#! /usr/bin/env python3 # # imapdedup.py # # Looks for duplicate messages in a set of IMAP mailboxes and removes all but the first. # Comparison is normally based on the Message-ID header. # # Default behaviour is purely to mark the duplicates as deleted. Some mail clients # will allow you to view these and undelete them if you change your mind. # # Copyright (c) 2013-2022 Quentin Stafford-Fraser. # All rights reserved, subject to the following: # # # This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this software; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, # USA. # import getpass import hashlib import imaplib import os import argparse import re import socket import sys from typing import List, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Type, Any from email.parser import BytesParser from email.message import Message from email.errors import HeaderParseError from email.header import decode_header # Increase the max line length that imaplib expects to get back from the server, # since we're often dealing with big folders and large numbers of messages. imaplib._MAXLINE = max(10_000_000, imaplib._MAXLINE) class ImapDedupException(Exception): pass def check_response(resp: Tuple[str, List[bytes]]): """ IMAP responses should normally begin 'OK'. Strip that off, or raise an exception if it isn't there. """ status, value = resp if status != "OK": raise ImapDedupException(f"Got response: {str(value)} from server") return value def get_arguments(args: Optional[List[str]] = None) -> Tuple[argparse.Namespace, List[str]]: """ Parse the given command-line arguments - defaults to using sys.argv """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="Mark duplicate messages in IMAP mailboxes for deletion" ) parser.add_argument( "-P", "--process", dest="process", help="IMAP process to access mailboxes" ) parser.add_argument("-s", "--server", dest="server", help="IMAP server") parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", dest="port", help="IMAP server port", type=int) parser.add_argument("-x", "--ssl", dest="ssl", action="store_true", help="Use SSL") parser.add_argument("-X", "--starttls", dest="starttls", action="store_true", help="Require STARTTLS") parser.add_argument("-u", "--user", dest="user", help="IMAP user name") parser.add_argument("-a", "--authuser", dest='authuser', help='IMAP admin user') parser.add_argument( "-K", "--keyring", dest="keyring", nargs='?', const='', help="Keyring name to get password, no value means to use IMAP server name" ) parser.add_argument( "-w", "--password", dest="password", help="IMAP password (Will prompt if not specified)", ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", dest="verbose", action="store_true", help="Verbose mode" ) parser.add_argument( "-S", "--show", dest="show", action="store_true", help="Show duplicated messages" ) parser.add_argument( "-n", "--dry-run", dest="dry_run", action="store_true", help="Don't actually do anything, just report what would be done", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--checksum", dest="use_checksum", action="store_true", help="Use a checksum of several mail headers, instead of the Message-ID", ) parser.add_argument( "-b", "--sentbefore", dest="sent_before", help="Only process messages sent before given date, given as d-m-y, e.g: 1-Feb-2020. Useful when there are many duplicates of each message", ) parser.add_argument( "-m", "--checksum-with-id", dest="use_id_in_checksum", action="store_true", help="Include the Message-ID (if any) in the -c checksum.", ) parser.add_argument( "--no-close", dest="no_close", action="store_true", help='Do not "close" mailbox when done. Some servers will purge deleted messages on a close command.', ) parser.add_argument( "-l", "--list", dest="just_list", action="store_true", help="Just list mailboxes", ) parser.add_argument( "-r", "--recursive", dest="recursive", action="store_true", help="Remove duplicates recursively", ) parser.add_argument( "-R", "--reverse", dest="reverse", action="store_true", help="Walk through the folders in reverse order", ) parser.add_argument( "-t", "--only-tag", dest="tag_name", help="Tag duplicates with specified tag instead of deleting them" ) parser.add_argument( "-y", "--copy", dest="copy_mailbox", help="Copy messages to specified mailbox before deleting them from current location." ) parser.add_argument('mailbox', nargs='*') options = parser.parse_args(args) mboxes = options.mailbox if ((not options.server) or (not options.user)) and not options.process: sys.stderr.write( "\nError: Must specify server, user, and at least one mailbox.