{ "meta": { "docsUrl": "https://quasarframework.github.io/quasar-ui-qmediaplayer/docs" }, "props": { "type": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Tells the component which player is to be used", "default": "video", "values": [ "video", "audio" ], "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "examples": [ "type=\"video\"", "type=\"audio\"" ] }, "color": { "type": "String", "category": "style", "desc": "Color name for component from the [Quasar Color Pallete](https://quasar.dev/style/color-palette)", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "examples": [ "color=\"primary\"", "color=\"teal-10\"" ] }, "background-color": { "type": "String", "category": "style", "desc": "Color name for component from the [Quasar Color Pallete](https://quasar.dev/style/color-palette)", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "examples": [ "background-color=\"black\"", "background-color=\"teal-10\"" ] }, "big-play-button-color": { "type": "String", "category": "style", "desc": "Color name for component from the [Quasar Color Pallete](https://quasar.dev/style/color-palette)", "applicable": [ "Video" ], "examples": [ "big-play-button-color=\"primary\"", "big-play-button-color=\"teal-10\"" ] }, "mobile-mode": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Use mobile logic for handling visibility of controls. This mode is best for mobiles, but can be used on the desktop as well. It prevents the controls from displaying/hiding with mouse hover. Instead, clicks are used to show/hide the controls", "applicable": [ "Video" ] }, "native-controls": { "addedIn": "v1.2.0", "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Use this property if, for some reason, you have a need to show the native controls", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ] }, "sources": { "type": "Array", "category": "model", "desc": "The one or more sources for Video or Audio. The browser will pick the best one to play based on available codecs on the client's system", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "definition": { "src": { "type": "String", "desc": "Path to a source", "examples": [ "src='https://your-server/your-video.mov'", "src='https://your-server/your-audio.mp3'" ] }, "type": { "type": "String", "desc": "The kind of source", "examples": [ "type='video/mp4'", "type='audio/mp3'" ] } }, "examples": [ ":sources=\"[{ src: 'https://your-server/your-video.mov', type: 'video/mp4' }]\"", ":sources=\"[{ src: 'https://your-server/your-audio.mp3', type: 'audio/mp3' }]\"" ] }, "source": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "if this is set, then the `video.src` or `audio.src` will be set directly and the `sources` attribute will be ignored", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "examples": [ "source=\"https://path/to/the/video.mpeg\"" ] }, "poster": { "type": "String", "category": "model", "desc": "The poster image to display before the video is loaded", "applicable": [ "Video" ], "examples": [ "poster=\"https://path/to/the/image.jpg\"" ] }, "tracks": { "type": "Array", "category": "model", "desc": "The one or more tracks for subtitle, captions, etc", "applicable": [ "Video" ], "definition": { "src": { "type": "String", "desc": "Path to subtitle, caption, etc", "examples": [ "src='https://your-server//path/to/subtitles-en.vtt'" ] }, "kind": { "type": "String", "desc": "The kind of track", "examples": [ "kind: 'subtitle'", "kind: 'caption'" ] }, "srclang": { "type": "String", "desc": "Language identifier", "examples": [ "srclang: 'en'", "srclang: 'de'" ] }, "label": { "type": "String", "desc": "Label to use for selection purposes", "examples": [ "label: 'English'", "label: 'Deutsche'" ] } }, "examples": [ ":tracks=\"[ { src: 'https://your-server//path/to/subtitles-en.vtt', kind: 'subtitles', srclang: 'en', label: 'English } ]\"" ] }, "track-language": { "type": "String", "category": "behavior", "desc": "A value that corresponds to the 'label' attribute of the 'tracks' property. This will be the default language", "applicable": [ "Video" ], "examples": [ "track-language=\"English\"" ] }, "preload": { "type": "String", "category": "state", "desc": "Provides a hint to the browser about what the author thinks will lead to the best user experience", "default": "metadata", "values": [ "none", "metadata", "auto" ], "applicable": [ "Video" ], "examples": [ "preload=\"metadata\"" ] }, "dense": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "When true displays controls window on one line", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ] }, "hide-volume-slider": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When true the volume slider control will be hidden", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ] }, "hide-volume-btn": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When true the volume button will be hidden, as will the volume-slider", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "addedIn": "v1.1.0" }, "hide-play-btn": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When true the play/pause button will be hidden", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "addedIn": "v1.0.21" }, "hide-settings-btn": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When true the settings button will be hidden", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "addedIn": "v1.0.2" }, "hide-fullscreen-btn": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When true the fullscreen button will be hidden", "applicable": [ "Video" ], "addedIn": "v1.2.0" }, "disabled-seek": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "When true the seek-to-position slider will be disabled", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "addedIn": "v1.1.0" }, "dark": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "style", "desc": "When component is rendered on a dark background", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ] }, "radius": { "type": ["Number", "String"], "category": "style", "desc": "Sets the `border-radius` of the media player", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "default": "0", "examples": [ "4px", "6%" ] }, "autoplay": { "type": "Boolean", "category": "behavior", "desc": "Automatically start video/audio when it is ready to play", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ] }, "cross-origin": { "type": [ "String", "Null" ], "category": "behavior", "desc": "Whether to use CORS for fetching assets", "values": [ "null", "anonymous", "use-credentials" ], "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "examples": [ "cross-origin=\"anonymous\"" ] }, "volume": { "type": "Number", "category": "behavior", "desc": "A value from 0-100 (as a percentage)", "default": "60", "applicable": [ "Audio", "Video" ], "examples": [ ":volume=\"50\"", ":volume=\"75\"" ] }, "no-video": { "type": "Boolean", "addedIn": "v1.0.23", "category": "behavior", "desc": "If the player should be forced to use