#!/bin/bash # FILE: cap-rachel-configure.sh # ONELINER Download/Install: sudo wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/rachelplus/master/cap-rachel-configure.sh -O /root/cap-rachel-configure.sh; bash cap-rachel-configure.sh # OFFLINE BUILDS: Run the Download-Offline-Content script in the Advanced-Settings menu. # COMMON VARIABLES - Change as needed dirContentOffline="/media/usbhd-sdb1" # Enter directory of downloaded RACHEL content for offline install (e.g. I mounted my external USB on my CAP but plugging the external USB into and running the command 'fdisk -l' to find the right drive, then 'mkdir /media/RACHEL-Content' to create a folder to mount to, then 'mount /dev/sdb1 /media/RACHEL-Content' to mount the USB drive.) rsyncOnline="rsync://dev.worldpossible.org" # The current RACHEL rsync repositoryoCleanup="1" contentOnline="rsync://rachel.golearn.us/content" # Another RACHEL rsync repository wgetOnline="http://rachelfriends.org" # RACHEL large file repo (ka-lite_content, etc) gitESP="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/esp/master" # ESP GitHub Repo gitRachelPlus="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/rachelplus/master" # RACHELPlus Scripts GitHub Repo gitRachelPlusBeta="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/rachelplus/beta" # RACHELPlus Scripts GitHub Repo gitContentShell="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/contentshell/master" # RACHELPlus ContentShell GitHub Repo gitContentShellCommit="b5770d0" # CORE RACHEL VARIABLES - Change **ONLY** if you know what you are doing osID="$(awk -F '=' '/^ID=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release 2>&-)" osVersion=$(lsb_release -ds) # osVersion=$(grep DISTRIB_RELEASE /etc/lsb-release | cut -d"=" -f2) # osVersion=$(awk -F '=' '/^VERSION_ID=/ {print $2}' /etc/os-release 2>&-) # To get current version - date +%Y%m%d.%H%M scriptVersion=20170922.1853 timestamp=$(date +"%b-%d-%Y-%H%M%Z") internet="1" # 0 (Offline), 1 (Online - DEFAULT) rootDir="/root" rachelLogDir="/var/log/rachel" mkdir -p $rachelLogDir rachelLogFile="rachel-install.log.tmp" rachelLog="$rachelLogDir/$rachelLogFile" rachelPartition="/media/RACHEL" rachelWWW="$rachelPartition/rachel" rachelScriptsDir="$rootDir/rachel-scripts" rachelScriptsFile="$rachelScriptsDir/rachelStartup.sh" rachelScriptsLog="/var/log/rachel/rachel-scripts.log" kaliteUser="root" kaliteDir="$rootDir/.kalite" # Installed as user 'root' kaliteContentDir="$rachelPartition/.kalite/content" kaliteMajorVersion="0.17" kaliteCurrentVersion="$kaliteMajorVersion.0-0ubuntu3" kaliteInstaller=ka-lite-bundle_"$kaliteCurrentVersion"_all.deb kalitePrimaryDownload="http://pantry.learningequality.org/downloads/ka-lite/$kaliteMajorVersion/installers/debian/$kaliteInstaller" kalitePrimaryContent="http://pantry.learningequality.org/downloads/ka-lite/$kaliteMajorVersion/content" kaliteSettings="$kaliteDir/settings.py" kiwixInstallerCAPv1="kiwix-0.9-linux-i686.tar.bz2" kiwixInstallerCAPv2="kiwix-0.9-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2" installTmpDir="$rootDir/cap-rachel-install.tmp" rachelTmpDir="/media/RACHEL/cap-rachel-install.tmp" rachelRecoveryDir="/media/RACHEL/recovery" stemPkg="stem-1.5.1.tgz" stemURL="https://pecl.php.net/get/$stemPkg" debPrecisePackageList="php5-cgi php5-common php5-mysql php5-sqlite php5-curl php5-dev php-pear pdftk make git git-core git-man liberror-perl python-m2crypto mysql-server mysql-client libapache2-mod-auth-mysql sqlite3 gcc-multilib gcj-4.6-base gcj-4.6-jre-lib libgcj12 libgcj-common libasound2 fuse-utils fuse-exfat exfat-utils" debTrustyPackageList="php5-cgi php5-common php5-mysql php5-sqlite php5-curl php5-dev php-pear pdftk make git git-core git-man liberror-perl python-m2crypto mysql-server mysql-client libapache2-mod-auth-mysql sqlite3 gcc-multilib gcc-4.8-base gcj-4.8-jre-lib libgcj14 libgcj-common libasound2 exfat-fuse exfat-utils" gpgKeys="40976EAF437D05B5 16126D3A3E5C1192 4DF9B28CA252A784 1655A0AB68576280 1397BC53640DB551 A040830F7FAC5991" errorCode="0" # MD5 hash list buildHashList(){ cat > $installTmpDir/hashes.md5 << 'EOF' 34fb1b8df07db49de04bc5faaae6497d ka-lite-bundle_0.17.0-0ubuntu3_all.deb d17736647f2d94f7c7dd428d19a64237 ka-lite-bundle_0.17.1-0ubuntu1_all.deb 07c27248e8d1db41c6ecf386ab3cae2d ka-lite-bundle_0.17.2-0ubuntu1_all.deb b61fdc3937aa226f34f685ba0bc29db1 kiwix-0.9-linux-i686.tar.bz2 df6216ba851819d9c3d0208d3ea639df kiwix-0.9-linux-x86_64.tar.bz2 EOF } # Rsync Module Exclude List buildRsyncModuleExcludeList(){ cat > $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncExclude.list << 'EOF' #*-kalite/content* *.zip en-afristory.old KALite0.14_content KALite0.15_content rsync.sh extra-build-files .gitignore README.txt peewee.db en-GCF2013 EOF } printGood(){ echo -e "\x1B[01;32m[+]\x1B[0m $1" } printError(){ echo -e "\x1B[01;31m[-]\x1B[0m $1" } printStatus(){ echo -e "\x1B[01;35m[*]\x1B[0m $1" } printQuestion(){ echo -e "\x1B[01;33m[?]\x1B[0m $1" } # Logging loggingStart(){ exec &> >(tee "$rachelLog") } cleanup(){ # If requested, do not ask to cleanup if [[ $noCleanup == "1" ]]; then exit 0; fi # Continue, if cleanup required kill $!; trap 'kill $1' SIGTERM # Store log file mv $rachelLog $rachelLogDir/cap-rachel-configure-$timestamp.log echo; printGood "Log file saved to: $rachelLogDir/cap-rachel-configure-$timestamp.log" # Provide option to NOT clean up tmp files echo; printQuestion "Were there errors?" read -p "Enter 'y' to exit without cleaning up temporary folders/files. (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[yY][eE][sS]|[yY]$ ]]; then exit 1; fi # Ensure the start script are executable chmod +x /etc/rc.local $rachelScriptsFile 2>/dev/null # Deleting the install script commands echo; printStatus "Cleaning up install scripts." rm -rf $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir printGood "Done." stty sane noCleanup=1 echo; exit 0 } testingScript(){ set -x kaliteCheckFiles set +x exit 1 } opMode(){ echo; printQuestion "Do you want to run in ONLINE (a network location) or OFFLINE (USB drive) mode?" select MODE in "ONLINE" "OFFLINE"; do case $MODE in # ONLINE ONLINE) echo; printGood "Script set for 'ONLINE' mode." internet="1" onlineVariables checkInternet break; ;; # OFFLINE OFFLINE) echo; printGood "Script set for 'OFFLINE' mode." internet="0" offlineVariables echo; printStatus "Here is list of your current partitions and their mountpoints (if applicable):" lsblk|grep -v mmc|grep -v sda echo; printQuestion "What is the mountpoint name of your content folder (for example, /media/usb)? "; read dirContentOffline grep -qs " $dirContentOffline " /proc/mounts if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo; printError "The folder location does not exist! Do you want to continue?" read -p " Enter (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then echo; printStatus "CAUTION: Any action that requires USB content will not function as expected." dirContentOffline="/dev/null" offlineVariables else printError "Exiting on user request." rm -rf $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir exit 1 fi fi offlineVariables break; ;; # Catch all *) echo; printQuestion "Do you want to run in ONLINE (a network location) or OFFLINE (USB drive) mode?"; ;; esac done } osCheck(){ if [[ -z "$osID" ]] || [[ -z "$osVersion" ]]; then printError "Internal issue. Couldn't detect OS information." # Default to precise osName="precise" elif [[ "$osID" == "ubuntu" ]]; then # osVersion=$(awk -F '["=]' '/^VERSION_ID=/ {print $3}' /etc/os-release 2>&- | cut -d'.' -f1) printGood "Hardware OS: ${osVersion} $(uname -m)" osName=$(lsb_release -cs) # osName=$(grep DISTRIB_CODENAME /etc/lsb-release | cut -d"=" -f2) elif [[ "$osID" == "debian" ]]; then printGood "Hardware OS: ${osVersion} $(uname -m)" debianVersion=$(cat /etc/debian_version | cut -d"." -f1) if [[ $debianVersion="7" ]]; then osName="wheezy" else osName="jessie" fi fi } capCheck(){ buildDate=$(date -r /boot) if [[ $(cat /etc/hostname) == "WRTD-303N-Server" ]] && [[ $(sgdisk -p /dev/sda | grep preloaded | grep "20.0 GiB") ]]; then os="CAPv1_OldHD" printGood "RACHEL Hardware Build: ${os} (${buildDate})" osName="precise" kiwixInstallerFile="$kiwixInstallerCAPv1" elif [[ $(cat /etc/hostname) == "WRTD-303N-Server" ]]; then os="CAPv1_NewHD" printGood "RACHEL Hardware Build: ${os} (${buildDate})" osName="precise" kiwixInstallerFile="$kiwixInstallerCAPv1" elif [[ $(cat /etc/hostname) == "WAPD-235N-Server" ]]; then os="CAPv2" printGood "RACHEL Hardware Build/Date: ${os} (${buildDate})" osName="trusty" kiwixInstallerFile="$kiwixInstallerCAPv2" else echo; printError "This isn't a CAP; sorry, I can not continue." echo; exit 1 fi } rachelPartitionCheck(){ df -h | grep sda3 | grep RACHEL >/dev/null 2>&1 if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo; printError "WARNING: RACHEL partition is *not* mounted." echo; printStatus "Attempting to mount the hard drive partition for /media/RACHEL" # echo; printStatus "Mounting /dev/sda1 to /media/preloaded" # mount /dev/sda1 /media/preloaded # if [[ df -h | grep sda1 | grep preloaded ]]; then printGood "Mounted successfully."; else printError "Mounting failed."; mountFail=1; fi # echo; printStatus "Mounting /dev/sda2 to /media/uploaded" # mount /dev/sda2 /media/uploaded # if [[ df -h | grep sda2 | grep uploaded ]]; then printGood "Mounted successfully."; else printError "Mounting failed."; mountFail=1; fi echo; printStatus "Mounting /dev/sda3 to /media/RACHEL" mount /dev/sda3 /media/RACHEL if [[ $(df -h | grep sda3 | grep RACHEL) ]]; then printGood "Mounted successfully."; else printError "Mounting failed."; mountFail=1; fi if [[ $mountFail == 1 ]]; then echo; printError "Run 'dmesg' to view CAP error log." echo "You can also check the RACHEL configure script log file (noted below) for other possible errors." echo "Exiting...script can not continue." cleanup fi fi } onlineVariables(){ GPGKEY="apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys " SOURCEUS="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/sources.list/$osName/sources-us.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list" SOURCEUK="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/sources.list/$osName/sources-uk.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list" SOURCESG="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/sources.list/$osName/sources-sg.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list" SOURCECN="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/sources.list/$osName/sources-sohu.list -O /etc/apt/sources.list" CAPRACHELFIRSTINSTALL2="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/install/cap-rachel-first-install-2.sh -O cap-rachel-first-install-2.sh" CAPRACHELFIRSTINSTALL3="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/install/cap-rachel-first-install-3.sh -O cap-rachel-first-install-3.sh" LIGHTTPDFILE="wget -r $gitRachelPlus/scripts/lighttpd.conf -O lighttpd.conf" CAPTIVEPORTALREDIRECT="wget -r $gitContentShell/captiveportal-redirect.php -O captiveportal-redirect.php" PASSTICKETSHTML="wget -r $gitContentShell/pass_ticket.shtml -O pass_ticket.shtml" REDIRECTSHTML="wget -r $gitContentShell/redirect.shtml -O redirect.shtml" RACHELBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE="wget -r $gitContentShell/art/RACHELbrandLogo-captive.png -O RACHELbrandLogo-captive.png" HFCBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE="wget -r $gitContentShell/art/HFCbrandLogo-captive.jpg -O HFCbrandLogo-captive.jpg" WORLDPOSSIBLEBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE="wget -r $gitContentShell/art/World-Possible-Logo-300x120.png -O World-Possible-Logo-300x120.png" GITCLONERACHELCONTENTSHELL="git clone https://github.com/rachelproject/contentshell contentshell" RSYNCDIR="$rsyncOnline" KALITEINSTALL="wget -c $kalitePrimaryDownload -O $installTmpDir/$kaliteInstaller" KIWIXINSTALL="wget -c $wgetOnline/downloads/public_ftp/old/z-holding/$kiwixInstallerFile -O $rachelTmpDir/$kiwixInstallerFile" DOWNLOADCONTENTSCRIPT="wget -c $gitRachelPlus/scripts" CONTENTWIKI="wget -c http://download.kiwix.org/portable/wikipedia/$FILENAME -O $rachelTmpDir/$FILENAME" DOWNLOADSCRIPT="wget $gitRachelPlus/cap-rachel-configure.sh -O $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh" DOWNLOADBETASCRIPT="wget $gitRachelPlusBeta/cap-rachel-configure.sh -O $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh" } offlineVariables(){ GPGKEY="apt-key add $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/gpg-keys/" SOURCEUS="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/sources.list/$osName/sources-us.list /etc/apt/sources.list" SOURCEUK="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/sources.list/$osName/sources-uk.list /etc/apt/sources.list" SOURCESG="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/sources.list/$osName/sources-sg.list /etc/apt/sources.list" SOURCECN="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/sources.list/$osName/sources-cn.list /etc/apt/sources.list" CAPRACHELFIRSTINSTALL2="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/install/cap-rachel-first-install-2.sh ." CAPRACHELFIRSTINSTALL3="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/install/cap-rachel-first-install-3.sh ." LIGHTTPDFILE="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/scripts/lighttpd.conf ." CAPTIVEPORTALREDIRECT="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell/captiveportal-redirect.php ." PASSTICKETSHTML="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell/pass_ticket.shtml ." REDIRECTSHTML="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell/redirect.shtml ." RACHELBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell/art/RACHELbrandLogo-captive.png ." HFCBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell/art/HFCbrandLogo-captive.jpg ." WORLDPOSSIBLEBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell/art/World-Possible-Logo-300x120.png ." GITCLONERACHELCONTENTSHELL="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/contentshell ." RSYNCDIR="$dirContentOffline" KALITEINSTALL="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/$kaliteInstaller $installTmpDir/$kaliteInstaller" KIWIXINSTALL="" DOWNLOADCONTENTSCRIPT="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/scripts" CONTENTWIKIALL="" DOWNLOADSCRIPT="rsync -avhz --progress $dirContentOffline/cap-rachel-configure.sh $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh" DOWNLOADBETASCRIPT="" } printHeader(){ # Add header/date/time to install log file echo; printGood "RACHEL CAP Configuration Script - Version $scriptVersion" printGood "Script started: $(date)" } checkInternet(){ if [[ $internet == "1" || -z $internet ]]; then # Check internet connecivity WGET=`which wget` $WGET -q --tries=10 --timeout=5 --spider http://google.com if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo; printGood "Internet connection confirmed...continuing install." internet=1 else echo; printError "No internet connectivity; waiting 10 seconds and then I will try again." # Progress bar to visualize wait period while true;do echo -n .;sleep 1;done & sleep 10 kill $!; trap 'kill $!' SIGTERM $WGET -q --tries=10 --timeout=5 --spider http://google.com if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo; printGood "Internet connected confirmed...continuing install." internet=1 else echo; printError "No internet connectivity; entering 'OFFLINE' mode." offlineVariables internet=0 fi fi fi } commandStatus(){ export EXITCODE="$?" if [[ $EXITCODE != 0 ]]; then printError "Command failed. Exit code: $EXITCODE" export errorCode="1" else printGood "Command successful." fi } checkSHA1(){ calculatedHash=$(openssl sha1 $1) knownHash=$(cat $installTmpDir/rachelplus/hashes.txt | grep $1 | cut -f1 -d" ") if [[ "SHA1(${1})= $2" == "${calculatedHash}" ]]; then printGood "Good hash!" && export goodHash=1; else printError "Bad hash!" && export goodHash=0; fi } checkMD5(){ echo; printStatus "Checking MD5 of: $1" MD5_1=$(cat $installTmpDir/hashes.md5 | grep $(basename $1) | awk '{print $1}') if [[ -z $MD5_1 ]]; then printError "Sorry, we do not have a hash for that file in our database." else printStatus "NOTE: This process may take a minute on larger files...be patient." MD5_2=$(md5sum $1 | awk '{print $1}') if [[ $MD5_1 != $MD5_2 ]]; then printError "MD5 check failed. Please check your file and the RACHEL log ($rachelLog) for errors." md5Status=0 else printGood "Yeah...MD5's match; your file is okay." md5Status=1 fi fi } rebootCAP(){ # No log as it won't clean up the tmp file echo; printStatus "The file, $rachelLog, will be renamed to a dated log file when the script is complete." printStatus "Rebooting in 10 seconds...Ctrl-C to cancel reboot." # Progress bar to visualize wait period # trap ctrl-c and call ctrlC() while true; do echo -n .; sleep 1 done & sleep 10 kill $!; trap 'kill $!' SIGTERM reboot } sanitize(){ # Remove history, clean logs echo; printStatus "Sanitizing log files." # Clean log files and possible test scripts rm -rf /var/log/rachel-install* /var/log/rachel/* $rootDir/test.sh # Clean previous cached logins from ssh rm -f $rootDir/.ssh/known_hosts # Clean off ka-lite_content.zip (if exists) rm -f /media/RACHEL/ka-lite_content.zip # Clean previous files from running the generate_recovery.sh script rm -rf /recovery/20* $rachelRecoveryDir/20* # Clean bash history echo "" > $rootDir/.bash_history echo; printQuestion "Do you want to remove any currently activated Weaved services and run the ESP installer?" read -p " Enter (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Remove previous Weaved installs rm -rf /usr/bin/notify_Weaved*.sh /usr/bin/Weaved*.sh /etc/weaved/services/Weaved*.conf $rootDir/Weaved*.log # Install ESP installESP fi echo; printGood "All cleaned up for the customer." } installKiwix(){ echo; printStatus "Installing kiwix." $KIWIXINSTALL if [[ $internet == "0" ]]; then cd $dirContentOffline; else cd $rachelTmpDir; fi tar -C /var -xjvf $kiwixInstallerFile chown -fR root:root /var/kiwix # Make content directory mkdir -p /media/RACHEL/kiwix # Start up Kiwix echo; printStatus "Setting Kiwix to start on boot." # Remove old kiwix boot lines from /etc/rc.local sed -i '/kiwix/d' /etc/rc.local # Clean up current rachel-scripts.sh file sed -i '/kiwix/d' $rachelScriptsFile # Add lines to $rachelScriptsFile that will start kiwix on boot # sed -i '$e echo "\# Start kiwix on boot"' $rachelScriptsFile # sed -i '$e echo "\/var\/kiwix\/bin\/kiwix-serve --daemon --port=81 --library \/media\/RACHEL\/kiwix\/data\/library\/library.xml"' $rachelScriptsFile # Update Kiwix version cat /var/kiwix/application.ini | grep ^Version | cut -d= -f2 > /etc/kiwix-version } createKiwixRepairScript(){ echo; printStatus "Creating the Kiwix library rebuild/repair script." # Create rachelKiwixStart script cat > $rachelScriptsDir/rachelKiwixStart.sh << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------- # This script is used to refresh the kiwix library upon restart to # include everything in the rachel modules directory. It is used # as part of the kiwix init.d script # # Author: Sam # Based on perl version by Jonathan Field # Date: 2016-04-27 #------------------------------------------- # Create tmp file (clean out new lines, etc) tmp=`mktemp` libraryPath="/var/kiwix" library="$libraryPath/library.xml" # Remove/recreate existing library mkdir -p $libraryPath rm -f $library; touch $library # Find all the zim files in the modules directoy ls /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/*/data/content/*.zim* 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ /\n/g' > $tmp ls /media/RACHEL/kiwix/data/content/*.zim* 2>/dev/null | sed 's/ /\n/g' >> $tmp # Remove extra files - we only need the first (.zim or .zimaa) sed -i '/zima[^a]/d' $tmp # Find which db file we're using (it changed location in v2) if [[ -f /media/RACHEL/rachel/admin/admin.sqlite ]]; then dbfile=/media/RACHEL/rachel/admin/admin.sqlite else # old location dbfile=/media/RACHEL/rachel/admin.sqlite fi # Remove modules that are marked hidden on main menu for d in $(sqlite3 $dbfile 'select moddir from modules where hidden = 1'); do sed -i '/\/'$d'\//d' $tmp done for i in $(cat $tmp); do if [[ $? -ge 1 ]]; then echo "No zims found."; fi cmd="/var/kiwix/bin/kiwix-manage $library add $i" moddir="$(echo $i | cut -d'/' -f1-6)" # we have to remove the extension because we need .zim but it might be .zimaa noext="$(echo ${i##*/} | cut -d'.' -f1)" if [[ -d "$moddir/data/index/$noext.zim.idx" ]]; then cmd="$cmd --indexPath=$moddir/data/index/$noext.zim.idx" elif [[ -d "/media/RACHEL/kiwix/data/index/$noext.zim.idx" ]]; then cmd="$cmd --indexPath=/media/RACHEL/kiwix/data/index/$noext.zim.idx" fi $cmd 2>/dev/null if [[ $? -ge 1 ]]; then echo "Couldn't add $zim to library"; fi done # Restart Kiwix killall /var/kiwix/bin/kiwix-serve /var/kiwix/bin/kiwix-serve --daemon --port=81 --library $library > /dev/null # Update Kiwix version cat /var/kiwix/application.ini | grep ^Version | cut -d= -f2 > /etc/kiwix-version rm -f $tmp EOF chmod +x $rachelScriptsDir/rachelKiwixStart.sh printGood "Done." } downloadOfflineContent(){ # Check for internet if [[ $internet == 0 ]]; then echo; printError "You need to be online to download/update your OFFLINE content."; break; fi echo; printStatus "Here is list of your currently mounted USB drives:" lsblk|grep -v mmc|grep -v sda echo; printQuestion "What is the mountpoint name of your content folder (no trailing slash; example, /media/usb)? "; read dirContentOffline while :; do if [[ ! -d $dirContentOffline ]]; then printError "The folder location does not exist! Please check the path to your OFFLINE content folder and try again." echo; printQuestion "What is the mountpoint name of your content folder (no trailing slash; example, /media/usb)? "; read dirContentOffline else break fi done # Check if USB is formatted with ext2, ext3 or ext4 usbFileSystem=$(df -T|grep $dirContentOffline |awk '{ print $2 }') if [[ "$usbFileSystem" != "ext2" && "$usbFileSystem" != "ext3" && "$usbFileSystem" != "ext4" ]]; then echo; printError "ERROR: USB is not formatted in ext2, ext3, or ext4. For a successful offline update, your external USB must be formatted in one of those file systems or symbolic links will not work and your offline update will not correctly update RACHEL modules. Sorry, I cannot continue; reformat your USB to one of those file systems and try again." break fi # Download gpg keys for i in $(echo $gpgKeys); do apt-key export $i > $dirContentOffline/rachelplus/gpg-keys/$i; done # Download RACHEL script echo; printStatus "Downloading/updating the latest RACHEL configure script: cap-rachel-configure.sh" $DOWNLOADSCRIPT >&2 commandStatus if [[ -s $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh ]]; then mv $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh $dirContentOffline/cap-rachel-configure.sh chmod +x $dirContentOffline/cap-rachel-configure.sh versionNum=$(cat $dirContentOffline/cap-rachel-configure.sh |grep ^scriptVersion|head -n 1|cut -d"=" -f2|cut -d" " -f1) printGood "Success! Your script was updated to $versionNum; RE-RUN the script to use the new version." else printStatus "Fail! Check the log file for more info on what happened: $rachelLog" echo fi # Downloading Github repo: rachelplus echo; printStatus "Downloading/updating the GitHub repo: rachelplus" if [[ -d $dirContentOffline/rachelplus ]]; then cd $dirContentOffline/rachelplus; git fetch; git reset --hard origin else git clone https://github.com/rachelproject/rachelplus $dirContentOffline/rachelplus fi commandStatus printGood "Done." # Downloading Github repo: contentshell echo; printStatus "Downloading/updating the GitHub repo: contentshell" if [[ -d $dirContentOffline/contentshell ]]; then cd $dirContentOffline/contentshell; git fetch; git reset --hard origin else git clone https://github.com/rachelproject/contentshell $dirContentOffline/contentshell fi commandStatus printGood "Done." # Downloading Github repo: kalite downloadKAInstaller(){ # Downloading current version of KA Lite echo; printStatus "Downloading KA Lite Version $kaliteCurrentVersion" $KALITEINSTALL commandStatus mv $installTmpDir/$kaliteInstaller $dirContentOffline/$kaliteInstaller } echo; printStatus "Checking/downloading: KA Lite" if [[ -f $dirContentOffline/$kaliteInstaller ]]; then # Checking user provided file MD5 against known good version checkMD5 $dirContentOffline/$kaliteInstaller if [[ $md5Status == 0 ]]; then downloadKAInstaller fi else downloadKAInstaller fi commandStatus