\n\n" ) parser.print_help() sys.exit(1) if options.recursive and len(mboxes) > 1: sys.stderr.write("\nError: You can only specify one mailbox if you use -r.\n") sys.exit(1) if options.use_id_in_checksum and not options.use_checksum: sys.stderr.write("\nError: If you use -m you must also use -c.\n") sys.exit(1) if options.keyring == '': options.keyring = options.server if options.keyring: import keyring options.password = keyring.get_password(options.keyring, options.user) if not options.password and not options.process: # Read from IMAPDEDUP_PASSWORD env variable, or prompt for one. options.password = os.getenv("IMAPDEDUP_PASSWORD") or getpass.getpass() return (options, mboxes) # Thanks to http://www.doughellmann.com/PyMOTW/imaplib/ list_response_pattern = re.compile( rb'\((?P.*?)\) "(?P.*)" (?P.*)' ) def parse_list_response(line: bytes): if not isinstance(line, bytes): return None m = list_response_pattern.match(line) if m is None: sys.stderr.write(f"\nError: parsing list response '{line}'") sys.exit(1) flags, delimiter, mailbox_name = m.groups() mailbox_name = mailbox_name.strip(b'"') return (flags, delimiter, mailbox_name) def str_header(parsed_message: Message, name: str) -> str: """" Return the value (of the first instance, if more than one) of the given header, as a unicode string. """ hdrlist = decode_header(parsed_message.get(name, "")) btext, charset = hdrlist[0] text = btext if isinstance(btext, str) else btext.decode("utf-8", "ignore") return text.lstrip() def get_message_id( parsed_message: Message, options_use_checksum=False, options_use_id_in_checksum=False ) -> Optional[str]: """ Normally, return the Message-ID header (or print a warning if it doesn't exist and return None). If options_use_checksum is specified, use md5 hash of several headers instead. For more safety, user should first do a dry run, reviewing them before deletion. Problems are extremely unlikely, but md5 is not collision-free. If options_use_id_in_checksum is specified, then the Message-ID will be included in the header checksum, otherwise it is excluded. """ try: if options_use_checksum: md5 = hashlib.md5() sha = hashlib.sha256() sha3 = hashlib.sha3_256() def update(x): md5.update(x) sha.update(x) sha3.update(x) update(("From:" + str_header(parsed_message, "From")).encode()) update(("To:" + str_header(parsed_message, "To")).encode()) update(("Subject:" + str_header(parsed_message, "Subject")).encode()) update(("Date:" + str_header(parsed_message, "Date")).encode()) update(("Cc:" + str_header(parsed_message, "Cc")).encode()) update(("Bcc:" + str_header(parsed_message, "Bcc")).encode()) if options_use_id_in_checksum: update(("Message-ID:" + str_header(parsed_message, "Message-ID")).encode()) msg_id = md5.hexdigest() + "|" + sha.hexdigest() + "|" + sha3.hexdigest() # print(msg_id) else: msg_id = str_header(parsed_message, "Message-ID") if not msg_id: print( ( "Message '%s' dated '%s' has no Message-ID header." % ( str_header(parsed_message, "Subject"), str_header(parsed_message, "Date"), ) ) ) print("You might want to use the -c option.") return None return msg_id.lstrip() except (ValueError, HeaderParseError): print( "WARNING: There was an exception trying to parse the headers of this message." ) print("It may be corrupt, and you might consider deleting it.") print( ( "Subject: %s\nFrom: %s\nDate: %s\n" % ( parsed_message["Subject"], parsed_message["From"], parsed_message["Date"], ) ) ) print("Message skipped.") return None def get_mailbox_list(server: imaplib.IMAP4, directory: str = '""', pattern: str = '"*"') -> List[str]: """ Return a list of usable mailbox names which match the pattern. """ resp = [] for mb in check_response(server.list(directory, pattern)): if mb is None: continue bits = parse_list_response(mb) if rb"\\Noselect" not in bits[0]: resp.append(bits[2].decode()) return resp def get_matching_msgnums(server: imaplib.IMAP4, query: str, sent_before: Optional[str]) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of ids of deleted messages in the folder. """ resp = [] if (sent_before is not None): query = f"{query} SENTBEFORE {sent_before}" print(f"Getting matching messages sent before {sent_before}") deleted_info = check_response(server.search(None, query)) if deleted_info and deleted_info[0]: # If neither None nor empty nor [None], then # the first item should be a list of