--- title: Hexo with NexT on Github Page tags: blog categories: technology date: 2019-12-04 07:37:08 permalink: technology/hexo-go --- Hexo is flexible blog system and Next comes with bundle of extensions to make it easier to use hexo blog. | Component | Version | | --------------- | ------- | | hexo | 4.2 | | hexo-theme-next | 7.7 | # Hexo Init $ hexo init # Initial the project $ npm install # download the independencies $ tree ./ -L 1 # Just review the file tree $ hexo g # Generate the html $ hexo s # Start the server $ code _config.yml ```yaml deploy: type: git repo: # your github repo branch: master ``` # Custom Domain Name add a new file "CNAME" under the folder /public/ add your domain name as the content ```bash $ echo "domain name" > ./public/CNAME ``` # Custom Theme $ git clone https://github.com/theme-next/hexo-theme-next.git themes/theme_next change the content in the _config.yml ```yaml theme: theme_next ``` $ hexo clean # clean public/ Link to the homepage : [https://theme-next.org](https://theme-next.org) # Google Adsense * Add a file source/_data/header.swig. * past the from google adsense on it * uncomment the line in themes/theme_next/_config.yml ```yaml # Define custom file paths. # Create your custom files in site directory `source/_data` and uncomment needed files below. custom_file_path: #head: source/_data/head.swig header: source/_data/header.swig #sidebar: source/_data/sidebar.swig ``` more detail in [google-analytics-and-adsense-in-hexo](https://i.leonvision.online/technology/2019/12/16/google-analytics-and-adsense-in-hexo/) # Comment System ## Disqus Disqus can allow the anonymous, but it can not use in China. [Add Comments Section to Your Hexo Blog](https://qiuyiwu.github.io/2019/01/25/Hexo-Comment/) DisqusJS can help us to go through the whole world https://theme-next.org/docs/third-party-services/comments ## Valine This is good enough to approach it. https://juejin.im/post/5d790e706fb9a06af8250665 **delete the comment on valine** 登录Leancloud`>选择你创建的`应用`>`存储`>选择Class`Comment # Hexo Editor - Typora Typora is a what you see is what you get system. _Here is my another tutorial_ https://leonvision.online/technology/wysiwyg-markdown-editor-typora/ or use evernote for China to edit the markdown # Global Avatar Add the url into the Avatar section in the _config Refer to the link as below: https://en.gravatar.com/emails/ # Search **Enable the local serach in the _config.yml of theme-next** local_search: enable: true # Google Analysis Enable in {theme/to/next}/_config.yml google_analytics: tracking_id: UA-number localhost_ignored: false and also using the google tag manager to integrate the google analysis is better choice. # RSS Feed **Installation** ```bash npm install hexo-generator-feed --save ``` **Configuration** In {ROOT}/themes/theme_next/_config.yml ```yaml social: RSS: /atom.xml || rss ``` ​ # Categories & Tags Only posts support the use of categories and tags. Categories apply to posts in order, resulting in a hierarchy of classifications and sub-classifications. Tags are all defined on the same hierarchical level so the order in which they appear is not important. **Example** ```yaml categories: - Sports - Baseball tags: - Injury - Fight - Shocking ``` The classification records in the front-matter of the the source of markdown file https://raw.githubusercontent.com/qzi/qzi.github.io/hexo/source/_posts/technology/hexo-go.md Front-matter is a block of YAML or JSON at the beginning of the file that is used to configure settings for your writings. Front-matter is terminated by three dashes when written in YAML or three semicolons when written in JSON. https://hexo.io/docs/front-matter.html **Configuration** Configuration in the [hexo_project]/[themes]/[next]/_config.yml ```yaml # External url should start with http:// or https:// menu: home: / || home about: /about/ || user tags: /tags/ || tags categories: /categories/ || th archives: /archives/ || archive ``` # Enhance Image Reference **Installation** $ npm i --save hexo-asset-link **Markdown Syntax** ```Markdown ![Rest Client](./my-favorite-extensions-for-visual-studio-code/rest-client.jpg) ![Rest Client](my-favorite-extensions-for-visual-studio-code/rest-client.jpg) ``` **Reference** _Image to Hexo_ https://liolok.github.io/zh-CN/How-to-Add-Image-to-Hexo-Blog-Post/ # Post Excerpt Manually add more `excerpt` in the front-matter of the markdown file ```yaml --- title: 中文等宽字体(Monospace Chinese Font Family) date: 2019-12-26 00:52:18 excerpt: ' 中文等宽字体,一个中文字符等宽两个英文字符,Mac下很多字体( Menlo, Monaco, Courier New, Source Code Pro )没有严格遵循或者说达不到这个标准, 它们不包括CJK的字库,有的时候用一些 markdown table formatter 会导致不整齐,其实并不是排列不整齐,而是字体的宽度不同 ' --- ``` **Configuration** Configuration in the [hexo_project]/[themes]/[next]/_config.yml ```yaml # Automatically excerpt description in homepage as preamble text. excerpt_description: true # Read more button # If true, the read more button will be displayed in excerpt section. read_more_btn: true ``` Refer to https://hexo.io/docs/tag-plugins#Post-Excerpt # Mermaid Surpport for Diagram Hexo Next already supported the mermaid nested. https://github.com/theme-next/theme-next.org/blob/source/source/docs/tag-plugins/mermaid.md Next use its own tag system to convert the diagram. so we need to fixed it aligning the common markdown practice. `npm install hexo-filter-mermaid-diagrams save` This filter will convert the indicator `'''mermaid` to `
`, and then mermaid.js will filter  the elememet and redender them.

# Embed Video

Just copy the code of the html in YouTube and add YouTube video in Hexo-markdown


# Force to Refresh the Browser

Presss `Shift + Command + R` to force to refresh the browser(Chrome) to test the result in Mac 

Presss `Option + Command + R` to force to refresh the browser(Safari) to test the result in Mac 

# Reference:
_Hexo backup_

_Add google adsense_

_Third party for theme next_

_Wirit the post_


_asset folder_