per_listener_settings true log_type error log_type warning #log_type notice #log_type information #log_type debug #connection_messages true persistence true persistence_location /rmap/mosquitto/ persistent_client_expiration 1d listener 1883 allow_anonymous true #use_username_as_clientid true #password_file /etc/mosquitto/pwfile #acl_file /etc/mosquitto/aclfile auth_plugin /usr/lib64/ #auth_plugin /usr/lib64/ #number of seconds to cache ACL lookups. 0 disables auth_opt_acl_cacheseconds 1300 #number of seconds to cache AUTH lookups. 0 disables auth_opt_auth_cacheseconds 1300 #maximum number of seconds to add/remove to ACL lookups cache TTL. 0 disables auth_opt_acl_cachejitter 0 #maximum number of seconds to add/remove to AUTH lookups cache TTL. 0 disables auth_opt_auth_cachejitter 0 auth_opt_backends http,files # FILES #auth_opt_backends files auth_opt_password_file /etc/mosquitto/file.pwd auth_opt_acl_file /etc/mosquitto/aclfile ## HTTP #auth_opt_backends http auth_opt_http_hostname localhost auth_opt_http_ip auth_opt_http_port 80 # auth per user with check by http server #auth_opt_http_getuser_uri /auth/auth #auth per user with check by auth plugin with sha auth_opt_http_getuser_uri /auth/auth_sha #auth per user / per station with check by auth plugin with sha auth_opt_http_getuser_uri /auth/sha auth_opt_http_superuser_uri /auth/superuser auth_opt_http_aclcheck_uri /auth/acl auth_plugin_deny_special_chars false listener 8885 allow_anonymous true use_identity_as_username true #use_username_as_clientid true #password_file /etc/mosquitto/pwfile #acl_file /etc/mosquitto/aclfile auth_plugin /usr/lib64/ #auth_plugin /usr/lib64/ #number of seconds to cache ACL lookups. 0 disables auth_opt_acl_cacheseconds 1000 #number of seconds to cache AUTH lookups. 0 disables auth_opt_auth_cacheseconds 1000 #maximum number of seconds to add/remove to ACL lookups cache TTL. 0 disables auth_opt_acl_cachejitter 0 #maximum number of seconds to add/remove to AUTH lookups cache TTL. 0 disables auth_opt_auth_cachejitter 0 auth_opt_backends http,files # FILES #auth_opt_backends files auth_opt_psk_database files auth_opt_password_file /etc/mosquitto/file.psk auth_opt_acl_file /etc/mosquitto/aclfile # HTTP #auth_opt_backends http auth_opt_psk_database http auth_opt_http_hostname localhost auth_opt_http_ip auth_opt_http_port 80 auth_opt_http_getuser_uri /auth/pskkey auth_opt_http_superuser_uri /auth/superuser auth_opt_http_aclcheck_uri /auth/acl auth_plugin_deny_special_chars false psk_hint rmap #psk_file /etc/mosquitto/pskfile