msg ids resp = [int(n) for n in deleted_info[0].split()] return resp def get_deleted_msgnums(server: imaplib.IMAP4, sent_before: Optional[str]) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of ids of deleted messages in the folder. """ return get_matching_msgnums(server, "DELETED", sent_before) def get_undeleted_msgnums(server: imaplib.IMAP4, sent_before: Optional[str]) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of ids of non-deleted messages in the folder. """ return get_matching_msgnums(server, "UNDELETED", sent_before) def get_tagged_msgnums(server: imaplib.IMAP4, tag_name: str, sent_before: Optional[str]) -> List[int]: """ Return a list of ids of tagged messages in the folder. """ return get_matching_msgnums(server, f"KEYWORD {tag_name}", sent_before) def process_messages(server: imaplib.IMAP4, msgs_to_delete: List[int], tag_name: Optional[str] = None, copy_mailbox: Optional[str] = None): """ Actually do whatever we want to do to duplicates. Tag them with (\Deleted) or the specified tag_name. Copy them to another mailbox first if copy_mailbox specified. """ message_ids = ",".join(map(str, msgs_to_delete)) action = tag_name or r"(\Deleted)" if copy_mailbox: check_response( server.copy(message_ids, copy_mailbox) ) check_response( server.store(message_ids, "+FLAGS", action) ) def get_msg_headers(server: imaplib.IMAP4, msg_ids: List[int]) -> List[Tuple[int, bytes]]: """ Get the dict of headers for each message in the list of provided IDs. Return a list of tuples: [ (msgid, header_bytes), (msgid, header_bytes)... ] The returned header_bytes can be parsed by """ # Get the header info for each message message_ids_str = ",".join(map(str, msg_ids)) ms = check_response(server.fetch(message_ids_str, "(RFC822.HEADER)")) # There are two lines per message in the response resp: List[Tuple[int, bytes]] = [] for ci in range(len(ms) // 2): mnum = int(msg_ids[ci]) _, hinfo = ms[ci * 2] resp.append((mnum, hinfo)) return resp def print_message_info(parsed_message: Message): print("From: " + str_header(parsed_message, "From")) print("To: " + str_header(parsed_message, "To")) print("Cc: " + str_header(parsed_message, "Cc")) print("Bcc: " + str_header(parsed_message, "Bcc")) print("Subject: " + str_header(parsed_message, "Subject")) print("Date: " + str_header(parsed_message, "Date")) print("") def add_quotes(mbox: str) -> str: if " " in mbox and (mbox[0] != '"' or mbox[-1] != '"'): mbox = '"' + mbox + '"' return mbox # This actually does the work def process(options, mboxes: List[str]): serverclass: Type[Any] if options.process: serverclass = imaplib.IMAP4_stream elif options.ssl: serverclass = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL else: serverclass = imaplib.IMAP4 try: if options.process: server = serverclass(options.process) elif options.port: server = serverclass(options.server, options.port) else: # Use the default, which will be different depending on SSL choice server = serverclass(options.server) except socket.error as e: sys.stderr.write( "\nFailed to connect to server. Might be host, port or SSL settings?\n" ) sys.stderr.write("%s\n\n" % e) sys.exit(1) # server.debug = 4 # If you want to see what's going on if ("STARTTLS" in server.capabilities) and hasattr(server, "starttls"): server.starttls() elif options.starttls: sys.stderr.write("\nError: Server did not offer TLS\n") sys.exit(1) elif not options.ssl: sys.stderr.write("\nWarning: Unencrypted connection\n") try: if not options.process: if options.authuser: # Authenticate command - more info in RFC2501 sect 6.2.2 # and RFC2595 sect 6. authcb = lambda resp: "{0}\x00{1}\x00{2}".format( options.user,options.authuser,options.password ) server.authenticate("PLAIN", authcb) else: # Standard single user password-based login server.login(options.user, options.password) except: sys.stderr.write("\nError: Login failed\n") sys.exit(1) # List mailboxes option # Just do that and then exit if options.just_list: for mb in get_mailbox_list(server): print(mb) return if len(mboxes) == 0: sys.stderr.write("\nError: Must specify mailbox\n") sys.exit(1) # Recursive option # Add child mailboxes to mboxes if options.recursive: # Make sure mailbox name is surrounded by quotes if it contains a space parent = add_quotes(mboxes[0]) # Fetch the hierarchy delimiter bits = parse_list_response(check_response(server.list(parent, '""'))[0]) delimiter = bits[1].decode() pattern='"' + delimiter + '*"' for mb in get_mailbox_list(server, parent, pattern): mboxes.append(mb) print("Working