printGood "Done." # # Downloading KA Lite contentpacks # echo; printStatus "Downloading/updating KA Lite contentpacks" # for i in `ls $dirContentOffline/rachelmods/*-kalite/rachel-index.php`; do # if [[ $i =~ ([a-z]{2})-kalite ]]; then # lang=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} # echo; printStatus "Downloading KA Lite contentpack: $lang" # wget -c $kalitePrimaryContent/$lang.zip -O $dirContentOffline/rachelmods/$lang-kalite/$lang.zip # fi # commandStatus # printGood "Done." # Downloading kiwix echo; printStatus "Downloading/updating kiwix." wget -c $wgetOnline/downloads/public_ftp/old/z-holding/$kiwixInstallerFile -O $dirContentOffline/$kiwixInstallerFile commandStatus printGood "Done." # Downloading Stem module echo; printStatus "Downloading stem module." cd $dirContentOffline/offlinepkgs wget -c $stemURL -O $stemPkg commandStatus printGood "Done." # Download RACHEL modules echo "" > $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ## Add user input to languages they want to support echo; printQuestion "What language content you would like to download for OFFLINE install:" echo " - [Arabic] - Arabic content" echo " - [Deutsch] - German content" echo " - [English] - English content" echo " - [Español] - Spanish content" echo " - [Français] - French content" echo " - [Português] - Portuguese content" echo " - [Hindi] - Hindi content" echo " - [None] - Continue without content" echo select menu in "Arabic" "Deutsch" "English" "Español" "Français" "Português" "Hindi" "None"; do case $menu in Arabic) echo "#Arabic" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "ar-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; Deutsch) echo "#German" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "de-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; English) echo "#English" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "en-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; Español) echo "#Spanish" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "es-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; Français) echo "#French" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "fr-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; Kannada) echo "#Kannada" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "kn-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; Português) echo "#Portuguese" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "pt-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; Hindi) echo "#Hindi" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list; echo "hi-*" >> $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ;; None) noInstall=1; break ;; *) printError "That really isn't an answer I am looking for..." ;; esac echo; printStatus "Language modules included:" sed -i '/^\x*$/d' $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list sort -u $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list > $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list.tmp; mv $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list.tmp $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list echo "$(cat $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list | grep \# | cut -d"#" -f2)" echo; printQuestion "Do you wish to select another language? (Y/n)"; read REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then break fi echo; printQuestion "What additional language would you like to select?" echo "1)Arabic 2)Deutsch 3)English 4)Español 5)Français 6)Português 7)Hindi 8)None" done if [[ $noInstall == 1 ]]; then echo; printError "Alright, skipping content download."; break; fi buildRsyncModuleExcludeList MODULELIST=$(rsync --list-only --exclude-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncExclude.list" --include-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list" --exclude '*' $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/ | awk '{print $5}' | tail -n +2) echo; printStatus "Rsyncing core RACHEL content from $RSYNCDIR" while IFS= read -r module; do echo; printStatus "Downloading $module" rsync -rltzuv --delete-after $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$module $dirContentOffline/rachelmods commandStatus printGood "Done." done <<< "$MODULELIST" echo; printStatus "This is your current offline directory listing:" echo "- - - - - - - - - - - -" ls -l $dirContentOffline/ | awk '{ print $9 }' echo; echo "Modules downloaded:" echo "- - - - - - - - - - - -" ls -l $dirContentOffline/rachelmods/ | awk '{ print $9 }' } changePackageRepo(){ ## sources.list - replace the package repos for more reliable ones (/etc/apt/sources.list) # Backup current sources.list cp /etc/apt/sources.list /etc/apt/sources.list.bak # Change the source repositories echo; printStatus "Locations for downloading packages:" echo " US) United States" echo " UK) United Kingdom" echo " SG) Singapore" echo " CN) China (CAP Manufacturer's Site)" echo; printQuestion "For the package downloads, select the location nearest you? " select CLASS in "US" "UK" "SG" "CN"; do case $CLASS in # US US) echo; printStatus "Downloading packages from the United States." $SOURCEUS commandStatus break ;; # UK UK) echo; printStatus "Downloading packages from the United Kingdom." $SOURCEUK commandStatus break ;; # Singapore SG) echo; printStatus "Downloading packages from Singapore." $SOURCESG commandStatus break ;; # China (Original) CN) echo; printStatus "Downloading packages from the China - CAP manufacturer's website." $SOURCECN commandStatus break ;; esac printGood "Done." break done } downloadPackages(){ if [[ $osName == "precise" ]]; then cd precise; apt-get download $debPrecisePackageList elif [[ $osName == "trusty" ]]; then cd trusty; apt-get download $debTrustyPackageList else cd precise; apt-get download $debPrecisePackageList fi } newInstall(){ if [[ $internet == "0" ]]; then printError "New installs only run when connected to the internet...exiting."; exit 1; fi printHeader echo; printStatus "Conducting a new install of RACHEL on a CAP." # Show location of the log file echo; printStatus "Directory of RACHEL install log files with date/time stamps:" echo "$rachelLogDir" # Ask if you are ready to install echo; printError "WARNING: This will completely wipe your CAP and restore to RACHEL defaults." echo "Any downloaded modules WILL be erased during this process." echo; read -p "Are you ready to start the install? (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[yY][eE][sS]|[yY]$ ]]; then # Create RACHEL Scripts Directory mkdir -p $rachelScriptsDir # Create the shell of the rachel-scripts.sh script - because it doesn't exist sed "s,%rachelScriptsLog%,$rachelScriptsLog,g" > $rachelScriptsFile << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash # Send output to log file rm -f %rachelScriptsLog% exec 1>> %rachelScriptsLog% 2>&1 exit 0 EOF # Fix hostname issue in /etc/hosts on v1 CAPs if [[ $(grep ec-server /etc/hosts) ]]; then echo; printStatus "Fixing hostname in /etc/hosts" sed -i 's/ec-server/WRTD-303N-Server/g' /etc/hosts printGood "Done." fi # Update package repos changePackageRepo # Download/stage GitHub files to $installTmpDir echo; printStatus "Downloading RACHEL install scripts for CAP to the temp folder $installTmpDir." ## cap-rachel-first-install-2.sh echo; printStatus "Downloading cap-rachel-first-install-2.sh" $CAPRACHELFIRSTINSTALL2 commandStatus ## cap-rachel-first-install-3.sh echo; printStatus "Downloading cap-rachel-first-install-3.sh" $CAPRACHELFIRSTINSTALL3 commandStatus # Delete previous setup commands from the $rachelScriptsFile echo; printStatus "Delete previous RACHEL setup commands from $rachelScriptsFile" sed -i '/cap-rachel/d' $rachelScriptsFile printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Starting first install script...please wait patiently (about 30 secs) for first reboot." printStatus "The entire script (with reboots) takes 2-5 minutes." cat > /etc/fstab << EOF # proc /proc proc nodev,noexec,nosuid 0 0 UUID=44444444-4444-4444-4444-444444444444 / ext4 nobootwait,errors=remount-ro 0 1 UUID=33333333-3333-3333-3333-333333333333 /boot ext4 defaults 0 2 UUID=DEAD-BEEF /boot/efi vfat utf8,umask=007,gid=46 0 0 UUID=55555555-5555-5555-5555-555555555555 /recovery ext4 defaults 0 0 UUID=66666666-6666-6666-6666-666666666666 none swap sw 0 0 EOF # Repartition external 500GB hard drive into 3 partitions echo; printStatus "Backup current partition table to $rachelScriptsDir/gpt.backup" sgdisk -b $rachelScriptsDir/gpt.backup /dev/sda echo; printStatus "Unmounting any mounted partitions." umount /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2 echo; printStatus "Repartitioning hard drive" sgdisk -p /dev/sda sgdisk -o /dev/sda parted -s /dev/sda mklabel gpt ## Part1: 3G for preloaded content #sgdisk -n 1:2048:765460479 -c 1:"preloaded" -u 1:77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777 -t 1:8300 /dev/sda # original #sgdisk -n 1:2048:+20G -c 1:"preloaded" -u 1:77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777 -t 1:8300 /dev/sda # 20GB sgdisk -n 1:2048:+3G -c 1:"preloaded" -u 1:77777777-7777-7777-7777-777777777777 -t 1:8300 /dev/sda # 3GB ## Part2: 17G for teacher content #sgdisk -n 2:765460480:-1M -c 2:"uploaded" -u 2:88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888 -t 2:8300 /dev/sda # original #sgdisk -n 2:21G:+100G -c 2:"uploaded" -u 2:88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888 -t 2:8300 /dev/sda # 100GB sgdisk -n 2:6293504:+17G -c 2:"uploaded" -u 2:88888888-8888-8888-8888-888888888888 -t 2:8300 /dev/sda # 17G ## Part3: Remaining for RACHEL content #sgdisk -n 3:+122G:-1M -c 3:"RACHEL" -u 3:99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999 -t 3:8300 /dev/sda # 122GB #sgdisk -n 3:255852544:-1M -c 3:"RACHEL" -u 3:99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999 -t 3:8300 /dev/sda # 344GB sgdisk -n 3:41945088:-1M -c 3:"RACHEL" -u 3:99999999-9999-9999-9999-999999999999 -t 3:8300 /dev/sda # All remaining sgdisk -p /dev/sda printGood "Done." # Adding the partitions in /etc/fstab echo; printStatus "Adding /dev/sda partitions into /etc/fstab" sed -i '/\/dev\/sda/d' /etc/fstab echo -e "/dev/sda1\t/media/preloaded\t\text4\tauto,nobootwait 0\t0" >> /etc/fstab echo -e "/dev/sda2\t/media/uploaded\t\text4\tauto,nobootwait 0\t0" >> /etc/fstab echo -e "/dev/sda3\t/media/RACHEL\t\text4\tauto,nobootwait 0\t0" >> /etc/fstab printGood "Done." # Add rachel-scripts.sh startup in /etc/rc.local sed -i '/rachel/d' /etc/rc.local sudo sed -i '$e echo "# Add rachel startup scripts"' /etc/rc.local sudo sed -i '$e echo "bash '$rachelScriptsDir'/rachelStartup.sh&"' /etc/rc.local # Add lines to /etc/rc.local that will start the next script to run on reboot sudo sed -i '$e echo "bash '$installTmpDir'\/cap-rachel-first-install-2.sh&"' /etc/rc.local # Script 1 end echo; printGood "RACHEL CAP Install - Script 1 of 3 ended at $(date)" echo; printStatus "I need to reboot; once rebooted, please run the next download/install command." printStatus "Rebooting in 5 seconds..." sleep 5 noCleanup=1 reboot else echo; printError "User requests not to continue...exiting at $(date)" # Deleting the install script commands cleanup fi } checkContentShell(){ # Clone or update the RACHEL content shell from GitHub if [[ $internet == "0" ]]; then cd $dirContentOffline; else cd $installTmpDir; fi echo; printStatus "Checking for pre-existing RACHEL content shell." if [[ ! -d $rachelWWW ]]; then printStatus "RACHEL content shell does not exist at $rachelWWW." printStatus "Cloning the RACHEL content shell into $(pwd)" $GITCLONERACHELCONTENTSHELL cd contentshell cp -rf ./* $rachelWWW/ cp -rf ./.git $rachelWWW/ else if [[ ! -d $rachelWWW/.git ]]; then echo; printStatus "$rachelWWW exists but it wasn't installed from git; installing RACHEL content shell." $GITCLONERACHELCONTENTSHELL cd contentshell cp -rf ./* $rachelWWW/ # overwrite current content with contentshell cp -rf ./.git $rachelWWW/ # copy over GitHub files else echo; printStatus "$rachelWWW exists; updating RACHEL content shell." if [[ $internet == "1" ]]; then cd $rachelWWW; git fetch --all; git reset --hard origin/master else cd contentshell cp -rf ./* $rachelWWW/ # overwrite current content with contentshell cp -rf ./.git $rachelWWW/ # copy over GitHub files