# development version # 2.1.2 * rematch2 is now really compatible with both tibble 2.x.y and tibble 3.0.0 (@krlmlr, #12). # 2.1.1 * rematch2 is now compatible with both tibble 2.x.y and tibble 3.0.0 (@krlmlr, #10). # 2.1.0 * Add `bind_re_match()` that reads its input from a column in a data frame and binds the data frame returned by `re_match()` as new columns on the original data frame. # 2.0.1 * Add `perl` argument to `re_match` and `re_match_all` for compatibility with functions that may pass that argument as part of `...` # 2.0.0 * Add `re_match_all` to extract all matches. * Removed the `perl` options, we always use PERL compatible regular expressions. # 1.0.1 * Make `R CMD check` work when `testthat` is not available. * Fixed a bug with group capture when `text` is a scalar. # 1.0.0 First public release.