recursively from mailbox %s. There are %d total mailboxes." % (parent, len(mboxes))) if options.reverse: mboxes.reverse() if len(mboxes) > 1: print("Working with mailboxes in order: %s" % (", ".join(mboxes))) # OK - let's get started. # Iterate through a set of named mailboxes and delete the later messages discovered. try: parser = BytesParser() # can be the same for all mailboxes # Create a list of previously seen message IDs, in any mailbox msg_ids: Dict[str, str] = {} for mbox in mboxes: msgs_to_delete = [] # should be reset for each mbox msg_map = {} # should be reset for each mbox # Make sure mailbox name is surrounded by quotes if it contains a space mbox = add_quotes(mbox) # Select the mailbox msgs = check_response(server.select(mailbox=mbox, readonly=options.dry_run))[0] print("There are %d messages in %s." % (int(msgs), mbox)) # Check how many messages are already marked 'deleted'... numdeleted = len(get_deleted_msgnums(server, options.sent_before)) print(f'{numdeleted or "No"} message(s) currently marked as deleted in {mbox}') # Now get a list of the ones that aren't deleted. # That's what we'll actually use. msgnums = get_undeleted_msgnums(server, options.sent_before) print(f"{len(msgnums)} others in {mbox}") chunkSize = 100 if options.verbose: print("Reading the others... (in batches of %d)" % chunkSize) for i in range(0, len(msgnums), chunkSize): if options.verbose: print("Batch starting at item %d" % i) # and parse them. for mnum, hinfo in get_msg_headers(server, msgnums[i: i + chunkSize]): # Parse the header info into a Message object mp = parser.parsebytes(hinfo) if options.verbose: print(f"Checking {mbox} message {mnum}") # Store message only when verbose is enabled (to print it later on) msg_map[mnum] = mp # Record the message-ID header (or generate one from other headers) msg_id = get_message_id( mp, options.use_checksum, options.use_id_in_checksum ) if msg_id: # If we've seen this message before, record it as one to be # deleted in this mailbox. if msg_id in msg_ids: print( "Message %s_%s is a duplicate of %s and %s be %s" % ( mbox, mnum, msg_ids[msg_id], options.dry_run and "would" or "will", "tagged as '%s'" % options.tag_name if options.tag_name else "marked as deleted", ) ) if options.show or options.verbose: print( "Subject: %s\nFrom: %s\nDate: %s\n" % (mp["Subject"], mp["From"], mp["Date"]) ) msgs_to_delete.append(mnum) # Otherwise just record the fact that we've seen it else: msg_ids[msg_id] = f"{mbox}_{mnum}" print(f"{min(len(msgnums), i + chunkSize)} message(s) in {mbox} processed") # OK - we've been through this mailbox, and msgs_to_delete holds # a list of the duplicates we've found. if not msgs_to_delete: print(f"No duplicates were found in {mbox}") else: if options.verbose: print("These are the duplicate messages: ") for mnum in msgs_to_delete: print_message_info(msg_map[mnum]) if options.dry_run: print( "If you had NOT selected the 'dry-run' option,\n" " %i messages would now be %s." % ( len(msgs_to_delete), "tagged as '%s'" % options.tag_name if options.tag_name else "marked as deleted", ) ) else: if options.copy_mailbox: print("Copying %i messages to '%s'..." % (len(msgs_to_delete), options.copy_mailbox)) if options.tag_name: print("Tagging %i messages as '%s'..." % (len(msgs_to_delete), options.tag_name)) else: print("Marking %i messages as deleted..." % (len(msgs_to_delete))) # Deleting messages one at a time can be slow if there are many, # so we batch them up. chunkSize = 30 if options.verbose: print("(in batches of %d)" % chunkSize) for i in range(0, len(msgs_to_delete), chunkSize): process_messages(server, msgs_to_delete[i: i + chunkSize], options.tag_name, options.copy_mailbox) if options.verbose: print("Batch starting at item %d marked." % i) print("Confirming new numbers...") numdeleted = len(get_deleted_msgnums(server, options.sent_before)) numundel = len(get_undeleted_msgnums(server, options.sent_before)) print( "There are now %s messages marked as deleted and %s others in %s." % (numdeleted, numundel, mbox) ) if options.tag_name: numtagged = len(get_tagged_msgnums(server, options.tag_name, options.sent_before)) print( "There are now %s messages tagged as '%s' in %s." % (numtagged, options.tag_name, mbox) ) if not options.no_close: server.close() except ImapDedupException as e: print("Error:", e, file=sys.stderr) finally: server.logout() if __name__ == "__main__": options, mboxes = get_arguments() process(options, mboxes)