fi fi fi # Check for stem module pear clear-cache 2>/dev/null pecl info stem > /dev/null if [[ $? -ge 1 ]]; then cd $rachelWWW git checkout $gitContentShellCommit fi # Restart web server printStatus "Restarting lighttpd web server to activate changes." killall lighttpd printGood "Done." } runFinishScript(){ ln -s /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m/rachel-index.php /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m/index.htmlf 2>/dev/null bash $rachelWWW/modules/$m/finish_install.sh 2>/dev/null } addModule(){ noInstall=1 if [[ -f /tmp/module.lst ]]; then echo; printStatus "Your selected module list:" # Sort/unique the module list cat /tmp/module.lst echo; printQuestion "Do you want to use this module list?" read -p " Enter (Y/n) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Nn]$ ]]; then rm -f /tmp/module.lst; fi fi SELECTMODULE=1 # MODULELIST=$(rsync --list-only $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/ | egrep '^d' | awk '{print $5}' | tail -n +2) # MODULELIST=$(rsync --list-only --exclude-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncExclude.list" --include-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list" --exclude '*' $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/ | awk '{print $5}' | tail -n +2) buildRsyncModuleExcludeList MODULELIST=$(rsync --list-only --exclude-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncExclude.list" $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/ | awk '{print $5}' | tail -n +2) while [[ $SELECTMODULE == 1 ]]; do echo; printStatus "What RACHEL module would you like to select for download or update?" echo "(Ctrl-C to cancel module install)" echo select module in $MODULELIST; do echo "$module" >> /tmp/module.lst echo; printStatus "Added module $module to the install/update cue." break done echo; printStatus "Your selected module list:" sort -u /tmp/module.lst > /tmp/module.tmp; mv /tmp/module.tmp /tmp/module.lst cat /tmp/module.lst echo; printQuestion "Do you want to select another module?" read -p " Enter (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then SELECTMODULE=1; else SELECTMODULE=0; fi done echo; printQuestion "Are you ready to install your selected modules?" read -p " Enter (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then while read m; do echo; printStatus "Downloading $m" rsync -avz --delete-after $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$m $rachelWWW/modules/ echo; printStatus "Fixing file and directory permissions" find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 runFinishScript if [[ $m == *-kalite || $m == *-wiki* ]]; then echo noInstall=0; fi printGood "Done." done < /tmp/module.lst echo; printStatus "Checking permissions on all the copied directories and files." else noInstall=1 fi rm -f /tmp/module.lst } addMultipleModules(){ ## Add user input to languages they want to support echo; printStatus "The language install will install essential modules from the language(s) you choose." echo; printQuestion "What language content you would like to install:" echo " - [EN-ES-FR-Core] - The core content in English, Español, and Français" echo " - [Justice] - Justice default content" echo " - [Custom] - Your own custom list of modules (1 module name/line)" echo " - [Exit] Install" echo select menu in "EN-ES-FR-Core" "Justice" "Custom" "Exit"; do case $menu in EN-ES-FR-Core) option="full.modules"; break ;; Justice) option="justice.modules"; break ;; Custom) option="custom"; break ;; Exit) option="exit"; break ;; esac done # get content if [[ $option == "exit" ]]; then printError "Exiting on user request."; break; fi if [[ $option == "custom" ]]; then echo; printStatus "Here is list of your current partitions and their mountpoints (if applicable):" lsblk|grep -v mmc|grep -v sda echo; printQuestion "What is the full path to your custom module list file (example: /media/usb/customList.modules)?"; read option if [[ ! -f "$option" ]]; then echo; printError "The folder location does not exist! Try mounting a partition and trying again." cleanup else contentModuleListInstall $option printGood "Done." fi else echo; printStatus "Installing/updating content from $option" contentModuleListInstall $rachelWWW/scripts/"$option" commandStatus printGood "Done." fi } contentUpdate(){ buildRsyncModuleExcludeList MODULELIST=$(rsync --list-only --exclude-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncExclude.list" $rachelWWW/modules/ | awk '{print $5}' | tail -n +2) while IFS= read -r m; do echo; printStatus "Downloading $m" rsync -rltzuv --delete-after --exclude-from "$rachelScriptsDir/rsyncExclude.list" $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$m $rachelWWW/modules/ echo; printStatus "Fixing file and directory permissions" find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 runFinishScript printGood "Done." done <<< "$MODULELIST" } removeKALite(){ # Removing old version echo; printStatus "Cleaning any previous KA Lite installation files." if [[ $kaliteVersionDate == 1 ]]; then # Stop KA Lite /var/ka-lite/bin/kalite stop > /dev/null 2>&1 # Remove old startup scripts rm -f /etc/rc0.d/K20kalite rm -f /etc/rc1.d/K20kalite rm -f /etc/rc2.d/K80kalite rm -f /etc/rc3.d/K80kalite rm -f /etc/rc4.d/K80kalite rm -f /etc/rc5.d/K80kalite rm -f /etc/rc6.d/K20kalite # Remove old folders rm -rf /var/ka-lite /etc/ka-lite elif [[ $kaliteVersionDate == 2 ]]; then # Stop KA Lite sudo -H -u $kaliteUser bash -c 'kalite stop' # Uninstall KA Lite apt-get -y remove ka-lite-bundle --purge # Remove old folders rm -rf ~/.kalite rm -rf /etc/ka-lite kaliteUser="root" fi } kaliteLocationUpdate(){ # If $rootDir/.kalite is not a symlink, move KA Lite database to hard drive for speed increase and to prevent filling up the eMMC with user data echo; printStatus "Checking that .kalite directory lives on hard disk" if [[ ! -L $rootDir/.kalite ]]; then echo; printError "Need to move .kalite from eMMC to hard disk" kalite stop echo; printStatus "Before copying KA Lite folder - here is an 'ls' of $rachelPartition" ls -la $rachelPartition echo; printStatus "Copying primary (.kalite) and backup (.kalite-backup) directory to $rachelPartition" if [[ -d $rachelPartition/.kalite ]]; then rm -rf $rachelPartition/.kalite-backup mv $rachelPartition/.kalite $rachelPartition/.kalite-backup else rm -rf $rachelPartition/.kalite cp -r $rootDir/.kalite $rachelPartition/.kalite-backup fi mv $rootDir/.kalite $rachelPartition/ echo; printStatus "After copying KA Lite folder - $rachelPartition (should list folders .kalite and .kalite-backup)" ls -la $rachelPartition echo; printStatus "Symlinking $rootDir/.kalite to /media/RACHEL/.kalite" ln -s $rachelPartition/.kalite $rootDir/.kalite echo; printGood "Symlinking complete - $rootDir" else echo; printGood ".kalite directory is located on the hard disk" fi } installKALite(){ # Downloading KA Lite echo; printStatus "Downloading KA Lite Version $kaliteCurrentVersion" $KALITEINSTALL # Checking user provided file MD5 against known good version checkMD5 $installTmpDir/$kaliteInstaller # !!! Need to add offline method # # Fix for 0.6.8-0.6.9v1 versions of KA Lite # apt-get install python-pip # pip install urllib3 --upgrade # pip install requests --upgrade # rm -rf /usr/share/kalite/dist-packages/requests if [[ $md5Status == 1 ]]; then echo; printStatus "Installing KA Lite Version $kaliteCurrentVersion" echo; printError "CAUTION: When prompted, enter 'Okay' for start on boot." echo; mkdir -p /etc/ka-lite echo "root" > /etc/ka-lite/username # Turn off logging b/c KA Lite using a couple graphical screens; if on, causes issues exec &>/dev/tty dpkg -i $installTmpDir/$kaliteInstaller commandStatus # Turn logging back on exec &> >(tee -a "$rachelLog") kaliteLocationUpdate # Complete installation if [[ $errorCode == 0 ]]; then echo; printGood "KA Lite $kaliteCurrentVersion installed." else echo; printError "Something went wrong, please check the log file ($rachelLog) and try again." break fi update-rc.d ka-lite disable dpkg -s ka-lite-bundle | grep ^Version | cut -d" " -f2 > /etc/kalite-version fi } kaliteSetup(){ echo; printStatus "Setting up KA Lite." # Determine version of KA Lite --> kaliteVersionDate (0=No KA LITE, 1=Version prior to 0.15, 2=Version greater than/equal to 0.15) if [[ -f /var/ka-lite/kalite/local_settings.py ]]; then kaliteVersion=$(/var/ka-lite/bin/kalite manage --version) echo; printError "KA Lite Version $kaliteVersion is no longer supported and should be updated." kaliteVersionDate=1 printQuestion "Do you want to update to KA Lite Version $kaliteCurrentVersion?" read -p " Enter (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Remove previous KA Lite removeKALite # Install KA Lite installKALite else printStatus "Skipping install." fi elif [[ -f /etc/ka-lite/username ]]; then kaliteUser=$(cat /etc/ka-lite/username) kaliteVersion=$(dpkg -s ka-lite-bundle | grep ^Version | cut -d" " -f2) if [[ -z $kaliteVersion ]]; then kaliteVersion="UNKNOWN"; fi printGood "KA Lite installed under user: $kaliteUser" printGood "Current KA Lite Version Installed: $kaliteVersion" printGood "Lastest KA Lite Version Available: $kaliteCurrentVersion" kaliteVersionDate=2 echo; printQuestion "Do you want to upgrade or re-install KA Lite?" read -p "Enter (y/N) " REPLY if [[ $REPLY =~ ^[Yy]$ ]]; then # Install KA Lite installKALite fi else echo; printStatus "It doesn't look like KA Lite is installed; installing now." # kaliteUser="ka-lite" kaliteUser="root" kaliteVersionDate=0 # Remove previous KA Lite removeKALite # Install KA Lite installKALite fi # Configure ka-lite echo; printStatus "KA Lite content settings file: $kaliteSettings" printStatus "KA Lite content directory: $kaliteContentDir" sed -i '/^CONTENT_ROOT/d' $kaliteSettings sed -i '/^DATABASES/d' $kaliteSettings ## Removed the following as we now put the content and core KA folder *all* on the hard drive # echo 'CONTENT_ROOT = "/media/RACHEL/kacontent"' >> $kaliteSettings # Install module for RACHEL index.php echo; printStatus "Syncing English KA Lite RACHEL module" rsync -avz --delete-after $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/en-kalite $rachelWWW/modules/ # Download contentpacks downloadKAContentPacks # Symlink the KA Lite database and video files kaliteCheckFiles # Delete previous setup commands from /etc/rc.local (not used anymore) sudo sed -i '/ka-lite/d' /etc/rc.local sudo sed -i '/sleep 20/d' /etc/rc.local # Delete previous setup commands from the $rachelScriptsFile # echo; printStatus "Setting up KA Lite to start at boot..." sudo sed -i '/ka-lite/d' $rachelScriptsFile sudo sed -i '/kalite/d' $rachelScriptsFile sudo sed -i '/sleep/d' $rachelScriptsFile # Start KA Lite at boot time sudo sed -i '$e echo "# Start kalite at boot time"' $rachelScriptsFile sudo sed -i '$e echo "sleep 5 #kalite"' $rachelScriptsFile sudo sed -i '$e echo "sudo /usr/bin/kalite start"' $rachelScriptsFile printGood "Done." } kaliteCheckFiles(){ # Stopping KA Lite echo; printStatus "Stopping kalite" sudo kalite stop # clear out possible old videos taking up space echo; printStatus "Clearing old video content" rm -rf $rachelPartition/kacontent # clear out old database files rm -rf $rootDir/.kalite/database/content_khan_*.sqlite rm -rf $rootDir/.kalite/content_khan_*.sqlite # Creating symlinks of all KA Lite video files in the KA Lite content folder echo; printStatus "Creating symlinks of all KA Lite video files in the KA Lite content folder." find $rachelWWW/modules/*-kalite/content -name "*.mp4" -exec ln -sf {} $kaliteContentDir 2>/dev/null \; printGood "Done." # Copying KA database file to KA Lite database folder echo; printStatus "Symlinking all KA database module files to the actual KA Lite database folder." find $rachelWWW/modules/*-kalite -name "*.sqlite" -exec ln -sf {} $rootDir/.kalite/database/ \; # Starting KA Lite echo; sudo kalite stop; sudo kalite start # Update KA Lite version dpkg -s ka-lite-bundle | grep ^Version | cut -d" " -f2 > /etc/kalite-version printGood "Done." } kaliteDiagnostic(){ kalite diagnose; echo } downloadKAContent(){ # Downloading KA Lite content echo "" > $rachelScriptsDir/rsyncInclude.list ## Add user input to languages they want to support echo; printQuestion "What language content you would like to download for