{ "meta": { "docsUrl": "https://quasarframework.github.io/quasar-ui-qmarkdown/docs" }, "props": { "src": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "[optional] Pass markdown in as a property", "examples": [ "src=\"Classic markup: :wink: :joy: :cry: :angel: :heart: :beers: :laughing: :yum:\"" ] }, "no-abbreviation": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable abbreviation conversion" }, "no-blockquote": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable blockquote conversion" }, "no-breaks": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable conversion of '\\n' into
" }, "no-container": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable container conversion" }, "no-deflist": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable definition list conversion" }, "no-emoji": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable emojie conversion" }, "no-footnote": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable footnote conversion" }, "no-highlight": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable code highlighter" }, "no-html": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable HTML tags in source" }, "no-image": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable image conversion" }, "no-insert": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable insert conversion" }, "no-line-numbers": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable line numbers on code blocks" }, "no-link": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable conversion of links" }, "no-linkify": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable auto-convert URL-like text to links" }, "no-heading-anchor-links": { "addedIn": "v1.4.0", "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Your headings will automatically be turned into anchor links, unless you use this property (default is H1-H3)" }, "no-mark": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable mark conversion" }, "no-subscript": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable subscript conversion" }, "no-superscript": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable superscript conversion" }, "no-tasklist": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable tasklist conversion" }, "no-typographer": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Disable language-neutral replacement + quotes beautification" }, "line-number-alt": { "type": "String", "category": "content", "desc": "Provide an alternative character to be used instead of line numbers - must be 1 char in length", "examples":[ "line-number-alt=\"$\"", "line-number-alt=\">\"" ] }, "toc": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Set to true if you want a TOC automatically generated" }, "toc-start": { "type": "Number", "category": "behavior", "desc": "The starting Header number for generating a TOC", "values": [ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ] }, "toc-end": { "type": "Number", "category": "behavior", "desc": "The ending Header number for generating a TOC. Must be greater than tocStart", "values": [ 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ] }, "task-lists-enable": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "content", "desc": "Set to true to enable (not read-only) Task Lists" }, "task-lists-label": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "Set to true to wrap the rendered list items in a