category": "behavior", "desc": "The maximum width in pixels for the interval width", "default": "100", "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ], "examples": [ "interval-width=\"60\"", "interval-width=\"100\"" ] }, "interval-style": { "type": "Function", "category": "style", "desc": "Gets called to provide custom styling of an interval", "params": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp object associated with the interval", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "returns": { "type": ["Array", "Object", "String"], "desc": "A Vue style object", "examples": [ "{ color: #ccc; }" ] }, "default": "{}", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler" ], "examples": [ "interval-style=\"background-color: #c0c0c0\"", ":interval-style=\"myIntervalStyle\"" ] }, "interval-minutes": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "The number of minutes in an interval", "default": "60", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler" ], "examples": [ "interval-minutes=\"15\"", "interval-minutes=\"30\"" ] }, "interval-count": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "The number intervals to use. If interval-minutes is set to 30 then you would set interval count to 48 – double that of regular", "default": "24", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler" ], "examples": [ "interval-count=\"48\"", "interval-count=\"96\"" ] }, "interval-start": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "The starting interval", "default": "0", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler" ], "examples": [ "interval-start=\"6\"", "interval-start=\"8\"" ] }, "hour24-format": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Show intervals in 24 hour format", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler" ] }, "day-height": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "The maximum height in pixels for the day height. Using 0 will make the rows variable height based on content.", "default": "0", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "day-height=\"80\"", "day-height=\"100\"" ] }, "day-padding": { "type": "String", "category": "style", "desc": "Overrides the padding to be used for a day element. You can use any CSS padding format", "default": "48px 2px", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "day-padding=\"20px 5px\"" ] }, "day-style": { "type": "Function", "category": "style", "desc": "Gets called to provide custom styling of a day", "params": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp object associated with the day", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "returns": { "type": ["Array", "Object", "String"], "desc": "A Vue style object", "examples": [ "{ color: #ccc; }" ] }, "default": "null", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "day-style=\"background-color: #c0c0c0\"", ":day-style=\"dayStyle\"" ] }, "day-class": { "type": "Function", "category": "style", "addedIn": "v1.3.1", "desc": "Gets called to provide custom styling (via classes) of a day", "params": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp object associated with the day", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "returns": { "type": ["Array", "Object", "String"], "desc": "A Vue style object of classes", "examples": [ "{ 'q-range': true }" ] }, "default": "null", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ ":day-class=\"getDayClass\"" ] }, "min-weeks": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "model", "desc": "The minimum number of weeks to be displayed", "default": 1, "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "min-weeks=\"2\"" ] }, "short-month-label": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Makes the month label short. January becomes Jan...", "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "show-work-weeks": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Show work weeks", "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "no-default-header-btn": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Do not display the day button in the header", "applicable": [ "day", "scheduler" ] }, "no-default-header-text": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Do not display the day text in the header", "applicable": [ "day", "scheduler" ] }, "show-month-label": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Shows the month label - this occurs on the 1st of the month", "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "show-day-of-year-label": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Show the day of the year - this occurs in the top right of each day element. If show-month-label is true, then that day is skipped", "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "enable-outside-days": { "addedIn": "v2.2.0", "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "By default, outside days are disabled in month view. Use the property to enable them.", "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "hide-outside-days": { "addedIn": "v2.2.0", "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Hide the labels of outside days", "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "resources": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "ResourceObjectArray", "category": "model", "required": true, "desc": "An array of objects with a single key of label. You can add other keys if you like, which will be passed back on the appropriate scoped slots", "applicable": [ "scheduler" ], "examples": [ "[{ label: 'John' },{ label: 'Susan' }]" ] }, "resource-key": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "The key from the `resources` object that will be displayed", "default": "label", "applicable": [ "scheduler" ], "examples": [ "resource-key=\"label\"", "resource-key=\"name\"" ] }, "resource-height": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "The maximum height in pixels for the resource height", "default": "70", "applicable": [ "scheduler", "resource", "day-resource" ], "examples": [ "resource-height=\"80\"", ":resource-height=\"100\"" ] }, "resource-width": { "type": [ "Number", "String" ], "category": "style", "desc": "The maximum width in pixels for the resource width", "applicable": [ "scheduler", "resource", "day-resource" ], "examples": [ "resource-width=\"120\"", "resource-width=\"200\"" ] }, "resource-style": { "type": "Function", "category": "style", "desc": "Gets called to provide custom styling of a resource", "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp object associated with the interval", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The resource index", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } }, "returns": { "type": ["Array", "Object", "String"], "desc": "A Vue style object", "examples": [ "{ color: #ccc; }" ] }, "default": "{}", "applicable": [ "scheduler", "resource", "day-resource" ], "examples": [ ":resource-style=\"resourceStyle\"" ] }, "selected-start-end-dates": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "StringArray", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.2.0", "desc": "An array of two dates in format `YYYY-MM-DD` for selection purposes. Interval-based calendars use `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm`", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval" ], "examples": [ ":selected-start-end-dates=\"getStartEndDates\"" ] }, "hover": { "addedIn": "v3.0.0", "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Changes the style `selected-start-end-dates` selection when in `mini-mode`. Typically, set this to `true` on `mousedown` and `false` on `mouseup`", "applicable": [ "month (mini-mode)" ] }, "selected-dates": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "StringArray", "category": "model", "addedIn": "v1.3.14", "desc": "An array of string dates in the form `YYYY-MM-DD` that will be selected. Interval-based calendars use `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm`", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval" ], "examples": [ ":selected-dates=\"['2019-04-01', '2019-04-02', '2019-04-03', '2019-04-04']\"", ":selected-dates=\"['2019-04-01 13:00', '2019-04-01 13:15', '2019-04-01 13:30', '2019-04-01 13:45']\"" ] }, "mini-mode": { "type": ["Boolean", "String"], "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.3.0", "values": [ true, false, "auto" ], "desc": "When `true` puts the calendar into mini-mode. When `auto`, then the property `breakpoint` is used to determine when the calendar will be put into mini-mode", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "mini-mode", ":mini-mode=\"true\"", "mini-mode=\"auto\"" ] }, "breakpoint": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.3.0", "values": [ "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl" ], "desc": "This property is used when `mini-mode` is set with `auto`", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "breakpoint=\"sm\"", "breakpoint=\"md\"" ] }, "month-label-size": { "type": "String", "category": "style", "addedIn": "v1.3.0", "values": [ "xs", "sm", "md", "lg", "xl" ], "desc": "This property is used change the size of the month label button. This property is ignored when `mini-mode` is set to true", "applicable": [ "month" ], "examples": [ "month-label-size=\"sm\"", "month-label-size=\"md\"" ] }, "left-column-options": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "ColumnObjectArray", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "An array of objects used to add columns to the left side of the agenda. Each object must have an id and label key or define the id object key using the `column-options-id` and the label using the `column-options-label` properties. The value of the id should be unique for each object. The object is passed to slots", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "examples": [ ":left-column-options=\"leftColumnOptions\"" ] }, "right-column-options": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "ColumnObjectArray", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "An array of objects used to add columns to the right side of the agenda. Each object must have an id and label key or define the id object key using the `column-options-id` and the label using the `column-options-label` properties. The value of the id should be unique for each object. The object is passed to slots", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "examples": [ ":right-column-options=\"rightColumnOptions\"" ] }, "column-options-id": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "The key in the object to use for `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties to define the id, otherwise `id` will be used", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "examples": [ "column-options-id=\"id\"" ] }, "column-options-label": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "The key in the object to use for `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties to define the label, otherwise `label` will be used", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "examples": [ "column-options-label=\"name\"" ] } }, "events": { "input": { "desc": "v-model; Emitted when calendar date changes", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "value": { "type": "String", "desc": "In `YYYY-MM-DD` format", "required": true, "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "change": { "desc": "Emitted when the calendar dates change. For instance, if in `month` view, the `start` contains the timestamp object for the 1st of the month, and `end` contains the timestamp object for the last day of the month. For week view it's the first day of the displayed week and last day of the displayed week", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "{start, end}": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp objects for the first and last valid date being displayed", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "moved": { "desc": "Emitted when the date is moved", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object of the move. For instance, if in month view, this will be the timestamp object containing the 1st of the month", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "expanded": { "addedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Event occurs when hierarchial resources are expanded/collapses", "applicable": [ "Scheduler", "Resource" ], "params": { "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object that was toggle, check `expanded` property for `true` or `false`", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "mini-mode": { "addedIn": "v3.1.2", "desc": "Event occurs when switching to/from mini-mode, when the `breakpoint` property is set to `auto`", "applicable": [ "Month" ], "params": { "value": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If switched to `mini-mode`, then the value is `true`, otherwise it is `false" } } }, "click:date": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on date button", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "click:date2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on date button", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "contextmenu:date": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on date button", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "contextmenu:date2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on date button", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mousedown:date": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on date button", "applicable": [ "All" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": 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Only applicable for resource views", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseleave:time": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on