KA Lite:" echo " - [English] - English content" echo " - [Español] - Spanish content" echo " - [Français] - French content" echo " - [Skip] downloading language content" echo select menu in "English" "Español" "Français" "Skip"; do case $menu in English) lang="en" break ;; Español) lang="es" break ;; Français) lang="fr" break ;; Skip) lang="" break ;; esac done if [[ ! -z $lang ]]; then echo; printStatus "Downloading KA Lite content from $RSYNCDIR" rsync -Pavz --include *.mp4 --exclude assessment --exclude locale $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$lang-kalite/content/ /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$lang-kalite/content echo; printStatus "Downloading KA Lite contentpack" rsync -Pavz $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$lang-kalite/$lang.zip /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$lang-kalite/$lang.zip fi kaliteCheckFiles printGood "Done." } downloadKAContentPacks(){ for i in `ls $rachelWWW/modules/*-kalite/rachel-index.php`; do if [[ $i =~ ([a-z]{2})-kalite ]]; then lang=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} echo; printStatus "Downloading KA Lite contentpack: $lang" rsync -Pavz $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$lang-kalite/$lang.zip /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$lang-kalite/$lang.zip fi commandStatus # Soft link kalite sqlite language files rm -f $kaliteDir/content_khan_$lang.sqlite rm -f $kaliteDir/database/content_khan_$lang.sqlite ln -s $rachelWWW/modules/$lang-kalite/content_khan_$lang.sqlite $kaliteDir/database/content_khan_$lang.sqlite # Soft link old contentpack name to new rm -f $rachelWWW/modules/$lang-kalite/$lang-contentpack.zip 2>/dev/null ln -s $rachelWWW/modules/$lang-kalite/$lang.zip $rachelWWW/modules/$lang-kalite/$lang-contentpack.zip 2>/dev/null done printGood "Done." } checkCaptivePortal(){ errorCode=0 # Download RACHEL Captive Portal files echo; printStatus "Checking Captive Portal files." if [[ ! -f $rachelWWW/captiveportal-redirect.php ]]; then echo; printStatus "Downloading captiveportal-redirect.php." cd $rachelWWW $CAPTIVEPORTALREDIRECT commandStatus fi if [[ ! -f $rachelWWW/pass_ticket.shtml ]]; then echo; printStatus "Downloading pass_ticket.shtml." cd $rachelWWW $PASSTICKETSHTML commandStatus fi if [[ ! -f $rachelWWW/redirect.shtml ]]; then echo; printStatus "Downloading redirect.shtml." cd $rachelWWW $REDIRECTSHTML commandStatus fi if [[ ! -f $rachelWWW/art/RACHELbrandLogo-captive.png ]]; then cd $rachelWWW/art echo; printStatus "Downloading RACHELbrandLogo-captive.png." $RACHELBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE commandStatus fi if [[ ! -f $rachelWWW/art/HFCbrandLogo-captive.jpg ]]; then cd $rachelWWW/art echo; printStatus "Downloading HFCbrandLogo-captive.jpg." $HFCBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE commandStatus fi if [[ ! -f $rachelWWW/art/WorldPossiblebrandLogo-captive.png ]]; then cd $rachelWWW/art echo; printStatus "Downloading WorldPossiblebrandLogo-captive.png." $WORLDPOSSIBLEBRANDLOGOCAPTIVE commandStatus fi # Check executable settings chmod +x $rachelWWW/pass_ticket.shtml chmod +x $rachelWWW/redirect.shtml if [[ $errorCode == 1 ]]; then printError "Something may have gone wrong; check $rachelLog for errors." else printGood "Done." fi } updateModuleNames(){ # Checking for old RACHEL file/folder structures cd $rachelWWW/modules mv ap_didact_es es-ap_didact 2>/dev/null mv ebooks-en en-ebooks 2>/dev/null mv guias_es es-guias 2>/dev/null mv kalite-es es-kalite 2>/dev/null mv musictheory en-musictheory 2>/dev/null mv scratch en-scratch 2>/dev/null mv asst_medical en-asst_medical 2>/dev/null mv ebooks-es es-ebooks 2>/dev/null mv hesperian_health en-hesperian_health 2>/dev/null mv local_content en-local_content 2>/dev/null mv olpc en-olpc 2>/dev/null mv soluciones_es es-soluciones 2>/dev/null mv wikisource-es es-wikisource 2>/dev/null mv bibliofilo-es es-bibliofilo 2>/dev/null mv edison en-edison 2>/dev/null mv hesperian_health-es es-hesperian_health 2>/dev/null mv local_content-es es-local_content 2>/dev/null mv understanding_algebra en-understanding_algebra 2>/dev/null mv wikiversity-es es-wikiversity 2>/dev/null mv biblioteca-es es-biblioteca 2>/dev/null mv GCF2015 en-GCF2015 2>/dev/null mv iicba en-iicba 2>/dev/null mv math_expression en-math_expression 2>/dev/null mv powertyping en-powertyping 2>/dev/null mv vedoque-es es-vedoque 2>/dev/null mv wikivoyage-es es-wikivoyage 2>/dev/null mv ck12 en-ck12 2>/dev/null mv GCF2015-es es-GCF2015 2>/dev/null mv infonet en-infonet 2>/dev/null mv medline_plus en-medline_plus 2>/dev/null mv practical_action en-practical_action 2>/dev/null mv wikibooks-es es-wikibooks 2>/dev/null mv wiktionary-es es-wiktionary 2>/dev/null mv cnbguatemala-es es-cnbguatemala 2>/dev/null mv guatemala-es es-guatemala 2>/dev/null mv ka-lite en-kalite 2>/dev/null mv medline_plus-es es-medline_plus 2>/dev/null mv windows_apps en-windows_apps 2>/dev/null mv afristory en-afristory 2>/dev/null mv fr_banner fr-banner 2>/dev/null mv fr_english fr-english 2>/dev/null mv wiki_en en-wikipedia 2>/dev/null mv fr_ka_lite fr-kalite 2>/dev/null mv fr_wiki fr-wikipedia 2>/dev/null mv fr_wikib fr-wikibooks 2>/dev/null mv fr_wikis fr-wikisource 2>/dev/null mv fr_wikiv fr-wikiversity 2>/dev/null mv fr_wikivoy fr-wikivoyage 2>/dev/null mv fr_wikt fr-wiktionary 2>/dev/null mv law_library en-law_library 2>/dev/null mv oya en-oya 2>/dev/null mv PhET en-PhET 2>/dev/null mv TED en-TED 2>/dev/null mv radiolab en-radiolab 2>/dev/null if [[ -d wikipedia_for_schools-es/wp ]]; then mv wikipedia_for_schools-es es-wikipedia_for_schools-nonzim else mv wikipedia_for_schools-es es-wikipedia_for_schools 2>/dev/null fi if [[ -d wikipedia_for_schools/wp ]]; then mv wikipedia_for_schools en-wikipedia_for_schools-nonzim else mv wikipedia_for_schools en-wikipedia_for_schools 2>/dev/null fi # Check for previous Kiwix zim installs mkdir -p $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/content/ cd $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/content/ ## Move these zim files for f in wikipedia_en_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia/data/content/ && mv wikipedia_en_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikipedia_en_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia/data/index/ break done for f in wikipedia_en_for_schools_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia_for_schools/data/content/ && mv wikipedia_en_for_schools_* $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia_for_schools/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia_for_schools/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikipedia_en_for_schools_* $rachelWWW/modules/en-wikipedia_for_schools/data/index/ break done for f in wikibooks_fr_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikibooks/data/content/ && mv wikibooks_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikibooks/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikibooks/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikibooks_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikibooks/data/index/ break done for f in wikipedia_fr_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikipedia/data/content/ && mv wikipedia_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikipedia/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikipedia/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikipedia_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikipedia/data/index/ break done for f in wikisource_fr_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikisource/data/content/ && mv wikisource_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikisource/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikisource/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikisource_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikisource/data/index/ break done for f in wikiversity_fr_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikiversity/data/content/ && mv wikiversity_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikiversity/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikiversity/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikiversity_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikiversity/data/index/ break done for f in wikivoyage_fr_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikivoyage/data/content/ && mv wikivoyage_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikivoyage/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikivoyage/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikivoyage_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wikivoyage/data/index/ break done for f in wiktionary_fr_all_*; do [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wiktionary/data/content/ && mv wiktionary_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wiktionary/data/content/ [ -e "$f" ] && mkdir -p $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wiktionary/data/index/ && mv $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wiktionary_fr_all_* $rachelWWW/modules/fr-wiktionary/data/index/ break done ## Remove these rm -rf $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/content/wikipedia_en_ray_charles_2015-06.zim $rachelPartition/kiwix/data/index/wikipedia_en_ray_charles_2015-06.zim.idx } repairRachelScripts(){ # Fixing $rachelScriptsFile echo; printStatus "Updating $rachelScriptsFile" mkdir -p $rachelScriptsDir # Add rachel-scripts.sh script cat > $rachelScriptsFile << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash # Send output to log file rm -f /var/log/rachel/rachel-scripts.log exec 1>> /var/log/rachel/rachel-scripts.log 2>&1 echo $(date) - Starting RACHEL script # First boot if [[ -f /root/rachel-scripts/firstboot.sh ]]; then echo $(date) - Running "firstboot" script bash /root/rachel-scripts/firstboot.sh fi # Run once if [[ -f /media/RACHEL/runonce.sh ]]; then echo $(date) - Running "runonce" script bash /media/RACHEL/runonce.sh fi # Start kiwix on boot echo $(date) - Starting kiwix bash /root/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh # Start kalite at boot time echo $(date) - Starting kalite sleep 20 # kalite needs full network to start up # (any way to speed up the network boot?) sudo /usr/bin/kalite start # Start battery monitoring #echo $(date) - Starting battery monitor #bash /root/rachel-scripts/batteryWatcher.sh & # Check if we should disable reset button echo $(date) - Checking if we should disable reset button if [[ -f /root/rachel-scripts/disable_reset ]]; then killall reset_button; echo "Reset button disabled"; fi # Start esp, our system for doing remote service echo $(date) - Start esp process php /root/rachel-scripts/esp-checker.php & # Check for modules (simple check on boot for updated modules on attached USB) if [[ $(lsblk | grep -E 'sdb|sdc|sdd') ]]; then echo; echo $(date) - Running "module update" script usbDrive=$(df -h | grep -E 'sdb1|sdc1|sdd1' | grep media | awk '{ print $1 }' | cut -d'/' -f3) if [[ $usbDrive != 0 ]]; then echo "[!] WARNING: USB is *not* mounted." echo "[-] Attempting to mount the attached USB to /media/usb" mkdir /media/usb mount /dev/$usbDrive /media/usb if [[ $(df -h | grep $usbDrive | grep usb) ]]; then echo "[+] Mounted successfully."; else echo "[!] Mounting failed."; mountFail=1; fi if [[ $mountFail == 1 ]]; then echo "Run 'dmesg' to view CAP error log." echo "You can also check the RACHEL configure script log file (noted below) for other possible errors." else mountedUSB="/media/usb" fi else mountedUSB=$(lsblk | grep $usbDrive | awk '{ print $7 }') fi # Add module symlink for index.htmlf and correct permissions if [[ -d $mountedUSB/rachelmods ]]; then # Set 3G led light on to alert user that module update started bash /root/led_control.sh 3g on # Start module update rsync -avhP $mountedUSB/rachelmods/ /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/ # Add symlinks - when running the Recovery USB, symlinks are not permitted on FAT partitions, so we have to create them after recovery runs echo; echo "[-] Add symlink for en-local_content." installedMods=$(ls /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules) while IFS= read -r m; do ln -s /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m/rachel-index.php /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m/index.htmlf 2>/dev/null if [[ -f /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m/finish_install.sh ]]; then bash /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m/finish_install.sh; fi done <<< "$installedMods" find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 else echo "[!] Mounted USB does not have a rachelmods folder...moving on." fi # Safely eject the attached USB sync eject $mountedUSB # Set 3G led light off to alert user that module transfer is complete # and they can remove the USB bash /root/led_control.sh 3g off fi # And we're done echo $(date) - RACHEL startup completed exit 0 EOF echo; printGood "Rachel start script update complete." } repairFirmware(){ noCleanup="1" printHeader echo; printStatus "Repairing your CAP after a firmware upgrade." cd $installTmpDir # Download/update to latest RACHEL lighttpd.conf echo; printStatus "Downloading latest lighttpd.conf" ## lighttpd.conf - RACHEL version (I don't overwrite at this time due to other dependencies and ensuring the file downloads correctly) $LIGHTTPDFILE commandStatus if [[ $errorCode == 1 ]]; then printError "The lighttpd.conf file did not download correctly; check log file (/var/log/rachel/rachel-install.tmp) and try again." echo; break else mv $installTmpDir/lighttpd.conf /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf fi printGood "Done." # Reapply /etc/fstab entry for /media/RACHEL echo; printStatus "Adding /dev/sda3 into /etc/fstab" sed -i '/\/dev\/sda3/d' /etc/fstab echo -e "/dev/sda3\t/media/RACHEL\t\text4\tauto,nobootwait 0\t0" >> /etc/fstab printGood "Done." # Fixing $rachelScriptsFile repairRachelScripts # Check captive portal files checkCaptivePortal # Remove outdated startup script rm -f $rootDir/iptables-rachel.sh # Delete previous setwanip commands from /etc/rc.local - not used anymore echo; printStatus "Deleting previous setwanip.sh script from /etc/rc.local" sed -i '/setwanip/d' /etc/rc.local rm -f $rootDir/setwanip.sh printGood "Done." # Delete previous iptables commands from /etc/rc.local echo; printStatus "Deleting previous iptables script from /etc/rc.local" sed -i '/iptables/d' /etc/rc.local printGood "Done." echo; printGood "RACHEL CAP Repair Complete." sudo mv $rachelLog $rachelLogDir/rachel-repair-$timestamp.log echo; printGood "Log file saved to: $rachelLogDir/rachel-repair-$timestamp.log" cleanup rebootCAP } resetKalite(){ echo; printStatus "Resetting KA-Lite to default settings." # Fixing KA-Lite # cp -f /media/RACHEL/kacontent/assessmentitems.sqlite /usr/share/kalite/assessment/khan/. cp -f $kaliteContentDir/assessmentitems.sqlite /usr/share/kalite/assessment/khan/. sed -i '/assessmentitems.sqlite/d' $rootDir/.kalite/settings.py # Turn logging off for compatibility exec &>/dev/tty # Restart kalite to use the new assessmentitems.sqlite location echo; kalite stop echo; kalite manage setup # Show diagnostic info echo; kalite diagnose # Turn logging back on loggingStart echo; printGood "Done." } repairBugs(){ # Check/update package repo changePackageRepo # Update rachel folder structure updateRachelFolders # Update modules names to new structure updateModuleNames # Update to the latest contentshell checkContentShell # Update KA Lite root directory location kaliteLocationUpdate # Check soft links for kalite content files kaliteCheckFiles # Add battery monitor - not using post Sep 15, 2017 # batteryPID=$(ps aux |grep "$rootDir/batteryWatcher.sh" | grep -v grep | awk '{ print $2 }') # if [[ ! -z $batteryPID ]]; then kill -9 $batteryPID; fi # installBatteryWatch # Add Kiwix repair library script createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh # Rebuild rachelStartup.sh file repairRachelScripts # There is one miconfigured index.htmlf that needs to be fixed on the harddrive if [[ -d $rachelWWW/modules/fr_wiki/index.htmlf ]]; then sed -i 's/\-03/\-11/g' $rachelWWW/modules/fr_wiki/index.htmlf fi # Misconfiguration in "Soluciones Prácticas" module if [[ -d $rachelWWW/modules/es-soluciones ]]; then echo; printStatus "Fixing links in module: Soluciones Prácticas" sed -i 's/soluciones\/index.html/index.html/g' $rachelWWW/modules/es-soluciones/index.htmlf sed -i 's/soluciones\/index.html/index.html/g' $rachelWWW/modules/es-soluciones/index.html printGood "Done." fi # Fix the multiple cgi.fix lines in php.ini grep -q '^cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1' /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini && sed -i '/^cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1/d' /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini; echo 'cgi.fix_pathinfo = 1' >> /etc/php5/cgi/php.ini # Fix GCF links if [[ -d $rachelWWW/modules/GCF2015 ]]; then echo; printStatus "Fixing GCF index.htmlf links" sed -i 's/digital_lifestyle.html/digitalskills.html/g' $rachelWWW/modules/GCF2015/index.htmlf sed -i 's/job.html/jobsearch.html/g' $rachelWWW/modules/GCF2015/index.htmlf printGood "Done." fi } usbRecovery(){ internet="0" noCleanup="1" offlineVariables # Update modules names to new structure updateModuleNames # Add runonce.sh script that will run on reboot cat > $rachelPartition/runonce.sh << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash . /media/RACHEL/cap-rachel-configure.sh --source-only exec 1>> $rachelLog 2>&1 echo "[+] Starting USB Recovery runonce script - $(date)" capCheck >/dev/null 2>&1 # Run rachel startup script repair repairRachelScripts # Add symlinks - when running the Recovery USB, symlinks are not permitted on FAT partitions, so we have to create them after recovery runs echo; echo "[-] Add symlink for en-local_content." installedMods=$(ls /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules) while IFS= read -r module; do ln -s /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$module/rachel-index.php /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$module/index.htmlf 2>/dev/null done <<< "$installedMods" find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 # Update to the latest contentshell echo; echo "[+] Updating to latest contentshell." rsync -avhP $rachelScriptsDir/files/rachel/ $rachelWWW mv /etc/init/procps.conf /etc/init/procps.conf.old 2>/dev/null # otherwise quite a pkgs won't install rm -f $rachelWWW/en_all.sh $rachelWWW/en_justice.sh $rachelWWW/modules/ka-lite $rachelWWW/modules/local_content # clean up old files # Update Versions updateVersions # FINISHED echo; echo "[+] Completed USB Recovery runonce script - $(date)" # Add header/date/time to install log file timestamp=$(date +"%b-%d-%Y-%H%M%Z") mv $rachelLog $rachelLogDir/rachel-runonce-$timestamp.log # Remove self; reboot rm -- "$0" sleep 5; reboot EOF } updateVersions(){ # Update Versions ## Update Kiwix version cat /var/kiwix/application.ini | grep ^Version | cut -d= -f2 > /etc/kiwix-version # Update KA Lite version dpkg -s ka-lite-bundle | grep ^Version | cut -d" " -f2 > /etc/kalite-version ## Update RACHEL USB installer version mv $rachelPartition/rachelinstaller-version /etc/rachelinstaller-version >/dev/null 2>&1 ## Update RACHEL Hardware build version echo $os > /etc/rachelbuild ## Update RACHEL Hardware build date echo $timestamp > /etc/rachelbuilddate } installBatteryWatch(){ echo; printStatus "Creating $rachelScriptsDir/batteryWatcher.sh" echo "This script will monitor the battery charge level and shutdown this device with less than 3% battery charge." # Create batteryWatcher script cat > $rachelScriptsDir/batteryWatcher.sh << 'EOF' #!/bin/bash echo; echo "[*] System boot - battery monitor started at $(date)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log badBattChk=0 # Wait 300 secs for OS to fully boot sleep 300 while :; do # Check if system is finished booting if [[ -f /tmp/chargeStatus ]] && [[ -f /tmp/batteryLastChargeLevel ]]; then # If battery is not connected, do not run script if [[ $(cat /tmp/battery_connected_status 2>/dev/null) == 0 ]]; then echo "[!] Battery not connected, monitor stopped at $(date)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log echo "[+] Battery connected: $(cat /tmp/battery_connected_status)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null exit 1 else # If charge status is low (should be at/above 400 at 99% battery), battery connected, and last charge level is below 95%, then there is a possible bad battery and do not run script if [[ $(cat /tmp/chargeStatus 2>/dev/null) -lt 400 ]] && [[ $(cat /tmp/chargeStatus 2>/dev/null) -gt -275 ]] && [[ $(cat /tmp/batteryLastChargeLevel 2>/dev/null) -lt 95 ]]; then let "badBattChk++" if [[ $badBattChk -ge 6 ]]; then echo "[!] Possible bad battery or charger, monitor stopped at $(date)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log echo "[+] Battery connected: $(cat /tmp/battery_connected_status)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null echo "[+] Battery last charge level: $(cat /tmp/batteryLastChargeLevel)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null echo "[+] Battery charge status: $(cat /tmp/chargeStatus)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null echo "[+] Bad battery check #: $(echo $badBattChk)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null exit 1 fi else badBattChk=0 # If charging level is less then -200 (power not connected) and last charge level is below 3%, stop KA Lite and safely shutdown CAP if [[ $(cat /tmp/chargeStatus 2>/dev/null) -lt -200 ]] && [[ $(cat /tmp/batteryLastChargeLevel 2>/dev/null) -lt 3 ]]; then echo "[!] Low battery shutdown at $(date)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log echo "[+] Battery connected: $(cat /tmp/battery_connected_status)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null echo "[+] Battery last charge level: $(cat /tmp/batteryLastChargeLevel)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null echo "[+] Battery charge status: $(cat /tmp/chargeStatus)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null echo "[+] Bad battery check #: $(echo $badBattChk)" >> /var/log/rachel/battery.log 2>/dev/null kalite stop shutdown -h now exit 0 fi fi fi # Check battery every 10 seconds sleep 10 fi done EOF chmod +x $rachelScriptsDir/batteryWatcher.sh # Check and kill other scripts running printStatus "Checking for and killing previously run battery monitoring scripts" pid=$(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep "batteryWatcher.sh" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ! -z $pid ]]; then kill $pid; fi # create startup process for Ubuntu 16.04 if [[ $(echo $osVersion | grep 16.04) ]]; then rm -f /etc/init/batterywatcher.conf # Remove other versions of script cat > /etc/systemd/system/batterywatcher.service << 'EOF' [Unit] Description=Battery Watcher After=network.target [Service] User=root Restart=on-success ExecStart=/root/rachel-scripts/batteryWatcher.sh [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Starting Battery Watcher." # start the process systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable batterywatcher.service systemctl start batterywatcher.service printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Checking status of running process:" # check the status systemctl status batterywatcher.service else # Run this for every other OS version rm -f /etc/systemd/system/batterywatcher.service # Remove 16.04 versions of script cat > /etc/init/batterywatcher.conf << 'EOF' # Info description "Battery Watcher" author "Sam " # Events start on net-device-up IFACE=eth0 stop on shutdown # Run the script! script exec /root/rachel-scripts/batteryWatcher.sh end script EOF printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Starting Battery Watcher." # start the process service batterywatcher start printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Checking status of running process:" # check the status service batterywatcher status fi printStatus "Logging battery status to /var/log/rachel/battery.log" printGood "Script started...monitoring battery." } disableResetButton(){ echo; printStatus "Disabling the reset button" pid=$(ps aux | grep -v grep | grep "reset_button" | awk '{print $2}') if [[ ! -z $pid ]]; then kill $pid echo; printGood "Reset button disabled; do not delete the file $rachelScriptsDir/disable_reset unless" echo " you want to re-enable the reset button." else echo; printGood "Reset button already disabled." fi echo "Reset button disabled. Delete this file to re-enable." > $rachelScriptsDir/disable_reset } disableWifi(){ echo; printStatus "Disabling wifi" ifconfig wlan0 down echo "Wifi disabled. Delete this file to re-enable." > $rachelScriptsDir/disable_wifi # Check that the rachelScripts.sh file is updated repairRachelScripts } enableWifi(){ echo; printStatus "Enabling wifi" /etc/WiFi_Setting.sh rm -f $rachelScriptsDir/disable_wifi } updateRachelFolders(){ mkdir -p $rachelScriptsDir # Move rachel log dir if [[ -d $rachelLogDir ]] && [[ -d /var/log/RACHEL ]]; then cp /var/log/RACHEL/* $rachelLogDir/; rm -rf /var/log/RACHEL; fi if [[ -d /var/log/RACHEL ]]; then mv /var/log/RACHEL $rachelLogDir; fi # Move rachel-scripts.sh if [[ -f $rootDir/rachel-scripts.sh ]]; then mv $rootDir/rachel-scripts.sh $rachelScriptsFile; fi # Move battery watcher if [[ -f $rootDir/batteryWatcher.sh ]]; then mv $rootDir/batteryWatcher.sh $rachelScriptsDir/; fi # Move createUSB if [[ -f $rootDir/createUSB.sh ]]; then mv $rootDir/createUSB.sh $rachelScriptsDir/; fi # Move gpt.backup if [[ -f $rootDir/gpt.backup ]]; then mv $rootDir/gpt.backup $rachelScriptsDir/; fi # Move rachelKiwixStart script if [[ -f $rootDir/rachelKiwixStart.sh ]]; then mv $rootDir/rachelKiwixStart.sh $rachelScriptsDir/; fi # Remove weaved folder rm -rf $rootDir/weaved_software $rachelScriptsDir/weaved_software } contentModuleListInstall(){ noInstall=1 while read m; do [[ $m =~ ^# ]] && continue # skip comments [[ -z $m ]] && continue # skip blanks m=${m#"."