try: import usocket as socket import ussl as ssl from ucollections import namedtuple from utime import time, ticks_ms, ticks_diff except ImportError: import socket import ssl from typing import Dict, Union, List, Type from collections import namedtuple from time import time def ticks_ms(): return time() * 1000 def ticks_diff(end_time, start_time): return end_time - start_time class ThingSpeakError(Exception): pass class Channel: __slots__ = ['name', 'write_key', 'fields'] def __init__(self, name: str, write_key: str, fields: List[str]): = name self.write_key = write_key self.fields = { field: 'field' + str(index + 1) for index, field in enumerate(fields) } def get_field_id(self, field_name: str) -> str: return self.fields[field_name] class _ProtocolBase: MESSAGE_COUNT_ON_ERROR_FROM_API = -1 def __init__(self, log: bool): self._log = log def send(self, channel: Channel, values: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]) -> int: raise NotImplementedError() class _ProtoWeb(_ProtocolBase): _API_DNS_LOOKUP_INTERVAL_SEC = 60 * 60 _API_HOST = '' _API_PORT = None _HTTP_POST_TEMPLATE = "GET /update?api_key={write_api_key}&{data} HTTP/1.1\r\n" \ "Host: {host}\r\n" \ "Connection: close\r\n\r\n" def __init__(self, log: bool): super().__init__(log) self._next_dns_lookup_timestamp = 0 self._address_info = None @staticmethod def _make_http_data( channel: Channel, data: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]] ) -> bytes: if len(data) == 0: raise ThingSpeakError("No data given for channel '{}'".format( data_items = [] for field_name, field_value in data.items(): if field_name not in channel.fields: raise ThingSpeakError( "Channel '{}' doesn't have field '{}'.".format(, field_name) ) data_items.append('{}={}'.format(channel.get_field_id(field_name), field_value)) text_data = '&'.join(data_items) if len(data_items) > 1 else data_items[0] return _ProtoWeb._HTTP_POST_TEMPLATE.format( host=_ProtoWeb._API_HOST, write_api_key=channel.write_key, content_length=len(text_data), data=text_data ).encode() def _resolve_ip(self): assert self._API_PORT is not None, '_API_PORT must be defined in subclasses.' now = time() if self._next_dns_lookup_timestamp <= now: self._address_info = socket.getaddrinfo(_ProtoWeb._API_HOST, self._API_PORT) self._next_dns_lookup_timestamp = now + _ProtoWeb._API_DNS_LOOKUP_INTERVAL_SEC if self._log: print("ThingSpeak at {}:{}".format(*self._address_info[0][-1])) def _parse_reply(self, reply: bytes) -> int: messages_count = _ProtoWeb.MESSAGE_COUNT_ON_ERROR_FROM_API try: status = int(reply.split(b'\r\n', 1)[0].split(b' ')[1]) if status == 200: messages_count = int(reply.rsplit(b'\r\n\r\n', 1)[-1]) else: if self._log: print("HTTP call failed:", reply) except IndexError: print("Malformed reply:", reply) except ValueError: messages_count = 0 return messages_count @staticmethod def _send_to_socket(sock: socket.SocketType, http_data: bytes) -> bytes: raise NotImplementedError() def send(self, channel: Channel, values: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]) -> int: self._resolve_ip() family, socket_type, proto, _, ip_address_port = self._address_info[0] sock = socket.socket(family, socket_type, proto) sock.connect(ip_address_port) reply = self._parse_reply( self._send_to_socket( sock, self._make_http_data(channel, values) ) ) sock.close() return reply class ProtoHTTPS(_ProtoWeb): _API_PORT = 443 @staticmethod def _send_to_socket(sock: socket.SocketType, http_data: bytes) -> bytes: ssl_sock = ssl.wrap_socket(sock) ssl_sock.write(http_data) return class ProtoHTTP(_ProtoWeb): _API_PORT = 80 BUFF_SIZE = 512 @staticmethod def _recvall(sock): data = b'' while True: part = sock.recv(ProtoHTTP.BUFF_SIZE) if len(part) == 0: break data += part return data @staticmethod def _send_to_socket(sock: socket.SocketType, http_data: bytes) -> bytes: sock.send(http_data) return ProtoHTTP._recvall(sock) class ThingSpeakAPI: _FREE_API_LIMIT_SEC = 16 _API_ALL_DEVICES_POSTING_LIMIT_SEC = 10.512 def __init__( self, channels: List[Channel], protocol_class: Type[_ProtocolBase] = ProtoHTTPS, log: bool = False ): self._api = protocol_class(log) # type: _ProtocolBase self._channels = { channel for channel in channels} self._api_time_limit_sec = max( ThingSpeakAPI._API_ALL_DEVICES_POSTING_LIMIT_SEC * len(channels), ThingSpeakAPI._FREE_API_LIMIT_SEC ) self._free_api_delay = 0 self._log = log @property def free_api_delay(self): return self._free_api_delay def _get_channel(self, channel_name: str) -> Channel: channel = self._channels.get(channel_name, None) if channel is None: raise ThingSpeakError("No configuration for channel '{}'.".format(channel_name)) return channel def send(self, channel_name: str, values: Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]) -> bool: """ :return: True when send succeeds (API returns measurement number) or False when send fails (API returns error). Error usually means wrong API key. """ start = ticks_ms() messages_count = self._api.send(self._get_channel(channel_name), values) if messages_count != _ProtocolBase.MESSAGE_COUNT_ON_ERROR_FROM_API: execution_sec = ticks_diff(ticks_ms(), start) / 1000 self._free_api_delay = max(0, self._api_time_limit_sec - execution_sec) if self._log: print(channel_name, values, '#%s, took %.2fs, next in %.2fs' % ( messages_count, execution_sec, self._free_api_delay )) return True self._free_api_delay = 0 return False