interval time area", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseleave:time2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on time area of the main slotted content", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using `column-count` property", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object associated with the event. Only applicable for resource views", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mousemove:time": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on interval time area", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mousemove:time2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on time area of the main slotted content", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using `column-count` property", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object associated with the event. Only applicable for resource views", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchstart:time": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on interval time area", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchstart:time2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on time area of the main slotted content", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using `column-count` property", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object associated with the event. Only applicable for resource views", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchend:time": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on interval time area", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchend:time2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on time area of the main slotted content", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using `column-count` property", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object associated with the event. Only applicable for resource views", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchmove:time": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on interval time area", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchmove:time2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on time area of the main slotted content", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "resource", "day-resource", "month", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The timestamp of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using `column-count` property", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object associated with the event. Only applicable for resource views", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "click:resource": { "removedIn": "v3.0.0", "desc": "Occurs on resource area", "applicable": [ "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "resource", "day-resource", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "Object contains resource object and resource index", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "click:resource2": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Occurs on resource area", "applicable": [ "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "resource", "day-resource", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope of the event", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "The resource object associated with the event. 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"Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "click:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "click:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "contextmenu:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "contextmenu:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mousedown:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], 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"__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseup:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseup:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseenter:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseenter:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseleave:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "mouseleave:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when 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to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchstart:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchstart:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchend:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchend:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchmove:column": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "Contains the object passed for the column when either property `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } }, "touchmove:column2": { "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "desc": "Occurs on column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ], "params": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The data passed to the function", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "scope": { "type": "Object", "desc": "The scope object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ], "definition": { "column": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "The column object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the column when using the `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` properties", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "event": { "type": "Object", "desc": "JS event object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } } } } }, "methods": { "prev": { "desc": "Triggers component to display previous (ex: day, week, month)", "applicable": [ "All"], "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "next": { "desc": "Triggers component to display next (ex: day, week, month)", "applicable": [ "All"], "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "move": { "desc": "Triggers component to move for count iterations, depending on positive (forwards) or negative (backwards) value", "applicable": [ "All"], "params": { "count": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The amount of iterations to move (negative for backwards, positive for forwards). If value is 0, emits `today's date` to v-model", "examples": [ "-5 (moves 5 iterations backward - if in `month` view, this would be -5 months", "5 (moves 5 iterations forward - if in `day` view, this would be 5 days" ] } } }, "moveToToday": { "addedIn": "v2.2.1", "desc": "Emits `today's date` to v-model", "applicable": [ "All"], "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "updateCurrent": { "desc": "Update various values to be consistent with current date", "applicable": [ "All"], "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeStartPos": { "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "timeStartPosX": { "desc": "Calculates