} # remove leading dot (download but hidden (later)) echo; printStatus "Downloading $m" # it is faster without zip unless we're going to dev # (i.e. LAN or USB) if [[ $RSYNCDIR == $rsyncOnline ]]; then rsync -avz --del $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$m $rachelWWW/modules/ echo; printStatus "Fixing $m file and directory permissions" find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 if [[ $m == *-kalite || $m == *-wiki* ]]; then echo noInstall=1; fi else rsync -av --del $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/$m $rachelWWW/modules/ echo; printStatus "Fixing $m file and directory permissions" find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0755 find /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules/$m -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 0644 if [[ $m == *-kalite || $m == *-wiki* ]]; then echo noInstall=0; fi fi commandStatus runFinishScript printGood "Done." done < $1 } buildRACHEL(){ # figure out which language we're doing case $1 in "" ) echo "Usage: bash "`basename $0`" .modules_file [ rsync source ]" echo " .modules files in $rachelWWW/scripts or current directory ("`pwd`")" echo " rsync source: dev, jeremy, jfield, usb, OR actual hostname/ip" exit 1 ;; * ) # append .modules to the name modulesFile=$1.modules; shift ;; esac # figure out which server we're doing case $1 in dev | "" ) onlineVariables ;; jeremy ) offlineVariables RSYNCDIR="rsync://" ;; jfield ) offlineVariables RSYNCDIR="rsync://" ;; sam ) offlineVariables RSYNCDIR="rsync://rachel.golearn.us" ;; usb ) echo; printStatus "Here is list of your current partitions and their mountpoints (if applicable):" lsblk|grep -v mmc|grep -v sda echo; printQuestion "What is the location of your content folder (for example, /media/usb)? "; read dirContentOffline grep -qs " $dirContentOffline " /proc/mounts if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then echo; printError "The folder location does not exist! Connect a USB drive and try again." rm -rf $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir exit 1 fi offlineVariables RSYNCDIR="$dirContentOffline" ;; * ) offlineVariables RSYNCDIR="rsync://$1" ;; esac echo; printStatus "Starting RACHEL build script" echo "Building CAP with file: $modulesFile" echo "Using rsync source: $RSYNCDIR" # fix known RACHEL bugs # jfield checked - none of this is needed after a Recovery USB method 3 (format) # echo; repairBugs echo; printStatus "Installing fresh contentshell" freshContentShell # check if the .modules file specified exists - we have to do this # after we update contentshell because it may be there if [[ -f ./$modulesFile ]]; then modulesFile=./$modulesFile elif [[ -f $rachelWWW/scripts/$modulesFile ]]; then modulesFile=$rachelWWW/scripts/$modulesFile else echo; printError "No such .modules file: $modulesFile" printError "The file must appear in $rachelWWW/scripts or current directory ("`pwd`")" exit; fi # clear out old httpd logs, get updated config, restart # by killing it gracefully and letting sw_watchdog restart it echo; printStatus "Clearing httpd logs" rm -f /var/log/httpd/access_log rm -f /var/log/httpd/error_log echo Updating lighttpd.conf mv /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf.last wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/rachelplus/master/scripts/lighttpd.conf -O /usr/local/etc/lighttpd.conf echo Restarting lighttpd killall -INT lighttpd # get content - we checked earlier that file exists echo; printStatus "Installing/updating $modulesFile" contentModuleListInstall $modulesFile # bring in our multi-language patch (requires kalite restart) echo; printStatus "Patching kalite language code" kalite stop wget -q https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rachelproject/rachelplus/master/scripts/KALITE-MULTILINGUAL-api_views.py -O /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/kalite/i18n/api_views.py kalite start # set the default language # NOTE: your session settings will override the default language # so to check this you have to open in an incognito window! lang=`basename $modulesFile | cut -c1-2` if [[ $lang == "es" || $lang == "fr" ]]; then echo; printStatus "Setting kalite language to $lang" wget -q -O - "http://localhost:8008/api/i18n/set_default_language/?lang=$lang&allUsers=1" echo fi # run our script against modulesFile for sort/show/hide echo; printStatus "Setting sort/visibility from $modulesFile" php $rachelWWW/sortmods.php $modulesFile # symlink KA Lite mp4s to /media/RACHEL/kacontent kaliteCheckFiles # update rachelKiwixStart.sh createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh # install esp for remote service echo; printStatus "Installing RACHEL esp" installESP # ensure rachelStartup.sh is accurate repairRachelScripts # update RACHEL installer version echo $(cat /etc/rachelinstaller-version | cut -d_ -f1)-$(date +%Y%m%d.%H%M) > /etc/rachelinstaller-version } freshContentShell(){ # preserve the modules directory in case someone # already put modules in there (partial or custom build) rm -rf $rachelPartition/modules.orig mv $rachelWWW/modules $rachelPartition/modules.orig # blow away the rachel directoy so we can start fresh rm -rf $rachelWWW # update contentshell to latest version git clone --depth=1 https://github.com/rachelproject/contentshell.git $rachelWWW rm -rf $rachelWWW/.git* # this is for the captive portal scripts chmod 775 $rachelWWW/*.shtml # admin directory needs to be writable so that web/sqlite can create files there chmod 777 /media/RACHEL/rachel/admin # modules directory needs to be writable so that updates can be web-downloaded chmod 777 /media/RACHEL/rachel/modules # restore the previous modules directory rm -rf $rachelWWW/modules mv $rachelPartition/modules.orig $rachelWWW/modules # remove this unused directory rm -rf $rachelPartition/contentshell } installESP(){ if [[ ! -d $rachelScriptsDir ]]; then echo; printError "Can not install; this is not a RACHEL CAP..exiting."; exit 1; fi mkdir -p $rachelScriptsDir echo; printStatus "Installing ESP." # download files and set permissions wget -q $gitESP/client/checker.php -O $rachelScriptsDir/esp-checker.php rsync -av --del $RSYNCDIR/rachelmods/extra-build-files/esp.sshkey $rachelScriptsDir/ chmod 600 $rachelScriptsDir/esp.sshkey # create startup process for Ubuntu 16.04 if [[ $(echo $osVersion | grep 16.04) ]]; then rm -f /etc/init/esp.conf $rachelScriptsDir/checker.php # Remove other versions of script cat > /etc/systemd/system/esp.service << 'EOF' [Unit] Description=ESP After=network.target [Service] User=root Restart=always ExecStart=/usr/bin/php -f /root/rachel-scripts/esp-checker.php [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Starting ESP." # start the process systemctl daemon-reload systemctl enable esp.service systemctl start esp.service printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Checking status of running process:" # check the status systemctl status esp.service else # Run this for every other OS version rm -f /etc/systemd/system/esp.service $rachelScriptsDir/checker.php # Remove other versions of script cat > /etc/init/esp.conf << 'EOF' # Info description "ESP" author "Jonathan Field " # Events start on net-device-up IFACE=eth0 stop on shutdown # Automatically restart process if crashed respawn respawn limit 20 5 # Run the script! script exec /usr/bin/php -f /root/rachel-scripts/esp-checker.php end script EOF printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Starting ESP." # start the process service esp start printGood "Done." echo; printStatus "Checking status of running process:" # check the status service esp status fi # remove any existing weaved startup code sed -i '/Weaved/d' $rachelScriptsFile # remove any existing esp startup code sed -i '/esp/d' $rachelScriptsFile # add our esp startup code after Kiwix starts sed -i '/rachelKiwixStart.sh/a # start rachel-esp checker\necho $(date) - Starting esp-checker.php for rachel-esp\nif [[ \\$(lsb_release -ds | grep 16.04) ]]; then systemctl start esp.service; else service esp start; fi' $rachelScriptsFile printGood "ESP install completed." } uninstallESP(){ echo; printStatus "Uninstalling ESP." # stop esp service if [[ $(echo $osVersion | grep 16.04) ]]; then systemctl stop esp.service else service esp stop fi # remove esp files rm -f /etc/init/esp.conf /etc/systemd/system/esp.service $rachelScriptsDir/esp-checker.php $rachelScriptsDir/esp.sshkey # remove any existing esp startup code sed -i '/esp/d' $rachelScriptsFile printGood "Done." } updateConfigureScript(){ if [[ $internet == "1" ]]; then $DOWNLOADSCRIPT >&2 commandStatus if [[ -s $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh ]]; then mv $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh chmod +x $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh versionNum=$(cat $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh |grep ^scriptVersion|head -n 1|cut -d"=" -f2|cut -d" " -f1) printGood "Success! Your script was updated to $versionNum; RE-RUN the script to use the new version." else printStatus "Fail! Check the log file for more info on what happened: $rachelLog" echo fi else if [[ ! -f $dirContentOffline/cap-rachel-configure.sh ]]; then echo; printError "You don't have a copy of the rachel script in your offline content location." echo; exit 1 fi $DOWNLOADSCRIPT >&2 commandStatus chmod +x $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh versionNum=$(cat $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh |grep ^scriptVersion|head -n 1|cut -d"=" -f2|cut -d" " -f1) echo; printGood "Your script was updated to $versionNum" echo "RE-RUN the script to use the new version." # echo; printError "You need to be connected to the internet to update this script." fi } # Loop to redisplay main menu whatToDo(){ echo; printQuestion "What would you like to do next?" echo "1)Check for udpates 2)Install/Upgrade KALite 3)Install Kiwix 4)Install ESP 5)Add Module 6)Add Multiple Modules 7)Update Modules 8)Advanced Settings 9)Exit" } # Interactive mode menu interactiveMode(){ # Create temp directories mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir 2>/dev/null # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck rachelPartitionCheck # Determine the operational mode - ONLINE or OFFLINE opMode # Build the hash list buildHashList # Change directory into $installTmpDir cd $installTmpDir echo; printStatus "If needed, you may EXIT the interactive script at anytime, press Ctrl-C" echo; printQuestion "What you would like to do:" echo " - [Check-for-Updates] for configure script, all installed modules, KA Lite, " echo " - [Install-Upgrade-KALite]" echo " - [Install-Kiwix]" echo " - [Install-ESP]" echo " - [Add-Module] lists current available modules; installs one at a time" echo " - [Add-Multiple-Modules] installs groups of modules" echo " - [Update-Modules] updates the currently installed modules" echo " - Other [Advanced-Settings]" echo " - Install a battery monitor that cleanly shuts down this device with less than 3% battery" echo " - Download RACHEL content to stage for OFFLINE installs" echo " - Repair an install of a CAP after a firmware upgrade" echo " - Repair a KA Lite assessment file location" echo " - Repairs of general bug fixes" echo " - Sanitize CAP" echo " - Check a local file's MD5 against our database" echo " - Testing script" echo " - [Exit] the installation script" echo select menu in "Check-for-Updates" "Install-Upgrade-KALite" "Install-Kiwix" "Install-ESP" "Add-Module" "Add-Multiple-Modules" "Update-Modules" "Advanced-Settings" "Exit"; do case $menu in Check-for-Updates) # cap-rachel-configure.sh updateConfigureScript # Modules updateModuleNames contentUpdate # KA kaliteSetup echo; printGood "Login using wifi at and register device." echo "After you register, click the new tab called 'Manage', then 'Videos' and download all the missing videos." printGood "KA Lite Install Complete." # Check for the more common errors repairBugs whatToDo ;; Install-Upgrade-KALite) kaliteSetup echo; printGood "Login using wifi at and register device." echo "After you register, click the new tab called 'Manage', then 'Videos' and download all the missing videos." repairRachelScripts printGood "KA Lite Install Complete." whatToDo ;; Install-Kiwix) installKiwix # update rachelKiwixStart.sh createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh repairRachelScripts whatToDo ;; Install-ESP) installESP repairRachelScripts whatToDo ;; Add-Module) updateModuleNames addModule if [[ $noInstall != 1 ]]; then kaliteCheckFiles # update rachelKiwixStart.sh createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh fi echo; printStatus "Exiting module install." whatToDo ;; Add-Multiple-Modules) updateModuleNames checkContentShell addMultipleModules if [[ $noInstall != 1 ]]; then kaliteCheckFiles # update rachelKiwixStart.sh createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh fi whatToDo ;; Update-Modules) updateModuleNames contentUpdate kaliteCheckFiles # update rachelKiwixStart.sh createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh whatToDo ;; Advanced-Settings) echo; printQuestion "What utility would you like to use (CAUTION: For ADVANCED users)?" echo " - [Base-Install] of RACHEL on a raw (non-RACHEL) CAP (WARNING: Completely erases any content!)" echo " - [Install-Battery-Watcher] monitors battery and shutdowns the device with less than 3% battery" echo " - [Enable-Wifi] enables the wifi access point (if disabled)" echo " - [Disable-Wifi] disables the wifi instantly AND persistently on reboot" echo " - [Disable-Reset-Button] removes the ability to reset the device by use of the reset button" echo " - [Download-OFFLINE-Content] to stage for OFFLINE (i.e. local) RACHEL installs" echo " - [Download-KA-Contentpacks] to download & install KA Lite contentpacks" echo " - [Uninstall-ESP] removes ESP service" echo " - [Update-Content-Shell] updates the RACHEL contentshell from GitHub" echo " - [KA-Lite-Diagnostics] displays diangostic info on the KA Lite install" echo " - [Reset-KA-Lite] repairs KA Lite's mislocation of the assessment file; runs 'kalite manage setup' as well" echo " - [Repair-Kiwix-Library] rebuilds the Kiwix Library" echo " - [Repair-Firmware] repairs an install of a CAP after a firmware upgrade" echo " - [Repair-Bugs] provides general bug fixes (run when requested)" echo " - [Sanitize] and prepare CAP for delivery to customer" echo " - [Change-Package-Repo] allows you to change where in the world your packages are pulled from" echo " - [Check-MD5] will check a file you provide against our hash database" echo " - [Testing] script" echo " - Return to [Main Menu]" echo select util in "Base-Install" "Install-Battery-Watcher" "Enable-Wifi" "Disable-Wifi" "Disable-Reset-Button" "Download-OFFLINE-Content" "Download-KA-Contentpacks" "Uninstall-ESP" "Update-Content-Shell" "KA-Lite-Diagnostics" "Reset-KA-Lite" "Repair-Kiwix-Library" "Repair-Firmware" "Repair-Bugs" "Sanitize" "Change-Package-Repo" "Check-MD5" "Test" "Main-Menu"; do case $util in Base-Install) newInstall ;; Install-Battery-Watcher) installBatteryWatch repairRachelScripts break ;; Enable-Wifi) enableWifi break ;; Disable-Wifi) disableWifi repairRachelScripts break ;; Disable-Reset-Button) disableResetButton repairRachelScripts break ;; Download-OFFLINE-Content) downloadOfflineContent break ;; Download-KA-Contentpacks) downloadKAContentPacks kaliteCheckFiles break ;; Uninstall-ESP) uninstallESP break ;; Update-Content-Shell) echo; printStatus "Updating the RACHEL content shell." checkContentShell break ;; KA-Lite-Diagnostics) kaliteDiagnostic break ;; Reset-KA-Lite) resetKalite break ;; Repair-Kiwix-Library) # update rachelKiwixStart.sh createKiwixRepairScript # restart kiwix $rootDir/rachel-scripts/rachelKiwixStart.sh break ;; Repair-Firmware) repairFirmware break ;; Repair-Bugs) repairBugs break ;; Sanitize) sanitize break ;; Change-Package-Repo) changePackageRepo break ;; Check-MD5) echo; printStatus "This function will compare the MD5 of the file you provide against our list of known hashes." printQuestion "What is the full path to the file you want to check?"; read MD5CHKFILE checkMD5 $MD5CHKFILE break ;; Test) testingScript break ;; Main-Menu ) break ;; esac done whatToDo ;; Exit) echo; printStatus "User requested to exit." break ;; esac done } printHelp(){ echo; echo "Usage: cap-rachel-configure.sh [-b ] [-h] [-i] [-n] [-r] [-u] [-z]" echo; echo "Examples:" echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -b (en | es | fr) [dev | jeremy | jfield | host/ip | usb]" echo "Build a RACHEL-Plus after base RACHEL install." echo; echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -h" echo "Displays this help menu." echo; echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -i" echo "Interactive mode." echo; echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -n" echo "Base RACHEL Install on a raw Intel CAP." echo; echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -r" echo "Repair issues found in the RACHEL-Plus." echo; echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -u" echo "Update this script with the latest RELEASE version from GitHub." echo; echo "./cap-rachel-configure.sh -z" echo "Update this script with the latest BETA version from GitHub." echo; echo "To EXIT the interactive script at anytime, press Ctrl-C" echo; stty sane } loggingAndRachelStart(){ # Logging loggingStart # Display current script version echo; echo "RACHEL CAP Configuration Script - Version $scriptVersion" printGood "Started: $(date)" printGood "Log directory: $rachelLogDir" printGood "Temporary file directory: $installTmpDir" } #### MAIN MENU #### # Check for bash if [ -z $BASH_VERSION ]; then clear echo "[!] You didn't execute this script with bash!" echo "Unfortunately, not all shells are the same. \n" echo "Please execute \"bash "$0"\" \n" echo "Thank you! \n" exit 1 fi # Check root if [[ ! $(groups | grep root) ]]; then echo "[!] This script must be run as root; sudo password is 123lkj" exit 1 else if [ "$(id -u)" != "0" ]; then echo; printError "While you have root privileges, you are not root. Adjusting sudo permissions." echo; echo "You MUST log out and back in for sudo permissions to update." echo; printStatus "After login, re-run this script using the following command:" echo "sudo ./cap-rachel-configure.sh -i " awk 'BEGIN{OFS=FS=":"} $1~/sudo/ {$4="cap";}1' /etc/group > tmp; mv tmp /etc/group noCleanup=1 echo; exit 1 fi fi # Reset terminal stty sane #reset # In case you wish to kill it #trap 'exit 3' 1 2 3 15 trap cleanup EXIT # Menu if [[ $1 == "--help" || $1 == "-h" ]]; then printHelp elif [[ $1 == "" ]]; then # DEFAULT Interactive Mode interactiveMode elif [[ $1 == "--version" ]]; then # Print version only, if requested echo $scriptVersion noCleanup=1 elif [[ $1 == "--usbrecovery" ]]; then # loggingAndRachelStart usbRecovery noCleanup=1 elif [[ $1 == "--source-only" ]]; then set -x printGood "Only importing source functions." noCleanup=1 else # Check for old folder structure if [[ -f $rootDir/rachel-scripts.sh ]]; then echo; printError "Your RACHEL folder structure is outdated!" echo "The configure script will still be located at $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh" echo "All other RACHEL scripts/files will be located in the folder called 'rachel-scripts'" echo "Updating your RACHEL install in 10 seconds." echo; sleep 10 echo; printStatus "Beginning RACHEL update..." mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir opMode; repairBugs echo; printGood "Your RACHEL install was successfully updated." exit 1 fi # Start logging and display RACHEL start info loggingAndRachelStart # MAIN MENU IAM=${0##*/} # Short basename while getopts ":b:dinrtuz" opt do sc=0 #no option or 1 option arguments case $opt in (b) # Build - Quick build # Create temp directories mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir 2>/dev/null # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck rachelPartitionCheck if [[ $# -lt $((OPTIND)) ]]; then echo; echo "$IAM -b argument(s) missing...needs 2!" >&2 echo; echo "Usage: `basename $0` -b '(en | es | fr) [ rsync host ]'" >&2 echo ' rsync hosts: dev, jeremy, jfield, or actual hostname/ip' >&2 exit 2 fi OPTINDplus1=$((OPTIND + 1)) kaLanguage=$OPTARG eval rsyncHost=\$$OPTIND buildRACHEL $kaLanguage $rsyncHost echo; printGood "Build complete." exit sc=1 #2 args ;; (d) # Debug mode set -x interactiveMode ;; (i) # Interactive mode interactiveMode ;; (n) # Scratch install mode # Create temp directories mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir 2>/dev/null # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck rachelPartitionCheck # Determine the operational mode - ONLINE or OFFLINE opMode # Build the hash list buildHashList # Change directory into $installTmpDir cd $installTmpDir newInstall ;; (r) # REPAIR - quick repair; doesn't hurt if run multiple times. # Create temp directories mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck rachelPartitionCheck # Determine the operational mode - ONLINE or OFFLINE opMode repairBugs echo; printGood "Repair complete." exit ;; (t) # Testing script # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck rachelPartitionCheck # Determine the operational mode - ONLINE or OFFLINE opMode testingScript ;; (u) # UPDATE - Update the RACHEL configure script to the latest master (release) build. # Create temp directories mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck # Determine the operational mode - ONLINE or OFFLINE opMode updateConfigureScript exit 1 ;; (z) # UPDATE to BETA - Update the RACHEL configure script to the latest BETA build. # Create temp directories mkdir -p $installTmpDir $rachelTmpDir $rachelRecoveryDir # Check OS and CAP version osCheck capCheck # Determine the operational mode - ONLINE or OFFLINE opMode if [[ $internet == "1" ]]; then $DOWNLOADBETASCRIPT >&2 commandStatus if [[ -s $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh ]]; then mv $installTmpDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh chmod +x $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh versionNum=$(cat $rootDir/cap-rachel-configure.sh |grep ^scriptVersion|head -n 1|cut -d"=" -f2|cut -d" " -f1) printGood "Success! Your script was updated to $versionNum; RE-RUN the script to use the new version." else printStatus "Fail! Check the log file for more info on what happened: $rachelLog" echo fi else echo; printError "You must be online to download the current BETA version of the configure script." echo; exit 1 fi exit 1 ;; (\?) #Invalid options echo "$IAM: Invalid option: -$OPTARG" printHelp exit 1 ;; (:) #Missing arguments echo "$IAM: Option -$OPTARG argument(s) missing." printHelp exit 1 ;; esac if [[ $OPTIND != 1 ]]; then #This test fails only if multiple options are stacked after a single "-" shift $((OPTIND - 1 + sc)) OPTIND=1 fi done fi