import os import re import sublime import sublime_plugin import mdpopups from .getTeXRoot import get_tex_root from .latextools_utils import analysis, ana_utils, quickpanel, utils from .latextools_utils.tex_directives import TEX_DIRECTIVE from .latex_cite_completions import NEW_STYLE_CITE_REGEX, get_cite_completions from .latex_glossary_completions import ACR_LINE_RE, GLO_LINE_RE from .latex_ref_completions import NEW_STYLE_REF_REGEX from .jumpto_tex_file import INPUT_REG, IMPORT_REG, BIB_REG, IMAGE_REG from . import jumpto_tex_file INPUT_REG_EXPS = [INPUT_REG, IMPORT_REG, BIB_REG, IMAGE_REG] COMMAND_REG = re.compile( r"\\(?P[\w]+)" r"\*?\s*" r"(?:\[[^\]]*\]\s*)?" r"\{(?P[^}]*)\}", re.UNICODE ) def _get_selected_arg(view, com_reg, pos): """ Retrieves the selected argument in a comma separated list, returns None if there are several entries and no entry is selected directly """ args ="args") if "," not in args: # only one arg => return it return args args_region = com_reg.regs[COMMAND_REG.groupindex["args"]] cursor = com_reg.start() + pos - args_region[0] if cursor < 0 or len(args) < cursor: # need to explicit select the argument message = ( "Selection to vague. Directly click on the name" " inside the command." ) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) return before = args[:cursor] after = args[cursor:] start_before = before.rfind(",") + 1 end_after = after.find(",") if end_after == -1: end_after = len(after) arg = before[start_before:] + after[:end_after] arg = arg.strip() return arg class JumptoAnywhereHelper(object): @staticmethod def get_regex(): raise NotImplemented() @staticmethod def show_popup(view, com_reg, pos, location): pass @staticmethod def execute_jump(view, com_reg, pos): pass class JumptoAnywhereCiteHelper(JumptoAnywhereHelper): @staticmethod def get_regex(): return NEW_STYLE_CITE_REGEX @staticmethod def show_popup(view, com_reg, pos, location): tex_root = get_tex_root(view) bib_key = _get_selected_arg(view, com_reg, pos) if tex_root is None or not bib_key: return compl = get_cite_completions(view) try: item = next(c for c in compl if c.get("keyword", None) == bib_key) except StopIteration: return content = ( "**Citation**\n" + "\n".join(item.get("", "")) + "\n[(Jump)](jump)" ) def on_navigate(href): JumptoAnywhereCiteHelper.execute_jump(view, com_reg, pos) mdpopups.show_popup( view, content=content, on_navigate=on_navigate, md=True, location=location, flags=sublime.HIDE_ON_MOUSE_MOVE_AWAY ) @staticmethod def execute_jump(view, com_reg, pos): tex_root = get_tex_root(view) bib_key = _get_selected_arg(view, com_reg, pos) if tex_root is None or not bib_key: return message = ( "Scanning bibliography files for key '{0}'..." .format(bib_key) ) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) base_dir = os.path.dirname(tex_root) ana = analysis.get_analysis(tex_root) bib_commands = ana.filter_commands( ["bibliography", "nobibliography", "addbibresource"]) for bib_command in bib_commands: for bib_file in jumpto_tex_file._split_bib_args(bib_command.args): if not os.path.splitext(bib_file)[1]: bib_file += ".bib" bib_file = os.path.join(base_dir, bib_file) try: file_content = utils.read_file_unix_endings(bib_file) start = file_content.find(bib_key) end = start + len(bib_key) # check that we found the entry and we are not inside a word if (start == -1 or file_content[start - 1:start].isalnum() or file_content[end:end + 1].isalnum()): continue region = sublime.Region(start, end) message = ( "Jumping to bibliography key '{0}'." .format(bib_key) ) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) utils.open_and_select_region(view, bib_file, region) return except Exception as e: print("Error occurred opening file {0}".format(bib_file)) print(e) continue message = "Entry '{0}' not found in bibliography.".format(bib_key) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) def _show_usage_label(view, args): tex_root = get_tex_root(view) if tex_root is None: return False ana = analysis.analyze_document(tex_root) def is_correct_ref(c): command = ("\\" + c.command + "{")[::-1] return NEW_STYLE_REF_REGEX.match(command) and c.args == args refs = ana.filter_commands(is_correct_ref) if len(refs) == 0: sublime.error_message("No references for '{0}' found.".format(args)) return elif len(refs) == 1: ref = refs[0] utils.open_and_select_region(view, ref.file_name, ref.region) return captions = [ana_utils.create_rel_file_str(ana, r) for r in refs] quickpanel.show_quickpanel(captions, refs) def _jumpto_ref(view, com_reg, pos): label_id = _get_selected_arg(view, com_reg, pos) if not label_id: return sublime.status_message( "Scanning document for label '{0}'...".format(label_id)) tex_root = get_tex_root(view) ana = analysis.analyze_document(tex_root) if ana is None: return def is_correct_label(c): return c.command == "label" and c.args == label_id labels = ana.filter_commands(is_correct_label) try: label = labels[0] except: message = "No matching label found for '{0}'.".format(label_id) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) return label_region = label.region message = "Jumping to label '{0}'.".format(label_id) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) utils.open_and_select_region(view, label.file_name, label_region) def _jumpto_cite(view, com_reg, pos): JumptoAnywhereCiteHelper.execute_jump(view, com_reg, pos) def _jumpto_glo(view, com_reg, pos, acr=False): tex_root = get_tex_root(view) if not tex_root: return ana = analysis.analyze_document(tex_root) if not acr: commands = ana.filter_commands( ["newglossaryentry", "longnewglossaryentry", "newacronym"]) else: commands = ana.filter_commands("newacronym") iden ="args") try: entry = next(c for c in commands if c.args == iden) except: message = "Glossary definition not found for '{0}'".format(iden) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) return message = "Jumping to Glossary '{0}'.".format(iden) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) utils.open_and_select_region(view, entry.file_name, entry.args_region) def _jumpto_pkg_doc(view, com_reg, pos): def view_doc(package): message = "Try opening documentation for package '{0}'".format(package) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) view.window().run_command("latex_view_doc", {"file": package}) package_name = _get_selected_arg(view, com_reg, pos) if package_name: view_doc(package_name) def _jumpto_tex_root(view, root): if os.path.isabs(root): path = root else: path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( os.path.dirname(view.file_name()), root ) ) sublime.active_window().open_file(path) def _opt_jumpto_self_def_command(view, com_reg): tex_root = get_tex_root(view) if tex_root is None: return False # check in the cache whether we should jump (is command self defined) newcommand_keywords = ["newcommand", "renewcommand"] command = "\\" +"command") cana = analysis.get_analysis(tex_root) new_commands = cana.filter_commands(newcommand_keywords) if command not in [c.args for c in new_commands]: message = "Command not defined (cached) '{0}'".format(command) print(message) return False message =\ "Scanning document for command definition of '{0}'".format(command) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) # analyze the document to retrieve the correct position of the # command definition ana = analysis.analyze_document(tex_root) new_commands = ana.filter_commands(newcommand_keywords) try: new_com_def = next(filter( lambda c: c.args == command, new_commands)) except: message = "Command not self defined '{0}'".format(command) print(message) return False file_name = new_com_def.file_name region = new_com_def.args_region message = "Jumping to definition of '{0}'".format(command) print(message) sublime.status_message(message) utils.open_and_select_region(view, file_name, region) return True class JumptoTexAnywhereCommand(sublime_plugin.TextCommand): def run(self, edit, position=None): view = self.view if position is None: if len(view.sel()) != 1: print("Jump to anywhere does not work with multiple cursors") return sel = view.sel()[0] else: sel = sublime.Region(position, position) line_r = view.line(sel) line = view.substr(line_r) def is_inside(g): """check whether the selection is inside the command""" if g is None: return False b = line_r.begin() # the region, which should contain the selection reg = g.regs[0] return reg[0] <= sel.begin() - b and sel.end() - b <= reg[1] try: com_reg = next(filter(is_inside, COMMAND_REG.finditer(line))) except: # since the magic comment will not match the command, do this here if view.file_name(): m = if ( m and == 'root' and m.start() <= sel.begin() - line_r.begin() and sel.end() - line_r.begin() <= m.end() ): _jumpto_tex_root(view, return print("Cursor is not inside a command") return command ="command") args ="args") reversed_command = "{" + command[::-1] + "\\" # the cursor position inside the command pos = sel.b - line_r.begin() - com_reg.start() # check if its a ref if NEW_STYLE_REF_REGEX.match(reversed_command): sublime.status_message("Jump to reference '{0}'".format(args)) _jumpto_ref(view, com_reg, pos) # check if it is a cite elif NEW_STYLE_CITE_REGEX.match(reversed_command): sublime.status_message("Jump to citation '{0}'".format(args)) _jumpto_cite(view, com_reg, pos) elif command == "label": _show_usage_label(view, args) elif GLO_LINE_RE.match(reversed_command): sublime.status_message("Jump to glossary '{0}'".format(args)) _jumpto_glo(view, com_reg, pos) elif ACR_LINE_RE.match(reversed_command): sublime.status_message("Jump to acronym '{0}'".format(args)) _jumpto_glo(view, com_reg, pos, acr=True) # check if it is any kind of input command elif any(reg.match( for reg in INPUT_REG_EXPS): kwargs = { "auto_create_missing_folders": False, "auto_insert_root": False } if pos is not None: kwargs.update({"position": position}) view.run_command("jumpto_tex_file", kwargs) elif command in ["usepackage", "Requirepackage"]: _jumpto_pkg_doc(view, com_reg, pos) else: # if the cursor is inside the \command part, try jump to # self defined commands b = line_r.begin() command_region = com_reg.regs[COMMAND_REG.groupindex["command"]] # if cursor is inside \command if (command_region[0] + b - 1 <= sel.begin() and sel.end() <= command_region[1] + b): _opt_jumpto_self_def_command(view, com_reg) class JumptoTexAnywhereByMouseCommand(sublime_plugin.WindowCommand): def want_event(self): return True def run(self, event=None, fallback_command="", set_caret=False): window = self.window view = window.active_view() def score_selector(selector): point = view.sel()[0].b if len(view.sel()) else 0 return view.score_selector(point, selector) if score_selector("text.tex.latex"): print("Jump in tex file.") pos = view.window_to_text((event["x"], event["y"])) view.run_command("jumpto_tex_anywhere", {"position": pos}) elif fallback_command: if set_caret: self._set_caret(view, event) print("Run command '{0}'".format(fallback_command)) window.run_command(fallback_command) def _set_caret(self, view, event): pos = view.window_to_text((event["x"], event["y"])) view.sel().clear() view.sel().add(sublime.Region(pos, pos)) class JumptoTexAnywhereHover(sublime_plugin.EventListener): def on_hover(self, view, point, hover_zone): if hover_zone != sublime.HOVER_TEXT: return if view.is_popup_visible(): return if not view.score_selector(point, "text.tex"): return sel = sublime.Region(point, point) line_r = view.line(sel) line = view.substr(line_r) def is_inside(g): """check whether the selection is inside the command""" if g is None: return False b = line_r.begin() # the region, which should contain the selection reg = g.regs[0] return reg[0] <= sel.begin() - b and sel.end() - b <= reg[1] try: com_reg = next(filter(is_inside, COMMAND_REG.finditer(line))) except StopIteration: return command ="command") reversed_command = "{" + command[::-1] + "\\" # the cursor position inside the command pos = sel.b - line_r.begin() - com_reg.start() classes = [ JumptoAnywhereCiteHelper ] location = sel.b for clss in classes: if clss.get_regex().match(reversed_command): clss.show_popup(view, com_reg, pos, location)