the starting x position of the passed in time", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute x starting position", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "timeDurationHeight": { "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "timeDurationWidth": { "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css width value", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's width", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "heightToMinutes": { "addedIn": "v3.4.0", "desc": "Given a height (in pixels) return the duration (in minutes)", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "height": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of pixels for the event to calculate it's duration", "examples": [ "30", "90px" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The duration (in minutes) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "widthToMinutes": { "desc": "Given a width (in pixels) return the duration (in minutes)", "addedIn": "v3.4.0", "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of pixels for the event to calculate it's duration", "examples": [ "300px", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The duration (in minutes) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } }, "scrollToTime": { "desc": "When on an interval view, scroll to the passed in time (y position)", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "scheduler", "week-scheduler", "month-scheduler", "custom-scheduler" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time in which to scoll to. If the time is already visible on the viewport, this function will have no affect.", "examples": [ "09:00" ] } } }, "scrollToTimeX": { "desc": "When on an resource interval view, scroll to the passed in time (x position)", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time in which to scoll to. If the time is already visible on the viewport, this function will have no affect.", "examples": [ "09:00" ] } } } }, "scopedSlots": { "head-day": { "desc": "Replaces the complete internal day header", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The index of the iteration", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If currently in mini-mode (applied to Month calendars only)", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week", "month-interval", "custom-interval", "all scheduler", "all agenda" ] }, "day-header": { "desc": "index is added if using `column-count` property", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "If applicable, the index of the column-header", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "day-header-label": { "desc": "Used to replace the label", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "shortWeekdayLabel": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "True if `short-weekday-label` property is set", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "day", "week-agenda" ] }, "day-body": { "desc": "index is added if using `column-count` property", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day" ], "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day" ], "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } } }, "applicable": [ "day", "2day", "3day", "4day", "5day", "6day", "week-agenda" ] }, "day-container": { "desc": "The container is everything below the headers, including the intervals", "scope": { "days": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "TimestampArray", "desc": "An array of timestamp objects that are to be displayed in the container. This slot does not replace the container, but instead, allows you to add to it. Example: use css `position: absolute` to create a `current time` bar.", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } } }, "intervals-header": { "desc": "Use to render items in the intervals header", "scope": { "days": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "TimestampArray", "desc": "An array of Timestamp objects", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "interval": { "desc": "index is added if using `column-count` property", "scope": { "timeStartPos": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting y position of the passed in time", "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] }, "clamp": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "Clamp negative values to 0", "default": "true" } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute y starting position, but `false` on invalid time parameter", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "timeDurationHeight": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css height value", "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's height", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The height (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } } }, "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "column-header-before": { "desc": "Use to render items before the column header", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "column-header-after": { "desc": "Use to render items after the column header", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "day" ] }, "day": { "desc": "Use to add items to the `day` rendering", "scope": { "outside": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if the date is outside of the calendar month, but still displayed" }, "day": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp for the day of the slotted content", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "day-label": { "desc": "Use to replace the `day label`", "scope": { "dayLabel": { "type": "String", "desc": "The string of the dayLabel", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp for the day of the slotted content", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "day-btn": { "addedIn": "v2.2.0", "desc": "Use to replace the `day button`", "scope": { "dayLabel": { "type": "String", "desc": "The string of the dayLabel", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp for the day of the slotted content", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "outside": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If this day is considered `outside` the current month", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "selectedDate": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If this day is a selected date (applicable only for mini-mode)", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "activeDate": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "If this day is the currently selected date (v-model)", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "month-label": { "desc": "Use to replace the `month label`. Not applicable in `mini-mode`", "scope": { "monthLabel": { "type": "String", "desc": "The string of the monthLabel", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp for the day of the slotted content", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "day-of-year": { "desc": "Use to replace the `day of year` label. Not applicable in `mini-mode`", "scope": { "timestamp": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "workweek": { "desc": "Scoped slot for the workweek", "scope": { "workweekLabel": { "type": "String", "desc": "The string for the workweek label", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "date": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "Timestamp object, workWeekLabel and miniMode", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "workweek-header": { "addedIn": "v2.4.0", "desc": "Scoped slot for the workweek header area", "scope": { "start": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp object representing the first day of the week", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "end": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "A timestamp object representing the last day of the week", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } }, "applicable": [ "month" ] }, "week": { "desc": "", "applicable": [ "month" ], "scope": { "week": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "TimestampArray", "desc": "This is an array of timestamp objects. One for each day of the week to be displayed", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "weekdays": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "NumberArray", "desc": "This is the days of the week and in which order they are displayed", "examples": [ "weekdays: '[1,2,3,4,5,6,0]'", "weekdays: '[1,2,3,4,5]'" ] }, "miniMode": { "type": "Boolean", "desc": "true if currently in mini-mode. Handle if you have set mini-mode to `auto`" } } }, "scheduler-resources-header": { "desc": "", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "scheduler" ] }, "scheduler-day-header": { "desc": "", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "scheduler" ] }, "scheduler-column-header-before": { "desc": "", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "scheduler" ] }, "scheduler-column-header-after": { "desc": "", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "scheduler" ] }, "scheduler-resource-day": { "desc": "", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "scheduler" ] }, "scheduler-resource": { "desc": "", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "desc": "", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "scheduler" ] }, "column-header": { "desc": "Use this slot to add to the column header when properties `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "This is the object passed to properties `left-column-options` or `right-column-options`", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ] }, "column-body": { "desc": "Use this slot to add to the column body when properties `left-column-options` or `right-column-options` are used", "addedIn": "v1.5.0", "scope": { "data": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ColumnObject", "desc": "This is the object passed to properties `left-column-options` or `right-column-options`", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "week-agenda" ] }, "interval-label": { "desc": "Use this slot to change the display of an interval label", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "scope": { "interval": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The interval object for this label", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The interval index", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "label": { "type": "String", "desc": "The interval label", "examples": [ "03:00", "3 AM" ] } }, "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] }, "resource-header": { "desc": "Use this slot to add to the empty area above resources", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "scope": { "date": { "type": "String", "desc": "The current date (YYYY-MM-DD)", "examples": [ "2020-05-30" ] }, "intervals": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "TimestampArray", "desc": "An array of timestamps for the intervals that will be displayed", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] }, "resource-row": { "desc": "This slot is the complete row, including resource and intervals", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "scope": { "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "A resource object that was passed in within the array of resources", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The resource index from the array", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] }, "resource-label": { "desc": "Use this slot to replace the resource label", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "scope": { "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "A resource object that was passed in within the array of resources", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "index": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The resource index from the array", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] }, "resource-intervals": { "desc": "Use this slot to place abosolute positioned events", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "scope": { "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "A resource object that was passed in within the array of resources", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "intervals": { "type": "Array", "tsType": "TimestampArray", "desc": "An array of timestamps for the intervals that will be displayed", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "timeStartPosX": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Calculates the starting x position of the passed in time", "params": { "time": { "type": "String", "desc": "The time for which a position is needed in 24-hour format (HH:mm)", "examples": [ "09:00" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The absolute x starting position", "examples": [ "120", "482" ] } }, "timeDurationWidth": { "type": "Function", "desc": "Given a duration (in minutes), will return the css width value", "params": { "duration": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "desc": "The number of minutes for the event to calculate it's width", "examples": [ "300", "900" ] } }, "returns": { "type": "Number", "desc": "The width (in pixels) to be used for the event", "examples": [ "80", "120" ] } } }, "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] }, "resource-interval": { "desc": "Use this slot add to an interval for the specified resource", "addedIn": "v2.0.0", "scope": { "resource": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "ResourceObject", "desc": "A resource object that was passed in within the array of resources", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] }, "interval": { "type": "Object", "tsType": "Timestamp", "desc": "The interval object", "__exemption": [ "examples" ] } }, "applicable": [ "resource", "day-resource" ] } } }